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From the creators oF:

Also by Kristi Approved:

- LIVE THE LIFE FOR WOMEN This is our 12 week program for women. Whether you want to lose fat, get toned, or just simply look and feel amazing; this program is the easiest way to accomplish any goal for women. Order online at:

For women who want to look & feel absolutely amazing Nutrition, Hydration, Resistance Training, Cardio Training, Rest, Supplementation, Accountability

Copyright 2009 by Kristi Approved All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the publisher. Kristi Approved 7 Day Challenge for Women First Edition, 2010 Printed in the United States of America

Goal Guidelines take a Look Inside Goal Worksheet measure Up 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15-33


Nutrition method explained meal Prep made easy meal Prep tools Im stuffed! Im starving! Meal Plan/Grocery List

35 36 37 38 39 40-44

Workout method explained Personal trainer essential equipment Work Outs 46 47 48 49-5 50


Congratulations on choosing to take our 7 Day Challenge. You're going to love this! It's simple to follow, it's easy to understand, and you will see amazing results in just 7 short days. We encourage you to get started right away, don't delay your better health and energy. LIVe the LIFe! Jesse, Trish, Kristi, and Brent

The Kristi Approved 7 Day Challenge was developed to help all people realize how simple it can be to eat healthy, be active, and enjoy life! This is your opportunity to take advantage of our knowledge and expertise for FREE. When we say this is an opportunity, we mean that you can literally use this FREE guide book with our BONUS GIFT: The 7 Keys to Increasing Your Metabolism, to create a healthy and energized life...not just for 7 days. We call it a "challenge" because we are actually challenging you to do one thing: Stop looking for QUICK FIXES and get your body in order. We know you can do it, we've seen hundreds of our clients do it, and we've done it ourselves. Besides our dreams, desires, and our mind, we believe the body is the next most important thing we all have to live a truly exceptional life. There's just one problem in today's world...we seem to want something for nothing (or for very little effort). So all the QUICK FIX diets and programs were "born" to try and satisfy our desires of something for nothing. These diets and programs seem to fit into a few categories: 1. Extreme Diets 2. Extreme Workouts 3. 'Magic' fat burning pills and juices 4. Exercise Gadgets We realize you've probably tried a couple or maybe even all of them. And you probably got the same results that most of us have...some initial weight loss, only to gain it all back and THEN SOME! Life doesn't have to be like that, but it will always STAY that way until we stop looking for a QUICK FIX. That's why our company was born, to bring a real life solution for real life! 7

We challenge you to get out of the "quick fix cycle" and start to truly Live the Life. Over the next 7 days we're asking you to commit to this simple and easy plan, if you do, you will see results and you will be amazed! Its time to get started toDaY! LIVe the LIFe! THE KRISTI APPROVED TEAM Lehi, UT


Now that you know what to expect, lets get started. This page gives you a quick checklist to get started NOW! Follow the simple checklist below to get the best results. Remember, weve provided all the tools, you provide one thing...the desire to LIVe the LIFe. Heres to your next 7 days.





If you want to get optimal results over the next 7 days, DO NOT start until you set your goals with the Goal Achievement guidelines below. Its very simple and powerful. Its worth the small investment of time. Here are the steps to follow in order to achieve your 7 Day Challenge Goal:

Step 1: take your Before Picture and write down words and/or phrases that describe you feel in the before picture. Step 2: Fill out the Goal Worksheet on the following pages. Step 3: For the next 7 days, read your goals and affirmation and commit to take the challenge every morning and evening. Step 4: celebrate! on Day 8 first thing in the morning, take your after Picture and compare it to your Before Picture. Write down how you feel, what you experienced and how this has helped you.
Go ahead and get started now!



Write down 10 words or phrases that describe how the person in the photo is feeling inside: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Write down 10 words or phrases that describe what you WANT to see in the after picture: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________




Step 1: What is your VISION? (What do you want your results to be after 7 days? How
much weight lost? How much energy do you want to have?)

Step 2: What is your MISSION? (Why do you want these results? Why is this Vision
important to you? What will your Vision enable you to accomplish in your life?)

Step 3: What is your STRATEGY? List your obstacles here: (what foods do you need to
stay away from? will you be traveling? etc)

List your Solutions here: (what will you do to avoid certain foods, places, people, etc)

Step 4: Who is your FOLLOW THROUGH PARTNER? What day and time will you check
in with them each week? (Find someone to take the 7 Day Challenge with you; your spouse, friend, sibling, etc and have them sign up online too)

Step 5: Write your AFFIRMATION here (I am): example: I weigh 175 pounds by April 1st,
have more energy to play with my kids, and have a better knowledge of how to improve my health and vitality.









M1 M2

MEASUREMENT GUIDE: Weigh in and record measurements the morning of your first day. After 7 complete days, record your measurements again on the 8th day in the morning and compare. M1 = Measuring tape across your belly button line going completely around your waist. M2 = 8 inches down from belly button, measure hips. Make sure feet are together.




KrIstI aPProVeD is built upon 7 proven principles of nutrition and fitness that we call the 7 KeYs. Each key is equally important and together the keys are synergistic. The keys build upon each other. As you apply all 7 KeYs to your life, you will reach your goals much faster. It is very important to master all 7 KeYs if you want the quickest and most dramatic change. Those who haven chosen to follow all 7 KeYs have always seen better results. These are the the people who truly transform their lives for the better. We encourage you to make it a priority right now to plan the 7 KeYs into your daily schedule. You will be much happier with your results. Chances are you know and practice one or two of the 7 KeYs already. You may even be familiar with all seven. However, it is the application of these 7 KeYs together that empowers you to achieve dramatic life changing results. Our 12 week LIVe the LIFe program is designed to guide you and help you master these 7 KeYs, but you don't have to LIVe the LIFe in order to start following these 7 KEYS. Kristi Approved has perfected the 7 KeYs for men or women to produce outstanding results no matter what type of body you currently have. This system revolves around a major factor called your metabolism. metaBoLIsm: Your metabolism is the rate at which your body uses energy, or burns calories. The purpose of the 7 KeYs is to speed up and optimize your metabolism to burn the most calories as quickly as possible. Any time you decide to eliminate one of the 7 KeYs, you are choosing to slow your metabolism, meaning your results diminish. It is important to understand that your metabolism is very forgiving and will immediately start to improve the very moment that you start following the 7 KeYs. Treat each one with the same importance. For example, a commonly overlooked key is rest. Some people feel like they are eating perfectly, exercising perfectly and hydrating perfectly. They get good 16

results, but they continue to go to bed at midnight or later and they dont understand why theyre not getting GREAT results. Rest is just as important as the other 7 KeYs. By following these metabolic enhancing keys, you WILL reach your full potential and become the person that you want and deserve to be! In the following pages, we explain each of the 7 KeYs in quick detail to help you understand how each one enhances your metabolism. Read over each key and plan them into your week to assure you follow them to the best of your ability. If you think you will master the7 KeYs without planning them into your week, you are in for a big surprise and will not get the optimal results. Weve taught hundreds of men and women to follow the 7 KeYs. We've proven that planning your week leads to better and faster results every time. We encourage you to do your planning the same day you prepare your meals; doing this will help you master the 7 KeYs. Weve given you an example on the following pages of implementing the 7 KeYs into your next 7 days. Use this as a template to begin.



2 3


Eat 5-7 meals with the right types of foods and with correct food group combinations, every 2-3 hours. Prepare your meals in advance.

Drink 3-4 Liters of Water per day. (96-128 oz.)


Weight bearing exercise 3-5 days per week.


Perform cardio training for 20-45 minutes, 4-6 days per week.

6-8 hours of rest per night. Asleep by 10-11pm is optimal.

Consume proper supplements including: Multivitamins, essential fatty acids, recovery supplementation, protein powder, pre-work out supplementation.

Accountability is essential to changing your habits. When you are reporting back to someone, you will perform better, stay committed and change your habits much easier.



TIME 6am 7am 8am Meal 2, 1/2 liter water 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm Meal 4, 1/2 liter water 2pm 3pm 4pm Meal 5, 1/2 liter water 5pm 6pm 7pm 10pm Meal 6, supplements, 1/2 liter water 1/2 liter water, sleep Meal 3, 1/2 liter water MONDAY Meal 1, supplements, 1/2 liter water Resistance training, 1/2 liter water Cardio training, 1/2 liter water
Schedule reminders in your cell phone or planning software to remind you to eat your meals, etc. You can usually put these on repeat and youve planned your meal times for the week. Schedule your water at the same time as your meals and get a 1/2 liter in each time. By the end of the day, youll drink your 4 liters. If you take a pre and post workout supplement, dont forget to schedule it. Keep it in your gym bag or with your workout gear. Dont forget to schedule your weigh in and measurements once per week. Do it in the morning and on the same day to get consistent results. Report your results to Kristi Approved so we know how to help. Stick with your commitment to go to bed on time. Remember that most things can wait until the next day!


Did you know that 70-80 percent of how you look and feel is based upon what you put into your mouth? You can work out as hard as you want, but if you come home from your work out and blow it in the kitchen, you will not succeed. There are all kinds of studies on what to eat and what's best for your body: low fat diets, the "new" higher fat diets, low carb diets, juice diets, veggie diets, all natural diets, and so much more. We've assisted hundreds of men and women and have tested our own methods on them and ourselves. What we've found as the best way to approach nutrition is to follow FOUR guidelines: 1. 2. 3. 4. Eat often and at optimal times. Eat the right types of foods. Eat the correct portions and combinations of food. Prepare your food in advance.

Before we go any further, remember that one of the largest benefits to the LIVe the LIFe program is that everything is already laid out for your nutrition. So sit back and relax, you won't be creating your own meal plans or trying to count how many calories you've eaten, it's all done for you. There's also a section called "Meal Prep Made Easy" to assist you in your meal prep.


You should eat every 2-3 hours, 5-7 times per day. The optimal times to eat have to do with what time you wake up, when you work out, and when you go to bed. We suggest you eat your first meal within one hour of waking up; your metabolism is hungry and needs fuel to keep burning fat. Don't starve your metabolism. We also suggest you eat about thirty minutes before you workout. This gives you the energy to get a higher intensity work out resulting in a better caloric burn during and after your workout. Many people claim to get nauseated from eating before working out. The solution to this nausea is to do your resistance training first, followed by cardio. This will give your body 20

the chance to digest before it is time to do your cardio. By then, you will feel more energized and not get that nauseated feeling.


The right types of foods are "common sense." You know what's bad for you, that may even be one of the reasons you've purchased this program, you've learned a little too well what's bad for you. But just to be clear: sweets, candy bars, pizza, fast food, chips, and processed foods are the WRONG types of foods. To keep this simple, you will be given exactly what type of food to eat on your meal plan. We know there are other options out there besides what is in the meal plan we've created, but don't make it complicated. Just stick to the plan! We've formulated the calories perfectly for each week based on research and testing. Don't try to out smart the program, you will be wasting your time. The best results come from sticking to the meal plan with precision.


Like we mentioned before, we have you covered. Your meal plan for the next 7 days is already created and waiting for you. It has the correct portions and combinations to give you plenty of calories each meal and for the total day.


Out of all four guidelines, this will be the one that makes your life a breeze once you get it down. Meal preparation will help you stay motivated, scheduled, and most of all prepared for any scenario. You will always be able to live this lifestyle if you stick with the meal prep suggestions and schedule. LIVe the LIFe members find this section to be very useful in customizing this lifestyle to their occupation and social environment. Remember that busy world we all live in? Meal preparation was not as important fifty, thirty or even ten years ago. Most people actually had time to sit down and enjoy a meal every few hours. Three words for you: LIFE IS FAST! That's exactly why if you don't prepare your meals, you are asking for failure. With that said, if you don't prepare your full week in advance, that's okay! All we're saying is have a solid plan for your meals each and every week, especially for your 7 Day Challenge.


Remember these four guidelines and you will be on your way to an amazing body for the rest of your life. Don't take nutrition lightly. We've all heard about intense workout programs and the newest gadget to burn fat. What's amazing is at the end of most of those program advertisements is they always try to throw in something to the effect of - "Oh yeah, and here's a suggested nutrition plan to follow. Good luck with that!" There's a specific reason we touch on this key first. This is where most of us out there have gone wrong. We seem to focus on getting to the gym first, and healthy eating as an added benefit. This flawed thinking results in a lot of effort with little outcome. Focus on nutrition first and you will start to see results faster with less effort. If you skip this key, you will not receive the results that you can acquire. Again, the steps are simple but must be followed for an optimal outcome. Workouts are the added bonus, your nutrition is what will make or break the next 7 days. That's why we put so much focus on creating the perfect meal plan for you. Let's put it this way, if you are having an overwhelming day and you need to choose between your workout and sticking to the meal plan, guess which one you should ALWAYS choose? You guessed it, the meal plan. Nutrition is vital to your success. Note: Since this is only 7 days, you'll want to make every effort to still get your workout in if you're trying to get the most results possible.


how is water going to help me lose weight? You've heard the old saying "Drink 8 glasses of water per day?" That's not a bad start, but we don't think it's quite good enough. Water will actually assist in shedding body fat, so it's important that you get the right amount. Here's the main points you need to understand about water: 1. 2. 3. 4. Drink 3-4 Liters of water per day (12-16 8 oz. glasses of water) Keep a water bottle or jug with you wherever you go. Adequate water intake helps with muscle recovery, leaving you less sore at the end of the day. Your body will be a pro at distinguishing between true hunger and 'snackiness.' Your cravings decrease while your energy levels increase. It couldn't get better.

SHED BODY FAT by simply drinking H20! We often get the question, "What happens to my skin when I loose all the weight, does it hang? Will I have to get surgery to get the extra skin fixed?" LIVe the LIFe suggests "NO" in most cases. By drinking our recommended water intake, your skin will tighten resulting in a much younger look. You will be thrilled with the positive effects water has on your body as it's taking on a new look. Drink the majority of your water prior to 5-6pm. This can help with water retention that may occur when too much water is consumed prior to bedtime. The simple solution is to sip on your water throughout the day. Guzzling can cause nausea and water retention. We certainly aren't trying to get you to 'overdose' on water, because it can be dangerous if you drink too much. It really has a lot to do with your activity level, health conditions, and if you're on any medications that may make it dangerous to drink our suggested amount. If drinking this much water is just simply overwhelming, then take it one 'glass' at a time and try to add one more glass to your day every other day. You'll be surprised how much this will effect your weight loss and energy levels. 23


Will I get bulky if I lift weights? We get this question from all women that haven't experienced the truth about resistance training. Resistance training is the most effective type of work out to burn fat and lose weight. Most women think they will get bulky when they start a resistance training program - they are mislead. This is the best way to loose weight and body fat. You can loose weight through nutrition alone, but lifting weights will give the new look of a tighter and leaner physique. Most women pick cardio first. It is time once and for all to switch the order. If you have to pick cardio or resistance training, choose to do resistance training due to the post work out burn. Overall, you will burn more calories by lifting weights. THE DOUBLE BURN What is a double burn? When you lift, you activate your lean body mass and get up to a forty-eight hour post work out caloric burn. Then you add the cardio directly after your lifting session and this will give you a double burn. During cardio you burn calories, but very little, if at all, afterwards. So, if you combine the two you get best of both worlds. Combined with Kristi Approved meal plans, this is the perfect recipe to a lean physique. You do not have to go extremely heavy, but definitely wake up your muscle fibers. You can activate your muscles without needing to go heavier in weight. This resistance program is carefully formulated, building upon each work out through a series of supersets. If you havent done much resistance training in the past, please refer to the instructional videos on our website to learn how to do each work out. This will save you time, frustration, and prevent injuries. Depending on your level, you need to start where you feel comfortable, but dont delay starting just because you have the mental block of I cant do that. If you have this attitude of my muscles dont work like that, then they wont! 24

Change your belief in yourself and make it happen! It is so simple and invigorating, that once you get the hang of it, you won't understand how you did without it. Our resistance training program is made to get fast and effective results. If you choose to do your 'own' work out, you may be choosing to get slower results. If you have traditional fitness classes that you still want to attend, go for it! But remember that resistance training is vital to burning fat. Resistance Training will activate your lean body mass with side effects of: 1. Increased metabolism 2. Tighter physique 3. Body fat melting away 4. Better posture, decreasing or eliminating lower back pain, and improving overall muscle balance.


Burn more calories by doing Less cardio! Kristi Approved has created the perfect balance between the calories, cardio, and resistance training you will be doing over the 7 days. Matching these three keys together is crucial in the development of a new physique. There is a synergistic result when you follow the perfect balance between these three keys. Kristi Approved believes in a healthy amount of cardio, but DO NOT OVER DO IT! What is overdoing it? Most women that already work out are cardio addicts! They focus so much on cardio which can sometimes throw their appetite out of whack. If you're not a cardio addict, this will be a easy conversion for you. If you are a cardio addict, then its time to back off a little 25

on the cardio and put a majority of your focus on the resistance training. Doing too much cardio will slow your results. Heres what you will be doing over the next 7 days: 1. Perform cardio 20-45 min per day, 4-6 days. 2. Day 6 is optional cardio day of 45-60 min. Optional meaning its your choice to burn those extra calories, but if youve had a great week of work outs, you may want to take a break. RESISTANCE LEVEL What level should you be at when doing cardio? When doing your cardio, perform it at a level where keeping up a conversation would be difficult. You should be able to comment back to a person, but not talk as if you were on a lazy Sunday afternoon walk. We want you to sweat! Sweating is very healing and therapeutic, plus its a good sign that youre truly working at a challenging pace. You can choose to wear a heart rate monitor if wanted, but more than anything, go for perceived exertion. EXAMPLE: we suggest you work at a level 7-8 (0 being sitting on the couch and level 10 being completely BREATHLESS!) CONSISTENT CHANGE Switch up your form of cardio as suggested in the book. A lot of women switch up their cardio TOO much, meaning they do step class Monday, swim Tuesday, jump rope Wednesday, kick boxing class Thursday, etc. Please do not do this, stick with the same cardio we suggest in the book. Your body needs to adapt to a piece of equipment or type of cardio. But remember you can also over adapt. An example would be someone that only runs for one year straight, doing no other type of cardio. Lets be straight forward, this is not effective, you are getting optimal results running every day. RESISTANCE VS. CARDIO TRAINING With resistance training you burn fewer calories during the workout but create a forty eight hour post work out burn. With cardio training you create a INTRA work out burn, meaning you burn during the actual cardio session and not much after (much lower than weights). This cardio intra work out burn will certainly add to the total calorie deficit that you are creating. But the benefits to resistance training simply outweigh cardio training. Thats why the 26

balance that weve provided in your guide book is the perfect amount for fast and effective results. During the week, youll notice your resistance training will push your limits, but then youll also add a quick cardio of 20-45 minutes to create that larger calorie deficit. Cardiovascular training aids in: 1. Muscle recovery 2. Increased mood levels (the natural endorphin release) 3. Heart health 4. Fat burning 5. Detoxifying (Sweating is good for shedding and flushing out toxins that naturally build up due to daily stress, work outs, environment, etc.). Again, we ask you to perform your cardio AFTER your resistance training due to receiving that DOUBLE BURN we previously mentioned.

Nearly 50% of the adult population in the United states is sleep deprived! Getting enough sleep at night will increase your consistency in ALL areas of your progression towards the goals you've set. Make it a priority to be asleep on time for the next 7 days, just commit and then do it. We suggest you get 6-8 hours of sleep every night. But here's something that's very important, be asleep before 11pm. You'll be surprised how effective this will be. Keep in mind that this means that for most of us, we need to get in bed by 10:30pm or earlier. In the circumstance that you may work night shifts, be on-call, have rotating shifts, etc. get at least eight hours no matter what! That way, you may still have the challenge of a unnatural sleep pattern, but you 27

will at least get the benefits of the correct amount of rest. The correct amount of rest: 1. Improves your mood 2. Minimizes water retention 3. Improves muscle recovery Mood is the obvious one that most of us know. If you get adequate sleep, you will be in a better mood. This is because of brain functionality. Sleep is when your body takes time to re-balance and re-focus. This enables you to be more patient, creative, forgiving, understanding, and you just feel better. Rest also minimizes water retention, which is what keeps you at a more consistent weight and will assist in balancing your hormones. Most people notice a greater weight loss in the morning after a good nights sleep, letting their body shed water. Muscle recovery is the biggest reason weve made Rest one of our 7 Keys. Many people like being sore. Its kind of like their trophy that they receive for working out so hard. We hate to burst their bubble, but being sore is not the way to burn fat. In fact it can actually decrease your metabolism if youre always sore and never letting your muscles recover. You see, your body will actually focus more on burning fat when its done repairing or recovering. RECOVERY VS. FAT BURNING Think of being sore as being in recovery mode. Your body will focus more on recovery before fat burning. Guess what that means if youre always recovering? Youre actually preventing optimal fat burning. Again, the key is balance. Balance your soreness and actually try to prevent your soreness. There are really two ways to prevent soreness and enhance recovery. One is to get your 6-8 hours of sleep every night. The other is through taking supplements that will aid the body in recovery (our next key to LIVE THE LIVE). Rest is one of the hardest to implement into our fast paced lives, especially with children or odd work schedules. Nevertheless, it can and should be done. So plan it into your daily schedule to make sure you receive your rest, especially over the next 7 days. Rest will boost your metabolism!


supplementation - supplements your efforts and enhances your results. We are constantly researching supplements and updating our recommended products. We recommend to all our members to make it a priority to take what we call the Essential Four: 1. 2. 3. 4. Multi-Vitamin Essential Fatty Acids Recovery Supplement Protein Powder

The reason we believe these to be our Essential Four is because they all create a better and stronger metabolism. For the more active member, we recommend to add a fifth supplement thats a pre-work out supplement. Well address the pre-work out supplement later. MULTI-VITAMIN The majority of people already take a multi-vitamin. We recommend using a multi-vitamin created from whole foods. We believe this is the best kind to take because whole foods break down naturally, can be taken on an empty stomach, and dont give you a nauseated feeling. ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS Your body will not burn fat if you don't have the optimal amount of fat in your diet. Since our meal plan has a lower fat content, the easy and effective way is to give your body the best fats possible, which are the essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids also aid in stabilizing your mood and hormone balance, satisfing your appetite, increasing skin tone, enhancing your vision, and enhancing your metabolism.


RECOVERY SUPPLEMENTS Remember when you were reading about Rest and how it was one of the ways that your body recovers your sore muscles? Well, heres the secret behind a recovery supplement. It helps you cheat and assist in recovering even faster that with sleep alone. The time that you actually take your recovery supplement is crucial. We always recommend that you take a recovery supplement directly after your workout and also right before you go to bed. Taking it after your workout will rush the supplement straight to your needed repairs and start aiding in rebuilding your muscles. Taking it right before bed is helpful because thats when your body is doing most of the recovery and repair, while you sleep. PROTEIN POWDER There are a few main reasons why we include protein powder as part of our Essential Four. Protein powder is an immediate source of fuel for your muscles. Since protein contains essential amino acids, the building blocks of your muscles, you can imagine how important it is to get the correct amount of protein into your daily meal plan. Kristi Approved has created the perfect meal plans for you to get adequate amounts of protein in your diet through natural resources like chicken, beef, cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs, beans, and more. Weve also included protein shakes as part of your meals plans. The easiest way to get your protein into your meal plan is through protein powder. Protein powder is very convenient, plus it is much easier to digest when compared to something like chicken. Eating a protein shake at any time of the day will benefit you. However, there are optimal times to eat a protein shake. Morning, right before your sleep, pre-workout, and post-workout are the best times to feed your muscles a digestible protein such as whey protein. This is because of the state your muscles are in at these times. Weve already included in our meal plans when to take your shakes. Follow the meal plans and eat your protein shakes at the prescribed times to get optimal results. We recommend you never use a protein shake as your main source of food, two to three per day is plenty. PRE-WORKOUT SUPPLEMENT This will increase blood flow which means more energy and better recovery. 30

The right pre-workout supplement will contain a balance of ingredients that will not only give you a better pump, but a better recovery as well. You really have to try out a pre-work out supplement and see how your body responds to it before you pick a favorite. Pre-workout supplements are relatively new to the market. Many brands out there claim to be the best and all have their proprietary blends. Most of them contain stimulant ingredients like caffeine and other stimulants as well, so the first thing to consider is how sensitive your body is to these stimulants and figure out which one your body responds to the best. Check our website for updates and more guidelines for our recommended pre-workout supplements. Remember that we recommend this supplement to those who have already been working out and feel comfortable with resistance training. When it comes to speeding up your metabolism, you definitely dont have to take extreme supplements, but the Essential Four will assist in building and repairing your body, which will optimize your metabolic rate. We always keep updates on our website containing the latest information on supplements and which products we recommend. You can also contact us with any questions via e-mail.

It's not your ability, but your accountability that determines your success. Accountability is our most important key next to nutrition. We have worked with hundreds of clients one on one and in group settings, witnessing over and over that accountability is absolutely needed to help a person go from point A to point B, especially any time they are changing their habits. In the case of nutrition and fitness, these habits can be the most challenging to change, giving all the more reason for accountability. What does accountability mean? It means to answer to someone or report back to someone. You will find so much power in our accountability system. In our LIVe the LIFe system we give you the motivation and the will to form 31

new habits that you otherwise wouldnt form on your own. It also helps you measure your progress and achieve your goals. Since you are taking our FREE 7 Day Challenge, you will not have access to our Kristi Approved coaches via phone or in person, but we welcome your email for support you may need at any time during these 7 days. But to give you a inside look on how our LIVe the LIFe accountability program works: Here's how our accountability system works: 1. Weekly Live Conference Call 2. Monthly Newsletter 3. Weekly LIVE THE LIFE Report 4. Never Change Alone 5. Email & Phone Support 6. Free live events held nationwide WEEKLY CONFERENCE CALL Every week, we hold a live conference call held by a Kristi Approved Coach that leads the discussion of that weekly topic. You will hear insights, tips, suggestions, education, and receive motivation that is extremely valuable for your upcoming week. You will feel uplifted and energized for the coming week when you get off our conference call. MONTHLY NEWSLETTER You will also automatically get a monthly electronic newsletter e-mailed to you. This newsletter is topic specific for each month. It correlates directly with the Kristi Approved "lifestyle" of eating and workouts. It gives you the tips and tricks to follow in order to make the most of your month. You will find yourself looking forward to these newsletters because they are so packed full of easy to understand information that will help you gain a complete understanding of nutrition and fitness, enabling you to LIVe the LIFe.


WEEKLY LIVE THE LIFE REPORT Since being accountable is reporting back to someone, we want you to report back to us on a weekly basis with your measurements and results for the past week. We will never ask for your current weight or inches, just weight and inches you've actually lost. You will want to track this in your book on the Measure Up page, however, we want you to also go to our website and report your results back to us. We've made it very easy and quick to do. How does this help you? First of all, we actually look at your results every single week and make sure you're moving forward. We can also use this report to give you better personal feedback on working towards your goals. Reporting your results will give you a sense of accountability and give you more motivation to stick to your commitment. NEVER CHANGE ALONE When we say 'never change alone,' we're not referring to your change of clothes. We're referring to you actually finding another person to LIVe the LIFe at the same time as you. We know statistically that if you LIVe the LIFe with someone else, you will be far more likely to succeed in reaching your goals, than by yourself. To help encourage you to find someone to change with you, we offer you a referral check for every person that decides to sign up for LIVe the LIFe. We want to give you all the encouragement you can get, so use this referral program to your advantage. There is no limit to the amount of checks that you can receive. You can invite your brother, sister, mother, father, cousins, friends, coworkers, associates, neighbor, spouse, or children. Give yourself a HUGE advantage and call someone NOW to LIVe the LIFe with you! EMAIL & PHONE SUPPORT Our email and phone support is simple. If you ever have a question, concern, need to talk, need to cry, need to complain, or need to just let it all out...we're here for you. Please email or call us and we will help you right away. Also, it's not just you emailing and calling us, you can expect that we will call and email you too! We want ALL of our members to meet their goals and live a rich life. email: phone: 888-9-KRISTI (888-957-4784) 33



There are 4 methods to Kristi Approved Nutrition. As you follow the meal plan, remember to refer back to this page to keep you on track.


Eating every 2-3 hours will keep your metabolism constantly burning. This is considered a PREVENTATIVE eating lifestyle that will eliminate any scenarios that will draw you away from LIVING the LIFe! Rule of thumb is to eat your AM meals every 2 hours and PM meals every 2.5-3 hours. Eat your first meal within the first hour of waking in the morning.


Eat the same thing every day for 1 week; then, switch it up the following week. Repeating the same meals daily will increase the metabolic burn. This will also SIMPLIFY your life! This takes the guess work out of what and when to eat. Simplicity aids in life long habit building. WARNING: don't be scared because you think you'll get sick of eating the same thing for 7 days. Change the way you cook it each time or so. Add spices, mix it together or keep it separate, but try something different every time. If you do this, it won't get "old." You enjoy it every time.


With the exception of needing more or less calories, any allergies, or absolutely gagging over the meal - STICK TO THE MEAL PLAN TO THE T! If you have to absolutely eat something different, check our Food Substitutions list before you try to figure it out on your own. Remember this meal plan is formulated and proven for a man's body to burn unwanted fat and keep you satisfied. No snacking between meals.


If the meal plan calls for 1/2 cup cooked brown rice - MEASURE IT - with an actual measuring cup! This creates consistency, and staying consistent will build your habits and also give you a better idea what your body needs.



STEP 1: Go shoPPING - 1 hr.
Get all food on the provided shopping list in your book. Shop for at least 7 days supply.

STEP 2: PreP BULK FooDs - 1 hr.

Measure your exact portions. Cook your rice, chicken*, fish*, sweet potatoes, etc. Cook them simultaneously. This will save your a lot of time! FOR EXAMPLE: Get the rice in the rice cooker, throw the chicken on the grill, and put the sweet potatoes in the oven. (ALL AT THE SAME TIME)

STEP 3: choP Fresh FooDs - 30 min.

Chop your veggies and fruits. Either put them in separate containers for each day or all in one container that you measure out each day.

STEP 4: assemBLe YoUr meaLs - 1 hr.

Get plastic bags and containers. Most members assemble their meals one of two ways: ONE, they assemble each meal separately (in containers, bags, etc.) or TWO, they keep all the food in bulk and measure out each time they prepare their food for the day.


FRIDAY: Grocery Shopping day. SATURDAY: Cook bulk foods listed on that weeks meal plan. SUNDAY: Chop fresh foods & assemble that weeks meals. *You may choose to keep you meats more fresh by cooking them each day or every couple days.

TOTAL TIME: 3-4 hrs.



Cooking food is one talent, but how do you get all that food organized into 6 meals for the next 7 days? The answer is the same as anything else in life, find the right tools and everything becomes easier. We have the right tools, and of course we still keep it simple. Weve listed our favorite tools to help you LIVe the LIFe a whole lot easier. Using our suggested tools, you can literally wake up, make breakfast, take three pre-cooked meals with you to work, come home, eat dinner, and eat your evening meal...all without ever thinking about what to eat or when your going to cook it. Now imagine how simple your life is going to be, fat will literally start shedding away.






Something that is commonly experienced anytime during our 7 Day Challenge is the feeling of being STUFFED. This all depends on your current habits and can vary for each person. If you are feeling stuffed, the MOST IMPORTANT thing to know is to NOT skip a meal. Skipping a meal will only cause problems in the long run, one of the problems is possibly slowing your metabolism. Heres what to do when you are STUFFED:


Keep eating on your scheduled times, do not go more than 3 hours without eating.


Whatever meal is making you feel stuffed, cut both your protein AND your carb in half. DO NOT only cut a carb or only a protein, make sure to cut the entire meal in half.


If cutting a meal in half just isnt doing it and you absolutely have to cut a meal out, choose to cut Meal 4, 5, or 6. But only cut one meal maximum.


Congratulations! If you are starving, this is a positive indication that your metabolism has INCREASED! This is one of the first steps in building a whole new you and is commonly experienced anywhere from day 3 to week 3. It all depends on your body and your current habits.


Do not starve your metabolism. The first inclination for people is to cut calories to lose weight. This is not correct, if you are starving, you need to actually eat more, but eat more in the correct way. Do not feel guilty. Your body is asking for more food because you have now earned the right to eat more and create a better body.


Sometimes we feel we are starving when it may be something else. The last thing you want to do is add a bunch of calories when your body wasn't actually asking for more food. Follow the steps below sequentially and you will learn to read your body much better. STEP 1: Drink more WATER STEP 2: Add a green VEGETABLE STEP 3: Add to the current meal when you happen to be hungry. Always add a little more of both a protein and a carb, never just one or the other.
Example: If youre eating chicken with a sweet potato, then add about 1-2 more ounces of chicken and 1-2 more ounces of sweet potato. This should help your body feel satisfied and keep your metabolism pumping.


In place of STEP 3 above, you can also try adding to your pre and post work out meal. Whatever meal happens to fall prior to and after your work out needs to be increased. Again, add a small amount of carb AND protein.


If none of the above are doing the trick, it's time to add another meal. Stack the first 4 meals every 2 hours and the last 3 meals every 2.5-3 hours.





7:00am MeAL 1 StrAwberry Ice creAM

1 Scoops pro powder 4 FrozenStrawberries 1/3 Cup oats (raw measurement) 1/2 Cup water 6 ice cubes
Blend all ingredients listed above in blender.
MEAL PLAN cal. 211 car. 25 Fat 4 Pro. 21 Fiber 4

9:30am MeAL 2 SouthweStern egg burrIto

1 Egg 2 Egg whites 2 TB Black beans 2 TB Salsa 2 TB Corn 1 TB Mozzarella cheese 1 Whole grain tortilla
Scramble eggs in frying pan using non-stick spray. Saute beans, salsa, corn, and cheese into egg mixture. Add all cooked ingredients to tortilla.
cal. 238 car. 29 Fat 10 Pro. 24 Fiber 16

12:00pm MeAL 3 Jerky/tropIcAL SMoothIe

1.25 oz beef jerky 1/2 Orange 2 TB Skim milk 4 Strawberries 1 tsp Crystal Light powder 1/2 Cap full coconut and vanilla extract 5 Ice cubes 1/3 Cup water
cal. 194 car. 18 Fat 9 Pro. 13 Fiber 4

Eat Jerky separate. Blend all other ingredients together to create a tropical smoothie.


2:30pm MeAL 4 chIcken & rIce bowL

1/4 Cup cooked brown rice 2 TB Cup black beans (drain and rinse) 2 TB Corn 3 oz cooked chicken (6 oz raw measurement) 1 TB fat free sour cream 2 TB salsa
Grill chicken and dice into small pieces. Add all ingredients together and warm on stove top or in microwave.
cal. 212 car. 24 Fat 2 Pro. 26 Fiber 3

5:30pm MeAL 5 creAMy veggIe deLIght

1/3 Cup low fat cottage cheese 12 Whole grain crackers 8 Baby carrots 8 Cherry tomatoes 1/3 Medium cucumber 1/4 Medium bell pepper 2 tsp Ranch powder
Mix ranch powder into cottage cheese. Dip chopped veggies and crackers into cottage cheese mixture.
cal. 245 car. 39 Fat 5 Pro. 13 Fiber 7

8:00pm MeAL 6 cAnAdIAn bAcon pIZZA

1 Whole wheat pita pocket 2 TB Pizza sauce 2 TB Onion of choice 1/4 Cup Chopped zucchini 2 oz cooked chicken (6 oz raw) 1/2 Slice deli turkey 4 Pineapple chunks
Grill chicken with season salt and slice thinly. Layer pizza sauce, chopped veggies, diced deli turkey, pineapple chunks, and chicken onto pita. Bake in oven on 375 for 25 min or until crisped.
cal. 247 car. 31 Fat 2 Pro. 20 Fiber 1

Total: Calories 1348 / Carbohydrates 166 / Fats 30 / Protein 117 / Fiber 35


Salsa Brown rice

PROTEIN POWDER (coco or vanilla are great flavors). note: make sure you match this nutrition info: 90 cals. and 1.5 fat per scoop. Ziplock bags / plastic containers

Black beans (canned) No salt added canned corn Pineapple Chunks (canned) Pizza Sauce Ranch powder Frozen Strawberries Skim milk Lowfat Cottage Cheese Chicken breasts Eggs Mozzarella cheese Fat free sour cream Oats Whole grain crackers Whole grain tortillas Whole wheat pita pockets Beef jerky (any flavor) Deli Turkey Crystal Light Coconut Extract Vanilla Extract Oranges Baby carrots Cherry tomatoes Medium cucumbers Medium bell peppers Onion of choice Zucchini



MeAL 1 StrAwberry Ice creAM
Sweetener options: Vanilla or plain Stevia (natural, calorie free option). Splenda, Equal, or any calorie and carb free sweetener. Blend in oats to shake for a creamy taste. Add any extract for more flavor. Examples include: coconut, vanilla, orange, etc. If oats dont sound appealing to blend in to shake, cook in bowl in microwave for 2-3 min. Add sweetener and cinnamon on top. Tortilla: Pick a tortilla that is less than 100 cals and 20 carbs made of whole grains (ex. Oat, wheat, brown rice, buckwheat, etc.) Crisp each side of tortilla in frying pan with pam. Add

MeAL 2 MexIcAn egg burrIto

MeAL 3 Jerky/tropIcAL SMoothIe

If you do not like red meat you can purchase turkey jerky. You can switch out jerky for 1/2 Cup low fat or fat free cottage cheese. Add fruit and crystal light powder to cottage cheese creating a sweet creamy fruit parfait. Chop orange into small pieces and freeze in small plastic snack bag. Slice strawberries into small bite size pieces. Blend all together. Add in additional calorie and carb free sweetener of choice. Use plain chicken breast with no marinade added. Grill chicken with fresh lemon-lime squeeze and low sodium season Salt. Cook brown rice in rice cooker or stove top. Quick brown rice can be cooked in microwave. Use canned or frozen corn. Black beans can be switched out for any bean of choice (kidney, white navy beans, pinto, etc.). Top meal with fresh cilantro and lemon-lime squeeze. Saut onions, mushrooms, bell peppers in frying pan with pam and add to chicken-rice mixture. Chop veggies small and add into cottage cheese. Crumble crackers and sprinkle on top. Add fresh parsley, cilantro, and ground pepper on top. Ranch powder can be fiesta, ranch, or any salad powder seasoning of choice. Pick crackers that are less than 110 cals and 20 carbs made of whole grains. Pick whole grain pita that is less than 100 cals and 25 carbs. Spray Pizza with pam prior to cooking to create crisper texture. Another fun option is to tinfoil pizza and place on grill to creating a bbq taste. Add veggies to the side such as green beans or steamed broccoli. This is a great meal to incorporate with kids. Add cheese and pepperoni and they wont even notice the whole grain pita.

cooked ingredients, fold in half creating a large taco or burrito.

MeAL 4 MexIcAn chIcken & rIce bowL

MeAL 5 creAMy veggIe deLIght

MeAL 6 cAnAdIAn bAcon pIZZA




We have proven the Kristi Approved resistance workouts to be one of the healthiest and fastest ways to get a man's body lean and defined. Our Workout Method keeps your body from plateauing, which forces your metabolism to constantly burn fat. Using this method will bring unbelievable results in just 7 short days.
TOTAL WORKOUT TIME: 30 min. - 45 min. DEFINITIONS: SET = an exercise completed a specific amount of repititions REPS = is short for 'repetitions.'

For the next 7 days, you will be doing what we call Supersets. This means to do one exercise a specific amount of reps, then quickly do your next exercise taking no more than 15 seconds rest in between the two exercises. Repeat this superset the specified amount of sets. This method works two body parts to the max in a short amount of time. Get ready to burn, supersets keep your body working throughout the entire work out and will keep your heart rate up, increasing your caloric burn more than traditional methods.

Superset - 3 sets - 8-10 reps Go a little lighter on the weight so you will be struggling/ burning by the 8th rep and push to finish that 9th and 10th rep. It's okay that you don't get that 9th and 10th rep in if you have completely burned out on your 8th rep. Just get at least 8 reps in.


Whether you choose the gym or your home to workout, you will need to know how to do the LIVe the LIFe workouts. In effort to make it easy, we've provided a comprehensive video training on our website - to be your 'personal trainer.' This is not a typical workout video, these are 30-60 second clips of us showing you how to do a certain exercise. Each exercise is clearly explained and gives you tips on not only how to do the exercise, but do it with the correct form to prevent potential injury. Here's the easiest way to use this tool:
STEP 1: Look at your work out for the day and see which exercises you need help with. STEP 2: Go to to our videos library STEP 3: Look up and watch the needed exercises STEP 4: Get started on your workout!

GYM OR HOME? To get the question out of your head, "DO I NEED TO HAVE A GYM PASS to get a good workout?" The answer is certainly NO. Whether you want to workout at the gym or at home will make no difference in your results, if you are doing the same workouts with the same intensity. What do we mean by this? Sometimes having a gym membership motivates you to not only workout more consistently, but more intensely. However, this is not the case for everyone. We have many LIVe the LIFe members that personally get a better workout and better results from home. If you're not sure where to begin, we suggest you try out BOTH the gym and home during your 7 Day Challenge. Most gyms will give you a free one day or one week pass to try out their facility. In order to workout from home you will need to make sure you have a few tools to follow the workouts. One other thing to consider is your budget:
TYPICAL GYM MEMBERSHIP = $30/month ($360/yr.) - many gyms have enrollment fees in addition to the monthly fee. This is only an example, prices will definitely vary. HOME WORK OUT = no monthly fee. You will need to purchase a few tools we've listed on the next page. Prices will vary for each piece of equipment, you can plan on a budget of $100 - $150 for the essentials.





(Not required to LIVe the LIFe)

-Flat bench or adjustable bench -Pull up bar -Push up grips -Treadmill machine -Elliptical machine -Stair climber -Stationary Bike -Full Home Gym 48

Day 1 Upper Body SuperSet

Exercise Push-ups
Back / Chest

Sets 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1

Reps 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 45-60 sec. 8-12 per side 20-30 min.

Rest 0-15 sec. 0-15 sec. 0-15 sec. 0-15 sec. 0-15 sec. 0-15 sec. 0-15 sec. 0-15 sec. NA

Dumbbell lying chest fly Barbell bent over row One Arm Kneeling Row Dumbbell curl Tricep dip Center plank Side plank


Core / Arms Cardio


*Choose a cardio option, break a sweat in the first 5 minutes, then maintain a consisent heart rate.

Day 2 Lower Body SuperSet

Exercise Wall sit

Sets 3

Reps 60 sec.

Rest 0-15 sec.

Stationary lunge

8-12 each leg

0-15 sec.

Glutes / Plyo

Froggy jump


0-15 sec.

Bridge butt lift Kneeling one-legged butt lift

3 3 1

8-12 8-12 20-30 min.

0-15 sec. 0-15 sec. NA



*Choose a cardio option, break a sweat in the first 5 minutes, then maintain a consisent heart rate.


Day 3 Vertical Push/Pull SuperSet

Core / Shoulder

Sets 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Reps 8-12 8-12 60 sec. 8-12 per side 45 sec. 15 (hold 1 sec.) 30-45 min.

Rest 0-15 sec. 0-15 sec. 0-15 sec. 0-15 sec. 0-15 sec. 0-15 sec. NA

Dumbbell military press Dumbbell lateral raise Center plank Side plank Bicycle abs Lying superman Treadmill/Elliptical/Bike*


Cardio / Core

*Choose a cardio option, break a sweat in the first 5 minutes, then maintain a consisent heart rate.

Day 4 Upper Body repeat Day 1 Day 5 Lower Body repeat Day 2 Day 6 Optional Cardio 45-60 minutes Day 7 Rest

Note: Consult with your physician or health care provider before commencing any new exercise, nutrition or supplementation program, particularly if you use prescription or over-the-counter medications, or if you are being treated by a health care provider for any chronic or medical condition. No representations are made about the results you may achieve from following the program; as every individual is unique, there are no typical results that you can expect from following these exercise, nutrition, and supplement recommendations.








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