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True Tissue: Mantle Tissues- a specialized tissue formed from folds of the dorsal body wall, that hangs over and enfolds the visceral mass and that secretes the shell. B.Coelomates- "true" coelom, which is characterized by a body cavity completely lined with a peritoneum that attaches to organs C. Protosomes: A multicellular organism whose mouth develops from a primary embryonic opening, such as an annelid or mollusk. D. Triploblastic- 3 primary germ layers E. Cephalization F. Mostly Bilaterally Symmetric Body Plan: body has a head, a foot, and a visceral mass, all covered with a mantle that typically secretes the shell. The buccal cavity at the anterior of the mollusc has a radula (ribbon of teeth supported by an odontophore) Exoskeleton to support and protect soft body and prevent dehydration Type of Symmetry: bilateral

Organ systems present: Digestive- complete gut with anus; also have coelom (the body cavity of many multicellular animals, situated in the mesoderm and containing the digestive tract and other visceral organs) Respiratory- Aquatic oxygenate blood through ctenidial gills. terrestial absorb oxygen with rich vasculatiry under mantle cavity Circulatory- blood circulates within vessels from heart except cephalopods and annelids (only within vessels) Excretory- pairs of spongelike nephridia, similar to kidneys Nervous- eyes with image formation or photosensitive cells, neurons in ganglial pattern. circum-oesophagal ring, ganglia and paired nerve chords

Types of relationships engaged in (symbiotic, parasitic, etc): Parasitic relationship among the Gastropoda and the Bivalvia, symbiotic relationships with algae. Habitats: terrestrial mountaintops to the deep sea; rocky shores, coral reefs, mud flats, beaches, hydrothermal vents. Mostly marine habitats.

Theories on evolution of group + new features not found in earlier phyla/groups: the molluscs apparently derive from the platyhelminthes mollusks were the first coelomates major classifications in phyla: probably 200,000 species snails, octopuses, squid, clams, scallops, oysters, and chitons Other info: typically externally shelled, mantle secretes shell, respires with ctenidium (A comblike structure consisting of an axis with a row of projecting filaments.) one of the largest and most diverse phylums

6 main classes: gastropoda: over 50,000 species; characterized by spiral structures and colors; live on land and in the sea, fresh and saltwater monoplacophores: all live on seabeds and only reach about an inch in length polyplacophores (aka chitons): live a few inches below waters surface on reefs; shells with 8 tiny plates layered as shingles with pores scaphopods: small, curved white tubes formed for specialization purposes; buried in seabeds from intertidal area to abyssal zone; maximum length 5 inches bivalves: two hinged plates (valves) that provide complete protection cephalopods: most evolved of all classes, and the mollusks are carnivorous; shells appear as an outer hull, but are more commonly internal; Ex: giant squid

Mode of nutrition: very diverse! feed on protists and/or bacteria;aplacophorans graze on cnidarians; most bivalves are either suspension or deposit feeders that indiscriminately take in particles, but then elaborately sort them based on size and weight, typically assimilating bacteria, protists, and diatoms.

Methods of reproduction: Most mollusks release gametes into the water given environmental cues, with the young going through larval stages as plankton before settling. Some have internal fertilization releasing offspring at different degrees of development depending on the species. Some are hermaphrodites, but even then cross-fertilization is most common. Some sea slugs and oysters can change from one sex to another

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