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1. If Julie herself like that while we were away, she from anorexia nervosa today. A) hasnt starved / wouldnt suffer B) didnt starve / isnt suffering C) hadnt starved / wouldnt be suffering D) wouldnt starve / wont be suffering E) wasnt starving / isnt suffering 5. The students who a top grade in pharmacology were admitted to postgraduate studies. A) have received B) had received C) receive D) will receive E) are receiving

2. Health Watch, which, initially at least, by pharmaceutical companies, an aggressive campaign against natural medicines. A) was financed / is waging B) had financed / was waging C) has been financed / had waged D) was being financed / had been waging E) will be financed / would wage

6. Recommendations cardiovascular disease risk not only screening but also intervention. A) reducing / included B) having reduced / have included C) to reduce / include D) to be reduced / has included E) to have reduced / includes

3. From time to time, many different theories of heredity , only some of which valid now. A) had been advanced / had been B) were advanced / would be C) are advanced / were D) have been advanced / are E) will be advanced / would be

7. Having found the appropriate archives, it is now possible with some degree of certainty what really . A) reconstructing / happens B) to reconstruct / happened C) to have reconstructed / has happened D) having reconstructed / had happened E) to be reconstructed / was happening

4. If Australian conservationists an extensive preservation campaign back in the 1960s, the population of saltwater crocodiles of the North even less than the present number of 100. A) have not implemented / is B) would not implement / would have been C) werent implementing / will have been D) werent implemented / will be E) had not implemented / would be

8. It was predicted that the use of sweeteners in food manufacturing steadily over the past two decades without any signs of abating. A) would rise / showing B) has risen / shown C) had risen / showing D) would have risen / had shown E) rose / will show

9. As soon as he reasonable care of himself, he a complete recovery. A) will take / being made B) took / had made C) has taken / has been supposed to make D) takes / will make E) was taking / having to make 13. If such a treatment for tuberculosis available centuries ago, it the course of history. A) had been / will have changed B) was / could have changed C) would have been / might change D) had been / might have changed E) has been / should have changed

10. It was announced that a new book which to give the interested layman an overall picture of modern medicine. A) is being published / will have been designed B) has been published / is designed C) had been published / would be designed D) would be published / was designed E) will have been published / is being designed

14. Though vitamin and mineral supplements , the preferred course of action is food choices and eating habits. A) might be warranted / to have improved B) might have been warranted / having improved C) might warrant / being improved D) may have been warranted / to have been improved E) may be warranted / to improve

11. Compared with their body size, mammals and birds have much larger brains than . A) do other vertebrates B) that other vertebrates C) other vertebrates have D) the other vertebrates are E) another vertebrate would

15. Ultrasound beams could make it possible brain disease with gene therapy without a single incision. A) to be treated / having made B) to treat / making C) being treated / to have been made D) having treated / being made E) to have treated / having been made

12. Soon, with all these advances in technology, patients with weak hearts from the comfort of their own homes. A) will have been monitored B) are being monitored C) will be monitored D) would be monitored E) have been monitored

16. There is now a real possibility of tropical diseases, such as malaria, into northern countries by stowaway mosquitoes. A) to have been carried B) having carried C) to be carried D) being carried E) having been carried

17. The X-ray showed that the femur in the socket but up towards the outer edge. A) cant be centred / would slip B) isnt centred / will slip C) wasnt centred / had slipped D) hasnt been centred / would have slipped E) couldnt be centred / has slipped 21. The cell theory in 1855 by Rudolph Virchow, who stated that new cells only by the division of previously existing cells. A) was put forward / are formed B) would be put forward / were formed C) has been put forward / had been formed D) is put forward / form E) was being put forward / formed

18. If the prevalence of obesity to rise at the present rate, some experts predict that by the year 2030, every adult in the US overweight. A) continues / will be B) has continued / is C) continued / could have been D) is continuing / must be E) had continued / would have been

22. Although the concept of evolution by philosophers and naturalists through the ages, it was Charles Darwin who first the theory of evolution to the notice of the general public. A) was discussed / had brought B) had been discussed / brought C) was being discussed / has brought D) has been discussed / brings E) might be discussed / had to bring

19. Although allergic disease itself around throughout history, real advances in treating it along until the late 19th century. A) is being / arent coming B) is / dont come C) was / werent coming D) had been / wouldnt come E) has been / didnt come

23. Recently DNA molecules to solve a particular problem in computing, leading to speculation that one day DNA-based computers . A) are used / are developed B) were used / are being developed C) are being used / could have been developed D) had been used / may have been developed E) have been used / may be developed

20. If women of childbearing age just 0.4 milligram of folic acid per day before becoming pregnant, the incidence of spina bifida by 50 to 75 per cent. A) have taken / might be reduced B) take / will have been reduced C) had taken / had been reduced D) took / could be reduced E) will take / is reduced

24. Our modern knowledge of cell structure without the electron microscope, first developed in the late 1930s with what then the latest in electronic technology. A) could not have been obtained / was B) had not been obtained / had been C) would not be obtained / has been D) was not obtained / is E) has not been obtained / could be

25. Diet therapy a major role in ulcer treatment, but it no longer . A) would have played / is doing B) has played / has done C) was playing / has been doing D) had played / did E) used to play / does 29. One hundred years ago, 30% of the energy used in farm and factory work from muscle power; today only 1% . A) had come / did B) was coming / has done C) would have come / is doing D) came / does E) would come / will do

26. Many neuroscientists share the hope that the new understanding of brain organization which possible by brainimaging techniques light on childrens educational difficulties. A) would be made / throws B) had been made / has thrown C) has been made / will throw D) will be made / will have thrown E) was made / was throwing

30. Most of the worlds population on natural exposure to sunlight adequate vitamin D nutrition. A) relies / to maintain B) has relied / to have maintained C) used to rely / would have maintained D) will rely / having maintained E) is relying / to be maintaining

27. Age is a key factor what to people who have angina. A) in predicting / may happen B) to predict / might have happened C) to have predicted / is happening D) as predicting / has happened E) for having predicted / will have happened

31. Shanghai curb pollution or its citizens rapidly increasing ill health. A) needs to / have faced B) had to / had faced C) has to / will have faced D) will have to / would face E) must / will face

28. The two major components of medicine prevention and cure; and, in recent times, the latter considerably more attention and funding. A) were / received B) used to be / were receiving C) have been / would receive D) had been / are receiving E) are / has received

32. Any drug development effort neurodegenerative disorders carefully any possible side effects. A) combating / would have examined B) to combat / will have to examine C) to have combated / will examine D) having combated / had examined E) to be combated / would have to examine

33. Foot massages those who balance problems. A) may have helped / are having B) will help / had C) could help / have D) have helped / would have E) would have helped / may have 37. Betty recovered easily from the anaesthetic as children usually . A) have done C) do E) will do B) did D) are doing

34. Until quite recently, no one the deadly germ that causes anthrax outside a living host. A) had thought / would have thrived B) thinks / is thriving C) has thought / will thrive D) would think / had thrived E) thought / could thrive

38. drugs to healthy people to prevent disease before, but has never been tried on a large scale. A) To be given / would be proposed B) To give / is being proposed C) To have given / was being proposed D) Having given / was proposed E) Giving / has been proposed

35. If he with this rare congenital disorder at this early age, treatment less successful. A) hasnt been diagnosed / had been B) werent diagnosed / was C) wouldnt be diagnosed / will be D) hadnt been diagnosed / would have been E) isnt diagnosed / has been

39. By the time Haisted died in 1922, surgeons he at John Hopkins his ideas and techniques right across the country. A) was training / would be disseminating B) has trained / disseminated C) trained / have disseminated D) had trained / were disseminating E) would have trained / will disseminate

36. On a submarine what wears you down is the relentless responsibility of part of a small team where everyone total trust in everyone else. A) being / has to put B) to have been / had to put C) having been / is to put D) to be / is putting E) having to be / had to put

40. By the end of the week he the first stage of the treatment, and well know then if he well to it. A) would have completed / responded B) has completed / was responding C) will have completed / is responding D) is completing / has responded E) will complete / will respond

41. The successful education of children with speech defects involves all means of approach. A) to explore B) exploring C) having explored D) having been explored E) to have explored 45. Migraine-patients who go untreated for too long structural changes in their brains, so they proper therapy. A) are incurring / insisted on B) incurred / would insist on C) incur / used to insist on D) must incur / would have insisted on E) may incur / should insist on

42. If they the child to the hospital a little earlier, these complications . A) would have brought / wouldnt develop B) would bring / wont develop C) have brought / havent developed D) brought / hadnt developed E) had brought / would not have developed

46. Japanese researchers that tomato juice prevent emphysema, a smokingrelated lung disease. A) will say / may have helped B) said / will have helped C) say / had helped D) have said / could help E) had said / will help

43. Pure carbolic acid on a suspected rabies wound the incubation period but probably wont kill all the viruses; so its use into general disfavour among doctors. A) may prolong / has fallen B) might prolong / had fallen C) might have prolonged / might have fallen D) will prolong / fell E) would prolong / would have fallen

47. Scientists the common cold as by a family of over 200 viruses. A) were regarded / having been caused B) are regarded / having caused C) regard / being caused D) have regarded / to have caused E) regarded / to have been caused

44. The healthy individual possesses means of arresting minor haemorrhages; if this so, trivial cuts to a fatal loss of blood. A) was not / have led B) were not / would lead C) is not / led D) will not be / would have led E) would not be / had led

48. Various agencies to keep pesticide use within safe limits, and most consumers feel they on them. A) were set up / have depended B) have been set up / can depend C) would be set up / were depending D) are being set up / must have depended E) would have been set up / must depend

49. Doctors who had been studying longevity an assortment of genes that life span in different organisms. A) will identify / had influenced B) have identified / will be influencing C) identified / will have influenced D) had identified / could influence E) identify / could have influenced 53. Indeed, some studies that taking the glycemic effect into account in meal planning a practical way to improve glucose control. A) have shown / is B) show / was C) had shown / had been D) showed / will be E) could show / has been

50. In a study carried out over a period of six months, researchers that smoking far more heart attacks than haemochromatosis. A) have found / had caused B) had found / has caused C) found / caused D) find / could have caused E) would have found / causes

54. Of every 10,000 children born in the US, almost 7 from health problems because their mothers alcohol during pregnancy. A) suffered / have consumed B) were suffering / consume C) had suffered / were consuming D) will have suffered / will consume E) suffer / consumed

51. Alcohol every organ of the body, but the most dramatic evidence of its disruptive behaviour in the liver. A) affected / has appeared B) affects / appears C) is affecting / appeared D) had affected / would appear E) has affected / had appeared

55. Insomnia is a difficulty in falling or staying asleep or a disturbance in sleep that people feel as if they insufficient sleep when they awaken. A) makes / have had B) made / have C) has made / should have D) had made / had had E) would make / had

52. Although constipation usually lifestyle habits, in some cases it may be a side effect of medication or may reflect a medical problem such as tumours that the passage of waste. A) had reflected / obstruct B) has reflected / obstructed C) reflected / had obstructed D) will reflect / have obstructed E) reflects / are obstructing

56. During pregnancy, lead ingested by the mother across the placenta, severe damage on the developing foetal nervous system. A) has moved / to have inflicted B) moves / inflicting C) had moved / having inflicted D) would move / to be inflicted E) moved / having been inflicted

57. The first evidence that there are genetic factors in smoking in the 1950s from studies which that identical twins tended to be more similar in their choice to smoke or not than did fraternal twins. A) could appear / would indicate B) has appeared / had indicated C) had appeared / have indicated D) would appear / were indicating E) appeared / indicated 61. Psychologists, psychiatrists and neuroscientists for years over how much of our behaviour driven by our genes versus the environment in which we grow up and live. A) had argued / had been B) used to argue / would be C) have argued / is D) argue / would have been E) argued / will be

58. In an article published in 1990, scientists of the National Institute of Medical Research more than 300 biological theories that to account for senescence the progressive and general deterioration that accompanies aging in humans. A) were reviewing / attempted B) have reviewed / should attempt C) reviewed / had attempted D) would review / have attempted E) may have reviewed / attempt

62. For a long time, scientists believed that functional deficits in certain brain regions autism - the result of complications in brain structure that no change in wiring among neural networks . A) might cause / had fixed B) caused / could fix C) have caused / fixes D) cause / could have fixed E) would have caused / fixed

59. If she energy-spending activities into her daily routine when she was younger, she a weight-control programme today. A) could incorporate / doesnt have to attend B) incorporated / didnt have to attend C) would incorporate / wouldnt have had to attend D) had incorporated / wouldnt have to attend E) was able to incorporate / hadnt had to attend

63. Epidemiology, which as a science until the 19th century, is a branch of medicine that investigates factors to improved health, or the occurrence of a disease in a particular population. A) could not have evolved / having contributed B) had not evolved / to contribute C) has not evolved / to have contributed D) did not evolve / contributing E) could not evolve / to be contributing

60. Prevention is the ideal way to approach pain, and several educational programmes that workers to avoid lower back injuries some effectiveness. A) are training / would show B) would train / had shown C) have trained / showed D) train / have shown E) trained / will show

64. Although 25 to 30 per cent of all people some form of excessive mood disturbance during their lifetime, only about 10 per cent a disorder severe enough to require medical attention. A) would experience / have had B) experienced / will have had C) had experienced / had had D) will have experienced / would have E) experience / have

65. When red blood cells die, the iron in them to the bone marrow again in new red blood cells. A) is returned / to be used B) has been returned / to use C) will be returned / having been used D) having returned / to have been used E) to have returned / being used 69. Vitamin A deficiency a major cause of childhood blindness, but this no longer the case. A) had been / would be B) has been / was C) used to be / is D) could be / can be E) would be / will be

66. Brazilian scientists the genetic code of a parasite that Californias vineyards. A) cracked / has menaced B) will crack / menaced C) have cracked / is menacing D) would crack / used to menace E) had cracked / would menace

70. If the doctor for additional tests to be performed, then this illustrates that he other problems. A) had asked / suspects B) would ask / may suspect C) asks / suspects D) has asked / had suspected E) asked / will suspect

67. Some biologists still that something of this nature valuable as an additive to toothpaste. A) believed / will prove B) believe / might prove C) had believed / would prove D) have believed / would have proved E) will believe / proves

71. French authorities trials of gene therapy after a boy disease similar to leukaemia. A) had suspended / has contracted B) suspend / may have contracted C) suspended / contracts D) will have suspended / had contracted E) suspended / had contracted

68. Before on any strenuous exercise, one at a relaxed pace to allow muscles to warm up. A) to be embarked / exercised B) having embarked / should have exercised C) to embark / can exercise D) to have embarked / had exercised E) embarking / should exercise

72. Long as a rat poison, arsenic to halt a deadly blood cancer called acute promyelocytic leukaemia. A) being used / can be shown B) using / was shown C) used / has been shown D) to be used / is shown E) having used / had been shown

73. Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition which from extreme exposure to heat, in which a person enough to lower body temperature. A) had resulted / does not sweat B) resulted / wont sweat C) has resulted / would not sweat D) results / cannot sweat E) will result / did not sweat 77. Towards the end of the 15th century many political and social changes in Europe which all countries profoundly. A) had been occurring / had affected B) were occurring / have affected C) have occurred / will affect D) had occurred / would affect E) occurred / affected

74. I can still remember my excitement when I for the first time how ones understanding of the concepts of probability and risk to and enhance diagnostic and therapeutic problems in clinical care. A) saw / could be applied B) had seen / could have been applied C) could see / will be applied D) have seen / was applied E) see / had been applied

78. Before I read Freud, I ---- dreams were of so much significance. A) havent thought B) wouldnt think C) didnt think D) dont think E) wouldnt have thought

75. If I a similar kind of research, I on just two decades. A) will do / concentrate B) had done / concentrated C) have done / would have concentrated D) were doing / would concentrate E) had / will concentrate

79. If he the conditions of the insurance policy carefully, he that it did not cover such eventualities. A) has read / realised B) reads / has realised C) is reading / realises D) were reading / had realised E) had read / would have realised

76. The committee the question for nearly an hour, but still hasnt come to a decision. A) has been discussing B) had discussed C) will discuss D) is discussing E) would discuss.

80. Ever since the advent of industrialisation, social scientists the term the masses to the people. A) have preferred B) had preferred C) will have preferred D) would have preferred E) would prefer

81. In the 1960s, the modernist idea that there only one authentic style for the modern age in favour of the ideas of the plurality of styles. A) could be / will have been rejected B) can be / is rejected C) could have been / was being rejected D) could be / was rejected E) can be / would be rejected 85. If the government Britain to have world-class universities, it about the continuing decline in quality that characterises so many of its universities. A) will want / will have worried B) wanted / has worried C) had wanted / is worried D) has wanted / has worried E) wants / ought to be worried

82. When photography first appeared, some people predicted that it - the death of painting. A) will have caused B) might have caused C) could have caused D) caused E) would cause

86. In parts of Nepal, hikers and campers down so many trees for Himalayan campfires that the area deforested. A) would cut / became B) had cut / becomes C) were cutting / had become D) have cut / is becoming E) cut / would become

83. In the end, he admitted that he the fire at such a speed. A) hadnt expected / to spread B) didnt expect / to be spread C) wasnt expecting / spreading D) hadnt been expecting / having spread E) wouldnt expect / to be spreading

87. When Charles II king in 1660, the theatres, which by Cromwell, were opened again and new dramatists appeared. A) would become / had closed B) had become / have been closed C) became / had been closed D) was becoming / will have been closed E) would have become / could have been closed

84. So far they enough tombs at any clear understanding of the rituals and lives of these ancient people. A) would not excavate / arriving B) have not excavated / to arrive C) could not have excavated / having arrived D) had not excavated / to have arrived E) are not excavating / to have arrived

88. Europe appears a new period of labour militancy, but appearances deceptive. A) entering / could be B) to be entering / would have been C) having entered / could have been D) to enter / will be E) to have entered / can be

89. In 1973 Le Duc Tho to accept the Nobel Prize for peace, insisting that peace in South Vietnam and didnt seem likely to be so. A) refused / had not been established B) refuses / was not established C) was refusing / has not been established D) would have refused / will not be established E) had refused / would not be established 93. The discontent that in many countries at last an outlet in the wave of revolutions which spread across Europe in 1646. A) was brewing / had found B) had been brewing / found C) brewed / will find D) has been brewing / has found E) would be brewing / was finding

90. There was a similar case in May of a man, in Paris, who his shoes with drugs. A) to board / would pack B) having boarded / has packed C) to have boarded / would have packed D) boarding / had packed E) to be boarded / packed

94. Unfortunately, there as yet no evidence to suggest that a surge of growth in the US economy more jobs. A) is / is creating B) was / has created C) has been / will have created D) will be / created E) had been / was creating

91. Later on in the article he points out that the creation of the single currency out the competitive advantage that German companies enjoy over their European neighbours. A) wipes / were used to B) has wiped / used to C) had wiped / had used to D) would wipe / are used to E) is wiping / have been used to

95. Before long, down a halfremembered piece of music as easy as humming the tune. A) having to track / was B) having tracked / would be C) to track / has been D) to have tracked / is E) tracking / will be

92. On first the hotel, we by the starkness and hardness of the place. A) having to enter / had been struck B) having entered / are struck C) entering / were struck D) to enter / will be struck E) to be entering / are being struck

96. Tradition generally the introduction of chocolate to France to Jewish chocolate makers who in Bayonne in 1609, having been hounded out of first Spain and then Portugal. A) attributes / settled B) has attributed / had settled C) attributed / have settled D) would attribute / were settling E) is attributing / had been settling

97. Some Italian film-makers believe that once Americans making films in Rome again, local films as well. A) would start / had flourished B) have started / will have flourished C) will start / are flourishing D) start / will flourish E) started / would flourish 101. he to be taken to hospital late, the outcome fatal. A) Had / could have proved B) Is / will prove C) Should / may prove D) Has / is proving E) Were / would prove

98. If things according to plan, the book by this time next year. A) go / will have been published B) have gone / would have been published C) went / was to be published D) were going / has been published E) will go / will be published

102. Practically every philosopher since Plato the relationship between humour and laughter, but Sigmund Freud the first to put forward a conclusive theory. A) has considered / was B) considered / would be C) was considering / is D) would consider / has been E) has been considering / had been

99. Included with the account of his journey down the Amazon there engaging stories by the unusual people he meets. A) have been / recounting B) were / being recounted C) are / recounted D) will be / to have been recounted E) would be / to be recounted

103. When I accidentally broke Mrs Parkers antique Chinese vase, I felt as if I a criminal. A) am being B) have been C) am D) were E) have

100. The US presidential election of 1800 notorious on account of the unforeseen constitutional problems it . A) is / has presented B) has been / presented C) would be / presents D) had been / would present E) was / presented

104. Actually, the position of the small farmer only slightly, even if all these changes . A) has improved / had been introduced B) would improve / were introduced C) will improve / would be introduced D) improved / have been introduced E) would have improved / will be introduced

105. The authorities in India that the countrys highly qualified young researchers by multinational companies as cheap labour. A) were worried / have been used B) are worrying / were used C) are worried / are being used D) worry / had been used E) have worried / will have been used 109. Since Swedish industrial relationships so many fundamental changes, it is hardly surprising that the existence of a Swedish model . A) were undergoing / will be questioned B) underwent / has been questioned C) had undergone / had been questioned D) are undergoing / was being questioned E) have undergone / is being questioned

106. Geoffrey Chaucer is often called the father of English poetry, although, as we , there many English poets before him. A) know / were B) have known / had been C) knew / have been D) had known / are E) might have known / would have been

110. If it for the severe air pollution of 1952, which was responsible for 4,000 deaths, the UK Clean Air Act of 1956 . A) werent / hadnt been passed B) was not / wont be passed C) hadnt been / wouldnt have been passed D) wouldnt be / hadnt been passed E) isnt / was not passed

107. Until the time of World War II, it that human beings to the requirements of technological systems with great ease. A) is assumed / adapted B) has been assumed / were adapting C) was assumed / are adapting D) had been assumed / could adapt E) assumed / have adapted

111. The EU that the establishment of the International Criminal Court a milestone achievement in global human rights protection. A) believed / may have represented B) had believed / has represented C) has believed / represented D) believes / represents E) would have believed / had represented

108. In his acknowledgement, the writer thanked his wife for the support she him while he the book. A) had given / was writing B) gave / is writing C) gives / has been writing D) has given / will be writing E) was giving / had written

112. It true that property prices in Ireland and Spain by 208 and 150 per cent, respectively, since 1997. A) may be / would increase B) has been / had increased C) was / increased D) could be / would have increased E) is / have increased

113. In Mozambique, the 1992 peace accord that 15 years of civil war a blanket amnesty for all those who had committed war crimes. A) has ended / had mandated B) had ended / would have mandated C) ended / mandated D) ends / will mandate E) could have ended / has mandated 117. Most physical anthropologists that modern human abilities present since the emergence of Homo sapiens some 40,000-100,000 years ago. A) will agree / would be B) could agree / are C) have agreed / were D) agree / have been E) had agreed / must be

114. Many observers predict that as China to open itself, state control . A) has continued / had eased B) continues / will ease C) continued / could have eased D) will continue / has eased E) had continued / may have eased

118. It until the 17th century that military leaders began to realize that stress on soldiers a profound influence on the success of military operations. A) had not been / is having B) is not / has C) was not / could have D) has not been / had E) may not be / must have

115. Although archaeological exploration of Tibet , evidence of civilization in the region back to at least 4000 B.C. A) was limited / will have to date B) is limited / had dated C) had been limited / has dated D) has been limited / dates E) will be limited / must have dated

119. A deeply hypnotised subject to initiate activity and would rather wait for the hypnotist something to do. A) does not like / to suggest B) had not liked / suggesting C) did not like / should suggest D) may not like / has suggested E) will not like / to be suggesting

116. If they us their plans at the beginning, these problems us now. A) showed / would not have been worrying B) had shown / would not be worrying C) show / will not be worrying D) have shown / could not be worrying E) will show / may not be worrying

120. Ever since James R. Flynn his startling results, psychologists and educators to figure out whether people really are getting smarter. A) has published / had struggled B) published / have struggled C) had published / will struggle D) was publishing / had been struggling E) publishes / are struggling

121. Although there some growth in the non-oil sector, Nigeria dangerously reliant on hydrocarbon revenues. A) has been / remains B) had been / would remain C) was / would have remained D) must be / has remained E) is / had remained 125. If a new environmental or safety rule in the auto industry, executives warn that the company money. A) were to be proposed / had lost B) had been proposed / would have lost C) will be proposed / is going to lose D) were proposed / should lose E) is proposed / will lose

122. In 1972, two collective burials under an overhanging rock at Qilakitsoq, a small Inuit settlement on the west coast of Greenland, to about A. D. 1475. A) are discovered / dated B) were discovered / dating C) have been discovered / having dated D) had been discovered / having been dated E) were being discovered / having to be dated

126. In the US, the percentage of obese people over the past two decades, and at present, 35% of the population overweight. A) could have doubled / would be B) had doubled / was C) has doubled / is D) would double / will be E) doubled / has been

123. In 1989, Jennifer Johnson of Sanford, Florida, the first woman of transferring cocaine to her unborn baby through the umbilical cord. A) was becoming / having been convicted B) has become / to convict C) would become / to be convicting D) became / to be convicted E) had become / convicting

127. Underwater archaeology is generally considered to its first major encouragement during the winter of 185354, when a particularly low water level in a Swiss lake bare enormous quantities of wooden posts, pottery and other artefacts. A) be receiving / has laid B) be received / would lay C) have been received / had laid D) receive / could have laid E) have received / laid

124. Smoking in almost all segments of the American population, so that, in various polls, 60 to 65% of Americans nonsmokers today. A) declines / may have been B) has declined / are C) had declined / would be D) could have declined / will be E) declined / were

128. Sub-Saharan Africa at a relatively stable rate since the mid-1990s, and its growth in the following years. A) was growing / continues B) has been growing / should continue C) has grown / should have continued D) grew / has continued E) is growing / will have continued

129. In a clever experiment carried out during the 1980s, a team of psychologists at Cornell University - that being in a happy mood people generate more creative solutions to problems. A) have found / will help B) had found / helped C) are to find / would help D) found / helps E) would find / has helped 133. Tigers from Indias national parks due to the activities of criminal gangs that the authorities to prosecute. A) would have disappeared / have failed B) had disappeared / are failing C) are disappearing / fail D) disappear / will fail E) will disappear / would fail

130. By the early 20th century, the local ceramic industry of Ktahya more or less to an end, but now the city the focus of a revival of this skilled art. A) had come / is B) has come / has been C) came / was D) would have come / would be E) was coming / will be

134. The acropolis and layers of civilization starting with the Bronze Age and going on to Greek and Roman times. A) is being excavated / would show B) had been excavated / is showing C) was being excavated / had shown D) should be excavated / would have shown E) has been excavated / shows

131. To save money, their government back to a 1993 law which the army to recruit part-time conscripts as auxiliary soldiers. A) reached / was allowing B) had reached / would allow C) would reach / had allowed D) has reached / had allowed E) is reaching / allowed

135. This is not a new theory; quite a lot of scientists on it for several decades. A) would have worked B) had worked C) have been working D) would work E) have to work

132. office just six weeks ago, the new president no time in implementing his plans to save his war-torn country. A) To have taken / lost B) Having taken / has lost C) To take / would lose D) Taking / had lost E) To be taking / is losing

136. If the equipment us on time, we the bridge by now. A) would have reached / could complete B) reached / had completed C) reaches / will have completed D) will reach / can complete E) had reached / could have completed

137. Unfortunately there was an electricity cut just as we the new computer. A) are installing B) would install C) have installed D) were installing E) will install 141. If space weather forecasters timely warnings of storms, telecommunications companies to take steps to protect their satellites. A) could have provided / had been able B) could have provided / should be able C) can be providing / will be able D) can provide / will have been able E) could provide / would be able

138. It is recommended that you wear a helmet in this part of the plant, but its up to you; you . A) have got to B) will have to C) shouldnt have D) need to E) dont have to

142. Even now at this late date, oceanographers seafloor mountains they existed. A) were finding / dont know B) have found / havent known C) are finding / didnt know D) will find / wouldnt know E) will have found / hadnt known

139. Whats left of the worlds forest at such a rate that the remaining tropical rainforests by the middle of the century. A) has been logged / is destroyed B) will be logged / would have been destroyed C) is being logged / will have been destroyed D) was being logged / is being destroyed E) would be logged / were being destroyed

143. The Erie canal was the first of the US artificial waterways built the Great Lakes with the sea. A) to be connected B) connecting C) to have connected D) to connect E) having connected

140. The controversy in 1924 by Edwin P. Hubble, who that the great spiral nebula in Andromeda contained Cepheid variables. A) was being settled / has found B) has been settled / finds C) had been settled / found D) was settled / found E) would be settled / will find

144. If he had realised just how potentially dangerous his discovery was, he would surely have suppressed it, ? A) didnt he B) wouldnt he C) hadnt he D) wasnt it E) wouldnt it

145. Adhesives are now frequently being used where previously mechanical methods of fastening essential. A) would be considered B) have been considered C) are being considered D) were to be considered E) were considered 149. In his report he that the scanning technology with novel textile manufacturing techniques. A) may recommend / has been combined B) recommends / was combined C) has recommended / had been combined D) recommended / should be combined E) had recommended / would have been combined

146. All the speculations of engineers about the mechanism of the collapse of the World Trade Centre towers , in fact, hypotheses, theories of what . A) were / might happen B) are / might have happened C) will be / has happened D) would have been / might happen E) have been / may happen

150. Soon, a revolutionary new steam engine speedboats more safely and efficiently than a conventional outboard motor. A) has been powering B) would have powered C) may be powering D) might have powered E) can have powered

147. For four decades, researchers the heavens for radio signals that an advanced civilisation into the vastness of the galaxy. A) have been scanning / may have emitted B) scanned / will have emitted C) had scanned / could have been emitted D) scan / would have emitted E) are being scanned / could have emitted

151. He assures me that the Department of Marine Biogeochemistry, which up in the 1970s, ever since. A) was set / has been expanding B) had been set / was expanding C) would be set / will expand D) has been set / is expanding E) would have been set / will be expanding

148. In order to establish the date of these footprints, he a technique that when the sand grains were last exposed to light. A) uses / measured B) will use / has measured C) has used / will measure D) had used / would measure E) used / measures

152. To protect yourself from computer viruses, start by not opening attachments you , and suspicious mail immediately. A) havent expected / to delete B) are not expecting / deleting C) were not expecting / to be deleted D) didnt expect / having deleted E) wont expect / to have deleted

153. Satellite observations that space in a sea of X-rays. A) had shown / has been bathed B) showed / has bathed C) will show / would have bathed D) have shown / is bathed E) would show / would be bathed 157. It is hoped that the construction of the worlds tallest residential building, the Chicago Spire, which at the end of last year, by late 2010. A) has been commenced / would be completed B) commences / will complete C) was commenced / will have been completed D) has commenced / has been completed E) had commenced / is to be completed

154. Currently, a great deal of attention to the phenomenon, known as acid rain, the incidence of which appears to be growing in developed countries. A) had been paid B) was paid C) is being paid D) has been paid E) will be paid

158. Scientists are worried that the use of biofuels instead of fossil fuels little to reduce carbon emissions, although this a widespread assumption until quite recently. A) will do / was B) does / will be C) had done / has been D) will have done / had been E) would have done / would be

155. Since 1997, when the spacecraft The Mars Global Surveyor over the surface of Mars for the first time, scientists by the considerable magnetic anomalies identified on the planet. A) has flown / are intrigued B) flies / were intrigued C) had flown / had been intrigued D) was flying / may have been intrigued E) flew / have been intrigued

159. Humanity an unusual period of food surplus since the Green Revolution in the mid-1960s. A) enjoyed / was beginning B) has enjoyed / began C) was enjoying / had begun D) has been enjoying / has begun E) is enjoying / would begin

156. In 1998, 16 per cent of the worlds coral reefs by bleaching caused by El Nino, but half of those reefs signs of recovery, especially in protected areas where it is illegal to harvest coral. A) have been killed / showed B) could be killed / had shown C) had been killed / would have shown D) have been killed / show E) were killed / are showing

160. In calculators, calculations entirely with integers yield exact results as long as the numbers too big for the space allotted. A) doing / were not B) having done / have not been C) to have been done / would not have been D) done / are not E) to be done / will not be

161. Twenty years ago the study of ageing as somewhat misdirected, but now it into an important science. A) was regarded / has developed B) had been regarded / would develop C) has been regarded / would be developing D) would have been regarded / had developed E) was being regarded / has been developing 165. For a long time now, biologists that bits of tissue placed next to each other . A) had known / may fuse B) have known / can fuse C) knew / had fused D) would have known / have fused E) know / would have fused

162. In some ways, we know little more about the planets than the ancients who worshipped them. A) had done B) have done C) do D) would do E) did

166. It that Brazils new surveillance system a useful tool in the protection of the rain forests. A) may be hoped / would have proved B) was hoped / had proved C) has been hoped / would prove D) could be hoped / might have proved E) is hoped / will prove

163. The first stage of the new factory project last year, and work on the second phase well now. A) had been completed / would progress B) was completed / is progressing C) would have been completed / was progressing D) has been completed / will progress E) was being completed / has progressed

167. Many engineers the thrill of designing a novel product that then mass production. A) are having / is entering B) had had / had entered C) would have / has entered D) have had / enters E) were having / have entered

164. While the battle out in the open, the technological capability of the coalition forces them the lead. A) had been fought / was giving B) was fought / would give C) was being fought / gave D) would have been fought / will give E) is being fought / has given

168. Over the past eight years, the TES instrument that Martian rocks and sands almost entirely of volcanic minerals. A) would discover / had been composed B) has discovered / are composed C) would discover / were composed D) had discovered / had been composed E) was discovering / would be composed

169. In order a good sheep-shearing robot, I had to understand sheep shearers and the skill of shearing, as well as the technology in building a robot. A) having built / to have been involved B) building / to be involved C) to build / involved D) to be building / involving E) to have built / having been involved 173. During the past 40 years, hydroponic farming considerably in a number of areas where temperatures are too extreme for ordinary agriculture. A) had progressed B) has progressed C) progresses D) would have progressed E) is progressing

170. We read continually about global warming to virtually every significant weather event that these days. A) having been linked / is occurring B) being linked / occurs C) to be linked / occurred D) linking / would occur E) to have been linked / had occurred

174. If she to the interview in a more positive state of mind, she a better impression. A) will go / would make B) goes / has made C) had gone / might have made D) would go / had made E) has gone / makes

171. If the discovery , it speculation that the Galaxy is teeming with life. A) had been confirmed / would fuel B) will be confirmed / will have fuelled C) is confirmed / will fuel D) has been confirmed / has fuelled E) was confirmed / would have fuelled

175. Some scientists us that the thermal blanket around the globe the average temperature of the earth to rise. A) were warning / has caused B) have been warning / was causing C) have warned / may cause D) had warned / caused E) warn / will have caused

172. Often the need to clean up the atmosphere through major environmental disasters of which the London smog of 1952 still a prime example. A) was realised / remains B) has been realised / remained C) would be realised / would remain D) was being realised / will remain E) had been realised / has remained

176. A theory only when a hypothesis by consistent results from many observations or experiments. A) may have been developed / was being supported B) can be developed / has been supported C) will be developed / was supported D) has been developed / had been supported E) had been developed / might have been supported

177. If transport costs into consideration at the outset, the plant far from its present site. A) will be taken / are being built B) were taken / had been built C) have been taken / have been built D) were being taken / will be built E) had been taken / would have been built 181. In their quest to build a computer that advantage of the weirdness of quantum mechanics, physicists a number of disparate technologies. A) is taking / will be testing B) will take / are testing C) must take / had tested D) took / have had to test E) had taken / have tested

178. The first laser in 1960 by Malman almost half a century after the publication in 1916 of Einsteins theory of radiation, which the possibility of laser operation. A) has been demonstrated / had shown B) had been demonstrated / showed C) was demonstrated / showed D) demonstrates / was shown E) was being demonstrated / shows

182. Individuals who that animals feelings are usually accused of anthropomorphism, or ascribing human traits to nonhuman beings. A) had claimed / had B) claimed / will have C) are claiming / would have D) claim / have E) would claim / must have had

179. The advent of nuclear power the trend to use water-power on a large scale, and hydroelectric installations in all industrial countries with water power potential. A) has not halted / are being built B) did not halt / are built C) would not halt / will be built D) will not halt / were being built E) had not halted / would be built

183. The reason why the moon doesnt orbit the Sun is because the Earth is also towards the Sun, and so the two through space together. A) going to pull / will have been moving B) having been pulled / moved C) pulling / were moving D) to pull / move E) being pulled / are moving

180. The Proctor Prize annually since 1950 to an outstanding scientist who known for effective communication of complex ideas. A) was being presented / is being B) was presented / had been C) would be presented / will be D) had been presented / has been E) has been presented / is

184. The recovery and identification of plant remains from archaeological contexts are merely the first steps in a wide-ranging series of research issues that up paleoethnobotany, also as archaeobotany. A) made / knowing B) will make / is known C) make / known D) has made / having known E) had made / is to be known

185. It's not considered safe to leave your computer on when you are not in the office, so you do so. A) don't have to B) mustn't C) needn't D) haven't got to E) don't need to 189. Today one third of the carbon dioxide (CO2) given off by burning fossil fuels the oceans, thus their naturally alkaline pH. A) is entering / reduces B) enters / reducing C) had entered / will reduce D) will enter / reduced E) would enter / having reduced

186. Some evolutionary biologists argue that if the clock of evolution to the beginning and allowed to run again to the present day, the resulting animals on Earth very different from the ones we know now. A) has been rewound / would have been B) is rewound / will be C) might be rewound / will have been D) had been rewound / had been E) could be rewound / might be

190. Until recently, some scientists that many individuals of the same species specific tasks better than the same number of individuals from different species. A) will think / are performing B) were thinking / will perform C) think / ought to perform D) had thought / would be performing E) thought / could perform

187. Scientists who alert the world to the existence of a hole in the stratospheric ozone layer recently reported that this feature of the atmosphere widening soon. A) help / would stop B) have helped / might have stopped C) helped / may stop D) will help / might stop E) had helped / has stopped

191. Earthquake rupture to occur by enlargement of a crack, but more recent observations a pulse-like mode of rupture enlargement. A) had been thought / would be indicated B) can be thought / had indicated C) was thought / will have indicated D) has been thought / indicate E) must be thought / may have indicated

188. Meteorites the best available record of the chemical and physical processes that during the first million years of our solar systems history. A) provide / occurred B) are providing / have occurred C) had provided / occurred D) could provide / would occur E) provided / might occur

192. Cosmologists are addressing some of the fundamental questions that people to resolve over the centuries through philosophical thinking, but they this based on systematic observation and quantitative methodology. A) would attempt / have done B) attempt / will do C) may attempt / did D) attempted / should do E) have attempted / are doing

193. The shuttle the atmosphere at precisely 38 for heat shields below the fuselage and the wings the craft from heat damage. A) must re-enter / to protect B) has re-entered / having protected C) re-entered / to have protected D) re-enters / to be protecting E) should re-enter / to have been protecting 197. Rockets to have originated with the Chinese before the thirteenth century, which is when they to appear in Europe. A) may be believed / were beginning B) could be believed / have begun C) were believed / had begun D) have been believed / could begin E) are believed / began

194. From the year 1665, when Robert Hooke cells, until the middle of the twentieth century, biologists only light microscopes for viewing cells. A) used to discover / could have had B) had discovered / would have C) discovered / had D) has discovered / have had E) could discover / have

198. missing heat-shield tiles or a failed undercarriage door have allowed the airframe ? A) Could / to melt B) Would / melt C) Might / to be melting D) Can / melting E) Will / be melting

195. Sea bindweed Calystegia soldanella a fleshy-leaved cousin of the more widespread, white-flowered hedge bindweed (C. sepium) that fences and hedges everywhere in the summer. A) might be / had clothed B) is / clothes C) should be / has clothed D) could be / would have clothed E) was / can clothe

199. In April 1953, Watson and Crick the scientific world with a succinct paper their model for DNA. A) were shaking / to explain B) had been shaking / to have explained C) have shaken / to be explaining D) shook / explaining E) had shaken / having explained

196. Geology and biology since life . A) are intertwined / has begun B) were intertwined / had begun C) have been intertwined / began D) would be intertwined / begins E) could be intertwined / will begin

200. Common fungicides for the puzzlingly high levels of DDT still found in some soils, even in regions where this potent insecticide decades ago. A) are blamed / would have been banned B) could be to blame / was banned C) were blamed / must be banned D) might be blamed / would be banned E) are to blame / has been banned

201. Astronomers that huge star explosions could create carbon, oxygen and other elements, then them into nearby interstellar space. A) are theorizing / are ejecting B) have theorized / eject C) theorized / will eject D) theorize / would have ejected E) will theorize / ejected 205. The details yet, but the company the results of the trials as soon as possible. A) arent being revealed / has published B) hadnt been revealed / published C) wont be revealed / would have published D) cant be revealed / would publish E) havent been revealed / will publish

202. Apparently there is a great deal of unused energy around in our local environment that we to tap into. A) having flowed / may be able B) to flow / had been able C) to be flowing / were able D) flowing / might be able E) to have flowed / might have been able

206. Scientists predict that should the current rate of deforestation in the rainforests , a great many of the species they support completely by the turn of the 22nd century. A) continue / will have disappeared B) is continued / will disappear C) was continued / would disappear D) had continued / would have disappeared E) will continue / would have disappeared

203. According to statistics by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, global banana production steadily over the past 40 years. A) having been published / was rising B) to be published / would rise C) published / has been rising D) to publish / rose E) being published / had been rising

207. If all of the Arctic ice , global sea levels by 23 feet, submerging most coastal areas. A) melted / will rise B) is to melt / are rising C) were to melt / could rise D) will melt / rise E) had melted / rose

204. Past research running as a factor in human evolution because humans poor at fast running compared to other mammals. A) dismissed / would be B) has dismissed / are C) had dismissed / have been D) would dismiss / were E) was dismissing / were being

208. Cosmologists believe that equal amounts of matter and antimatter in the early universe, but since matter and antimatter annihilate each other, something to create an excess of matter, leading to the universe we see today. A) are created / happened B) have been created / had happened C) had been created / has happened D) may have been created / must have happened E) would be created / has been happening

209. There various indications that the current financial crisis a damaging effect on technology companies. A) are / is having B) were / will have C) had been / has had D) have been / would have had E) would have been / had had 213. Cabbage as early as 2000 B.C., and the commercial varieties now Brussels sprouts, common cabbage, sprouting broccoli, and kohlrabi. A) might have been cultivated / have included B) had been cultivated / included C) would be cultivated / used to include D) would have been cultivated / can include E) was cultivated / include

210. Russia earlier this week that it all its troops out of Georgia. A) had announced / pulled B) announces / would have pulled C) announced / had pulled D) is announcing / has pulled E) has announced / was pulling

214. The price of crude oil by 40% this year due to the continuing risk of disruption in the Middle East, which for one-third of global production. A) surges / accounted B) had surged / has accounted C) has surged / accounts D) surged / had accounted E) will surge / could have accounted

211. The ruins of ancient Troy as breath-taking as those of Ephesus or Aphrodisias, but, for anyone who has ever read Homers Iliad or Odyssey, they have a romance few places on Earth . A) have not been / hoped to have matched B) had not been / would hope to match C) may not be / can hope to match D) are not / hoped to match E) could not have been / hope to match

215. At the end of 1998, Estonia the strict citizenship requirements that the countrys Russian minority from gaining citizenship. A) relaxes / kept B) had relaxed / have kept C) has relaxed / were keeping D) relaxed / had kept E) will relax / are keeping

212. Nineteenth-century military helmets than they now appear, but even at their best they the way to the future of head protection. A) have been better designed / do not point B) could be better designed / would not point C) are better designed / will not point D) may have been better designed / did not point E) can be better designed / had not pointed

216. An ideal anticancer drug cancer cells without harming normal cells, but no such drug . A) would destroy / exists B) destroyed / existed C) may have destroyed / has existed D) has destroyed / had existed E) had destroyed / would exist

217. The British government details of the next stage of its genetically modified cropfield trials, thus off a now familiar cycle of debate and demonstration. A) has released / setting B) will release / to set C) would have released / having set D) is releasing / to have set E) released / to be set 221. This morning it in the news that the great Italian tenor Pavarotti of pancreatic cancer soon after midnight. A) had been reported / died B) is reported / would die C) is being reported / dies D) was reported / had died E) has been reported / could have died

218. Training schemes in the United Kingdom by the government as unemployment . A) were encouraged / will have worsened B) would be encouraged / had been worsened C) have been encouraged / has worsened D) had been encouraged / may worsen E) are encouraged / would have worsened

222. The United States expensive hightech solutions to the problem of land-mine clearance, but simpler methods more preferable. A) should pursue / were B) pursues / had been C) pursued / will have been D) would pursue / would have been E) has pursued / may be

219. After the Germanic invasions, Celtic cultures, which in pre-Roman times most of Western Europe, almost entirely to the British Isles. A) had covered / were confined B) have been covering / have been confined C) had been covering / would be confined D) have covered / could have been confined E) were covering / had been confined

223. Having read so many contemporary American writers, I to feel impatient with the kind of fiction that in England. A) was beginning / will have been written B) had begun / has been written C) have begun / would have been written D) would begin / is being written E) began / was being written

220. Investigations by modern doctors that Catherine the Great of Russia from syphilis. A) have suggested / has suffered B) suggest / suffered C) had suggested / was suffering D) may have suggested / would have suffered E) suggested / suffers

224. Cross-border shopping is a fundamental right under EU law and as a form of tax evasion. A) must not have been regarded B) had not been regarded C) should not be regarded D) would not have been regarded E) was not being regarded

225. He certainly party members last weekend when he announced that he to regain his party chairmanship. A) has shocked / had not sought B) would have shocked / will not seek C) had shocked / would not have sought D) was to shock / is not seeking E) shocked / would not seek 229. Of all the arts it to classical music that Germany the greatest contribution. A) had been / made B) is / has made C) has been / had made D) was / will have made E) might be / would have made

226. The 1980s a surge of new interest the definition of intelligence. A) have brought / to be expanding B) had brought / having expanded C) were bringing / to have expanded D) brought / in expanding E) would have brought / to expand

230. If you a car, you its performance, not its appearance. A) were buying / had been considering B) were buying / would have considered C) bought / had considered D) have bought / would have been considered E) are buying / should be considering

227. Many parts of rural America to reflect the values and traditions of the European immigrants who in the country during the nineteenth century. A) continued / have arrived B) have continued / would have arrived C) continue / arrived D) would have continued / were arriving E) will continue / would arrive

231. China, which much of Mongolia from the end of the seventieth century until the early twentieth century, still, the oil, coal, uranium, and empty grasslands of its former possessions. A) was ruling / has coveted B) had ruled / may have coveted C) has ruled / coveted D) ruled / covets E) rules / is coveting

228. With few exceptions, most totalitarian governments more liberal since 1989 when the Berlin Wall . A) became / falls B) are becoming / would fall C) were becoming / has fallen D) had become / was falling E) have become / fell

232. The choices we make and the lives we lead by the values we . A) would be influenced / are holding B) are influenced / hold C) had been influenced / were holding D) must have influenced / had held E) have been influenced / were holding

233. Following World War Il, job prospects for young people greatly, which allowed them more prosperous than their parents. A) had improved / to have felt B) have improved / feeling C) improved / to feel D) were improving / having felt E) would have improved / having to feel 237. Old Danish, one of the languages of the Vikings, who in parts of Britain during the 9th to 11th centuries, a strong influence on the development of English. A) have settled / had had B) had settled / would have C) settle / has D) settled / had E) would settle / will have

234. He in a line of work that was dependent solely on his ability to win the trust of others, and one in which very close relationships necessary. A) was engaged / were B) would have been engaged / will be C) will be engaged / could be D) had been engaged / are E) is engaged / would be

238. One day humans on Mars if US President Bush's recently announced plans to fruition. A) could be walking / come B) would walk / had come C) can be walking / will come D) would have walked / come E) will be walking / might come

235. The auditing of accounts means the official inspection of a company's accounts by a qualified accountant, and this by law each year. A) had been required B) requires C) is required D) required E) would have been required

239. When he moved from Ethiopia, where he , to England, his experiences quite unlike those of his contemporaries at school. A) was born / will be B) is born / will be C) would be born / would be D) has been born / are E) had been born / were

236. Applicants the ability to work well in a multicultural environment and to work to tight deadlines. A) have had / had been able B) should have / be able C) must have / were able D) will have / had had E) could have / have had

240. They hope that by surrounding city centres and likely terrorist targets with "soft walls", they it impossible for hijacked planes anywhere near them. A) will make / to get B) make / having got C) make / to have got D) have made / to be got E) are making / getting

241. New DNA evidence hints that "African Eve", the 150,000-year-old female ancestor of every person on Earth, in Tanzania or Ethiopia. A) has lived B) is used to living C) may have lived D) would live E) would be living 245. It seems that, even if big western companies to help develop lifesaving GM (genetically modified) seeds for the underdeveloped countries, only South Africa to accept them. A) will be willing / is ready B) has been willing / will be ready C) had been willing / would be ready D) would be willing / was ready E) were willing / would be ready

242. Socrates that we with the improvement of our souls. A) must have said / would be concerned B) had said / had to be concerned C) was saying / should have been concerned D) has said / had been concerned E) said / should be concerned

246. The big test over the next few weeks when the government to introduce a plan to include drug coverage in Medicare. A) is coming/ will be expected B) comes/ was expected C) has come/ is expecting D) will come / is expected E) would come / would be expected

243. Until people realize that they have to develop new skills, there's no way the economy can improve, ? A) is there B) can there C) can it D) have they E) can they

247. The judges of the international tribunal at The Hague , on 1st February 2002, that charges relating to all three wars together. A) would agree / had been heard B) have agreed / have been heard C) were agreed / will be heard D) agreed / would be heard E) had agreed / were heard

244. He is hoping that, by the time he for the grant, his book on Egyptians, silverwork . A) has to apply / will have been published B) had applied / had been published C) was to apply / has been published D) will be applying / would have been published E) would have applied / will be published

248. Since there nothing in the way of pay rises or bonuses for two to three years, the new taxes a great deal of distress. A) had been / caused B) has been / had caused C) will be / would have caused D) would have been / are going to cause E) will have been / are causing

249. Over the past three years, the US economy badly hurt by unforeseen events, but housing to move up to set sales records in both 2001 and 2002. A) would be / would have continued B) had been / has continued C) has been / continued D) was / continues E) is being / would continue 253. The once radical notion that birds from dinosaurs stronger and stronger since palaeontologists first started taking it seriously a couple of decades ago. A) descended / has grown B) have descended / grew C) had descended / had grown D) descend / is growing E) are descending / was growing

250. Presumably, the main concern of the Japanese central bank at present to avoid for any large-scale financial collapse. A) will be / having blamed B) has been / having been blamed C) was / to be blamed D) is / being blamed E) would be / to have been blamed

254. He insisted that mountaineering a sport for him, but a passion that his whole life. A) hadn't been / would dominate B) isn't / has dominated C) hasn't been / is dominating D) wouldn't be / is dominating E) wasn't / had dominated

251. Professional tennis, which got its start in 1926 when the French player Suzanne Lenglen 50,000 US dollars for a tour, only full recognition in 1968. A) had been paid / has received B) was paid / received C) has been paid/ would receive D) is paid / receives E) would be paid / had received

255. While the parades for the opening of parliament , the president a sobering message for his countrymen. A) had rehearsed / prepared B) have been rehearsed / has prepared C) were being rehearsed / was preparing D) are rehearsing / is preparing E) had been rehearsed / would prepare

252. Once the director just how much was at stake, he immediate steps to deal with the dispute. A) realizes / will take B) has realized / had taken C) had realized / took D) realized / takes E) would realize / has taken

256. Though we still a long way to go, a lot in developing new medical procedures to deal with diseased tissue. A) had had / had been accomplished B) had /has been accomplished C) have had / was accomplished D) are having / was being accomplished E) have / is being accomplished

257. Soon, customs officers to use Xray technology cavities in vehicles for drugs. A) have been able / having scanned B) are able / scanning C) were able / to be scanned D) will be able / to scan E) would have been able / to have scanned 259. If Britain the euro, say in 2020, the stability pact highly important. A) will be joining / is becoming B) has joined / will have become C) will have joined / will become D) would join / has become E) were to join / could become

258. As acquisition opportunities within the EU less, western European energy companies to turn eastward: in the hunt for expansion opportunities. A) grow / are being forced B) will grow / would have been forced C) are growing / would be forced D) have grown / had been forced E) grew / have been forced

260. Whatever else the British empire for so long, it was not Britain's education system. A) was sustained B) has sustained C) sustains D) sustained E) is sustaining

Cevap Anahtar 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. C A D E B C E C D D A C D E B D C A E D A B E A E C A E D A E B C E D A C E D C B E A B E D C B D C 51. B 52. E 53. A 54. E 55. A 56. B 57. E 58. C 59. D 60. D 61. C 62. B 63. D 64. E 65. A 66. C 67. B 68. E 69. C 70. C 71. E 72. C 73. D 74. A 75. D 76. A 77. E 78. C 79. E 80. A 81. D 82. E 83. A 84. B 85. E 86. D 87. C 88. E 89. A 90. D 91. B 92. C 93. B 94. A 95. E 96. A 97. D 98. A 99. C 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. E A D B C A D A E C D E C B D B D C A B A B D B E C E B D A E B C E C E D E C D E C D B E B A E D C

151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. A B D C E E C A B D A E B C B E D B C B C A B C C B E C A E B D E C B E C A B E D E A C B C E A D B B 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. D C B E A C D A C C D E C D A A C A B D E E C E D C E B E D B C A C B D A E A C E A A E D D A C D B C 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. A E C E D A E D

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