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"CHALLENGES CONFRONTING THE CHURCH" Authority In Religion INTRODUCTION 1. The Lords church can expect to confront many challenges...

a. Opposition by Satan was foretold in the parable of the tares - Mt 13:24-30,36-43 b. Attacks from within and without foretold by Paul - Ac 20:29-30 c. Apostasy was foretold, and began very early - 2Pe 2:1-3; Jude 4 2. Previously, we suggested that the local church will be at the front of the confrontation... a. As the church universal is a spiritual entity well preserved by Jesus b. But the church local is subject to many things that can threaten its existence c. How can the church local stand strong and firm in the service of Christ? 3. I believe the key is respecting the proper authority... a. How shall we determine what is right or wrong, good or evil? b. What shall be our authority in matters of religion? c. Is a particular doctrine or practice from heaven or from man? - cf. Mt 21:23-25 [Using the proper authority in matters of religion, most challenges confronting the church can be easily overcome. What is the proper authority in religion? Lets first consider...] I. WHAT MANY CHURCHES ACCEPT AS AUTHORITY A. THE OLD TESTAMENT... 1. From the beginning of the church, many have appealed to the OT - e.g., Ac 15:1-5 2. The OT has its place, when properly handled - Ro 15:4; 1Co 10:11; 2Ti 3:14-17 3. But it can be misused, to authorize things no longer required - Ga 5:1-4; 1Ti 4:1-3 -- We cannot assume that just because something is in the OT, it is authorized! B. TRADITIONS OF MEN... 1. The handing down of traditions was common in Rabbinic Judaism - e.g., Mk 7:1-5 2. Traditions of God are not wrong - 1Co 11:2; 2Th 2:15; 3:6 3. But Jesus condemned the traditions of men...

a. When they are taught as doctrines of God - Mk 7:6-7 b. When they displace the commands of God - Mk 7:8-13 -- Uninspired traditions cannot be equated with or replacements for the Word of God! C. MODERN DAY PROPHETS... 1. Throughout church history, many have claimed to be prophets of God - e.g., Re 2:20 2. Christ and His apostles warned against false prophets - Mt 7:15; 2Pe 2:1; 1Jn 4:1 3. The OT gives us two ways to test the prophets a. Do their prophecies come to pass? - Deut 18:20-22 b. Even if they do, is their doctrine consistent with Gods Word? - Deut 13:1-5 -- Since the 1st century A.D., all "prophets" have failed either one or both tests! D. MAJORITY RULE... 1. Many people and church councils decide doctrine or practice based on majority rule 2. Yet Jesus warned of the danger of following the majority - Mt 7:13-14 3. If we had followed the majority... a. In Noahs day, we would have perished in the flood b. In Joshuas day, we would have perished in the wilderness -- Following the majority is not a good guide for authority in religion! E. CONSCIENCE... 1. "Let your conscience be your guide" is the motto of many 2. But our conscience cannot always be reliable a. Paul had served God with a good conscience throughout his life - Ac 23:1 b. Even at a time when he was persecuting Christians! - cf. Ac 26:9-11 3. The conscience is like a clock, which works properly only if set properly -- Our conscience is not always a reliable guide in matters of religion F. HUMAN WISDOM... 1. Many feel that through their own wisdom they can determine right and wrong 2. But Gods thoughts and ways are not always our own - cf. Isa 55:8-9 3. In fact, God has chosen to save man in a manner specifically designed to confound those who depend solely upon human wisdom - cf. 1Co 1:18-29 4. For us to know Gods will, it was necessary for Him to reveal it to us - 1Co 2:9-12

5. This He has done through His Spirit-inspired apostles - Ep 3:1-3 6. Who in turn shared it with us through their writings - Ep 3:4-5 -- Human wisdom is often the exact opposite of Gods wisdom! G. FEELINGS... 1. This is often the standard of authority for many people and churches a. Who go by whatever feels right b. Who place stock in a religion better felt than told c. Who will follow societal trends that may seem good and right 2. Yet the Bible declares the danger of trusting in feelings a. "There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death." - Pr 14:12 b. "He who trusts in his own heart is a fool..." - Pr 28:26 c. "O LORD, I know the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps." - Jer 10:23 -- Such subjective feelings are from the heart of man, not the mind of God! [These seven "standards of authority in religion" are from men, not from heaven, and are the main reason for much religious confusion and division that exists today. Allow me to suggest...] II. WHAT CHURCHES SHOULD ACCEPT AS AUTHORITY A. THE WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST... 1. Jesus has been given all authority in heaven and on earth - Mt 28:18 2. He expects us to observe all things whatsoever He commanded - Mt 28:19-20 3. He is the head of the church, which is to be subject to Him - Ep 5:23-24 -- As the body of Christ, we must submit to our Head! B. THE DOCTRINE OF THE APOSTLES... 1. To receive Christ, we must receive His apostles - Jn 13:20 2. They were sent as His ambassadors - 2Co 5:20 3. To ensure reliability, Jesus promised them the Holy Spirit - Jn 14:26; 16:12-13 4. The apostles wrote so that we might have their understanding - Ep 3:1-5 5. They wrote their epistles that we might always be reminded - 2Pe 1:12-15; 3:1-2 6. Their writings were "the commandments of the Lord" - 1Co 14:37 7. They received their word as "the word of God" - 2Th 2:13 8. Thus the early church "continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine" - Ac 2:42 -- Any true local church of Christ respects the doctrine of the apostles as their authority

C. THE FAITH REVEALED ONCE FOR ALL... 1. The faith or doctrine of Christ was delivered "once for all time" (NLT) - Jude 3 2. The apostles did not hesitate to proclaim the "whole counsel" of God - Ac 20:27 3. They proclaimed "all things" pertaining to life and godliness - 2Pe 1:3 4. The Scriptures therefore provide everything needed to make one "complete" - 2Ti 3:16-17 -- With the Scriptures as an all-sufficient guide, we need no other authority! CONCLUSION 1. The only proper authority in religion... a. Is that which emanates from Jesus as the head of His church b. Which has come to us through the doctrines of His Spirit-inspired apostles c. Which has been preserved in the form of the New Testament 2. All other authority in religion comes from... a. Either misapplication of the Scriptures (e.g., the Old Testament) b. Or uninspired men (and women) who usurp authority based on feelings, etc. 3. When confronted with any challenge, the church today needs to... a. Look to the words of Christ, and the writings of His apostles b. Observe all things He commanded, and continue steadfastly in their doctrine Our next study will examine a challenge that has confronted the church throughout its history: Denominationalism! Executable Outlines, Copyright Mark A. Copeland, 2011

Authority In Religion
Three Simple Questions, With Clear Bible Answers
Readers of Expository Files are people from a variety of religious backgrounds. Our mail indicates we are finding a place in the computers of people with all sorts of denominational ties. This is just as the editors intend, and we pray our readership will continue to grow and be diverse. It is no secret, the editors and writers of EF are members of the church of Christ. This publication is not any "official" journal of a denomination; it is the effort of two men, with the cooperation of others across the country who are members of local churches of Christ. We emphasize Bible authority in our teaching and preaching, and we would like to share the concept with our readers. Many of the expository articles we've published deal with this. {Note Dan King's article in this issue!} We thought it might be good to explain more about this vital matter.

Authority can be defined as the right to make laws, and demand obedience thereto. So one who has authority has this right; this right to make laws and demand that the laws be obeyed. In modern life, there are many examples of what's involved in authority: Congress has authority to make laws and demand obedience to them. A School Board has authority to make rules, to formulate policy and prescribe how funds will be spent. Throughout various segments of modern society, there are various persons and governing bodies with authority. Authority involves the right to make laws, and demand that they be obeyed. You will observe this use of the word, in Matthew 8:9, where a centurion said to Jesus: "For I also am a man under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to this one, 'Go,' and he goes; and to another, 'Come, and he comes; and to my servant, 'Do this,' and he does it." We can operate on the basis of this definition: Authority is the right to make laws, and demand that they be obeyed.


Just look at the condition of modern religion; just look at what is called "Christianity," and what do you see? In religion today there is division. There are hundreds of denominational churches; there are cults and religious organizations and "ministries" of many kinds. There are different doctrines and different practices, yet the common claim that Christ is being served.

In religion today there is confusion. The division we've just mentioned; the controversy and diversity causes many people to be very confused. People who are searching and seeking may find it all very confusing. Sometimes people who are searching for what's right, become so confused -- they just give up. This is sad, but real. Further, in religion today ... There is loyalty to men rather than loyalty to God. IN THE WORD OF GOD ... The apostle Peter said, in Acts 5:29, "we must obey God rather than men." Many people today, in their practice of religion, are obeying men rather than God; they are bowing down before the creeds and traditions of men. Do you realize - many of our religious friends and neighbors belong to churches, where the Bible isn't really the guide. They have creeds written by men; the Bible may be quoted, but in reality - they have THE BAPTIST MANUAL OF FAITH, or THE PRESBYTERIAN CONFESSION OF FAITH, or some other written creed. In some cases - there are UNWRITTEN CREEDS ... I mean - standards, rules and ordinances which come from men, not God; and are enforced or bound upon people. These rules of manmade origin are completely out of place and an affront to the Lord's authority, no matter where you find them, including in Churches of Christ! So - in the religious world, and among men -- there is often LOYALTY TO MEN RATHER THAN LOYALTY TO GOD. These are the sad conditions we see. There is division, confusion and loyalty to men. This is why there is the pressing need to address the subject of authority.


Remember, authority is the right to make laws and demand obedience; the religious world today is divided; there is confusion, controversy and loyalty toward men. So, we need to be urgent in asking this question: WHO HAS AUTHORITY IN RELIGION? If the Pope has all authority, and someone can prove that's the will of God, then we need to do whatever he says. If there is some governing board of denominational officials that has all authority, let someone prove that's the way it is. Then, let's place ourselves in due submission to them. You see we need to find out, for sure, who has authority in religion then submit to that authority. But, before we submit; before we give heed and obey, let's be sure we are submitting to the authority designated by Almighty God! This is a serious matter, this question of who has authority in religion? We're talking about worshipping and serving God! We're talking about knowing for sure what's right and wrong! We're talking about knowing we have forgiveness, and knowing where we will spend eternity!

Before we submit; before we give heed and obey, let's be sure we are submitting to the authority designated by God. Our question is, WHO HAS AUTHORITY in religion ? God answers, in Matthew 17:5, "THIS IS MY BELOVED SON, IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED, HEAR YE HIM!" Doesn't this settle the matter? Our question is simple: WHO HAS AUTHORITY in religion? Who do we turn to, for the right answers; the correct doctrines; the scriptural practices; the approved way of doing things? WHO HAS AUTHORITY in religion? It's a simple question. And, the answer is just as simple; God says to us, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, hear ye Him!" (Matt. 17:5). If you believe the Bible, and respect the Word of God, you will accept this answer. But, there's more. In Matthew 28:18, Jesus said: "All authority hath been given to Me, in heaven and on earth." What problem is there, in seeing this truth? The question is: WHO HAS AUTHORITY IN RELIGION? God says, "Jesus Christ .... this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, hear He Him!" Jesus says, "ALL AUTHORITY HATH BEEN GIVEN TO ME, IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH." Thus, in determining what's right and wrong morally; and, in deciding what to believe and do in your relationship before God, what book must you consult? Do you have a New Testament? Passages For Further Study & Reference: Matt. 28:18-20 Acts 2:42 Eph. 5:17 Phil. 4:7 2 Jno. 9 By Warren E. Berkley The Front Page From Expository Files 2.7; July, 1995
"Then Paul stood up, and motioning with his hand said, 'Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen...'" (Acts 13:16)

Authority in Religion by Stephen R. Bradd What or who is the standard of authority in religion? This lesson considers seven religious standards of authority that men use today, but we will see that only one of them is the true standard! There is a standard of authority in every aspect of life. In the United States, the Constitution is the basic standard of authority. In the home, parents are the standard of authority. They regulate the behavior of their children (or at least they're supposed to). In the schools, principals and teachers are the authorities. On the job, most of us have a boss, foreman, or supervisor who is the authority in that particular area of work. The US government has a Bureau of Weights and Measures in Washington, D.C. They insure that there is only one set of standards for weights and measures used in businesses across the land. Because these standards have been established and are universally used in America, we know that a gallon of gasoline purchased in Michigan will have exactly the same volume as a gallon of gasoline purchased in Florida. A yard of cloth purchased in Texas will be exactly the same size as a yard of cloth purchased in California. Why? Because there is an absolute standard of authority that has been established and is recognized by all. These standards cannot be changed! What do you think the world would be like if there were no absolute standards by which things were measured or regulated? I believe it would be a place of confusion and chaos (even more so than it is already)! I hope you can clearly see the need for standards in our nation, homes, schools, and businesses. It is simply a matter of common sense that such is necessary. However, when it comes to religion, far too many of us do not use the same common sense that we use in the everyday affairs of life. Friends, there is an absolute standard of authority in religion that has been established and cannot be changed. However, I am sorry to say that this standard is not recognized or used by everyone! The Bible clearly teaches that "There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all" (Eph. 4:4-6). The Bible says there is to be religious unity (cf. I Cor. 1:10; John 17:21)! There is to be one body and one faith! But, tragically, the religious world is divided. There is so much religious confusion today. Why? Why are there so many different denominations with differing doctrines? I'll tell you why: Religious people are not using the same standard of authority! Until religious folks all start using the same standard to measure their teachings and practices, there will always be religious confusion. Our primary purpose in this lesson will be to answer one question: WHAT OR WHO IS THE STANDARD OF AUTHORITY IN RELIGION TODAY? Let us examine some commonly held standards of authority to see if we can answer this question.

One standard of authority that some use in religion is PERSONAL PREFERENCES. Many people have no higher motive for their religious practices than their simple likes and dislikes. Of course, everyone has different personal preferences, so whose are we going to accept as a standard? If we simply follow our own personal preferences in religion, the result will be utter chaos (I'd be doing one thing, you'd be doing something else, and everyone else would be doing their own thing too). I'm reminded of the time when David followed his own wishes in moving the ark of the covenant from Gibeah to Jerusalem. As a result, a man died (II Sam. 6:111). David followed his own will, not God's. Personal preferences must not be our standard of authority in religion! A second standard of authority that some use in religion is FEELINGS. Many people use their feelings as the standard by which they determine religious practices. If it feels right to them, they think it must be acceptable to God. This is very subjective. One person's feelings may differ greatly from another person's. Whose feelings will we accept as a standard? Upon what basis will we make our decisions? Not only do one person's feelings differ from those of another, but one's own feelings change from time to time. Surely we can see that feelings can never constitute a standard by which all can be united in religion. Think about the apostle Paul. He said he lived in all good conscience before God even when he was persecuting the church (Acts 23:1)! He felt that what he was doing was right, but it wasn't! Jacob was deceived by his sons into thinking that Joseph was dead. He felt that Joseph was dead and he mourned for him. But, Joseph was alive and well in the land of Egypt (Gen. 37:31-35). Feelings can be deceptive and should not be used as an absolute standard of authority in religion. Consider some words of wisdom from the Old Testament on this matter. Proverbs 14:12 - "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." Jeremiah 10:23 - "O LORD, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps." Feelings must not be our standard of authority in religion! A third standard of authority that some use in religion is FAMILY. Many people simply follow the religion of their parents. Their authority for what they believe and practice is simply: "It was good enough for my parents (or grandparents), so it's good enough for me." Some refuse to accept anything in religion that differs from the teaching of their parents because they feel they are being disloyal otherwise. Friends, it is important to understand that each person is responsible for his or her own decisions. Ezekiel 18:20 - "The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself." Paul reminds us, in Romans 14:12, that we will all be individually judged for our own actions and decisions - "So then everyone of us shall give account of himself before God." We will not be judged by God with our parents! It should be recognized by all that parents (like all human beings) are sometimes wrong. What if your parents were in error religiously and you followed them? You would be in error also! Simply because one's parents believed a certain way does not mean that they were right! This too is a subjective standard! Family must not be our standard of authority in religion!

A fourth standard of authority that some use in religion is MAJORITY RULE. Some adopt that which everyone else is doing as their standard of authority in religion. If one were consistent in such an approach, he would have to change his religion every time he moved in order to go along with the majority of "religious" people! In some areas of the world, he would be a Muslim. In other areas, he would be a Hindu, Buddhist, or Shintoist. In the United States on a state level, he would have to become a Mormon if he lived in Utah, a Catholic if he lived in New York, but a Southern Baptist if he lived in Georgia! When one reads the Bible, he becomes aware of the fact that God's faithful people in any age have always been a minority. In the days of the great flood, only eight souls were saved. The majority perished (cf. I Pet. 3:20,21)! Jesus said, "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it" (Matt. 7:13,14). Moses warned in Exodus 23:2 - "You shall not follow a multitude to do evil." Majority rule must not be our standard of authority in religion! A fifth standard of authority that some use in religion is RELIGIOUS LEADERS. Some people take the voice of their spiritual leaders as their authority. If their priest, pastor, or preacher says it, they accept it without question. They may feel that since their spiritual leader has a "special call from God," or possesses a Doctor of Divinity degree, or simply seems to be a good man, then they can safely follow what he says in the area of religion. What is the problem with this standard of authority? Preachers, priests, and pastors often disagree! Their teachings differ and often contradict one another. How then can we know which one is right? The Bible also warns us that spiritual leaders can make errors. There are "false prophets" who are "wolves in sheep's clothing" (Matt. 7:15; Acts 20:29,30). We are to put teachers to the test (I John 4:1,2). If we follow those who are false teachers, we will be lost along with them (Matt. 15:13,14). Therefore, spiritual leaders (including myself), no matter how devout or learned, cannot be acceptable as the standard of authority for they are weak, fallible humans who are just as subject to be mistaken as anyone else. Religious leaders must not be our standard of authority in religion! A sixth standard of authority that some use in religion is MAN-MADE TRADITIONS. Some religious folks have always acted or believed a certain way, and they intend to keep it that way for the sake of tradition. Jesus talked about this type of thinking on several occasions, and His comments were not favorable. In Matthew 15, Jesus rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for following traditions that caused them to violate God's commandments. Jesus declared very clearly that those who teach the traditions of men as doctrines from God worship vainly. Think about it: if the traditions Jesus spoke of were not an acceptable standard of authority, why would any tradition today be authoritative either? The traditions of men must not be our standard of authority in religion! Friends, I could sum up everything I've said thus far by simply saying this: Man is not, and never will be, the standard of authority in religion! So, what should our authority be in religion? If it is not our personal likes and dislikes, our feelings, or our parents, then what is it? If

it is not our spiritual leaders, the will of the majority, or human traditions, then what is it? What is our standard of authority in religion? The answer is Jesus Christ! JESUS CHRIST, the only begotten, virgin-born Son of God, is the only infallible source and standard of authority in religion! All authority has been given to Him in heaven and on Earth (Matt. 28:18)! Thus, whatever Jesus authorizes in religion is the standard! Whatever He decides in religion is what must guide us! We must humbly submit to His authority in all matters! But, how can one know what Jesus has authorized today in religion? That is a question that we will endeavor to answer in our next two weekly features. Thank you for listening, and may the Lord bless you as you strive to do His will. Copyright 2005 by Audio Evangelism Please abide by our Usage Guidelines. This page was last updated: 10:15 PM 8/5/2005
Return to Authority Presented, June 13, 2004 am

One of the true tragedies of our society today is a failure to respect authority. What makes it such a tragedy is the fact that a failure to respect authority will be a major factor in the downfall of this nation. Where there is no respect for authority, chaos and confusion are bound to exist. Of equal concern is turning to the wrong source of authority. This is true not only in the secular world but in the religious world as well. One of the major factors of religious division is a failure to respect the authority of Gods word. As a reminder to many of us and to give a proper understanding to others, today we want to review the subject of authority and how to establish it. I. What Is Authority? A. Roy E. Cogdill in his book, Waling by Faith defined authority as the right to command or direct and enforce obedience or administer punishment. This concurs with dictionary definitions of the word. By authority in religion we mean that right which is established by accurately handling Gods word to determine what He would have us to do and how to do it. B. Establishing authority for what we do is the only safe course to ensure that we are pleasing God. We understand the need for authority in the world, whether it be obeying and enforcing laws or doing our job. Yet many who understand the importance of authority in the world readily dismiss it when it comes to religion. They freely act knowing that they cannot justify their conduct by Gods word. HOW CAN YOU KNOW God is pleased if you do not have HIS authority to do what you do? C. Why do we need authority? a. To prevent chaos b. To prevent division appealing to the same standard of authority is the only way to prevent divisions (John 17:20-21)


To bring accountability people cant just blame someone else for what they do or do not do. A case in point is the recent prisoner scandal in the military, as a soldier, you are NOT authorized to break the law, even if a superior orders you to. d. Because one day we will be judged by a standard Gods word II. The Authority of Gods Word A. Key to establishing an acceptable standard that all will follow demands that we respect Gods word as that GODS WORD. Any other standard will not be acceptable and is not reliable. But how can we demonstrate that the Bible IS Gods word? B. God gave absolute authority to Jesus Matthew 28:18; Hebrews 1:1-2; Ephesians 1:22-23 C. Christ gave binding and loosing authority to His apostles Matthew 16:19. NOTE: The text does not say they had authority to do whatever they wanted to do, but rather they would enforce Gods law. Literally, the text teaches, Whatever you loose on earth WILL HAVE been loosed in heaven and whatever you bind on earth WILL HAVE been bound in heaven. D. He promised when He left, He would give them the Holy Spirit who would guide them into all truth. John 14:26, 16:13. E. As the Apostles and other writers wrote and taught by inspiration, it was through the direction of the Holy Spirit and not their own thoughts and writings. a. Galatians 1:10 Pauls message came through the revelation of Jesus Christ. b. Acts 15 finds the apostles resolving a problem. In their resolution they appealed to the teachings of God in various forms and concluded, For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden that these necessary things (15:28 c. It is because of their inspiration that we need to respect their writings cf. 1 Corinthians 14:37 d. It is because of their inspiration that we can benefit and be complete in our service to God. 2 Timothy 3:16 all inspired writings are profitable F. Truly, respect for authority BEGINS with respect for Gods word. But how do we rightly divide the word of God. When Paul told Timothy to do that in 2 Timothy 2:15, he was not just speaking of the difference between the Old Law and the New Testament, he meant to accurately handle ALL of Gods word. Are there rules that we need to follow in establishing authority? If we expect unity and if we want to be SURE we please God then absolutely. Let us notice III. How To Establish Authority A. In establishing authority, there are basically three avenues Direct instruction, examples and necessary inference. Consider these examples in the business world briefly. When you start a job, how do you learn what to do? First you listen to what you are told to do. You may be taught by someone showing what you are supposed to do And in some cases, BASED on your understanding of your job, you observe approved behavior and you necessarily conclude what is and what is NOT acceptable. Do this, and you will do fine. B. Consider these three avenues in establishing authority for what you do in service to God a. Direct command when God specifically says to do something you know you have to do it. When He specifically says NOT to do something, there is NO misunderstanding. For example: i. God said Forgive others (Matthew 6:14,15; Colossians 3:13, etc.) its NOT an option ii. Dont lie Colossians 3:9. We KNOW we cant lie and please God cf. Revelations 21:8


iii. We are expected to partake of the Lords Supper 1 Corinthians 11:24-25; Matthew 26:29 b. Approved Apostolic Example Based upon what God has commanded us to do, we can learn details about HOW to fulfill those commands by approved apostolic example i. By approved we mean it is deemed pleasing to God ii. Apostolic means the apostles or those associated with the apostles a certain way that me with Gods approval iii. Example means learning from them 1 Corinthians 11:1 Paul admonished them to imitate him, as he imitated Christ Concerning the Lords supper Acts 20:7 tells us that they partook of the Lords Supper on the first day of the week. Note vs. 6 where Paul waited 7 days to assemble with them. From this example we can learn that the day we ARE to partake of the memorial is Sunday. c. Necessary Inference i. Also based upon what God has commanded, this method helps us understand how to fulfill specific commands. This just not simply mean anything that is implied, but that which is unavoidably concluded, or necessarily understood from the text ii. It can be necessarily implied that God gave Cain and Abel some instructions about how to worship Him. We know this because Abel pleased God and Cain didnt. iii. Concerning the Lords Supper we learn HOW OFTEN by necessary conclusion. We already noted Acts 20:7 which says the first day of the week. But how often on that day do we need to observe this memorial? It can be concluded from this text that it is EVERY week. NOTE that the religious world has no problem with 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 meaning every week. We need to observe on the first day of the week as often as it comes around. BTW, there is precedence in the Sabbath (though we are not under that law) d. In Acts 15, the apostles used all three avenues to establish their decision. i. Direct Command James appealed to the law Acts 15:15-17 where the Old Law is quoted (note the question arose from the teachings of the Old Law) ii. Approved Example- 15:7 Peter recounts Cornelius conversion. Paul and Barnabas refer to God blessing their efforts among the Gentiles 15:12 iii. Necessary Conclusion 15:15-19 James made a necessary conclusion therefore I judge e. These are the only legitimate avenues of authority. Others appeal to silence which is always a dangerous thing or other sources that are equally example. We have the precedence of scripture to establish authority for what we do and how we do it through His word. Generic and Specific Authority a. A final observation concerning establishing authority for what we do is an understanding of the difference between generic and specific authority. What we mean by this is learning to respect the boundaries of Gods commands. When He specifies HOW to do something that limits what we can do. When He does not specify, in that matter we have liberty. Let us consider some examples: b. Matthew 28:18-19 Go therefore and make disciples. The command to Go and make disciples are specific in that they tell you what you HAVE to do to be pleasing to God. You HAVE TO go (i.e. you cannot stay) and you have to make disciples (you cannot choose to NOT teach others and still please God.) BUT, in going and making disciples we are NOT told how to go we have generic authority

(liberty) in choosing the way to go whether it be walking, by ship, horseback or today by car, airplane, etc. Where God has NOT bound we have liberty. c. Ephesians 5:19 we are commanded to sing Singing is specific as to the type of music. God said sing and He did NOT say play musical instruments Yet in singing, we can choose how, whether it be four part harmony, unison, etc. Because we have to be decent in our worship, we can use songbooks to help us sing the same thing and pitch pipes to establish a proper pitch. d. Philippians 1:1 church government This text shows that the church is governed by elders at the local congregational level. They have NO jurisdiction larger than the local church (Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2). God specified the pattern for the local church answering directly to Christ, Him being the head. Since God specified through command, example and inference the organization of the local church, man CANNOT change it by creating an institution larger than the local church (or smaller either). This has been a brief study of how to establish authority for what we do. Just as we need authority in society, so we need authority in our religion. Let us strive to always appeal to God for authority in all that we do. When He speaks, let us speak as the oracles of God and when He is silent, let us respect His silence and not go beyond what He has written.

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