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Eastern Mediterranean University

Department of Architecture

Course: History, Theory and Criticism of Urban Design

Topic: Controlling Urban Design-MATTHEW CARMONA

UDES 503: Assignment 1

Inst.: Prof. Dr. Naciye Doratli

Student: Nima Mousavi 105376

The main point of this essay is stated the elements of the drastic design control which is mainly a tendency to invest in reasonable tools with which to do the job . The extent to which design is recognized as a legitimate interest of the planning system has been a matter of great controversy dating back to the evolution of planning. The majority of decisions planning authorities make will be design related in one form or another.

Urban Design: A Developing Control Mechanism

Design control has evolved through a number of distinct stages and polar swings and amenity in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In this regard the first half of the 1990s might be seen as heralding a new renaissance for design control. Controlling design from planners point of view is like list of actions done in a specific order, but architects points of view is conceived to be primarily concerned aesthetics the term aesthetic control is favored and also officers and planning committees are guilty of imposing personal taste and opinion. The planners and architects are discontent about the limitations to what any design control system can achieve. The need for rejoining architecture and planning were solved by assigning a case as Design Restraints . Historical review of design control would reveal that the key actors in the process often display entrenched and contrasting positions. And also legitimate role of planning eminence as well as warning that design interference.

Urban Design: Current Guidance

It has been indicated that the guidance for particular areas or sites are the most appropriate means by planning authorities should pursue their design objectives. However the good design is primarily the responsibility of designers and their clients, and aesthetic judgment should make authorities to impose their taste on application, simply because they believe it to be superior. Government guidance also articulates a range of planning processes concerns of particular relevance to design control and to the creation of a full hierarchy of design guidance. So a new agenda for urban design and design control which moves from the traditional conflation of design with external appearance.

The Need for a Theoretical Conceptualization of Urban Design

The concept of Urban Design consists of more than just buildings and that is the underlying pattern of buildings rather than buildings themselves. This is a matter of the relationship between all content of the space consisting the urban texture. Apart from physical features, value of context, the importance of mixing use, designing to a human scale and incrementally, and the value of consolation.

The Importance of Appraisal to Underpin Policy and Guidance

Urban design needs to be seen as part of an ongoing process, rather than as a one-stop answer to specific problems. Moughtin suggests that there are four stages in this process: analysis, synthesis, appraisal, and decision making. Governments and authorities are aiming isolate those area which are particularly worthy of protection and to develop design principles in these areas, Also they like to identify the potential for improvement in poor area quality and consider the opportunities for new development. The factors must be seen in SWOT analysis so that we can get reliable results and match them in the synthesis process.

The Value of Full Hierarchy of Design Guidance

Hierarchy is the need for a development plan to act as an umbrella and co-ordinating framework for any supplementary design guidance and needs a fundamental to the successful operation. The four key elements of hierarchy are National, strategic, district/city wide and area/site specific. Authorities could gain a faith in utility of supplementary design guideline. The supplementary design guideline includes: relationship between policy and guideline, publish all design guideline, target guideline to the preserved audience, and avoid unnecessary description. Other inhibiting factors were about the authorities failing to make relationship between plan policy and design guidance. Taking into account of all aspects, local authorities by means of maintenance, conservation, zoning, regeneration, transport planning can affect urban quality.

Urban design and planning practice is vast subject which we could address in this essay but the number of key points we could mentioned: expanding agenda of urban design, widespread acceptance of urban design as appropriate for local authority consideration, incontrovertible case for urban design as or appropriate for control, need for new government guidance on urban design, need for a theoretical concept of urban design to underpin policy, overriding importance of appraisal, value of full hierarchy of design guidance, role of design policy in local plans in acting as an umbrella for other guidance, widely accepted utility of supplementary design guidance and design briefs.

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