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Tea Leaf Reading DVD Workbook and Reference This document is exclusively for current owners of the Tea

Leaf Reading And More DVD set who have legitimately purchased it. Enjoy! Copyright 2011 Leaping Lizards Magic

Top Half is Conscious Mind, Ideas, Goals, Thinking, Spiritual Influences, Conceptual Things, Plans, Education, Morals, Values, Perceptions, NonTangibles, Mental Health.

Past and coming at you

You Are Sending out

More leaves here means need for more thought.

Future and What

Bottom Half is Unconscious Mind, Actions, Deeds, Physical things, Base needs, Sex, Physical health, Conflicts, Day to day stuff.

More leaves here means need for more ACTION.

This document is exclusively for current owners of the Tea Leaf Reading And More DVD set who have legitimately purchased it.

Tea Leaf Symbols Some IDEAS for meanings

ACORN Fertility! Slow and Steady Wins The Race. Top of the cup can mean success in your long term aspirations. At the bottom means good health and physical prosperity. Babies! AIRCRAFT Travel. News from afar. FAST movement. ANCHOR -Stability, consistency, APPLE Temptation. Wisdom. Beauty And The Beast. Hidden danger. AXE Work for survival. Using what you cut away or excise. BABY A child coming. Small worries. Thoughts about birthing something. BAG A container to hold your things. Protecting valuables. Metaphorically: the people on your team could be the container you need to transport your valuable ideas. BALL Fun, games, movement, restlessness, sports. BELL - Unexpected news. Epiphany. Enlightenment. BIRDS News from a little bird. (Birds have often been symbol of death.) BOAT Visits from friends, Slow travel. Protection (If it appears to be a military boat- for instance.) BOOK Knowledge, wisdom, education. BUSH Growth, boundaries, functional decoration. If seen as a berry bush, sustenance. BUTTERFLY Fickleness, transition, transformation, metamorphosis. CABBAGE Babies. Finding a gift in unexpected place. CANDLE Light in darkness. Changing perceptions (Like the flickering candle flame.) CAP Shields eyes for easier vision. Protection. Youthful accessory, can be trying to recapture youth. CAT Warmth, comfort, healing, independence, prankster.

This document is exclusively for current owners of the CHAIN - Engagement, a wedding, partnership. Tea Leaf Reading And More DVD set who have legitiCHAIR - a guest. mately purchased it.

CIGAR Contraband, sexual scandal (Think Bill Clinton) CIRCLE - Success, completion, boundaries, prison, CLOCK Knowing where you are, keeping track of time, need to schedule. CLOUDS Storms, troubles, things being open to interpretation (Like tea!) COIN - Money coming, flipping a coin to decide- Ie- either choice will work. COMB Need to focus on appearance, coming through what you have to remove annoyances - minor things that could get more major. CROSS - Suffering, sacrifice, spirituality, cross hairs, hitting the mark. CUP Reward, cup running over, emotions welling up. DAGGER - Danger from self or others; beware DOG - Good friend, might indicate a friend with trouble, or friend as solution to your troubles. DOOR Opportunity! DUCK Knowing when to move to better environment. EGG - Good omen of potential and things to come. ELEPHANT Wisdom, strength, power. Traditional symbol of good luck. EYE Be watchful- be aware that you are being watched. FACE- Being aware of your image, face facts. FAN Cool down. Move your ideas around. Talk/ flirt/ woo more. FEATHER Omen of change. Get rid of what no longer works for you. FENCE - Limitations, minor setbacks, not permanent, boundaries. FINGER - Emphasizes whatever it points at. FIRE Getting rid of old to make way for new growth, sustenance, heat, Romantic spark. FISH - Good fortune FLAG State Thisyou are, Proclaimexclusively for current owners who document is your alliances

of the Tea Leaf Reading And More DVD set who have legitiFLY Minor annoyances around the home. mately purchased it. FORK Guests.

FRUIT Prosperity from hard work. GATE - Opportunity, future success, a way outside of boundaries. GLASS Integrity, hiding nothing, emotions are transparent. GOAT Be stubborn, relentless. GRAPES Prosperity, social life, networking. GUN Anger, conflict HAMMER - Hard work needed HAND - if open means friendship; if closed means an argument HARP Spiritual Healing or intervention. HAT Protection, protecting image. HEART - Pleasure, love, trust HORSE Your ideas will get across powerfully. HORSESHOE - Good luck HOURGLASS Deadline approaching, time for a decision. HOUSE Security, represents your living situation. ICEBERG Hidden Dangers, More to things than meets the eye. INSECT - Problems are minor and you will easily overcome JEWELS - Gifts KETTLE Slow self healing, as in with herb tea. KITE Attaching you to inner child. KNIFE - Broken friendship, need to sever something. LADDER Friends, promotion, a rise in life LAMP Revelation.

This document is exclusively for current owners LEAF Transition into the next phase. Collects light to make nourishment.

of the Tea Leaf Reading And More DVD set LION Show Biz, larger than life people, influential friends who have legitimately purchased it. LOCK Security.

LOOP Stuck in a rut. MAN Influence of a male figure. MASK Insecurity, a front. MOUNTAIN Lofty ambitions requiring tons of hard work. MOUSE Making the most of little things, domestic, leave nothing unchecked. MUSHROOM Influence of the fairies. NAIL Final decision and unbreakable commitment. NECKLACE Admirers and if broken means danger of losing a lover NEEDLE Connecting unlike people places or things for a joyful outcome. OAK Strength, health, long life OCTOPUS Versatility, changeability, power hidden. OSTRICH Believe in ones self more, dont hide your power. OWL Seeing in the Dark PARASOL Something more attractive than functional. PARROT - People talking about you. PIG Fun, greedy, waste not want not. PURSE Something to put your prosperity into, find a way to use your success. QUESTION MARK Questions needing answers. RAKE - Watch details, clean up your desk RING - At top means marriage or the offer of marriage; at bottom means long engagement; if broken means engagement broken off ROSE - Love SAW Interference, cutting up raw materials to make what you want. SCALE - LegalThis document means just result;for current owners of the issues; if balanced is exclusively if unbalanced means unjust result

Tea Leaf Reading And SCISSORS - Quarrels, possibly separation More DVD set who have legitimately purchased it. SHEEP Comfort, warmth, good fortune

SHELL Find protection in a sea of emotion. SHIP Slow travel, soak in what is around you. SHOE Protection during your coming adventure. SNAKE - An enemy, but also wisdom, transformation. SPIDER Creating your own reality. SPOON Woman visitor. STAR Hope, inspiration. SUN Warmth, happiness, success, power SWORD - Arguments TABLE - Social gatherings TENT Camping, temporary stay, travel THIMBLE Make sure you have a safety net as you try to combine unrelated persons, things, opportunities, situations. TORTOISE Slow and steady wins! TOWER Something hidden, power TREE Improvements, long slow strength and growth. TRIANGLE Situation involving three people or jobs. VOLCANO - Harmful emotions WASP What seems like a small annoyance might have painful sting if ignored. WATERFALL - Prosperity WHEEL Movement, repetition, cycles.

This document is exclusively for current owners of the Tea Leaf Reading And More DVD set who have legitimately purchased it.

Traditional Bleigiessen Meanings

Acker (field) luck and happiness hren (grain head) your wishes will be fulfilled Adler (eagle) profit in your job Amboss (anvil) be careful with your job Anker (anchor) you will receive help from others Apfel (apple) your trust will be broken Auto (car) promising venture or enterprise Automat (vending machine) be careful with spending Baum (tree) growth in your capabilities Becher (mug) luck and health Beil (axe) disappointment in love Besen (broom) conflict or small argument Beutel (bag) unexpected luck Biene (bee) prospect of marriage Blumen (flowers) new friendships will develop Bock (ram) expect an inheritance Bombe (bomb) you will escape danger Boten mit Brief (messenger with letter) you will receive important news soon Brille (glasses) you will live to be old Brcke (bridge) you will form new ties Brunnen (fountain) deep love for everyone Burg (fortress) you wish for change Chrysanthemen (Chrysanthemum) someone needs your help

This document is exclusively for current owners of the Degen (sword) cutting change Tea Leaf Reading And More DVD set who have legitiDenkmal (monument) you overestimate yourself mately purchased it.
Dolch (dagger) you will be victorious

Dreieck (triangle) finances improve Ei (egg) your family will grow Eidechse (lizard) big annoyance that goes away quickly Eimer (pail) satisfaction with relationships Eisenbahn (train) departure from a friend Elefant (elephant) you have good powers of comprehension Engel (angel) good will come to you Erdwall (earthen dam) you will be successful only through trouble Fahne, wehend (waving flag) your heart and thoughts are in different places Falke (falcon) someone is jealous of you Faust (fist) you feel that you have been pushed back Feder (feather) change in your home Felsen (cliffs) much work to come Fische (fish) people are talking about you Flakon (phial, small bottle) don't let anyone "pull your leg" Flasche (bottle) happy times to come Flugzeug (airplane) good luck in open competition Frosch (frog) you will eventually win much money in a lotterie Gabel (fork) quarrels and arguments Galgen (gallows) be wary of false friends Garten (garden) new love in your path Gebsch (bush) acknowledge the accomplishments of others Geweih (antlers) misfortune in love Gewichte (scales) success in business

This document Gitarre (guitar) secret longings is exclusively for current owners

of the Tea Leaf coming into view Glocke (bell) inheritance Reading And More DVD set who have legitimately purchased it. Gondel (gondola) an adventure is approaching

Hahn (rooster) be careful of fire Haken (hook) obstacles will come into your path Hammer (hammer) you will get your way Hase (rabbit) hang onto your luck Haus (house) your ventures will go well Hose (pants) you will be ridiculed Hufeisen (horseshoe) good business Hut (hat) good news Igel (hedgehog) people are envious of you Insel (island) you are lonely Kahn (boat) good luck in your intentions, plans Kfer (beetle) nice experience in love Kamel (camel) new duties Kanne (jug) unpleasantness Kanzel (pulpit) you like to be right Kapelle (chapel) longing for peace and quiet Karpfen (carp) unexpected raise in salary Karussell (merry-go-round) dumb jokes from acquaintances Kegel (ninepin) be careful in business Kelch (chalice) your future will be happy Kirche (church) you will start a household soon Klee (clover) satisfaction and luck Korb (basket) lucky in love Kranz (wreath) reconciliation in your circle of friends

This will use official exclusively for current owners Krone (crown) youdocument isposition

of the Kuchen (cake) Tea Leaf Reading And More DVD set who have legitifestivity is coming mately purchased it. Kugel (ball) don't take your bad mood out on others

Kuh (cow) cure from sickness Lanze (lance) someone wants to fight with you Leiter (ladder) advancement in your job Leiter, zerbrechen (broken ladder) make decisions faster Leuchter (candlestick) you will "see the light" (understand, get an idea) Leuchtturm (lamppost) don't give up on your goals Lffel (spoon) people are talking about you Mauerr (wall) your perseverance will pay off Mond (moon) you may expect honor Nagel (nail) better times coming Nest mit Eiern oder Vgeln (nest w/eggs or birds) a happy home will soon be started Orgel (organ) you'll play your way through life Palme (palm tree) a long-cherished wish will be fulfilled Pantoffel (slipper) you will get married soon Peitsche (whip) you need a strong hand Pistole (pistol) you will cheat in love Pfeife (pipe) be carefuldanger approaches Pflug (plow) you must work harder at your job Rad (wheel) big changes coming Regenschirm (umbrella) be hopeful, and avoid unpleasantness Sge (saw) a separation, which is advantageous, is coming Sule (pillar) a wish will remain unfulfilled Segelboot (sailboat) good advancement in your job Sichel (sicle) don't scorn the little joys of life

This document is exclusively for current owners Schere (scissors) important decisions coming

of the Tea Leaf Reading And More DVD set who have legitiSchaukel (swing) make up your mind mately success Schlange (snake) people are envious of yourpurchased it.

Schlitten (sled) make your relationships fit yourself Schluessel (key) let others keep their secrets Schornsteinfeger (chimney sweep) luck in love Schraubstock (bench vice) hang on tight to what you have Schwamm (sponge) clean your soul Schwein (pig) luck in play, games Schuh (shoe) you'll have to do a lot of running around soon Spinne (spider) your luck hangs on a silken thread Storch (stork) you will travel Stock (stick, staff) your life will turn around Tnzerin (dancer) don't take life so seriously Tisch (table) soon you will be invited to a party Teller (plate) you'll have opportunity for generosity Tor (gate) you'll change your place of residence Trauring (engagement ring) you'll be engaged soon *OR* warning of upcoming escapades Treppen (steps) new assignments await you Trompete (trumpet) you will soon gain public office Trichter (funnel) protect your strength Tunnel (tunnel) you will recover from a horrible fright Turm (tower) have more courage in your ____ _______ Urne (urn) don't grieve about the past Vogel (bird) good luck coming Wiege (cradle) you will take part in a baptism Zaun (fence) Thishave to explainis misunderstanding current owners you document a exclusively for

of the Tea gleaming advancement opportunities await you Zeppelin (zeppelin) Leaf Reading And More DVD set who have legitimately Zylinder (top hat) serious matters ahead purchased it.

Lip Print and Lipstick Reading Illustrations From The DVD.

This document is exclusively for current owners of the Tea Leaf Reading And More DVD set who have legitimately purchased it.

This document is exclusively for current owners of the Tea Leaf Reading And More DVD set who have legitimately purchased it.

This document is exclusively for current owners of the Tea Leaf Reading And More DVD set who have legitimately purchased it.

This document is exclusively for current owners of the Tea Leaf Reading And More DVD set who have legitimately purchased it.

Suggested Resources: Casual Little Miracles E book by Martin Baukin I mention this in the DVD, and wanted to remind you that this is probably one of the best books on Tea Leaf Reading I have come across, it features details of Wax Splatter readings including a great subtlety that lets you know what the sitter wants to know about without them saying or writing ANYTHING. It also gives a great idea for how to handle it if you look into the cup and dont see anything but blobs!

Loren Tindell of Mev Pro Shop is one of the good guys and is carrying on the tradition of Nelson from years ago. Support him!

Stuart Cumberland also has some amazing resources for entertainers interested in readings in his forum Note that this is a paid forum via monthly subscription AND he does not have open registration, rather you can put yourself on a waiting list for when membership opens again- If you know a current member, they may be able to recommend you and expedite the process, but that is entirely at Stuarts discretion.

Thanks for your interest, and feel free to write and ask questions, we will add answers to the Owners Resource page as they come in.

This document is exclusively for current owners of the Tea Leaf Reading And More DVD set who have legitimately purchased it.

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