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Perceptions of the Middle Ages

What are the Middle Ages? y y y y y y y Time period 476 AD 1500 AD Controversy when it begins and ends 476 AD Medium Aevum Middle Ages Time periods: Ancient/Medieval/Modern History = written records Prehistory = before written records Middle Ages were complicated

Theories Rip Van Winkle Theory Man fell asleep then woke up at the beginning of Renaissance end of Middle Ages Romantic View overly positive Knights, castles, chivalry code of conduct: men treating women with manners in the hope of romance Very low view y y y y Dark Ages Trade levels low High level of illiteracy Isolated Why is it so important? Affects us today modern era is the product of the middle ages Petrarch: 1374 Italian scholar Sonnet Believed he lived in time of gloom 1. Latin corrupt 2. Art and literature disgusting 3. All true study dedicated to Rome

y y y

Diocletian and Constantine

y y y y y

235 AD 284 AD : 20-25 different Roman emperors Average ruling period 2 years 96 180 AD: 5 Roman emperors Instability Diocletian a. 244 AD 311 AD b. Emperor 284 305 c. Former general affected leadership style d. Autocratic one man ruling e. Referred to as Dominus et deu lord and god f. Julius Caesar = first citizen g. Made people crawl into room h. Staunch pagan worshipping the Roman gods i. Pagan sacrifice: to please gods if done wrong, gods may get angry and do bad stuff j. Circa. 303: Diocletian requires all Roman citizens to do pagan sacrifice 1) Martyr: anyone that dies for their faith 2) Roman officials loved to kill Christians 3) Misconception 4) Misconception 5) Persecution 6) Nero: 54 BC 7) 260-302: peace for Christians

Who is Christian in the 4th century AD? y y y y y Not Roman senators Women Urban dwellers Slaves and freed slaves Immigrants WHY? a. accessible b. little regard for social status c. equal

Constantine 1st Christian Roman Emperor Before: y y y Mom Christian Dad junior emperor in the West East emperor holds Constantine hostage

Father dies, Constantine escapes to West to raise army and becomes emperor.

Conversion: y y y After: a. b. c. d. e. Build churches Give money to churches Gives power to bishops Withdraw support of gladiators *May have outlawed sacrifice. Later emperors definitely did. Eve of battle he dreams phrase in hoc vini in this sign you will conquer Before battle, sees cross with circle in the sky Becomes Christian, wins battle

330: moves capital from Rome to Byzantium and names it Constantinople Julian the Apostate last pagan emperor 355-363 The Council of Nicea y y y y Arius: y y Elder in Alexandria, Egypt Arianism 1. Christ had a beginning 2. Christ is inferior to God 3. Jesus is an important leader Gathering of approx. 300 bishops who had endured the persecution under Diocletian to resolve the issue of Arianism 325 AD Called by Constantine Constantine writes a letter to Arius and Alexander

Heresy deviate from the core beliefs of faith

Alexander of Alexandria: y y Jesus is eternally divine John 10:30 17:21

Constantine wants uniformity y y y y Doesn t care about the issue Probably didn t understand the theology Asks for creed to be established Nicene creed

y y

Arianism is voted as heresy 1. Only 2 bishops support Arianism Other issues dealt with at the Council of Nicea 1. Calculate day to celebrate Easter

Significance of council 1. Constantine calls council a. 1st church and state issue 2. First time so many Bishops come in agreement Constantine converts to Arianism and demands Arius to be let back into church Confessor a person who tells Roman officials that they are Christian with the goal of being put to death. 260-302 y y Still laws that can get you killed Ancestors were put to death

Barbarians on the borders Barbarians Tribes that are not part of the Roman Empire y y Goths y Fleeing from the Huns o Huns are nomads from Asia  Droughts in Asia caused them to flee west Approach Emperor Valens and ask permission to settle on Roman land Foederatus: Make a deal with Rome by offering military support in exchange for land, food, and/or money some are Arian Christian Called barbarian because their language sounds like bar, bar, bar to the Romans Saxons, Franks, Huns, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Vandals

y y y

Differences between Romans and Goths (first is Roman, second is Goth)       toga vs. fur wine vs. corn beer Latin vs. Germanic languages Literate vs. illiterate Emotion vs. unreliable Baths with oils vs. dirty and smelly

Roman officials do not keep deal with Goths:


Goths attack cities Strong feelings against barbarians Massacre Rome in 400 AD Massacre Constantinople in 408 AD Barbarians are killed Stilicho is a barbarian commander of Roman army and is killed Romans cuts deal with Alaric, King of the Goths o 410 AD Alaric sacks Rome

Ostrogoths - stay on the Balkan Peninsula area (East) Visigoths head west and attack Rome. Eventually settle in south Gaul Gaul France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Switzerland, North Italy, and Netherlands Balkan Peninsula -

The Scourge of Europe (or God) Attila the Hun: o Born in 406 AD o 434 AD inherits Hun kingdom with his brother, Bleda o 445 AD murders Bleda to become sole ruler o Regularly attack Roman Empire o Demand Tribute request payment in exchange for NOT ATTACKING o Physical Features: o Short o Stature o Broad chest o Large head o Small eyes o Thin beard o Tan skin (Asian) o Huns come to Europe from central Asia, fleeing from drought o Attila crosses Rhine river o Ravages Gaul

1. Attila a. b. c. d.

451 AD The Battle of the Catalaunian Plains y Visigoths led by Theodoric I, ally with General Aetius of Roman Army y AKA the battle of Chalons y Hun army may have been as large as 700,000 y Both sides have Germanic allies y Rome/Visigoths/Salian Franks y Rivers of blood y Theodoric is killed (his son leads battle) y Attila Retreats 1 yr. later returns to Rome and ravages Italy General Aetius tries to slow down Huns Pope Leo requests a meeting with Attila No written records of the meeting ATILLA LEAVES 

Theories of what happened 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pope appeared holy to Attila Supernatural warrior appeared behind Pope Plague Weighted down with loot Soldiers too beaten down Bribe

y y y y y y

Attila gets married to Gothic princess Attila drinks too much on wedding night Passes out and dies Fell on back Has nosebleed Drowns in blood from nosebleed

Hun empire divides and collapses Augustine 354 AD Born in Thagaste, North Africa 371 goes to Carthage 375 studies and teaches rhetoric for 10 years and has child with mistress 383 Goes to Rome y Converts to Manichaeism o Believes that there is constant conflict between the good spiritual light and evil world of material o Religion of Persia

o Odd Inspired by Ambrose s sermon o Ambrose is Bishop of Milan

386 AD- converted to Christianity by a divine voice in the garden, take and read Penance payment for sin 387 Baptized y Writes spiritual autobiography Confessions

391 Ordained goes into priesthood 396 becomes bishop of Hippo Saw himself as a defender against heresy Plelagianism Humanity has full control. It is the belief that we can attain the same perfection that Adam and Eve experienced in the garden. Willpower Denies Original Sin the sins of Adam and Eve are inside us when we are born

The Apparent Fall of Rome y Debate as to when Rome fell y Someplaces it fell much earlier (England) y Visigothic kingdom continued the Roman way of life y East stays for another 1000 years 476 AD Historic year that Rome fell 475 AD y Patrian high ranking Roman official y Patrian of Rome, Orestes, uses foederati to kick out Julius Nepos, Emperor of the West y Puts his son, Romulus Augustulus Little Caesar , as emperor y 10 years old y Roman y Orestes 100% barbarian

y y

Foederati army start revolt and select Odoacer y y y y y y y Take Rome and out Romulus Augustulus Sent to live with relatives with 6000 gold coin Kill Orestes Sends message to Eastern Roman Emperor, Zeno Why should there be two kingdoms Offers loyalty Zeno restore Nepos as emperor to prove your loyalty

Odoacer refuses and takes title as king o Title isn t used until Charlemagne

Odoacer First barbaric king of Italian peninsula y Decisive King y Kills Count Bracila y Supports churches despite being Arian y Takes Sicily from Vandals y Executes Nepos killers y Uses Roman Senate

Zeno sends Ostrogoths to fight Odoacer (Theodoric) Theodoric: y y y y y Different than Alaric s son Grew up in Constantinople in the royal court Returns as King of Ostrogoths If you beat Odoacer, you can have the Italian peninsula Defeating Odoacer y Besieging Ravenna y Truce, will both share leader ship of the Italian Peninsula y Truce banquet  Theodoric kills Odoacer

Clovis the great Frank King Salian Franks: y y y y Long haired Claims to be leader of Franks Merovitch or Merovech most likely the leader of the Franks in the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains Clovis most likely grandson o First Christian barbaric king o Age 20 attacks neighboring Roman kingdom o More victories meant more leadership o Marries Clotilda and she evangelizes him  Happens commonly in Middle Ages o 496 AD calls out to Jesus in battle  converts  baptized by Bishop of Raims  Catholic  Constantine of the Franks y Christian leader y Converted during battle


y Converted by a woman y Moves capital to Paris Christianity becomes glue of empire 3000 baptized in army with him Clovis expands into the Visigothic Kingdom y Goths are pushed into Spain y Kills rival chief Masochists of God

Masochists people who love pain and inflict it on themselves Asceticism self denial y y Normal part of faith St. Anthony: 250 355 AD o born in Egypt o founder of Monasticism devoting oneself entirely to spiritual work o crosses the Nile and lives in isolation o Age 20 inherits a large amount of wealth  Sells it all because of the passage where Jesus tells the rich man to sell his possessions. o Emerges to provide spiritual leadership  People living in area in isolation o His main emphasis was on warfare with demons Pachomius o From Egypt o Regarded as the first communal monk o Formed communes o Used Anthony as a references o Born to pagan parents o Forced into Roman army  Converts to Christianity y Baptized in 314  318 323 AD the 1st monastery setup  Founds 9 other monasteries  346 died  3000 monasteries in Egypt Simeon the Stylite o Stood on pole for 39 years o Born in Turkish town o Tried to escape world vertically

Benedict o o Founded the Benedictine Order Made famous Rule for all Benedictine monks

More moderate Who s in charge?

Justinian Byzantine Emperor y y y Predecessor is Anastisius The Secret History written by Procopius Marries Theodora o Actress (prostitute) o Dad is bear trainer at Hippodrome o Hippodrome chariot racing arena in Constantinople  Green vs. Blue teams  Huge influence on Justinian s decisions o Strange faith does not believe Christ had a body Nika Revolt o Green and Blues ally against Justinian o Theodora convinces Justinian to stay and fight o 30,000 are killed  Not challenged again

Justinian and Theodora were grandiose Procopius View of Justinian 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Too high taxes Cuts too many government services Demon in human form Rarely slept or ate Occasionally his head disappears Moron, lied too

Justinian s Initiatives: 1. Treaty of eternal peace with Persia a. Lasts 8 years b. Stop paying tribute 2. Recodification of Roman law a. Justinian s Code 3. Tough on pagans a. Outlawed b. School of Athens closed Socrates Plato Aristotle 4. Reconstruction of the Hagia Sophia a. Most impressive structure 5. Expansion of Empire a. Expanded into Italy, North Africa, and South Spain

b. Used mercenaries - a professional soldier paid to fight for an army other than that of his or her country In the end, Justinian did more bad than good. Drained the resources House of Islam  Geography of Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia) o Dry, harsh climate o Nomadic wander from place to place shepherd people

Muhammad (or Mohammad) o o 570 632 AD Born in Mecca to merchant family  Parents die when he is 6  Khadija wealty and attractive 1. Widow, Muhammad marries her 2. 25 years old/ 40 years old Retreats to mountain to pray Says he meets angel Gabriel who reveals spiritual truth Write Quran holy book of Islam Begins proselytizing sharing faith, to Mecca Monotheism belief in one God, isn t popular  3 major monotheistic religions: 1. Christianity 2. Islam 3. Judaism

o o o o o

625 AD flees to Medina y Converts people to Islam

622-630 conquers Mecca 632 AD - dies

Muslim y Five pillars of Islam 1. Statement of faith to Allah 2. Daily prayers to Mecca 3. Fasting during Ramadan 4. Zagat; giving to the poor 5. Pilgrimage to Mecca if physically and financially able 4 reasons Islam expanded rapidly 1. Persia and Byzantine Empire are rundown 2. Arabs surprised 3. Able to handle hostile enviroments

4. Religious zeal excitement Jihad holy war or striving for something or war against self Some harmony y Jews and Christians referred to as the people of the Book  Allowed to practice religion y No proselytizing y Heavy taxes y No public worship Hammertime Merovingian Dynasty y y Clovis Problem with the Merovingians y Divide inheritance equally y Later kings are do-nothings - enjoy royalty while mayor of palace ran the kingdom 630 660 minor rulers Charles Martel The Hammer Carolingian Probably Catholic Ruthlessly hammered Islam Civil wars 715 718: consolidated power 711 Umayyad Dynasty Islam Empire 732 Battle of Tours Martel wins battle against Umayyad dynasty y Invades Visigoth Spain Reasons for Victory 1. Feigned retreat fake retreat to draw opponent out of their defensive position 2. Attack the opponent in odd places 3. Attack at unusual times The battle of Tours is significant because it stopped Islam. If lost, western Europe would have converted to Islam Is he really that short? y Sometimes called Pepin the younger 1. First Carolingian king 2. Father: Charles Martel 3. Short Martel dies in 741 Leaves kingdom to: 1. Pepin Neustria (mayor) 2. Carloman Austrasia (mayor) Griffo brother, 2nd wife gets none

y y y y y y y y

y y

Demands inheritance o Imprisoned in monastery

747 Carloman enters monastery 1. Motivated 2. Pressured Pepin is sole emperor Griffo escapes and seeks ally with Duke and rebels fails Anointed two times: 1. Arch bishop 752 2. Pope Stephen II 754 a. Also anoints sons Pope Zachary Puts Pepin as King and Childeric III is put in a monastery Was protected by Byzantine Empire Lombards barbaric tribe that was threatening the Pope 1. First act Pepin does as king y War against the Lombards y Creates close relationship Gathering of Frankish nobles approve Pepin as King Key achievements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. King Build cavalry armor for horses Maintains army Contains Islam Expands Frankish Church Continues to build infrastructure

Pepin sandwiched will not live up to legacy of father or son 768 - dies Charles the Great (Charlemagne) y y y y y y Born around 742 747 Son of Pepin 768 Pepin dies Inherits Frankland with brother 771 brother dies 3 major initiatives 1. Imperial title

y y y

y y y

y y

2. Promoted education 3. Extension of boundaries Attack Lombards y 774 conquers y King of Lombards 777 Aachen begin constructing y Modern Germany Enjoyed baths, swimming, and hunting in Aachen 787 orders opening of schools and monasteries y Clean up monasteries y Don t follow Benedict 796 builds cathedral in Aachen Einhard tutor of children 799 Pope Leo II y Has enemies y Attacked 800 coroneted Charlemagne Holy Roman Empire y Charlemagne crowns his son, Louis the Pious, as King

Loves education, but does not know how to write Moors Muslims in Spain Iberian Peninsula Educates bishops, not priests Let s Split Louis the Pious y y y y y y 778-840 AD Charlemagne s son Co-emperor 814 sole emperor Weaker ruler than Charlemagne 817 Roof falls on him o Writes will y Eldest son, Lothair, will be emperor and rule the capital area y Nephew, Bernard King of Italy y Pepin King of Aquitaine y Louis the youngest King of Bavaria y Charles the Bald King of West Francia Bernard rebels and makes preparations to declare independence Louis I brings army and Bernard surrenders without a fight o Back to the capital Punishment: blind him o 2 days later, he dies in agony and pain 822 Louis the Pious feels bad and confesses all sin publicly

y y y y

Therefore get the surname. the Pious y Means holy 3 Civil wars o Pepin dies in 838 o 840 Louis dies o 843 brothers meet together and make the Treaty of Verdun y the Treaty of Verdun split the Carolingian Empire into three kingdoms o Penance payment for sin o Break it Down

Icons religious objects that serve as a window to God. Some people believe they are idols. Picture of Christ, Moses, Mary, and other saints Heavily popular in the Byzantine Empire y Typically used by poor people

Emperor Leo III banned icons

Irene empress of Byzantine y Restores icons

Second Council of Nicaea restores icons, but they should never be worshipped. Iconoclasm image-breaking King of Wha? Dane people from Denmark/Jutland (Vikings) Jutland physical geography of Denmark Danes are invading England 871 Danes Great Army attacks Wessex: y y y y y Wessex, but with huge losses 2 weeks later: the Danes win More reinforcements arrive Ethelred, King of Wessex dies Alfred becomes king at 22 o Loses a battle o Pays Danes to leave him alone o Danish king = Guthram

878 Battle of Edington y Alfred defeats the Danes

Historians have an overly positive view of Alfred o Danes pagan Norse gods o English Christian

886 conquers London and gives it to son-in-law 890 1. Strong Navy 2. Built strongholds 3. Pushed education a. Translated texts to English 899 Alfred dies Story of the cakes Alfred stays at old lady s home and she tells him to watch the cakes and don t let them burn. He is occupied with his thoughts and lets them burn The Vikings -not many written records y y Illiterate Sagas written in the 1100 s

830 Viking raids start 930 raids stop y Written records from victims

830-930 pillage villages Vikings will attack anyone y y y y France + England Spain Constantinople Monasteries

Schedule of Vikings: y y y y Summer raid Fall harvest Winter drink Spring plant crops

Wintering begin to stay in the winter phase for as long as 2 years. Technological advantages y Ships

o o o o

60 feet long Ocean or river Carry a lot of people (30+) Experts at dragging ships on land

The Walker Normandy is named after the Norsemen Rollo the Viking y Walked everywhere o Two big for horse  NOT fat Birth: unknown Origins: 1. Danish 2. Norwegian

y y

Besieging of Paris: 885 Rollo is one of the chieftains that invades Paris 700 Viking ships sail down Seine river y y Tribute is paid Rollo stays in France

911 Rollo is offered a deal y y Stipulation 1. Military Service a. Defend against the Vikings 2. Act of loyalty a. Kiss the foot of the King 3. Convert to Christianity 4. Marry Charles the Simple s daughter Rollo was a Viking who became the first Duke of Normandy Men of Rollo marry French women 100% Christian Great-great-grandfather of William the Conqueror Devastating Normandy King of France: Charles the Great offers Normandy and the title of Count to Rollo

Falcon Henry the Fowler Henry the Falcon y y y German Born in 876 Avid hunter

912- becomes Duke of Saxony East Francia = Germany 918- Conrad the First dies and recommends Henry to be King 919 make Henry the Fowler King of East Francia 921 Magyars invade Germany 926 - Henry negotiates a ten year treaty (paying tribute) 932 Henry refuses to pay tribute 933 Magyars invade and Henry crushes them in the Battle of Riade 936 dies I turned him into a Canute Canute the Great: y King of Denmark, England, Norway, and parts of Sweden and is from Denmark

Summer of 1015 Canute invades England y 10,000 men and 200 ships

Lands in Wessex Works North October 1016 Treaty with Edmund y Canute can rule in the North

2 months later Edmund dies and Canute takes over

Tries to rule Christianly Just ruler No more Viking attacks 1035 Canute dies, New king Edward the Confessor was exiled to Normandy Big Al 711 715 Ummayad dynasty takes Visigoth Spain Al-Andulus Islamic Spain y y 10th Century is the Golden Age for Al-Andulus Adb-al-Rahman II- 921 961 o 50 years Superority of Al-Andulus 1. Cities were larger a. Cordova = 100,000+ people b. Numerous cities over 40,000 people c. A city in France 4,000 people 2. Substantial commercial contacts a. India, China, and the Arab world b. Export grain, metal, and wood c. Paper 3. Agriculture a. Canals b. Wells c. Rice, sugar cane, and cotton 4. Scholarship a. 70 libraries in Cordova b. 1 library 500,000 books i. Frankland 900 books c. Mathematics, astronomy, and Greek philosophy Capital = Cordoba or Cordova

Myth of Al-Andulus Jews, Christians, and Muslims coexisted in Al-Andulus not always harmonious Mozarab Christians in Al-Andulus 1. Jizyah heavy tax 2. No public expressions of faith 3. No proselytizing no sharing faith a. Death penalty Spain

Romans to Visigoths to Umayyad to Christiandom Pagan temple to Church of St. Vincent to Mosque to Cathedral A messy mess 1017 Edward s mother marries Canute y y Edward cannot be in line for king Edward exiled to Normandy o Duke of Normandy is uncle

1035 Canute dies 1036 Alfred attempts to take throne, but dies Canute s sons, Handicanute and Canute s oldest son battle (both die) 1042 Edward returns from exile to be King elected by nobles 1045 Edward marries Edith, part of the Godwin family Earl Godwin is rival of Edward s family 1051 Designates William of Normandy as his successor y y Cousin Has no heir

1051 exiles Godwin family Puts his wife in nunnery 1052 Godwin returns with powerful forces and forces himself back into being earl of Wessex 1053 Godwin dies y Harold inherits estate

1063 Harold begins campaigning with nobles to be king 1066 Edward dies 3 possible heirs: 1. Harold a. Noble support 2. William of Normandy 3. Harald Hadrada a. King of Norway Edward works on Westminster Abbey old church in London

The Battle of Hastings Jan. 5, 1066 y Edward dies and tells Harold to be King

Jan. 8, 1066 y Harold Godwin takes the throne

Summer 1066 y y y Harald and William are ready to launching in summer. William cannot launch due to weather Harald marches north 200 miles to fight Harald sets up in the South to prepare for William

Sept. 1066 y y Battle of Stanford Bridge defeats Norwegians

Oct. 1066 y 1066 y William goes to Wessex and prepares for battle Marches south again to intercept William of Normandy

Oct. 14, 1066 y y William fights Harold who is using defensive tactics William uses cavalry to counter o Feigned retreat works o Harold hit in eye with arrow and is killed

1048 William builds the Tower of London

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