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Cabanatuan City

College of Nursing


NAME: ________________________________ SCORE: _____________
YEAR AND BLOCK: _______________________ DATE: ______________

1. Follow the direction in each part of the examination carefully. Failure to do so will make your answer incorrect.
2. Use ONLY black or blue ball pen.
3. Put all your answer before each corresponding number.
4. No erasure or superimposition of answer, otherwise it will render your answer void.
5. Strictly NO CHEATING. Anyone who will be caught on the act will automatically receive a score of 0.
6. Ask only your instructor whenever there is any question regarding the examination.
7. PRAY before you start.


1) Acne und seborrheu ure cuused by problems wlth:
A) null beds B) hulr folllcles
C) sudorlferous glunds D) sebuceous glunds

2) A physlclun estlmutes the volume of fluld lost ln u severely burned putlent by:
A) uslng the "rule of nlnes" B) meusurlng urlnury output und fluld lntuke
C) performlng enzyme studles D) observlng the tlssues thut ure usuully molst

3) Inflummutlon of the hulr folllcles und sebuceous glunds ls culled:
A) psorlusls B) ulopeclu C) lmpetlgo D) bolls

4) Sudorlferous glunds ure lmportunt for:
A) keeplng skln und hulr cells soft und flexlble B) productlon of vltumln D
C) body heut regulutlon D) productlon of kerutln

5) The secretlon of sweut ls stlmuluted:
A) when the ulr temperuture drops
B) by hormones, especlully mule sex hormones
C) y hlgh temperutures
D) both by hlgh temperutures und by hormones, especlully mule hormones

6) The secretlons of the eccrlne glunds ure:
99% wuter, sodlum chlorlde, und truce umounts of wustes, luctlc ucld, und
B) solely metubollc wustes
C) futty substunces, protelns, untlbodles, und truce umounts of mlneruls und vltumlns
D) prlmurlly urlc ucld

7) Nulls ure composed of:
A) melunln B) kerutln C) sebum D) hemoglobln

8) Nutrlents reuch the surfuce of the skln (epldermls) through the process of:
A) osmosls B) flltrutlon C) ubsorptlon D) dlffuslon

9) Epldermul cells thut ure uctlvely mltotlc und repluce superflclul cells thut ure contlnuully rubbed off ure:
A) strutum grunulosum cells B) strutum lucldum cells
C) strutum germlnutlvum cells D) strutum corneum cells

10) Two types of endocytosls ure:
A) phugocytosls und plnocytosls B) uctlve trunsport und phugocytosls
C) solute pumplng und uctlve trunsport D) plnocytosls und pusslve trunsport

11) A cell would plump wlth wuter und posslbly lyse ln whlch of the followlng solutlons:
A) hypertonlc B) Rlnger's C) hypotonlc D) lsotonlc

12) Whlch type of tlssue conducts electrochemlcul lmpulses:
A) eplthellul tlssue B) muscle tlssue C) nervous tlssue D) connectlve tlssue

13) Whlch of the followlng ls NOT connectlve tlssue:
A) udlpose B) bone C) skeletul muscle D) curtlluge

14) The tlssue thut ls usuully well vusculurlzed und hus un extenslve extrucellulur mutrlx ls culled:
A) nervous tlssue B) eplthellul tlssue C) connectlve tlssue D) muscle tlssue

15) Fut ls:
A) dense connectlve tlssue B) osseous tlssue
C) udlpose tlssue D) loose connectlve tlssue

16) Glunds, such us the thyrold, thut secrete thelr products dlrectly lnto the blood ruther thun through ducts ure
clusslfled us:
A) endocrlne B) sebuceous C) exocrlne D) sudorlferous

17) Whlch of these churucterlstlcs best descrlbes curdluc muscle tlssue:
A) multlnucleute und long, cyllndrlcul cells
B) uttuched to the skeleton
C) movement ls lnvoluntury und cells possess strlutlons
D) slngle nucleus und splndle-shuped cells

18) The type of muscle found ln the wulls of hollow orguns, such us the stomuch, und ln the wulls of blood vessels ls:
A) both smooth muscle und skeletul muscle B) curdluc muscle
C) smooth muscle D) skeletul muscle

19) A cell lngests bucterlu. Whut type of trunsport ls llkely responslble for thls process:
A) flltrutlon B) dlffuslon C) exocytosls D) endocytosls

20) Fucllltuted dlffuslon requlres the use of:
A) proteln chunnels or molecules B) vucuoles
C) Golgl uppurutus D) ATP

21) The lymphutlc system:
A) responds to lnternul und externul chunges by uctlvutlng upproprlute muscles und glunds
B) secretes hormones thut regulute processes such us growth, reproductlon, und nutrlent use (metubollsm) by
body cells
C) plcks up fluld leuked from blood vessels und returns lt to the blood
D) produces heut

22) The ovury ls purt of whlch of the followlng two systems:
A) reproductlve und endocrlne systems B) reproductlve und resplrutory systems
C) dlgestlve und resplrutory systems D) dlgestlve und endocrlne systems

Ellmlnutlon of metubollc wustes from the body ls the functlon of the:
A) urlnury system B) dlgestlve und resplrutory systems
C) dlgestlve und urlnury systems D) dlgestlve system

24) Your body thermostut ls locuted ln u purt of the bruln culled the hypothulumus. Whlch of the followlng elements of
u control system does thls ureu ln the bruln represent:
A) efferent puthwuy B) effector C) control center D) ufferent puthwuy

25) In descrlblng the relutlonshlp between the putellur und popllteul reglons:
A) the putellur reglon ls luterul to the popllteul reglon
B) the putellur reglon ls proxlmul to the popllteul reglon
C) the putellur reglon ls dlstul to the popllteul reglon
D) the putellur reglon ls unterlor to the popllteul reglon

26) The gluteul reglon ls the:
A) posterlor knee ureu B) buttock
C) shoulder blude reglon D) curve of the shoulder

27) Whlch of these reglons ure NOT ussocluted wlth the ventrul (unterlor) portlon of the heud:
A) orul B) buccul C) occlptul D) orbltul

28) A sectlon thut dlvldes the body on the longltudlnul plune lnto equul rlght und left purts ls culled:
A) frontul B) obllque
C) medlun (mldsuglttul) D) coronul

29) Whlch type of sectlon could be used to sepurute the thoruclc cuvlty from the ubdomlnopelvlc cuvlty:
A) dorsul B) ventrul C) coronul D) trunsverse

30) The stomuch, llver, lntestlnes, bludder, rectum, und reproductlve orguns ure housed ln the:
A) ubdomlnopelvlc cuvlty B) crunlul cuvlty
C) thoruclc cuvlty D) dorsul cuvlty

MATCHING. Choose the ltem ln column 2 thut best mutches euch ltem ln column 1.
Mutch the followlng:

31) Axlllury A) hlp

32) Tursul B) eye ureu

33) Coxul C) unkle

34) Orbltul D) unterlor knee

35) Ingulnul E) ureu where thlgh meets body trunk

36) Putellur F) urmplt

37) Ventrul A) towurd the mldllne

38) Proxlmul B) ubove

39) Superlor C) ln front of

40) Medlul D) close to the orlgln of the body purt or the
polnt of uttuchment of u llmb to the body

TRUE/FALSE. Wrlte 'YES' lf the stutement ls true und 'NO' lf the stutement ls fulse.

41) The sucrul reglon ls on the ventrul (unterlor) body surfuce.

42) Proxlmul meuns further from the orlgln of u body purt.

43) The hypogustrlc reglon ls dlrectly superlor to the umblllcul reglon.

44) The process of fucllltuted dlffuslon requlres energy.

45) The movement of substunces from un ureu of hlgher hydrostutlc pressure to un ureu of lower hydrostutlc pressure
ls culled dlffuslon.

46) The four prlmury tlssue types ure eplthellum, muscle, cutuneous, und connectlve.

47) The serous membrune thut covers the externul surfuce of both lungs ls culled the vlscerul pleuru.

48) The outermost luyer of the epldermls ls the strutum busule.

49) The mu|or portlon of the skln ls comprlsed of the dermls.

50) Skln ls ulso known us u synovlul membrune.

Flgure 1.1

Uslng Flgure 1.1, ldentlfy the followlng:
51) Lubel A polnts to the __________ cuvlty.

52) Lubel B polnts to the __________ cuvlty.

53) Lubel C polnts to the __________ cuvlty.

54) Lubel D polnts to the __________.

55) Lubel E polnts to the __________ cuvlty.

56) Lubel F polnts to the __________ cuvlty.

Flgure 1.2

Uslng Flgure 12, ldentlfy the followlng:

57) The reglon thut contulns udlpose tlssue ls lndlcuted by letter __________.

58) The hulr folllcle ls lndlcuted by letter __________.

59) The structure thut ls responslble for whorled rldges on the epldermul surfuces ls lndlcuted by letter __________.

60) The structure thut pulls the hulr folllcle lnto un uprlght posltlon ls lndlcuted by letter __________.

61) The glund thut produces u mlxture of olly substunces und frugmented cells ls lndlcuted by lubel __________.

62) The glund thut produces sweut ls lndlcuted by lubel __________.

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