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Navneeth Gopalakrishnan

MPRA 53, Kalathil Lane, Murinjapalam, M.C.P.O, Trivandrum, 695011 Mail: Mobile: +91 0 8891129591

Career Objective
I want to be part of a team that pushes limits on challenging engineering problems, develop and build great systems, and produce quick and accurate solutions to various engineering problems. I want to feel the real spirit of engineering and most importantly apply them to see it work in co-ordination with other subsystems. My experience should finally let me pour perfection over whatever I do, with a difference called simplicity.

Software Proficiency
Languages: o C / C++ o JavaScript o CSS / HTML o Python o Java o Actionscript o PHP o C# .NET o Visual Basic Data Representations: o XML o JSON ( JavaScript Object Notation ) Database: o Schemaless Datastore ( Google BigTable/JPA ) o Relational Databases ( Oracle, MySQL ) Software Techniques: o Asynchronous Programming ( AJAX, Callbacks ) o Event Driven Scripts ( Callbacks )

The star ratings (out of 5) denote my relative proficiency among the listed topics.

Interested Topics
o o o o o Algorithm Design Sorting Algorithms Text Search Algorithms (Pattern Matching) Compiler Design Finite Automata based algorithms

o Enn Filix ( B.Tech Mini Project )(C++/Linux) It is a compiler that mixes file contents on the run. It can be considered as a dynamic content management system like ASP, PHP, or JSP but runs on the client side. It exposes an API with which programmers can extend the functionality. The project uses Object Oriented Design and is developed completely in C++ with heavy dependence on the Standard Template Library. o Hashbox(C++/Linux) This is yet another compiler that helps programmers to generate statements that follow some particular pattern using a simple notation. For example the statements: obj1.a = obj2.a obj1.b = obj2.b obj1.c = obj2.c Can be generated by the hashbox statement: #[ obj1.{a,b,c,} = obj2.{a,b,c,} ]# The tool can also be used to compress XML documents, improving the performance of AJAX applications. This project also follows a strong Object Oriented Design with emphasis on Polymorphism. Standard Template Library was used extensively.

QuickLock(C++/Windows) An interesting software that allows a file to be locked on a computer and get it unlocked on any computer, even those without the software installed. It injects the unlocking software along with the file. The most important feature is the USB based locking. The software allows a USB to be used as a key and unlocks the file only if the USB is plugged into that computer. The software was implemented completely in C++, and uses Win32 API calls to get the unique serial id of the USB drive.

Enn Jam Manager(ActionScript/Flash) JAM or Just-A-Minute is a competition item that can be seen in all the inter collegiate competitions. The game item requires precise timing and demands quick change of states. The Enn Jam Manager is a tool that is made for such an environment and yet makes it easy to work with. It was successfully implemented at Crossroads 08 and Crossroads 09, one of the largest inter collegiate festivals conducted in Kerala. Enn Jam Manager 2008 was developed using C#.NET, while the 2009 counterpart was completely developed in Flash and ActionScript.

PaintScript(C++/Windows) PaintScript is an application that allows you to draw graphics with the help of tools like Pen, Eraser, Circle, Square, Fill etc and finally exports the drawing as a Borland Graphics Library friendly C++ code, which when executed produces the original image. This smart tool helped other students to generate the GUI for their C++application easily. Since the job got simpler, the GUIs started looking better and complex. It was developed completely in the good old Turbo C, with Borland Graphics Library for the GUI.

TextBook ( B.Tech Final Project )(Python/Java/Linux/AT/Web) TextBook, a name derived from the phrase the texters facebook. The project requires me to create my own SMS server that listens and responds to SMS request from mobile users. The server would be written in python on linux, and AT commands will be used to interact with the GSM modem using serial port communication python module, pyserial. A web application allows users to create groups and perform many other social tasks. The information base for the entire system would be stored and queried using a set of Servlets written in Java on the Google Appengine platform, where data would be stored in a schema-less database ( BigTable ). DataNucleus along with the Java Persistency API (JPA) will be the underlying connectivity and interfacing mechanism.

Other Projects AJAX Web Application for Intelligent Library Management(PHP/JavaScript/JSON) Multi Session Internet Download Manager(Java) Prevention of virus spread through USB drives (Python).

Paper Presentation (B.Tech)

Presented a paper on my own permutation generation algorithm. The paper discusses an optimal solution to generate all the n! unique permutations of n elements. It is based on three important concepts developed by myself: Base arrangement Penetration Modulus Base Penetration It also discusses an interesting implementation of the popular next_permutation() standard library function that is compatible with my penetration pattern. It explains, how we can exploit this algorithm for Key Based Encryption and Set Randomization that can improve the average case performance of many algorithms.

Personal Achievements
o Invented the Navneeths Penetration Pattern and the nShuffle Library that provides a new way of generating the unique permutations of a set of elements efficiently. Invented the BigBox, a hypothetical machine made of stick and stones that can find whether a number is prime or not, or even check if a number is a perfect square or perfect power of any number. Extended the Boyre-Moore String Search Algorithm to form the Navneeth-Boyer-Moore search algorithm that can perform extremely fast pattern matching, it uses results from my project nShuffle to improve the algorithm. Maximum Randomization for generating lists with random values with the help of nShuffle Project. It is one step forward towards a fast solution to the Sudoku problem. Independently invented the Index Allocation Sort Algorithm, a constant time sorting algorithm. Designed and coded several web pages. Winner of several inter-collegiate competitions for Coding and Logo Design. Got selected for national level competition in the Science Talent Search conducted by Intel Corporation.

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Extra Activities
o Digital Music Composition on Digital Audio Workstation FL Studio and Adobe Audition. I have experience using Compressors and Equalizers for mixing digital tracks (digitally). Logo Design and Web Designing in Adobe Photoshop. Flash Design and Programming. Provide guidance for mini projects and major projects for B.TECH and MCA students. Read books to strengthen my base on how algorithms work in the search for optimal solution. Exploring Linux, in the hope of inventing the python based Navium operating system, with a far more open and flexible architecture.

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Harikumar Santhibhavan Technical Manager Alcatel-Lucent Technologies, Bangalore. Cell: 0944900 3076

Anand Siva Vice President & Business Head Cequity Solutions, Mumbai. Cell: +91 0 9967011333

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