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// // // // // Demonstrates best-first search using java.util.PriorityQueue Also demonstrates the need for a custom hashCode and equals method. Includes a (not-so-great) implementation of the famous Nine Puzzle.

import java.util.*; import static java.lang.System.out; @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) class BestFirstSearch { public static void main(String[] args) { NinePuzzle np = NinePuzzle.makeRandomPuzzle(10); np.print(); out.println("\n----\nSolving with a BREADTH-FIRST Queue"); solve(new NinePuzzle(np),new LinkedList<NinePuzzle>(), false); out.println("\n----\nSolving with a UNIQUE BREADTH-FIRST Queue") ; solve(new NinePuzzle(np),new LinkedList<NinePuzzle>(), true); out.println("\n----\nSolving with a BEST-FIRST PriorityQueue"); solve(new NinePuzzle(np),new PriorityQueue<NinePuzzle>(), false) ; out.println("\n----\nSolving with a UNIQUE BEST-FIRST PriorityQu eue"); solve(new NinePuzzle(np),new PriorityQueue<NinePuzzle>(), true); } public static void solve(NinePuzzle np, Queue<NinePuzzle> q, boolean use HashSet) { int nodesRemoved = 0, nodesAdded = 0; HashSet<NinePuzzle> hashset = null; if (useHashSet) hashset = new HashSet<NinePuzzle>(); if (np.getScore() == 0) { out.println("PUZZLE WAS ALREADY SOLVED!"); return; } q.add(np); if (useHashSet) hashset.add(np); while (true) { if (q.isEmpty()) { out.println("NO SOLUTION!"); break; } NinePuzzle p = q.remove(); nodesRemoved++; for (NinePuzzle.Move move : NinePuzzle.Move.values()) { NinePuzzle child = p.move(move); if ((child != null) && ((!useHashSet) (!hashset.contains(child)) )) { if (child.getScore() == 0) { out.printf("SOLVED after adding %d nodes and removing %d nodes\n", nodesAdded, nodesRemo ved);

child.printMoves(); return; } nodesAdded++; q.add(child); if (useHashSet) hashset.add(child); } } } } } class NinePuzzle implements Comparable { private static final int EMPTY = -1; public enum Move { up, down, left, right }; private static final Random random = new Random(); private NinePuzzle previous = null; public int moves = 0; // count of moves to get to this position public Move move; // direction of move to this position private int size = 3; private int emptyRow, emptyCol; private int[][] board; private int score = -1; // Print this NinePuzzle public void print() { for (int row=0; row<size; row++) out.printf("---"); out.println(); for (int row=0; row<size; row++) { for (int col=0; col<size; col++) out.printf("%2d ",board[row][col]); out.println(); } if (this.moves > 0) printMoves(); } public void printMoves() { out.printf("%d moves: ",this.moves); Stack<Move> stack = new Stack<Move>(); for (NinePuzzle p = this; p.move != null; p = p.previous) stack.push(p.move); while (!stack.isEmpty()) out.printf("%s ",stack.pop().toString()); out.println(); } // Use the score to compare two NinePuzzles public int compareTo(Object obj) { NinePuzzle that = (NinePuzzle)obj; return this.getScore() - that.getScore(); } public int hashCode() { int hashCode = 1; for (int row=0; row<size; row++) for (int col=0; col<size; col++) hashCode = 31*hashCode + board[row][col]; return hashCode; }

public boolean equals(Object obj) { NinePuzzle that = (NinePuzzle) obj; for (int row=0; row<size; row++) for (int col=0; col<size; col++) if (this.board[row][col] != that.board[row][col]) return false; return true; } // find the score of this nine puzzle -- this is the sum of // the manhattan distances from each piece to where it ultimately // belongs public int getScore() { if (this.score < 0) { // have not computed the score yet, so do it now this.score = 0; for (int row=0; row<size; row++) for (int col=0; col<size; col++) { int piece = board[row][col]; if (piece != EMPTY) { int targetRow = piece / size; int targetCol = piece % size; this.score += Math.abs(row - targetRow) + Math.abs(col - targetCol); } } } // return cached score return this.score; } // create a new solved nine puzzle public NinePuzzle() { board = new int[size][size]; for (int row=0; row<size; row++) for (int col=0; col<size; col++) board[row][col] = size*row + col; board[size-1][size-1] = EMPTY; emptyRow = emptyCol = size-1; } // create a clone of this puzzle, then make the given move public NinePuzzle(NinePuzzle p) { this.previous = p; this.moves = p.moves; this.size = p.size; this.emptyCol = p.emptyCol; this.emptyRow = p.emptyRow; this.board = new int[size][size]; for (int row=0; row<size; row++) for (int col=0; col<size; col++) this.board[row][col] = p.board[row][col]; } // return a new NinePuzzle which is the result of a random move // of this NinePuzzle public NinePuzzle moveRandomly() { NinePuzzle result = null; while (result == null) {

Move move; switch ((int)(4*Math.random())) { case 0: move = Move.up; break; case 1: move = Move.down; break; case 2: move = Move.left; break; default: move = Move.right; } result = this.move(move); } return result; } // return a NinePuzzle which is the result of moving the empty space // in the given direction. If this would place the empty space // off the board, return "null" public NinePuzzle move(Move move) { assert(move != null); int drow = 0, dcol = 0; switch (move) { case up: drow = -1; break; case down: drow = +1; break; case left: dcol = -1; break; case right: dcol = +1; break; } int newEmptyRow = emptyRow + drow; int newEmptyCol = emptyCol + dcol; if ((newEmptyRow < 0) (newEmptyRow >= size) (newEmptyCol < 0) (newEmptyCol >= size)) return null; NinePuzzle result = new NinePuzzle(this); result.emptyRow = newEmptyRow; result.emptyCol = newEmptyCol; int otherPiece = result.board[newEmptyRow][newEmptyCol]; result.board[newEmptyRow][newEmptyCol] = EMPTY; result.board[emptyRow][emptyCol] = otherPiece; result.move = move; result.moves = this.moves + 1; return result; } public static NinePuzzle makeRandomPuzzle(int maxMovesToSolve) { NinePuzzle puzzle = new NinePuzzle(); while (maxMovesToSolve-- > 0) puzzle = puzzle.moveRandomly(); puzzle.moves = 0; puzzle.move = null; puzzle.previous = null; return puzzle; } }

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