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EL SER SUPREMO EL PADRE DE LA CREACION Es imprescindible para el hombre saber quin es Dios.

Pienso luego existo, es la base de la lgica fundamental, razonada por Renato Descartes. El ser humano con su facultad de razonamiento orientada por la conciencia y dotado de un cerebro asombrosamente complejo, puede por s mismo encontrar la respuesta a quin es Dios. El presente escrito tiene la intencin de presentarles ideas bsicas y prcticas para llegar a una conclusin correcta de quin es Dios. Comenzaremos expresando que es imposible una combinacin accidental de diversos elementos qumicos, es decir como muchos creen o se han dejado llevar por ciertos cientficos, que la creacin humana o del primer hombre sea un producto de la casualidad ciega, y sobretodo que est dotado con necesidades espirituales. En esta poca actual que vivimos y con el conocimiento de la medicina nuclear, es decir de la estructura de los genes humanos, y lo compleja que es una clula humana, se ha llegado hasta efectuar experimentos de la clonacin de animales con mucho xito, luego de un largo estudio y experimentos cientficos de mucho xito. Todos estos cientficos basados en sus conocimiento de la estructura genticas pueden concluir sin ninguna duda de la creacin humana, es una creacin divina, por un ser superior. La clonacin teraputica es uno de los horizontes ms prometedores para la medicina, porque podra permitir la obtencin de clulas madre para tratar numerosas enfermedades. La tcnica consiste en la creacin de embriones para extraer las clulas que se forman en las primeras fases de su desarrollo cuando el embrin es un Blastocito. Para hacerlo, los cientficos extrajeron el ADN del vulo y lo remplazaron con el ADN de la clula adulta. Este vulo comenz a crecer como si hubiera sido fertilizado por un espermatozoide, es decir provocando una divisin en el vulo, pero el proceso se detuvo expresamente, cuando era un conglomerado de clulas, para evitar que se convierta en un beb. Los cientficos dicen que no se est hablando de vida humana sino de vida celular. El cuestionamiento es tico y no medico, de lo que se trata, es si es inmoral o prctico. La discusin no se centra en lo descubierto, sino en su uso. No en quin lo hizo sino quin lo usar. La encrucijada es como se lo use. En el enfoque religioso se analiza el hecho al clonar un humano Solo clonamos su cuerpo? Se clona el espritu? se podr crear tambin el alma?. Cada religin opinar de acuerdo a su filosofa para entender la vida y lo har de acuerdo a su concepto moral. Las religiones nunca podrn llegar a un consenso, lo que es bueno para los unos, no ser para los otros, por lo que cada uno opinar por s mismo y lo resultante jams ser aceptado por todos. Es considerado el descubrimiento ms hermoso e importante de la raza humana. Es tan trascendental para la misma, que supera por su incidencia al descubrimiento de Amrica. Analicemos otro punto como es el considerado por el profesor Alister Hardy en su libro The Spiritual Nature of Man (La Naturaleza Espiritual del Hombre) donde afirma que La Religin est profundamente arraigada en la naturaleza humana y se experimenta en todo nivel econmico y educativo. Actualmente con los avances del desarrollo de las ciencias genticas, por la asombrosa capacidad del cerebro del mismo hombre, han llegado ciertos cientficos a sealar que nosotros los humanos, tal vez, hemos sido programados para la religin, basados en varios experimentos recientes sobre el cerebro. En otro libro Is God the Only Reality? (Es Dios la Unica Realidad?) hace esta observacin: desde la aparicin de la humanidad, la bsqueda religiosa del sentido de la vida (...) es comn a todas las culturas y pocas. Piense a la conclusin a la que lleg un hombre culto hace unos dos mil aos, cuando expres Toda casa es construida por alguien, pero el que ha construido todas las cosas es Dios (Hebreos 3:4), la tierra es el mega hogar del hombre, que brinda todas las comodidades de vida de una manera extraordinaria para su nacimiento, desarrollo y multiplicacin de su especie. As como en toda casa hay un padre, la Biblia declara en 1 Corintios 8:5,6 realmente para nosotros hay un solo Dios el padre, procedente de quien son todas las cosas, es la gran ventaja de los cristianos verdaderos sobre las dems religiones, las cuales han trado a la existencia de muchos

dioses y diosas. El hijo de Dios, cuando estuvo en la tierra, envestido con cuerpo humano, elev esta oracin a su Padre y Dios eterno; Esto significa vida eterna, el que estn adquiriendo conocimiento de ti, el nico Dios verdadero, y de aquel a quien t enviaste, Jesucristo (Juan 17:3). Es decir nuestro bienestar eterno depende de que sepamos la verdad acerca de Dios. Este escrito tiene esa finalidad. La Enciclopedia Americana seala que Dios el nombre que suela drsele a la suprema fuente y fuerza del universo, objeto de devocin religiosa. Pero Quien es Dios?, la propia Biblia indica que Dios no est lejos de nosotros, porque somos progenie de l. S la propia Biblia nos da una respuesta veraz, para que no busquemos a ciegas y nos anima a buscar a Dios cuando dice No est muy lejos de cada uno de nosotros en Hechos 17:27 En realidad no est lejos de cada uno de nosotros, pues en l vivimos, nos movemos, y existimos, como dijeron algunos poetas suyos Somos tambin del linaje de Dios. La complejidad de la creacin del universo y los fundamentos de la vida en la tierra, han llegado a muchos cientficos a la conclusin de que debe haber una primera causa, la cual debi ser muy inteligente, porque toda la creacin fsica es regulada y regida por leyes muy cientficas y complejas. Para que haya inteligencia, tiene que existir una mente, y la gran mente responsable de toda la creacin pertenece a la persona de Dios. En efecto, as como Dios tiene una mente tiene un cuerpo; no uno fsico como el nuestro, sino espiritual (1 Corintios 15:44). Al explicar la naturaleza de Dios, la Biblia seala claramente Dios es un espritu (Juan 4:24), una forma de vida invisible; muy distinta a nosotros. Dios es una persona no creada que posee un cuerpo espiritual, es lgico que tenga un lugar de residencia, la cual no puede ser la tierra, la cual es exclusiva residencia para el hombre; la Biblia nos revela que los cielos son el lugar establecido de la morada de Dios. Y el escritor bblico Pablo afirma en Hebreos 9:24 que Cristo entr (...) en el cielo mismo, para comparecer (...) delante de la persona de Dios a favor de nosotros. Al tener un cuerpo espiritual, tambin tiene manos, la Bblia nos ensea que Dios es sumamente activo, pero sus manos figuradas estn representadas por su Espritu Santo, su fuerza espiritual. El Salmista or a Dios S envas tu espritu, son creados (Salmo 104:30), Mediante esta fuerza, el creo los cielos fsicos, la tierra y todos los seres vivos. Su Espritu Santo es la fuerza activa invisible que Dios emplea para cumplir y llevar a cabo sus propsitos. Es Jess Dios? Dejemos que el propio hijos de Dios, cuando estuvo en la tierra, nos explica mediante su enseanza en este respecto y no cabe ninguna duda en cuanto a la identidad de quien es su hijo. Consideremos lo que est registrado en el evangelio de Mateo 3: 16, 17 despus del bautismo de Jess hubo una voz desde los cielos que deca: ste es mi hijo, el amado, a quien he aprobado, Jesucristo es el hijo de Dios. An as, algunas personas religiosas sostienen que Jess es Dios, mientras que otras dicen que Dios es una trinidad. Segn esta doctrina Dios es el padre, Dios es el hijo, Dios es tambin el Espritu Santo; y sin embargo, no son tres Dioses, sino un solo Dios. Se afirma que las tres personas son entre si coeternas y coiguales (El Magisterio de la Iglesia). Las escrituras divinamente inspiradas declaran con respecto a Jehov Dios: An de tiempo indefinido a tiempo indefinido t eres Dios(Salmo 90:2). El es el rey de la eternidad, sin principio ni fin (1 Timoteo 1:17), la Biblia seala claramente la posicin de Jess en Colosenses 1:13-15, es el primognito de toda la creacin. Refirindose a Dios como su Padre, Jess dijo en Juan 14:28 El Padre es mayor que yo. Tambin explic que haba cosas que ni el ni los ngeles saban, sino solo Dios, como est registrado en Marcos 13:32,. Adems, Jess or a su Padres de esta manera en Lucas 22:42 Que nos se efecte mi voluntad, sino la tuya, dirigindose de esta manera, no a su persona, sino a una persona superior a l. Adems cuando Jess antes de morir expreso, seor en tus manos encomiendo mi espritu. Por otra parte, Jess no se resucit a s mismo, sino que fue Dios quien lo levant de entre los muertos (Hebreos 2:32), el haba sido descendido a tener un cuerpo humano y muri como tal, de ah el sacrificio de su vida a favor de la humanidad.

En conclusin, segn la Biblia, Jehov es el Dios todopoderoso y Jess es su hijo. No eran iguales antes de que el hijo viniera a la tierra, ni durante su ministerio terrestre; y Jess tampoco lleg a ser igual a su Padre cuando fue resucitado a la vida celestial ( 1 Corintios 11:3,15, 28). En realidad estudiar las Escrituras constituye la mejor manera de acrecentar nuestro conocimiento de Dios, indicndonos sobre la clase de dios que es, nos revela sus propsitos para nosotros y nos educa en sus caminos (2 Timoteo 3:16,17). El desea que lleguemos a un conocimiento exacto de la verdad, por lo tanto, es necesario esforzarnos por aprender todo lo que podamos sobre Jehov. Una vez que hemos llegado a la conclusin correcta que Dios existe, pasaremos a considerar las cualidades de l. El es el ser supremo, la primera causa, un ser espiritual, con existencia propia, eterno y absolutamente libre, todopoderoso, distinto a la materia, la cual ha sido creada de muchas formas, y la cual l la conserva y la controla. Analizando la historia humana, no ha habido un periodo de la historia de la humanidad, sin la creencia de un autor sobrenatural y gobernador del universo. Analices los pruebas del Dios viviente: El hecho de la existencia de Dios esta probado por el orden, el poder, y la complejidad de la creacin misma, macroscpica y microscpica, y a travs de lidiar con su gente en toda la historia, veamos lo que dice Jeremas 10:12 El hizo la tierra con su poder, estableci el mundo con su sabidura y con su inteligencia extendi los cielos. Nosotros podemos cuando estamos reflexionando de una manera serena - apreciar por todas partes testimonio de su actividad y su grandeza. Como lo presenta el salmista, en el Salmo 19: Los cielos estn declarando la gloria de Dios, y el trabajo de sus manos, la expansin los est cantando. El hombre realmente no tiene razn o excusa para negar a Dios porque Lo que podemos conocer acerca de Dios es casualmente por lo manifiesto entre ellos. Porque sus cualidades invisibles estn claramente vistas desde la creacin del mundo en adelante, debido a que son percibidas por las cosas hechas, aun su poder eterno y su divinidad, de modo que son inexcusables, como est expresado por Pablo en Romanos 11:33-36 Qu profunda es la riqueza, la sabidura y la ciencia de Dios Cmo indagar sus decisiones o reconocer sus caminos? Quin entr jams en los pensamientos del seor? A quin llam para que fuera su consejero? A quin le dio primero para que Dios tenga de devolvrselo?. Todo viene por l, por el acontece y volver a l. A l sea la gloria para siempre. Existe una forma de ser aprovechable: Jehov Dios siempre acta dentro de sus arreglos rectos, haciendo todas las cosas en una base legal (Romanos 3:4;23-26). Por esta razn todas sus criaturas pueden tener completa confianza en l, sabiendo que l siempre tolera por los principios que l mismo establece. El no cambia y no hay variacin con l en la aplicacin de sus principios. No hay parcialidad con l, y el no puede mentir (Hebreos 6:17,18). Hablemos de sus atributos, los cuales estn contenidos en su palabra escrita, la Biblia. Primeramente todas las cosas en este mundo estn desnudas y expuestas abiertamente a sus ojos y l es que les dice desde el comienzo al final. Su poder y conocimiento se extienden a todas partes, alcanzando cada una de las partes de el universo (Hebreos 4:13; Salmo 139:7-12). Algunos de sus atributos primarios estn claramente expuesto y stos son: Amor (1 Juan 4:18), sabidura (Proverbios 2:6), justicia (Lucas 18:7,8), y poder como est registrado en Lucas 1:36 Para Dios nada es imposible. El es un Dios de orden y de paz (1 Corintios 14:33). El es completamente sagrado, limpio y puro, segn Romanos 4:8; feliz y comprensivo Lucas 6:36. Estos atributos nos hacen pensar y creer en un Dios que est identificado con la raza humana, por algo somos progenie de l, porque el nos creo a su imagen y semejanza. Analicemos cual es la posicin de Dios para comprender su personalidad: Jehov es el gobernante supremo del universo (Salmo 68:20), l es el Rey Eterno, l es la majestad (Hebreos 1:3;8:11). El es la fuente de toda la vida (Hechos 17:24,25). Veamos ahora su rectitud y gloria: El Dios verdadero es un Dios de rectitud, segn el Salmo 7:9). El es un Dios glorioso (Proverbios 29:3; Hechos 7:2); el se regocija.

Conozcamos sus propsitos: Dios tiene un propsito que se cumplir y que no puede ser fruztado Isaas 46:10; 55:8-11. Su principal propsito en relacin con la raza humana, est registrado claramente en Efesios 1:9,10, es de reunir todas las cosas juntas de nuevo en el Cristo, las cosas en los cielos y las cosas en la tierra. Por medio de Cristo toda la creacin inteligente sern tradas en completa armona. Nadie existi antes de Jehov, por lo tanto el tiene la jerarqua sobre todo (Isaas 44:6) El nunca olvida o abandona sus propsitos o convenios, los cuales los hacen un Dios de dependencia y lealtad (Salmo 105:8). El es un Dios comunicativo: Lo demuestra teniendo amor a sus criaturas humanas. Dios provee amplias oportunidades para con nosotros de conocerlo y de sus propsitos. Su propia voz ha sido oda por hombres sobre la tierra en tres ocasiones que registra la Biblia en Mateo 3:17; 17:5; Juan 12:28. Otra forma efectiva de comunicarse con los humanos, ha sido a travs de ngeles, como est registrado en Lucas 2:19-12; hechos 7:52,53. Pero no ha sido siempre as, tambin se ha comunicado principalmente por hombres virtuosos escogidos por l, como Moiss y especialmente a travs de su hijo, Cristo Jess, cuando estuvo en la tierra (Hebreos 1:1,2). Otra forma eficaz de comunicarse con los humanos, es por medio de su palabra escrita, la cual est actualmente y completamente difundida en todo el mundo, para que estn tanto hombres como mujeres capacitados debidamente como sus servidores y ministros, y dirigindolos a ellos en el camino a la vida 2 Pedro 1:19-21; 2 Timoteo 3:16,17 y Juan 17:3. Es un dios que exige devocin exclusiva: Jehov es el Dios Todopoderoso, el nico Dios verdadero, y el demanda rectitud con devocin exclusiva (xodos 20:5), por lo tanto sus servidores deben mantener a otros dioses afuera, o excluirlos de su lugar apropiado de sus corazones y acciones. El nos ha provisionado de la clave de su adoracin y quiere que sus adoradores lo adoren con espritu y verdad (Juan 4:24). Ellos deberan permanecer en reverencia sobrecogida por l solamente (Hebreos 12:28,29). Veamos porque surge la confusin de que Jesucristo es el Unico Dios Verdadero, tal vez, porque la Biblia lo llama a l otro de los poderosos, sin embargo, el mismo lo hizo registrar en Juan 1:18 y Lucas 4:8 que es solo ha Jehov nuestro Dios que debemos adorar y es l solamente que debemos rendirle servicio sagrado. Otros poderosos que menciona la Biblia son los ngeles, que vienen a ser como dioses, pero uno de ellos aclar este punto, cuando detuvo a Juan de adorarlo, cuando le dijo ten cuidado no hagas eso... adora a Dios (Hebreos 2:7). Los apstoles escogidos por Jesucristo, el hijo de Dios cuando estuvo en la tierra, eran considerados hombres poderosos, que actuaban bajo la accin del Espritu Santo, sin embargo cuando Cornelio empez a adorar a Pedro, el apstol lo corrigi, detenindolo con las palabras levntate, yo tambin soy tambin hombre, como est registrado en Hechos 10:25,26. Por otra parte, son los Dioses, auspiciados por las fuerzas del inicuo, los que inventaron y diseados por el hombre, a travs de los siglos, desde la rebelin en edn. Por eso la Ley Mosaica advierte contra el desviar la adoracin exclusiva de Jehov Dios (xodos 20:3-5). Por eso en Jeremas explica que Jehov, el Dios Verdadero, no tolerar para siempre rivalizar con Dioses falsos y sin valor, en Jeremas 10:10,11. Devocin divina.- El Soberano Universal demanda: la reverencia, devocin y servicio solo a l, el ser supremo, genuinamente santo y recto, compare Pedro 1:6. Para los Cristiano, con el conocimiento revelado, que su adoracin es la ms alta clase de devocin a Dios. La Biblia usa la expresin Devocin Divina refirindose a la devocin leal y personal a Jehov Dios, como ocurri en Hechos 10:2, 7 y 2Pedro 2:9. La devocin divina es practicada en armona con el conocimiento de la verdad. Jehov es un Dios de bondad amorosa: La bondad amorosa, o amor leal, est ntimamente relacionado con el amor y la lealtad; de una de las mejores cualidades del poderoso es ser leal al dbil y necesitado, es casualmente por esa cualidad reconocida en Dios, que el rey David, pudo hacer esta peticin a Dios, en el Salmo 31:16 De veras haz brillar tu rostro sobre tu siervo, slvame en tu bondad amorosa Esto es lo ms lgico y justo que el necesitado que no tiene ninguna autoridad sobre el poderoso, ste manifieste bondad amorosa por voluntad propia, ni por obligacin

Quin es sabio?- Pregunta el Salmista se mostrar atento para los actos de bondad amorosa de Dios (Salmo 107:43) La bondad amorosa de Dios puede liberar y conservar con vida a sus siervos (Salmo 6:4). Viene a ser como una proteccin y contribuye al alivio de los problemas (Salmo 31:16,21;40:11). Es casualmente gracias a esta cualidad de la bondad amorosa, que es posible recobrarse del pecado (Salmo 25:7), cuando escudriamos la Biblia, sta nos revela que: 1)Jehov expresa su bondad amorosa mediante actos concretos y 2)como son objeto de dicha bondad protege a sus siervos fieles. Por ejemplo cuando Dios salv a Lot y su familia de la destruccin de la ciudad de Sodoma, hacindolo acompaar por medio de ngeles. Lot por inspiracin divina expres Tu siervo ha hallado favor a tus ojos de modo que ests engrandeciendo tu bondad amorosa, la cual has ejercido conmigo para conservar viva mi alma (Gnesis 19:16,19). En este caso, Dios manifest bondad amorosa, mediante la liberacin de este hombre justo y la conservacin de su vida (2 Pedro 2:7). La bondad amorosa de Dios alivia y protege: Dios manifiesta su bondad amorosa protegindolos del desastre total y conservndolos con vida, para que desempeen una funcin privilegiada en el propsito divino. La bondad amorosa de Dios nunca falla: Otra cualidad del amor se traduce en acciones, es el acto que conserva y fomenta la vida, a favor de quien sufre infortunio o angustia. Lo nico que nos pide Jehov Dios es amarlo a l. An dentro de nuestra imperfeccin, podemos ejercer actos de devocin piadosa y conducta que reflejan nuestra semejanza de ser sus criaturas. Al hacer esto nos podemos convertir o llegar a ser amigos de l. Solo Jehov conoce ntimamente nuestro corazones, no debemos dejar que nuestro corazn se dae, solo as l puede llegar a satisfacer nuestras necesidades, por la intervencin de la bondad amoroso de Dios. Dnde est la bondad amorosa de Jehov? : ha llenado la tierra de ellos y nosotros debemos estar muy agradecidos por esta cualidad divina (Salmo 119:64). Respondamos de todo corazn a la frase que repite el Salmista Oh, demos gracias a Jehov por su bondad amorosa, y por sus maravillosas obras para con los hijos de los hombres Salmo 107:8, 15, 21,31. Daniel nos ilumina cuando expres El Dios Verdadero, es grande e inspirador de temor, que guarda el pacto y la bondad amorosa (Daniel 9:4) La Reputacin y la Espiritualidad Es muy sabio trabajar en nuestra reputacin, nuestra imagen ante los dems, la cual nos viene a la mente, cuando escuchamos el nombre de una persona. Es lo que nos hace recordar a otras personas para nuestro bien o para el mal. Esta imagen tiene que ver estrechamente con nuestras acciones, que se reflejan con las decisiones que tomamos a diario que influirn en la reputacin que tendremos el da que fallezcamos, y sobre todo en cmo nos recordar Dios , que es lo que realmente le importa al hombre espiritual. En relacin con esto, el sabio hebreo Salomn escribi: Al recuerdo del justo les espera una bendicin, pero el mismsimo nombre de los inicuos se pudrir (Prov. 10:7). Qu gran honor que Dios nos tenga en su memoria y nos bendiga Por eso en necesario considerar como podremos labrarnos una buen reputacin ante los hombres y sobretodo ante Dios. Si somos sensatos, nuestro objetivo ser complacer a Dios viviendo segn sus normas, lo que implica regirnos o vivir de acuerdo a los principios fundamentales que Cristo formul, a saber: Tienes que amar a Jehov tu Dios con todo tu corazn y con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente. Este es el ms grande y el primer mandamiento. El segundo, semejante a l, es este: `Tienes que amar a tu prjimo como a ti mismo`. De estos dos mandamientos pende toda la Ley, y Los Profetas (Mateo 22: 37-40). Algunas personas han pasado a la historia por sus obras filantrpicas o humanitarias, su defensa de los derechos humanos o sus logros en el campo comercial, cientfico, mdico, etc. Pero cmo quisiramos nosotros que se nos recordara? Recuerde que a la larga, son nuestras relaciones personales, las que forman o adquieren el mayor sentido que cualquier logro alcanzado a corto plazo en los diferentes mbitos, deportivos o comerciales. Son casualmente nuestra conversaciones, modales y gestos. En cuanto a los rasgos de nuestra personalidad consideremos los siguientes contrastes: somos accesibles o distantes, amables speros, flexibles o exigentes, cariosos y sensibles fros e impersonales. En cuanto a nuestro razonamientos: son nuestra crticas destructivas o constructivas?, somos humildes y admitimos nuestros errores, discretos y no imprudentes.

Ciertamente podemos labrar todas estas buenas cualidades cuando trabajemos en amar a nuestro prjimo, para que las personas que nos rodean puedan llegar fcilmente a nosotros. Para Jess es un gran modelo, segn las escrituras, se le recuerda por sus excelentes bondades. Como seguidores de l, podemos cultivar a nuestra mayor grado los aspectos del fruto del espritu: el amor, la gran paciencia, la bondad, ser accesible y el autodominio (Glatas 5:22,23). Para que el recuerdo de nuestra personalidad perdure es necesario labrar las mejores cualidades espirituales que modelen nuestro personalidad. Cmo quisiramos que se nos recordara? Tratemos de ser amables, hospitalarios y considerados, para obtener este recuerdo, por parte de los que nos rodean. Algunas otras cualidades son el resultado de nuestra educacin y herencia gentica como el dinamismo humildad, franqueza, lealtad, y presteza para reconocer sus debilidades. Para comprender mejor como labrar nuestra persona, es necesario visualizar este actividad y disposicin mental, es decir estar resuelto a andar en el nombre de Dios, Jehov. Primero gozar de paz mental y seguridad espiritual basado en nuestra relacin con l. Para este es necesario que estamos dedicados a l y procuramos servirle fielmente por que lo amamos con toda nuestra alma (Mat. 22:37). Qu podemos recordar de Jess?, en apenas tres aos y medio de su ministerio, sus seguidores lo recuerdan por ser una persona de confianza y humilde, siempre libre para los dbiles, enfermos y nios, sin discriminar la raza de sus seguidores. Jess mostr siempre inters en el prjimo, al analizar su ministerio nos revela que cur lisiados y enfermos en muchas ocasiones, y se esforz por socorrer a los necesitados. A pesar de que el pueblo judo se hallaba saturado de reglas y normas religiosas que excedan los requerimientos de la Ley, en gran contraste Jess les dijo: Vengan a m, todos los que se afanan y estn cargados, y yo los refrescar (Mateo 11: 28-30). Aunque Jess era el hijo de Dios hecho hombre, nunca abus de su poder o autoridad. Al contrario, razonaba con la gente, como en el caso de los tributos, ocasin que sirvi para ensear que hay cosas de Dios y de los hombres. Ciertamente Jess no era rgido en absoluto, sino afectuoso y amable, con un toque de humor, el cual se refleja en las ilustraciones o parbolas que el us en su enseanza. Sobretodo, para la aliviar la tensin de los tiempos difciles. Jess fue compasivo con las mujeres, lo cual lo haca accesible a ellas, y se senta cmodo con ellas. En general los seguidores de Jess, deben ser sociables, cariosos de buena disposicin y espritu servicial, confiables y trabajadores. S realmente Jess nos fij un modelo para que todos los que deseamos ser sus discpulos. Por todo lo dicho, conviene que nos preguntemos: Qu recuerdos tendr de m la gente? Si hubiera muerto ayer, qu se dira de mi hoy?. Estos dos preguntas nos deben motivar a todos a mejorar nuestra forma de actuar; y entonces comprender Eclesiasts 7:1: mejor es un (buen) nombre que el buen aceite, y el da de la muerte que el da en que uno nace Mateo 7. 12. Aparte de que nos labremos una buena imagen de nosotros entre nosotros Qu espera Jehov de nosotros?. Pasemos a analizar lo que est registrado en Miqueas 6:8: Y qu es lo que Jehov est pidiendo de vuelta de ti sino ejercer justicia y amar la bondad y ser modesto al andar con tu Dios? En esta expresin estn envueltos los tres requisitos que abarcan nuestros sentimientos, nuestros pensamientos y nuestras acciones. Para respondernos positivamente, tenemos primero que sentir el deseo de manifestar estas facultades, luego pensar y finalmente obrar en consecuencia. Analicemos uno por uno. Otra manera eficaz de visualizar como andar con Dios es por medio de ejercer justicia y amar la bondad y ser modesto al andar con l. Estos tres requisitos abarcan nuestros sentimientos, nuestros pensamientos y nuestras acciones. Lo que necesitamos para labrar nuestra personalidad, sintiendo el deseo de manifestar estas tres cualidades, pensar como hacerlo y obrar en consecuencia. Analicemos una por una: Ejercer Justicia significa hacer lo que es recto ante los ojos de Dios, como el hace las cosas es lo que establece la norma, a pesar de estar rodeados de injusticias, de un ambiente de desconfianza que promueve la desintegracin de la sociedad y la familia, procuremos comportarnos honradamente en todas las cosas (Heb. 13:18). Al hacerlo, es decir, al ejercer justicia, recibimos muchas bendiciones, pues fomentamos un ambiente de hermandad en el que reina la confianza. Para ejercer justicia tenemos oportunidad de practicarlas casi todo los das y ocasin, debe formar parte de nuestra personalidad y esforzarnos por defender la honradez y la integridad y manifestar esta cualidades en nuestra vida cotidiana.

Amemos la bondad, lo hacemos ejerciendo amor leal, lo cual implica tener inters compasivo y preocuparnos por otras personas y que se demuestre por medio e obras. La bondad amorosa siempre esta relacionada con personas, especialmente con personas que se identifican o se esfuerzan por servir a Dios. La bondad amorosa, no es un acto de reflexin egosta, sino una manifestacin voluntaria y liberalmente. Cuando la practicamos, esto nos beneficia y no es una carga, sino un verdadero placer.. Modesto al andar con Dios esto significa reconocer nuestras limitaciones y confiar en Dios, recordando que es sabio permanecer cerca de Dios, debido a que el nuestro libertador, nuestro Gua y nuestro Protector. S, el nos libera del mundo de Satans, nos gua por medio de su palabra, y su espritu santo, esta cualidad esta relacionadas con personas, en especial con aquellas que reconocen a Dios como su soberano y que lo sirven. Por lo tanto, tenemos razones de sobra para agarrarnos con fuerza de la mano de nuestro Padre celestial, mientras caminamos con l a los largo de la tormentosa etapa final de nuestro viaje hacia el justo nuevo mundo de Dios. El ser modesto al andar con Dios nos ayuda a tener una opinin realista de nuestras circunstancias, pues la modestia implica el reconocimiento de nuestras limitaciones, y no hacer a mi manera, como el mundo lo hace y hasta lo canta. Sin embargo, todo esto est de acuerdo a nuestra limitaciones, de estar felices, porque Dios acepta nuestros esfuerzos y sacrificios segn lo que tiene la persona, no segn lo que no tiene (2 Cor. 8:12)

The Plan of Man in God Purpose Inside this plan is included our Salvation or deliverance from sin and its penalty: death. In order to obtain salvation it is necessary to find a satisfactory live connecting to God, as our source of strengh, security, power and hope. And at the same to be surrounded by sincere and humanitary people who can offer wholesome bonds and to get this we need to make effort to maintain such contacts. Good companions, including friends and relatives, help us to success in our efforts to be connected with good and follow his ways. In contrast to this reality there is an interior tendency, inside our thoughts, that we can do everything only by ourselves, that we are completely independent - but no body is Remember that our correct human moments passed to be our corrective works that we experienced in one way or another. When we face with adversities , then we look for other persons advise and support and among all we shall look for Gods wisdom, the salvation comes from faith, hope and charity. For these turbulent times that we are living it is necessary to look for a right sourcing force of strength, inspiration and peace; to confront to worries that afflict the present genenration. By all means it special important to focus practically of life based in cultivating a deep and personal relation with God, and that only developing a sacred hearty devotion together with Gods spirit we are ready to face up this negative reality of the limited times of uncertainty and used the time wisely. Front now on, we are alive to be full of enthusiam to go ahead and develop or realize a close relation with God, the Creator and Savior. The men we are inside.- To obtain a real concept about who we really are, please consider that it is necessary to made us new in the force actuating our mind in a spiritual direction, at the same time making efforts to strip off the old personnality (literally, old man) and cloth ourselves with the new personnality (literally, the new one), but it is difficult to contest because our fleshly body is still here to fight the spiritual man. We have to receive like a training to develop the wright qualities to groom ourself in Gods way, following the fine examples of loyal men in biblical history, even Jesus Christ underwent rigorous training. He was tried, tested, and proved, to be perfected as King and High Priest forever and as it recorded in Heb. 5: 8,9 He learned obedience from the things he suffered; and after he has been made perfect he became responsible for everlasting salvation to all those obeying him This spiritual project is aimed to understand mans standing or state before God following the basic meaning of the key terms which concised the understanding person to be able to see into the real relationship between God and man. Getting beyond a general comprehension, by grasping the real significance and sense of the message from God containing in the Bible records which a perfect message from God to mankind. Only then we are able to evaluate it, benefit by it, and know what action it calls for. Please consider the following utmost information for your or our benefit:

The Spiritual man.- The physical (literally, soulical) man does not receive the things of the spirit of God, for him they are foolishness. He has no spiritual side to his life. He is soulical in that he follows the desire of the human soul to the exclusion of spiritual things. The physical man cannot get to know the things of the spirit of God because they examined spiritually in contrast the spiritual man examines indeed all things, but he himself is not examined by any physical man. The spiritual man has understanding of the things that God revelas; he see also the wrong position and course of the physical man. But the spiritual mans position, actions and course of life cannot be understood by the pysical man, enither can any man judge the spiritual man, fo God is only his judge (Rom. 14:14, 10, 11; I Cor. 4:3-5). Man inherited sold under sin as Paul wrote in Rom 7:14 I am fleshly sold under sin that it why any man cannot act righteous, because the inability of humans to keep the law perpectly showed that they were slave to sin and deserving of death, not life. Only by availing themselves of the deliverance made possible through Jesus Chirst could indivuals be emancipated or gain freedom from his enslavement. Gods holy spirit is a force for righteousness, but the sinful flesh continually wars agaisnt the spirits influence and exerts pressure to induce the individuls to perform the works of the flesh (Rom. 7:18-20). In the way to reach such level of mind we must search throughly our potential abilities in parallel with our institns, notion and thoughts. The best way to do this, is by obtaining the true concepts in life, but consulting with the Word of God, as the right measuring unit, and to meditate involving inward, and these are: Affection.- A strong, warm, personal attachment, such as the existing between genuine friends. To have affection expresses a very close bond, of the kind that exists in thing occasioned freely and of our own accord, because of clearly perceived reasons. There is another kind of love such as arises spontaneously in our souls towards relative or friends, and towards things we deem delighful. Discipline: It helps the innerman by instructions that correpts wrong viewpoints and that molds our mental faculties and course of conduct. The discipline serve tu humble us and to impress upon us the need for a proper fear of Jehova to be shown by faith and obedience. Gods word is the source of discipline as an expression of affection. Only the wicked, the fools, or the morally worthless ones show their hatred of Jehovas discipline by rejectiong it completely (Prov. 1:7). They may bring upon themselves without discipline poverty, disgrase, sickness and even untimely death. By contrast, acceptance of discipline, coupled with a wholsome fear of Jehova, make one wise, able to use knowledge wright, and thus help one to avoid much pain and suffering and contributing to a lengthening of ones present life and hold promise of an future. Rightly, then, disciple should be highly esteemed (Prov. 8:10, 33-35). Faith.- is the assured expectation of things hope for, the evident demostration of realities though not beheld (Heb. 11:1). The assured expectation conveys the idea of something that underlies visible conditions and guarantees a future possession. The evident demostration conveys the idea of bringing forth evidence that demostrates something, particularly something contrary to what appears to be the case, or evidence for conviction, is so positive or powerful that faith is said to be it. Faith is of great help to develop the inner man, is the basis for hope and the evidence of thruths delivered by Jesus Christ and his inspired disciples (Juan 18:37); Galatas 1: 7-9; Hechos 6:7; 1 Tim. 5:8). The actual concurrences taking place during the ministry and earthly life of Jesus Christ identify him as the son of God. Thus, in these many ways, faith follows the things heard Rom. 10:17; compare Juan 4:7-30, 39-42; Hechos 14:8-10. The person who may redicule faith usually has faith himself in tried and trusted friends. For example, the scientific has faith in the principles of his branch of sciencies. He bases new experiments on past discoveries and looks for new discoveries. The basis of those things already established as true. Likewise, the farmer prepare his soil and sows the seed, expecting, as in previous years, that the seed will sprout and that the plants will grow as they receive the needed moisture and sunshine. Therefore faith in the stability of the natural laws governing the universe. Actually constitutes a foundation for mans plan and activities. Faith, Christian.- To be acceptable to God, it is now necessary for one to exercise faith in Jesus Christ, and this makes possible a righteous standing with God (Gal. 2:16). Faith is not the possession of all person, as it is a fruit of Gods spirit (2 Tim. 3:2; Gal. 5:22) and a Christians faith is not static, but it grows. The entirely life course of a Christian is actually governed by faith to serve as protective shield in the spiritual war to overcome the Devil and be a conqueror of the world.

But faith can not be taken for granted, because lack of faith is The sin that so easily entangles one. To maintain a firm faith, by the inner man, requires putting up a hard fight for it, resisting man who could plunge one into inmorality, combating the woks of flesh, avoiding the snare of materialism, shunning faith-destroying philosophies and traditions of men , and above all looking intently at the Chief of Agent and perfection of our faith, Jesus Heb. 12:1,2; Gal. 5:19-21; 1 Tim. 6:9,10; Col. 2:8. Quienes de verdad desean agradar al Creador deberan analizar con cuidadoso si lo que creen acerca de l es cierto. El apstol Pablo mencion celo por Dios; ms no conforme a conocimiento exacto (Rom. 10:2). Qu clase de adoracin acepta Dios? La Biblia responde: Esto es excelente y acepto a vista de nuestro salvador, Dios, cuya voluntad es que hombres de toda clase se salven y lleguen a un conocimiento exacto de la verdad /1 Tim. 2:3,4), por lo tanto, l siempre est disponible, si t lo buscas (1 Cron. 28:9). El verdadero cristianismo estimula a utilizar tanto el corazn como la mente para cultivar la fe que agrada al Creador. De hecho, el fundador del cristianismo, Jesucristo, ense que debemos amar a Dios, con toda nuestra menta, o intelecto, adems de con todo nuestro corazn y toda nuestra alma (Mateo 22:37). En efecto, nuestra facultades mentales deben desempear un papel fundamental en la vida espiritual. Cuando Jess invitaba a sus oyentes a reflexionar en que les enseaban, sola preguntarles: ?Qu les parece? (Mateo 17:25; 18:12; 21:28; 22:42). De igual modo, el apstol Pedro escribi a sus hermanos espirituales con el propsito de despertad sus facultades de raciocinio claro (2 Pedro 3:1). El apstol Pablo, el cristiano que ms viajes misioneros realiz, exhort a los creyentes a utilizar su facultad de raciocinio y a probar por ellos mismos lo que era la buena y la acepta y la perfecta voluntad de Dios (Rom. 12:1,2). Solo as, con un exmen tan cuidadoso y completo de sus creencias, pueden los cristianos desarrollar la fe que complace a Dios y que les permite afrontar las pruebas que se presentan en la vida (Hebreos 11:1,6). Los verdaderos adoradores dijo Jess adorarn al Padre con espritu y con verdad (Juan 4:23). De ah que el apstol Pablo escribiera: Por eso nosotros tambinno hemos cesado de orar por ustedes y de pedir que se les llene de conocimiento exacto de su voluntad en toda sabidura y comprensin espiritual, para que anden de una manera digna de Jehov a fn de que le agraden plenamente (Colosenses 1:9, 10) Heart.- The heart is more than treacherous than anything else and is desperate this constitutes a serious warning that those seeking to please God must give attention not merely to what other human see but to the kind of person they really are. The inner man, the thoughts and desires that a person secretely cherished may entice him in the way of temptation. The figurative heart could be divided with regards to its affections and fears (Ps. 86:11). An individual can also be of a double heart, trying to serve two masters or deceptivily saying one thin while thinking soemthing else. Jesus strongly denouned such duble hearted hypocrisy Mat. 15:7,8. Heart: Want of heart is contrasted with understanding and marks a person of lacking good judment or discernment, inexperienced, foolish, lacking in wisdom and converting the inner person in deficient or prper development. The inner man should give serious attention to what he really is deep down inside. A good way is to acquire accurate knowledge of God and of his ways, another way is to meditate on these things and seeks to apply them daily. The best way is carefully molding his desires, affections, emotions, and goals in life in harmony with what the realities will be approved by God. The result is powerfull influence in his own ability to think clearly and act wisely with intelligent, good judgement or discerniment. Self Control.- It is keeping in check, restraining, or controlling ones person, actions, speech or thoughs, denotating power or control over oneself, but specially in the last days lack of self control is to be the one of the characteristics marking those who would not be practicing true Christianity, in contrast, spiritual man should apply the cancel registered 2 Pedro 1:5-8 supply to your faith virtue, to your virtue knowledge, to your knowledge self-control; to your self control endurance, to your endurance godly devotion, to your godly devotion brotherly affection, to your brotherly affection love. For if these things exist in you and even flow, they will procute you from being either inactive or unfruitful regarding the accurate knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thinking Ability.- It is the ability to give wise and thoughful consideration to a matter, based on thoroughful consideration, the schemes, devices and foolish, ideas of wicked men. Thus it safeguards

us from following a wrong course and associating with those who would influence us toward bad, as it help us to see what such action would lead to. Wisdom and thinking ability safe guard us from engaging in activities leading to calamity and thus prove to be life to this soul. It is based on through knowledge (Prov. 5:2, 8:12). The information contained in the Proverbs enables individuals to formulate wholesome thoughts and ideas that can give purpose full direction to our life. Thinking ability safeguard us from following a wrong course and associating with those who should influence as toward bad, as be engaged in activities leading to calamity. Knowledge.- Essencially, knowledge means familiarity with facts acquired by personal experience, observation, or study. Right knowledge is rather than gold. Knowledge is based on a study of Gods handwork, including his wrritten word, from which man can learn the divine will and purposes. The spiritual man is carefully in not incurred Gods displeasure. Such fear is the beginning of knowledge (Prov. 1:7) such godly fear puts one in position to gain accurate knowledge, but it is necessary to agree with the role that Jehova has assigned to his son in the outworking of His purpose is of such importance that it can be said of Jesus carefully conceled in him are all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge (Col. 2:3). Unless a person exercises faith in Jesus Christ as Gods son, he cannot grasps the real meaning of the Scriptures and see how Gods purposes are working out in harmony with what he has foretold. Knowledge, How do we get: by being told, by observing, by personal acquaintance or experience, by studing, but carefully with independent knowledge, because it can lead us to misery. Philosophy and views exist are falsely called knowledge(1 Tim. 6:20) The recommended knowledge is about God and his purpose (2 Peter 1:5) This involves more than merely having facts which many atheists have; a personal devotion to God and Christ is implied (Juanc 17:3; 6:68,69). Knowledge, Whereas having: Information alone might result in a feeling of superiority, our knowing the love of the Christ which surpassed knowledge that is knowing this love by experience because we are personally imitating his loving ways will balance and give wholesome direction to our use of any information we may have gained Efesios 3:19. In all wisdom and spiritual comprehension (Col.1:9; Efesios 1:15-17) Knowledge, Related Attributes of : In the Bible Knowledge is linked with other attributes such as wisdom, understanding, discerniment and thinking ability. Understanding: is the ability to see how the parts or aspects of something relate to one another to see the entire matter and not just isolated facts. A person with understanding is able to connect new information to things he already knows, it can be said that the understanding one knowledge is an easy thing. Discerniment: It involves seeing or recognizing things, but it emphasizes distinguishing the parts, weighting or evaluating one in the light of the others. A person who unites knowledge and discerniment controls what he says and is cool of spirit (Prov. 17:27). Caution in Gaining Knowledge: Man can increase or gain knowledge and wisdom in many fields or we may explore deeply some specialized field, and become more keenly aware of how limited his opportunities are to use his knowledge and wisdom because of his short span (life) and because of the problems and bad conditions that confront and oppose us in imperfect human society, causing a painful sense of frustration. Education: The imparting or acquisition lf knowledge and skill. Education is accomplish through (1)Explanation and repetition (2)Discipline, training administered in love (Prov. 1:7; Heb. 12:5,6 (3)Personal observation (Slamo 19:1-3; Ec. 1:12-14). (4)Reproof and rebuke (Salmo 141:5; Prov. 9:8; 17:10) The Bible gives limited comments in education of a secular nature. It warns christians not to involve themselves in philosophies of men nor to take time to delve into foolish and unprofitable questions. It strongly counsel against mental intercourse with those who do not believe God and his word (1Tim. 6:20,21; 1 Cor. 2:13; 3:18-20) Teaching: The creative works themselves teach that an all-wise God exists and they provide field for investigation and observation that to the present day has only been partially tapped (Job. 12:7-9)


Jehova has taught human his name, purpose and law, revaling in the Bible and serve as a basis, for correct teaching regarding his will (Rom. 15:4; 2 Tim. 3:14-17) God spirit also function as a teacher. Teacher, The Great: During his fleshly life on earth, Jesus Chirst was recognized as a teacher by both believers and unbelievers (Mat. 8:19; 9:11; 12:38) officers sent to arrest him were impressed with his teaching that they returned empty-handed, saying never has another man spoken like this. The source of his teaching was God (Juan 7:16; 8:28), and Jesus conveyed information with simplicity, irrefutable logic, thought-provocating questions, striking figures of speech and meaningful illustration drawn from things familiar to his listeners. Jesuss knowledge was enhanced by his having had an intimate relationship with his father and God before coming to the earth. Therefore he knew God as no other man did, and this enabled him to provide authoritative teaching concerning his father Mat. 11:27; Juan 1: 18. Jesus was also throughly acquanted with Gods written word. Additionally, Jesuss perfect example lent real force to what he tought (Juan 13:15; Mat. 23:3) Other aspect that made Jesuss teaching authoritative and effective were his understanding of man and his loving concern for others. His keen discrniment was enhanced by moraculous knowledge of the background and reasoning of others (Mat. 12:25; Lucas 6:8; Juan 1:48; 6:61,64; 13:11). Jesus treated his listeners with understanding, he patiently explained to them. Aware of their limitations, he did not give them too much information (Juan 16:4, 12). Jesus promised them the helper, the holy spirit, which the father will send in my name, that one will teach you all things I told you (Juan 14:26). Particularly would it open up to their understanding what they has previously heard by not understood. Since all Gods word was written under inspiration (2 Tim 3:16), it alone contains the sprits teaching. Therefore, teaching that conflict with Gods word is not to be given any attention by Christians, as it is registered in 1 Juan 2:27. Obedience: The submitting to authority, the not doing of what is forbidden, it would be of great help for the inner man. We can achieve obedience by simple hearing, becoming aware of something through the auditory sense, doing the contrary it is overstepping Gods order in doing the right things. By all means we need to receive information or knowledge (compare Lucas 12:47,48; 1 Tim. 1:13) and then upon ones submitting to the will or desire of the one who speaks. Submission, in turn, is dependent upon recognition of that ones authority or right to ask or require the response indicated, as also the hearers desire or willingness to satisfy the will of such one. Obedience to God Essential for Life: we own him implicit obedience as our maker, the source from whom life derives and on whom life depends (Salmo 95: 6-8). Because he is the all-wise and Almighty God what he says merits the utmost respect and Attention. A human father properly expects his word to be carried out by his children, and if a child is slow to respond, the parent may say emphatically Did you hear me? There is no substitute for obedience, no gaining of Gods favor without it. To fail to obey is to reject the word of Jehova, to demostrate the one really does not believe, trust, or have faith in that word and his source. Hence the one failing to obey is no different from the one practicing divination or using idols (Rom. 6:16). We need to follow with action what we heard from God. The lack of response proves a lack of belief or respect for the source of instructions (Mat. 21:28-32). Those satisfying themselves with only hearing and given mental acceptance to Gods truth, but not doing what it calls for, are deceiving themselves with false reasoning and received no blessing (Mat. 7:1523). Obedience is a basic, a life-and-death matter, but by nature men are Sons of Disobedience and children of wrath meriting Gods disfavor because of our violations of his righteous standards. Failure to resist this inherent inclination to disobedience is the course of ultimate destruction Efesios 2:2,3; 5:6-11 compare Galatas 6:7-9. Jehova God has mercifully provided the means for combating sin in the flesh and for gaining forgiveness of wrong doing resulting from imperfection rather than from willful disobedience. By his holy spirit, God supplies the force for righteousness that enables sinful men to produce good fruitage (Gal. 5:16-24). Forgiveness for sins come through faith in Christs ransom sacrifice and such faith in itself is a deterrent to wrong doing and a stimulus to obedience (1Pedro 1:2). Hearing submissively by inner man couple with faith produce obedience and that the disobedience (disbelieving) is lack of faith. Then only if we have faith are moved to obey, having confidence and assurance as to the blessing that obedience will bung (Heb. 11:1,6). So the obedience is motivated by


an appreciative heart with helpful information appealing to ones sense of justice and righteousness to love and goodness, intelligence, reason and wisdom (Lucas 1:17; Rom 12:1,2). Mankind has continuated harder its heart like emery stone, including ancient Israel, stubborn by refusing discipline. Fleshly man has preferred to endeavor to establish his righteousness in his own way, by works of human law, willful disobedience or disregard for Gods reveled will brings a certain fearfull expectation of Judgment Heb. 10:26-31. A healthy fear of God also plays its part in obedience. The scriptures set forth many encouraging examples of faithfull obedience in all manners of circumstances and situation and in the face of all types of opposition. Supreme among theses is the example of Gods own son, who humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake (Filipenses 2:8; Heb. 5:8). By this obedience course he was justified, proved righteous on his own merit, and hence could provide a perfect sacrifice that would redeem mankind from sin and death Rom 18-21. He is the perfect model for obedience to all of us, and he was tried, tested, and proved to be perfected as King and High Priest forever as is registered in Heb. 5: 8,9 He learned obedience from the things he suffered; and after he had been made perfect he became responsible for everlasting salvation to all those obeying him Reconciliation: Another form to develop inner man inside us, it is through reconciliation with God to reconcile means to bring back into harmony or cause to be friendly again, also to adjustor settle, as in reconciliation differences. The only way to do this is by means of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This reconciliation to God is necessary because an alienation has existed, a separation a lack of harmony and of friendly relations, more than that, a state of enmity, as the resultant sinfulness and imperfection inherit by Adams all descendents (Rom. 5:12 compare Isa. 43:2. Remember that the minding of the flesh means enmity with God, for it is not under subjection to the law of God, nor, in fact, can it be judge to its inherited imperfect sinful nature. So those who are in harmony with the flesh cannot please Gods love (Rom. 5:12). Though mankind as a whole has been in as state of enmity toward God and Gods love toward the world of mankind, this love toward enemies, a love guided by principles, rather that, affection or friendship Juan 3:16. The relation between God and sinful man is thus a legal one, as that of a sovereign, in his judicial capacity and a criminal who has violated his law and risen up against his authority, and who is therefore treated as an enemy. The basis for reconciliation, it is only by and through the ransom sacrifice of Christ that full reconciliation to God is possible; he is the way, and no one comes to the father except through him (Juan 16:6). Jesus sacrifice appeared, or satisfied the demand of Gods perfect justice by providing the just and righteous basis for pardoning sin, so that God might be righteous even when declaring righteous the man (the hereditarily sinful man) that has faith in Jesus (Rom. 3:24-26), By supplying this means for expiating (making complete satisfaction for) mans sin and unlawful acts. Christs sacrifice made propitious (favorable) for mans seeking and receiving a restoration to right relation with Sovereign God Efesios 1:7; Heb. 2:17. Thus, through Christ, God made at possible to reconcile again to himself to himself and all other things by making peace through the blood he (Jesus) shed in the torture stake and thereby persons once alienated and enemies because of having the or minds or wicked works could now by reconciled by means of the ones fleshly body through his death, in order to present (them) holy and unblemished and open to no accusation before him (Col. 1:19-22) Jehov God could now declare righteous those whom he selected to become his spiritual sons, they will be not subject to any accusation, since they were now persons fully reconciled to and with God compare Acts 13:38,39; Rom. 5:9:10; 8:33. Reconciliation: Steps Necessary for Obtaining Reconciliation.- Since God is the offended party whose law has been and is being violated, it is man who must become reconciled to God, not God to man (Filip., Psalm 51:1-4) Man does not meet God on equal terms nor is Gods standards as to what is right subject to change, emendation, or modification (Mat. 3:6 compare Jas. 1:17) his condition are therefore non-negotiable, not subject to questions or compromise. The fault producing disharmony lies entirely with man, due on his condition now, not with God. This does not prevent God from mercifully taking initiative, as his creator, in opening the way for reconciliation. Jesus, who did not know sin was made to be sin for us, dying as a human sin offering to relive persons of the charge and penalty of sin to humankind.


The key word is recognizing the need for reconciliation and accepting Gods provision for reconciliation, namely the sacrifice of Gods son, the individual must then repent of his sinful course and convert, from following the way of the sinful world of mankind, as well as peace of mind and heart. Happiness.- I called the inner needs to be in state of well-being that is characterized by relative permanence, by emotion ranging from mere contentment to deep and intense joy in living, and by a natural desire for it to continue. It this differs from mere pleasures which may come about simply through chance contact and stimulation. It is the result of positive action, such as acting with consideration toward the lowly one or been in favor of Jehov. It is an state of mind or condition that results from the blessing of God. Hapiness, What is the Basis for Real .- The inner man understand that all happiness promised in the Bible are contingent upon a right relationship with God; all of them are realized on the basis of love of God. True happiness cannot achieved apart from of obedience to Jehov. His blessing is essential for happiness, as one his good gifts and perfect presents. The things that contributes to true happiness are knowledge of Jehov, wisdom from him, and even his correction and discipline. The inner man feels that true happiness stems from those things that have to do with spirituality, the worship of God, and the fulfillment of Gods promises. That is necessary condition which Jesus said Happy are those conscious of their spiritual needs, since the kingdom of the heavens belong to them. Conscience.- is a capacity to look at oneself and render judgment about oneself, bears witness to oneself. Conscience is inherent in man, having been made part of him by God. It is an inward realization or sense of right and wrong that exercises or accuse one. Hence, the inner man has to develop a conscience that judges. It is also can be trained by the thoughts and acts, convictions and rules that are implanted in a persons mind by study and experience. Conscience can be a moral safety device, in that it imparts pleasure and inflicts pain for ones own good and bad conduct. All persons have the faculty of conscience, and it is to this that the life course. Conscience must be enlighted. If not, it can be mislead. It is an unsafe guide if it has not been trained in right standards, according to the truth. Its development can be wrongly influence by local environment, customs, worship, and habits. It might judge matters as being right or wrong by these incorrect standards or values. Only a conscience properly trained by Gods word can correctly assess and set matters of life throughly straight. The inner man must constantly strive for an honest conscience in all things, and committing no offense against God and continually steered and corrected his course of life according to Christ teaching. Untrained conscience may be weak and it may be easily and unwise suppressed or the person may become offended by the actions or words of others, even in instances where no wrong doing may exist. Conscience, Bad.- It can be abused that it no longer is clean and sensitive. When that happens, it cannot sound out warnings or give safe guidance. Mans conduct is then controlled by fear of exposure and punishment rather by a good conscience (Rom.13:5) when a person with such a conscience cannot sense right or wrong. Joy.- It is the expressness of inner feeling and the outward manifestation by the acquisition or expectation of good state of happiness, exultation. The inner man enjoys his own works at any time in his knowledge of God. Jesus also desired his followers to have the same joy, telling them these things I have spoken to you, that may joy may be in you and your joy may be made full. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit.- Since God is the source of joy and he desires joyfulness for his people, joy is a fruit of his holy spirit, accordingly, Paul counseled the Christians at Rome that the Kingdom of God means righteousness and peace and joy with holy spirit Rom. 14:17 The Joy is a quality of the heart the inner man and can affect the whole body for good. A joyful heart has a good effect on the countenance and a heart that is joyful does good as curer, says the wise writer of Proverbs 15:13; 17:22. Joy Provided by God, Other.- God has provided many other things that mankind may enjoy day by day. Some of theses are marriage, being a father or mother of a righteous and wise child, we, and the multitudinous things of his creation.


Joy, False or Non-lasting .- Joy based on materialism is a false joy that is in error and will be shortlived. Also, a person rejoicing over the calamity of another, even of one who hates him, must account to Jehov for his sin. Under present conditions, wickedness, sickness and death prevent full and diminished joy, but Jesus Christ as King will bring end to all obstacles to complete joy, for even death will be no more, neither will mourning not outcry nor pain be anymore (Rev. 21:4). Godly Devotion.- The inner man must exercise reverence, worship, and service to Go, with loyalty to his universal sovereignty. We need to apply devotion toward that which is genuinelly holy and righteous. It refers to devotion with loyalty to Jehov God personally. The Sacred Secret of Godly Devotion.- The inner man must follow the prime example of godly devotion Jesus Christ 1 Tim. 3:16 He was made manifest in flesh, was declared righteous in spirit, appeared to angels, was preached about the nations, was beloved upon in the world, was received up in glory. Jesus Christ was the one man to manifest godly devotion perfectly, in every sense, proving that man in the flesh can maintain such devotion, before his death, he said I have conquered the world also the ruler of this world is coming, and he has no hold on me. No unrighteousness could be founded in him. He could righty say to his enemy who of you convicts me of sin? The solution to the sacred secret of this godly devotion is so great and means so much to mankind that it is to be proclaimed worldwide. Jesus Christ himself is the basis upon which Christians godly devotion and conduct in the congregation are patterned. Training with Contentment is Essential.- Strenous training is necessary on part of the Christian in order to achieve full godly devotion. A persons aim, or objective, in training himself is not to achieve selfish materialism gain. But there is gain to the one who is content with his portion of life. Who continues in godly devotion along with self-sufficiency It holds promise of the live now namely, spiritual health satisfaction, happiness, and a purpose in living. It also holds promise of the life that is to come. The Power of Godly Devotion.- The inner person must professing godly devotion and recognize its power to change his personality and must be true and genuine in following godlines (1 Tim. 6:11; Efesios 4:20-24) He must recognize that Gods Word is his expression of the way of Godly devotion and so he must conform to its precepts. Since godly devotion is toward God personality, his word ad spirit will bourgeon to know Jehovs personality, intimatelly, and to become more like him to an imitator or copier of him (Efesios 5:1). Such a person will reflect more and more the fine qualities of Jehov God 2 Cor. 3:18. If anyone who professes to serve God relies on his own ideas instead of adhering to the Bible and if his teaching does not accord with godly devotion and becomes mentally deceased practicing all sorts of wickeness, hypocritically having a form of godly devotion but they would be persons using godlines for materialistic or sensual gain which is revealed in their practice of acts of loose conduct. Mildness.- It is that temper of spirit developed in the inner man in which we accept his dealing with us as good, behind the gentleness there is the strength of steel. Mild-tempered man is a good teacher, providing easy-learning manners and also generating great confidence and strength in those appealing him. Mildness of temper or spirit is not an attribute of one weak in character. Jesus Christ said I am mildtempered and lowly in heart (Mat. 11:29; 2 Cor. 10:1) Yes, Jesus had the full power of his father backing him, and he was firm for what is right; he used great freeness of speech and action when such was called for. The mild-tempered person is such because he has faith and a source of strength. He is not easily unbalanced or caused to lose his good sense. Lack of mildness of temper is the result of insecurity, frustration, lack of faith and hope, and even desperation. He is open and vulnerable to the invasion of any and all improper thoughts, which may motivate him to improper actions. God is the source of mildness, and one must apply to him for his spirit and must cultivate fruits of the spirit to have genuine mildness and temper. Lack of mildness results in undue excitability, harness, lack of self-control and fights. On the other hand mildness will prevent from jealousy and contention, and will not allow to take root and grow. It is not a transitory or occasional quality, other, it is part of ones make up, or temperament, but let it be the secret person of the heart, in the incorruptible


apparel of the quiet and spirit, which is of great value, in the eyes of God. Mildness is indeed a personality trait, primarily gained as a fruit of Gods spirit through accurate knowledge and application thereof, rather than just naturally inherited. It is necessary to forsaking of the old ways of maliciousness and hatred and following the new way leading to spiritual life. Mildness will accomplish good when dealing with a difficult situation or an angry person, breaking down difficulty, whereas harshness would magnify the bad situation. In the Bible, meekness is emphasized as ones mental attitude first, then toward fellow creatures. For example, it is written: The meek one will certainly increase their rejoicing in Jehov himself (Isa. 29:19). Meek persons are teachable Jehov will teach the meek ones his way (Psalm 25:9) and they are willing to endure disciple from the hand of God, though such is grievous at the time. (Heb. 12:4-11) Meekness causes persons to wait upon Jehov to right the wrongs and injuries unjustly suffered, instead of becoming heated up with anger (Psalm 37:8-11) Meekness.- A mildness of temper, without haughtiness or vanity. The mental disposition that enables one to endure injury with patience and without irritation, resentment, or vindictive retaliation. It is a close companion of and seldom found separate from such other virtues as humility, lowliness of mind, and gentleness. The inner man has to cultivate this mental attitude first of all toward God, then toward fellow creatures. Meekness person are teachable- Jehova will teach the meek ones his way and they are willing to endure discipline from the hand of God (Heb. 12:4-11). Meekness causes persons to wait upon Jehova to right the wrongs and injuries unjustly suffered, instead of becoming heated up with anger. Who is able to take criticism without resentment. Jesus modeled for us demonstrating meekness by enduring all manners of personal injury without a word of complaint, even allowing himself to be led to the slaughter as a lamb without opening his mouth in protest (Filip. 2:5-8; Heb. 12:2; Acts 8:32-35) He recommended himself to others as a meek or mild-tempered person. As Isaias foretold: he was an anointed Jehovas spirit to tell good news to the meek ones and to teach the meek concerning salvation. Meekness Brings Benefits.- God thought us extending an invitation specially to the meek ones of the earth who has practiced His own judicial decision. Seek righteousness, seek meekness and probably you may be concealed in the day of Gods anger. There are other wonderful promises extended to such ones. For example the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace (Psalm 37:11) In both in literal and spiritual and literal sense to the state of being, the meek ones will eat and be satisfied Psalm 22:26. Humility.- How this quality help the inner man? Though freedom from pride or arrogance, lowliness of mind. It is not weakness but a state of mind that is pleasing to God. A person can achieve a state of humility by raising on his relationship to God, the inner man has to reasoning to throw away pride, acknowledge his mistakes, set matters straight, and seek forgiveness. We may learn humility be being brought low, humbled by experience than instead suffer humiliation in due time. Humility Please God.- Humility has great value in the eyes of Jehov ad he is ready to show mercy and favor to those humbling themselves before him. Such ones show that they are not trusting or boasting in themselves, but are looking to him and want to do his will. Even those who have in the past practiced very bad things. If they truly humble themselves before God and be search him for mercy, will be heard by him. Humility Provides Right Guidance.- One who humbles himself before God can expect to have Gods guidance. Humility will guide a person in the proper path and will bring him into glory, for it is God whole exalts one and puts down another. Before a crash the heart of a man is lofty, and before seeking glory is humility. Humility can aid one greatly in meeting the challenge of adversity. If calamities come humility enables a person to hold up and endure, as well as, to continue in Gods ways Humility in Jesus Christ.- He said clearly and directly to his disciples Whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbled himself will be exalted. During his fleshly and earthly life, finding himself in fashion as man, he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death. He said of himself I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart (Mat. 11:20).


Humility Works for Peace.- Humility promotes peace. A humbled person does not fight in order to establish his supposed personal rights it requires humility to keep the peace by putting into practice Jesus counsel to forgive others their sins. And when a person offend another it tests his humility to obey the command to go to the other persons and admit the wrong, asking for forgiveness.(Mat. 5:23,24) or when the offended person approaches him . Only love coupled with humility will prompt one to acknowledge the wrong and act immediately to set matters straight (Mat. 18:15; Lucas 17:3) But the results such humility brings in the way of peace to the individual far outweight the feeling of humiliation also his humbled action further develops and strengths in the individual the fine quality of humility. False Humility.- Humility can be only on the surface. Any one who takes delight in a mock humility can become pupped up with out proper cause by his fleshly frame of mind in a self-imposed form of worship and mock humility, or severe treatment of the body, but they are of no value in combating the satisfying of the flesh. (Rom. 14:17; Gal. 3:10,11) False humility can actually result in developing haughtiness in the individual for he may trend to think he is righteous on his merit; or he may feel that he is accomplish his ends, not realizing that he cannot deceive Jehov. If haughtiness develops, he will in time be humbled in a way that he will not enjoy. He will be brought low, and it may be to his own destruction. Reasonableness.- meaning: seemly fitting; hence equitable, fair, moderate, forbearing; it is a distinctive feature of heavenly wisdom. The inner man has to be reasonable with himself in dealing with others, and in his view of problems, and to let him known to all people. Wisdom: is the ability to put knowledge to work, or to use it, the intelligent application of learning. A person might have considerable knowledge but not know how to use it because of lacking wisdom. Wisdom is the prime thing for without its knowledge is of little value (Prov. 4:7; 15:2). Wisdon: To Know Jehova is the way of live: The most important knowledge that one can acquire is about God himself. The Knowledge of the most Holy one is what understanding is. This knowledge goes beyond the mere fact of Gods existance and his creatorship even beyeond the knowledge of many fact about his dealings. To know him denotes a deep appreciation of his fine qulities and his great name and a close relationship with him. A knowledge of Jehovas qualities will deepen ones proper fear of God. Wisdom.- wisdom lays on sound judgment, based on knowledge and understanding successfully to solve problems, avoid or avert dangers; attain certain goals, or counsel others in doing so. It is the opposite of foolishness, stupidity and madness with which it is often contrasted. Wisdom implies a breadth of knowledge and a depth of understanding, these giving the soundness and clarity and clarity of judgment characteristic of wisdom. While wisdom is the prime thing. The counsel is that with all that you acquire, acquire understanding what it adds strength to wisdom, contributing greatly to discretion and foresight; also notable characteristics of wisdom, discretion implies prudence and may be expressed in caution, self-control, moderation, or restrain. The wise person is happy to get any information that will grant him a clear view into the underlying circumstances, condition and causes of problems. Thereby, he lets knowledge as to what conclusions to draw, what is needed to solve the existing problems. Wisdom is a Sacred Secret, Gods.- During mans history on earth God foreordained and outline his hidden wisdom contained in Gods dealing with, and promises to, his faithful servants during many centuries. Thus the importance to known the Bible, his record with mankind. Finally after more then 4,000 years, the wisdom of the sacred secret was revealed in Jesus Christ (Col. 1:26-28), through whom God purposed an administration at the full limit of the appointed times, namely, to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth (Efesios 1:8-11) Gods provision of the ransom for the salvation of obedient mankind and his purpose for a Kingdom Government, headed by his son and able to end all wickedness, were revealed since Gods grand purpose is founded on and centered in his son, Christ Jesus has become to us wisdom from God. Carefully concealed in him are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge


(Col. 2:3). Only through him and by faith on him, Gods Chief Agent of Life can salvation and life be attained (Acts 3:15). The rebellion that broke out in Eden presented a challenge to Gods wisdom. His wise means for ending that rebellion wiping out its effects and restoring peace, harmony, and right order in his universal family-formed a sacred secret, the hidden wisdom, which God foreordained before the system of things, that is, those systems that have developed during mans history outside Eden (1 Cor. 2:7). Its outlines were contained in Gods dealing with, and promises to, his faithful servants during many centuries. Finally, after more than 4,000 years, the wisdom of that sacred secret was revealed in Jesus Christ (Col. 1:26-28), through whom God purposed an administration at the full limit of the appointed times, namely, to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth Efesios 1:8-11). Gods provision of the ransom for the salvation of obedient mankind and his purpose for a Kingdom government, headed by his Son and able to end all wickedness, were revealed. Since Gods grand purpose is founded on and centered on his Son, Christ Jesus has become to us wisdom from God (1 Cor. 1:30) Carefully concealed in him are all treasures of wisdom and of knowledge (Col. 2:3). There is, therefore, no true wisdom that fails in him Jesus Christ, that does not base its judment and decisions solidly on Gods purpose as revealed in him. Wisdom, Human.- wisdom is indeed a blend of many things: knowledge, understanding, thinking ability, experience, diligence, shrewdness, and right judgment. But since true wisdom begins with the fear of Jehov. This superior wisdom goes beyond ordinary wisdom and includes holding the high standards, manifesting righteousness and uprightness, as well as, adhering to truth. Not all wisdom measures up to that superior wisdom. Human wisdom is never absolute, but is relative. Wisdom on a limited scale is attainable by man through his own efforts, through he must in any case use the intelligence with which God initially endowed man. Man learns from observation, and working with, the materials of God creation. Such wisdom may vary in type and extend, like in the field of administrative judgment in government and business, or extensive knowledge in some particularly fields of human science or research: skillfulness in construction, workers in stone and wood, great talent in a wide variety of craft, etc. All such wisdom may be had ever though the possessor lack the spiritual wisdom, the Bible particularly advocates Gods spirit may enhance some of these types of wisdom, where there are useful in accomplishing his purpose. The inner man is rewarded with a wise and understanding heart.. Wisdom not Always Used for God.- Human wisdom can be used for good or bad that is only fleshly, not spiritual, not from God. It is futile wisdom, causing disorder, perversion, and deficiencies in imperfect human society. While human wisdom produces varied pleasures and proficiency that brought material wealth, it could not bring true happiness or lasting satisfaction. The wise man dies along with the stupid, not knowing what will become of his possessions, and his human wisdom ceases in the grave. Even like, true and unforseen occurrence might bring sudden calamity, leaving the wise without even such basic needs as food (Ecl. 9:11,12). A person can be excessive in striving to manifest wisdom, pushing himself beyond the limits of his imperfect ability in a self-destructive course the world of mankind has develop a fund of wisdom over the centuries much of it true wisdom is manifest when a person acts peaceable, reasonable, ready to obey, his speech is not presumptuous, harsh or rash, but well-though only heading pleasant and beneficial speech. Wise man always seek to bring calm and to win souls by wise persuasion. Those who become wise in their own eyes elevating themselves above others (even above God) are worse of than stupid such assuming persons are too proud to accept correction. To correct this unbalanced standing the man needs to fortify his understanding to acquire wisdom. For example, a person may obey a certain command of God because he recognizes the rightness of such obedience, and this is wisdom on his part.. But if he gets real understanding of the reason for the command, the good purpose it serves, and the benefits accruing from it, his heart determination to continue in that wise course is greatly strengthened (Prov. 14:33). Proverbs 21:11 says that by ones giving insight to a wise person he gets knowledge The wise person is happy to get any information that will grant him a clearer view into the underlying circumstances, conditions, and causes of problems. Thereby he gets knowledge as to what to do regarding the matter and knows what conclusions to draw, what is needed to solve the existing problem Compare Prv. 9:9; Ecl. 7: 25.


Wisdom, Divine.- Wisdom in the absolute sense is found in Jehov God, who is wise alone in this sense (Rom. 16:27; Rev. 7:12) Knowledge is acquaintance with fact, and since Jehov is the Creator, who is from time indefinite to time indefinite (Psalm 90:1,2), he knows all there is to know about the universe, its composition and contents, its history till now. The physical laws, and standards upon which men rely in their research and invention, and without which they would be helpless and have nothing stable upon which to build, are all of His making (Job 38:34-38; Psalm 104:24; Prov. 3:19; Jer. 10:12, 13) Logically, his moral standards are even more vital for stability, sound judgment, and successful human living. For all these reasons it is evident that the fear of Jehov is the start of wisdom (Prov. 9:10). He is wise in heart and strong in power. Who can show stubborness to him and come off uninjured? (Job 9:4; Prov. 1416). In his mightiness he can intervene at will in human affairs, maneuvering rulers or eliminating them, making his prophetic revelation prove infallible (Dan. 2:20-23). World.- can means 1) humankind as a whole, apart from their moral conditions or course of live 2) the framework of human circumstances into which a person is born and in which he lives, and in sense it is at times quite similar to the system of things, or 3) the mass of mankind apart from Jehovas approved servants. As world is regarded as that order of things whose center is man, attention is directed chiefly to him and world denotes mankind willing that order of things, humanity as it manifest itself in and through such an order (Mat. 18:7) World is therefore closely linked and bound up with mankind. The inner man is illuminated using light in spiritual sense, but the world as being guilty of sin and needs a savior to give it life, things applicable only to mankind, not to the inanimate creation nor to the animals. This is the world that God loved so much that he gave his only begotten son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. This is the world whose invisible qualities are already seen from the world creation onward because they are perceived by the things made, from the creation of mankind forward, for only when mankind prepared with their minds on earth capable of perceiving such invisible qualities by means of the visible creation (Rom. 1:20). This clear connection with the world of mankind also aids one in understanding what is meant by the founding of the world, the beginning of mankind, things related to human life and activity not of the inanimated creation or the animal creation when the human race was founded through the first human pair, who outside of Eden, began to conceive the seed that could benefit from Gods provision for deliverance from inherited sin. World is understood to include both visible spirit creatures and visible human creatures by the rendering we are made a spectacle unto the world both to angels and men. World: The human sphere of life and its framework.- a framework of things that surround and affect mankind has been build up on earth as mankind has grown in number and in years of existence. When Jesus spoke of a man as gaining the whole world but forfaiting his soul in the process, the evidence meant gaining all the human sphere of life and human society as a whole could offer (Mat. 16:26). The inner man must be alert against loving the world with its way of life that appeals to the sinful flesh (2 Tim. 4:10; 1 Juan 2:15-17) and it is necessary to identify the ruler of this world (2 Cor. 4:17) as the God of this system of things. The elementary things of the world. The outside or exterior man is like a babe, continued enslaved by the elementary things belonging to the world, formed by the philosophy deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ; because it is in him that all the fullness of the divine quality dwells bodily stressing that they died together with Christ toward the elementary things of the world. The elementary things include the philosophies abd deceptive teaching based prevaling on human standard, concepts, reasoning and mythology, all mundane of the human sphere, pertaining to the flesh, not heavenly or spiritual. World Alienated from God.- The inner man should take a separated course of life, entering into Gods relationship and its riches by being reconcilied to him. World is used to signify all non-christian human society, regardless of race that hatred Christ and his followers. God did not produce such unrighteous world, it owns its development to Gods chief opposeer and adversary, Satan the Devil, and his wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places acts as the invisible world rulers over the world alienated from God (Efesios 6:11,12). Christians unavoidably living in the midst of the society of wrongdly persons, including those engaging in fornication, idolatry extortion and similar practices (1 Cor. 5:9-13) must keep themselves clean and unsppoted by that worlds corruption defilement, not


intering friendly relation relations, with it, lest they be condemmed with it. thye cannot be guided by worldly wisdom, which is foolishness in Gods sight, neither it selfish and sinful activating force. Thus through their society faith conquer the world of unrighteneous human society, the world in the sense of human society alienated from God and in actual enmity toward God, Jesus showed that human flesh is to survive the coming great tribulation. Insight.- is the ability to see into a situation. To act with insight is to act with produce, discretion, with intelligence. Insight is closely related to understanding, but there is a fine distention between the two terms. Understanding indicates distenguishing between the matters to discern with the senses their composition, insight relates to an intelligent knowledge of the reason. There is the process of thinking through a complex arrangement of thoughts resulting in a wise dealing and use of good practical common sense. Jehov God gives insight to his servants by providing them with counsel and advise that they can use to direct them and control their actions, be means of his word. The inner man not only need to read the Bible, but most appreciate it so as to be motivated to do all that God directs. Needed also is the help of Gods spirit, once acquired insight must be safeguard. One can lose it by turning from Gods ways. Insight results in acquiring a clear picture of a matter and enables one to know what to do regarding the matter, what conclusions to draw, what counsel give. Insight can be displayed in various ways, resulting in blessing both to the one who has it and to others that lives with him and enables him to consider available information and as a result acquires a clearer picture of a matter. Hope.- It can mean trust, reliance, desire accompanied with expectation of what is desired or promise; something that is hoped for; or an object of hope, wait for with eager expectation, because that which is expected is not always desirable. The Bible shows that people of the world in general have no real, solidly based hope. Mankind is going into death, and without knowledge of a provision from a higher source there is no hope in what lies ahead. That is why the apostle Paul informs Christians that they, having the hope of resurrection, should not sorrow just as the rest also do who have no hope (1 Tim. 4:13) as the Gentiles that had no hope and were without God in the world. Besides the world is inffected with wrong acttitutes of the hopeless one and are abandoned themselves to sensual enjoyment, consequently the biblical expression fit them well let there be eating and drinking for tomorrow we shall die. Hopes, Hope .- People of world have some reasonable that they pursue, some of a commendable nature, rather, the inner man build his hope in God, in order to have consequencial effects or results. But minor, common, and normal human hopes there are bad ones. They are hopes that are wickedly entertained. In some instances these may appear to be fulfilled, but in actually they are realized only in a temporary sense, for a proverb states the expectation of the righteous one is a rejoicing, but the very hope of the wicked one will perish (Prov. 10:28). Additionally, When a wicked one man dies his hope perished, and even expectation bases on powerfulness has perished (Prov. 11:7). So, selfish hope, and those based in a flase foundation of materialism, on lies, on wrong dealing, or the power or promises of men, are sure to be frustated. Hope, The Source of.- Jehov God is the source of future hope on the one able to fulfill all his promises and the hope of those trusting in him. He has been the hope of righteous men in all ages. The Bible is full of expression of hope, trust and confidence in him. For a true view and proper understanding of God, the inner man must know that loving kindness and generosity are outstanding qualities of God, and he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him (Heb. 11:6). Hope is also essential to faith.- It is the groundwork and basis for faith. In turn, faith makes the hope brighter and stronger, we should keep Gods promises as love of God that has been poured out into our hearts through the holy spirit, which has given us Rom. 5: 2, 5 The Christian Hope.- The gaining of lasting life in heaven or on earth was not open to any humankind until Jesus Christ Shed light upon life and incorruption through the good news (2 Tim. 1:10) Our hope of everlasting life is solidly based and is something that can be confidently relied on. It is supported by two things in which it is impossible for God to lie, namely, his promise on his oath, and the hope resides with Christ, who is now inmortal in the heavens. Therefore, this hope is spoken of as an anchor for the soul, both sure and firm. (Heb. 6:17-20)


Hope Must be Developed and Maintained.- It requires continued industrioness and the exercise of freeness of speech and boasting over the hope itself (Heb. 3:6; 6: 11). Hope is developed by endurance under tribulation. This leads to an approved conditions before God from whom hope comes (Rom. 5:2-5) It is placed alongside faith and love as one of the three qualities charactirizing Christians. Hope: Qualities and Benefits.- Hope is indispensable to the Christians. It accompanies joy, peace and power of Holy Spirit (Rom.15:13). It promotes freeness of speech in the approach to God for his undeserved kindness and mercy. It enables the Christians to endure with rejoicing, no matter what at the conditions may be. Hope of salvation protect the mental power enabling the Christians to maintains integrity, the desire for expectation is so strong that despite severe trials and difficulties, we are able to keep on waiting patiently for the hoped-for things with endurance (Rom 8: 24,25). Hope helps also keep the Christians in a clean way of life, because their hopes lies on God and Christ, are pure and are closely allied with the greatest quality, love, for one having the true love of God will also have hope in all Gods promises. Generally, law exposed all as sinners before God, by making transgressions manifest, condemned all under it to death. It exposed the imperfections of those under it. God foretold it was necessary to bring in a better hope through Jesus Christ, setting aside the law and enabling those putting faith in Christ to draw near to God Heb. 7:18,19. The undeserved kindness of God is further magnified in that the wonderful hope that he opened up for the spiritual man the inner man is also closely tied in with a hope for all mankind who desire to serve God. Paul explains the eager expectation of the creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subject to futility, not by its own will but through him that subject it on the basis of hope that the creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God. Jesus fulfilled that hope by his ministry, death, and resurrection. But the great hope for mankind in general, both the living and the dead, lies in the Kingdom of Christ. Then mankind exercising faith will eventually be released from the corruption of imperfection and sin and will come to the full status of children of God, in his word -. The Bible are all instructions and samples, so that all men may have hope. Justice.- the maintenance or administration of what is right in a fair and impartial way, and according to standard. It also convey the idea of a particular plan, custom, rule or regular procedure for doing things. God is the supreme judge and statute-giver (Isa. 33:22) He is a lover of righteousness and justice (Psalm 33:5) God guarantees that he will never abandon his loyal one (Psalm 37:28). Jehov shows no partiality in dealing with his creatures, but he accepts and bestow his blessing upon all those fearing him and practicing righteousness (Acts 10:334,35). Individuals and nations are punished or rewarded according to their acts (Rom. 2:3-11; Efesios 6:7-9; Col. 3:22-4:2) Gods justice is also balanced with mercy, thus providing opportunity for men and nations to turn from their wicked ways and thereby escape the execution of his adverse judgment. Gods wisdom is far superior to that if imperfect humans, and man, not God, must learn the path of justice (Isa. 40:14). Thus man is in no position to judge Gods acts as just or unjust, but must learn to conform his thinking to the standards of justice that Jehov has revealed in his word. He has always rightly required that those desiring to gain his approval acquaint themselves with his standard of justice and follow it. Like God, his followers, must be impartially, as a failure in this regard is unjust and violates the law of love (Santiago 2: 1-9). However, the exercise of justice according to Gods standards is not a burden; mans happiness actually depends on it (Psalm 106:3 compare Isa. 56: 1,2). The proper exercise of justice by governmental authority likewise contributes to the happiness and well-being of its subjects (compare Prov. 29:4). Righteousness.- According to its roots in Hebrew and Greek have the thought of rectitude uprightness, indicating a standard or norm determinating what is upright. Rightenousness is frequently use in connection with a judge, or with a judgment giving the term a somewhat legal flavor (hence, the original-language terms are at times translated justice. God sets the Standard.- God is the objective standard which determines the content of righteous and at the same time keeps that content of meaning constant and unchanging. Since, he is the unchanging one. Righteous in the biblical sense is a condition of rightness, the standard of which is


God, and is measure by conformity to Gods will and his command. His specific commands may vary from one time to another and from one person to another. Gods personal standard, his personality, and what he is, as expressed in his words and ways, remain ever constant and hence provide a perfect standard rock-like in firmness and stability, with which to measure the conduct of all his creatures Psalm 92:15; Eze. 18:25-31; 33:17-20). In the scriptures we may note that which is good is contrasted with that which is vile (John 5:29; Rom. 9:11), wicked (Mat. 5:45; Rom. 12:9), Evil (Rom. 16:19, and of course bad (1Pedro 3:11). The righteous one, on the other hand, is contrasted with the sinner the uprighteous person (Mark 2:17; Luke 15:7). Just a person may be a sinner because he fails to meet righteous standards and yet not necessarily be termed or classed as vile, wicked or evil. Righteous One, Jehova The.- All Gods ways are righteous: as Sovereign (Job 37:23; Psalm 71:19; 89:14); in administrating and executing judment and justice (Psalm 9:8; 85:11; 2 Cor. 3:9), in vindication of himself in judment (Psalm 51:4; Rom. 3:4,5), and in vindication of his people (Mic. 7:9). God himself is called the abiding place of reighteousness(Jer. 50:7). He is therefore the Righteous One, and all righteousness on the pact of his creatures comes from their relationship with him. Jehov abides by his own standard of righteousness without deviation. Therefore, his creatures can have to utmost confidence in him. Of him it is written righteousness and judgment are the established place of your throne Psalm 89:14. Righteous While Exercising Mercy.- Jehovs righteousness, justice, holiness and purity are such that no sin can condoned by him (Psalm 5:4; 1 Peter 1:15). Consequently he could not forgive the sins of mankind without satisfying justice in effect, without a legal basis. But through his undeserved kindness he made this just arrangement by providing his son as a sacrificial offering, exercise mercy toward sinner who accept this arrangement. Righteousness, Seek Gods.- Jesus admonished his hearers: Keep on, seeking first the kingdom and righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. (mat. 6:33). A person needs to keep seeking the Kingdom; he must desire that government and be loyal to it. He must continually make his mind over so that every facet if his life is in accord with Gods righteousness (Rom. 12:2). He must put on the new personality which was created according to Gods will in true righteousness and loyalty Efesios 4:23,24. We have to alert all the time, not to have a form of righteousness in our obedience to certain of the requirements of the law and traditions whose actually made the word of God invalid. Consequently, it is clear the imperfect men could never attain true righteousness we can not measure up the righteousness of God by our own works of self-righteousness (Rom. 3:10; 30-32; Gal. 2:21; 3:21; Tito 3:5) The men whom God called righteous in the biblical register were men who exercised faith in God who did not trust in their own words bu backed up that faith by works in harmony with his righteous standard Rom. 4:3-9; Santiago 2:18-24. God is to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by Jesus Christ, and he will create new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness is to dwell (Acts 17:31; 2 Peter 3:13). Eventual possession of the earth is promised to the righteous; the wicked are to be cleared out of the earth as a ransom for the righteous, for as long as the wicked are in control, the righteous cannot have peace. Righteousness, The Breastplate.- Because the Bible tell us, more than all else that is to be guarded, safeguard your heart, for out of it are the sources of life, Christian s need to have on the breastplate of righteousness (Prov. 4:23; Efesios 6:14) As a protection against his heart truning bad, it is essential that a person follow Gods righteousness since the heart of fallen, sinful man is treachereous and desperate (Jer. 17:9). The heart needs much discipline and training. The Christian can be assured of this course only by sticking close to the Scriptures, which, the Apostle Paul says, are beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straigh, for disciplining in righteneousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equyipped for every good work Meditation.- The kind of deep, concentrated thinking in which a person seriously reflect on past experiences, ponders and muses over current matters, or throughfully contemplates possible future events. In order to meditate properly, a person needs to be free from distractions, alone with his throughts, so to speak. The meditation of the heart should be focused on benenfical things pleasing to him and not on the devices of the wicked Filipenses 4: 8, Prov. 24: 1,2. By engaging in profitable meditation, one will not be inclined to give foolish answers. We wil be seriously think out these matters of importance, and as a result, the answers given will be from the heart and will not be something to regret later on. Prov. 15:28. Meditation, Wrong.- The inner man should not be waste time meditating in Empty Things, not the things that people ordinarily seek in life, but things that are devoid in all good, utterly futile things. Sometimes deeply rooted in the heart, mens fleshly inclination toward the wicked pursuit. As Prov.


points out: dEspoiling is what their heart keeps meditating, and trouble is what their own lips keep speakaing Prov. 24:2. Jesus said to those hating him: Why are you reasoning theses things in your hearts (Mark 2:8). Of all who would suppress the truth in an unrighteous way, the apostle Paul says: They became emptyheaded in their reasoning and their unintelligent heart became darkened Such meditation proves fatal to those indulging in it. Rom 1: 18,21. Peace.- Refers in the biblical sense to the state of being free from war or disturbance. It conveys the idea pf health, safety, soundness, welfare, frienship, and entirely of compleness. Peace also means the ideas of well-being, salvation, and concord in addition to the absent of conflict. Peace, Acquiring .- Jehova is the God of peace and the source of peace. It being a fruit of his spirit. For this reason treu peace can be had only by those who are at peace with God. Serious transgressions put a strain on a persons relationship with God and cause the individual to be disturbed. Those who desire to seek and pursue peace must there turn away from what is bad, and do what is good. Without rightenous, there can be no peace. Consequently, that is why the wicked one cannot have peace. On the other hand, peace is the possession of those who are fully mindmaster to God, love his law, and heed his commandments. People actually live with no hope and are without God in the world. However by means of Christ Jesus people are given the opportunity to come into a peaceful relationship with God upon earth peace among the men of goodwill Luke 2:14. God is looking among men friends of peace that is persons desiring to be reconciled to God. The majority of people fail to discern the things having to do with oeace, evidently includingrepresentance and acceptance of Jesus, as the Messiah even today. All men are sinners, in order to enjoy peace with God, we need to accept Jesus death as a ransom sacrifice cared for this needs. As Paul wrote Jesus is our peace with God, he who made the two parties one (Jews and nonJews and destroy the wall in between that fenced them off. By means of his flesh he abolished the enmity, the law of commandments cinsisting in decrees, that he might create the two people in union with himself into one new man and make peace; and that he might fully reconcile both people in one body to God through the torture stake, because he had killed off the enmity by means of himself. And he came and declared the good news of peace to you, the father by one spirit Efesios 2:14-18 compare Rom. 2:10,11; Col. 1: 20-23. The peace of God that is the calmness and tranquility that result from a Christians precious relationship with God, guards his heart and mental power from becoming ansious about his needs. A Christian has the assurance that God provide fors his servants and answer their prayers this puts his heart and mind at rest (Filp. 4:6,7), and later the helper the holy spirit. It is necessary to be peaceble that is to be peacemakers, going out of their ways to establish and to maintains peace 1 Tim. 5:13). Christian are counseled to pursue peace and to do their utmost to be found at peace with God. We have to be have ourselves following Pauls counselling A salve of the Lord des not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all, qualified to teach, keeping himself restrained under evil, instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed; as perhaps God may give them repentance leading to an accurate knowledge of truth, and they may come back to their proper sense out from the snare of the Devil, seeing that they have been caught alive by him for the will of that one. 2 Tim 2:24-26. Peace Rule.- Jesus Christ is the prime of peace while on earth he tought us to be peacemaker all the time. This served a patter of what would take peace under his rule, because his kingdom will prevail in every region that mens security for everyone. Perfection .- In the biblical sense perfection conveying ideas as bringing to completeness or full measure, being full grown, adult, mor mature, having attained the appropiate or appointed end, purpose or goal. Perfection: Importance of Correct Viewpoint.- For correct Bible understanding, the inner man, mist not make the common error of thinking that everything called perfect is so in an abslute sense, that is, to an infinite degree, wutout limitation. Perfection in this absolute sense distinguishes only the Creator. Because of this Jesus could say of his father Nobady is good, ecept one, God (Mark 10:18). Jehova is incomparable in his excellence, worthy of all praise, supreme in his superb qualities and power. All of Gods ways, words, and law are perfect, refined, free from flaw or dfect. Perfection, Other Relative.- Perfection of any other person or thing, then, is relative not absolute that is, a thing is perfect according to, or in relation to, the purpose or end for which it is appointed by its designer or producer or the use to which it is to be put by its receiver or user. The very meaning of perfection requires that there be someone who decides when completion has been reach, what the standards of excellence are, what requirements are to be satisfied and what details are essential. God


the Creator is the final arbiter of perfection, the standard-setter, in accord with its own righteous purpose and interests. Rom. 12:2. Perfection, The Bible.- The Sacred Scriptures constitute a perfect message from God, refine, pure, and true (John 17:17). Through thousand of years of copying have evidently brought some variations from the original writing, these variations are admittedly very minor, so that, even if our present copies and translations are not absolutely flawless, the divine message conveyed is. Individuals may find the Bible a more difficult book to read than many, one requiring greter effort and concetration; they may find much try do not understand. Some critical persons may insist that, to be perect, the Bible should be free of even superficial differences or what appear, according to their standards, to be to be inconsistencies. Mome of these, however, detract from the perfection of the Sacred Srcptures for the real gauge of its oerfection is its measuring uo to the standard of excellence set by Jehova God, its accomplishing the end or purpose that he, as its true author, appoint for it, as well as its being free from falsehood (2 Tim. 3: 15-17). The Bibles is convinging proof of its quelities as an ideal instrument of God to accomplish purpose, in this sense it is Gods perfect instrument for mankind. The whole tenor of the Scriptures, including the teaching of Gods Son, is to effect that the gaining of understanding of Gods purpose, the doing of his will, and the attaining of salvation to life are dependent primeraly upon the individuals heart (Mat. 15:8; Luke 8 : 5-15; Rom. 10:10). The Bible is unique in its abilities to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart (Heb. 4:12,13). It is clear from the Scriptures that God has not made knowledge of imself to be acquire without efforts Mat. 7: 7,8. It is also evident that God has caused his purposes to be revealed to umbles one and hidden from haughty one, because to do thus came to be the way approved by him (Mat. 11:25-27; 13: 10-15; 1 Cor. 2: 6-16). The things relating to Gods word and way to the wordly-wise deem foolish or weak are proved by time and test to be of superior wisdom and strength compared to the theories, phylosophie, and reasoning of human detractors 1 Cor. 1: 22-25; Prov. 1: 24,25. Faith remains an essential requirement for the understanding and appreciation of Gods perfect Word. The individuals may feel that certain details and explanitions should be in the Bible, revealing why, in specific cases, God gave approval or disapproval or why he took a particular course of action; the individual also feel that other details found in the Bible are superflous. Yet he should realize that if the Bible conformed to human standards or riteria, such as his own, this would not prove it divinely perfect. Exposing the falsety of such an attitude, Jehova declares the superiority of his thoughts and ways to those of human, and he assures that his word will have certain success in the fulfillment of his purpose. (Isaias 55: 8-11) Perfection and Free Will.- Everything begins with the incompatible with perfection to ignore the meaning of the term, substituting a personal concept tha goes contrary to fact. Gods intelligent creatures are granted free moral agency, the privilege and responsibility of making a personal decision as to the course they will take , so that our devotion to God could be subject to test, not an automatic, virtuallu mechanical obidience by worship and service that spang from hearts and minds motivated by genuine love (John 4:23,24) If we have lack of ability to choose in this very important matter, we would not have met Gods requirements; we would not have been complete, perfect, according to his commands. The perfection as it relates to human is a realtive perfection, limited to the human sphere. God created as to allow our mind and heart to feed on wrong thoughts, this would lead to entertaining, wrong desires, and finally bring sin and death Mat. 4:4. It becomes evident that ours individual will and choise are determining factors. If you stand in a wrong fact that a perfect man could not take a wrong course where a moral, issue was involve, should we not also logically argue tha an imperfect creature would not take a right course where such moral issue was involved? Yes, some imperfect creature do take a right course on moral issues involving obidience to God, even to suffer persecution rather than change from such a course; while at the same time others deliverately engage in doing what known is wrong. Thus not all wrong actions can be excused by human imperfection and individuals will and choise are deciding factors. In the same way, it was not human perfection alone that would guarantee right action by the first man but rather, the exercize of his own free will and choise as motivated love for his God, creator, and heavenly father, and for what was right. Prov. 4:23. Gods requirements through human history have showed into account our status of imperfection and disbility, the weakness of the flesh, our inclination to commit error and wrongs, nevertheless, we are able to manifest a complete heart toward our creator. Thus, within the limit possible for us to attain, our devotion is completed sound satisfying the divine requirements in our case. Since God the Judge


is pleased with our worship, no human or sprit creature could rightly find fault with our devotion to him (Luke 1:6; Heb. 11: 4-16; Rom 14:4). The Bible recognize the inherent imperfection of mankind from Adam. Nevertheless, certain relative perfection are set forth as attainable by sinful humans. Jesus told his followers you must accordintly be perfect as you heavenly father is perfect (Mat. 5:48). We can get this through developing true love, trying by all means to be in union with God, observing the Word of his son and loving one another. Doing this we can reach Gods love in full expression and approach our heavenly father in confidence, not feeling condemmed in our heart as a hypocritical or disapproved condition. Only then we know to obserb Gods commendments and what we are doing please our father. And we are therefore free in our expression and petitions to Jehova. We are going to feel without under rectriction by God as to what we are privileged to say or to ask for. As a child does not fear to ask his loving parents for anything, so the Christian in whom love is fully developed is sssure that no matter what it is that we ask according to his will, he hears us. Perfection of Christ Jesus, The.- Jesus was born as a perfect human holy, sinless (Like 1:30-35; Heb. 7:26). His physical perfection, of course, was not infinite by was whithin the human sphere; he experienced human limitation; he became tired, thirsty, and hungry; he was mortal (Mat. 4: 36-39; John 4:6,7; Mat. 4:2; Mark 15: 37, 44,45). Gods purpose was to use his son as his High Priest in behalf of mankind. Though a perfect man, Jesus, has to be made Perfect for such position, completely filling the requirements, his father set, being brought to the appointed end or goal. The requirements called for his becoming like his brothers in all respects, enduring suffering, learning obedience under test, thus Jesus would be able to Sympathize with our weakness, as one who has tested in all respects like ourselves, but without sin (Heb. 2: 10-18; 4: 14,16; 5: 7-10). Perfecter of Our Faith, The.- Jesus is called the Chief Agent (ChiefLeader) and Perfector of our faith, this faith in this perfect sense arrived through him, who thereby proved to be the leader, pioneer or chief agent of our fait. He continues to be the perfecter of the faith of his followers from his heavenly psosition, by pouring down holy spirit on them at Pentecost and by importing revelation that progressively filled out and developd their faith. Long before the coming of Jesus Christ, lived many men of faith, but only after his birth, ministry, death, and resurrection to heavenly life, all prophecies came to fulfillment, and the faith about Chrsit, the Messiah, has a strengthned foundation, one filled out with historical facts. Thus, faith in this perfected sense arrived through Jesus (Gal. 3: 242,25). This sacred secret was finally fully revealed in Jesus, send to earth that he might bear witness to the truth and by Gods undeserved kindness might taste death for every men. God provides a ransom, the legal means for forgiving sin and removing imperfection (Mat. 20: 28; 1 Peter 2:24). Perfection on Earth, Mankinds Return.- According to the prayer, let your will take place as in heaven, also upon earthW, this planet is due to experience the full force and effect of the execution of Gods purposes (Mat. 6:10). The wicked system under the control of Satan will be destroyed . All faults and defects will be removed from survivors who continue obedient to demostrate faith, so that what remains meet Gods standards of excellence, completeness, and soundness to aid in the mental and spiritual uplift and health of the people view by the prophetic picture of Rev. 21: 1-5. For obedient this means to return to the perfect state enjoyed by man at the biginning of human history in Eden. Mankinds perfection will be relative, limited to the human sphere. Perfection does not mean an end to variety, however, as person often assume. The animal kingdom which is the product of Jehovas perfect activity, contains enormous variety. Perfection of the planet Earth is like wise not incompatible with variety, change, or contrast; it allows for the simple and the complex, the plain and the fancy, the sour and the sweet, the rough and the smooth, the meadows and the woods, the mountains and the valleys. Perfect humans will thus not be stereotypes of identically personality, talents, and abilities. Sin.- Anything not in harmony with, hence contrary to Goss personality, standards, ways and will; any marring ones relationship with God. It may be in word (Job 2:10; Psalm 39:1), in deed (doing wrong (Lev. 20:20; 2 Cor. 12: 21) or failing to do what should be done (Num. 9:13; Jas. 4:17), or in mind or heart attitute (Prov. 21: 4; compare also Rom. 3: 9-18; 2 Peter 2: 12-15), in the general sense sin means missing or failing to reach not merely physical objects or goals, but also moral or intellectual goals or marks. Prov. 8:35 says the one finding godly wisdom finds life, but the one missing wisdom is doing violence to hus soul, leading to death. Yes, lack of faith in God is a major sin, showing, as it does, distrust of him or lack of confidence in his ability to perform (Heb. 3:12, 13, 18, 19). In the Scriptures both the root Hebrew and Greek terms refer mainly to sinning on the part of Gods intelligent creature, their missing the mark with regard to their creator. Sin: Mans Place in Gods Purpose.- Gods asigning work to him showed that man was to Gods purpose on earth. As the apostle said: man was created to be both Gods image and glory (1 Cor.


11:7), hence to reflect the qualities of his creator, conducing himself so as to reflect the glory of God. As Gods earhtly son, man should resemble, or be like, his heavenly father. To be otherwise would be to contradict and reproach the divine parenthood of God Mal. 1:6. Jesus showed that only following Gods examples in love and on mercy could his disciples prove themselves sons of their father who is in the heavens (Mat. 5:43-45; Luke 6: 32-36). Sin therefore, mars mans reflection of Gods likeness and glory; it makes man unholy, that is, unclean, impure, tarnished in a spiritual and moral sense. Sin, thus, involves a moral failure, a missing of the mark, in all these aspects. The Bible clearly stress Gods original pupose that man should be in harmony with Gods personality, be like his creator, similar to the way a human father who loves his son desires the son to be like him as to oulook on life, standards of conduct, qualities of heart (compare Prov. 3:11,12; 23:15,16; Efesios 5:1; Heb. 12: 4-6, 9-11). Sin : The Introduction .- To understand this we need to read the Bible where the divine messages from God illustrate us. Hence, the apostle John says: He who carries on sin originates with the Devil, because the Devil has been sinning from the biginning 1 John 3:8, any person that makes sin his business or practice reveals himself to be a child of the Adversary, spiritual offspring reflecting the qualities of his father. Since cultivation of wrong desire to the point of fertility procedes the birth of sin (Jas. 1:14,15), this deviation of righteousness and experiencing disaffection toward God can lead us to very spiritual dangerous state as Jesus Christ admished wrong doers registered at John 8: 44. Only the truth can liberate us from sin enslavement and following Gods example on mercy could his disciples prove themselves sons of their Father who is in the heaven (Mat. 5:43-45; Luke 6:32-36) This requires mans obedience and submision to the divine will, weather that will is conveyed in the form of an express commandment or not. The sinning process starts with improper desire, instead of reacting in utter disgust and righteous indignation, start to conform ourselves to the ways, standard and will of the opposer, who contradicted our creator, and then revealing the sins that have been born in our heart and mind Mat. 5:27,28. We have to be alert in not deceived by the world, thus conforming to its ways and therefore missing the mark, fail to act in Gods image and likeness, not reflecting Gods glory, and, in fact, insults our heavenly father. Sin, Effects of.- it puts the man out of hamony with his creator. It thereby damaged not only our reltion with God but also our relations with the rest of Gods creation, including damage to mans own self, to his mind, heart, and body. It brough consequences of enormous evil upon the human race. Sin genenrally causes as to feel guilt, anxiety, insecurity, shame, because our Creators law is written on mans heart; hence a violation of that law now produced an internal upheaval within man, our conscience accusing us of wrongdoing. In effect, man has a buil-in lie detector that made impossible his concealing his sinful state from his creator. Jehova God maintained his holiness, he justly imposed the sentence of death on them all: Rom. 15:12 states that through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned This implies a progressive rather than a simultaneous efect on Adams descendants, as a result of the recognized law of heredity. Additionally, the apostle goes on to speak of death as ruling as king from Adam down to Moses, even over those who nad not sinned after the likeness of the transgression by Adam (Rom. 5:14). When Adam sinned, it was of his own free choice, as a perfect human, who was free from disabilities. For all of Adams descendants to be held accountable as participants in Adams personal sin would require some expression of will in their parts as to having him as their family head, their birth into the Adamic line resulting from the fleshly will of their parents John 1:13. As a result of the recognized law of heredity according to Psalm 51:5, as its progenitor or human life source; his offspring would inecapably enherit not merely physical characteristics but also peronality traits, including the inclination toward sin (1 Cor. 15:22, 48 , 49). Pauls words also point to this conclution when he says that just as through the disobidience of the one man (Adam) many were constitued sinners, likewise also through the obedience of the one person (Crist) many will constituted righteous (Rom. 5:19) exercising faith in that provision aand become reconciled to God (John 3:36; Acts 3:19), and by being born in Adams line all-men have come under the law of sin and of death (Rom. 8:2; 1 Cor. 15:21,22). Sin, with death, has ruled as king over mankind, enslaving them, this slavery being one into which they were sold by Adam (Rom. 5:17,21; 6:6, 17; 7:14; John 8: 34). These statements show tha sin is viewed not only as the actual commission or mission of certain acts by also as a law or governing priciple or force operating in them, namely, the inborn inclination toward wrongdoing that they inherit from Adam. Our adamic inheritance has therefore produced weakness of the flesh, imperfection. Sins law contonually works in our fleshly members, in effect trying to control our course, to make us


its subjects, out of hamony with God Rom 7:17, 18, 20-23; Efesios 2: 1-3. It is necessary to recognize how king sin may give its orders in different ways to different persons and at different times. Sickness, Pain, and Aging.- Since death in human is generally associated with desease or the aging process, it follows that these are concomitent of sin. Jesus, too associated illness with sin (Mat. 9: 27; John 5:5-15), although he showed that specific afflictions are not necessarily the result of any specific sinful acts (John 9:2,3). Sin and Law.- The apostle John writes that everyone who practices sin is also practicing lawlessness, and so sin is lawlessness (1 John 3:4); also that all unrighteousness is sin (1 John 5:17). Sin: Doing by Nature the Things of the Law.- Since man having been originally made in Gods image and likeness, has a moral nature, which produces the faculty of conscience, even in the imperfection, sinful men retain a measure of this. Since law is basically a rule of conduct, this moral nature is another inherit law, then as a law, however, set over against this law of our moral nature is another inherit law, the law of sin which wars agaisnt righteous tendencies, making slaves of those who do not resist its dominance Rom. 6:12; 7: 22,23. At Roman 2:14,15, Paul states: For whenever people of the nations that do not have law do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are law themselves. They are the very ones who demostrates the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conconsicence is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused With the passing of time, people of nations were under growing sins mastery, so that Paul could speak as walking in darkness mentally, and alienated from the life that belongs to Go. pasing all moral sense Efesios 4:17-19. With the coming of the Mosaic Law became the accurate knowledge of sin, which spelled out clearly what the full range pf the scope of sin was, so that in effect, it caused trespassing and sin to abound, in that so many acts and even attitutes were now identified as sinful (Rom. 5:29; 7;78; Gal. 3:19; compare Psalm 40:12). Its sacrifices continually served to remiand those under the law of their sinful state (Heb. 10:1-4, 11). The Law by these means acted as a tutor to lead them to Christ, that thet might be declared rightteous due to faith Gal 3: 22-25. In pointing out that the Mosaic Law is not the means for human to gain a righteous standing before Jehova, the apostle Paul under divine inspiration wrote: When we were in accord with the flesh, the sinful passions that were excited by the Law were at work in our members that we should bring forth fruit to deathWhat, then, shall we say? Is the Law sin? Never may that become so Really I would not have come to kow sin if it has not been for the Law; and, for example, I would not have known covetousness if the Law had not said: !You must not covet. But sin, receiving an inducement through the commandment, worked out in me covetousness of every sort, for apart from law sin was dead Rom. 7:5-8. Without the Law, the man would not have known or discerned the full rane or scope of sin. As long as sin had not been defined specifically, a person could not be accused of committing sins that were not legally identified as such. Before the Law came, Paul and others of his nations lived uncondemmed for sins that were not specified. With the introduction of the Law, however, Paul and his fellow contrymen were designated as sinners under condemnation of death. The Law made them more concious of being sinners. Thus sin received an inducement through the Law and worked out sin in Paul and his people. The Law provided tha bais for condemning more people as sinners and on many more legal counts. The Law main purpose was to establish that all person, thec Israelites not excepted, were sinners in need of redemtion by God. It also pointed the Israelites to Christ as the needed Redeemer. What the Law does is to make us more concious of being sinners. Those not submitting to Goss will obviously are not guided by his wisdom and justice, hence are bound to err (Phil. 2:15). Doubless because sin causes man to be off balance, distorting what is upwright. This unbalanced-status produce confusion and disharmony within man and difficulties in his dealing with God and with the rest of Gods creation. The error may be intentional and unintentional , either a conscious deviation from what is right or an unknowing, or mistake, which, nevertheless, brings the person in to error and guilt before God. If intentional, then, of course, the error is of far graver consequence if by mistake. Error is contrary to thruth, and those willfully sinning pervert the thruth, a course which only brings forth grosser sin. Proverb 24:9 states that The loose conduct of foolishness is sin Sin: Transgression, and Overstepping.- Sin may takec the form of a transgression refers basically to an overstepping tht is, going beyond certain limits or bounderies, especially as in


breaking a law. It also can mean a stepping aside, by passed or passed beyond Gods words. Transgression could end in revolt which as turning away from, or rejection of, the law or authority of another. Similarly, willful transgression, then, amounts to rebellion against Gods paternal rule and authority. Sin: Trespass.- It means a fall beside, hence a false step (Rom. 11:11, 12) or blunder, a trespass(Efesios 1:7; Col. 2:13). Adams sin in eating the borbidden frruit was a transgression in that he overtepped Gods Law; It was a trespass in that he fell or made a false step instead of standing or walking upright in harmony with Gods righteous requirements and in support of His authority. The person making false step became an offender or transgressor against Gods statues. Sinner.- Since there is no man that does not sin (2 Chr. 6:36), all of Adams descendants can be properly be termed sinners by nature. But ins the Scriptures sinners usually applies in a more specific way, designating those who practice sin or who have a reputation of sining. Hence, when Jesus Christ said there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents tha over ninety-nine righteous ones who have no need of repentance, he was evidently using these terms in a relative sense Luke 15:9,10; compare with Luke 5:32. The Scriptures also show that God views mankinds wrondoing as varying in degrees of gravity: Groos sinner, great sinner. Since sin is an affront to Gods own peson, he is not indifferent to it; as its gravity increases, his indignation and wrath are understandably increased (Rom. 1:18) . Sin: Human Weakness and Ignorance.- Jehova takes into account the weakness of imperfect men descended from Adam, so that those sincerely seeking Him can say, He has not done to us even according to our sins; nor according to our erros has he brought upon us what we deserve. The Scrptures show the wonderful mercy and loving kindness that God has displayed in his patient dealing with men of flesh (Psalm 103:2, 3, 10-18). He also takes into account ignorance as a contributory factor in sins (1 Tim. 1:13; compare Luke 12:47,48). Those who willfully reject the knowledge and wisdom God offers, taking pleasure in righteousness are not excused (2 Thesal.2:912; Prov. 1:22-33 they shut their eyes to the light and forget their earlier cleansing from sins 2 Peter 1:19. Sins Remission.- Jehova in effect credits righteneous to the account of those living according to faith. In so doing, God correspondingly covers over, wipes out, or blots out the sins that would otherwise be charged agisnt the account of such faithful ones(Acts 3:19, Psalm 32:12). Jesus Christ, thus likened trespasses and sins to debts (compore Mat. 6:14; 18:21-25; Luke 11:4). Though their sins were as scarlet, Jehova washes away the stain that makes them unholy (Acts 22:6). The means by which God can thus express his tender mercy and loving-kindness while yet maintaining his perfect justice and righteousness is considered under Ramsom. Sin: True Knowlede Brings Greater Responsibility.- Considering John 9: 39-41, Jesus said the Jews of his day ha noExcuse for their sin because they were witness of the poweful words and works proceeding from him as the result og God Spirit on him (John 15:22-24; Luke 4:18). Those who, either in word or their course of action, willfully and knowingly blasphemed God?s spirit thus manifested would be guilty of everlasting sin, with no forgiveness possible (Mat. 12: 31,32; Mark 3:28-30; John 15: 26; 16:7,8). Hebreos 10: 26,27 states that if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sin left, but there is a certain jealousy that is going to consume those in opposition. Sin, Single, Versus Practice of Sin.- the apostle John under inspiration also makes a distinction between a single sin and the practice of sinning as is shown by a comaprison of 1 John 2:1 and 3: 48. Thus, the faithful Christian may at some time lapse or fall into sin because of weakness or being mislead, but he does not carry on son, continuing to walk in it 1 John 3: 9,10; compare 1 Cor. 15: 33,34; 1 Tim 5:20. A good way to be aparted from doers of practicing sin, is by avoiding the association with wrong doers, to maintained outside the symbolic city Babylon the Great!, therefore not receive part of its plagues. Timothy was rned by apostle Paul against being a sharer in the sin of others (1 Tim. 5:22). Thus means for us to save ourselves not bearing any measure if the responsibility for wahtever wrongs such any ones might commit 1 Tim. 3: 6. Sins Against Men, God, and Christ.- Sins against humans, nevertheless, are also sins against the Creator, to whom men must make an accounting (Rom. 14:10,12; Ephs. 6: 5-9; Heb. 13:17). Because everythings that exists is his creation. Thus, Jehova views some sins as more directly against his own person, sins such as idolatry, faithlessness, disrespect for sacred things, and all forms al false worship. Sinning Against Ones Own Body.- In warning against fornicator. Paul states that every other sin that men may commit is outside his body, but he that practice fornication is sinning against his own


body (1 Cor. 6:18). The fornicator wrongly and sinfully become one flesh with another, who is often a harlot. Since no other sin can thus separate of the body of the Christian from union with Christ and make it one with another, this evidently why all other sins are here viewed as outside ones body. Fornication can also result in incurable damage with deadlyl deceases to the fornicators own body Sin must be avoid.- Those who pursue righteousness by faith can avoid carrying the heavy load that sin brings, the loss of peace of mind and heart, the weakness of spiritual sickness (Psalm 38: 3-6, 18:41:4) Love of God and of neighbor is a principal means for avoiding sin, which is lawlessness, for love is an outstanding quality of God; he made love the fundation of his Law to Israel (Mat. 22:37-40, Rom. 13: 8-11). Though they cannot be alienated from God, but in joyful uinion with him and sin son. Such are open the guidance of Gods holy spirit and can live as to the spirit from the standand point of God, desisting from sin (1 Peter 4 :1-6) and producing the righteous fruitage of Gods spirit in place of the wicked fruitage of the sinful falesh (Gal. 5: 16-26). Yes, we can this gaining freedom from sis mastery Rom. 6: 12-22. Having faith in Gods sure reward for rightenousness (Heb. 11: 1,6), one can resist the call of sin to share its temporary enjoyment (Heb. 11_ 24-26). Since God is not one to be mocked, a person knows the inescability of the rule that whaever a man is sowing, this he will also reap and he is protected against the deceitfulness of sin (Gal. 6:7,8). The person who moves hastily without first seeking knowledge as to his path will miss the mark, sining (Prov. 19:2). It is the wise course to avoid assication with those practicing false worship and inmorally inclined persons, for these entrap one in sin and spoil useful habits Prov. 1:10-19; Ecl. 7:26; 1 Cor. 15: 33,34. Man needs to use his intelligence in behaving himself in a world full of sinner and wicked influence of the Father of Lies, Satan, it is necessary to use his ample latitude to display his indiviudal personality and preferences, following the guiding rule to love God and your neighbor. Godly Devotion is a Sacred Secret -. reverence, worship, and service to God, with loyalty to his universal sovereighty, toward that which is genuinely holy and righteous. The Bible use of the expression godly devotion refers to devotion with loyalty to Jehova God personally. The prime example of Godly devotion is Jesus Chirst. The coming of Gods son to earth and his integrity-keeping course gave the answer, revealing the solution to the Sacred Secret, he is the perfect example of conduct manifesting godly devotion in the fleash can maintains such devotion, until the end of his earthly course, Jesus was loyal, guidless, undefiled, separated from the sinner (Heb. 7:26). No flaw could be found in his integrity, to accuse hem before God. He said, before his death: I have conquered the world laso the ruler of the world is coming. And he has no hold on me (John 16: 33; 14: 30. No unrighteousness could be found in him. He could rightly said to his enemies Who of you convicts me of sin? (John 8:46). Godly Devotions Training, with Contentment, is Essential.- It is necessary strenous training on the part of the Christian in order to achieve full godly devotion. A persons aim, or objective, in training himself is not achieve selfish materialistic gain. But there is gain to the one who is content with his lot, who continues in godly devotion along with self-suffering. It holds promise of the life now, namely, spiritual health , satisfaction, happiness, and a purspose of living. It also hold promise of the life that is to come (1 Tim. 4:7,8) So, it is also necessary to add to our endurance godly devotion, accoridng 2 Peter 1: 5, 6. Godly Devotion and its Power.- A person proffesing godly devotion must recognize its power to change his personality and must be true and genuine in following godlines (1 Tim. 6:11; Efesios 4:2024). He must recognize that Gods Word is his expression of the way of Godly devotion and so he must conform to its precepts (Tito: 1,2; 2 Pedro 1:3) Since Godly devotion is toward God personality, his word and spirit will bring one to kown Jehova personality, intimately and to become more like him to be an imitador or copier of him (Efesios 5: 1). Such a person the inner man will reflect more and more the fine qualities of God (2 Cor. 3:18). If anyone who professes to serve God rules on his own ideas istead of adhering to the Bible and if his teaching does not accord with Godly Devotion; this failing to reflect the techers devotion to God, he becomes mentally disead, becouse Paul warned about ungodly one who proffessed devotion devotion to God, shunning empty speeches that violate what is holy and practice are sorts of wickedness, hypocritically haing a form of Godly Devotion but proving dalse to its power (2 Tim. 2:15,16; 3 1-5). There are persons using godness for materialistic or sensual gain. Their hypocrisy is revealed in their practice of acts of loose conduct. Integrity.- moral soundness, completeness, ones being blameless and faultless. Biblical usage and examples emphasize unbreakable devotion to Jehova God and to his expressed will and purpose as the course of vital importance. Satans rebellion, visibly initianed in Eden, produce an issue of universla importance that of the righteousness of Gods severignty over all his creatures, his right to require full obedicne of them.


Since the issue was not noe of superiority of power but, rahter, was a moral issue, it could not be settled merely by the exercise of power, as by Gods inmediately crushing Satan and the human pair our of existance. This fact is an aid in understanding why wickedness and its author, Satan, have been allowed to continue so long. Satans challenging statement is Jobs case showed he held the position that all persons could drwan away from Gods side, that none served out of a purily unselflish motive. Thus humans have the remarkable privilege of contributing to the vendication and santification of Gods name. Since all men are imperfected and unable to measure up perfectly to Gods standards, it is evident that their integrity does not mean perfection of action or of speech. Rather, the Scriptures shows it means wholeness or completeness of heart devotion. Integrity is therefore not restricted to anyone aspect of human conduct; it does not apply just to matters obviously religious for Gods servants is a way of live in which the indiviudal walks constantly, searching to know Jehovas will (Psaml 119: 13), according to the integrity of our hearts, walking in a faultless way, under all conditions and at all times. The integrity keeper, speaking the truth in his heart with a delighful soul, for all hearts Jehova is searching, and every inclination of the thoughts, in order to prove to be complete with God. Integrity is most evident when the individuals devotion is understand and the person is pressured to abandon his righteous course. Weather is sickness or in distressful adversity, a person must hold fast his integrity as did Job, no matter what the cost. Job 2:3. Such an integrity-keeping course is possible, not by the individuals personal moral strengh, but only through deep, faith and trust in Jehova God and his saving power. Gods promise is that he will be a shield and stronghold, guiding the way of those walking in integrity (Prov. 2: 6-8; 10-29). Because hour constant concern for gaining Gods approval brings stability to our lives, enable us to follow a straight course to our goal (Prov. 11:5; 28:18). In the Scriptures Jehova God assures that he is aware of the life of the faultless person and guarantees that such a persons inheritance will continue, his future will be peaceful, and he will continue into the possesion of good (Job 9:20-22; Prov. 28:10). Jesus Christ gave the first example of integrity and supreme trust in his heavenly Fathers strengh and care. In tegrity is embarced in the commandment Jesus sinle out as the greatest of all loving Jehova God with ones whole heart, mind, soul, and strengh (Mat. 22: 36-38). His injunction that You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Mat. 5:48), also stressed a completeness of ones devotion to righteousness. Jesuss teaching emphasized purity of heart, singleness of outlook and intent, freedom from hypocricy all these being qualities that characterized integrity (mat. 6:1-16, 16-18, 22,23; Luke 11: 34-36). Loyalty.- It is kindness that lovingly attaches itself to an object until its purpose in connection with object is realized. It involves a right relationship with God. It includes the though of devotion and faithfulness, but the best way to determine the fullmeaning of the Bible terms for loyalty is to examine their usage in the Bible. This is the though of holiness, righteousness, reverence; being devout, pious; the careful observance of all duties toward God. It involves a right relationship with God. Loyalty of Jehova.- He is the most holy one, who is devoted to righteousness and who exercises unbreakable loving-kindness toward those who serve him. Please Rev. 15: 3,4. Because Jehovas loyalty to righteousness and justice, as well as his love for his people, promts him to take needed judicial action, an angel was moved to say: You, the One who is and who was, the loyal one, are righteous, because you have rendered these decisions Rev. 16:5. Though He is loyal to his covenants and those who are loyal to him can rely fully on him. Jehova is a lover of justice, and he will not leave his loyal ones to time indefinite they will certainly be guarded Psalm 37: 27,28. Those who are loyal to Jehova can count on his closeness and his help to the very end of their faithful course, and they can rest in full security, knowning that he will remember them no matter what situation arises. He guards their way, their lives or souls. Yes those who are loyal to him can rely fully on him. David, in prayer, asked for Gods help and said: With someone loyal you will act in loyalty; with the fualtless, mighty one you will deal faultlessly (2 Sam. 22:26). Jesuss Loyalty.- Jesus when on earth was greatly strenghthened in the knowledge that God had cause to be foretold of him that, as Gods chief loyal one his soul would not be left in sheol. Summarizing, Jehova requires loyalty from his servants they must copy him (Efesios 5:11). The apostle Paul tells Christians that they should put on the new personality which was created according to Gods will in true righteousness and loyalty (Efesisos 40:24). Therefore, loyalty is an essential quality if a men is to qualify for special services in the congregation of God. Sacret Secret.- Something that originate with God, is withheld until his own time and is revealed only to those to whom he chooses to make it known, being outside the range of unassisted natural


apprehension, can be made known only bu divine revelation, and is made known in a manner and at a time appointed by God, and to those only who are illuminated by His Spirit, as thruth revealed. The sacred secrets of God and other misteries of the Bible, such as that Babylon The Great, are therefore things, not be kept secret forever, but to be revleaved by Jehovas God in his own time to those who look for him and to whom he chooses to reveal them. The apostle Paul discusses this aspect of matters at 1 Cor. 2: 6-16. There he speaks of the scared secret of God as hidden wisdom, revlealed through Gods spirit to his Christian servants. It is something that the spirit of the world or the human wisdom of physical men cannot fathom but that is spoken and understood by those combining spiritual matters with spiritual words. Jesus Christ earlier pointed out to his diciples: To you the sacred secret of the kingdom of God has been given bu to those outside all things occur , in order that, though looking, they may look and yet not see, and, though hearing, they may hear and yet not get the sense of it, nor ever turn back and forgiveness be givne them Mrk 4:11,12; Mat. 13: 11-13; Luke 8:10. Gods secret is good news and it is not a lie or man-made deception (Johm 8:31, 32, 44; Col. 1:15; 1 John 2: 27), and those who chosen to understand the sacred secret of God are bound not to keep it secret, but to give it the widest possible proclamation and publication. This is revealed, as noted in the foregoing, by the Bible use of terms such as preached, made known, manifested, and laso declaring, speaking, in connection with the sacred secret of the good news. True Christinas exercised the greates vigor in telling this good news containing the understnading of the sacred secret to all creation that is under heaven (1 Cor. 2:1; Efesios 6:19; Col. !. 23; 4: 3,4), because the sensibility of their hearts that God does open up the them this understanding. Sacred Secret Centers Around Christ.- Since the bearing witness to Jesus is what inspires prophesying the sacred secret of God must center around Chirst, the King (Col. 2:2; Rev. 19:10). All the sacred secrets of God have to do with his Messianic Kingdom ( Mat. 13:11). The apostle Paul writes to fellow Christians carefully concealed in him are all the treasure of wisdom and knowledge, and it is in him that all the fullness of the divine quality dwells bodily Col. 2: 2, 3, 9. Paul explains that this sacret secret is hidden wisdom foreordained by God began with Jehovas own prophecy at Genesis 3:15. For centuries men of faith looked forward to the seed of promise to deliver mankind from sin and death, but it was not clearly understood just who the seed would be and just how this seed would come and bring deliverance. It was not until Christ came and shed light upon life and icorruption through the good news that this was made clear (2 Tim. 1:10). Then the knowledge of the mistoery of the seed of the woman began to be understood. Sacred Secret -The Messianic Kingdom.- Paul gave a full view of the revelation of the sacred secret of the Christ. At Ephesians 1: 9-11 he speaks of Gods making known the sacred secret of his will, and says: It is according to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself for an administration at the full limit of the appointed times, namely, to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth. Yes, in him, in union with whom we were also assigned as heirs, in that we were, foreordained according to the purpose of him who operates all things according to the way his will counsels. This sacred secret involves a government, the Messianic Kingdom of God the things in the heavens to which Paul refers, are the prospective heirs of tha heavenly kingdom with Christ The things on the earth will be its earthly subjects. - Mark 4:11. Sacred Secret of Godly Devotion.- Paul wrote to Timothy: I am writing your these things, .that you may kow how you ought to conduct yourself in Gods household, which is the congregation of the living God, a pillar and support of the truth. This congregation of the living Gods had the truth, and it knew accuretely the mystery, or the sacred secret, of true godly devotion, and the congregation had not only the form but also the power of such godly devotion. (constrast 2 Tim. 3:5). Hence, it could be the pillar and support of the truth in the mids of a world of error and false religion, on the mysteries secret to Satan and those he has blinded (2 Cor. 4:4) The question concering who would be the seed of the women that will bruise the serpents head this would be fully revleal when Christ was made manifest in flesh, was declared righteous in spirit, appeared to angels, was preached about nations, was believed upon in the world, was recevied up in glory (1 Tim. 3:16; 6:16). Christ s course of godly devotion benefit mankind and vindicate and exalts Jehovas name. The Sacred Secret comes to finish, upon the blowing of which the announcement is made in heaven: The kingdom of the world did become the Kingdom of our Lord and his Christ, and he will rule as King forever and ever (Rev. 11:15). Worship.- The rendering of reverent honor or homage. True worship of the Creator embraces evry respect of an individuals life. The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians: Weather you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for Gods glory 1 Cor. 10:31.


In the paast, Jehova God did outline a certain way of approach in worship, including sacrifice, a priesthood, and a material sanctuary. This, however, had only a shadow of the good things to come, but not the very substance of the things (Heb. 10:1). The primary emphasis has always been on exercising faith-doing the will of Jehov God- and not on ceremony or ritual _ Mat. 7:21; Jas. 2:17-26. Worship to Jehov compel us to do his will as persons exclusively devoted to him. Therefore, for an individual to engage in any ritual or act of devotion toward any other gods signified his abandoning true worship. Other way to worship is through do obeisance indicating ones reverence and gratitute to God and submission to his will. Thus, was common to bown down when praying or offering sacrifice in old Israel. The great teacher, Jesus,cleared up our mind on this issue when he refused to render an act of obeisance to the Devil when he offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and their glory and said: Go away, Satan For it is written, It is Jehova your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred servide (Mat. 4:10). Similarly, worship, obeisance, or bowing down to the wild beast and its image is linked with service, for the worshippes are identified as supporters of the wild beast and its image by having a mark either on the hand (with which one serves) or on the forehead (for all to see). Since the Devil gives the wild beast its authority, wirshiping the wild beast means, in reality, worshiping or serving the Devil Rev. 13:4, 15-17; 14: 9-11. Worship is closely associated with Godly Devotion, apart from the ungodly world, marked by genuine concern for the poor. Christians must render God-revering in every covenient occasion among people through free of speech of his kingdom which is other way to worship him. Worship That Is Acceptable to God.- Jehova God accepts only the worship of those who comport themselves in harmony with his will (mat. 15:9; Mark 7:7). To a Samaritan woman Christ Jesus said: The hour is coming when neither in this mountain (Gerizim) nor in Jerusalem will you people whorship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we knowNevertheless, the our is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him. God is a Spirit and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth John 4:21-24. The words of Jesus clearly showed that true worship would not depend upon the presence or use ofvisible things and geographic locations. Instead of relying on sight or touch, the true worshiper exercises faith and, regardless of the place or things about him, maintains a worshipful attitute. Thus worships, not with the aid of something that he can see or touch, but with spirit. Since true worshiper has the truth revealed by God, his worship is in agreement with the true. Having become acquainted with God through the Bible and evidence of the operation of Gods spirit in his life, the person who worships with spirit and truth definitely knowns what he is worshiping Savior.- In order to obtain salvation we need a Savior to preserve or delivers from danger or destruction. Jehova is identidied as the principal Savior, the only Source of deliverance (Isa. 43: 11; 45:15; Jer. 14: 8). He was the historical Savior and Deliverer of Isarael, time and again (Psalm 106:8, 10, 21; Isa. 43:3, 45:15; Jer. 14:8). He saved not only the nation but also individuals who served him (2 Sam. 22: 1-3). Often his salvation wa through men araised up by him as saviros (Nem. 9:27). During the period of the Judges, these special saviors were divinely selected and empowered to deliver Israel from foreign opression (Judge 2:16; 3:9, 15). While the judge lived, he served to keep Israel in the right way, and this brought them relief from their enemies (Judge 2:18). When Jesus was on earth, Jehova was his Savior, supporting and strengthening him to maintain integrity through his strenous trials Heb. 5:7; Psalm 28:8. Along with his role as Savior, Jehova is also the Repurchaser (Isa. 49:26; 60:16). In delivering Christians from sins bondage, he does the repurchasing through his Son Jesus Christ (1 John 4:14), Jehovas provision for salvation, who is therfore exalted as Chief Agent and Savior (Acts 5:31). Accordingtly, Jesus Christ can rightly be called our Savior, even though he performs the salvation as the agent of Jehova (Tit. 1:4; 2 Peter 1:11). The name Jesus, given to Gods Son by angelic direction, means Jehova Is Salvation for, said the angel, he will save his people from their sins (Mat. 1:21; Luke 1:31). This name points out that Jehova is the Soruce of slavation, accomplished through Jesus. For this reason we find the Father and the Son spoken of together in connection with salvation Tit. 2:11-13; 3:4-6. Salvation is provided by Jehova through Jesus Christ for all sorts of men (1 Tim. 4:10). He saves them from sin and death (Rom. 8:2), from Babylon the Great (Rev. 18: 2, 4), from this world under Satans control (John 17:16; Col. 1:13), and from destruction and everalsting death (Rev. 7:14-17; 7: 9, 10). A great crowd is shown at Revelation 7:9, 10 attributing salvation to God and to the Lamb.


The ransom sacrifice is the bais for salvation, and as King and everlasting High Priest, Christ Jesus has the authority and power to save completely those who are approaching God through him (Heb. 7:23-25; Rev. 19:16). He is a savior of this body, the congregation of his annointed followers, and also of all who exercise faith in him Ephesious 5:23; 1 John 4:14; John 3:16,17. Life.- The principle of live or living; the animate existance, or term of animate existance, of an individual. As to earthly, physical life, things possesing life generally have the capabilities of growth, metabolism, response to external stimuli, and reproduction. Vegatation has life, the life principle opearating in it, but no life as a soul. Life in the fullest sense, as applied to intelligent person, is perfect existance with the right to it. Life: Jehova God the Source.- Lefe has always existed, because Jehova is the living God, the fountain of life, and he has no beginning or end of existance. The first of his creations was given life, namely, his only-begotten Son, the Word (John 1: 1-3; Col. 1:15). Through this son, other living angelic sons of God were created (Job 38: 4-7; Col. 1:16,17). Later the physical universe was brought into existance. Life on earth came to be as the result of a direct command of Jehova, the source of life and by direct action of his son in carrying out that command. Only life begets life. Life: Organism.- All things having life either spiritual or feshly, have an organism or body. Life itself is impersonal, incorporeal, being merely the life principle. In discussing the kind of body with which resurrected persons will come back, the apostle Paul, under inspiration, explains that life on earth, he says not all flesh is the same flesh, but there is one of mankind and there is another flesh of cattle, and another flesh of brids, and another of fish. He said also that there are heavenly bodies, and earthly; but the glory of the heavenly bodies is one sort, and that of the earthly body is a different sort 1 Cor. 15: 39, 40. Regarding the difference in the flesh of various earthly bodies, the 1942 edition of the Encyclopidia Britnnica (Vol. 14 pag. 42) says another feature is the chemical individuality everywhere manifest, for each distinct ype of organism seems to have some distintive protein of its own, and some characteristic rate or rhythm of metabolism. Thus under the general qualitiy of persistence amid unceasing metabolism, there is a triad of facts: 1) the building-up that compensates for the breakingdown of proteins, 2) the ocurrence of these proteins in a colloidal state and 3) their specificity from type to type. Life: Transmission of Life-Force.- The life-force in creratures, being started into activity by Jehova in the first of each kind (first human pair), could then be passed on by the procreative process to offspring. IN mammals, following conception the mother supplies oxygen and other nourishment until birth, when the infant begins to breath through its notrils, to nurse and later to eat. The life of man and animals is dependent both on the life-force started off initially in the first of each kind and on breath to sustain that life source. Biologically science testifies to this fact. This is evident in their separation of the process of death into two classifications: Somatic, or sytemic death (seometimes called clinical death), which is the abosute cessation of the function of the brain, as well as of the circulatory and respiratory organs the body as an organized unit is dead , and death of the tissues sometimes termed biologiccal death the entire disappearance of the vital action of the ultimate structural constituents of the body. So even though somatic death has taken place, the lifeforce still lingers in the cells of the bodys tissues until eventually everycell dies completely (death of the tissues). Life: Aging and Death.- All form of vegetable life, as well as animal life, are transitory. A longstanding question among scientifics has been, why does man grow old and die. Some scientifics propose that there is a ginetically determined life span for each cell. For support they point to experiments in which (cells cultured in an artificial environment) were found ro stop dividing after 50 divisions. Otheer sicientifics, however, contend that such experiement do not provide insight into whole organisms age. Various other explanation are offered, including the theory that the brain releases hormones that play a large part in aging and subsequent death. That a person must be cautions about accepting one theopry over another is suggeted by the comments of Roy I. Walford, MD who said It is not a cause for alarm or even surprise that Hayflicks paraddigm (the theory that aging is built into the cells genetic) may proved ultimately false, or to be replaced by a beter but ultimately equality flase paradigm. Everything is true for its own time. They overlook the fact that the Creator himself decreed death sentence for the first human pair, implementing the sentence in a way that man does not fully understand similarly, he holds forth the price of everlasting life to those who exercise faith in his son John 3:16. Life: What man needs for life.- Moist scientific investigators not only overlook the cause of death in all mankind, but more important, they ignore the prime factor requesite for everlasting life, while it is


necessar for the human body to be constantly nourished and refreshed by breathing, drinking, and eating, there is somethiong far more assential for continuance of life. Jesus Christ repeated this statement and also said My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work (John 4:34; Mat. 4:4). When man was created he was made in Gods imanage, according to hius likeness it means that man, different from the unreasoning animals (2Peter 2:12) had reasoning power; he had attributes like those of God, such as love, sense of justice, wisdom, and power (compare Col. 3:10 ). He had the ability to understand why he exist and his creators purpose toward him. Hence he, unlike the animals, was given the capacity for spirituality. He able to appreciate and worship his creator. This capacity created a need in Adam. He needed more that literal food; he had to have spiritual sutance; his spirituality had to be exorcised for his mental and physical welfare. Consequently part from Jehova God and his spiritual provisions there can be no indefinitive continuance of life. As to living forever, Jesus said: This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the One whom you sent forth, Jesus Chirst John 17:3. Life: Regeneration: With a view to restoring to mankind perfection of organism and the prospect of eternal life, Jehova has provided the truth, the word of life (John 17:17; Philip. 2:16). Following the truth will lead one to a knowledge of Gods provision of Jesus Chirst, who gave himself a ransom in exhange for many (Mat. 20:28) only through this means can men be restored to full spirituality as well as to physical wholeness (Acts 4:121 Cor. 1:30; 15:23-26; 2 Cor. 5:21). Through Jesus Chirst, then regeneration to life comes. He is called the last Adama life-giving spirit (1 Cor. 15:45). Prophecy designates him as Eternal Father (Isa. 9:6) and as the one who poured out his soul to the very death, whose soul is set as guilt offering, He as such father is able to regenerate mankind, thus giving life to those who exercise faith in the offering of his soul and are obedient. Life: Everlasting life a reward from God.- It is evident throughout the Bible that the hope of servants of Jehova has been to receive everlasting life at Gods hands. This hope has encouraged them in maintaining faithfulness. And it is not a selfish hope. The apostle writes: Moreover, with our faith it is possible to please him well, for he that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him (Heb. 11:6) He is that kind of God; it is one of the qualities for which he deserves full devotion from his creatures. Life: Earthly life without corruption.- Paul speaks of Gods son and join heirs with Christ and he says the eager expectation of the creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God then he said the creation itself also will be get free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God (Rom. 8:14-23). Since the promise (Rev. 21: 1-4) the time of a new heaven and a new earth without death, morning and pain be anymore This promise is given not to spirit creatures, but specifically to mankind it gives assurance that a new earthly sociaty of humankind living under the new heaven will experience restoration of mind and body to fullness of health and everlasting life as earthly children of God according to genuine purpose of man. Restarting with obedient mankind, when mans last enemy, death, is brought to nothing there will be no sin working in our bodies to bring death. To time indefinitive , they will not need to die (1 Cor. 15:26). This will take place at the end of Christs reign, which the book of Revelation shows is 1,000 years long. By the end of the thousand years, people on earth will have reached human perfection, being in the condition that Adam and Eve were in before they sinned. Those who thereafter pass the test when Satan is released for a short time from the abyss will be able to enjoy that life forever. Rev. 20: 4-10. Life: The Way of Life.- Jehova. The fountain of life, has revealed the way of life through his word of thruth. The lord Jesus Chirst shed light upon life and incorruption through the good news (2 Tim. 1:10). He told his disciples: It is the spirit that is life-giving; the flesh is of no use at all. The saying that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. Peter said Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have saying of everlasting life (John 6:53, 66-68). The apostle John called Jesus The word of life and said By means of him was life 1 John 1: 1,2; John 1:4. From Jesuss words it is evident that human efforts to prolong life indefinitely or theories that certain diets or regimens will bring life to mankind are futile. At best, they can bring improved health only termporarily. The only way of life is obedience to good news, the word of life (Philp. 2:16). To gert life, the individual must keep his mind fixed on the things above, not on the things upon the earth (Col. 3:1,2). To his hearers Jesus said: He that hears my word and believes him that sent me has everlasting life, and he does not come into judgement but has passed over from death to life. (John 5:24; 6: 40). Jesus showed that a person must be conscious of his spiritual need; he must hunger and


thirst for righteousness (Mat. 5:3,6). Not only faith in Jesus Chirst and through him call on the name of Jehova (Rom. 10:13-15). Life: Safeguard the heart.- Chirsts followers are counseled: More than all else that is to be guarded, safeguard your heart, for out of it are the sources of life (Prov. 4:23). Jesus showed that it is from the heart that wircked reasoning, adultery, murder, and so forth, emanate. These things would lead to death (Mat. 15: 19,20)Guarding against such heart reasoning by supplying the heart with lifegiving spiritual nourishment, the truth from the pure Fountain of Life, will keep the heart from going wrong and taking the person out of the way of life. Rom. 8:6. In safeguarding ones life by guarding the heart, the tongue must be controlled. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and he that is loving it will eat its fruitage. The reason was explained by Jesus: The things proceeding out of the mouth come out of the heart, and those things defile a man (Mat. 15:18; Jas. 3:5-10). But by proper use of the tongue to praise God and to speak right things, one continues in the way of life Psalm 34:12-14; 63: 3; Prov. 15:4. Life, This Present.- The wise King Salomon, after trying out everything this life has to offer in the way of riches, houses, gardens, and forms of enjoyment, came to the conclusion: I hate life, because the work that has been done under the sun was calmitous from the standpoint, for everything was vanity and a striving after wind (Ecl. 2:17). Salomon did not hate life itself, for it is a good gift and perfect present from above (Jas. 1:17). Salomon hated the calamitous, vain life that one experiences in living as does the present world of mankind, subject to futility (Rom. 8:20). At the conclusion of his book Salomon gave the exhortation to fear the true God and keep his commandments, which is the way of real life (Ecl. 12:13, 14; 1 Tim. 6:19). The apostle Paul also spoked about this present life when he said: Now Christ has been raised up from the dead. Consequently, my beloved brothers, he concluded, Become steadfast, unmovable, always having plenty to do in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in connection with the Lord 1 Cor. 15:19, 20, 58. Life, Trees of.- The Scriptures in a figurative sense called the wisdom a tree of life to those taking hold of it , in that it will supply us with that which we need , not only to enjoy our present life but also to receive eternal life, namely, knowledge of God and the insight and good sense to obey his commands. Prov. 3:18; 16:22. Similarly, the calmness of the tongue is a tree of life, but distortion in it means a breaking down in the spirit (Prov. 15:4) The calm speech of the wise person helps and refreshes the spirit of those hearing him, nourishing good qualities in them, helping them along the way of life, but distortion in the tongue is like bad fruit; it brings truble and discouragement, damaging those hearing it. There is the mentioned of trees of life in a different context, at Revelation 22:1,2. Here the nations are shown as partaking of the leaves of the tree healing purposes. They alongside the river flowing out from the temple-palalce of God, in which is his throne. The picture appears after the scene of the establishing of the new heaven and the new earth and the satatement that the tent of God is with mankind (Rev. 21: 1-3, 22, 24). Symbolically, then, these would be curative, lifesustaining provision for mankind, for their eventual everlasting life. The source of such provisions is the royal throne of God and of the Lamb Jesus Chirst. Several referecnes are made to the scroll of life or to Gods book. It evidently contains the names of all those who, because of their faith, are in line to receive the grant of everlasint life either in heaven or on earth. It contains the names of Jehovas servants from the founding of the world, that is, the world of redeemable mankind. So righteous Abels is apparently the first name written on the the scroll Rev. 17:8; Mat. 23:35; Luke 11: 50,51. In order to keep our name in the book, we must obey Gods Word. This means conquering this world through faith, providing themselves faithful even to death (Rev. 2:10; 3:5). Life: The Lambs Scroll.- The scroll of life of the Lamb is a separate scroll, apparently containing only the names of those with whom the Lamb, Jesus Christ, shares his kingdom rule, including those still on earth who are in line to receive heavenly life (Rev. 13:8; compare Rev. 14: 1,4). Those enrolled in the Lambs scroll are spoken of as entering the holy city, New Jerusalem, this becoming part of the heavenly Messianic Kingdom (Rev. 21:2; 22-27). Their names are written both in the Lambs scroll and in the other scroll, Gods book of life Philp. 4:3; Rev. 3:5. Love.- A feeling of warm personal attachement or deep affection, as for a firend, for a parent or child, and so forth; warm fondness or liking for another; also, the kindly affection of God for his creatures or the reverent affection due from them to God; also, the kindly affection properly expressed by Gods creatures toward one another, that strong or passionate affection for a person of the opposive sex that constitutes the emotional incentive to conjugal union. Aside from those meaning the Scripture speak also of love guided by principles, as love of righteous. It may or may not, includes affection or fondness, it is not unfeeling. But is not ruled by feeling or


sentiment. It never ignores principles. This facet or expression of love is an unselfish devotion to righteousness and a sincere concern for the lasting welfare of others, along with an active expression of this for their good. In this sense one of the synonyms for love is devotion. This kind of love (A.gape) may include affection and fondness is evident in many passages. At John 3:35, Jesus said: The Father loves ( the Son. At John 5:20, he said: He that loves ( me will be loved ( by my father, and I will love ( him. (John 14: 21). This love of the Father and of the Son is accompanied by tender affection for such loving persons. Jehovas worshipers must love him and his Son, as well as one another, in the same way. John 21: 15-17. Applying this kind of love, Christians rithly show a.gape toward others for whom they may feel no afection or fondness, doding so for the welfare of those persons (Gal. 6:10). Yet, though not feeling affection, they do feel compassion and sincere concern for such fellow human, to the limits and in the way that tighteous principles allow and direct. However, while love (a.gape) refers to love governed by principle, there are good and ban principles. A wrong kind of a.gape could be expressed, guided by bad principles. For example, Jesus said: If you love ( those loving you, of what credit is it to you? For even the sinners love those loving them. and if you do good to those doing good to you, really of what credit is it yo you? Even the sinners do the same. Also, if you lend without interest to those from whom you hope to receive, of what credit is it to you? Even sinners lend without interest to sinners that they may get back as much (Luke 6: 32-34). The principle upon which such ones operates is: Do good to me and I will do good to you. The apostle John says: Men have loved (e.gape.san) the darkness rather than the light, for their works were wicked. For he that practices vile things hates the light and does not come to the light, in order that his works may not be reproved. (John 3: 19,20). Because it is truth or principle that darness helps cover their wicked deeds, they love it. The apostle Paul states: God recommends his own love (a.gapen) to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for usFor it, when we were enenmies, we became reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more, now that we have become reconciled, we shall be saved by his life (Rom. 5: 8-10). Loving our enemies, is then clearly understood, should be governend by the principle estsblished by God and should be excercised in obedience to his commandment, whether or not such love is accompanied by any warmth or affection. Love: God.- It is of utmost importance for us to understand that God is love as John wrote (1 John 4:8). He is the very personification of love which is his dominant quality He is not a far-distance person He reveals himself in the Bible as a Person and figuratively speaks of his eyes, hands, heart, soul and so forth. He also has other atrributes, among them justice, power, and wisdom (Deu. 32: 4; Job 36: 22; Rev. 7: 12). For human understanding to best form to visualize the invisible God is through human earthly relating things. Moreover, he has the capacity to hate, a quality the very opposite of love. His love of ritheousness requires his hatred of wickedness. He is not an abstract quality, because love includes the feeling and expression of warm personal affection, which only a person can have, or which can be extended toward a person. Certainly, Gods resurrected Son Jesus Christ is not an abstract quality either, he spoke of being with his Father, working with him, pleasing him, abd hearing him, as well as of angels beholding the face of his Father, things impossible with a mere abstract quality. Mat. 10: 32; 18: 10; John 5:17; 6 :46; 8:28,29, 40; 17:5. Love: Evidence of Gods love.- This evidence is abundant and ca be seen in the physical creation itself with what remarkable care it has been made for the health, pleasure, and welfare of man. Man is made not just to exisat but to enjoy eating, to delight in viewing the color and beauty of creation to enjoy animals as well as the company of his fellow women, and to find pleasure in the countless other delights of living. But God has displayed his love even more by making man in his image and likeness, with the capacity to love and for spirituality and by revealing himself to man through his Word and his holy spirit 1 Cor. 2:12,13. Jehova`s love toward mankind is that of a father toward his children (Mat. 5:45). He spares nothing that is for their good, no matter what it costs him; his love ranscends anything that we can feel or express (Ephes. 2: 4-7); Isa. 55:8; Rom. 11:33). His greatest manifestation of love, the most loving thing that a parent can do, he did for mankind. That was the giving of the life of his own faithful onlybegotten Son (John 3:16). As the apostle John writes: As for us, we love, because he first loved us (1 John 4:19). He is, accordingly, the Source of love. Paul also writes: For hardly will anyone die for a rithgteous man; indeed for the good man, perhaps, someone even dares to die. But God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Chirst died for us. Rom. 5: 7,8; 1 John 4:10.


Love: Gods sovereignty based on love.- He desires only those who love his sovereignty because of his fine qualit ies and because it is righteous, who prefer his sovereignty to any other they choose to serve under his sovereignty rather than try to be independent this because of their knowledge of him and of his love, justice, and wisdom. Love is a perfect bond of union. It is the most powerful bond in the universe - perfect love bonding the Son and the Father together unbreakable Thus Jesus would said He that has seen me has seen the Father also (John 14:9). Therefore Jesus love is complete, perfect. He told his disciple No one have love greater that this, that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends. He also told them I am giving a new commandment that you love one another, just as I have loved you, that you also love one another (John 13:34). Jesuss life and death exemplified this new commandment called for. Love: How One Acquires Love.- Love is a fruit of Gods spirit and therfore is not a quality that one has without knowing, as may be the case with certain physical or mental abilities, such as phisical beauty, talent in music, or similar inherited qualities. Godly love cannot exists in the person apart from knowledge and service of God or apart from meditation and appreciation. Only by cultivating love, the inner man, become an imitation of God, the source of love (Ephesios 5:1,2; Rom. 12:2. The only way is to work and process toward perfection of love. Men inherit the ability and capacity to love, but is often misguided, deteriorated, and twisted his love as it is shown through the history. Love can be misguided.- It is evident that a person can have real, properly directed love only by setting and following Gods spirit and knowledge that cocmes from his world. To maintain integral love it is necessary to protect it against the influence of sentimentalism and family pride which is selfishness. Godly love causes one to do what is good and beneficial for the other person love buids up. Love is not sentimentality. It is firm, strong, directed by Godly wisdom, adhering first of all to that which is chaste, right. Paul syas to Chirstians: It is for discipline you are enduring. God is dealing with you as with sons. We shall be subjected ourselves to the father of our spiritual life, and live. Love: Knowledge Gives Love Right Direction.- Love must be directed first to God, above all others. Otherwise, it will become misdirected and even lead into the worship of a creature or thing. Knwoing Gods purposes is essential ,because a person knows then what is best for his own welfare and that of others and will know how to express love in the proper way. Our love for God is to be with our whole heart, mind, soul, and strengh (Mat. 22: 36-38; Maerk 12: 29,39). It is to be, not a merely an outward expression, but a love that reflect the total inner person. Love involves the emotions (1 Peter 1:22). But if the mind is not equipped with knowledge of what true love is and how it acts, love can be expressed in the wrong direction. The mind must known God and his qualities, his purpose, and how he expresses love (1 John 4:7). Consequently, love is the most important quality, and Christians must be indentified by this dominant quality not to a work or cause. Then, love must be carried out with the soul, that mens every fiber of ones organism and all ones strengh and must be put behind that effort. The true love that is a fruit of Gods spirit is expansive (2 Cor. 6: 11-13). It must be shared to be completed among his wife and be extended to ones children. Against love there is no law, it cannot be limited, it may be practiced at any time or place, to any extent, toward those to whom it is due. Love: How Godly Love Acts.- Love is easy to feel but hard to define. It is easier to tell how it acts. Paul clarifies on subject by emphasizing that love acts unselfishly: Love is long-suffering and kind not look for its own interest, does not become provoke. It does not keep account of the injury. It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, belives all things, hopes all things, endure all things 1 Cor. 13: 4-7. Love is Long-suffering and Kind.- It puts up with unfavorable conditions and wrong actions of others to bring honor and vindication to Gods name. Love is kind, no matter what the provocation may be .roughness or harshness on the part of Christians toward others will not accomplish any good. Nonetheless, love love can be firm and act in justice in behalf of rightesousness. Love is Not Jealous.- It is not envious of good thiong coming to others. It rejoices in seeing a fellowman receive a position of greater responsibility. It is generous. God makes his rain fall on the righteous and the unrighteous. We shall be alert for any selffishly seeking the posisiton ocuppied by another. Love Does not Brag, Does Not Get Puffed Up it does not seek the applause and admiration of creatures. The person having love will not push another person down to make himself appear greater. Part of love is sincerely encourage and build up other persons, and though happy with the advancement of others and he will not boast of what he is going to do. He will realize that he does is due to the strengh coming from Jehov. Love Does Not Behave Indecently.- It is not ill-mannered. It does not engage in indecent behavior, such as sexual abuses or shocking conduct. It is not rude, vulgar, discourteous, insolent, coarse, or


disrespectful to anyone. A person who has love will avoid doing things that in appearance or action disturb others, specially his members family. Love Does Not Look for Its Own Interest.- It follows the principle let each one keep seeking not his own advantage, but that of the other person (1 Cor. 14:40) Here is where concern for the everlasting welfare of others is one of the strongest motivating forces in love, as well as, of the most effective and beneficial in its results. The possesor of love does not demand that everything be done his way, as the world practices even by popular sons. In contrast, Paul said: To the weak I became weak, that I might gain the weak. I have become all things to people of all sorts, that I might by all means save some. But do all things for the sake of good news, that I may become a sharer of it with others (1 Cor. 9 :22,23). Love does not Become Provoked.- It does not look for an occasion or an excuse for provoation. It is not moved to outburst of anger, which is a work of the flesh (Gal. 5:29,20). One having love is not easily offended by what others say or do. He is not afraid that his personal dignity may be injured. Love Does not Keep Account of the Injury.- One who loves literally is not reckoning the bad thing. It does not consider itself to be injured as so lay up that injury as something on the books, to be setled, or paid off, in due time, in the meantime permitting no relations between the injury and the injurer. The would be a vengeful spirit, condemmed in the Bible (Rom. 12: 19). Love will not impute evil motives to another but will be inclined to make allowances and give others the benefit of the doubt- Rom 14: 1, 5. Love Does Not Rejoice Over the Unrighteousness, but rejoices with the Truth.- Love rejoices with the truth even though it upsets previous belifs held or statement made. It sticks with Gods Word of truth. It always sides with the right, finding no pleasure in wrong, in lies, or in any form of injustice, no matter who the victim is, even if he is an enemy. Owever, if a thing is wrong or misleading, love does not fear to speak out in the interests of truth and of others (Gal. 2: 11-14). Also, it prefers to suffer wrong rather than commit another wrong in an attempt to straighten out the matter (Rom. 12: 17, 20). But of another person is properly corrected by one having authority, the loving person will not sentimentally side with the chastised one and find fault with the correction or the authorized one be an exprtession of love for the indiviudal. It might gain the favor of the corrected one, but it would harm rather tha help him. Love Bears All Things.- It is willing to endure to suffer for righteousnesss sake. A literal rendering is, all things it is covering. A person having love will be slow to expose to others the one who wrongs him. If the offense is not too serious, he will overlook it. Otherwise, when the course recommended by Jesus at Matthew 18: 15-17 is appicable, he will follow it. In such cases, if the other person asks forgiveness after the wrong is privately pointed out to him, and repairs the damage, the one having love will show that his forgiveness is real, that it has completely covered the matter, as God has. Prov. 10: 12; 17: 9; 1 Peter 4: 7,8. Love believes all things Love has faith in the things God has said in his Word of Truth, even if outward appearances are against it and the unbelieving world scoffs. This love, especially toward God, is a recognotion of his truthfulness, based on his record of faithfulness and reliability, just as we know and love a true, faithful firend and do not doubt when he tells us something for which we may not have proof (Jos. 23:14). Love believes all God says, though it may not be able to grasp it thoroughly, and it is willing to wait patiiently until the matter is more fully explained or until getting a clear understanding (1 Cor. 13: 9-12; 1 Peter 1:10-13). Love is not gullible, for it follows the counsel of Gods Word to test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, and it tests everything by the measuring rule of the Bible. (1 John 4:1; Acts 17:11, 12). Love hopes all things.- It has hope in all the things Jehova has promises (Rom. 12: 12; Heb. 3: 6) It continues to work, waiting patiently for Jehova to bring fruitage, to make things grow (1 Cor. 3: 7). A person who loves will realize that if Jehova is patient with weak persons in faith, he should certainly adopt the same attitude (2 Peter 3: 15). And he continues to asist those he is helping to learn the truth, hoping and waiting for them to be moved by Gods spirit to serve him. Love endures all things.- Love is required for the Christians to keep his integrity toward Jehova God. Despite whatever the Devil may do to test the soundness of the Christinas devotion and faithfulness to God, love will endure in a way that holds the Christians true to God Rom. 5: 3 5; Mat. 10:22. Love never fails It will never come to an end or cease to exist. New knowledge and undersdtanding may correct things we once believed; hope changes as the hoped-for things are realized and new things are hoped for, but love always remains in tis fullness and continues to be built up stronger and stronger 1 Cor. 13: 8 13.


Loved, Things Not be .- The apostle John writes: Do not be loving either the World or the things in the world. If anyones loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him; becase everything in the world the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eye and the showy display of ones means of life does not originate with the father, but originates with the world (1 John 2:15, 16). He says, later on, the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one (1 John 5:19). Accordingly, those who love God hate every wicked way Psalm 101: 3; 119: 104, 128; Prov. 8: 13; 13: 5. Wordly things surround us, like materialism, love of money, literally, foundness of silver, which is a root of all shorts of injurious things 1 Tim. 6:10; Heb. 13: 5. Individuals looking for material wealth are subject to all kind of problems and finally the become frustated. Jesus Christ warned against seeking glory and honor from men such promient positions have no reward at all were due them from God (Mat. 6:5; 23: 2 , 5 7; Luke 11: 43 and John 12: 42, 43; 5: 44. In speaking to his disciple, Jesus said: He that is fond of his soul destroys it, but he that hates his soul in this world will safeguard it for everlasting life. A person who profers to protect his life now rather than to be willing to lay down his life as a follower of Christ will lose out on everlasting life, but one who considers life in this world as secondary, and who loves Jehova and Christ and their righteousness above everything else, will receive everlasting life. God hates liars, for they have no love of the truth. He declares to the apostle John in vision: Outside (the holy city, New Jerusalem) are the dogs and those who practice spiritism and the fornicators and the muderers and the idolaters and everyone liking and carrying on a lie Rev. 22: 15; 2 Tim. 2: 10 12. Love Can Cool Off, Ones.- Jesus Christ, in telling his disciple of the things ahead, indicated that the love of many who professed belief in God would cool off (Mat. 24: 3, 12). The apostle Paul said that , as a feature of the critical times to come, men woul become lovers of money ( 2 Tim. 3: 1,2). It is evident, therefore, that a person can lose sight of right principles and that the proper love he once had can fade away. This emphasizes the importance of constant exercise and development of love by meditation on Gods Word and by molding ones life according to his principles Ephes. 4:15, 22 24. Meditation.- The iiner man has to exercise meditation, the kind of deep, concentrated thintking, or thoughfully contemplates possible future evetns. How do we do this? In order to meditate properly, a person needs to be free from distractions, alone with his thoughts so to speak. The meditations of the heart should be focus on benenfitial things escaping from the stress that things strongle us on Gods splendor and activities, on things pleasing him Philip. 4:8 and not on the devices of the wicked. By engaging in profitable meditation, one will not be inclined to give foolish answers. The inner men will seriously think out these matters of importance, and as a result, answers given will be from the heart and will not be something to regret later on, a good way to meditate is by reading Gods word undertone would impress more indelibly on the mind the material which one is meditating. Meditation, Wrong.- meditation upon empty things, not the things that people ordinarily seek in life, but things that devoid of all good-actually thinking, speaking, and attempting to fight against Jehova and his sevants-utterly futile things Acts 4:25. Generally, these meditations are not mere pasing thoughts, they are deeptly rooted in the heart, manifesting their inclination being toward wicked pursuits. The writer of Proverbs say of such men: Despoiling is what their heart keeps meditating, and trouble is what their own lips keep speaking Prov. 24: 2. Jesus disclosed this kind of people when said to those hating him Why are you reasoning these things in your hearts? (Mark 2:8). Of all who would supress the truth in an unrighteous way; the apostle Paul says: They became empty-headed in their reasoning and their unintelligent heart became darkened. Such meditation proves fatal to those indulging in it. Rom. 1: 18, 21. Meekness.- A mildness of temper, without haughtiness or vanity. The mental disposition that enable one to endure injury with pacience and without irritation, resentment, or vindictive retalation. It is a close companion of and seldom found separate from such other virtues as humility, lowliness of mind, and gentleness. In the Bible, meekness is emphasized as ones mental attitute first of all toward God, then toward fellow creature. For example, it is written: The meek ones will certainly increase their rejoicing in Jehova himself (Isa. 29: 19). Mekk persons are teachable- Jehova will teach the meek ones his way (Psalm 25: 9) and they are willing to endure discipline from the hand of God, though such is grievous at the time (Heb. 12: 4 11). Mekkness causes persons to wait upon Jehova to right the wrongs and injuries unjustly suffered, instead of becoming heated up with anger (Psalm 37: 8 11). A good model to practice meekness was Moses by far the meekness of all the men who were upon the surface of the ground, one who could take criticism without resentment (Num. 12: 3). But the supreme model is reflected in Jesus Christ, he demostrated meekness by enduring all manner of personal injury without a word of complaint, even allowing himself to be led to the laughter as a lamb


without opening his mouth in protest (Philp. 2: 5 8; Heb. 12: 2; Acts 8: 32- 35; Isa. 53: 7) This Greater-than-Moses also recommended himself to others as a meek or mild-tempered person (Mat. 11: 28, 29). As Isaiah 61: 1 foretold, he was anointed with Jehovas spirit to tell good news to the meek ones. After reading this prophecy in the synagogue of his hometown of Nazareth, Jesus declared: Today this scripture that you just heard is fulfilled (Luke 4: 16 21). Meekness Brings Benefits.- The invitation expressed by the prophet Zephaniah is still extended to meek persons of the earth: Seek Jehova, all you meek ones of the earth, who have practiced His own judicial decision. Seek righteousness, seek meekness (or, humbleness, humility). Probably you may be concealed in the day of Jehovas anger (Zep. 2: 3). Above and beyond that are other wonderful promises extended to such ones. For example: The meek ones themselfves will posses the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abudance of peace (Psalm 37: 11). In both a spiritual and a literal sense, the meek ones will eat and be satisfied Psalm 22: 26. Yes God listen to the heartfelt desires by answering their prayers; their hope in Jehova is not disappointed (Psalm 10: 17; 9: 18). It is a true proverb, Better is it to be lowly in spirit with the meek ones thant to divide spoil with the self-exalted ones Prov. 16: 19. His Baptism.- Lucas 2:9-11. Previously, for six months John has been preparing the way for the saving means of God , Jesus now about thirty years old was baptized over Johns initial objections, voiced because John till then had been baptizing only repentant sinners. Jesus, however, was sinless; hence his baptism testified instead to his presenting himself to do his Fathers will (compare Heb. 10: 5-9) and Gods spirit descended upon Jesus in bodily shape like a dove , and Jehovas voice was heard from heaven, saying You are my son, the beloved; I have approved you Mat. 3:16,17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21,22. Gods spirit poured out upon him double, illuminated his mind on many points, recalling his Prehuman existence and the things he had heard from his father and the things he had seen his father do, as well as the glory that Jesus himself had enjoyed in the heavens (Juan 6:46; 7: 28, 38; 14: 2; 17:5). Jesus anointing with holy spirit appointed and commissioned him to carry out his ministry and preaching and teaching (Luke 4:16-21) and also to serve as Gods prophet (Hechos 3:22-26). But over, and above this, he appointed and commissioned him as Jehovas promised King, the heirs to Davids throne (Luke 1:32, 33, 69; Heb. 1: 8,9) and an everlasting Kingdom his vital place in Gods purpose Jesus is the central or key figure in the outworking of all his purposes (Juan 1: 14-18; Col. 1:18-20: 2: 8,9), the focal point on which the light of all prophecies would concentrate and from which their light will radiate (1 Peter 1:10-12; Juan 1:3-9). The solution to all the problem that Satans rebellion has raised (Heb. 2: 5-9; 14,15; 1 Juan 3:8) and the foundation upon which God would build all future arrangement for the eternal good of his universal family in heaven and earth (Efs. 1:8-10; 2: 20; 1 Pedro 2:4-8) Because of the vital role he thus play in Gods purpose, Jesus could say, rightly and without exaggeration: I amthe way the truth and the life. No ones comes to the father except through me Juan 14:6. Sacred Secret.- The S.S. continues to be understood, until Jesus Christ came and shed light upon life and incorruption through the good news. Sacred Secret: The Messianic Kingdom.- Paul gives a full view of the revelation of the S.S. of the Christ. At Efesios 1:9-11 he speaks of Gods making known The Sacred Secret of his will, and says It is according to his pleasure which he purposed in himself for an administration at the full limited of the appointed times, namely, together all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth. This S.S. involves a government, the Messianic Kingdom of God. The things in the heavens to which Paul refers, are the prospective heirs of that heavenly Kingdom with Christ The things of the earth will be its earthly subjects. Jesus Christ pointed out to his disciples that the S.S. had to do with the kingdom when he said to them To you the S.S. of the Kingdom of God has been given Marcos 4:11. Sacred Secret: Includes the Congregation.- There are many features in the knowledge of S.S. the apostle Paul gave further details when he explained that the S.S. includes the congregation of which Christ is Head (Ef. 5:32; Col. 1:18: Rev. 1:20) These are his point heirs, whom he shares the Kingdom (Lucas 22:29,39) They are taken from among both Jews and gentiles (Romans 11:25; Ef. 3:3-6; Col. 1:26,27), it was clearly made when Cornelius received the gift of the Holy Spirit, in 36 C.E. (Hechos 10:34, 44-48; Ef. 2: 11-13) and through Gods dealing with the congregation the government and the authorities in the heavenly places would come to know The greatly diversified wisdom of God (Ef. 3:10) The Congregation of the living God had the truth, and it knew accurately the mystery, or the Sacred Secret of the true godly devotion, and the congregation has not only the form but also the power of


such godly devotion. Hence, it would be the pillar and support of the Truth in the most of a world of error and false religion, the Mysteriess sacred to stand and those he has blinded (2 Cor. 4:4). It was a mystery or Sacred Secret whether complete, unswering, unblemished godly devotion would be fully maintained by anyone upon whom the devil would bring pressure. Who, if Anyone, would be able to hold up under the test and come through wholly clean, without sin, and untarnished in exclusive devotion to Jehov. When Jesus Christ was made manifest in flesh, was declared righteous in spirit, appeared to angels, was preached about among nations, was believed upon in the world, was received up in glory (1 Tim. 3:26; 6:16) and the S.S. of God is finished at the time that, Jehova begins his kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ Mat. 24:3, 14) Chief Agent of Life.- As an expression of his fathers undeserved kindness, Jesus Christ laid down his perfect human life in sacrifice. This made possible the union of Christs chosen followers with him, in his heavenly reign and also made possible the arrangement for earthly subjects of his Kingdom rule. He thereby became the Chief Agent of Live for all mankind. Hence, as the Chief Leader or pioneer of life, Jesus Christ introduced a new and essential element for gaining eternal life in the sense of being an intermediary or go-between, but he is such in an administrative sense as well. He is Gods High Priest who can effect full cleansing from sin and liberation from sins death-dealing effects (Heb. 3:1,2; 4:14; 7:23-25; 8:1-3); he is the appointed Judge into whose hands all judgments is committed, so that he judiciously administer his ransom benefits to individuals among mankind according to their worthiness to live under his Kingship (Juan 5:28,29; 6:39,40) Because Jehova God so ordained to use his Son, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among man by which we must get saved Hechos 4:12 compare 1 Juan 5:11-13. The Full significance of his name.- Following his resurrection, Jesus informed his disciples All authorities has been given me in heavens and on earth Thereby showing that he heads a government of universal domain (Mat. 28:18) Jesus Christ None therefore, is more excellent than that of Gods angels, in that his name embraces or stands for the vast executive authority that Jehova placed in him (Heb. 1:3,4) Only those who willingly recognize that name and how to it; subjecting themselves to the authority it represents, will gain eternal life (Hechos 4:12; Ef. 1:19-23; Fil. 2:9-11) They must sincerely and without hypocrisy line up with the standards Jesus exemplified and, in faith, obey the commands he have Mat. 7: 21-23; Rom. 1:5; 1 Juan 3: 23. Jesus Christs name is Gods appointed ruler, the King of Kings, to whom all nations should bow in submission or else experience destruction. The demons obey Jesus commands on account of the authority for which his name stood as the anointed representative of the Kingdom, the one with authority to call for, not merely one legion, but a dozen legion of angels, capable of expelling and demons who might stubbornly resist the order to leave. It is necessary to recognize his kingly position and authority. Bearing Witness to the Truth.- By his ministry Jesus revealed the truth, contained in the Sacred Secret as being Gods kingdom with Jesus Christ, the Son of David, serving as King-Priest on the throne. To uphold the truth of his fathers prophetic word and promise, Jesus had to live in such a way as to make that truth become reality, fulfilling it by what he said and did, how he lived, and how he said he was Juan 14:6


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