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Friendship Cube

"Be bold. Upend norms. Use ingenuity." Graeme Kilshaw

Executive Summary: The friendship cube brings with it a new opportunity and a new competitive edge. Effective interactive solutions often share similar ingredients: a dash of market opportunity, a pinch of business goals, and a generous helping of user requirements. Working together we are able to create a profitable collection of original concepts, careful insights, and developed applications. Background Information: The Friendship Cube enables intuitive phonetic communication and symbol-based learning. It's more than just a physical product. The friendship cube community is a movement establishing and developing skills and opportunities. That is where the value proposition is found. We are a movement inspiring young and old. Our community is creating bold and unconventional change. We are catalyzing a change in linguistic thought. Linguists have commented that our cube brings with it a pedagogical paradigm shift. We are riding the wave of a new, expansive social evolution in communication. In a practical business sense, we provide rock hard solutions enabling organizational development. We use the friendship cube to build community, value, meaning, purpose, and increasing interest. We turn long-term honorable friendships into long-term business relationships. We communicate and develop socially via games, programs, activities, events, competitions, and more. Our program adds to secondary and post-secondary school curriculum learning. Our community explores universal wisdom, promotes self and community awareness, and encourages cross-cultural understanding for diverse audiences, especially young people. Students today are demanding what we put forward in practical interactive games and learning competitions. Our students have told us that they are looking for fun and social engagement in interactive storylines leading to progressive online learning that is shared by classmates. What We Teach: Our interactive community games and programs use storylines to teach personal and social responsibility, compassionate values, effective communication, literacy and numeracy

skills, teamwork, strategy, and positive, constructive, organized behavior. We teach the value of working collaboratively. Our friendship cube programs and games provide students with safe and educational fun. Even for young children, the friendship cube programs teach constructive hands on play, visual tracking, communication, and word creation. The friendship cube speeds up cognitive development and makes students smarter. Our Friendship Cube Community brings hope and joy to students of all walks of life, all around the world. Mission: Our mission is to develop the tools and applications that the world needs. In the course of our mission, we naturally bring people together. We come together and create lifelong memories. Our movement is about more than just distributing and sharing our friendship cubes. Our movement is a conscious evolution, intelligently designed for our information age. We are making learning more fun and combining entertaining play with the kind of education we need for this present-day world. We support and develop programs that have a concrete impact in bettering our lives and our communities. Practically, we take baby steps forward to achieve our big mission one step at a time. It is the accumulation of many people who have all decided to share a common goal and work towards it using baby steps . that makes our innovative project so successful. We all have decided to share one vision. We all have decided to make our one dream become a reality. One baby step at a time, our business and social mission is getting closer and closer to completion and success. Keys to Success: Success will be dependent upon: o sharing our one common vision o persistent and creative marketing & development efforts o exceptional product and service quality o time-efficient and cost-effective development processes o expert management and knowledgeable staff o cash-savvy growth strategies o social-web strategy (pay with a tweet) o rewarding leadership (badges / medals) + (Bonuses) Data Capture: Two-dimensional graphic codes such as bar-codes or quick response (QR) codes are popping up on everything from the pages of magazines to billboards on the subway and signs at the local coffee shop. All consumers need to do is snap an image of a QR code on their smart phone and, provided they have a QR reader installed, they can instantly receive more information about a product or service. Marketers can track the effectiveness of the placement of the codes in real time. The friendship cube code is like QR or bar-codes, only readable by both machines and people.

3D Tech: There is a 3D ability with the friendship cube code. Every day our 3D friendship cube code technologies get more and more refined. Every day, more and more friendship code based programs and apps are being developed and activated. We are riding a wave that demands our programming skills. New forms of data-visualization are becoming available via our friendship cube programs. We are developing interactive touch screen and projection screen applications for use with the friendship cube code. The friendship cubes is our hardware medium and interface. It s a handheld user interface that allows for interactions with webcam pattern recognition technologies. We are developing smart webcams that are worn like a necklace, where the view from just under the collar is used for pattern recognition based interactive applications with the friendship cube. Interaction: The friendship cube is one aspect of a larger interactive technology trend. Consumers have the ability to hold the friendship cube in the palm of their hand and use it for a variety of simple every-day tasks, skill-testing games, communications, navigation and more. The friendship cube is a tactile experience. It is not just eyes, but hands also that sense the symbols. Friendship cube programs have the ability to provide tactile and immersive educational experiences for all kinds of students. The friendship cube empowers audiences and enables new forms of communication. Interfaces combine motion and pattern sensing technologies for new interaction ability. There is new gaming and interactive ability using visual depth sensing and gesture-based technology in addition to pattern recognition constantly immersing crowds of new viewers and consumers. We offer a free trial and get people registered without initial charge. That way, we immediately begin to profit from viewers and users targeted advertising revenue. We keep customers coming back because we enable participation. We share our community and enable constant participation and development. We develop social bonds, and succeed in mission-based objectives often involving creative thinking and strategy. We are able to develop and share together profitably, in both online and formal offline business settings. Controls: Instead of using keyboard and mouse, we develop and use camera based motion control that stimulates live multimedia experiences including single-player and multi-player games. Games like Portal have featured Companion Cubes . Our new games will be featuring our unique and recognizable Friendship Cubes . Game control surfaces may indicate a letter, a direction, a control, a decision, or a variable input in a programmed equation. We are beginning to work with the established game developers and harness their ability to meet the demand of today s gaming market. Today, a new level of interaction is possible. This phenomenon is already drawing in excited crowds. Our events, programs, contests, games, and activities including trade shows are showcasing the interactive ability of our friendship cubes, riding a new wave of digital interactive consumerism.

Registration: Each silicon friendship cube has an embedded RFID chip or package code. Each unique cube can be registered to its owner. The soft silicon friendship cubes can be registered online. RFID chips inside the silicon cubes allows the unique cubes to be recognized by devices like smart phones so that the cube can be given a name and be registered by end-users. New forms of feedback-based research, development, and marketing are enabled by our systematic tracking of customer history, feedback, and preferences. Sponsorship: Sponsors are able to market to our specific target audiences. The friendship cube community is collaborating with sponsors and customers to generate greater and greater steady returns. Management hopes to facilitate an ongoing conversation with customers and sponsors, allowing them to guide our business forward. We are matching the medium of our friendship cube with the message of our sponsors. We are collaborating with sponsors and customers to generate greater and greater steady returns. We hope to facilitate an ongoing conversation with consumers and sponsors, allowing them to guide our business forward on their terms. Sponsors have some choice as to how to participate in the friendship cube community programs, events, and activities. Our sponsors are helping make our communities thrive with new business participation. We are asking sponsors to direct skilled personnel and scheduled times to facilitate the development and growth of our friendship cube community programs that benefit sponsor businesses. Our friendship cube community is looking for people and sponsors we can count on for our programs, events, and projects. We are uniting our visionary minds and expanding our business. We are holding new events to open up our business. We are co-promoting our people and sponsors via our public events and media projects. The friendship cube community is developing and implementing our sponsored training programs. We are producing new sponsored broadcasts to showcase and grow our community while expressing our common purpose. Our community is growing and developing via our promotional events. We have publically presented the friendship cube code and games to K-12 Students, Scouts, Cadets, and University-level TED talks ideas worth spreading . Our upcoming sponsored events will be covered in local newspapers, radio, and television. Sponsors are able to take advantage of our specific audiences and programs, events, activities, and more. Participating sponsors are sure to receive exposure from our media campaigns and promotions. Participating sponsors gain exposure from the audiences attending our events. We have an array of options for new sponsors to consider. Our Community: Our community consists of our reliable people, and our dependable businesses. Sponsors are benefiting and profiting from sponsoring or co-promoting with our community. It is a good business choice and a great investment to work with the friendship cube community.

We welcome new sponsors and new input. We are prepared to take more baby steps in the direction of co-development, co-promotion, and profitable collaboration.

Commitment :

Yes, we would like to receive more of the new friendship cubes (Quantity: ____________)

Yes, we are interested in business co-development, co-promotions, collaborations, and /or co-marketing deals

Yes, we wish to facilitate the growth of the community group by utilizing the cube in our own design and / or development projects

We promise to keep our friends informed, involved, and inspired with the vision and purpose of our community. We promise to share our conversations, ideas, visions, and resources. -Graeme Kilshaw

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