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Primary Sources

Peoria Invitation. Digital image. Library of Congress. Web. <>. This is an invitation for Lincoln to come to Peoria, Illinois to reply to Stephen Douglas in a heated debate. In Peoria he gives his Peoria Speech. This speech criticizes the institution of slavery and Lincoln also states that slaves will be brought into the new territories even though there is a different climate and geography. Lincoln Memorial. Digital image. Web. <>. This was used as the top image on our website. Our point in choosing this image was for the viewer to compare it to the background image and realize that Lincoln was born to a small cabin and now is remembered as one of the greatest presidents of the history of our nation. Lincoln has several memorial's dedicated to him but we felt this was one of the best choices for our header image. Abraham Lincoln Portrait. Digital image. Library of Congress Home. Web. 14 Jan. 2012. <>. This is a photograph of Abraham Lincoln. Emancipation Proclamation. Digital image. Library of Congress. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. <>. This is a photograph of the handwritten Emancipation Proclamation.

"Featured Document: The Emancipation Proclamation." National Archives and Records Administration. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. < cript.html>. This website gave us a transcription of the Emancipation Proclamation. The Seattle Republican. (Seattle, Wash.) 1???-19??, January 04, 1907, Page 4, Image 4 Chronicling America (The Library of Congress). Digital image. Historic American Newspapers Chronicling America (The Library of Congress). Web. 14 Jan. 2012. <>. This is an article from The Seattle Republican. It's a Historical document that shows African-Americans were very jubilant with Abraham Lincoln after emancipating the slaves. Abraham Lincoln's Birthplace Cabin. Digital image. Http:// Web. We filtered the lighting on the image of Abraham Lincoln's cabin to make a suitable background image for our website. [Mississippi River Valley, Winona]. Digital image. Library of Congress Home. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. <>. This is a photo of the Mississippi River. Lincoln traveled this river frequently when working as a transporter of farm goods.

"Featured Document: The Emancipation Proclamation." National Archives and Records Administration. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. < cript.html>. This website gave us a transcription of the Emancipation Proclamation. Dred Scott. Digital image. Library of Congress Home. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. <>. This is a print engraving portrait of Dred Scott. We used it on our Dred Scott Decision page. -- Free Seminars and Summer Institutes for Social Studies Teachers. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. <>. This is a transcript of the "Proclamation Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus." Lincoln wanted to suspend Habeas Corpus so he could imprison "rebel insurgents." "The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln." NetINS Showcase. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. <>. This website has the transcript of the beginning of the Gettysburg Address. We used this website to get quotes from the speech and to further understand the meaning behind this famous speech. Kansas Nebraska Map. Digital image. Web. <>. This is a map of the Kansas-Nebraska area. It shows the area affected by the KansasNebraska Act. We used this map on our Kansas-Nebraska Act page.

Secondary Sources Lupton, John A. "Narrative Overview of the Law Practice of Abraham Lincoln." The Papers of Abraham Lincoln. Web. 21 Jan. 2012. <>. This website gave us useful information for our timeline. It gave us dates and the steps in Lincoln's law career. "Abraham Lincoln's Life - The Great American Story." The Official Website of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum. Web. 21 Jan. 2012. <>. This website was a great resource. It had key points in Lincoln's life all organized in a timeline. Freedman, Russell. Lincoln: A Photo biography Illustrated with Photographs and Prints. New York: Clarion Bks, 1989. Print. This book gives an excellent overview of Abraham Lincoln's life hitting key points. "Timeline of Abraham Lincoln's Political Career." NetINS Showcase. Web. 21 Jan. 2012. <>. This is a website that has useful dates on significant events in Abraham Lincoln's political career. We found these to be useful in our timeline. Digital History. Web. 21 Jan. 2012. <>. This website was a good source of information on the Lincoln - Douglas Debates.

Foner, Eric. The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery. New York: W. W. Norton &, 2010. Print. Eric Foner gives a stunning overview of the life of Abraham Lincoln and hits key points in his stances on slavery. Lincoln, Abraham. Quotations of Abraham Lincoln. Bedford, MA: Applewood, 2003. Print. We went through this book and found many powerful quotes from Abraham Lincoln. We included the quotes on our quotes page. The Lincoln Douglas Debates of 1858 Images. Digital image. Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. <>. This is a drawing obtained from the Chicago Historical Society. It shows the rivalry between Lincoln and Douglas. Monroe, R.d. "Lincoln/Net: Debating Douglas on the National Stage, 1857-1858." Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. <>. This website was very helpful in giving information on the Lincoln - Douglas Debates. It elaborated more on what the purpose of the debates were giving us a deeper understanding of the rivalry.

"Lincoln Home National Historic Site - Peoria Speech, October 16, 1854 (U.S. National Park Service)." U.S. National Park Service - Experience Your America. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. <>. This website was very helpful. It gave a summary of the Peoria Speech and also included a transcript of the speech. We used this information in our Peoria Speech page. "Order of Secession During the American Civil War - Seceding States." American History From About. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. <>. We used this website to obtain the dates that Confederate states seceded. Civil War. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. <>. This is a website that is dedicated to the Civil War. It has abundant information about the Civil War including timelines and causes. This helped us with our Civil War page. Crossed Civil War Flags. Digital image. Web. <>. We used this image on our Civil War page. It's a photograph of a Union and Confederate flag crossed. "President Lincoln Delivered the Gettysburg Address." America's Story from America's Library. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. <>. This website summarizes why the Gettysburg Address was given.

Lincoln Gettysburg. Digital image. Web. <>. This image is an artist rendition of Lincoln giving his Gettysburg Address.

Franklin, John Hope. The Emancipation Proclamation. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1963. Print. This book was very informative on the Emancipation Proclamation. It gave many views on the proclamation and went into detail on the reasons why the Emancipation Proclamation was written.

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