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The No-hair Conjecture for hair Black Holes

A theoretical study Soumya Chakrabarti Autumn 2011 10IP11

In this article the following direction of black hole physics are covered. -Hair Conjecture: Statement & Brief Discussion, a approach of Concept of a Black Hole, the NoBekenstein and Saa towards study and analysis of the theorem, Extensions & Counter udy Counter-examples.

Definition & idea of Black Hole

nothing, A region of space-time from which nothin not even light, can escape. at time General relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass will deform space-time to form a black hole. Around a black hole there is a mathematically defined surface called an event horizon that marks the point of no return. It is called "black" because it absorbs all the light that hits the horizon, reflecting nothing, just like a perfect black body in thermodynamics. Simulated view of a black hole (centre) in front of the Large Magellanic Cloud.

We start with the vacuum field equations of the general theory of relativity:


where T is the contracted energy-momentum tensor

With cosmological constant=0 this equation says that the Ricci tensor must vanish for a vacuum space-time without a cosmological constant.

The Schwarzschild solution for empty space

The Newtonian potential around a static point object is spherically symmetric. Also for objects like stars and planets the same is true to lowest order. Exterior to such objects there is a static, spherically symmetric empty space. Motivated by this we will study spherically symmetric solutions to the Einstein field equations for empty space. The line-element of Minkowski space-time as expressed in spherical coordinates has the form (in units with c = 1)

We shall solve the field equations for empty space-time with static and spherically symmetric 3space. The celebrated Schwarzschild solution for empty space is

There are a couple of things worth noting. First of all, for large r, the metric is approximately that of Minkowski space-time. Secondly, the metric appears singular when r = 0 and when r = 2M. These two values for r have special physical importance as we will see later on. However, their nature is different; at r = 0 we have a physical singularity where the curvature tensors diverge; at r = 2M the curvature tensors are well-behaved and finite, but the space-time has a horizon at r = 2M in these coordinates.

Radial free fall in Schwarzschild space-time

We will consider a radially falling particle in a Schwarzschild space-time. The perhaps easiest way to calculate the equations of motion is to use the variational principle. The Lagrangian of the particle is

where a dot means derivative with respect to the proper time . The time coordinate is cyclic so its canonical momentum is a constant:

Inserting this into the 4-velocity identity,

Using the initial condition we get the equation

Which can be integrated to give

gives the proper time that a particle spends falling from rest at r0 to r. The particle reaches the singularity r = 0 in a finite proper time given by

Describing the same motion in terms of the coordinate time t we end up with the equation

As we approach r = RS, the integral on the right hand side diverges. Thus for an observer at infinity a particle falling towards the origin will only reach the Schwarzschild radius after an infinite amount of time has elapsed. The observer at infinity will never see it pass the Schwarzschild radius. An observer Co-moving with the particle, on the other hand, will not find anything particular happening at the Schwarzschild radius. It will pass the Schwarzschild radius and reach the singularity r = 0 in a finite proper time. This is another evidence that the Schwarzschild radius is just a coordinate singularity, not a singularity of the space-time itself. At the Schwarzschild radius the observer at infinity observes a horizon. Nothing can escape this horizon; not even light. Once a photon has passed inside the

horizon, it cannot get out. For this reason, the Schwarzschild metric describes a black hole. The radius of the black hole is the Schwarzschild radius.

The No-Hair Conjecture

Almost thirty years ago Wheeler enunciated the Israel-Carter conjecture, today colloquially known as black holes have no hair". This influential conjecture has long been regarded as a theorem by large sectors of the gravity-particle physics community. But by the early 1990's solutions for stationary black holes with exterior nonabelian gauge or skyrmion fields had led many workers to regard the conjecture as having fallen by the wayside. By now things have settled down to a new Paradigm not very different from Wheeler's original one.

Early days of `no-hair'

By 1965 the charged Kerr-Newman black hole metric was known. Inspired by Israel's uniqueness theorems for the Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstrom black holes, and by Carter's and Wald's uniqueness theorems for the Kerr black hole, Wheeler anticipated that collapse leads to a black hole endowed with mass and charge and angular momentum, but, so far as we can now judge, no other free parameters" by which he meant that collapse ends with a Kerr-Newman black hole. Wheeler stressed that other `quantum numbers' such as baryon number or strangeness can have no place in the external observer's description of a black hole. What is so special about mass, electric charge and angular momentum? They are all conserved quantities subject to a Gauss type law. One can thus determine these properties of a black hole by measurements from afar. Obviously this reasoning has to be completed by including magnetic (monopole) charge as a fourth parameter because it also is conserved in Einstein-Maxwell theory, it also submits to a Gauss type law, and duality of the theory permits Kerr-Newman like solutions with magnetic charge alongside (or instead of) electric charge. In the updated version of Wheeler's conjecture, the forbiddenhair" is any field not of gravitational or electromagnetic nature associated with a black hole.

The no-hair theorem postulates that all black hole solutions of the EinsteinMaxwell equations of gravitation and electromagnetism in general relativity can be completely characterized by only three externally observable classical parameters: mass, electric charge, and angular momentum. All other information (for which "hair" is a metaphor) about the matter which formed a black hole or is falling into it, "disappears" behind the black-hole event horizon and is therefore permanently inaccessible to external observers.
Suppose, Two black holes have the same masses, electrical charges, and angular momenta, but the first black hole is made out of ordinary matter whereas the second is made out of antimatter; nevertheless, they will be completely indistinguishable to an observer outside the event horizon. None of the special particle physics pseudo-charges (baryonic, leptonic, etc.) are conserved in the black hole.

Like most ideas based on the general theory of relativity, the "no hair" theorem is concerned only with properties which are independent of the frame of reference (point of view of the observer). The theorem therefore says nothing about a black hole's position or velocity. More generally, every unstable black hole decays rapidly to a stable black hole; and (modulo quantum fluctuations) stable black holes can be completely described at any moment in time by these eleven numbers: mass-energy M, linear momentum P (three components), angular momentum J (three components), position X (three components), Electric charge Q. These numbers represent the conserved attributes of an object which can be determined from a distance by examining its gravitational and electromagnetic fields. All other variations in the black hole will either escape to infinity or be swallowed up by the black hole.

The Bekenstein argument

why is the issue of hair interesting? Black holes are in a real sense gravitational solitons; they play in gravity theory the role atoms played in the nascent quantum theory of matter and chemistry. Black hole mass and charge are analogous to atomic mass and atomic number. Thus if black holes could have other parameters, such `hairy' black holes would be analogous to excited atoms and radicals. By contrast, the absence of a large number of hair parameters would support the conception of simple black hole exteriors, a situation which is natural for the formulation of black hole entropy as the measure of the vast number of hidden degrees of freedom of a black hole

Indeed, historically, the no-hair conjecture inspired the formulation of black hole thermodynamics. Originally no-hair theorems" meant theorems like Israel's or Carter's on the uniqueness of the KerrNewman family within the Einstein-Maxwell theory or like Chase's on its uniqueness within the Einstein-massless scalar field theory. Wheeler's conjecture that baryon and like numbers cannot be Specified for a black hole set of a longstanding trend in the search for new no-hair theorems. Thus Hartle as well as Teitelboim proved that the non-electromagnetic force between two baryons" Or leptons" resulting from exchange of various force carriers would vanish if one of the particles was allowed to approach a black hole horizon. I developed an alternative and very simple approach to show that classical massive scalar or vector fields cannot be supported at all by a stationary black hole exterior, making it impossible to infer any information about their sources in the black hole interior. Start with the action (1) For a static real scalar field. From this follows the field equation (2)

Assume that the configuration is asymptotically flat and stationary:

Multiply by and integrate over the black hole exterior at a given x0 Integration by parts leads to

.. (3)
Is the 2-D element of the boundary hypersurface

The indices a and b run over the space coordinates only, so that the restricted metric gab is positive definite in the black hole exterior. Now suppose the boundary is taken as a large sphere at infinity over all time (topology S2 xR) together with a surface close to the horizon H, also with topology S2xR. Then so long as the field decays as 1/r or faster at large distances (r is the usual Euclidean distance), which will be true for static solutions of Eq. (2), infinity's contribution to the boundary vanishes. At the inner boundary we can use Schwarz's inequality to state that at every point

As the boundary is pushed to the horizon (a null surface) must necessarily tend to zero. Thus the inner boundary term will also vanish. Thus for a generic V we conclude that the 4-D integral in Eq. (3) must itself vanish. In the case that V(2) is everywhere nonnegative and vanishes only at some discrete values j , then it is clear that the field must be constant everywhere outside the black hole, taking one discreet values {0. j}. The scalar field is thus trivial, either vanishing or taking a constant value as dictated by spontaneous symmetry breaking without the black hole! In particular, the theorem works for the Klein-Gordon field In that case = 0 outside the black hole. Obviously the theorem supports Wheeler's original conjecture by ruling out black hole parameters having to do with a scalar field. It is necessary to highlight that the theorem fails for any field violating the condition. is everywhere nonnegative. For example in the case of the Higgs hair with a double well (Mexican hat) potential for which: It is negative in some regions although some improvements have been made towards providing proofs of a couple of nohair theorem for black holes in the Abelian Higgs model, in arbitrary dimension and for arbitrary horizon topology.

Approach of Alberto Saa

A new no-hair theorem is formulated which rules out a very large class of non-minimally coupled finite scalar dressing of an asymptotically at, static, and spherically symmetric black-hole. The proof is very simple and based in a covariant method for generating solutions for non-minimally coupled scalar fields starting from the minimally coupled case. Such method generalizes the Bekenstein method for conformal coupling and other recent ones. Black-hole solutions are very rigid in gravitational physics. We know that the Schwarzschild solution is the only asymptotically at and spherically symmetric solution of the vacuum Einstein equations. The no-hair conjecture states that the exterior region of a black-hole admits only fields for which there is a geometrical Gauss-like law, as electro-magnetic fields for example. Early no-hair theorems excluding for the exterior region of a black hole minimally coupled Klein-Gordon, massive vectors, and spinor fields have stressed the conjecture. The problem of the existence of scalar hairs for black-holes has received some attention recently. Although we know that scalar fields are not elementary in nature, they commonly arise in effective actions. In fact, some scalar actions have been considered recently in astrophysical context. However, with the conformally coupled case as the only exception, only minimally coupled scalar fields have been examined. In it is presented a new theorem which rules out a multi component scalar hair with non-quadratic Lagrangian, but with minimal coupling to gravity. As it is stressed in, scalar field effective actions are obtained by integrating the functional integral of the elementary fields in nature over some of the fields, and more complicated actions involving nonminimally coupling should arise. The purpose of the present work is to point toward the filling of this gap by presenting a theorem that excludes finite scalar hairs of any asymptotically at, static, and spherically symmetric black-hole solution of the system described by the action


f(), h()>0 Many physically relevant theories belong to the class described by (1). Maybe the most popular nonminimal coupling for the scalars fields corresponds to the choice


We start from the minimally coupled case with the action: (2)

We have two set of Euler Lagrange equations:

For the first action

And for the action in Eq. (2) we have

Saa considers the conformal transformation

in order to obtain the relation between the two sets of equations. The choice for the conformal transformation allows the curvature scalar to transform as:

He chooses deliberately

Using the conformal transformation:

The next step is to define a new function:

The result obtained is

Because of the assumption made earlier on the positiveness of f and h leads to the consequence that the right handed side is a monotonically increasing function of . Therefore the set of equations represent a covariant transformation because it is independent of any symmetry assumption and this transformation that maps (a one-to one map) a solution Into

For the set of equations some properties of the asymptotically flat static and spherically symmetric solution were investigated in a famous paper [see reference] and the solutions are well known and given by two parameters

We can choose the parameter to be positive and smaller than 1. It is interesting to notice that by using the transformation:

& for =1, the solution is the exterior vacuum Schwarzschild solution with the horizon

Due to the fact that the surface is not a horizon, if we take the case our set of equations do not represent a black hole. If we calculate the scalar curvature, we find that in this specific case it represents a naked singularity. This shows that the proof is in accordance with Bekenstein no hair theorem because the only black hole solution corresponds to the case where =1, which is true for the usual Schwarzschild solution (for =0). The used conformal transformation does not allow for any f()-infinity for any r.

This leads to the theorem: The only asymptotically flat static and spherically symmetric exterior solution of the system governed by the action:

with the field finite everywhere is the Schwarzschild solution.

The no-hair theorem was originally formulated for black holes within the context of a fourdimensional space-time, obeying the Einstein field equation of general relativity with zero cosmological constant, in the presence of electromagnetic fields, or optionally other fields such as scalar fields and massive vector fields (Proca fields, spinor fields, etc). It has since been extended to include the case where the cosmological constant is positive (which recent observations are tending to support). Magnetic charge, if detected as predicted by some theories, would form the fourth parameter possessed by a classical black hole.

Counterexamples in which the theorem fails are known in space-time dimensions higher than four; in the presence of non-abelian Yang-Mills fields, non-abelian Proca fields, some non-minimally coupled scalar fields, or skyrmions; or in some theories of gravity other than Einsteins general relativity. However, these exceptions are often unstable solutions and/or do not lead to conserved quantum numbers so that "The 'spirit' of the no-hair conjecture, however, seems to be maintained". It has been proposed that "hairy" black holes may be considered to be bound states of hairless black holes and solitons.

Black holes in quantum gravity

The no-hair theorem is formulated in the classical space-time of Einstein's general relativity, assumed to be infinitely divisible with no limiting short-range structure or short-range correlations. In such a model, each possible macroscopically-defined classical black hole corresponds to an infinite density of microstates, each of which can be chosen as similar as desired to any of the others (hence the loss of information). Finite entropy Proposals towards a theory of quantum gravity do away with this picture. Rather than having a potentially infinite information capacity, it is suggested that the entropy of a quantum black hole should be a strictly finite A/4, where A is the area of the black hole in Planck units. Along with a finite (non-infinite) entropy, quantum black holes acquire a finite (non-zero) temperature, and with it the emission of Hawking radiation with a black body spectrum characteristic of that temperature. At a statistical level, this can be understood as a consequence of detailed balance following from the presumed micro-reversibility (unitarity) of the interaction between the quantum states of the radiation field and the quantum states of the black hole. This implies that if black holes can absorb radiation, they should therefore also emit radiation, with a black body spectrum characteristic of the temperature of the relevant part of the system. Near the event horizon From a different perspective, if it is correct that the properties of a quantum black hole should correspond at a broad level more or less to a classical general-relativistic black hole, then it is

believed that the appearance and effects of the Hawking radiation can be interpreted as quantum "corrections" to the classical picture, as Planck's constant is "tuned up" away from zero up to h. Outside the event horizon of an astronomical-sized black hole these corrections are tiny. The classical infinite information density is actually quite a good approximation to the finite but large black hole entropy, the black hole temperature is very nearly zero, and there are very few Hawking particles to disrupt the classical trajectories. Within the event horizon Very little changes for a test particle as the event horizon is crossed; classical general relativity is still a very good approximation to the quantum gravity outcome. But the further the particle falls down the gravity well, the more the Hawking temperature increases, the more Hawking particles there are buffeting the test particle, and the greater become its deviations from a classical path as the increasingly limited density of quantum states starts to pinch. Ultimately, much further in, the density of the quantum "corrections" becomes so pronounced that the classical variables cease to be good quantum numbers to describe the system. This deep into the black hole it becomes the quantum gravitational forces, above all else, that dominate the environmental interactions which determine the appropriate decohered states for sensibly talking about the system. Further in than this, the core of the system needs to be treated in its own, specifically quantum, terms. A quantum black hole compared to a classical black hole In this way, the quantum black hole can still manage to look like the black hole of classical general relativity, not just at the event horizon but also for a substantial way inside it, despite actually possessing only finite entropy. A quantum black hole only has finite entropy and therefore presumably exists in one of a limited effective number of corresponding states. With reference to a careful description of the available states, this granularity may be revealed. However, trying to enforce a purely classical description represents a projection into a much bigger space, made possible presumably by probabilities supplied by environmental decoherence. Any structure implicit in the finite entropy against a quantum description could then be totally washed out by the huge injection of uncertainty this projection represents. This may explain why even though hawking radiation has non-zero entropy; calculations so far have been unable to relate this to any fluctuations from perfect isotropy.

Black Holes: Classical properties, Thermodynamics and Heuristic Quantization. Jacob D. Bekenstein. No-Hair Theorems and introduction to Hairy Black Holes By Wahiba Toubal. Sean Carroll lecture notes on General Relativity. Introducing Einsteins relativity, Ray DInverno. Weinberg, Gravitation & Cosmology. Townsend- Black Holes. No scalar hair theorem for a charged spherical black hole, N. Banerjee, S. Sen., Phys Rev D, volume 58, 104024. New no-scalar Hair Theorem for black holes, Alberto Saa. Conformal transformations with multiple scalar fields, David I. Kaiser, Centre for Theoretical Physics and Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. B.C. Xanthopoulos and T.E. Dialynas, J. Math. Phys. 33, 1463 (1992) T. Zannias, J Math. Phys 36, 6970 (1995)

Professor Narayan Banerjee, IISER Kolkata Barun Majumdar.

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