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"The reason God gave you an imagination and the reason that he speaks to people in dreams and visions

is because those things are not based in logic or rationale. They open you up to a realm of thinking that logic is incapable of getting to!" "We are accepted in the Beloved. We have the mind of Christ. Our only problem is we dont quite realize how brilliant we are yet. Every situation that we encounter is to be used to express the goodness of God. The church is the only organization on Earth that exists for the benefit of its non-members. "In every situation we face, God is already in the situation with me, because we carry him in the inner man of our spirit. We are learning therefore that God is not touching us from outside - He is actually rising up from within, because He has already taken up residence in us." "What if all your circumstances - good, bad or ugly - are really a source of strength to you? What if God is using a bad situation to strengthen your belief? Maybe He wants to teach you a bit of patience and perseverance. Just stay close to Him and dont panic!" Every one of us has treasure. The Holy Spirit is teaching us to abide so that treasure can be seen and can be spent on somebody else as well as ourselves."

"It's goodness that puts our lives into alignment. When you come into alignment with heaven, you release its resources." "Decide who you want to be and the Holy Spirit will empower you to become it." When you are traveling in the goodness of God, you dont recognize enemies. If we have a giant in our life it is because we are meant to be a giant ourselves. The circumstances in front of us are designed therefore to increase our size in the Spirit. So upgrade your stature in relation to Jesus; and radically increase your power in the Holy Spirit. Or, if you prefer, just quit and never realize your true self and the inheritance that goes with it.

"God is not teaching us how to overcome negativity. He's teaching us to rise above and ignore it because there's a better place to live from." "Timing belongs to God. Preparation belongs to us." "You should not be controlled by your circumstances. You should be controlled by the experience of God that youre having in them." "When Jesus comes back, it's not to rescue the church from the world it's to rescue the world from us!" "Mediocrity is always invisible until passion shows up and exposes it." "We must be a visual aid to the whole Earth. They don't read their Bible but they do read their Christians. We are the physical, tangible evidence that God is brilliantly, incredibly, astonishingly full of goodness!" "We're learning how to stop thinking in small ways and to open ourselves up to something bigger. If all fullness dwells in Him, then all resources are subject to Him." "Who are we in relation to the people who don't know God? That's the real test of our community. Do people even know that we exist? Do the people around us know what the heart of God is for them and can they see it expressed in the people of God?" "Let goodness rule your entire life. Be filled to overflowing with God's glory. The glory of your God is that He is GOOD." "God wants you to RUN to your destiny. You should match your intentionality to His." "We always give our way into our blessing and our future. Being a contribution to everyone you meet means that you attract favor and blessing constantly." "Everything we do is covered by the grace of God. His compassion, His mercy, His love, His faithfulness, His forgiveness: its all ours. He will always be like this because He has promised us He would. This is the uncommon love of God, and it is our privilege to live there." "We are people called to be happy in God; if we dont have joy in our relationship with Him, how can we expect anyone else to?!"

"You have the authority to speak blessing and release it in every circumstance. God's invitation is always present. It comes with His Presence that never leaves you nor forsakes you." "Celebration is a way of life. A necessity, not an option. It must be planned for, prepared for and practiced. We do not drift to the top of a mountain. We exhibit a commitment to all the preparation and training required to get there." "Holiness is not about dealing with sin. It's about loving righteousness." "When God looks at you, He does not see anything wrong or negative at you. He has dealt with sin once and for all in this world." "There is nothing you can do that would make Gold love you more...and there is nothing you can do that would make God love you less." "There is something about the Father that loves to give. When you are touched by the heart of the Father, you become a giver yourself." "Life is about intentionality. It's about the building and the increasing of intention in your own heart. I am going to follow after God with everything I have; I don't care what's in front of me! Every obstacle is going to teach me how to raise my sights so I can see above it. Everything that comes against me is going to enable me to go after God even more!" "Our highest goal is to be as much like Jesus as possible in this life without any hint of apology." Grace is the empowering presence of God to become exactly who you are supposed to be. "It's time to stop being poor in spirit. It's time to stop being

mediocre in our expectations. It's time we rose up and occupied the place that Jesus died for us to occupy!" "We are on this voyage of discovery and we are discovering just how BRILLIANT we are. We are discovering just how beautiful we really are in Christ. We are discovering joy and wonder. We are learning the extent of our favor!" "Joy is the abiding atmosphere of Heaven, not suffering. Joy is always on the agenda because joy is the nature of God." "Love doesn't seek a return. Love loves for the sake of loving!" "There comes a point where you have to pass from faith to knowledge. Faith is an introduction to something. Knowledge is an experience of what God has introduced you to." "In God's heart, Favor isn't a one-off experience. It's not an event, it's a lifestyle." "Nobody makes you angry, you chose it. You could have been kind. You could have been merciful. You could have been loving. You could have been understanding and generous. No one makes you angry, YOU chose to become angry." "My preferred way of living is to see the God in everything; to see the good in everything and to believe the best. I will never allow my life to be defined by a negative. I will never allow my life to be defined by people who don't like me!" "Whatever has the capacity to keep your attention, good or bad, has power and influence over you. It is time for us to prosper in our circumstances, even if they are against us! It is time to stop seeing the negative and allowing it to stop us." "Process is the story of our journey. The journey is not about reaching the destination. It is about how we travel and who we become on the way."

"You don't deal with a negative by focusing on it. You focus on the opposite provision, and the negative becomes displaced by the provision that God gives you." "When you see a negative in someone, God doesn't want you to talk about it. God wants you to understand what they are going through and what their struggle is. He is trying to upgrade your mercy, grace and compassion." "This life is always trying to contain us, reduce us, narrow us down and cut off our options. Life in the spirit is not like that. The spirit of life in Christ Jesus is continuously creative. The spirit of life puts you in touch with the huge generosity of God." "Whatever God sets you free from, He automatically gives you an anointing to set other people free from the very same thing that you were a victim of." "A poverty mindset has nothing to do with finances or economics. Poverty is the willingness to live with meager possibilities." "You need to have the kind of thoughts that empower you to be joyful, to be confident, to be content, to be at peace, so that the people around you begin to get the benefit of who Jesus really is inside your heart, life and thinking." "What would you attempt for God if you knew you could not fail?" "Your current situation, whatever it is, is telling you something about who you are, who God is and who God wants to be for you. We become people of the spirit when we discover the nature of God in the situation in which we have found ourselves." "The Father is never overwhelmed by anything. Jesus is

undefeated. The Holy Spirit always leads us in triumph." Do not assist the enemy with the way that you think. Without thinking brilliantly we speculate down rather than thinking upwards. You need to have the kind of thoughts that invite God into the very fabric of your life. You need to THINK BRILLIANTLY!" "The wilderness is a place that God takes you when He is pleased with you. It's the place where you can discover God the best and the most." "You cannot live in the favor of God without getting revenge on the enemy. It is so important that we do not live as victims. You are not a victim, you are a WARRIOR." "Don't let your thought processes be dictated by your past. Why don't you think from a place where everything can be new?" I will think about myself in the way that God thinks about me. As a man thinks in his heart, so he is. "God wants to give you an inheritance word about your life. He will give you a passage of scripture and that passage of scripture is yours, to read and study and memorize. Your inheritance word is the doorway to an entirely different life!" "You don't pray for the presence of God. You practice it. We are practicing the presence that we believe in present." "When you feel at your most unlovely state, that is when God kisses you the most. When you feel like you don't deserve it, you're THIS, you're THAT, you're no good...that is when God will come and kiss you. God is astonishing in the way that He will love you!" "It is not our job to pronounce judgment. It is our place to pronounce grace!"

"If you want to see things you have never seen before, you must be prepared to do things you have never done before!" "Somebody else's sin is not your business. Your business is the goodness of God." "Brilliant fathers have great intentions towards their children. They think ahead whilst also living with them in the present. The Father has great plans for you. His intentions say a great deal about you and the quality of life He desires for you." "Every situation, good or bad, makes a withdrawal on our identity. We demonstrate our Christlikeness or our carnality. There is no one else to blame for this since we are in charge of who we are and how we show up. It is not what other people say or do to us that defines our is our response." "What would it mean for you to develop a Christlike consistency towards friend and foe? What would have to change at this time?" Do not treat disappointments as houseguests. In the Kingdom we attack the negative and we drive it out. It has no possession nor inheritance with us. "Get rid of all inappropriate mindsets and attitudes. It's called humbling yourself. Put yourself in a place to receive. Believe simply, expect hugely." "Love the promises of God. Love the process that enables you to see them fulfilled." "Warfare is not about taking authority over the devil. That is just the consequence. Spiritual warfare is about discovering the sovereignty, the majesty and the supremacy of Jesus for you." "To every disappointment there is an equal and opposite blessing. Determine the blessing, concentrate on that and live

in it." "God doesn't call you to a ministry; he calls you to a relationship. "ALL of life is spiritual, so all of your life is a ministry." "Do not look for evil. Look for the goodness of God all around you. As you look for signs of His Presence, many more opportunities will occur for you to bless people and share God's true nature." "Difficult people are allowed by God as a gift to teach us how to be Christlike more quickly." "When we experience life from an external perspective we are subject to all the stress and pressure from that realm. When we conduct life from the Spirit, we are vulnerable only to the nature of God and we are open to faith and His character. Power comes from a life lived within Christ and within ourselves." "Divine Acceleration must become a normal part of your experience. Say "yes" more quickly. Respond to the process of growth more obediently!" "Tension does not mean that something is means that something is happening! It is important that we step back from the stress so that tension does not become a friction. Tension tells us that we are close to something in the purpose of God, so make it a positive experience or lose control to the enemy." "God does not measure success by results but by the faithfulness that we display." "Do not wait for circumstances to improve before you think about your future. Your future arises out of your present responses. Owning the future starts NOW."

"If our normal tendency is to think from a negative mindset, we need to repent and think again. Worry, anxiety, fear, anger, bitterness and resentment will not enable us to become Christlike. A successful relationship with Jesus is founded on rest, peace, trust, faith and worship." "In Christ we have a delegated authority to destroy negativity!" "Without rest we are bound. We are prone to worry, anxiety and fear. Our anger, bitterness and resentment will get the better of us. Rest allows us space to be. Inner space is freedom to perceive a thing as God sees it. Rest is a prelude to focus. Focus is the forerunner of faith." "You are at rest, now, in Jesus. Abide in Him. Stay at rest. We do not work hard to acquire rest. It is freely given. We work hard to remain in it." "In order to give us a brilliant future the Father must eradicate our past. When we do not cooperate fully in the present we leave gaps in our obedience that the enemy will exploit." "Are you holding onto grudges, offenses and betrayals? When you think of people who have hurt you in some way, is there still resentment, bitterness or a desire to be vindicated or proven right? If you are harboring unhealthy feelings then the enemy is still beating you up. What joy for him to prevent you from moving on in the Spirit. The antidote is forgiveness, blessing other people and renouncing your own disobedience." "Being anxious and fearful is illegal behavior. Now we have peace. Now we have joy. Now we have love. Now we have rest. THAT is our true nature." "God has ordained that every circumstance is an invitation for you to receive from Him. Always think BLESSING!"

"Unlearning is important to inappropriate condemnation, enjoyable."

as much fun as the learning of new things. It is lay aside perceptions when they become or inaccurate. There should be no and that thought alone makes the unlearning

"To grow in substance you need a revelation of Jesus greater than your perspective on the situation at hand. Who is Jesus for you RIGHT NOW? What blessing and anointing is present in your circumstances? What does it mean for you to put off the old nature and put on the new?" "It is much better to try and to fail than never have the courage to go after something. Too many missed opportunities lead us into the valley of shadow, where we are a pale version of what we could have been. Passivity, procrastination and caution are all forms of regret. It is where we look back at our fainthearted approach to life and discover how timid we have become. It is vital that our past does not become our future or regret will shadow us all our lives." "Our boldness in coming to God and our sense of expectation will be a huge inspiration to others!" "If we love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, then we must trust Him in the same way. At the very, very least, that means we must banish negativity in our minds and hearts." "We cannot win if we are afraid to lose. It takes real courage to try something when the odds are against you succeeding. Failure is not to be feared. Failure is less traumatic than regret." "Real wisdom is hidden from us until God reveals it to us. He often chooses to do that in a place of hiddenness. Hiddenness is God's training ground."

"Before we open our minds to think through an event that is troubling us, it is helpful to come to a place of worship. To set the problem aside and just focus on worshipping God. The place of worship is the place of faith and trust in God's presence. In the midst of our worship we are renewed in spirit and mind and can easily access a deeper level of spiritual wisdom." "Faith is the capacity to step out without caution. Faith is the empowerment to step into an unsafe place (in the natural) because you have permission from the Lord to go there." "Process is a happy event! Joy is at the heart of all our God encounters. Love is the result of His smile upon us. We are free to change and free to think incredible thoughts about ourselves in the fullness of who God is for us!" "Faith is demonstrated by our entire person - soul, spirit and body. With mental agreement and emotional submission, the action of our will agrees with the focus of the spirit and comes into alignment with who God is and what He wants to do. The instant this happens, breakthrough starts." "Our inner atmosphere determines our external environment. Something or Someone is always going to dictate your circumstances. In Christ you are empowered to make the right choices." "Our worship increases when we are partakers of His presence in our low places. Our weakness is where we encounter abundance. God steps into all that we are not with all that He is, and we are saved." "When the Holy Spirit points to a part of our life that is not working, He is not pointing out our sin. He is not exposing us; He is manifesting the Father. He is exposing only the warmth, the beauty, and the radiance of who God is for us. He is also

pointing out the site of our next miracle of grace, indicating our next transformation." "Being loved by God is our starting point for transformation. There is no performance here, no earning of love or grace. It is the place where we stand and relax in His goodness." "Meekness occurs when we put God first, speaking from His heart and not our own. Meekness is not weakness - it is strength under control." "We develop meekness by becoming submissive and vulnerable to God. To know God's strength, we have to learn how to live in our weaknesses. When we stop crying out to God in hopelessness and begin approaching Him with thankfulness, we discover God's power." "The Holy Spirit is not interested in what we cannot do; He is interested in what we are WILLING to do. If our heart is right before God, no present weakness can prevent us from overcoming the challenges before us." "Prosperity is about giving, not receiving. When we sow, God gives us both a massive harvest to reap and more seed with which to plant." "Every believer has two options when a test arises. They can choose to grapple with it using their mind and emotions or the believer can take these tests in the spirit. When they rely on God for His provision, they move closer to Him. The test is present whether you acknowledge it or not. Passing or failing is mostly a matter of the will being engaged with God's purpose." "It is a wonderful paradox that each of us is made complete by other people. We learn that we are a general gift to many and a specific gift to some. We must be as enthusiastic about the journey of others as we are with our own."

"In days of difficulty, rejoice twice as much. Rejoicing allows gentleness to emerge. We become softer in the Presence of God. More gracious, loving and kind. We view people as He does and we rejoice in their actual resemblance to Jesus or in their potential to be different. Mercy reigns. In this loving engagement, worry becomes an alien experience." "Any behavior that does not take us forward into the nature of God must be discarded. It is the equivalent of going out and leaving the door open and the light on in our home together with a map showing burglars where all our valuables are located. Yes, it really is that dumb." "It is time for an upgrade in your personality. The weak will become strong. The introvert will become bold. The extrovert will realize a new power in humility. The timid will overcome. The anxious will flow into peace and become powerful. God is saying YES to you!" "Faith is relational; it works by love. It begins and ends in our relationship with Jesus. Our part is to pay attention to His nature. Prophetic ministry speaks of what God is authoring in each of us. We are the echo of God - we speak the same language from the same heart." "God does not measure time, He measures growth. How we respond to a prophetic word dictates what will happen to it and to us." "I believe strongly that the more encouraging, exhorting and comforting prophecy we have, the better our churches can be. Blessing and encouragement stir up anointing." "I can't remember the last time I asked God to encourage me and He didn't. He may not speak it out immediately, but He always meets me at the point of my greatest need. That's just who the Holy Spirit is and what He loves to do."

"Relationships are the business of Heaven on earth: that we love one another as He has loved us." "The Holy Spirit is teaching us two things in life: firstly, how to trust the Lord, and secondly, how to be trustworthy ourselves." "It is time for people to banish fear forever and learn to live in the love of God!" "The truth is that faith and worry cannot inhabit the same space at the same time. One of them has to go, and we get to choose. Likewise with trust and anxiety; they are mutually incompatible and only one can be chosen." "Living in that place where God wants us to be, no matter what the enemy throws at us, will only make us stronger." "I can never understand how a Church can walk away from people when God is dealing with their sin, learned behavior and wrong thought process. We need people the most when we are being adjusted!" "The idea that we can be wholly redeemed without relational involvement with brothers and sisters in the Lord is quite bizarre. We have a saying in England: God redeems us 80% and then He gives us friends." "As mature Christians, we must stop asking people to pray for us to receive something that can only come through our own relationship with God. Should we pray for people? Of course. But we shouldn't develop a culture that says a person needs that prayer to survive spiritually."
"Good shepherds do not treat people like sheep. They understand that shepherding is a metaphor, not an office. Shepherds are sheep also, and they need to lead people in the same manner as they themselves are led by the Lord." "The Father, knowing that our old nature is dead, only relates to our new nature in Christ. Therefore when He looks at us He does not see

what is wrong with us. He sees what is missing from our current experience in Christ, and He is deeply committed to our ongoing encounter." "Never ask questions until your heart and mind are in a good place. Worship releases fresh perspective. When we encounter the nature of God, we can stand in His personality and have a better conversation."

"Go with God as He goes after your circumstances. Pursue what you know to be true of God. Continue in worship and trusting. The outcome is God's part; the process is ours." "Immaturity and maturity walk together for a while, thus enabling us to choose one over the other, as do childishness and childlikeness. Never allow the presence of a negative to prevent you from choosing and enjoying its opposite."

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