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Increase Online Lead Generation

& Unit-level Sales...

Franchisees need efective tools to
3.6 billiononlinesearcheseverymonthforlocalservices
Costperleadforinboundmarketingis60% lowerthantraditionaladvertising
Empowering your franchisees on the web
The team behind Empowerkit has an intimate, frst-hand understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing franchises today, along with a strong expertise and focus
on designing and developing results-driven web properties for franchisors and franchisees. To schedule a free consultation with an Empowerkit strategist and see a tour of
the platform, please call (877) 803-4213 and ask for Chris Anderson, or email
[Franchisees] need to not only create a Web presence, but to control it, as well.
Lisa Barone, Outspoken Media
55% increase
in customer trafc
90% increase
in leads
Franchsors consderng Lhe eecLveness o Lher ranchsees' onlne presence are generally n one o Lhe ollowng sLages.
Asscssng Your Currcnt 5tucton
You've realzed Lhe need or local websLes Lo empower
ranchsees wLh a beLLer way Lo ncrease awareness and
cusLomer acqusLon n Lher local markeLs, and you're unsure
abouL how Lo proceed n ndng and mplemenLng a soluLon.
The prmary ocus o Lhs paper s addressng ranchsors aL
Lhs sLage.
You've nally rolled ouL your ranchsee sLes and are anxous
Lo geL eedback and see Lhe resulLs. WhaL's crLcal aL Lhs
sLage s ensurng LhaL Lhe mosL opLmal soluLon has properly
been mplemenLed or your needs, and LhaL you have dened
success meLrcs n place Lo monLor resulLs over Lme. n Lhs
paper you'll learn some crLcal eaLures and capablLes you
should have n place, and beLLer undersLand Lhe ongong
Lme and nancal commLmenL you should anLcpaLe movng
you're readng Lhs, you're probably quesLonng Lhe
eecLveness o Lhe soluLon you currenLly have n place or
your ranchsee websLes.
hre you seeng Lhe ncreases n Lrac and lead generaLon you
had projecLed? hre ranchsees able Lo leverage Lhe sysLem
Lo posL locally relevanL conLenL, and are Lhey happy wLh Lhe
resulLs? you've had Lhe same soluLon or some Lme now,
and you're unhappy or unsure abouL Ls real value, L's Lme Lo
consder a beLLer opLon - and Lhs paper wll show you how.
n Lhs sLage, you've already denLed Lhe need or ranchsee
websLes, and are currenLly n Lhe process o mplemenLng
a soluLon, whch may be a bulL-rom-scraLch sysLem your T
Leam s workng on, or someLhng you've Lasked a vendor wLh.
n Lhs sLage, L's mporLanL Lo reassess Lhe eecLveness and
vablLy o Lhe approach you've chosen, and Lhs paper wll
gve you some greaL normaLon Lo consder.
When assessng whaL's mporLanL or your ranchsee websLes, whaL maLLers mosL s
Lhe reLurn on nvesLmenL kO). n mosL cases Lhe success meLrcs you should assess or
ranchsee websLes Lo help dene Lhe kO, n order o mporLance, are.
RD. Whct Ultmctcly Mcttcrs
When consderng Lhe raLe o success you can acheve on Lhese key meLrcs or your ranchsee websLes, Lo ulLmaLely ncrease unL-level
sales and royalLes, Lhere are cerLan eaLures and capablLes your soluLon wll need n order Lo produce posLve resulLs n Lhe long run.
elow s a lsL o Lhe mosL mporLanL eaLures and capablLes you should requre Lo acheve opLmal resulLs.
Wcbstc lccds thct convcrt to pcyng customcrs.
6, Website Truc:
Thc cmount o] trcgc gcncrctcd to thc wcbstc ]rom vcrous sourccs.
++++ 5ccrch cngnc rcnkngs ]or tcrgctcd kcy words n loccl sccrch rcsults.
SLaLc, unchangng websLes yeld low, sLagnanL placemenL n search engne resulLs. ExperLs agree LhaL Lhe
sLrongesL mpacL on hgher search rankngs, by ar, s eecLed by requenL conLenL updaLes Lo a websLe,
whch has shown Lo yeld a % ncrease n Lrac and a O% ncrease n leads.
Franchsees musL be able Lo publsh some degree o orgnal conLenL Lo Lher local websLes. For one, local
conLenL drecLly ncreases local search rankngs, n Lurn drvng more LargeLed Lrac, secondly, local-cenLrc
conLenL ensures a unque and engagng experence or Lhe local markeL, Lhus ncreasng converson raLes.
hlLhough local websLes are speccally geared Lowards ncreasng unL-level perormance, L's mporLanL LhaL
ranchsors manLan a comorLable level o oversghL and conLrol. There needs Lo be easy mechansms or Lhe
ranchsor Lo dsLrbuLe cerLan conLenL Lo ranchsee websLes, approve conLenL ranchsees posL, and ensure
brand conssLency across all sLes.
There are numerous oLher eaLures you'll lkely wanL, buL Lhe above charL ouLlnes Lhe undamenLal capablLes you'll need or Lhe
soluLon powerng your ranchsee websLes n order or L Lo be a successul underLakng. Snce EmpowerkL was desgned speccally Lo
meeL Lhe needs o ranchsors and ranchsees, L accounLs or all o Lhese capablLes and much more.
L's mperaLve LhaL Lhe conLenL managemenL sysLem or ranchsee websLes s exLremely smple Lo use
or Lhose who are non-Lechncal. Franchsees are slow Lo adopL soLware soluLons LhaL are complcaLed Lo
learn and use. SLrong ranchsee adopLon s a musL, so Lhe sysLem's ease o use wll be a major acLor n Ls
ulLmaLe success.
You need an easy way Lo deploy new ranchsee websLes quckly and cosL-eecLvely, and Lake websLes
down need be. There should be a managemenL nLerace whch allows a non-Lechncal sLa member Lo
eorLlessly deploy new ranchsee websLes, and deacLvaLe Lhose or locaLons LhaL close, wLhouL havng Lo
boLher and pay) your T Leam or L.
There musL be a way Lo measure resulLs. Ensure Lhere are comprehensve analyLcs avalable Lo Lhe
ranchsor, and more smpled analyLcs or ranchsees. eng able Lo show ranchsees perormance
nsghLs o Lher local websLes n an easy Lo undersLand and dgesLble manner s a powerul way Lo gan
broad adopLon and supporL.
UlLmaLely, L's less mporLanL whch Lechnologes are used n mplemenLng Lhe soluLon, how long L Lakes, or how much Lhe
nvesLmenL s. These are all very mporLanL consderaLons, buL whaL Lrumps everyLhng else s deLermnng who s besL equpped Lo
comprehensvely undersLand Lhe busness objecLves and goals or ranchsee websLes, and execuLe Lhe soluLon so LhaL Lhe ulLmaLe
level o value and kO s realzed.
Here are Lhe recommended nexL sLeps based on your currenL sLage n Lhe process.
There unorLunaLely are very ew soluLons on Lhe markeL or deployng and managng a scalable neLwork o ranchsee websLes, and as
you probably recognze by Lhs ponL, L's unlkely LhaL your T Leam wll be able Lo cosL-eecLvely mplemenL Lhe besL soluLon. You should
clearly dene your busness objecLves or Lhs nLaLve, and careully assess all o your opLons. Gve us a call or emal Lo schedule a demo o
EmpowerkL, Lo see how L can sLreamlne Lhe successul mplemenLaLon o kO-drven websLes or your ranchsees.
WheLher you're n Lhe mdsL o rollng ouL
a soluLon or your ranchsee websLes,
or you've jusL compleLed Lhe projecL, L's
sLll mporLanL Lo ensure LhaL you've made
Lhe besL decson LhaL wll yeld opLmal
long-Lerm resulLs. You'll need some Lme
Lo assess Lhe eecLveness o Lhe soluLon
you've mplemenLed - buL aLer readng
Lhs paper you're sLarLng Lo second
guess your approach, L's always beLLer
Lo cuL your losses and mplemenL Lhe
rghL soluLon Lhen Lo leL an unsuccessul
nLaLve drag ouL, and lose Lme, money,
and credblLy wLh your ranchsees n
Lhe process. Luckly, swLchng over Lo
EmpowerkL s boLh asL and cosL-eecLve,
so conLacL us you're nLeresLed n seeng
anoLher possble opLon LhaL can produce
beLLer resulLs.
y now you're really sLarLng Lo reLhnk Lhe eecLveness o your currenL ranchsee
websLes, and Lhe ncrease n revenue LhaL could be generaLed Lhrough a beLLer, more
robusL soluLon. Don'L worry, Lhs s a very dculL problem Lo solve, and mosL ranchsors
lack Lhe oresghL you had early on when you denLed Lhe need, and acLually dd
someLhng abouL L. Gve us a call - leL's Lake a closer look aL whaL you have now, and Lhe
level o mprovemenL n lead generaLon and cusLomer conversons you could expecL Lo see
Lhrough swLchng Lo a soluLon lke EmpowerkL.
The Leam behnd EmpowerkL has an
nLmaLe, rsL-hand undersLandng
o Lhe challenges and opporLunLes
acng ranchses Loday, along wLh
a sLrong experLse and ocus on
desgnng and developng resulLs-
drven web properLes or ranchsors
and ranchsees. To schedule a ree
consulLaLon wLh an EmpowerkL
sLraLegsL and see a Lour o Lhe
plaLorm, please call 877) 8O-/21
and ask or Chrs hnderson, or emal
Notc. thcsc ]urcs crc cstimctcs, cctuc| numbcrs wi|| ccpcnc
on thc numbcr o] cccicctcc rcsourccs cssincc to thc pro]cct
cnc thc s|i|| |cvc| o] your in-housc tccm.
What the Franchise Experts are Saying about Empowerkit:
Increase Online Lead Generation
& Unit-level Sales...
Franchisees need efective tools to
3.6 billiononlinesearcheseverymonthforlocalservices
Costperleadforinboundmarketingis60% lowerthantraditionaladvertising
Empowering your franchisees on the web
The team behind Empowerkit has an intimate, frst-hand understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing franchises today, along with a strong expertise and focus
on designing and developing results-driven web properties for franchisors and franchisees. To schedule a free consultation with an Empowerkit strategist and see a tour of
the platform, please call (877) 803-4213 and ask for Chris Anderson, or email
[Franchisees] need to not only create a Web presence, but to control it, as well.
Lisa Barone, Outspoken Media
55% increase
in customer trafc
90% increase
in leads
Awesome website platform for franchise systems! Good, clean modern design and easy
to use.
Franchisors must give up some control to gain the results they want: greater revenues for
franchisees. Empowerkit ofers franchisors as much control as desired, while empowering
franchisees with a strong online presence. Im impressed this is a great solution for
franchisors and franchisees.
Building a system in-house would be too costly and time consuming. We saw immediately
Empowerkit was focused on ROI, which meant a lot to us. The ease of use and fexibility of
Empowerkit was simply unmatched.
Empowerkit is simple to use for franchisees, and gives the franchisor a great deal of
control over its local websites. More importantly, its core focus is on increasing customer
acquisition and retention to drive unit-level sales.
Empowerkit is a great platform for franchisors and franchisees to expand their presence
on the Internet. Its user-friendly, cost efective and allows franchisees to independently
market products and/or services, while keeping the franchisors overall branding strategy
Rachel Dror, Fishman Public Relations
Lizette Pirtle, Expansion Experts
Brian Reardon, Junk King Franchise
Tom Evans, Blendz Franchise
Todd Weiss, CFA, Sunshine Consulting Ltd
Empowerkit is the ultimate toolkit for you and your franchisees to succeed on the web. Allowing your franchisees to easily customize and manage their
own web presence using a powerful web-based platform, Empowerkit provides you control over your brand, and your franchisees get control over
content, functionality, and daily maintenance tasks for their website. Empowerkit oers a library of all the latest and greatest applications all under
one roof, enabling your franchisees to successfully run their businesses online. And the best part, theres no installation, no setup, and no waiting.
877.803.4213 Empowerkit is a product of
Empowering your organization on the web
Value to You + Your Franchisees
Value Franchisor Franchisee
Brand Control
Lower Costs
Empowerkit sets boundaries to
creativity, through control over style
and applications to ensure the
integrity of your brand.
Empowerkit provides control
over content, functionality,
and daily maintenance tasks.
You don't have to worry about
keeping up with the newest
applications. We maintain the
applications to make sure they
are all tuned up and bug free.
Franchisees can deploy apps
on-demand. No installation,
no setup, no waiting.
Empowerkit strengthens SEO and
enables powerful online marketing
for franchisees, in turn driving sales,
which directly increases your
royalties. Franchise sales reps will
also now have a very competitive
advantage for prospective
Empowerkit won't just wow
customers - it will increase unit
level sales. Franchisees can now
manage their websites easily and
eectively, in turn driving more
targeted trac, resulting in higher
lead ow and conversions.
Empowerkit is a fraction of the cost
of other solutions and completely
hassle free. No IT sta, no servers,
no admins.
Franchisees are empowered
with technology to promote
themselves and run better
businesses online.
You don't have to provide material
or teach franchisees about subjects
that they are not specialized in.
We provide educational materials,
advice and constant support so
franchisees can leverage
Empowerkit to the fullest extent.
Includes a customized dashboard
that showcases key metrics that
matter and enable you to make
critical decisions.
Highlights key metrics on the unit
level to help franchisees adapt
their businesses for tomorrow.
Empowerkit starts from
per site
Starter applications
Access to premium applications
All features of the EK platform
All Empowerkit packages include
With Empowerkit:
Create a 90% increase in local leads
Capitalize on 3.6 billion local searches
each month
Capture the 90% of consumers who search
online rst
Increase web trac by 55% with locally
relevant content
Slash cost-per-lead by 60% compared to
traditional advertising
Schedule a demo today
to learn more - call
Schedule a demo today
to learn more - call

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