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net AIIMS November 2009 Post-Graduate Medical Entrance Examination ANAESTHESIA

Forums for Doctors D. Radiotherapy Ans: b. ANATOMY

1. A child with bladder exstrophy and chronic renal failure. The anesthesia of choice for the child while operating exstrophy is A. Atracurium B. Mivacurium C. Pancuronium D. Rocuronium Ans: a. 2. Local anesthetic first used clinically A. Procaine B. Lignocaine C. Bupivacaine D. Cocaine Ans: d. 3. 55 yr old female a known case of thryotoxicosis in control posted for abdomino perineal resection during surgery there was sudden drop in B.P., and end tidal CO2 decreased from 40 to 10 mmHg. On auscultation there was a mill wheel murmur, what is the diagnosis? A. Thyroid storm B. Bleeding C. Hypoxia D. Air embolism Ans: d. 4. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy done in a patient with cholelithiasia. Pathology report shows adenocarcinoma with invasion of muscular layer. CT show normal. Further t/t is A. Wait and regular follow up B. Wedge hepatic resection with lymph node dissection C. Exercise all port sites

4. The following structures are felt on per rectal examination except A. Bulb of penis B. Ureter C. Anorectal ring D. Urogenital diaphragm Ans: b. 6. All are true except A. Superior thyroid artery is a branch of ext. carotid artery B. Posterior branch of superior thyroid artery supplies parathyroid gland C. Inferior thyroid artery is branch of thyrocervical trunk D. Thyroidea ima artery is invariably a branch of arch of aorta Ans: d. 7. The following structure does not pass through flexor A. Ulnar Nerve B. Median Nerve C. Flexor digitorum profundus D. Flexor digitorum superficialis Ans: a. 8. True about left phrenic nerve A. lies anterior to anterior scalenous muscle B. posterior to brachial plexus C. posterior to subclavian artery D. Posterior to hilum left lung Ans: a. 9. In injury to head of fibula, all are involved except A. Common peroneal N. B. Superficial peroneal N. C. Anterior Tibial N. 1

Downloaded from Your premier resource for PG entrance exams Visit our USMLE Forums at D. Tibial N. Ans: d. 10. Deep peroneal nerve supplies A. 1st web space nerve foot B. 5th web space of foot C. Antero lateral dorsum of foot D. Lateral part of leg Ans: a.

Forums for Doctors 16. All of the following maintain the stability of ankle joint except A. Cruciate ligament B. Shape of the bones C. Tendons of muscle which cross the joint D. Collateral ligament Ans: a. 17. What is medial most in femoral triangle? A. Vein B. Artery C. Nerve D. Lymphatics Ans: d. CHEMISTRY 18. In CRP, the C stands for: A. Canavallin A B. Cellular C. Chondoitin sulfate D. C polysaccharide of streptococcus Ans: d. 19. Glucose transporter in myocyte stimulated by insulin is: A. GLUT 1 B. GLUT 2 C. GLUT 3 D. GLUT 4 Ans: d. 20. Karyotyping under light microscopy is done by: A. R banding B. Q banding C. G banding D. C banding Ans: c. 21. Western Blot detects? A. DNA B. RNA 2

11. True about prostatic urethra are all except A. Trapezoid in cross-section B. Presence of verumontanum C. Opening of prostatic ducts D. Contains urethral crest Ans: a. 12. Meissners and Auerbachs plexus are derived from: A. Neural crest B. Yolk sac C. Primordial germ cell D. Epithelial lining of gut Ans: a. 13. In post ductal coarctation of the aorta, blood flow to the lower limb is maintained through which of the following arteries? A. Vertebral artery B. Suprascapular artery C. Intercostal arteries D. Internal thoracic artery Ans: a. 14. Vaginal sphincter is found by all except A. Internal urethral sphincter B. External urethral sphincter C. Pubovaginalis D. Bulbospongiosus Ans: a. 15. Urothelium lines all except A. Ureters

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Forums for Doctors D. Orbital floor and nasolacrimal duct Ans: a. FORENSIC 27. Section IPC 377 deals with A. Unnatural sex offenses B. Rape C. Incest D. Adultery Ans: a. 28. Antemortem burn differ from postmortem burns by all except A. Pus in vesicle B. Vesicle with hyperemic base C. Vesicle containing air D. inflammatory red line Ans: c. 29. A teacher slapped a 6th standard student after which she suffered from 25% hearing loss in left ear. This was corrected after a surgery. Which type of injury is this? A. Simple B. Grievous C. Dangerous D. Serious Ans: b. 30. Dried semen stain in clothes is identified by: A. UV light B. Spectroscopy C. Magnifying lens D. Infra red Ans: a. 31. Caustic poison corrodes mucosa because of A. Its hygroscopic nature B. It has glue like action C. It has affinity for mucosa D. It is programmed to stick 3

22. Which statement is incorrect: A. Chemiluminescene: excited electron in higher orbit comes to lower orbit by emitting energy in form of photon B. Bioluminescene: is a form of chemiluminescene C. Phosphorescene: is energy emitted following absorption of EM radiation D. Electrochemiluminescene: is energy emitted by photon Ans: d. 23. Zinc is a cofactor for: A. Pyruvate dehydrogenase B. Pyruvate decarboxylase C. a-keto glutarate dehydrogenase D. Alcohol dehydrogenase ENT 24. Acoustic neuroma commonly arises from A. Superior division of vestibular nerve B. Inferior division of vestibular nerve C. Cochlear nerve D. VIIth nerve Ans: a. 25. Radiotherapy is treatment of choice for A. Nasopharyngeal Ca T3 N1 B. Supraglottic Ca T3N0 C. Glottic CaT3N1 D. Subglottic Ca T3N0 Ans: a. 26. Onodi cells and Haller cells are seen in relation to following respectively A. Optic nerve and floor of the orbit B. Optic nerve and internal carotid artery C. Optic nerve and nasolacrimal duct

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Forums for Doctors C. Acute urethritis is the most common manifestation in males D. All strains are highly sensitivity to penicillin Ans: d. 37. All are correct regarding Widal test, except A. Baseline titres differ depending on the endemicity of the disease B. High titre value in a single widal test is not confirmative C. O antibody lasts longer and hence is not indicative of recent infection D. H antibody cannot differentiate between types Ans: c. 38. Regarding clostridium perfringens gas gangrene false is? A. Clostridium perfringens is the most common cause of gas gangrene B. Naegler reaction positive C. Most important toxin is hyaluronidase D. Food poisoning strains of clostridium perfringens produces heatresistant spores Ans: c. 39. Regarding campylobacterium jejuni not true is? A. Most common cause of compylobacteriosis B. Poultry is the cause of disease C. Human is the only reservoir D. Cause of Guillain Barre syndrome Ans: c. 40. 25 year old man with 3 weeks fever presented with tricuspid valve vegetation. Most common cause is? MC cause of Endocorditis in I.V. drug abuses A. Staph aureus B. Candida albicans C. Pseudomonas D. Streptococcus viridans Ans: a. 4

32. Hatters shakes are seen in which poisoning A. Arsenic B. Mercury C. Copper D. Lead Ans: b. MICRO 34. Most sensitive investigation for diagnosis of asymptomatic chlamydial infection A. Culture B. Nucleic acid amplification C. Serology D. Direct microscopic examination of tissue scraping Ans: b. 35. About H. Influenza all true except A. Requires factor X and V for growth B. Rarely presents as meningitis in children less than 2 months of age C. Capsular polypeptide protein is responsible for virulence D. M.C. invasive disease of H influenza is meningitis Ans: c. 36. Infective form for mosquito in Plasmodium falciparum is A. Merozoites B. Sporozoites C. Gametocytes D. Trophozoites Ans: c. 36. Which of the following is not true about Neisseria gonorrhoeae? A. It is an exclusive human pathogen B. Some strains may cause disseminated disease

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Forums for Doctors showed positive result. How will you differentiate this from other gram positive cocci? A. Bacitracin sensitivity B. Optochin sensitivity C. Bile solubility D. Positive coagulase Ans: b. 46. Recent noble prize for A. RNA i B. Lipoxin C. T beta transcription factor D. Mitochondrial DNA Ans: a. MEDICINE 47. Dissociated sensory loss in a case of tumor of central spinal cord is due to lesion of: A. Dorsal column fibres B. Anterior Spinothalmic tract C. decussating fibres of lateral spinothalmic tract D. Cilio spinal centre of spinal cord Ans: c. 48. In immunofluroscence method to detect anti-nuclear antibody, which of the following rat tissue is used: A. Kidney B. Brain C. Liver D. Stomach Ans: c. 49. In Asthma which of the following is seen A. Increased FRC & increased RV B. Increased FRC & decreased RV C. Decreased RV, decreased FRC D. Decreased FRC, Increased RV Ans: a. 5

41. A 7 year presented with intermittent abdominal cramps, loose stool and on stool examination ova of size 100 micrometre is seen. Which is not the cause? A. Fasciola gigantic B. Echinostorum ileocaxnum C. Gastrodiscoides hominis D. Opisthorcis viverrani Ans: d. 42. Farmer presents with the features of high fever painful inguinal lymphadenopathy, vomiting and diarrhea with hypotension. Which stain will help in the diagnosis? A. Neisser stain B. Waysons stain C. Alberts stain D. McFadyeans stain Ans: b. 43. 25 year old labourer 3 years back presented with penile ulcer not treated. Later he presented with neurological symptoms for which he got treated. Test to monitor response to treatment is A. VDRL B. FTA ABS C. TPI D. RPR Ans: a. 44. Stain used for staining fungal elements A. Acid fast stain B. Mucicarcmine C. Methanamine silver D. Gram stain Ans: c. 45. A 65 year old man presenting with complaints of chest pain fever, cough with sputum. O/E of sputum pus cells with gram positive cocci present. Blood agar

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Forums for Doctors Ans: a. 54. Murmur increasing with valsalva maneouvre A. Mitral stenosis B. HOCM C. VSD D. Aortic stenosis Ans: b. 55. Vasculitis not seen in adults A. Kawasaki disease B. Henoch schonlein purpura C. Temporal arteritis D. PAN AnsL a. 56. 28 year old male met with an accident and sustained severe crush injury. He is most likely develop A. Acute renal failure B. Hypophosphatemia C. Hypercalcemia D. Acute myocardial infarction Ans: a. 57. 26 year old man died while playing. His autopsy of the heart revealed myocyte hypertrophy. Diagnosis is A. HOCM B. DCM C. Arrhythmogenic cardiac problem D. Restrictive cardiomyopathy Ans: a. 58. An elderly female presents with the features of fever, headache, diplopia. Biopsy of the artery revealed panarteritis. What is the most probable diagnosis? A. Nonspecific arteritis B. PAN C. Wegeners granulomatosis D. Temporal arteritis Ans: d.

50. 21 year old female presents with history of mild bilateral ptosis, proximal muscle weakness and easy fatiguability which among the following is best in diagnosing this condition A. Muscle biopsy B. Edrophonium test C. Repetitive nerve stimulation D. Electro myography Ans: b. 51. Hyperkalemia with no ECG finding, the drug that should not be used is A. Sodium bicarbonate B. Calcium gluconate C. Glucose with insulin D. Resins Ans: b. 52. Alkaline phosphatase is decreased in A. Hypophosphatemia B. Primary biliary cirrhosis C. Hyperphosphatemia D. Hepatitis A Ans is none. 53. A patient with limited systemic sclerosis for the past 10 years complaints of shortness of breath for the past one year. His pulmonary function tests are as follows PFT OBSERVED PREDICTED FVC 2.63 2.82 FEV1 88% 80% DLCO 5.2 16.3 Which among the following is the probable diagnosis? A. Interstitial lung disease B. Pulmonary hypertension C. Pnuemothorax D. Diaphragmatic weakness

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Forums for Doctors 64. In congestive cardiac failure all are used except A. Spironlactone B. Nitrates C. Nesiritide D. Trimetazidine Ans: d. 65. HLA B27 is seen associated with A. Rhematoid arthritis B. Ankylosing spondylitis C. Sjoren syndrome D. Scleroderma Ans: B. 66. Best marker for prediction of coronary artery disease A. LDL/HDL B. Serum cholesterol C. Cholesterol/TG D. Blood cholesterol Ans: a. 67. Drug not used in visceral leishmaniasis A. Pentamidine B. Paromomycin C. Miltefosine D. Hydroxychloroquine Ans: d. 68. All are used in hyperkalemia except A. 50 ml of 50% dextrose B. Sodium bicarbonate C. Salbutamol D. Calcium glucose Ans: a. 69. Cross matching is not required for transfusion of A. Cryoprecitate B. Single donor platelets C. FFP transfusion D. Platelet rich plasma transfusion Ans: a. 7

59. 21 year old female presented with aortic arch aneurysm she underwent resection and the specimen was sent to histopathological examination. It showed all three layers were involved and giant cells were present. What is the probable diagnosis? A. Tubercular aortitis B. Wegeners granulomatosis C. Giant cell arteritis D. Nonspecific aortoarteritis Ans: D. 60. A patient presented with thunder clap headache. Followed by unconsciousness with progressive 3rd cranial nerve palsy A. Extradual hemorrhage B. Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage C. Basilar migraine D. Cluster headache Ans: b. 61. ABO antigens are not seen in A. C.S.F. B. Saliva C. Semen D. Sweat Ans: a. 62. Necrotizing lymphadenitis is seen with A. Kimura disease B. Kikuchi disease C. Castle Man disease D. Hodgkins lymphoma Ans: b. 63. A case of jaundice with 50% direct bilirubin, other LFTs normal. Diagnosis is A. Rotor syndrome B. Gilbert syndrome C. Glucuronyl transferase deficiency D. PBC Ans: a.

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Forums for Doctors discharging sinuses & various puckered scar with 4 cm shortening of leg A. Plating B. External fixator C. Ilizarovs fixator D. Intramedullary nail Ans: c. OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY 75. Progesterone of choice in emergency contraception is A. Norethisterone B. Medroxy progesterone C. Desogestrel D. Levonorgestrel Ans: d. 76. Prelabour pains are mediated through A. T11-T12 B. T2-L3 C. S1-S3 D. L3-L4 Ans: a. 77. Genital warts in pregnancy treatment is A. Podophylin B. Salicyclic acid & lactic acid C. Cryptotherapy D. Imiquinod Ans: c. 78. HPV vaccine is A. Monovalent B. Bivalent C. Quadrivalent D. Both bivalent and Quadrivalent Ans: d. 79. Impaired ciliary motility in A. Nuvian syndrome B. Kartageners syndrome Ans: b. 8

70. An adolescent female has headache which is intermittent in episode in associated with tinnitus, vertigo and hearing loss. There is history of similar complains in her mother. Most likely diagnosis A. Basilar migraine B. Cervical spondylosis C. Temporal arteritis D. Vestibular neuronitis Ans: a. 71. Type of anemia caused by pulmonary TB A. Iron deficiency B. Megaloblastic C. Sideroblastic D. Microcytic Hypochromic anemia Ans: d. ORTHOPEDICS 72. Which of the following is not seen in pseudogout? A. small joints affected B. large joints affected C. chondrocalcinosis D. deposition of calcium pyrophosphate Ans: a. 73. A young girl presented with swelling of right thigh, with history of trauma 2 months back. Now she presents with swelling at mid-shaft of femur & low grade fever. ESR is mildly raised. X-ray shows a laminated periosteal reaction. Next line of investigation would be A. MRI B. Biopsy C. Bone scan D. Blood count & CRP Ans: a. 74. Treatment of choice for non-united fracture of lower 1/4th tibia with multiple

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Forums for Doctors C. Visual examination with acetic acid D. Colposcopy directed biopsy Ans: a. 86. Patient with occipito posterior position. What is the management? A. Wait and watch for progress of labour B. Cesarian section C. Oxytocin influsion D. Rupture of membranes Ans: a. 87. A pregnant patient with prosthetic valve should be switched to heparin in A. 32 weeks B. 36 weeks C. 40 weeks D. Onset of labour Ans: b. 88. Call exner bodies seen in A. Granulosa cell tumor B. Endodermal sinus cell tumor C. Ovarian fibroma D. Teratoma Ans: a. 89. Uterine blood flow at term is A. 50-70 ml/min B. 100-150 ml/min C. 175-200 ml/min D. 500-750 ml/min Ans: d. 90. Drug which interferes or hampers the effectiveness of OCP are all except A. Aspirin B. Tetracycline C. Rifampicin D. Phenytoin Ans: a. 91. Tocolytic of choice in heart disease A. Nifedepine B. Atosiban C. MgSo4 9

80. Clue cell seen in A. Bacterial vaginosis B. Candida C. Trichomonas vaginalis Ans: a. 81. All of the following are true about MRKH (Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser) syndrome except A. Absent uterus B. Absent cervix C. Absent ovary D. Absent vagina Ans: c. 82. Most sensitive diagnosis test for ectopic pregnancy A. Transvaginal USG B. Culdocentesis C. MRI D. Serial monitoring of beta-HCG Ans: a. 83. A pregnancy women, previous LSCS with hematuria, diagnosis is A. Impending scar rupture of uterus B. Prolonged labour C. Urethral injury D. Cystitis Ans: b. 84. A 20 years female present primary amenorrhea, absent breast, hypoplastic uterus. Most probable diagnosis is A. Turners syndrome B. Mixed gonadal dysgenesis C. Meyer Rokitansky kuster Hauser syndrome D. Androgen insensitivity syndrome Ans: a. 85. 35 year female with post coital bleeding. Next step is A. Pap smear with clinical examination B. Visual examination with lugo L iodine

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Forums for Doctors D. Medulloblastoma Ans: c. 97. A 19 year old young girl with previous history of repeated pain over medial canthus and chronic use of nasal decongestants, presented with abrupt onset of fever with chills & rigor, diplopia on lateral gaze, moderate proptosis & chemosis. On examination optic disc is congested. Most likely diagnosis is A. Cavernous sinus thrombosis B. Orbital cellulites C. Acute ethmoidal sinusitis D. Orbital apex syndrome Ans: a. 98. Headache with bitemporal hemianopia with 6/6 vision is seen in A. Optic neuritis B. Trauma C. Chaismal lesion D. Bilatera; cavernous lesion Ans: c. 99. Isolated third nerve palsy with papillary sparing is seen in A. Aneurysmal rupture B. Trauma C. Diabetes D. Raised ICT Ans: c. PSYCHIATRY 100. Stimulation of which of the following nerve causes elevation in mood A. Olfactory N B. Optic N C. Trigeminal N D. Vagus N Ans: d.

92. Most common malignant tumor of eyelid is A. Sebaceous gland carcinoma B. Basal cell carcinoma C. Squamous cell carcinoma D. Malignant melanoma Ans: b. 93. Blow out fracture of the orbit, most commonly leads to fracture of A. Posteromedial floor of orbit B. Medial wall of orbit C. Lateral wall of orbit D. Roof of orbit Ans: a. 94. Sclera is thinnest at A. Limbus B. Equator C. Anterior to attachment of superior rectus D. Posterior to attachment of superior rectus Ans: d. 95. A 26 year old male with restriction of eye movements in all directions & moderate ptosis but with no diplopia or squint. Diagnosis is A. Thyroid ophthalmopathy B. Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia C. Myasthenia gravis D. Multiple cranial nerve palsies Ans: b. 96. Aniridita is associated with A. Retinoblastoma B. Hepatoblastoma C. Nephroblastoma

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Forums for Doctors 106. Which of the following is a metabolic of prodrug Carisoprodol? A. Amphetamine B. Meprobamate C. Doxylamine D. Dimethadione Ans: b. 107. Voriconazole is not effective against A. Aspergillosis B. Mucormyocosis C. Candida albicans D. Candida tropicalis Ans: b. 108. Buspirone is an A. Anxiolytic B. Muscle relaxant C. Sedation D. Anti convulsant Ans: a. 109. Flumazenil, false is A. It is specific antagonist of BZD B. It may be used in barbiturate poisoning as it acts on the same receptor i.e. GABAA C. Given intravenously D. Acts on GABAA receptor Ans: b. 110. Erythromycin is given in decreased bowel motility because A. It increases bacterial count B. It decreases bacterial count C. It binds to adenyl cyclase D. It binds to motilin receptor Ans: d. 111. One of the following caused nephrotoxicity A. Azathioprine B. Cyclophosphamide C. Mycophenolate mofetil D. Tacrolimus Ans: d. 11

101. 20 yr old female with complaints of nausea, vomiting and pain in the legs. Her physical examination and lab investigations are normal. What would be the most probable diagnosis? A. Generalized anxiety disorder B. Conversion disorder C. Somatoform pain disorder D. Somatisation disorder Ans: c. 102. Substance dependence is due to all except A. Personality B. Peer pressure C. Family history of substance abuse D. Intelligence Ans: d. 103. Which is not included in personality trait? A. Sensation seeking B. Problem solving C. Openness to experience D. Neuroticism Ans: b. PHARMACOLOGY 104. Which of the following is associated with Thiazide diuretics A. Hyperkalemic paralysis B. Hypouricemia C. Hypolipidemia D. Impotence Ans: d. 105. Increased Prolactin is associated with A. Increased FSH B. Increased libido C. Increased testosterone D. Increased estradiol Ans: d.

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Forums for Doctors 118. Regarding COX-2 which of the following is its function A. Cell adhesion B. Cell proliferation C. Cell migration D. Cell differentiation Ans: b. PHYSIOLOGY 119. Highest concentration of potassium is seen in: A. Rectum B. Pancreatic juice C. Ileal secretions D. Bile Ans: a. 120. In peripheral tissues which of the following contains substance P: A. Plasma cell B. Mast cell C. Nerve terminal D. Vascular endothelium Ans: c. 121. Stability of alveoloi is maintained by: A. Compliance of the lungs B. Residual air in alveoli C. Negative intrapleural pressure D. Reduce surface tension by surfactant Ans: d. 122. Memory cells doesnot undergo apoptosis due to presence of which growth factor A. Platelet derived growth factor B. Nerve growth factor C. Insulin like growth factor D. Fibroblast growth factor Ans: b. 123. Transection at mid pons level results in: A. Asphyxia 12

112. Which of the following about phenytoin is true A. It follows zero order kinetics B. Not a hepatic enzyme inducer C. It is excreted unchanged in urine D. It is not teratogenic Ans: a. 113. Nitrates are not used in A. CCF B. Esophageal spasm C. Renal Colic D. Cyanide poisoning Ans: c. 114. In India all drugs are given under supervised regimen except? A. Dapsone B. Clofazimine C. Pyrazinamide D. Rifampicin Ans: a. 115. Which of the following is not a prodrug? A. Quinapril B. Fosinopril C. Benzopril D. Lisinopril Ans: d. 116. Least narcotic A. Morphine B. Codeine C. Heroine D. Papaverine Ans: d. 117. Anti TNF is not used in A. RA with HIV B. RA with Hepatitis B C. RA with HCA D. RA with pulmonary fibrosis Ans: a.

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Forums for Doctors Ans: a. 129. A child presents with respiratory distress. A vascular ring is suspected. Investigation of choice is A. PET B. CT C. MRI D. Angiography Ans: c. 130. Radiation induced necrosis can be diagnosis by A. PET B. CT C. MRI D. Biopsy Ans: a > d 131. Which of the following elements is obsolete in radiotherapy? A. Radium 226 B. Cobalt 60 C. Iridium 192 D. Cesium 137 Ans: a. PATHOLOGY

124. Pacemaker regulating the rate of respiration: A. Pneumotaxic centre B. Dorsal group of nucleus C. Apneustic centre D. Pre-Botzinger complex Ans: d. 125. All of the following use c-AMP as a second messenger except A. Corticotropin B. Dopamine C. Glucagon D. Vasopressin Ans is none > d 126. Events occurring in the past one week is an example of A. Recent memory B. Remote memory C. working memory D. Delayed memory Ans: a. RADIOLOGY 127. On barium swallow which of the following will cause posterior impression A. Left atrium B. Aortic knuckle C. Pulmonary sling D. Aberrant right subclavian artery Ans: d. 128. Rib notching is seen in all except A. Waterston Cooley shunt B. Aortic disruption C. Blalock Taussig shunt D. Pulmonary artesia with large VSD

132. NARP is a A. Lipid storage disorder B. Glycogen storage disorder C. Mitochondrial disorder D. Lysosomal storage disorder Ans: c. 133. MIC-2-marker of A. Ewing sarcoma B. Osteosarcoma C. Dermatofibrous protruberans D. Alveolar cell sarcoma Ans: a. 134. Not a B cell marker A. CD 19 13

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Forums for Doctors D. Myeloperoxidase Ans: a. 140. Benzopyrene change to carcinogen in animal occurs due to all except A. Epoxide formation B. p53 activation C. Cytochrome C activation D. By inducing metabolism of cyst p450 Ans: c. 141. DNA repairs defect associated with A. Xeroderma pigmentosum B. Icthyosis C. Mosaicism D. ????? Ans: a. 142. Gene instability associated with malignancy in A. Klippel field syndrome B. Ataxia telangiectasia C. Marfans syndrome D. Sickle cell disease Ans: b. 143. HLA is located on A. Short arm of chr-6 B. Long arm of chr-6 C. Short arm of chr-3 D. Long arm of chr-3 Ans: a. 144. Which of the following is true? A. BCL-6: Burkitts lymphoma B. BCL-2: Follicular & mantle cell lymphoma C. CD-10: Mantle cell lymphoma D. CD 34: Diffuse large B cell lymphoma Ans: a. 145. In Wegeners glomerulonephritis characteristic feature seen in A. Granuloma in the vessel wall B. Focal necrotizing glomerulonephritis C. Nodular glomerulosclerosis 14

135. About Burkitts lymphoma What is true A. CD34 + ve & surface Immuno Globulin + ve B. CD34 + ve & surface Immuno Globulin ve C. CD34 - ve & surface Immuno Globulin ve D. CD34 - ve & surface Immuno Globulin + ve Ans: d. 136. About p53 all are true except A. Encodes 53k Da protein B. Located on Chr. 17 C. Arrests cell cycle at G1 phase D. Wild type p53 is associated with childhood tumors Ans: d. 137. ANCA positive is A. Goodpasture syndrome B. Wegeners granulomatosis C. Sjogren syndrome D. Relapsing polychondritis Ans: b. 138. A 56 year old chronic smoker, mass in bronchus resected. Most useful immunohistochemical marker to make a proper diagnosis would be A. Cytokeratin B. Vimentin C. Epithelial membrane cadherin D. Leucocyte common antigen Ans: a. 139. Lipid in tissue detected by A. Oil Red O b. Muciramine C. PAS

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Forums for Doctors Ans: b. 151. Most common sequelae due to periventricular Leukomalacia A. Splastic Diplegia B. Splastic quadriplegia C. Mental retardation D. Seizures Ans: a. 152. Kostmanns syndrome treatment is A. Anti-thymocyte globulin + cyclosporine B. Anti-thymocyte globulin + cyclosporine + GM-CSF C. G-CSF D. GM-CSF Ans: c. 153. Fetal alcohol syndrome is characterized by all except A. Microcephaly B. Low intelligence C. Large propotionate body D. Septal defects of heart Ans: c. 154. A baby is born with meconium stained liquor. Which of the following is taken account of in terming a baby Vigorous except? A. Tone B. Colour C. HR D. Respiration Ans: b. 155. Infant of diabetic mother with weight 3.8 kg presented with seizures after 16 hours of birth. What is the cause? A. Hypoglycemia B. Hypocalemia C. Birth asphyxia D. Intraventricular hemorrhage Ans: a. 15

146. Low serum haptoglobin in hemolysis is masked by A. Pregnancy B. Liver disease C. Bile duct obstruction D. Malnutrition Ans: c. PAEDIATRICS 147. The poor prognostic factor associated with ALL in children is A. Total leucocyte count 4000-100000 B. Age less than 2 years C. Testicular involvement D. Blast in peripheral smear Ans: c. 148. A child with complaints of cough. Characteristic inspiratory whoop present. Not immunized. Sample for investigation is? A. Nasopharyngeal swab B. Tracheal aspiration C. Cough plate culture D. Sputum culture Ans: a. 149. Which vitamin deficiency is responsible for neonatal seizure? A. Pyridoxine B. Vitamin C C. Thiamine D. Cobalamin Ans: a. 150. Chromosomal anomalies more than 20% is associated with A. Gastroschisis B. Omphalocele C. Spina Bifida D. Cleft Palate

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Forums for Doctors A. MMR B. Rabies C. Hepatitis B D. Diphtheria Ans: a. 161. All are included in NRHM except: A. Strengthening of JSY (Janani Suraksha Yojna) B. Formation of health & family welfare societies C. State & district health mission D. Recruitment & Training of ASHA Ans: b. 162. All are about OPV except A. It is a killed vaccine B. Stored at subzero temperature C. Induced intestinal & humoral immunity both D. Residual neurovirulence is a problem Ans: a. 163. Which of the following is the impact indicator for evaluation of ASHAs performance? A. Number of ASHAs trained B. Infant mortality rate C. Number of ASHAs attending meeting D. Percentage of institutional deliveries Ans: B. 164. All of the following are true about standard error of mean except: A. Based on normal distribution B. It depends on standard deviation of mean C. As the sample size increases, standard error will also increase D. Used to estimate confidence limit Ans: c. 165. A learned behavior which is permanent and consistent but liable to change:A. Attitude 16

156. Regarding ASO titre all are seen except A. ASO can be increased in school children B. May be negative in post streptococcal glomerulonephritis C. ASO titre included in major criteria in jones criteria D. May not be elevated in 20% cases of carditis Ans: c. 157. Most common cause of sepsis in Indian within 2 months A. H influenza B. E.coli C. Coagulase positive staph aureus D. Group B streptococcus Ans: b. 158. A 1.5 kg child born at 32 weeks through LSCS, presents with moderate respiratory difficulty. Which of the following is the appropriate management A. CPAP B. Mechanical ventilation C. Warm oxygen D. Surfactant and ventilation Ans: a. SPM 159. Effective leprosy control programme may be indicated indicated by all of the following except: A. Increasing number of children affected B. decreasing grade 2 disability C. Low MDR resistant, multifacillary cases D. High new case detection rate Ans: a. 160. The vaccine not to given during pregnancy is:

Downloaded from Your premier resource for PG entrance exams Visit our USMLE Forums at B. Knowledge C. Practice D. Cultural belief Ans: c.

Forums for Doctors A. 15.3% B. 45.7% C. 54.3% D. 98.5% Ans: c. 171. The risk factor association of pancreatic cancer was studied in a case control study. The values of the odds ratio and the confidence interval for various risk factors are as below: Risk factors Odds ratio 95% confidence limit A 2.5 13 B 1.4 1.1 1.7 C 1.6 0.9 1.7 Which is true: A. Risk A has strongest association with pancreatic cancer B. Risk B has the strongest association C. Risk C has the strongest association D. All these are equally associated Ans: b. SKIN 172. A 7 year old boy with boggy swelling of the scalp with multiple discharge sinuses with cervical lymphadenopathy with easily pluckable hair. What would be done for diagnosis? A. Pus for culture B. KOH mount C. Biopsy Ans: b. 173. Flaccid Bullae lesions with oral mucosal lesion. The finding in immunofluscence is A. Fish net IgG in epidermis B. Linear IgG in dermo epidermal junction 17

166. False about Japanese encephalitis is: A. Transmitted by Culex mosquitoes B. Overhead tanks serve as breeding site C. Pigs are amplifiers D. Primary dose of vaccine consists of two dose Ans: d. 167. Reliability of a screening test refers to: A. Accurately measures what it is supposed to measure B. Gives same values even on repeated testing C. The extent to which the observer can go in finding the result D. Depends on knowledge of the observer Ans: b. 168. Disposal method of outdated cytotoxic drugs is: A. Autoclave B. Destruction and dumping in a secure landfill C. Disposal in municipal waste D. Preserve for 10 years and landfill Ans: b. 169. Recall bias is most commonly associated with which study design A. Cohort study B. Case control study C. Cross-sectional study D. Randomized controlled trial Ans: b. 170. In a population of 10,000 people the prevalence of disease is 20%. The sensitivity of a screening test is 95% and specificity is 80%. The positive predictive value of the test would be:

Downloaded from Your premier resource for PG entrance exams Visit our USMLE Forums at C. Granular IgA in dermal papillae D. Linear IgA in reticular dermis Ans: a.

Forums for Doctors B. Chronic ulcerative colitis C. Parasitic infestation D. Choledocholithiasis Ans: d. 179. In a case of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, the metabolic disturbance is A. Respiratory alkalosis B. Metabolic acidosis C. Metabolic alkalosis with paradoxical aciduria D. Metabolic alkalosis with alkaline urine Ans: c. 180. Hirschsprungs disease is due to: A. Loss of ganglion cells in the sympathetic chain B. Atrophy of longitudinal muscles C. Failure of migration of neural crest cells from cranial to caudal direction D. Malformed taenia coli Ans: c. 181. A robust male baby with vigorous feeding and immediate vomiting at 2 months of age. Most probable diagnosis is: A. Paralytic ileus B. Hirschsprungs disease C. Brain tumor D. Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis Ans: d. 182. A 65 years old patient of coronary artery disease was on aspirin for 2 years. He now complains of black stools. Abdominal examination is normal. What is the most probable diagnosis? A. Ileocecal TB B. Ca colon C. Esophageal varices D. Duodenal ulcer Ans: d.

174. Sexually active males comes with complaints of recurrent ulcers over the glans which heals with hyperpigmentation probable diagnosis is A. Aphthous ulcer B. Fixed drug eruptions C. Hepes-genitalis D. Chlamydial infection Ans: b. 175. All are dermatological manifestations of dermatomyositis except A. Gottrons patches B. Mechanics hands C. Periungual telangiectasia D. Salmon rash Ans: d. SURGERY 176. True about branchial anomaly A. Cysts are more common than sinuses B. For sinuses surgery is not always indicated C. Cysts present with dysphagia and hoarseness of voice D. Most commonly due to 2nd branchial remnant Ans: d. 177. Most important prognostic factor in congenital diaphragmatic hernia A. Pulmonary hypertension B. Size of hernia C. Timing of surgery D. Gestational age Ans: a. 178. Risk factor for cholangiocarcinoma all except A. Chronic typhoid carrier

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Forums for Doctors B. 9 C. 10 D. 11 Ans: c. 188. Full thickness graft can be obtained from all of the following except A. Axilla B. Groin C. Supraclavicular area D. Elbow Ans: a. 189. Blunt injury abdomen, patient was hemodynamically stable, next investigation A. X-ray abdomen B. Barium swallow C FAST D. DPL Ans: c. 190. Orchidopexy for crptorchidism is done at the age of: A. 1 to 2 years B. 5 to 6 years C. Puberty D. Neonatal period Ans: a. 191. Alpha feto protein is increased in A. Hepatoblastoma B. Neuroblastoma C. Seminoma D. Renal cell carcinoma Ans: a. 192. Desmoid tumor, treatment is A. Local excision B. Wide excision C. Wide excision with radiotherapy D. Radiotherapy Ans: b. 193. Which of the following colonic polyps has no risk for malignancy? 19

183. A 50 yr old male presents with obstructive symptoms. Biopsy of stomach reveals Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). Most appropriate marker for GIST is A. CD 34 B. CD 117 C. CD 30 D. CD 10 Ans: b. 184. Ileocecal tuberculosis is associated with A. Megaloblastic anemia B. Iron deficiency anemia C. Sideroblastic anemia D. Normocytic normochromic anemia Ans: a. 185. Lynch syndrome is associated with A. Endometrial ca, Colon ca & ovarian ca B. Breast ca, Colon ca & Ovarian ca C. Breast ca, Endometrial ca & Ovarian ca D. Breast ca, Stomach ca & Colon ca Ans: a. 186. All are true about Flail chest, except A. Fracture of atleast 3 ribs B. If overlapping of fractured ribs with severe displacement is seen then patients are treated surgically with open reduction and fixation C. PaO2<40 with FiO2>60 treated with intubation and PEEP D. Paradoxical movement may not be seen in conscious patients Ans: d. 187. In a patient with head injury, eye opening is seen with painful stimulus, localizes the pain and there is inappropriate verbal response. What would be the score on Glasgow coma scale? A. 8

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A. Juvenile polyps B. Hamartomatous polyps associated with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome C. Juvenile polyposis syndrome D. Famillial adenomatous polyposis syndrome Ans: a. 194. A male with azoospermia found to have normal FSH & testosterone levels & normal size testes. Probable cause is A. Vas obstruction B. Kallman syndrome C. Undescended testis D. Klinefeltors syndrome Ans: a. 195. Presence of nephroblastomatosis in a biopsy specimen from wilms tumor of left kidney indicates high possibility of A. Denys-Drash syndrome B. Mutation in insulin like growth factor C. Increased risk of tumor in right kidney D. lymph node metastasis Ans: c. 196. Tumors associated with infective etiology are all except A. Nasopharyngeal ca B. Hepatocellular ca C. Non-small cell carcinoma lung D. Gastric ca Ans: c. 197. All of the following are true about cryptorchidism, except A. Cryptorchidism is a risk factor for testicular tumor B. Seminoma is the most common tumor C. Contalateral testis is also at risk D. Orchidoepxy reduces the risk of malignancy Ans: d.

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