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N a m e o f D r u g InC l a s s i f i c a t i o n a n d Me c h a n is m of Ac t i o n I d ic at i o n a n d

D o s a g e C o n t r a i n d i c a t i o n Side R e s p o n s i b i l i t y Effects /A d v e r s e R e a c t i o n N u r s i n g

CefalexinAlso knownasCephalexin Anti-bacterialAgents CephalosporinsCephalexin, like thepenicillins, is a beta-lactam antibiotic. Bybinding to specificpenicillinbinding proteins(PBPs) located inside thebacterial cell wall, itinhibits the third and laststage of bacterial cell wallsynthesis. Cell lysis isthen mediated bybacterial cell wallFor the treatment of respiratory tractinfections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus pyogenes *Hypersensitivity tocephalosporins.Pain at inj site;hypersensitivity;GI disturbances;eosinophilia,neutropenia,leucopenia,thrombocytopenia. PotentiallyFatal: Anaphylacticreactions;nephrotoxicity 1.The drug should be taken withor without food. (May be takenwith meals to reduce GIdiscomfort)2.Bef ore administration, askpatient if he is allergic topenicillins or cephalosporins.3 . T e l l p a t i e n t t o t a k e e n t i r e amount of drug exactly asprescribed, even after he feelsbetter.4 . A d v i s e p a t i e n t t o n o t i f y prescriber if rash develops orsigns and symptoms of superinfection appear.5.Inf orm patient not to crush, cut

>Ponstan >Mefenamic Acid >Short-term relief of mild to moderate paninluding primarydysmenorrhea>Anthranilic acidderivative. Likeibuprofen inhibitsprostaglandin synthesisand.>CNS:

Drowsiness,insomia, dizziness,nervousness, confusion,headache.>GI: Severe diarrhea,ulceration, andbleeding; nausea,vomiting, abdominalcramps, flatus,constipation, hepatictoxicity.>Hematologic:prolonged prothrombintime, severeautoimmune hemolyticanemia(long-term use),leukopenia,eosinophilia,agranulocytosis,thrombocytopenicporpura, megaloblasticanemia, pancytopenia,bone marrowhypoplasia.>Urogenital:Nephrotoxicity, dysuria,albuminuria, hematuria,elavation of BUN.>Skin: Urticaria, rash,>Hypersensitivity todrug; GI inflammation,or ulceration. Safety inchildren<1/t y, duringpregnancy(category C),or lactation is notestablished.>Assess patients who developsevere diarrhea and vomiting fordehydration and electrolyteimbalance.>Lab test: with long-term therapy(not recommended) obtainperiodic complete blood counts,Hct and Hgb, and kidney functiontest.>Discontinue drug promptly if diarrhea, dark stools,hematemesis, ecchymoses,epistaxis, or rash occur and do notuse again. Contact physician.>Notify physician if persistent GIdiscomfort, sore throat, fever, ormalaise occur.>Do not drive or engage inpotentially hazardous activitiesuntil response to drug is known. Itmay cause dizziness anddrowsiness.>Monitor blood glucose for loss of glycemic control if diabetic

facial edema.>Special Senses: Eyeirritation, loss of colorvision(reversible),blurred vision, ear pain>>Body as a Whole:Perspiration.>CV: Palpitation.>Respiratory: Dyspnea;acute exacerbation of asthma,bronchoconstriction(inpatients sensitive toaspirin

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