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A World Awash with Nitrogen James J. Elser Science 334, 1504 (2011); DOI: 10.1126/science.


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Research in distributed information processing broadly falls into four domains (see the gure, panel A), which differ depending on whether there is local or central control over the collective decision and on whether the agents share common interests (7). The scenario addressed by Couzin et al. lies in the particularly challenging lower right quadrant. In this domain, one must simultaneously consider both the local nature of information exchange in distributed systems and the strategic issues that arise in social choice theory. We can think of tactical distributed control as having two stages (see the gure, panel B). In an initial social choice stage, each agent imperfectly observes the world and selects a preferred outcome. In a subsequent distributed computation stage, individual preferences are aggregated through local interactions among agents to select a consensus decision. In such a situation, agents can pursue selsh aims not only through strategic choice of preferred outcome (8)much as a far-left voter might back a moderate democrat with a chance of winning instead of a fringe candidate with a more liberal platform but also through tactical behavior during the process of local information exchange. Couzin et al. consider cases in which the group must decide between two options. Allowing only two options simplifies the problem considerably: There is no incentive for strategic voting, but incentives remain for manipulating the process of information integration. Furthermore, when groups must select among more than two options, they face a host of voting paradoxes. Thomas Jeffersons acquaintance and correspondent Marquis de Condorcet noted the basic reason for this more than two centuries ago (9): If a group has intransitive preferencesits members collectively prefer A to B and B to C in pairwise comparisons, yet they also prefer C to Athere is no straightforward way to select a single best course of action. This poses a serious social choice problem, because even when no single individual has intransitive preferences, the aggregate preferences of the group can be intransitive. With two options, the task of determining the majority opinion is analogous to the classic density classier problem in the study of distributed computation (10). But whereas the vast majority of work on the density classier looks at cooperative distributed computation, Couzin et al. look atand even implement in a vertebrate system, namely schooling shan extension to the noncooperative case. The authors develop three different models of the information integration process. In each of these, agents are probabilistically influenced to adopt the opinions of their neighbors, and can promote their own opinions by being reluctant to change them. In this way, an intransigent minority can convert the entire group over to their minority opinion. Such behavior can impose costs on the group, including a reduced responsiveness to the state of the environment, an increased time to make a collective decision, and an increased risk of group fragmentation. One might expect groups with uninformed members to be particularly susceptible to tactical behavior by minority subpopulations. If that tactical behavior involved some sort of active proselytizing to accelerate conversion to the minority opinion, one would be right. But Couzin et al. show that when the tactical behavior involves intransigence, uninformed individuals have the opposite effect. Their presence allows the majority to wrest control back from a manipulative minority. In each of their models, this occurs because the uninformed individuals tend to adopt the opinions of those around them, amplifying the majority opinion and preventing erosion by an intransigent minority. In this way, adding uninformed individuals to a group can facilitate fair representation during the process of information integration. Jeffersons passionate arguments on the importance of education for democratic society notwithstanding (11), Couzin et al. have identied circumstances in which ignorance can promote democracy.
1. T. Jefferson, Letter to Isaac McPherson, 13 August 1813; in The Writings of Thomas Jefferson (Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association of the United States, Washington, DC, 1903), vol. 13, pp. 333334. He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me[Ideas are] like re, expansible over all space, without lessening their density in any point." 2. J. Maynard Smith, E. Szathmary, Major Transitions in Evolution (Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1998). 3. M. Lachmann, G. Sella, E. Jablonka, Proc. Biol. Sci. 267, 1287 (2000). 4. D. Peak, J. D. West, S. M. Messinger, K. A. Mott, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101, 918 (2004). 5. M. Ben-Or, N. Linial, in Proceedings of the 26th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS, Portland, OR, 1985), pp. 408416. 6. I. D. Couzin et al., Science 334, 1578 (2011). 7. L. Conradt, T. J. Roper, Trends Ecol. Evol. 20, 449 (2005). 8. A. Gibbard, Econometrica 41, 587 (1973). 9. H. P. Young, Am. Polit. Sci. Rev. 82, 1231 (1988). 10. N. H. Packard, Dynamic Patterns in Complex Systems (World Scientic, River Edge, NJ, 1988). 11. T. Jefferson, Letter to Charles Yancey, 6 January 1816; in The Writings of Thomas Jefferson (Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association of the United States, Washington, DC, 1903), vol. 10, p. 4. If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. The people cannot be safe without information." 12. R. C. Luo, M. G. Kay, IEEE Trans. 19, 901 (1989). 13. A. D. Taylor, Social Choice and the Mathematics of Manipulation (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2005). 14. J. P. Crutchfeld, M. Mitchell, Proc. Natl. Acad. U.S.A 92, 10742 (1995). 15. We thank T. Bergstrom, E. Chastain, M. Rosvall, and D. Peak for helpful discussions. This work was supported in part by NSF grant ATB-1038590 to C.T.B. 10.1126/science.1216124

References and Notes

A World Awash with Nitrogen

James J. Elser Human disruption of the nitrogen cycle has left signs across the Northern Hemisphere since about 1895 C.E.

or most of the history of the biosphere, nitrogen has swirled tantalizingly out of reach: In the form of inert N2 gas (78% of the modern atmosphere), it was available only to certain bacteria and cyanobacteria capable of producing the nitrogenase enzyme that breaks the strong NN triple bond. Even these nitrogen xers cannot liberally x nitrogen because of the high energy costs of running nitrogenase and the high demands for other elements needed to produce nitrogenase. It is for this reason that plant and algal
School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA. E-mail:

biomass and productivity of many ecosystems are limited by nitrogen (1) and that the supply of nitrogen plays a major role in structuring plant communities (2). A report by Holtgrieve et al. on page 1545 of this issue (3) and other recent studies (4, 5) shed light on the extent to which human activities have changed nitrogen availability, with implications for ecosystems around the world. Humans, like all species, long operated within the constraints of the natural nitrogen cycle. In early agricultural periods, humans returned animal and human wastes to the elds, thereby adding nitrogen (and phosphorus) and enhancing crop productivity.



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The industrial age brought this era to a close via two innovations: articial nitrogen xation and the internal combustion engine. In the early 20th century, Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch developed an industrial process involving high-pressure reactors and major inputs of energy and electrons (in the form of natural gas) to produce reactive nitrogen from atmospheric N2 stores. The HaberBosch reaction soon became the means to produce nitrogen-rich fertilizers. Meanwhile, the adoption of internal combustion engines and other industrial burning processes led to widespread release of oxidized nitrogen (NOx) to the atmosphere. In a way, this process reproduced, inside engine cylinA B

All change. The inventions of the Haber-Bosch process (A) and the internal combustion engine (B) have massively increased the availability of xed nitrogen across the world. Holtgrieve et al. show that the signs of this change were seen very quickly even in remote locations.

ders, the nitrogen xation by lightning that had for eons trickled low levels of xed N into the early biosphere. As a result of these processes (and increased cropping of nitrogen-xing legumes), rates of nitrogen inputs to the biosphere are now thought to have at least doubled since preindustrial times (6). So, the world is awash with nitrogen in an inadvertent global-scale biogeochemical experiment. But when, precisely, did this experiment begin? And where can its effects be seen? Anthropogenic sources of nitrogen are often isotopically lighter than the nitrogen circulating through natural processes in ecosystems. Using 15/14N stable isotope analysis, Holtgrieve et al. track the appearance of this isotopically light nitrogen in closely dated sediments of lakes throughout the Northern Hemisphere, including extremely remote lakes in Alaska (United States), the Svalbard archipelago (Norway), and the Rocky Mountains (Canada and United States). The authors nd that the light-nitrogen signal appeared in all regions of the Northern Hemisphere in a remarkably coherent manner, beginning around 1895 C.E., at a time when fossil fuel combustion and largescale biomass burning accelerated across the

nitrogen inputs and shed light on their likely impacts. Most studies of nitrogen deposition have focused in temperate regions, and little is known about how nitrogen deposition is affecting tropical regions. In another stable isotope analysis study, Hietz et al. (4) gathered data in tropical rainforests of Panama and Thailand. The results indicate that increasing levels of nitrogen deposition in the tropics have alleviated forest nitrogen limitation, producing an open N cycle. Modern leaves and tree rings have a heavier isotope composition than do archival samples (4). This is somewhat confusing relative to the lighter isotopic composition found by Holtgrieve et al. in modern lake sediments. Reconciling the discrepancy in the nature of the isotopic signal between these two studies might require a certain degree of isotopic gymnastics. One likely mechanism is that these nitrogen-impacted tropical forests became extremely leaky for nitrogen, losing much through processes such as denitrication that preferentially leave heavy nitrogen (15N) behind for assimilation by the plants. Another possibility is that the external nitrogen deposition inhibited in situ nitrogen xation (which has a light isotopic signature). Regardless of the details, the data of Hietz


1. J. J. Elser et al., Ecol. Lett. 10, 1135 (2007). 2. J. M. Craine, Resource Strategies of Wild Plants (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, 2009). 3. G. W. Holtgrieve et al., Science 334, 1545 (2011). 4. P. Hietz et al., Science 334, 664 (2011). 5. T.-W. Kim, K. Lee, R. G. Najjar, H.-D. Jeong, H. J. Jeong, Science 334, 505 (2011). 6. P. M. Vitousek et al., Ecol. Appl. 7, 737 (1997). 7. M. G. Hastings, J. C. Jarvis, E. J. Steig, Science 324, 1288 (2009). 8. J. J. Elser et al., Science 326, 835 (2009). 9. J. J. Elser et al., Ecol. Lett. 13, 1256 (2010). 10. J. Rockstrm et al., Nature 461, 472 (2009). 11. J. Peuelas, J. Sardans, A. Rivas-Ubach, I. A. Janssens, Glob. Change Biol.; 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02568.x (2011). 12. P. J. Crutzen, Nature 415, 23 (2002). 13. J. Zalasiewicz, M. Williams, W. Steffen, P. Crutzen, Environ. Sci. Technol. 44, 2228 (2010). 10.1126/science.1215567

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globe. These shifts coincide with changes in the isotopic signature of nitrate (NO3) in a Greenland ice core (7). The lake isotopic data also signal a second anthropogenic amplication of the nitrogen cycle: Shifts in sediment isotopic signature appeared to accelerate around 1970 C.E., coincident with massive increases in industrial nitrogen xation for fertilizer production. This comprehensive study provides two insights into human amplications of the nitrogen cycle: Their effects were immediate, and no place in the Northern Hemispherenot even the highest reaches of the Arcticwas safe. Other recent studies reinforce the surprising spatial extent of anthropogenic

et al. indicate that tropical forests are not immune from the impacts of humankinds nitrogen fertilization experiment. Neither are large reaches of the oceans: Recent intensication of industrial and agricultural activity in Asia has altered the nutrient regime in coastal regions of the western Pacic Ocean, distorting the stoichiometric balance of nitrogen and phosphorus supplies for marine phytoplankton (5). Such shifts have also been documented for lakes in Scandinavia and western North America (8), with likely impacts on upper food web levels through induction of zooplankton phosphorus limitation (9). This flurry of discoveries about the spreading extent of humankinds unintentional nitrogen experiment should add urgency to recent concerns about the multidimensional planetary boundaries that humanity is pressuring (10). It adds weight to speculation that the biosphere is heading toward a widespread condition of chronic phosphorus limitation (11). Some are claiming that Earth has entered a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene (12, 13). If so, what signs of this new era might someday be elucidated from future fossils? Given that a major component of this human-dominated period of Earths history is a massive disruption of the global nitrogen regime, the new studies suggest that future paleontologists should look for lighter nitrogen isotopic signatures in geological strata derived from lake sediments or for traces of heavier nitrogen in plant fossils. Whether such signals are an ephemeral blip in the stratigraphic record or a sustained shift lasting millennia may, in due time, be seen as an indicator of humanitys success, or failure, in achieving planetary sustainability.

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