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What are the symptoms of chicken Pox?

Chicken pox mainly starts with slight feverishness and pain in the back and legs. Within 24 hours of its onset small red papules appear on the back and chest and sometimes on the forehead too. After that pimples turn into vesicles but within a day or two, these vesicles dry up with a brown crust appearing on them. You may see eruptions also after some days. The symptoms which usually occur before 24 to 48 of appearing of spots on the body, are given below: The person has runny nose/stuffy nose. Slight cough is accounted. Decrease in Appetite Sometimes severe headache also starts. The person may feel very tired. Vomiting

The following symptoms may occur after 10 to 21 days of appearing of chicken pox. They may appear in the following order: Mild low grade fever with cold-like symptoms. Rash, mostly on trunk or covered areas of the body. Fluid-filled blisters. Crusts.

Chicken pox is so common disease that already 80% of adults have already have it. It is still more common in children. Nowadays a new vaccine has been discovered for the treatment of chicken pox and which I think will be made mandatory at some time in the near future. What are the treatments of chicken Pox ? Available Medicines & Prescriptions of chickenpox are given below : 1) Swarnamakshika Bhasma - 120 mg of Swarnamaksnika Bhasma to he taken morning and evening with decoction of Kanchnar tree bark. 2) Eladyarishta - 20 ml of Eladyarishta to he taken after meals with water. 3) During the 2nd week, you may take 125mg of Indukala vati with water in the morning and evening. What are the home remedies of chicken Pox ? Haridra powder one grain may be given with juice of Karela leaves, two times in a day mainly at noon and in the evening.

Chicken Pox

Chickenpox is a highly contagious illness that is common in children, particularly those under age 12. It is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) also known as human herpes virus 3 (HHV-3), one of the eight herpes viruses known to affect humans. The infections is characterized by a fever and itchy, red spots usually appearing on the chest and stomach first, then appearing in crops over the entire body. The red spots turn into small blisters that dry up and form scabs over about a week. Symptoms usually go away without treatment, but because the infection is very contagious, an infected child should stay home and rest until the symptoms are gone. How is it Chickenpox spreads easily. It is most contagious the day before the rash appears. spread?

It spreads from person to person through direct contact with the virus. You can get chickenpox if you touch a blister, or the liquid from a blister. You can also get chickenpox if you touch the spit of a person who has chickenpox. The virus enters the body by the nose or mouth and can make you sick also. It can also spread through the air, if you are near someone with chickenpox who is coughing or sneezing. A pregnant woman with chickenpox can pass it on to her baby before birth. Mothers with chickenpox can also give it to their newborn babies after birth. The only way to stop the spread of the virus from person to person is to prevent infected people from sharing the same room or house, which isn't practical. Chickenpox cannot be spread through indirect contact. You may notice several symptoms before the typical chickenpox rash appears. Known as prodromal, or early symptoms, they include fever, a vague feeling of sickness, or decreased appetite. Within a few days, a rash appears. The rash looks like small red pimples or blisters. Chickenpox does not infect chickens (humans are the only animal infected by the VZV virus), but it was felt that the red pimples resembled chick peas, hence the name "chickenpox." Symptoms of chickenpox

A rash that usually begins on the body and face and later often spreads to the scalp and limbs. It may also spread to the mucous membranes especially in the mouth and on the genitals. The rash is often itchy. It begins as small red spots which develop into blisters in a couple of hours. After one or two days, the blisters turn into scabs. New blisters may appear after three to six days. The number of blisters differs greatly from one person to another. The infected person may run a temperature. These symptoms are mild in young children. Chickenpox lasts 7 to 10 days in children and longer in adults. Adults can feel very ill and take longer to recover. They are also more likely than children to suffer complications. Who is at risk of complications?

Pregnant women who have not had chickenpox. People with a weak immune system, such as those with acute or chronic leukaemia or

HIV. Patients taking medicine to suppress their immune system, such as long-term oral corticosteroids. Those in the at-risk group who are exposed to the varicella-zoster virus can be given an injection of varicella-zoster-immunoglobin to boost their immunity. In some countries, vaccination against chickenpox is available. Contagiousness Chickenpox is contagious from about 2 days before the rash appears and lasts until all the blisters are crusted over. A child with chickenpox should be kept out of school until all blisters have dried, usually about 1 week. If you're unsure about whether your child is ready to return to school, ask your doctor. Chickenpox is very contagious - most kids with a sibling who's been infected will get it as well, showing symptoms about 2 weeks after the first child does. To help keep the virus from spreading, make sure your kids wash their hands frequently, particularly before eating and after using the bathroom. And keep a child with chickenpox away from unvaccinated siblings as much as possible. When to seek Medical Advice Although most cases of chickenpox heal without complications, sometimes medical attention is required. Call the doctor if any of the following conditions develop:

Fever higher than 103?F A rash involving an eye Continued dehydration, vomiting, or decreased fluid intake Uncertainty of diagnosis or what medication to give Blisters leak a thick, yellow or green fluid. Areas around a blister are red, increasingly painful, or swollen, or have red streaking extending from the site. Treatments Most cases of chickenpox can be managed at home. Chickenpox rash tends to be extremely itchy. Several treatments can be used at home to help a child feel better.

You can give cool-water baths every 3-4 hours, adding baking soda to the water to calm itching. Trimming fingernails can help prevent infection from scratching the blisters. If you have a small infant with chickenpox, cover the child's hands with mittens to minimize scratching. Never give aspirin to a child because aspirin has been associated with Reye syndrome. Occasionally a child will develop blisters in the mouth, making eating or drinking painful. A person must continue to drink fluids to prevent dehydration. To alleviate pain, provide cold fluids (ice pops are one suggestion) and soft bland foods. Avoid any foods that are spicy, hot, or acidic (for instance, orange juice). Keep children at home from school and daycare until all blisters have crusted. A child with chickenpox is extremely contagious until the last crop of blisters has crusted.

Symptoms of Chickenpox The symptoms of chickenpox vary from individual to individual. Some people may experience all of these symptoms while others experience one or two. The most common symptoms of chickenpox are: * Mild fever. The fever varies between 101 F to 105 F and returns to normal when the blisters have disappeared. * backache * headache * sore throat * a rash (red spots) * blisters filled with fluid How is Chickenpox Transmitted? Chickenpox is transmitted through the air. When a patient with chickenpox coughs or sneezes, they expel tiny droplets that carry the chicken pox virus (varicella-zoster virus, VZV). If a person who has never had chicken pox inhales these particles, the virus enters the lungs and is carried through the blood to the skin where it causes the typical rash of chicken pox. The infected droplets cause an initial infection in the respiratory epithelium. The incubation period of chickenpox is between 10 and 20 days. Before the typical rash appears, patients often develop a fever, headache, swollen glands and other flu like symptoms. Skin vesicles contain the virus but are not the primary sources. Scabs are not infectious. Patients are contagious from 2 days before onset of the rash until all lesions have crusted. Can Chickenpox be prevented? Chickenpox can be prevented . The easiest way to prevent catching chicken pox is to get vaccinated. However, vaccination is only successful in 70% to 90% of all vaccinations. Individuals who have been vaccinated but still acquire chickenpox, usually have a milder disease that heals more quickly than non vaccinated individuals. Chickenpox and Pregnancy Chickenpox can cause serious problems during pregnancy, especially when infection occurs early in the pregnancy or at the time of delivery. If chickenpox occurs early in pregnancy, several types of fetal abnormalities, including limb abnormalities, scarring of internal organs and neurological damage can occur. Pregnant women who suspect exposure to chickenpox should immediately contact their healthcare provider. How to Avoid Getting Chicken Pox While Helping an Infected Person It is often difficult to avoid exposure to chicken pox, because the infected person is contagious one to two days before the appearance of the rash. However, there are some things that can be done to minimize exposure and avoid contracting the virus. 1.Avoid touching any of the pox marks until they are crusted over. Until they crust over, they continue to shed the virus. 2.Avoid intimate contact such as kissing. The virus is also shed via the respiratory system. 3. Keep the infected persons eating utensils and drinking glass separate.

4.Turn your head if he or she coughs or sneezes. 5.Practice good hand washing. Wash your hands every time you handle any of the sick persons things. 6.Use an air purifier, which helps filter bacteria and viruses out of the air. 7.Wash bed linens and recently worn clothes in hot, soapy water. 8.Keep yourself healthy. Get sufficient sleep. Eat nutritious food. Take a high-potency multivitamin.

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