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Past Participle (Participle II)

II , ( ).

( , .

, , , , I: , ( . ) II

( )

?, ,


? .

. .) (

, , :

a stolen bag

the fallen trees

a well-known journalist

The broken cup was on the floor. . The faded leaves fell to the ground. .

2 ( , The book taken from the library was interesting. , (= ) , . ).


The room furnished rather simply was large enough. , , by ( . The girl invited by my friends was charming. , , .( : ) , , ?, ?), . ,

The cup broken by the boy was on the floor. , , . , .( ) The telegram sent was signed by the director. . , , , The doctor sent for lived in the next village. , , : . , ,

. .), ,

, -

ed ( -

, .

The method used proved to be very effective. . The program corrected proved useful.

? , ? ? . . ( . , )

Frightened by the dog, the child began to cry. , .( ?) , , , .

, , , ). , ), ( . ) . ,

, ( ( , . .,

Pressed for time, I couldn t even have breakfast. , .

Written in pencil, the article was difficult to read. , : . ? written in pencil , . , , ?, ,

, , unless -

, , until .:

: when -

, though -

, if -

When asked (=when he was asked), he looked at us and was silent. , When called, he refused to come. , . .

If invited, I ll go there.

, They will leave, unless stopped. ,

: II ( , ) . .

II - Present, Past I Perfect. Future Perfect,

Perfect. ,

)+ ed). : ( ) , ,

II (

to have ( III-

We have received the letter today. (Present Perfect) I was sorry to have missed the train. (Perfect Infinitive) Thank you for having helped me. (Perfect Gerund)

. . . ,

Having translated the article he put the dictionary on the shelf. (Perfect Participle I)

) II. :

(Passive Voice), to be (

, )+

The door is locked. (Present Indefinite Passive) You have been warned. (Present Perfect Passive)

. . ,

I want to be informed of her arrival. (Indefinite Infinitive Passive) . I like being invited to their house. (Indefinite Gerund Passive) . Being asked, he always answer all the questions. (Participle I Passive) .

The Participle ['pRtsIpl] , . , : 1 : ) Present Participle Simple. : reading ) Present Participle Perfect. written , having read , , resting , : having . ; I (Participle I Present Participle) . ). ( ,

2 opened

II (Participle II , dressed

Past Participle) , made .

. :

, , : A broken cup lay on the floor.

, , They passed me talking loudly. , He sat at the table thinking. . , Entering the room he found all the pupils present. , , . .

, :

: He liked to rest in the evening walking slowly in the park. , .

(Active) (Passive)

Participle I Present Participle Simple IV being III asking being asked Present Participle Perfect having III having been III having asked having been asked ( ( ) ), ( , - ) ; ; ( ) ( )

Participle II (Past Participle) -------III asked , (Passive). , : , ?, ?. , . . , ); sit : , : , , , . , .

, )/ (

: burn )


Present Participle Simple (Active) ,(

, -ing, IV );


Present Participle Simple (Passive) Present Participle Simple, ( -ed III Present Participle Perfect (Active) Present Participle Simple, ( -ed III ); Present Participle Perfect (Passive) Present Participle Perfect, Participle ( -ed III Participle II (Past Participle) ed . "

being ).

to be Past Participle


to have Past Participle

having been ). (Passive).

to be Past


. -ed -ing "

: not asking Present Participle Simple Participle I (

, not seen

not , not being read -

, .

I inging,

Active Passive Participle I asking being ask , , (Active Passive) . : ) , . . : , -" " . . , I

Reading English books I wrote out new words. , Reading English books I ll write out new words. , ) , to come to enter to hear , , , , Perfect Participle I. . ( . ( )

to see Hearing his voice she ran to meet him. , ) , . : . ( )

The woman waiting in the car called you the day before yesterday. , ( ) , .

The bisector is a straight line dividing an angle into two equal parts. ( ) , .

( . .

? ,


I ,

( ( ). 1 , : A dancing girl. . He watched the falling snow. . The clouds were lit up by the setting sun. . , ,


, , , ( I) boiling water : .

) the boiling point

, .

I , , . . .

A boy playing in the garden. , .

I don t know the girl waiting for you. , .= , .

They reached the road leading to the city.

, :

This is the sister of my friend living next door to me. , This is my friend s sister living next door to me. , : Can you see the girl dancing with your brother? The boys throwing stones into the pond laughed loudly. . , , , . , . ? , .

, : , . : the person breaking that cup) .

I want to talk to the person who broke that cup. ( , ,

The boys who were throwing stones into the pond went home. (Past Continuous) : , " ". , " " " . ",

I ? . 1 , , , , . .). . . :

?, ,

?, -



. , , , . .(

Travelling in Africa, he saw a lot of interesting things. , . , : Arriving at the station (= When he arrived at the station) he called a porter. (= ), when when while , while , when, Continuous). . , ,

. , , , while ( When taking the decision I made a mistake. , . , ,

While staying in London he met a few useful people.

) :

, I . ( to be being : ),

. ,

When he was a child (

: When a child), he liked to read books about voyages.

, when/while : When/While a child . Being, ,

being , When/While in London

Being tired (=As he was tired) he went home. (= ), .

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