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Canad. Med. Ass. .* Dec. 1, 1962, vol.





Radiation Hazards Control in Survival Operations in the Event of a Nuclear War

WILMA C. STEWART, M.D.,* Ottawa, Ont. ONTROL measures directed toward radiation '-.4 hazards, if properly conceived in advance planning and properly applied during the early days after a nuclear attack, can effectively reduce the toll of radiation casualties and ensure that the operational efficiency of survival operations personnel is maintained. The Rand civil defence report (1957), predicting the consequences of an extensive nuclear attack on the United States, estimated that the total casualties from all causes might be five million with adequate control of radiation exposure, but as high as 90 million if satisfactory control measures were not provided. As noted by another contributor to this symposium, analogous calculations, applicable to Canada, have been made. Radiation protection is a command function. The military or civil defence commander is responsible for control of radiation hazards just as he is responsible for all other matters pertaining to the health and welfare of persons under his control. One of the basic rules accepted by both Canadian Army Survival Operations and Emergency Health Services (E.H.S.) is that the responsibility for advice on the probable effects of radiation exposure is the province of the professional medical adviser. Of necessity, medical advice has been scught from those who have a special competence to assess the accumulating knowledge on radiation effects; the advice received has guided the formulation of doctrine and policies in survival operations planning. It is important that the profession at large have an understanding of how rules and standards for maintaining operational efficiency in the face of radiation exposure have been set and, in particular, the basic assumptions which have been adopted in the light of imprecise data on the effects of radiation in man. It is the intention of this article to explain certain of these assumptions and the philosophy which applies to our responsibility in providing information on which operational or command decisions will be based. The physical characteristics of the radiant energies released by atomic weapons have been fully explained in articles in previous Civil Defence issues of this Journal and will not be repeated. It is sufficient to recall that the two main components of.biological significance are the gamma ray, which penetrates deeply and in humans causes general effects, i.e. radiation sickness; and the beta ray, which does not penetrate and produces specffic effects such as skin bums from surface contact and certain of the lesions which may result from internal contamination. The various other types of
*Staff Officer, Medical Section, Defence Research Board Headquarters, Ottawa, Ont.

ABSTRACT The concepts of radiation protection in survival operations are explained, and procedures devised to control radiation hazards for the protection of the population and maintenance of the operating efficiency of survival operations personnel are presented. Radiation protectiefr is a command function. The medical responsibility is to provide advice on the probable effects of radiation exposure in the light .f existing knowledge of these effects in man. The major hazard is that of external exposure to penetrating gamma radiation. Radiation exposure guides indicate that persons may be exposed to not more than 100 r whole body radiation in a six-week period, or 200 r whole body radiation in a period in excess of six weeks, without loss of operational efficiency. Beta radiation from fallout deposited on skin or clothing may produce burns, but these injuries will not be incapacitating and can be controlled by simple procedures. The internal hazard is mainly from ingestion of food or water contaminated with radioactive material. For protection, only canned or packaged foods and water from covered or deep wells are consumed during the early days after a nuclear attack.

Canad. Med. Ass. J. Dec. 1, 1962, vol. 87


humans, and only limited confidence can be placed in such evidence. Our aim is to establish levels of radiation exposure and state the probable early effects on individuals or groups who might represent a rescue force, a military unit, or a section of the population. This aim is part of the traditional medical advisory function within any military or paramilitary organization. It would be well to discard the term "permissible dose" in survival operations, since it is quite unrealistic to place restrictive rules upon those who will be responsible for command and decisionmaking in a survival situation. To assist him in dealing with the total operation, the commander needs guide lines describing the consequences of exposure to radiation dosages with which he may be confronted. According to established military principles, the decision to place any individual or group at risk from radiation (or any other hazard), or to accept the probability that a certain number of the forces available will become ineffective (i.e. radiation casualties), must rest with the commanders; only they can weigh the risk involved against the importance of the objective. In survival operations, these decisions apply not only to rescue personnel but also to the total population at risk. One of the recommendations of the (U.S.) National Committee on Radiation Protection (NCRP) in respect of exposure to radiation in an emergency should be noted: "In war emergencies the objectives are, first, the fewest deaths; second, the fewest requiring medical care; third, the smallest amount of genetic injury; and fourth, the lowest probability of late somatic effects." Report No. 29 of NCRP' states the four elements which are employed in the process of command decision-making in an emergency as follows: "(1) an input of information; (2) a system for predicting the outcome of any action that may be recommended; (3) a system for assigning values to all such outcomes; (4) a system of criteria for selecting the appropriate action." Items (2) and (3) are the elements for which guidance on radiation effects in man is essential. Though experts differ in their opinions on the acute effects from certain doses of ionizing radiation in man, all agree that the range 200 to 1000 r covers a spectrum of effects ranging from slight symptoms to death within a few weeks. There is similar agreement that, up to 150 r, no obvious illness will be noted. A number of dose-effect tables have been published for planning purposes; .all share the danger of precise interpretation, since they imply an accurate knowledge of exposure effects in man which does not exist. The dose-effect table which is accepted by Emergency Health Services, Department of National Health and Welfare, as a reasonably reliable guide, is included (Table 1)2 since it presumes less than tables published earlier.




(e) Responsibility for advice on probable effects of exposure is the province of the professional medical adviser. II. Persons who are exposed to not more than: (a) 100 r whole body radiation in a six-week period or (b) 200 r whole body radiation in a period in excess of six weeks, may be expected to escape without noticeable loss of operational efficiency. III. As exposure levels increase, the probability of occurrence of operational inefficiency increases until, at just above the upper limits of the ranges cited, some mild reactions can be expected. IV. Where exposures greatly exceed 200 r for the emergency period, those so exposed must be regarded as radiologically expended; that is, additional exposures at operational levels will probably be followed later by appreciable damage to health. V. These rules are b.ased on the need for preserving operational efficiency of a limited number of persons. VI. They are very high levels at best, and those so exposed undergo some risk of becoming late war casualties from various causes, and of suffering a shortening of life-span. VII. The general public should not be allowed deliberately to accept such high exposure levels. For such groups, 25 r during the emergency period should probably be the upward limit for planning, and for operations, if feasible. The dose of 25 r cited for the general public may appear to be somewhat idealistic. It is recognized that it will be exceeded under certain radiation conditions, yet careful study of probable fallout conditions offers evidence that it is a reasonable objective for a significant fraction of the population. The concept of a recovery factor warrants mention. It is accepted that somatic radiation injury is made up of a reparable and of an irreparable fraction. Knowledge of this process in man is incomplete, and any conclusions regarding the amount of irreparable injury and the rate of recovery of the reparable fraction have been based on experimental evidence in animals. The figures on exposure levels quoted above (100 r in under six weeks and 200 r over six weeks) have taken recovery into consideration. A most conservative estimate of recovery has been used, in view of the other uncertainties such as accuracy of dose and dose-rate estimates. The present state of knowledge does not permit the use, in survival operations, of a more precise quantitative calculation of a biological effective dose incorporating a recovery factor. As further information becomes available, it may be possible to do so, since the value to operational planning is obvious.

Beta radiation from fallout material deposited on skin or clothing is thc source of this hazard. The most serious injury which can result is skin burns.

Canad. Med. Ass. J. Dec. 1, 1962, vol. 87

after a nuclear attack than the external exposure to gamma radiation, but precautions to limit the amount of radioactive material taken in should be observed, when possible, since serious late effects may result. The danger from inhalation as the route of entry is a minor one. Evidence available indicates that there could not be a situation in nuclear warfare where inhalation of fallout material would vroduce acute injury to the respiratory or digestive tract. Such protective equipment as respirators need not be considered. The main route of entry is by ingestion, and control is a matter of assessing the degree of contamination of food and water. Ingested radioisotopes may be in sufficient concentration to cause injury of the intestinal tract and, if soluble, they will be absorbed to become fixed in certain body tissues and produce damage by continuous irradiation at that site over a prolonged period. The isotopes which are the main culprits are those which are incorporated into bone, strontium89, strontium-90, barium-140, and lanthanom-140; into thyroid tissue, iodine-131; and caesium-137, which gives rise to general irradiation in the body including the gonads. Standards have been set below which food or water may be considered safe for consumption during the emergency period. A method for surveying water and food applicable in the field and valid for the first 30 days after contamination has been adopted by E.H.S.2 Until adequate survey procedures can be set up. i.e. during the first few days after the attack, only food stocks which have been in protected storage, or canned and packaged food should be used. The outside of the container of the latter supplies should be cleaned before opening. Water from covered or deep wells would be the safest source during this period. Iodine-131 in milk is a significant hazard to infants rather than to adults. For this reason, emergency supplies include stocks of canned and powdered milk. Though the internal hazard can be controlled by advance planning, stockpiling of food stuffs, and by sensible precautions during the early emergency period, EllS. must be alert to the possible hazard to health posed by contaminated food and water consumed over longer periods during the late emergency and rehabilitation period. Radiochemical analysis would be required to assess accurately the safety of food and water at later times. It is hoped that further study will permit application of simpler methods, since it is most unlikely that adequate laboratory facilities would be available for some time after the emergency.

Control measures can effectively reduce casualties from radiation exposure and maintain the efficiency of survival operations personnel. Radia-

Canad. Med. Ass. . Dec. 1, 1962, vol. 87




tion protection is a responsibility of the commander; advice on probable effects of radiation exposure to guide command decision is a medical responsibility. When the problem is national survival, it is a question of how much radiation people can take; using safe or permissible exposure levels as a guide would impose impossible restrictions on the conduct of field operations. The "Rules and Standards for Maintaining Operational Efficiency in the Face of Radiation Exposure" which have been recommended by Emergency I-Jealth Services for control of radiation

exposure of the general public and of civilian and military operational personnel are well conceived, and offer the best advice available in the light of present knowledge of radiation effects in humans.

1. (U.S.) National Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurements: Exposure to radiation in an emergency, Report No. 29, University of Chicago Press, 1962. 2. Nuclear Weapons Section: Emergency Health Services, Department of National Health and Welfare, Manual (Cat. No. H84-3260), Queen's Printer, Ottawa, 1960. 3. PACE, F. C. AND WATERS, W. R.: Med. ,Serv. J. Canada, 17: 597, 1961. 4. GLASSTONE, S., editor: The effects of nuclear weapons, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C., 1962.

Reduction of Fallout Radiation Hazards in Health Installations

XV. R. WATERS, M.Sc.,* Ottawa, Ont.
AN EFFECT of a nuclear weapon which is of great concern to the general public is the phenomenon of radioactive fallout. This return to earth of the radioactive products of the bomb, together with debris of the target, results in the "dusting" of large areas with radioactive matter whereby environments of radiation of varying intensity are produced. The exposure of people to such environments constitutes a health hazard which will vary in seriousness from mild sickness to death. Hospital installations, by their nature and function, are sensitive to the consequence of involvement in radioactive fallout; and medical directors and hospital administrators constantly seek advice from Emergency Health Services as to the radiation hazard, to their patients and staff, which might arise in the event of nuclear war, and how such hazard may be combated. This paper is intended to provide a framework within which individual instances will be found to lie. It is important to understand from the beginning that the amount of radioactivity associated with a nuclear weapon is not measured by the energy yield of the weapon but by the amount of the weapon yield constituted by the fissionable component; that is, the uranium or plutonium which must react first in order to provide the energy necessary to start the hydrogen reaction. Fallout radiation is basically a side effect of a nuclear reaction, the blast and heat being the primary military tools. Bigger bombs do not necessarily mean larger quantities of radioactive products in the fallout, and technical advances in bomb design will undoubtedly result in a continuing reduction in the fission-fusion ratio, but it is improbable that
*Radjologjcal Defence Officer, Special Weapons Section, Emergency Health Services, Department of National Health and Welfare, Ottawa, Ont.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to provide guidance for Canadian hospital medical directors in planning the provision of protection for their patients and staff against gamma radiation hazard from nuclear war. The implications of the distribution of fallout in Canada are that the probability of exposures in excess of 600 r in the period "96 hours after fallout" is high in Southern Ontario and Quebec but low in the western provinces and in the North. All hospitals should have a shielding capacity; for many, this will entail structural alterations. The aim would be to provide a protective factor of 100 or better, together with necessary standards of habitability. The engineering significance of the recommendations is discussed.

a nuclear weapon will ever be completely freed of radioactivity. Another important factor from the Canadian point of view is that Canada constitutes the fringe

of the North American nuclear battleground. This means that the distribution of fallout will show greater variation from south to north and east to xvest in Canada than in the United States-even taking into consideration vehicles destroyed in transit. Nonetheless, large numbers of the Canadian population will be at risk from fallout radiation. Thc Occurrence of Fallout in Canada It will be appreciated that, owing to variations in meteorological conditions from day to day, to-

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