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A triangle model for evaluating the sustainability status and

trends of economic development

Fu-Liu Xu a,∗ , Shan-Shan Zhao a , Richard W. Dawson b ,

Jun-Yi Hao a , Ying Zhang a , Shu Tao a
a College of Environmental Sciences, MOE Laboratory for Earth Surface Process, Peking University, Beijing 100871, PR China
b University of Colorado, International College Beijing, Beijing 100083, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In conjunction with ecological performance, a definition to sustainable economic devel-
Received 24 January 2005 opment was proposed, and a novel triangle method was designed to evaluate economic
Received in revised form 18 October development sustainability, based on the interrelationships among economic development,
2005 resource–energy consumption, and environment pollution. As a case study, the triangle
Accepted 15 November 2005 method was applied to assess the sustainability status and long-term trends of China’s
economic development. The results show that economic development in 2000 represents
a relatively weak state of sustainability, and that most of the 31 political regions in Main-
Keywords: land China reflect sustainability positions ranging from weakly unsustainable to weakly
Triangle model sustainable. The China’s economic development between 1980 and 1991 reveals a rather
Economic development weak sustainability trend, while that from 1991 to 2000 demonstrates a relatively strong
Sustainability sustainable trend. China’s unremitting efforts in environmental protection over the last two
Ecological performance decades would be responsible for these status and trends. The triangle method, as an intu-
Quantitative evaluation itive platform for illustrating sustainability status and trends in economic development,
China seems to hold promise as an analytical management tool given its simplicity, ease of use,
and flexibility.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction grouped into four areas or themes: (1) the ability to moni-
tor progress towards sustainability or to show long-term sus-
The development of sustainability indicators, both local and tainability trends (NRC, 1999; Iyer-Raniga and Treloar, 2000;
global, has received increased attention in the literature. IISD, 2000; Kates et al., 2001; Prescott-Allen, 2001; Atkission
Excellent reviews have been made by some scientists or aca- and Hatcher, 2001), (2) easiness in use by policy-makers at all
demic groups, e.g. Moldan and Billharz (1997), NRC (1999), IISD levels (Iyer-Raniga and Treloar, 2000; IISD, 2000; Kates et al.,
(2000), and Swart et al. (2002). This large body of work has made 2001), (3) flexibility in selecting indicators and analysis units
a significant contribution to the field of sustainability indica- (Iyer-Raniga and Treloar, 2000; IISD, 2000), and (4) simplicity in
tors and measurement. However, as pointed out by a variety of presenting results to be understandable by non-professionals
scientists and academic groups, a great deal of work remains (Iyer-Raniga and Treloar, 2000; IISD, 2000; UNCSD, 2001).
to be done (e.g. NRC, 1999; Iyer-Raniga and Treloar, 2000; IISD, There are a number of definitions of sustainable develop-
2000; Kates et al., 2001; Prescott-Allen, 2001; Atkission and ment (SD), each with a different focus depending on the pur-
Hatcher, 2001; UNCSD, 2001). In general, these works may be pose of the study (see Iyer-Raniga and Treloar, 2000; Barbiroli,

Corresponding author. Fax: +86 10 62751938.
E-mail address: (F.-L. Xu).
0304-3800/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

ECOMOD-4259; No. of Pages 11

2 e c o l o g i c a l m o d e l l i n g x x x ( 2 0 0 5 ) xxx–xxx

2000 for reviews). A precise and commonly accepted def-

inition of SD, however, is still lacking (Radermacher, 1999;
Phillis and Riantiatsaholiniaina, 2001). In this study, sustain-
able economic development is defined as economic devel-
opment with higher economic benefits and better ecological
performance. The ecological performance of economic devel-
opment includes two aspects, i.e. resource–energy consump-
tion and environmental pollution. Better ecological perfor-
mance means lower resource–energy consumption and less
environmental pollution. From this definition, a novel triangle
model showing the interrelationships among economic devel-
opment, resource–energy consumption, and environment pol-
lution will be developed to evaluate quantitatively economic
development sustainability.
Since late 1970s, reforming and opening policies in China
have led to remarkable economic growth at an average annual
GDP growth rate of approximate 8.3% (UNDP et al., 2002).
This rapid economic development, however, has come with an
Fig. 1 – The relative sustainability status and trends of
equally impressive increase in many environmental problems
economic development based on environmental
related to pollution and resource loss (SEI and UNDP, 2002).
performances. EDI: economic development index; EPI:
Recently, China government established a set of new economic
environmental pollution index; RECI: resource and energy
development goals, with targets for 2020 GDP to be as much
consumption index. A, B, C, D, E: relative sustainability
as two-double year 2000 GDP. Pressure from long-term high-
status (see Table 1). T1 , T2 , T3 , T4 , T5 , T6 , T7 : relative
speed economic growth, the uncertain aftereffects of contin-
sustainability trends (see Table 2).
uous market-economy reforms and the challenges associated
with WTO membership place China at a crucial crossroad. As
such, it is now critically important to know whether China’s
economic development over the past 20 years has been on to use a triangle as the basic visual representation of economic
a sustainable path, or whether it is moving toward or away development, resource and energy consumption, and environ-
from sustainability. If the answer is “yes”, what can we learn mental pollution interactions. The final form of the triangle
from the experience of economic development and ecological designed for this purpose is presented in Fig. 1.
performance to insure development remains on a sustain- As seen in Fig. 1, the triangle has an equilateral shape, with
able path? If the answer is “no”, what policies are available an EDI at the top higher vertex, a RECI at lower left vertex, and
and which policies should be chosen to guide its develop- an EPI at the lower right vertex. The X-, Y-, and Z-axis val-
ment toward a more sustainable future? In order to answer ues express EPI, EDI, and RECI, respectively. Each axis is read
these questions, we need to evaluate the current situation and in an anticlockwise direction from 0 to 100%. Further, each
examine the long-term implications of the present economic of the axes is equally divided into five segments or ranges
development path in ways relevant to the issue of sustainabil- as: “very low” values 0–20%, “low” values 20–40%, “middle”
ity. The triangle model will be used to perform such tasks. It is values 40–60%, “high” values 60–80%, and “very high” values
also expected to test the capacity and applicability of the tri- 80–100%. As such, a triangle diagram illustrates relative per-
angle model to solve above-mentioned difficulties in assessing centage combinations of the three aggregate indices EDI, RECI,
the sustainability of development. and EPI. In addition, the triangle is further sub-divided into
five areas – A, B, C, D, and E – expressing five different sustain-
ability status each representing a slightly different ecological
2. Methodology performance level (Fig. 1 and Table 1). Within any one trian-
gle, there are seven possible trends in movement according to
2.1. Design of a triangle model the relative percentage changes in the three aggregate indexes
representing seven different sustainability trends (Fig. 1 and
From the definition of sustainable economic development Table 2). Depending on the relative position of data points
based on ecological performance, the status of and trends associated with alternative data sets, the corresponding sus-
for sustainability in economic development can be evaluated tainability status and trends can then be evaluated.
through the interrelationships among three aggregate indices:
an economic development index (EDI) as measured by indi- 2.2. Procedure for assessing sustainability using
vidual indicators such as GDP, per capita GDP; a resource and triangle model
energy consumption index (RECI) as measured by individual
indicators such as total and fresh water consumption, coal, The procedure established for assessing sustainability of eco-
and oil consumption; and an environmental pollution index nomic development using triangle model includes the fol-
(EPI) as measured by individual indicators such as total vol- lowing six necessary steps: (1) selecting individual indicators
ume of waste water and waste gas. The three-aggregate index for the calculations of EDI, RECI, and EPI; (2) data collections
approach has the advantage of simplicity in that it is possible and normalizations; (3) determining weighting factors for all
e c o l o g i c a l m o d e l l i n g x x x ( 2 0 0 5 ) xxx–xxx 3

Table 1 – Relative sustainability status of economic development based on ecological performances

State Index value scopesa Relative index valuea Ecological Relative sustainability

A 0.8–1.0 0.0–0.2 0.0–0.2 Very high Very low Very low Very good Very strong sustainability
B 0.6–0.8 0.0–0.4 0.0–0.4 High Very low–low Very low–low Good Strong sustainability
C 0.4–0.6 0.0–0.6 0.0–0.6 Middle Very low–middle Very low–middle Fair Weak sustainability
D 0.2–0.4 0.0–0.8 0.0–0.8 Low Very low –high Very low–high Bad Weak unsustainability
E 0.0–0.2 0.0–1.0 0.0–1.0 Very low Very low–very high Very low–very high Very bad Strong unsustainability

EDI: economic development index; RECI: resource–energy consumption index; EPI: environmental pollution index.

selected individual indicators; (4) calculating three synthetic data availability. It should follow some principles. (1) Per-
index, EDI, RECI, and EPI, respectively; (5) constructing triangle tinence principle: the selected indicators should be perti-
diagram; and (6) assessing the status and trends of sustainabil- nence to the studied specific object, since different object
ity. may have different features. The possible studied objects
The sustainability assessment of industrial economic for triangle model would be workshops, factories, compa-
development was performed as a case study to show the nies, and industrial sectors, or communities, cities, regions,
details for the first five steps. Eighteen main industrial sectors, and countries. For the latter, the typical economic indica-
and 31 political regions including 22 provinces, 4 municipali- tors are GDP, per capital GDP, etc.; while the typical eco-
ties, and 5 autonomous regions in Mainland China were used nomic indicators for factories, companies, and industrial
to illustrate the sustainability status of industrial economic sectors are gross output values, benefits, etc. (2) Represen-
development in 2000; while the period from 1980 to 2000 was tative principle: the indicator system should cover and be
applied to demonstrate the long-term sustainability trends of representative to three aspects including economic develop-
industrial economic development. ment, resource–energy consumption and environmental pol-
In China, industry accounts for approximately 50% of lution, since the triangle model illustrates sustainability status
China’s GDP (at 1995 US constant $ prices) (UNDP et al., 2002); and trends by means of the interrelationships among three
more than 70% of measured pollutants come from indus- indexes, EDI, RECI, and EPI. (3) Availability principle: the data
try (SEPA, 1995b); and industry consumes about 75% of total for all selected indicators should be available from statis-
energy consumption (SEPA, 1995b). As such, the sustainability tic books. (4) Comparative principle: the selected indicators
of industrial development can be representative of economic should be comparative in temporal, spatial, and data source
development sustainability in China. aspects.
Based on above principles, the indicators used for assessing
2.2.1. Selecting individual indicators sustainability status of 31 political regions and 18 main indus-
The choice of indicators is flexible in the triangle model trial sectors in 2000 are presented in Tables 3 and 4; and the
framework, with a potential range from the very simply to indicators used for assessing sustainability trends from 1980
the very complex depending on the focus of a study and to 2000 are shown in Table 5.

Table 2 – Relative sustainability trends of economic development based on ecological performances

Trend Moving direction Relative percentage change of indexa Ecological Relative sustainability

T1 0–60 ↑ ↓ ↑ Fair Weak sustainability
T2 60–120◦ ↑ ↓ ↓ Very good Strong sustainability
T3 120–180◦ ↑ ↑ ↓ Fair Weak sustainability
T4 180–240◦ ↓ ↑ ↓ Bad Weak unsustainability
T5 240–300◦ ↓ ↑ ↑ Very bad Strong unsustainability
T6 300–360◦ ↓ ↓ ↑ Bad Weak unsustainability

T7 b No moving ↑ ↑ ↑ Bad Weak unsustainability

↓ ↓ ↓ Bad Weak unsustainability
– – – Original performance Original state

EDI: economic development index; RECI: resource and energy consumption index; EPI: environmental pollution index; ↑: increasing; ↓: decreas-
ing; –: no change.
If economic growth, resource and energy consumption, and environmental pollution are increased or decreased simultaneously at the same
percentage, and the relative percentage for EDI, RECI, and EPI keep unchangeable, ecological performances are bad, and this shows week
unsustainability. If economic growth, resource–energy consumption, and environmental pollution keep unchangeable at the same time,
ecological performances and sustainability status also keep previous performances and status.
4 e c o l o g i c a l m o d e l l i n g x x x ( 2 0 0 5 ) xxx–xxx

Table 3 – The difference of industrial economic development and ecological performance in different regions in Mainland
China in 2000
Indicator Unit Weighting factor Average values

Eastern Eastern Western

ED1 Gross industrial output values (GIOV)a 109 yuan 0.5 286.434 129.580 60.258
ED2 Per capita GIOV 104 yuan 0.5 6.486 2.847 3.463

RC1 Total water consumption (TWC) 109 tonnes 0.15 9.407 7.692 3.472
RC2 Per 10,000-yuan-output-values TWC tonnes 0.15 317.656 589.402 601.879
RC3 Fresh water consumption (FWC) 109 tonnes 0.35 3.745 1.838 0.800
RC4 Per 10,000-yuan-output-values FWC tonnes 0.35 113.666 158.294 121.974

EC1 Total coal consumption (TCC) 106 tonnes 0.3 43.989 51.204 22.612
EC2 Per 10000-yuan-output-values TCC tonnes 0.3 1.553 4.183 3.676
EC3 Fuel oil consumption (FOC) 106 tonnes 0.2 2.035 0.437 0.236
EC4 Per 10,000-yuan-output-values FOC tonnes 0.2 0.060 0.036 0.041

EP1 Waste water discharged (WWD) 106 tonnes 0.1 833.218 733.677 332.322
EP2 Per 10,000-yuan-output-values WWD tonnes 0.1 28.476 60.452 57.686
EP3 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 104 tonnes 0.1 21.796 30.187 13.722
EP4 Per 10,000-yuan-output-values COD kg 0.1 8.576 26.498 23.964
EP5 Waste gas emission (WGE) 1010 m3 0.1 579.037 524.122 247.964
EP6 Per 10000-yuan-output-values WGE 104 m3 0.1 20.004 42.262 44.538
EP7 Sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) 104 tonnes 0.1 54.085 61.156 39.812
EP8 Per 10,000-yuan-output-values SO2 kg 0.1 16.828 52.129 60.363
EP9 Waste solids discharged (WSD) 104 tonnes 0.1 14.238 126.688 171.753
EP10 Per 10,000-yuan-output-values WSD tonnes 0.1 0.006 0.124 0.436

At 2000 current price.

2.2.2. Data collections and normalizations sumption indicators, and environmental pollution indicators,
The data for above selected indicators can be obtained form respectively.
China Statistical Yearbook (NBS, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001) and
 
China Environment Yearbook (SEPA, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, d11 d12 . . . d1n
1994, 1995a, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001). They can 
EDyi = (dyi ) = 
d21 d22 . . . d2n 
be arranged as the following two-dimensional data matrix ... ... ... ...
 (1)

for economic development indicators, resource–energy con- ds1 ds2 . . . dsn

Table 4 – The difference of industrial economic development and ecological performance of different industrial sectors in
Mainland China in 2000
Sector Indicator

ED1 ED2 RC1 RC2 RC3 RC4 EC1 EC2 EC3 EC4 EP1 EP2 EP3 EP4 EP5 EP6 EP7 EP8 EP9 EP10

1 1076.9 21.3 3.5 32.8 1.3 12.1 17.0 0.2 0.8 0.01 917.8 8.5 8.3 0.8 35.9 0.3 21.5 2.0 19.3 0.002
2 131.5 13.7 0.3 23.4 0.2 12.4 1.6 0.1 0.3 0.02 118.7 9.0 0.9 0.7 4.3 0.3 7.3 5.6 1.9 0.001
3 40.0 6.6 0.1 31.5 0.04 9.6 0.9 0.2 0.1 0.02 29.9 7.5 0.8 2.1 1.9 0.5 1.5 3.7 0.4 0.001
4 50.9 11.8 0.4 79.2 0.1 22.3 2.5 0.5 0.1 0.02 81.2 15.9 0.7 1.4 4.8 0.9 4.7 9.2 0.8 0.002
5 368.6 60.4 11.6 316.0 2.3 63.1 104.3 2.8 4.2 0.11 485.0 13.2 5.5 1.5 39.2 1.1 37.8 10.3 19.6 0.005
6 19.4 3.3 0.0 22.5 0.02 11.4 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.02 17.5 9.0 0.3 1.4 0.5 0.3 0.5 2.7 0.5 0.003
7 117.3 14.1 1.8 152.9 0.4 36.8 4.3 0.4 0.2 0.01 343.8 29.3 15.4 13.1 4.7 0.4 6.5 5.5 3.5 0.003
8 56.4 9.7 0.1 21.3 0.1 19.8 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.01 130.1 23.1 18.0 32.0 1.3 0.2 1.3 2.3 2.7 0.005
9 561.2 19.3 3.9 69.6 2.0 35.5 22.1 0.4 0.5 0.01 1643.0 29.3 162.4 28.9 32.2 0.6 41.0 7.3 43.8 0.008
10 302.5 9.3 2.3 76.7 1.3 44.5 14.0 0.5 0.9 0.03 1256.5 41.5 38.5 12.7 15.8 0.5 25.7 8.5 10.0 0.003
11 83.1 25.2 3.6 428.7 1.1 130.6 9.4 1.1 1.1 0.13 531.3 63.9 17.6 21.2 27.5 3.3 15.0 18.1 8.2 0.010
12 147.3 18.4 4.2 283.0 0.7 48.3 19.5 1.3 0.8 0.06 328.7 22.3 2.1 1.4 85.3 5.8 71.5 48.5 32.0 0.022
13 478.2 18.8 27.8 581.5 5.1 105.7 75.9 1.6 2.3 0.05 3373.5 70.5 48.5 10.1 87.9 1.8 82.3 17.2 133.3 0.028
14 358.7 16.2 23.7 660.9 4.0 111.8 96.5 2.7 2.2 0.06 2205.3 61.5 14.6 4.1 213.4 5.9 75.5 21.1 154.6 0.043
15 345.0 5.9 5.2 151.6 1.7 50.6 32.5 0.9 3.1 0.09 1279.5 37.1 11.7 3.4 35.4 1.0 33.1 9.6 2555.9 0.741
16 224.8 9.4 1.7 75.2 0.8 34.8 171.9 7.6 3.8 0.17 424.2 18.9 3.2 1.4 273.4 12.2 234.0 104.1 68.8 0.031
17 115.4 17.5 5.3 459.9 3.4 297.5 20.9 1.8 0.2 0.02 3528.8 305.7 287.7 249.2 25.5 2.2 33.8 29.3 14.7 0.013
18 334.6 11.9 112.7 3369.8 40.2 1202.4 513.3 15.3 7.7 0.23 1865.9 55.8 10.0 3.0 480.3 14.4 720.0 215.2 48.3 0.014

The meanings, units and weighting factors for all indicators are the same as those in Table 3. The numbers 1–18 express 18 different industrial
sectors, respectively (please see Fig. 3 for details).
e c o l o g i c a l m o d e l l i n g x x x ( 2 0 0 5 ) xxx–xxx 5

Table 5 – The changes of industrial economic growth and ecological performances in Mainland China during the period
of 1980–1990 and 1991–2000
Indicatora Unitb Weighting factor 1980–1991b 1991–2000b

Yearly average Yearly change % Yearly average Yearly change %

ED1 GIOV 109 yuan 0.5 3806.524 +13.56 11702.609 +22.06

ED2 Per capita GIOV 103 yuan 0.5 3.324 +3.69 7.430 +17.77

EC1 TEC 106 tonnes SCEc 0.5 574.60 +5.89 888.20 +2.55
EC2 Per TTYOV TEC tonnes SCE c 0.5 15.650 −3.08 8.377 −6.09

EP1 WWD 109 tonnes 0.125 25.487 +0.59 20.059 −3.51

EP2 Per TTYOV WWD tonnes 0.125 723.445 −5.20 205.549 −7.98
EP3 WGE 1012 m3 0.125 76.433 +3.17 104.658 +4.55
EP4 Per TTYOV WGE 104 m3 0.125 21.247 −4.17 9.795 −5.46
EP5 SO2 104 tonnes 0.125 1390 +2.62 1272 +0.06
EP6 Per TTYOV SO2 kg 0.125 38.63 −4.39 12.46 −6.86
EP7 WSD 104 tonnes 0.125 8680 −4.58 1954 −6.92
EP8 Per TTYOV WSD tonnes 0.125 2.618 −7.28 0.215 −9.04

GIOV: gross industrial output values at 1978 constant price; TEC: total energy consumption; TTYOV: 10,000-yuan-output-values; WWD: waste
water discharged; WGE: waste gas emission; SO2 : sulfur dioxide; WSD: waste solids discharged.
“+”: Increase; “−”: decrease.
SCE: standardized coal equivalent.

  pyh
r11 r12 . . . r1m EPyh = (pyh ) = s
(y = 1, 2, . . . , s; h = 1, 2, . . . , k) (6)
 r21 r22 . . . r2m  Max(pyh )
RECyj = (ryj ) =   (2) y=1
... ... . . . ...
rs1 rs2 . . . rsm where EDyi , RECyj , and EPyh are the normalized data matrix
for economic development indicators, resource–energy con-
  sumption indicators and environmental pollution indicators,
p11 p12 . . . p1k s
 p21 p22 . . . p2k  respectively. Max(dyi ) is the maximal value for the ith selected
EPyh = (pyh ) =   (3) y=1
... ... ... ... s
ps1 ps2 . . . psk economic development indicator in the matrix EDyi . Max(ryj )
is the maximal value for the jth selected resource–energy
where EDyi , RECyj , and EPyh are the original data matrix for eco- consumption indicator in the matrix RECyj. Max(pyh ) is the
nomic development indicators, resource–energy consumption y=1

indicators and environmental pollution indicators, respec- maximal value for the hth selected environmental pollution
tively. “y” is the yth studied object, and it is 31 separate politi- indicator in the matrix EPyh . “y”, “I” ,“h”, dyi , ryj , and pyh have
cal region and 18 separate main industrial sector in assess- the same meanings with those in the matrixes (1), (2), and (3).
ing sustainability status in 2000, while it is different year Based on the original data matrix (1), (2), and (3), the nor-
from 1980 to 2000 in assessing sustainability trends. “I” is malized matrixes EDyi , RECyj , and EPyh can be obtained using
the ith selected economic development indicator. “j” is the the Eqs. (4), (5), and (6), respectively.
jth selected resource–energy consumption indicator. “h” is the  
hth selected environmental pollution indicator. dyi is a specific d11 d12 . . . d1n
original data for the yth studied object and the ith selected eco-  d
EDyi = (dyi ) =  21
d22 . . . d2n 
... ... ... ...
 (7)
nomic development indicator. ryj is a specific original data for
the yth studied object and the jth selected resource–energy ds1 ds2 . . . dsn
consumption indicator. pyh is a specific original data for the
   
yth studied object and the hth selected environmental pollu- r11 r12 . . . r1m
tion indicator.
RECyj = (ryj
. . . r2m 
) =  21  (8)
In order to avoid the influence of different units, normal- ... ... . . . ...

. . . rsm
izations have to be performed for EDyi , RECyj , and EPyh using
the following equations, respectively.
 
p11 p12 . . . p1k

EDyi = (dyi ) =
 p p22 . . . p2k 
(y = 1, 2, . . . , s; i = 1, 2, . . . , n) (4) = (pyh ) =  21  (9)
... ... ... ...
Max(dyi )
y=1 ps1 ps2 
. . . psk

ryj dyi is a specific normalized data for the yth studied object and
RECyj = (ryj

)= s
(y = 1, 2, . . . , s; j = 1, 2, . . . , m) (5)
the ith selected economic development indicator. ryj  is a spe-
Max(ryj )
y=1 cific normalized data for the yth studied object and the jth
6 e c o l o g i c a l m o d e l l i n g x x x ( 2 0 0 5 ) xxx–xxx

selected resource–energy consumption indicator. pyh is a spe- other indicators, EC1 , EC2 , EC3 , and EC4 were used to calculate
cific normalized data for the yth studied object and the hth the ECI. These two sub-indexes (RCI and ECI) were then com-
selected environmental pollution indicator. EDyi , RECyj , EPyh , bined to compute the resource and energy consumption index
“y”, “I”, and “h” have the same meanings with those in the (RECI) using equal weighting factors (0.5). Finally, 10 indica-
Eqs. (4), (5), and (6). tors, EP1–EP10, were used to calculate EPI. Data for computing
all of the indicators were collected from China Statistic Year-
2.2.3. Determining weighting factors book 2000 (NBS, 2001) and China Environmental Yearbook 2000
Waiting factors have to be endowed to the selected indica- (SEPA, 2001). Per unit volumes for the indictors were calculated
tors since they are with different importance in sustainabil- based on collected data.
ity assessment. They can be determined through a variety Based on Table 5 and above equations, three aggregate
of models including experimental analysis, expert-consulting indices, EDI, RECI, and EPI for the sustainability trends of
(Delphi method), an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), or some industrial economic development from 1980 to 2000 in the
combination of the above. These methods have different Mainland China were computed. Two indicators, ED1 and ED2
strongpoint and shortage. For instance, “experimental anal- were used in calculating EDI, and two indicators EC1 and EC2
ysis” method has such strongpoint as sample and timesav- were used to calculate RECI. Eight indicators, EP1 –EP8 , were
ing, and such shortage as lower precision; “Delphi” method used with equal weighting factors to calculate EPI. The total
has such strongpoint as higher precision, and such shortage volume data needed for indicator calculations were collected
as time-consuming. In order to enhance precision of waiting from the China Statistic Yearbooks (NBS, 1986, 1991, 1996,
factors, it is better to make the combination of two or three 2001) and the China Environmental Yearbooks (SEPA, 1990,
methods. In this study, “experimental analysis” and “Delphi” 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995a, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,
method are combined to determine weighting factors for all 2001), while the per unit volume calculations for each of the
selected indicators (see Tables 3–5 for details). indictors were based on the collected data.

2.2.4. Calculating synthetic index, EDI, RECI, and EPI 2.2.5. Constructing triangle diagrams
Three synthetic indexes, EDI, RECI, and EPI can be calculated The software, “Grapher for Windows” and “MS Word” were
by the following equations, respectively: used to construct triangle diagrams. Firstly, “Grapher for Win-
dows” was applied to get the draft triangle diagrams using the

calculation results by Eqs. (1)–(10). And then, “MS Word” was
EDIy = (EDyi · Wi ) (10) used to polish triangle diagrams, e.g. to make the marks, to
i=1 add the trend lines, and to change the labels. The assessment

m of sustainability status and trends of economic development
RECIy = (RECyj · Wj ) (11) can finally be performed by means of the polished triangle
j=1 diagrams.

EPIy = (EPyh · Wh ) (12)
3. A case study: sustainability status and
trends of industrial economic development in
where EDIy , RECIy , and EPIy are the economic development China
index, resource–energy consumption index and environmen-
tal pollution index for the yth studied object (e.g. sectors or 3.1. Sustainability status in 2000
regions or years). Wi is the weighting factor for the ith eco-
nomic development indicator; and the sum of n weighting fac- Based on the calculations in the Section 2.2, the sustainability
tors for all selected economic development indicators should status of the 18 industrial sectors and 31 political regions in
equal one, i.e. W = 1. Wj is the weighting factor for the
i=1 i
2000 are illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively.
jth resource–energy consumption indicator; and the sum of m Fig. 2 shows the obvious differences in economic develop-
weighting factors for all selected resource–energy consump- ment sustainability for the 18 industrial sectors in 2000. Based
tion indicators should equal one, i.e. W = 1. Wh is the
j=1 j
on the TDM of sustainability analysis, we can see that most of
weighting factor for the hth environmental pollution indicator; the 18 industrial sectors fall somewhere between area C (rela-
and the sum of k weighting factors for all selected environ- tively weak sustainability) and area A (very strong sustainabil-
mental pollution indicators should equal one, i.e. W =
h=1 h
ity). Four sectors were identified as either relatively unsustain-
1; EDyi , RECyj , and EPyh have the same meanings with those in able (area D) or strongly unsustainable (area E). Two sectors
the Eqs. (4)–(9). – Machinery, Electricity, and Electronic Equipment (Sector 1)
Based on Tables 3 and 4 and above equations, three aggre- and Metal Products (Sector 2) – fell in very strongly sustain-
gate indices, EDI, RECI, and EPI for the sustainability status able zone, having a very high EDI and very low RECI and EPI.
of the 31 political regions and 18 industrial sectors in the Sector 18 (Production and Supply of Power, Gas, and Water), on
Mainland China were calculated. Two indicators, ED1 and ED2 the other hand, is strongly unsustainable with a very low EDI
were used to calculate EDI. Two sub-indexes—a resource con- and mid-level RECI values. Sectors 15 (Mining and Quarrying),
sumption index (RCI) and an energy consumption index (ECI) 16 (Non-metal Mineral Products), and 17 (Papermaking and
were used to construct the final RECI. Four indicators, RC1 , Paper Products) are indicated as non-sustainable sectors, with
RC2 , RC3 , and RC4 were used to compute the RCI, while four low EDI and middle level values for EPI and RECI. In order for
e c o l o g i c a l m o d e l l i n g x x x ( 2 0 0 5 ) xxx–xxx 7

Fig. 2 – The relative sustainability status of different

Fig. 3 – The relative sustainability status of different
industrial sectors in China in 2000. (A) Very strong
political regions in China in 2000. (䊉) Eastern coastal
sustainability; (B) strong sustainability; (C) weak
region; () Central region; ( ) Western region. (A) Very
sustainability; (D) weak unsustainability; (E) strong
strong sustainability; (B) strong sustainability; (C) weak
unsustainability. (1) Machinery, electric and electronic
sustainability; (D) weak unsustainability; (E) strong
equipment; (2) metal products; (3) plastic products; (4)
unsustainability. E1 , Hainan; E2 , Tianjin; E3 , Shanghai; E4 ,
rubber products; (5) petroleum refining and coking; (6)
Fujian; E5 , Guangdong; E6 , Heilongjiang; E7 , Jiangsu; E8 ,
printing and record medium reproduction; (7) medical and
Jilin; E9 , Liaoning; E10 , Shandong; E11 , Zhejiang. C1 , Beijing;
pharmaceutical products; (8) leather, furs, down and related
C2, Hubei; C3, Henan; C4, Anhui; C5, Jiangxi; C6, Hebei; C7,
products; (9) food, beverage, tobacco processing; (10) textile
Shanxi; C8, Hunan; C9, Guangxi. W1, Qinghai; W2,
industry; (11) chemical fiber; (12) smelting and pressing of
Xinjiang; W3, Yunnan; W4, Shaanxi; W5, Gansu; W6, Inner
non-ferrous metals; (13) raw chemical materials and
Mongolia; W7, Chongqing; W8, Ningxia; W9, Sichuan;
chemical products; (14) smelting and pressing of ferrous
W10, Guizhou; W11, Tibet.
metals; (15) mining and quarrying; (16) non-metal mineral
products; (17) papermaking and paper products; (18)
production and supply of power, gas, and water.
either the central or western regions of the country; as indi-
cated by the higher average and per capita gross output values
for the eastern regions relative to lower consumption values
Sectors 16 and 18 to shift from their present non-sustainable in total water, fresh water and coal usage (measured as a
regimens to more sustainable development, they will need to 10,000-yuan/output), and less discharge or emission volumes
enhance their efficiency in energy consumption. For Sectors of waste water, waste gas, waste solids, COD and SO2 (mea-
15 and 17, improvements in their sustainability position will sured as 10,000-yuan/output). A complete listing of indicator
require reductions in the volume of waste products and pol- values (ED1 , ED2 , RC2 , RC4 , EC2 , EC4 , EP2 , EP4 , EP6 , EP8 , EP10 ) for
lutants (please see Table 4 for the details). three regions can be found in Table 3.
On a regional basis, the results are less than encouraging.
It can be seen from Fig. 3 that industrial economic develop- 3.2. Long-term sustainability trends
ment for the most of 31 political regions falls in either the
unsustainable zone (area D) or the weakly sustainable zone Based on the calculations in the Section 2.2, the long-term
(area C). There are also obvious differences in sustainability sustainability trends of China’s industrial economic devel-
between the eastern coastal regions and the central-western opment from 1980 to 2000 are presented in Fig. 4. It shows
regions. Among the 31 regions identified for Mainland China, that the trend in industrial development between 1980 and
only Hainan Province (E1 ) demonstrates very strongly sustain- 2000 have been increasingly moving towards sustainability,
ability (area A). Tibet (W11 ), on the other hand, is in a strongly with two obvious trends identifiable T2 and T3 . Interestingly,
unsustainable zone (area E). With the exception of Zhejiang industrial development between 1980 and 1991 is only weakly
Province (E11 ), most of the eastern coastal regions are located sustainable (T3 ), while the trend between 1991 and 2000 has
somewhere between the weak (area C) to very strong (area improved to be strongly sustainable (T2 ). This seems to sug-
A) sustainability zone. All of the central and western regions, gest that industrial economic growth in China improved far
with the exception of Beijing (C1 ) and Qinghai Province (W1 ), better between 1991 and 2000 relative to environmental per-
are found in either area D or area E; indicating either unsus- formance than it did between 1980 and 1991. Accordingly, the
tainable or strongly unsustainable respectively. The results higher yearly average values and percentage increases in the
correlate closely with observable reality that economic devel- economic development indicator for the period between 1991
opment in China in terms of environmental performance has and 2000 coincides with far lower yearly average values and
thus far been better in the eastern coastal regions than in percentages increases in both energy consumption and pollu-
8 e c o l o g i c a l m o d e l l i n g x x x ( 2 0 0 5 ) xxx–xxx

sources by means of end-of-pipe treatments. As a result, eco-

nomic performance during stage one was characterized by less
than optimal output levels, relying heavily on high levels of
resource usage, energy consumption, and pollutant discharge;
translating into economic development with bad ecological
performance (SEPA, 1995b).
Since the late 1970s, however, environmental protection
has been treated as a significant part of national policy, with
strategic tasks involving not only pollution control but also
natural conservation. Development strategies have shifted
from an absolute economy priority to a more integrated view
of economic development involving economy, society and
the environment. Along with this shift in strategy has been
a determined effort to integrate environmental protection
within economic and social development plans. The focus of
industrial pollution control changed as well, adopting a com-
prehensive perspective to include a more integrated indus-
Fig. 4 – The long-term relative sustainability trends of trial structure, increased technical adjustments and process
economic development in China during 1980–2000. (A) Very transformations, increased strengthening of environmental
strong sustainability; (B) strong sustainability; (C) weak management theories and practices, replacement of end-of-
sustainability; (D) weak unsustainability; (E) strong pipe controls by whole-process controls, integrating scattered
unsustainability. T2: strong sustainability trend; T3: week point source controls with centralized controls, and closing
sustainability trend. severely polluting factories. Coupled with these technical and
managerial improvements were a host of changes adopted
in environmental administration, legislation, and investment
tion indicators than occurred between 1980 and 1991 (please (SEPA, 1995b; SEPA and SPC, 1994).
see Table 5 for details). Environmental investments increased significantly during
this time as well, increasing from 17 billion RMB for 1981–1985
to 47.6 billion RMB for 1986–1990, representing 0.56% and
4. Discussions 0.69% of GDP for the same period, respectively (SEPA, 1991,
1995b). Thousands of environmental organizations at the
4.1. About evaluating results national, provincial, municipal, county, and township levels
have been established, covering a wide variety of departments,
China’s economic development has experienced improved sectors, and enterprises (SEPA and SPC, 1994). Furthermore,
ecological performance over the last two decades, especially twelve new laws, more than 550 regulations, and 330 stan-
since 1991 (Fig. 4). Much of this can be explained by continu- dards on environmental protection have been created and
ously improving efforts in environmental protection and by implemented as public policy (SEPA, 1995b), while 12,000 heav-
the increasing integration of environmental considerations ily polluting factories have been closed down (SEPA, 1991).
within the economic development process. Environmental Consequently, resource usage and pollution discharge per unit
protection in China has been an evolutionary process, having of output in the Chinese economy decreased significantly dur-
undergone its development in three major stages: (1) a begin- ing this period (UNDP, 1998; Table 4) indicating a more environ-
ning stage from 1972 when United Nations (UN) Stockholm mentally balanced and positive economic development per-
Conference was held until 1978 when the reforming and open- formance (Fig. 4).
ing policies were adopted, (2) a development stage between During the third stage (post-1992), there have been major
1978 and 1992 when the Earth Summit was held in Rio, and (3) improvements in development strategies, economic structure,
an improving stage from 1992 until the present and associated and environmental management and pollution control. Since
with the opening of the Chinese economy to market reforms. the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, sustainable development has
During the first stage, China’s economy was centrally grown to become a key factor in most national strategies
planned and supply driven, with little integration environ- including China. While it may not be clearly understood or
mental considerations within the economic development uniformly agreed to as to form, it has nonetheless become a
framework. Economic development was given a very high guiding theme incorporated into many national economic and
priority by government officials, with a heavy emphasis on social development plans. In order to implement this strat-
industrial goods. Environmental management and pollution egy in China, the national macroeconomic policy structure
control, while officially recognized as valuable, were consid- shifted away from its previous centrally planned approach to
ered secondary to the industrial development needs of the a more market-oriented approach (with a distinct Chinese fla-
country. There were few environmental organizations, few vor). Various action plans have also been formulated at all
effective environmental regulations, and less environmen- levels of government, local, municipal, regional, provincial,
tal investment, and little if any integration of environmental national (SEPA, 1997; ACCA, 1994). Furthermore, the institu-
concerns within the economic development process. Indus- tional framework has been continuously revised and strength-
trial pollution control at this time focused on scattered point ened, including establishment of an organizational guarantee
e c o l o g i c a l m o d e l l i n g x x x ( 2 0 0 5 ) xxx–xxx 9

system. The process of drafting new legislation and improving (4) systematic indicators, such as Drive-Press-State-Impact-
law enforcement has been accelerated, with most of the envi- Response (DPSIR) indicators (IISD, 2000), index of quality of
ronmental laws and standards enacted before the 1990s being life and the environment (Prescott-Allen, 2001), Press-State-
amended (SEPA, 2001). The Chinese government has been Response (PSR) indicators (UNCSD, 2001). Single or aggregate
developing a full array of market-based incentives including ecological, economic, and societal indicators are used for the
fees, fines, permits, emissions trading, and green taxes to pro- sustainability assessment of ecosystems, economic, and soci-
mote cleaner behaviors throughout its economic sectors (SEI etal development, respectively; while systematic indicators
and UNDP, 2002). Cleaner production is also being adopted by are used for the comprehensive assessment of sustainability
more and more enterprises. The National Eco-labeling Pro- of ecological, economic, and societal systems.
gram, founded in 1993, has been expanded to nation-wide The methods used for sustainability assessment in litera-
coverage. International standards, such as those established tures may be classified into two categories according to the
by the International Standards Organization (14000 and 14001 complexity of calculations: (1) simple calculation methods,
series), have become increasingly important tools in the envi- including single index calculations (e.g. Entropy (Steinborn
ronmental management process (SEI and UNDP, 2002). Expen- and Svirezhev, 2000), Exergy (Wall and Gong, 2001), Emergy
ditures on pollution control have increased from 130 billion (Lefroy and Rydberg, 2003)), and aggregate index calcula-
yuan (1991–1995) to 360 billion yuan (1996–2000), equivalent tions (e.g. GSP (Pearce and Atkinson, 1993), HDI (UNDP, 1990),
to 0.73% and 0.93% of GDP, respectively (SEPA, 1996, 2001). ISEW (Matthews et al., 2003)); and (2) complex mathematic
Between 1995 and 2000, 84,000 heavy supply-side and pol- model methods, such as the fuzzy logic approach (Prato, 2000;
luting industries have been closed or replaced by higher-tech Cornelissen et al., 2001; Phillis and Riantiatsaholiniaina, 2001).
and service industries (SEPA, 2001). Following these efforts, No matter which method used for the calculation of sustain-
the ecological performances of economic development were ability index, most results are presented as tabulations or
improved considerably during this period (Fig. 4), as indicated two-dimensional figures with time series.
by continuously decreasing resource use and pollution dis- There are still some problems needed to solve in assess-
charge per unit of output (Table 4). ing sustainability. A distinguished group of scholars recently
Although, great progress has been achieved, the present identified the question “How are long-term trends in environ-
state of economic development, from a sustainability per- ment and development, including consumption and popula-
spective, remains in a relatively weak position (Figs. 3 and 4). tion, reshaping nature–society interactions in ways relevant
Further increases in the relative sustainability state will only to sustainability?” as one of the seven core questions within
be achieved through continuing improvements in energy effi- sustainability science (Kates et al., 2001). The U.S. National
ciency coupled with similar efforts at minimizing pollutant Research Council’s Board on Sustainable Development found
discharge. It is hoped that through both the Great Western that “The effectiveness of the current set of indicators is lim-
Development Plan and the Beijing Green Olympics, China can ited by the lack of agreement on what to develop, what to
achieve economic development, modernization, and environ- sustain, and for how long” (NRC, 1999, p. 243). The UN Commis-
mental improvements all as part of the same sustainable pack- sion on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) pointed out that
age (SEI and UNDP, 2002). It can be seen from Fig. 3 that Sectors “indicators for monitoring progress towards sustainable devel-
15, 16, 17, and 18 were in the non-sustainable status in 2000. In opment are needed in order to assist decision-makers and
order to shift from their present non-sustainable regimens to policy-makers at all levels”, that “the validity of the UN indi-
more sustainable development, they have to implement envi- cator is limited by the quality and the format of the data used
ronmental sound technologies (ESTs) to reduce the discharged for its calculation and comparability over time may represent
pollutants, and the consumption of energy and resources. For a particular problem for this indicator”, and that “if the indi-
instance, for Sector 17, the clean technology could give paper cator has to reflect changing risk, it is not possible without
mill industrial a zero discharge of wastewater through recy- further development of the indicator methodology” (UNCSD,
cling process, this will certainly improve ecological quality of 2001). The International Institute for Sustainable Develop-
Sector 17 and shift it to a more sustainable status. ment (IISD) recently pointed out that “High-level decision-
makers dealing with sustainable development issues –
4.2. About the triangle model government ministers, foundation executives, heads of cor-
porations – routinely call for a manageable number of indices
The assessment of sustainability involves two aspects, the that are easy to understand and use in decision-making” (IISD,
selection of sustainability indicators and the determination of 2000). They went on to indicate that “Higher-level aggregation
assessment methods. The sustainability indicators used in lit- of indicators should signal the relative sustainability or unsus-
eratures may fall into four categories: (1) ecological indicators, tainability of a state or trend, rather than simply displaying
such as Entropy (Steinborn and Svirezhev, 2000), Exergy (Wall the numerical data in a different form (IISD, 2000)”, and that
and Gong, 2001; Chen, 2005), Emergy (Lefroy and Rydberg, “Hundreds of sustainability indicator sets have been created
2003), Ecological Status (NRC, 2003), AMOEBA (Wefering et al., for and presented to their respective audiences. Most sustain-
2005); (2) economic indicators, such as Genuine Saving Prod- ability indicators come as large, unwieldy reports, crammed
uct (GSP) (Pearce and Atkinson, 1993), Green Gross Domestic with complex charts and graphs. Although useful to policy
Product (GGDP) (Turner and Tschirhart, 1999); (3) societal indi- professionals and academics, most indicator sets are not prac-
cators, such as Human Development Index (HDI) (UNDP, 1990), tical for the media and public” (IISD, 2000); they have far to go
Index Of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW) (Matthews et before they can claim to be widely used. Further, “The grow-
al., 2003), Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) (Hamilton, 1999); ing ranks of indicator projects and professionals worldwide
10 ecological modelling xxx ( 2 0 0 5 ) xxx–xxx

face two challenges that seemingly contradict each other: (1) analytical and management tool for economic development
growing complexity. As our understanding of the complexity sustainability.
of sustainability grows, how do we manage the mountains of The triangle model has been successfully used to evaluate
data required to monitor it? (2) The demand for simplicity. the sustainability status and long-term trends of China’s eco-
Increased public awareness and the resulting need for politi- nomic development. China’s economic development in 2000
cal action are clearly adding pressure and urgency to indicator represents a relatively weak state of sustainability. Most of the
creation. The question is how do we present them in ways that 31 political regions in Mainland China reflect sustainability
are simple, elegant and effective, without compromising the positions ranging from weakly unsustainable to weakly sus-
underlying complexity?” (IISD, 2000). tainable. The China’s economic development between 1980
The problems mentioned above may be grouped into four and 1991 shows a rather weak sustainability trend, while that
areas or themes as presented in Section 1. The methodol- from 1991 to 2000 demonstrates a relatively strong sustain-
ogy developed in this paper can partly solve these problems. able trend. These results reflects well China’s actual situation
As shown in this study, the triangle model can serve as an in the sustainability status and long-term trends of China’s
intuitive platform for illustrating existing sustainability states economic development in conjunction with ecological perfor-
and trends in economic development coincident with the mances over the last three decades.
implementation of various government measures. The intu-
itive aspect of the model makes it easy to understand and use
by researchers and policy-makers from many different levels
(e.g. plant, company, community, city, region) whether local
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