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Instalaao cypecad 2011:

Clique em instalaao para o Brasil, depois em "Instalar CYPE 2011 (Brasil).exe" (no seven clique com o botao direito do mouse em cima dele e executar como administrador), marque a opao "Li, compreendo e aceito todos os termos do presente contrato de licena", clique em continuar, marque a opao "LI com muita atenao...." clique em continuar, clique em seguinte, marque a opao "Versao profissional" e clique em terminar,aguarde o final da instalaao,feche o programa.agora clique em p2011jk_br.exe para passar para a versao 1.k Va em instalaao para o Brasil novamente, e clique em "instalar servidor de hardlocks de rede" (no seven clique com o botao direito do mouse em cima dele e executar como administrador) , depois de instalado vai dar erro ao abrir, feche e va na pasta crack e copie os arquivos "cype.exe" e "cypeserverdongle.bat" para a pasta C:/cype ingenieros/versao 2011/servipas e clique em "cypeserverdongle.bat"(no seven clique com o botao direito do mouse em cima dele e executar como administrador), se der erro executando como administrador, execute ele normal, apos feito isso esta craqueado, para abrir o cypecad, clique primeiro em Servidor de hardlocks de rede que esta no desktop ( no seven pode dar um erro dizendo que precisa fazer alteraoes, dai voce clica nele com o botao direito do mouse e executar como administrador,feito isso abra o programa clicando em CYPE 2011 (Brasil)O servidor de hardlock ja tem a opao de abrir automaticamente com o windows, se deixar esta opao marcada entao s abrir o cypecad. Instalaao com autocad: Tem que ter instalado AutoCAD (versoes 2000 ao 2011). Para instalar esta extenao para AutoCAD executamos: C:\cype20111j\Instalaao para o Brasil\Instalar conexoes con programas de CAD\Instalar Detalhes Construtivos para AutoCAD.exe Isso copia os arquivos necessarios ao diretorio onde esta instalado o AutoCAD. Imaginamos que temos instalado o AutoCAD 2011 em C:\Arquivos de programa\AutoCAD 2011\, entao, os arquivos necessarios se copiaram aqui dentro. C:\Arquivos de programas\AutoCAD 2011\CYPE Ingenieros\ Uma vez instalado, encontraremos o arquivo: C:\Arquivos de programa\AutoCAD 2011\CYPE Ingenieros\cyrx2011.dll Este arquivo o que temos que parchear com o crack cype.exe.

Para isso copiamos "cypeautocad.bat" e "cype.exe" a C:\Arquivos de programa\AutoCAD 2011\CYPE Ingenieros\ e executamos "cypeautocad.bat" que vai craquear o arquivo cyrx2011.dll nesse diretorio. Creditos: sempre temos a versao mais atualizada do cypecad, entre em contato conosco pelo e-mail 2. Installing the comprehensive program to use it from the Menu Cype: Run: C:\cype2011j\Installation in (language)\Install CYPE______.exe IMPORTANT: Install the professional version. Once installed on a unit, assume that what we have installed in C: Directories created in C:\ C:\CYPE Ingenieros\ C:\usr\ 3. Apply the crack: We are going to the folder: C:\CYPE Ingenieros\Version 2011\programs\ We have 2 solutions, 2 possible cracks: - Patch each program for which creates that has a dongle locally. cype.exe and "cypepatch.bat" - Install a dongle server. Each program will connect to the dongle server. Use cype.exe and "cypeserverdongle.bat" Types of protection: a) - Local protection: Copy "cype.exe" and "cypepatch.bat" to this folder: C:\CYPE Ingenieros\Version 2011\programs\ "Cypepatch.bat" is a "shell script, which uses cype.exe patching certain files mn*.dll. What we can open with a editor such as the Notepad to view its contents and see that is what makes exactly, that files mn*.dll are those who patched and to programs of Cype relate these files mn*.dll. We can use cype.exe and patch one by one the files mn*.dll that interest us, or run "cypepatch.bat" patching all files mn*.dll. Run "cypepatch.bat" in directory C:\CYPE Ingenieros\Version 2011\programs\ (In a command shell) b) - Network protection: Must install the Server network service and to crack it with "cype.exe" and "cypeserverdongle.bat" to make program believe the network dongle has connected on one of its USB ports. Dongle server: To install run C:\cype2011\Installation in (language)\Install Server for network hardlocks.exe. It is installed in the folder: C:\CYPE Ingenieros\Version 2011\servipas\ Once installed, copy "cype.exe" and "cypeserverdongle.bat" to this folder: C:\CYPE Engineers\Version 2011\servipas\ and execute "cypeserverdongle.bat" patching the mnservcp.dll (In a command shell) I recommend using a server dongle, instead of patch each program (Cypecad, Arquimedes, ...) for believing that has a local dongle connected.

Check in Services that the service "Server for network hardlocks" (servcpas.exe) has start correctly and that the TCP ports 30333 and 30334 UDP are open. Change the name of user and the number of license: If you want to change the user name and number of license edit "cypepatch.bat" with a text editor (for example, Notepad) and change the lines at the beginning of the file "cypepatch.bat": --Set nombreusuario="THE MADMAN OF THE HILL" set numerolicencia=20091 The name of user can have a maximum 32 characters. The number of license can be a number between 0 and 65500, more or less, choose a number at random between 10000 and 60000. Change the name of user and the number of license is highly recommended, because Cype in its latest versions has a black list of numbers of licenses. Then if the program opens a file .cyp containing a number of illegal license, delete this file .cyp. To avoid this recommend applying the patches "cypenodatauser.bat" and "cypenodelete.bat" Patch with "cypenodatauser.bat": Copy "cype.exe" and "cypenodatauser.bat" to this folder: C:\CYPE Ingenerios\Version 2011\programs\ and execute "cypenodatauser.bat" Patch with "cypenodelete.bat": Copy "cype.exe" and "cypenotdelete.bat" to this folder: C:\CYPE Ingenerios\Version 2011\programs\ and execute "cypenodelete.bat". (Not in English) Library of Constructive Details: it is an extension (= plugin) for AutoCAD, so to install we have before you have installed a AutoCAD (versions 2000 to 2011). To install this extension for AutoCAD running: C:\cype2011\Installation in spanish\Install connections with programs of CAD\Install Constructive Details for AutoCAD. exe (All in spanish (including the directories names and the Details inside)) This copy the files needed to the directory where you have installed the AutoCAD. Imagine that we have installed the AutoCAD 2008 in C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2011\, then, the necessary files are copy within the folder: C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2011\CYPE Ingenerios\ once installed, we will find the file: C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2011\CYPE Ingeneryos\cyrx2010.dll This file is that there are that patch with the crack cype.exe. For this copy "cypeautocad.bat" and "cype.exe" a C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2011\CYPE Engineers\ and execute "cypeautocad.bat" which patch the file cyrx2010.dll in that directory. General: To remove the service "Server for network hardlocks": Delte with regedit (Start -> Run... -> Regedit.exe) the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Server for network hardlocks See the file "cypepatch.bat" with a text editor (Notepad) for a complete list of files that can patch with cype.exe To uninstall enough to erase these directories that creates the unit: C:\CYPE Ingenieros\ C:\usr\ Does not use "Add/remove programs..." except for installing the software (drivers and others) to manage the "Sentinel Protection Installer 7.5.0" For installing must aprobe the warnings and continue. Need sometimes two reboots. Don't aprove exception in firewall if asked.

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