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#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012 username time status

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1







teamjacklin PhilWheeler1

20:03 20:04

In2schools philallman1

20:04 20:04





Right its time, tonight is about transition & lets start with What transition activities/programmes do you run? #ukedchat RT @riley_ed: Finally gave #mangahigh a first shot today after getting flash sorted. Can't believe how much the students enjoyed it! #mathchat #ukedchat #ukedchat we've just developed a great project for Year 7, S&L & transition, have applied 4 funds, now need to find 5 schools in East London @PhilWheeler1 Y6 Sports Days, Football Games, Invite them to school concerts, seemed to work well integrating them to 'big school' #ukedchat @philosophyshop what is S'L? #ukedchat sorry for lack of knowledge RT @PhilWheeler1: Right its time, tonight is about transition & lets start with What transition activities/programmes do you run? #ukedchat 2nd day of transition is vertically grouped so all kids get to meet all years #ukedchat RT @teamjacklin: @PhilWheeler1 Y6 Sports Days, Football Games, Invite them to school concerts, seemed to work well integrating them to 'big school' #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: 5 minutes until @PhilWheeler1 is hosting #ukedchat with the theme being around Transition. Info at

philallman1 mrpeel PhilWheeler1 Kezmerrelda

We've had kids from smallest feeders in our school for events with 20:04 y3s since October. We have a two day transition too #ukedchat 20:05 #ukedchat I'll sit this one out and watch for snow while marking! 20:05 @philallman1 good idea. I take it works well? #ukedchat 20:05 We do online chat sessions on vle live teachers and kids from we have yr 6 in for taster days including sports sessions run by our 20:05 older sports leaders - benefits both groups! #ukedchat Superb digital @edmodo guide Useful for 20:05 whole school CPD and more #ukedchat #edchat #edtech If you are joining @PhilWheeler1 for #ukedchat please remember 20:05 to include the #ukedchat hash tag at the start of your tweets. #ukedchat not really my thing though I enjoyed the Army coming in 20:05 to yr12 open day last summer with an assault course It's 8pm. Please join @PhilWheeler1 who is hosting #ukedchat with 20:05 the theme being around Transition. Info at Transition to college is also an important time, not just between 20:05 primary and secondary. #ukedchat

jwinchester25 mrjonesICT



ukedchat HilaryNunns

#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 What's wrong with the teenage mind? Wall Street Journal essay by 20:05 Alison Gopnik seeks to find out: #ukedchat 20:05 Scheduling tweet fail! #ukedchat is NOW live with @PhilWheeler1 RT @Kezmerrelda: We do online chat sessions on vle live teachers 20:06 and kids from @PhilWheeler1 speaking & listening project works with Y7s for a year doing philosophy they then facilitate sessions with Y6 pupils 20:06 #ukedchat @PhilWheeler1 yep. Done it in two schools now and means new kids lose fear of older ones #ukedchat older 1s b/c more 20:06 responsible too RT @jwinchester25: we have yr 6 in for taster days including sports sessions run by our older sports leaders - benefits both groups! 20:06 #ukedchat We've just started linking a behaviour-themed one with our feeder 20:06 2ndry as we have had issues with exclusions #ukedchat I have worked with many PRU and alternative schools in NEET 20:06 reduction projects. #transition #ukedchat Transition wouldn't be a problem if KS1 curriculum were based on 20:07 Fd stage, and KS3 curriculum based on KS2 #ukedchat #simples #ukedchat run sessions for g and t y5/6 scientists from feeder 20:07 schools throughout th e year those leaving for college or other providers go on link courses and 20:07 have a transition planned for from annual reviews #ukedchat using the same writing book throughout feeder into and beyond 20:07 ours also means we can track across phases #ukedchat RT @mrjonesICT: Superb digital @edmodo guide Useful for whole school CPD and more 20:07 #ukedchat #edchat #edtech @Kezmerrelda a great way of introducing social media to them as 20:07 well #ukedchat RT @passionateaboot: Whats the purpose of #education? 20:07 #ukedchat #edchat Help needed! My kids want to build our summer curric around gokarts!! Anyone made go-karts with KS2 chn? Ideas gtly rec'd! 20:07 #ukedchat RT @teamjacklin: First day of term is always new Y7 and Y11 only to bring eldest and youngest together, creates good connection 20:08 from top to bottom #ukedchat RT @mr_chadwick: Transition wouldn't be a problem if KS1 curriculum were based on Fd stage, and KS3 curriculum based on 20:08 KS2 #ukedchat #simples 20:08 @philallman1 excellent thank you #ukedchat

YMSchools ukedchat PhilWheeler1




MrWaldram HilaryNunns

mr_chadwick 90_maz



teamjacklin PhilWheeler1 Inspir_EdPhil



PhilWheeler1 PhilWheeler1

#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 First day of term is always new Y7 and Y11 only to bring eldest and youngest together, creates good connection from top to bottom 20:08 #ukedchat 20:08 @philosophyshop thank you. it all comes clear now #ukedchat @PhilWheeler1 we theme it too; done performing arts, sport and 20:09 maths over last three years #ukedchat gives it a focus @teamjacklin many schools do this but it needs careful planning to 20:09 be useful/effective #ukedchat RT @MartindalePaul: Help needed! My kids want to build our summer curric around go-karts!! Anyone made go-karts with KS2 20:09 chn? Ideas gtly rec'd! #ukedchat Many transitions/inductions in college don't cover basics and in FE 20:09 students are 'lost' by half term. #ukedchat @mr_chadwick not just curricular change though - institutional one 20:09 is bigger. How its managed is key issue IMO #ukedchat Also have shared class on vle with loads pics and vids of junior school teachers classrooms etc #ukedchat can ask questions at 20:09 home on forum RT @90_maz: #ukedchat run sessions for g and t y5/6 scientists 20:09 from feeder schools throughout th e year Year 5s do some work with us in the summer term to prepare them 20:09 for the new school year in September #ukedchat 20:10 #ukedchat secondary style lessons and subjects for a day. #ukedchat oh they get introduced to social media from reception year with us! They do visit junior school too of course! #ukedchat schools/college collaboration needs to be greater. Structured, co-operative, hand-in-hand. How can we get this b4 2013 @martindalepaul Big 'sit-in-able' ones or minis? #ukedchat If you are joining #ukedchat you may need to unprotect your tweets so that they can be collected for the archive

teamjacklin PhilWheeler1

philallman1 PhilWheeler1

ICTmagic HilaryNunns


Kezmerrelda PhilWheeler1

MattOswin arch4schools



HilaryNunns MrWaldram ukedchat

20:10 20:10 20:10

MrPHorner pamela_manley

@PhilWheeler1 @teamjacklin Also requires the Y5/6 teacher to see 20:11 it as something useful, else hammering on cold iron. #ukedchat @PhilWheeler1 #ukedchat go over skills required for senior school 20:11 with a booklet and some group tasks RT @ukedchat: If you are joining #ukedchat you may need to 20:11 unprotect your tweets so that they can be collected for the archive #ukedchat not much about ks1/ks2 transition. Anyone find this an 20:11 issue? RT @Kezmerrelda: Also have shared class on vle with loads pics and vids of junior school teachers classrooms etc #ukedchat can ask 20:11 questions at home on forum

PhilWheeler1 davidhunter


#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012 mr_chadwick PhilWheeler1

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 @philallman1 But if curriculum were similar, institution would be 20:11 similar? #ukedchat 20:11 @HilaryNunns not good for motivation or progress #ukedchat Week at Secondary doing timetable with teachers before summer holidays worked great with my daughter. No worry in hols, fab! 20:12 #ukedchat RT @HilaryNunns: #ukedchat schools/college collaboration needs to be greater. Structured, co-operative, hand-in-hand. How can we 20:12 get this b4 2013 @PhilWheeler1 I'm passionate abt it. Was HT of a Y5-8 mid sch so 20:12 had to get it right! #ukedchat @HilaryNunns Joining the same Ed Trust should help, with everything turning Academy the links should become stronger 20:12 #ukedchat #ukedchat Interesting that transition in ofsted 2012 means ready to progress. Similar to proposals for new Nat.Curric.Different to 20:12 liaison. @ukedchat @philwheeler1 great transition activities I've used mission explore activities #ukedchat and y6-7 present to staff and 20:12 their class RT @philallman1: @mr_chadwick not necessarily! It would help to ease the bump but best transition practice is much wider than curr 20:12 #ukedchat RT @davidhunter: #ukedchat not much about ks1/ks2 transition. 20:12 Anyone find this an issue? @philallman1 sounds like you have a programme for success keep 20:12 up the good work #ukedchat @ukedchat we run some subject sessions in the primary schools, 20:12 have a taster day at the end of june #ukedchat @HilaryNunns #ukedchat - also the transition into primary school in 20:12 the 1st place. And, I found college to Uni the hardest! Our local secondary school invites new pupils in for the first week 20:13 of the summer holidays for a variety of activities #ukedchat To ease transition, learners should spend a few days in their new 20:13 environment #ukedchat @HilaryNunns the assumption they're big enough to cope is never 20:13 a good one! #ukedchat 20:13 @HilaryNunns agree. This is another debate I feel #ukedchat @MrWaldram #ukedchat Ride-on is their preference, building up to a race @ the end! Making team overalls etc too! They don't want 20:13 much! @philwheeler1 #ukedchat No not good for motivation! Handed over from big school to fend for themselves. Big adjustment which 20:13 not all manage RT @philallman1: @HilaryNunns the assumption they're big 20:14 enough to cope is never a good one! #ukedchat


PhilWheeler1 philallman1




ukedchat PhilWheeler1 PhilWheeler1 MissKaziW


MattOswin Shaz_Yu philallman1 PhilWheeler1


HilaryNunns Shaz_Yu

#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012 HilaryNunns

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 @mollywicks #ukedchat Interesting! So we're saying it's hard at 20:14 both ends of the spectrum! Induction is not all. @MartindalePaul sounds great. We've used construction kits 20:14 before. Like giant meccano. Quality #truestory #ukedchat #ukedchat current sld school home visits, school visits for y6, 20:14 multiple college visits in internal transition though :-( RT @chrisquigley: #ukedchat Interesting that transition in ofsted 2012 means ready to progress. Similar to proposals for new 20:14 Nat.Curric.Different to liaison. Big problem we have with transition is not recieving full information from Primaries, Linked Documents, SEN docs etc 20:14 #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: 5 minutes until @PhilWheeler1 is hosting #ukedchat with the theme being around Transition. Info at 20:14 #ukedchat processes of moving on have been traditionally called 20:15 transition. Now we may need to think of readiness. 20:15 @JOHNSAYERS @ukedchat #ukedchat cheers John great ideas @philallman1 So what else? In my experience of Y6 worries about bullying, more homework, getting lost, strict teachers/detentions 20:15 #ukedchat @teamjacklin ok so wht have U proposed U wnt from them or offered 2 help - its either unwillingness or capacity when ths occurs 20:15 #ukedchat As more schools become academies and join together, transition should become well knitted between same trust 20:15 Primaries/Secondaries #ukedchat @philwheeler1 massively! My twitter feed links to school website 20:15 so need to be appropriate! #ukedchat RT @JOHNSAYERS: @ukedchat @philwheeler1 great transition activities I've used mission explore activities #ukedchat and y6-7 20:15 present to staff and their class @chrisquigley forget that transition may take time for each individual. sound like transition needs to occur before arrival 20:15 #ukedchat Teachers visit and do lessons but not often enough and children need to know way around a bigger school where they are not 20:15 known #ukedchat @nickotkdIV after running around like crazy I can't do #ukedchat As a spec sch we don't have transition. I'll watch and learn. Enjoy 20:15 chat @mr_chadwick its the little things & an u/s of it being a rite of 20:16 passage that is vital. difft is ok as long as its handled well #ukedchat RT @JOHNSAYERS: @ukedchat @philwheeler1 great transition activities I've used mission explore activities #ukedchat and y6-7 20:16 present to staff and their class





ConnectEDglobal chrisquigley PhilWheeler1



teamjacklin MrWaldram







#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 @shaz_yu #ukedchat In college we run taster sessions, but they r fluffy + warm, unlike real FE collg courses which are steeped in 20:16 coursework Great start thank you all moving on What is the importance of 20:16 transition? #ukedchat #ukedchat During summer term I take any SEND ch for extra visits to comp. They do a 'treasure hunt' where they find rooms using a 20:16 school map Our Y6s have received a visit from the head of our local secondary school and a maths teacher comes in once a week #ukedchat Alongside the summer masterclasses we run an activity week (PE) for incoming yr 7 and existing students. Get's over the fear! #ukedchat @MattOswin @mr_chadwick only way these go is in real time! #ukedchat RT @HilaryNunns: @shaz_yu #ukedchat In college we run taster sessions, but they r fluffy + warm, unlike real FE collg courses which are steeped in coursework @philallman1 Unfortunately its SIMS that has a gap in link docs. We can ask for everything from several schools but a lot to ask! #ukedchat Primary schools are all visited by a member of staff in June. Time consuming but worthwhile. #ukedchat @MattOswin Why do pupils want to go to school in hol? Should build into term time. We have similar offer and not real situation! #ukedchat @MattOswin If only :) #ukedchat @mr_chadwick @philallman1 I'd agree about those being the major worries - crop up every year I find #ukedchat

HilaryNunns PhilWheeler1




syded06 philallman1

20:16 20:17



teamjacklin syded06

20:17 20:17

JazzieDe philallman1 MattOswin

20:17 20:17 20:17

philallman1 MattOswin

@teamjacklin most prims have AM7 capable. Prob is they often 20:18 don't have expertise to utilise it. Could sec staff help? #ukedchat @JazzieDe Not everything offered is in the school - one activity was 20:18 a visit to the Olympic Stadium #ukedchat @mr_chadwick @philallman1 In my experience Y6's main worry is 20:18 getting their head flushed down the toilets. #ukedchat @nickotkdIV @cherrylkd Hello both :) wont be able to join #ukedchat as very tired tonight and will try and sleep early :) @PhilWheeler1 #ukedchat at secondary its gotta be about teambuilding.these guys are going to have to work together for five years @MattOswin sounds good. Do you know what sort of activities they do? #ukedchat RT @Little_Sparra: #ukedchat During summer term I take any SEND ch for extra visits to comp. They do a 'treasure hunt' where they find rooms using a school map




davidhunter tj007

20:18 20:18



#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012 johngraham71

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 High expectation, no excuses - Sir Michael Wilshaw HMCI outlines 20:19 changes to Ofsted inspection #ukedchat I make small laminated cards for ch with specific info about them for use with new needs, problems, 20:19 difficulties... Transition is a great way to link primary & secondary staff and for 20:19 the students to present their primary learning #ukedchat #ukedchat any good parent mixer initiatives?strength of parent 20:19 relations easy to develop in the playground in primary RT @davidhunter: @PhilWheeler1 #ukedchat at secondary its gotta be about teambuilding.these guys are going to have to work 20:19 together for five years @syded06 we do this and find it helps. Totally worth while 20:19 #ukedchat @PhilWheeler Effective transition essential if education to progress 20:19 and not regress. We must get it right at all stages! #ukedchat RT @EngageinEd: Raising aspirations is a key part of transition work - helping children understand why they learn at sec & encouraging 20:20 engagement #ukedchat @joanne_rich We're 2 to 19. Some come in at Y7 but mostly from 20:20 other specials. No feeder school really. #ukedchat 20:20 @philallman1 Hmmm! #ukedchat RT @davidhunter: #ukedchat any good parent mixer initiatives?strength of parent relations easy to develop in the 20:20 playground in primary #ukedchat This summary of a transition project might help PRU 20:20 staff with Y10/11 transition Hardest transition is from Reception to Y2. Y1 have to start year like 20:20 EYFS and end as more formal ready for Y2. Tough. #ukedchat @PhilWheeler1 I think the parents value the routine of bringing student for a school day without the added pressure of 'lessons' 20:20 #ukedchat RT @MattOswin: @tj007 Lots of 'getting to know' activities and 20:20 usually a trip on the Friday #ukedchat Transition is crucial. If we are serious about educ being a journey and not series of destinations for child it must be v. imp #ukedchat @philallman1 Shame our Secondary is not as pro active as we are. Still trying to get to speak to head of Yr 7 #ukedchat RT @JOHNSAYERS: Transition is a great way to link primary & secondary staff and for the students to present their primary learning #ukedchat Raising aspirations is a key part of transition work - helping children understand why they learn at sec & encouraging engagement #ukedchat




PhilWheeler1 PhilWheeler1


PhilWheeler1 cherrylkd philallman1

PhilWheeler1 HilaryNunns


syded06 PhilWheeler1

philallman1 Markynicholls

20:20 20:20





#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012 Shaz_Yu MrWaldram PhilWheeler1 MrWaldram

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 RSA Opening minds curriculum with three hour sessions.... cross20:20 curricular modules #ukedchat @educationchat We only do that to them a couple of times 20:20 though... ;) #ukedchat @davidhunter so true. with these skills the can also become ind 20:20 learners #ukedchat What about middle schools? They have transition issues: 20:21 harder/easier #ukedchat @JazzieDe In that sense, I agree. However, I think it gives them a good chance to get to know staff and other pupils #ukedchat Oddly enough in school transitions can be harder than across school. We assume kids and staff know everything often at our cost! #ukedchat #ukedchat this way,if ch is shy or finds it hard to explain,all they have to do is show the teacher the card&all the info about him is there @philallman1 Unfortunately too much support is given to Primaries ICT support already, now being a trust relationships are changed #ukedchat @mr_chadwick @philallman1 yup. Even the confident ones have to start at the bottom and that's hard. #Ukedchat @Little_Sparra Nice idea. I may use one now with other staff :) #ukedchat @JOHNSAYERS Would help if secondary school teachers believed KS2 data and had higher expectations of Y6 children! #ukedchat #tongueincheek @PhilWheeler1 #ukedchat activities should level the playing field.too many successful sports kids coming up.too easy for them to dominate. RT @philallman1: Transition is crucial. If we are serious about educ being a journey and not series of destinations for child it must be v. imp #ukedchat #ukedchat readiness seems to be a strong theme in Nat curric review. A 2 year key stage structure seems to support ac and personal dev. RT @MartindalePaul: Help needed! My kids want to build our summer curric around go-karts!! Anyone made go-karts with KS2 chn? Ideas gtly rec'd! #ukedchat Had year 7 parents even. Parents concerned the pressure was relentless.Our transition might not prepare them for new expectations #ukedchat @JOHNSAYERS Not that long ago in Y7 pupils were taught how to use PowerPoint when it was taught in Y2/3. Pupils bored. #ukedchat Too often primary & secondary don't meet I think a jointly planned concept is so important secondary can gain more info on kids #ukedchat RT @MrWaldram: What about middle schools? They have transition issues: harder/easier #ukedchat







teamjacklin MrWaldram teamjacklin

20:21 20:21 20:22
















20:23 20:23

#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012 philallman1 HilaryNunns philallman1

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 @MrWaldram middle schs usually have better transition b/c they 20:23 get hammered for not aligning w/ KS. #ukedchat 20:23 @philallman1 #ukedchat Have you just 'hmmmm' to yourself? :-) @nickotkdIV which is my point. In school variation is ofter=n bigger 20:24 than cross school variation. #ukedchat We will be really pleased to work with any teachers that would like to use #MissionExplore for a transition project. Just @ me. 20:24 #ukedchat Why do we even have separate schools? Why not a seamless 20:24 education? #ukedchat @MrWaldram #ukedchat do you think a new lower key stage2 will 20:24 help this? Year 4 assessment with national expectation? RT @Educationchat: @JOHNSAYERS Would help if secondary school teachers believed KS2 data and had higher expectations of Y6 children! #ukedchat #tongueincheek RT @davidhunter: @PhilWheeler1 #ukedchat activities should level the playing field.too many successful sports kids coming up.too easy for them to dominate. @tj007 #ukedchat also inter-parent relations.that can help chn to settle in by families spending time together RT @philallman1: Oddly enough in school transitions can be harder than across school. We assume kids and staff know everything often at our cost! #ukedchat @philallman1 interesting. #ukedchat #ukedchat We did a social type thing for KS2-3 in the summer holidays with our BEST for vulnerable kids, lifelong friends were made there. We ran a really successful summer prog. New students (yr6) +yr 7 and also Yr 9 Peer Tutors. #ukedchat @ufaorg @HilaryNunns apparently I did but it was in response to a tweet that I won't edit - #thinkingallowed #ukedchat :) @ufasarah ok in theory but what happens if a phase of that school doesn't suit a child - what then? #ukedchat

MissionExplore ufasarah




PhilWheeler1 davidhunter

20:24 20:24

90_maz MrWaldram

20:24 20:24

GeekPeter ufasarah philallman1 philallman1

20:24 20:24 20:24 20:25


@philallman1 That's a great point. If you feel 'you've finished' and 20:25 then have to 'start again' makes it difficult. #ukedchat #ukedchat we move to 3-16 school in sept which is a fantastic 20:25 opportunity to do something awesome with transition from KS2-3 We take the whole of our new Y7s on an outdoor activity holiday in 20:25 the 2nd week of the 1st term #ukedchat @Jen_Catter Recently was on a course when an Ofsted inspector 20:25 said the hardest year to get right in Primary School is Y1. #ukedchat Transition runs wider than just between phases, and should be 20:25 carefully considered at each year progression IMO. #ukedchat

TommyTeachPE HelenCampion



#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 RT@GeoCollective: We would be interested 2 work with teachers 2 use @MissionExplore to help KS2/3 20:25 transition.#ukedchat 20:25 @Educationchat @JOHNSAYERS I'll come on to this later #ukedchat We find peer mentoring Y9-Y6 is a great way to encourage 20:25 successful transition from primary, @Educationchat exactly let students present to primary and secondary staff as a demonstration of their learning development 20:25 #ukedchat @EngageinEd A good idea which I will take back to my own school. 20:26 hank you #ukedchat As HT of middle then junior its easy 4 me 2 act as stumbling block 2 transition both below & above. Responsibility 2 cooperate 20:26 #ukedchat #ukedchat What about schs that go from 4 to 18 -no bump there. 20:26 Are they the future? RT @EngageinEd: We find peer mentoring Y9-Y6 is a great way to 20:26 encourage successful transition from primary, RT @ufasarah: Why do we even have separate schools? Why not a 20:26 seamless education? #ukedchat @chrisquigley interesting idea. Could do. I'm not convinced they'd 20:26 be 'ready'. Still don't think they are at Y6 tbh #ukedchat RT @JOHNSAYERS: @Educationchat exactly let students present to primary and secondary staff as a demonstration of their learning 20:26 development #ukedchat RT @JOHNSAYERS: @Educationchat exactly let students present to primary and secondary staff as a demonstration of their learning 20:26 development #ukedchat @ictwitz ...perhaps, but they need the primary model of tlc 20:27 #ukedchat @nickotkdIV no it's b/c KS1 measures aren't same as KS2. Same occurs between KS2 and 3. This is why the data is so spurious! 20:27 #ukedchat @HelenCampion us to but in the final week before Oct half term 20:27 #ukedchat #ukedchat the info cards work as I've had positive feedback from both parents & staff at comp. I suppose it's a security for the ch 20:27 too... @EngageinEd absolutely, if they already have a dream, so much 20:27 easier to guide and advise #ukedchat @JOHNSAYERS I agree. I developed a transition project across 6 primaries & 3 secondarys & it definitiely had advantages for ICT. 20:27 #ukedchat @davidhunter That is quite key - the transition for parents too. More teachers to liaise with KS2 to 3. (with the #ukedchat tag this 20:27 time!)

Ideas_Factory PhilWheeler1 EngageinEd


philallman1 DWar PhilWheeler1 davidhunter



PhilWheeler1 MrWaldram

philallman1 PhilWheeler1

Little_Sparra Jacqhutch



#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 Check out addressing issues of KS2-3 transition in music. I'm working as resources consultant for this #ukedchat @DWar Schools being built in Telford are looking at covering all the age ranges #ukedchat My school foes a great summer school activity and students have a presentation evening to parents. They love it and great variety #ukedchat RT @harryp25: Transition runs wider than just between phases, and should be carefully considered at each year progression IMO. #ukedchat

DavidAshworth16 MattOswin

20:27 20:27






@Kezmerrelda But how often are NQTs put in Y1? I'd say quite 20:27 regularly. Or Y3 which has its own challenges. #ukedchat Just jumping into #ukedchat talking about transition. I feel some Year 6's are ready for the secondary model of schooling. @philallman1 so which was easier regarding transition then? #ukedchat RT @ufasarah: Why do we even have separate schools? Why not a seamless education? #ukedchat >>> crikey, imagine the size of the campus :-) @DWar Not true though - in school variation can be even bigger. #ukedchat RT @MissionExplore: We will be really pleased to work with any teachers that would like to use #MissionExplore for a transition project. Just @ me. #ukedchat @HilaryNunns @ufasarah #ukedchat I like this though.I think the atmosphere would change with young chn to care for RT @MissionExplore: We will be really pleased to work with any teachers that would like to use #MissionExplore for a transition project. Just @ me. #ukedchat @MrWaldram When do they need to be 'toughened up', or does evolution do that anyway? #ukedchat The discussion is moving naturally on to what makes outstanding transition links or materials? #ukedchat @hilarynunns my thoughts exactly! #ukedchat

ICTwitz MrWaldram

20:27 20:28

HilaryNunns philallman1

20:28 20:28





JOHNSAYERS ICTwitz PhilWheeler1 MrWaldram

20:29 20:29 20:29 20:29



Sure your a Popular school! :) RT: @helencampion: We take the 20:29 whole of our new Y7s on an outdoor activity holiday #ukedchat RT @ufasarah: We've worked with a few schs on a challenge based curriculum for Yr 7 so they don't go str8 into having 17 diff teachers 20:30 on day1 #ukedchat @ictwitz depending on the area, some of them are 'toughened' 20:30 enough - they just dont deserve to be. #ukedchat @HilaryNunns @ufasarah imagine what would assemblies be like? 20:30 #ukedchat

MrWaldram PeterSpencer88

#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012 PhilWheeler1 ukedchat

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 RT @MattOswin: @DWar Schools being built in Telford are looking 20:30 at covering all the age ranges #ukedchat Half way through #ukedchat this week with @PhilWheeler1 The 20:30 chat is focused on 'transition' We've worked with a few schs on a challenge based curriculum for Yr 7 so they don't go str8 into having 17 diff teachers on day1 20:30 #ukedchat @PhilWheeler1 People who want to get to know children and realise that they need to feel secure and happy to continue to 20:31 progress #ukedchat 20:31 @ictwitz ... than waiting until summer. IMO #ukedchat @MissionExplore I'm happy to plan transition #MissionExplore days with NE schools. #ukedchat just tweet me:) We got all yr 2s 2 do a treasure hunt arnd skool on transition day 1. They found toilets, hall etc. by chance so knew everywhere! #ukedchat @chrisquigley @MrWaldram The only thing a new LKS2 will do is give the government a new set of data to bash schools with... #ukedchat @ictwitz ... it would be good to have some KS3 teachers acting as role models to them - kids know them and vice versa rather ...#ukedchat @_mykl The 6 Fatal Mistakes Any School Leader Can Make And How to Address Them #ukedchat #edchat - #ukedchat just joined this eve. Have been involved in several diff types of transition projects. Definitely help. 5 Bridges model of transition really helpful (data transfer social curric pedagogy pupil managed) Anyone worked with this? #ukedchat @MrWaldram I heard of a Secondary school in Blackpool who worked hard on Y7 transition. Y7's had own unit & teachers came to them #ukedchat I ran some summer schools for y6 transition pupils where mentors were from the secondary school. The y6 found it really helpful #ukedchat


JazzieDe MrWaldram









rapclassroom Heatherleatt

20:31 20:31








@piersyoung: Post: What to teach in IT? #ICTcurric #ICT500 20:32 #RethinkingICT #ukedchat > GREAT post #ukedchat my last school runs a transition school for Yr 7. All in one 20:32 building, teachers move to them. Diff break & lunch kids love it. @MissionExplore Sounds interesting, would like to have some info 20:32 #ukedchat @Educationchat I'm mentoring nqt in yr1 this year so see what u 20:32 saying. But yr r considered challenge and year 2 sats. #ukedchat @PhilWheeler1 I liked the Y6/7 Kensuke's Kingdom work when 20:32 done properly at both ends. #ukedchat

Heatherleatt teamjacklin

Kezmerrelda Educationchat

#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 RT @Ideas_Factory: RT@GeoCollective: We would be interested 2 work with teachers 2 use @MissionExplore 20:32 to help KS2/3 transition.#ukedchat 20:32 @Heatherleatt welcome thanks for joining in #ukedchat 20:32 #ukedchat Interesting reading but have to run. #ukedchat why not use blogging as a way of setting up links before, 20:33 during and after transition. We have Y3, Y6 & Y10 doing just that. @PhilWheeler1 we run philosophy sessions on change, identity, personal responsibility with Y6 to specifically aid transition 20:33 #ukedchat 20:33 @Educationchat @chrisquigley #truestory #ukedchat 20:33 @ICTwitz that sounds good, know the school? #Ukedchat 20:33 @Heatherleatt What an excellent idea. #ukedchat If any child coming to my sch isnt excited after transition days 20:33 rather than fearful we have failed. #ukedchat @philallman1 lack of.. I think. We're all guilty of that. Maybe more 20:33 time might help. #Ukedchat RT @mrjonesICT: #ukedchat why not use blogging as a way of setting up links before, during and after transition. We have Y3, Y6 20:34 & Y10 doing just that. Sometimes been hard to get secondaries interested in transition projects though. In hard times, transition post is often cut. 20:34 #ukedchat transition, its all about giving children the best possible start to 20:34 their new class or school #ukedchat @mrjonesICT I create a blog on our VLE for our Y6s to share their 20:34 transition experiences on #ukedchat @Educationchat you need both ends to be working together for 20:34 the benefit of all #ukedchat @MrWaldram No, sorry. Heard about it at a Teachmeet. Will try to 20:34 find out for #ukedchat @MrWaldram time is always the enemy. It's not how we find time 20:34 but can we afford not to! #ukedchat RT @philallman1: If any child coming to my sch isnt excited after transition days rather than fearful we have failed. #ukedchat @PhilWheeler1 cheers! Late home and tweeted deck not working :( #ukedchat #ukedchat provide A5 folders with info:spellings for days/mths, hrsday, mins-hr,ml-l, cm-m, connectives, vocab, can use in Y6 &take to comp @mrjonesICT A totally excellent idea. Another one for the morning #ukedchat, thanks #ukedchat how important is transition.any studies that gave convinced you? RT @DavidAshworth16: Check out addressing issues of KS2-3 transition in music. I'm working as resources consultant for this #ukedchat

JOHNSAYERS PhilWheeler1 HilaryNunns


philosophyshop MrWaldram MrWaldram Babbleaboutbks philallman1 MrWaldram


Heatherleatt Primary_Ed MattOswin PhilWheeler1 ICTwitz philallman1

MrWaldram Heatherleatt

20:34 20:35

Little_Sparra PhilWheeler1 davidhunter

20:35 20:35 20:35



#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 Also did a skype project where y6 pupils talked with y7 children from their own school. Allowed them to ask some direct quetions 20:36 #ukedchat @Primary_Ed But is it? Should it not be a contunuation of learning 20:36 and progress? ~ukedchat @mrjonesICT @PhilWheeler1 sounds like a brilliant idea. How does 20:36 it work? #ukedchat 20:36 @totallywired77 looks good - will read the rest later #ukedchat @philosophyshop Do these take alot of time to set up. sound very 20:36 interesting? #ukedchat 20:36 @janbaker97 really? That's a bit of a generalisation! #ukedchat @janbaker97 which is why it is vital secs engage w/ transition more 20:37 than they often do. I say this as a sec trained tchr! #ukedchat 20:37 @MattOswin @mrjonesict even better with webcam #ukedchat RT @MrsDrSarah: @PhilWheeler1 helped lead a day (prev life) started with team building, moved on to Y6 & 7 sharing ideas to 20:37 make transition easier #ukedchat @Heatherleatt such a shame as the secondaries have to take on 20:37 any issues which could develop #ukedchat @MattOswin #ukedchat gr8 idea we do the same, also good 2 see thoughts, fears, aspirations & indeed writing standards @ different 20:38 Key stages RT @alexfinICT: Also did a skype project where y6 pupils talked with y7 children from their own school. Allowed them to ask some 20:38 direct quetions #ukedchat @nickotkdIV @norfolkshine @philallman1 This seems to happen well within a school, but not always as well between schools 20:38 #ukedchat Is transition different for secondaries who have a lot of feeder 20:38 schools compared to those with very few? #ukedchat #quadblogging #blogging Could this be a great aid to transition? 20:38 #ukedchat @PhilWheeler1 Not really, and for all the schools we work in we generally work the last half of the summer term with Y6 for this 20:38 #ukedchat @mrjonesICT Trialled it last year and it was quite successful 20:38 looking forward to making more of it this year #ukedchat Sadly, when connecting schools, it usually only works when two (or 20:38 more) teachers are really motivated :( #ukedchat @Educationchat @MrWaldram #ukedchat not a big fan of data but 20:38 a big fan of children doing well. Might give more focus for Y4?

alexfinICT JazzieDe Heatherleatt MrWaldram PhilWheeler1 philallman1

philallman1 Kezmerrelda

PhilWheeler1 PhilWheeler1




mathsnqt JazzieDe





#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 RT @_imaginaryme: Got another class up & blogging today. 4 Poplar would love your comments. Pls RT 20:38 #comments4kids #ukedchat #classblogs 20:38 @MrsDrSarah a simple but effective idea, thank you #ukedchat RT @mathsnqt: Is transition different for secondaries who have a 20:39 lot of feeder schools compared to those with very few? #ukedchat #ukedchat can be a big step for yr 6s to go from small village school 20:39 to a 6 form entry secondary. Need to do things to ease them in. @chrisquigley @Educationchat I think so, seems to cool off a bit there. And that seems to be where holes are. #Ukedchat @EngageinEd yes! Developing resources for year 6 transition to include careers ed and parental involvement, raising ambition #ukedchat @alexfinICT this sounds like my cup of tea. I will speak with you about this in more depth later if I may? #ukedchat I do think primaries have resp to give y6s more sec style curr but cost can be high in smaller schs. #ukedchat @Heatherleatt A sch we work with has a year7 unit too, works so well to have fewer teachers, diff breaks etc and acts a step-up #ukedchat Blog post 3 #pad tools-collaborate online with your team #edtech20 #engchat #cpchat #edchat #lrnchat #eltchat #ukedchat @MattOswin @mrjonesICT Hoping to do the same with Edmodo, give Y6s access to Secondary site and integrate them with elder peers #ukedchat RT @Heatherleatt: #ukedchat can be a big step for yr 6s to go from small village school to a 6 form entry secondary. Need to do things to ease them in. @chrisquigley @Educationchat I can say that having spent time there and doing it myself as a newbie #ukedchat Sound Tracks: supporting young peoples musical progression from primary to secondary school #ukedchat Do we expect them to be too adult in y7? Would like to compare with y6 primary. How are they spoken to? Effects on behaviour? #ukedchat Collaborative learning.....sharing is caring dude #ukedchat @APorter4 I think maybe sometimes they're bored and re-doing stuff already covered in primary? #ukedchat

Bluetherabbit PhilWheeler1





Jacqhutch PhilWheeler1 philallman1

20:39 20:39 20:40







PhilWheeler1 MrWaldram

20:40 20:40



APorter4 Shaz_Yu ufasarah

20:40 20:40 20:41

alexfinICT alatalite

@PhilWheeler1 @mathsnqt presents different challenges. Many 20:41 feeder schools allows children to find new friends #ukedchat 20:41 RT @Totallywired77: Our 5R Day #ukedchat

#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012 MrWaldram mrjonesICT JazzieDe derekwingrove PhilWheeler1

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 @Educationchat @chrisquigley doesn't matter what year tests are 20:41 in; we'll always end up teaching to it :( #ukedchat @teamjacklin well worth doing, you could even set up collaborative 20:41 projects #ukedchat It all boils down to good working relationships at all levels and 20:41 professionals prepared to go the extra mile. #ukedchat We have our year 4s go in to the feeder First Schools. They enjoy 20:41 going back and talk frankly #ukedchat @teamjacklin @MattOswin @mrjonesICT I think this could really 20:42 work to help Y6 feel part of the school #ukedchat In all of this just like to say the jump in curricular expectation from 20:42 prim2sec was why middle schs were invented #ukedchat @philwheeler1 agreed - I had that in my first couple of years as a 20:42 teacher :( #ukedchat Run an after school computing club have you joined 20:42 #edchat #ukedchat #student #techclub RT @teamjacklin: @MattOswin @mrjonesICT Hoping to do the same with Edmodo, give Y6s access to Secondary site and integrate 20:42 them with elder peers #ukedchat 20:42 @philallman1 Quite a challenge for primaries IMHO #ukedchat RT @lee_stott: Run an after school computing club have you joined 20:43 #edchat #ukedchat #student #techclub RT @ukedchat: RT @jodieworld: @ICTwitz @philallman1 Wouldn't it be easier to just make them start secondary aged 10? ;-) 20:43 #ukedchat #ukedchat In a selective county like Kent quite often kids start 20:43 secondary with few friends, sometimes none. Daunting experience. @philallman1: If any child coming to my sch isnt excited after transition days rather than fearful we have failed. #ukedchat so 20:43 important! @philallman1 we're struggling to keep our middle schools though 20:43 #ukedchat Any schools competing against other schools for Y7 numbers so transition ideas become competitive? Dare I say it, good 20:43 Marketing? #ukedchat @APorter4 Definately ! Our local secondary now an academy 20:43 recognises this so hopefully change! #ukedchat THIS is how to mark work! ;) via @FAILBlog 20:43 #ukedchat RT @JazzieDe: It all boils down to good working relationships at all 20:43 levels and professionals prepared to go the extra mile. #ukedchat edmodo any good? Know it's transition but seen it mentioned a 20:43 couple of times. #ukedchat

philallman1 MrWaldram


PhilWheeler1 ICTwitz




JOHNSAYERS derekwingrove

teamjacklin JazzieDe MrAColley

PhilWheeler1 MrWaldram

#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 RT @jodieworld: @ICTwitz @philallman1 Wouldn't it be easier to just make them start secondary aged 10? ;-) #ukedchat @philallman1: I do think primaries have resp to give y6s more sec style curr #ukedchat - or vice versa? @philallman1 couldn't agree more! #ukedchat @Jacqhutch Career-related learning was to be part of Ks2 curriculum under DCSF- pilots showed huge impact esp around transition #ukedchat

ukedchat mr_chadwick derekwingrove

20:43 20:43 20:43

EngageinEd philallman1



GeekPeter PhilWheeler1

MrWaldram ICTwitz mr_chadwick TeacherToolkit philallman1

20:44 @ICTwitz solution is peripatetic specialists in an area. #ukedchat @MattOswin @PhilWheeler1 @mrjonesICT Be great for former students to be mentors for Y6's coming from there old primaries 20:44 #ukedchat @ukedchat @jodieworld @ICTwitz @philallman1 #ukedchat A local school here start Y7 in Summer Term to get settled in before 20:44 September. 20:44 @JazzieDe So true. Hit the nail on the head! #ukedchat nothing I love more whilst trying to type/tweet/text/email and read when I receive urgent tweets from spambots #notamused 20:44 #ukedchat @jodieworld @philallman1 Think that Gov would have them 20:44 starting secondary at 7, then test test test #ukedchat @APorter4 Is there also a danger Y7 are treated as 'babies'?? 20:44 #ukedchat 20:45 I've never seen transition work very well :( #UKEdChat @derekwingrove I know! If you've worked in one you understand 20:45 why they work, if not then...! #ukedchat @mr_chadwick @APorter4 First thing Y8 - 11 are told is not to treat 20:45 new Y7 as babies or to pat them and call them cute #ukedchat Blog post gr8 tools and apps to unleash the power of documents #edchat #elearning #toolschat #elemchat 20:45 #ukedchat @mrjonesICT @PhilWheeler1 @teamjacklin Not familiar with those 20:45 - any advice/knowledge about these? #ukedchat @philallman1 Exactly the opposite direction gov is going then! 20:45 #ukedchat RT @ictwitz: @jodieworld @philallman1 Think that Gov would have them starting secondary at 7, then test test test #ukedchat @mr_chadwick absolutely it is a 2 way process. #ukedchat Last 15 minutes for #ukedchat with @Philwheeler1 Tonight talking about transition @mrjonesICT #ukedchat or you could get Y7 and Year 8 to contirbute to an ongoing wiki of "tips for the new kid" @engageined *loved it* #ukedchat



MattOswin ICTwitz

MrWaldram philallman1 ukedchat piersyoung Heatherleatt

20:45 20:45 20:45 20:46 20:46

#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 @PhilWheeler1 @teamjacklin @MattOswin #ukedchat could use things like wallwisher prezi/meeting 4 collaborative real time activities @EngageinEd works brilliantly. Had breakfast club parents could come to as well and they were able to chat to teachers. Lived it #ukedchat @chrisquigley @hilarynunns @totallywired77 thanks for follows #ukedchat Wow loads of great stuff covered tonight, last topic what cooperation is required between primary/sec to improve transition #ukedchat I wonder if a more values focused curriculum - all about collaboration, belonging, participating and contributing wld help in yr7? #ukedchat #ukedchat I think that the biggest enemy to successful Transition is the long 6 wk holiday. #shakeuptheschoolcalendar @teamjacklin @MattOswin @PhilWheeler1 @mrjonesICT Yes! Always good to go in to a new school knowing someone there #ukedchat RT @ufasarah: I wonder if a more values focused curriculum - all about collaboration, belonging, participating and contributing wld help in yr7? #ukedchat We do life skills course thru yr leading 2 a transition aspect 4 the changeovr. wld b better if we cld reflect after they get thr! #ukedchat @PhilWheeler1 Any cooperation would be nice... Y7 teacher coming in. Helping Y6 teacher with their teacher assessments? #ukedchat @philwheeler1 just co-operation #simples #ukedchat RT @mrjonesICT: @PhilWheeler1 @teamjacklin @MattOswin #ukedchat could use things like wallwisher prezi/meeting 4 collaborative real time activities @chris_1974 I've seen one before; just can't remember it. #options tool #UKEdChat



Heatherleatt MrWaldram

20:46 20:47













Educationchat MrWaldram

20:48 20:48

PhilWheeler1 TeacherToolkit

20:48 20:48

ukedchat PhilWheeler1



CCMercer StephenDCook

A RT from protected user "I would also argue this for Foundation to 20:49 KS1. Year 1 should be more EYFS based." #ukedchat 20:49 @MrWaldram agreed #ukedchat RT @philallman1 ...just like to say the jump in curricular expectation from prim2sec was why middle schs were invented 20:49 <Exactly! #ukedchat Supported an ict transition & literacy project. The ict went better perhaps because communicating seemed easier. Time an issue 20:49 #ukedchat RT @Megw30890: please RT and visit class 4's blog! we want to show the world our work! #comments4kids 20:49 #tes #ukedchat #epals 5 quick ways to improve education in England - new blogpost 20:49

#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012 alexfinICT mr_chadwick PhilWheeler1 MrWaldram MrWaldram

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 20:49 @PhilWheeler1 More than just two motivated teachers! #ukedchat @teamjacklin @APorter4 I was thinking about teachers treating 20:49 them that way!! #ukedchat @ufasarah it would go along way to sorting out other issues if 20:49 nothing else #ukedchat 20:49 @PhilWheeler1 will do, cheers #ukedchat what about getting Y7 teachers to 'assist' in writing moderation as 20:50 Y6 are now TA? #ukedchat RT @Heatherleatt: Supported an ict transition & literacy project. The ict went better - perhaps because communicating seemed 20:50 easier. Time an issue #ukedchat @Educationchat @PhilWheeler1 Teachers from the local secondary visit us and work with groups - maths teacher came in today 20:50 #ukedchat RT @Megw30890: please RT and visit class 4's blog! we want to show the world our work! #comments4kids 20:50 #tes #ukedchat #epals A transition prog staffed by mix of prim & sec teachers, with yp in mixed groups of yr6/7 with yr 9 as peer tutors #workedareat 20:50 #ukedchat #ukedchat we used to run a fantastic literacy summer school until funding and numbers dwindled. Now we focus on pyramid projects 20:50 and... 20:50 @Educationchat so valuable #ukedchat 20:51 @njthurly should be in on this - he's transition lead... #ukedchat We have to look at making Y6 more like Y7... and Y7 more like Y6 in 20:51 some ways. #ukedchat @Educationchat @philwheeler1 #ukedchat Y7 teacher needed to support L6 assessment in primary, now it is "back" Would also spur 20:51 on Y7 teacher Transition isn't about one day Sec schools need to be present in 20:51 primaries from the beginning #ukedchat RT @ufasarah: A transition prog staffed by mix of prim & sec teachers, with yp in mixed groups of yr6/7 with yr 9 as peer tutors 20:51 #workedareat #ukedchat RT @StephenDCook: 5 quick ways to improve education in England 20:51 new blogpost #ukedchat sharing data. We also have tried to make links with pyramid primary literacy. It has been difficult to maintain. Despite 20:51 this... @alexfinICT Needs to become a whole school issue for secondary 20:51 school staff #ukedchat @PhilWheeler1 #ukedchat Collaboration and trust! Too often artificial barriers put in way, like assessment issues... Co-operation 20:51 key. #ukedchat danger that transition projects give false picture of 20:52 reality. Need to ensure project reflects the real nature if new sch.





mrdpcarr PhilWheeler1 MrWaldram tafkam1979

judeenright Shaf_Hansraj

PhilWheeler1 iebe_uk

mrdpcarr PhilWheeler1



#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012 MrWaldram

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 20:52 @judeenright Agreed #ukedchat RT @Shaf_Hansraj: Transition isn't about one day Sec schools need 20:52 to be present in primaries from the beginning #ukedchat Transition should be led by sec students who go into primaries and 20:52 break down the barriers #ukedchat RT @Shaf_Hansraj: Transition isn't about one day Sec schools need 20:52 to be present in primaries from the beginning #ukedchat @PhilWheeler1 It really does. But that is hard when depts in 2ndry 20:52 never know what the other is doing! #ukedchat RT @Shaf_Hansraj: Transition isn't about one day Sec schools need to be present in primaries from the beginning #ukedchat #ukedchat we do reach out a lot to them as a College from a student care, support and guidance sense. I'm not sure how successful we r at... There is NEVER an excuse for poor transition. Whn I was DHT we had 28 feeder schs. I focused on top 5/6 w/ 85% of intake #ukedchat Most importantly, Y7s need to know that they have one person who actually knows and cares about them. Not just a 20-minute tutor! #ukedchat

MattOswin Shaf_Hansraj

PhilWheeler1 alexfinICT









ufasarah ufasarah

alexfinICT HeidiLilley

RT @Shaf_Hansraj: Transition isn't about one day Sec schools need 20:52 to be present in primaries from the beginning #ukedchat RT @PhilWheeler1: @alexfinICT Needs to become a whole school 20:52 issue for secondary school staff #ukedchat RT @chrisquigley: #ukedchat danger that transition projects give false picture of reality. Need to ensure project reflects the real 20:53 nature if new sch. 20:53 @Heatherleatt @PhilWheeler1 Couldn't agree more!!! #ukedchat #ukedchat linking up from a curriculum / learning pov though. We 20:53 have so much we could learn from each other beyond Transition. RT @shaf_hansraj: Transition isn't about one day Sec schools need 20:53 to be present in primaries from the beginning #ukedchat TRUE @judeenright @Educationchat this would provide better results and progress for secondaries, its just common sense #ukedchat @Shaf_Hansraj that presupposes the sec tchrs think its important (which you clearly do!) :) #ukedchat @virkjay @nickotkdIV #ukedchat but do many parents drop off at secondary? RT @tafkam1979: We have to look at making Y6 more like Y7... and Y7 more like Y6 in some ways. #ukedchat



PhilWheeler1 philallman1 davidhunter MrWaldram

20:53 20:53 20:53 20:53

#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 RT @tafkam1979: Most importantly, Y7s need to know that they have one person who actually knows and cares about them. Not just a 20-minute tutor! #ukedchat @tafkam1979 one school I taught at had a school-wide system of 'champions' that was like that. Every member of sch staff involved. #ukedchat #ls6 team launch new competition& brochure Top 10 #socialmedia practice in Europe #edtech20 #pln #edchat #ukedchat RT @Shaf_Hansraj: Primary students should be in sec schools as well as part of their education as secs often have spec equipment to aid learning #ukedchat Primary students should be in sec schools as well as part of their education as secs often have spec equipment to aid learning #ukedchat #ukedchat secondary school releasing students to be peer mentors and visit the year 6 classes during the yr to volunteer, works wonders











EngageinEd MrWaldram


20:54 Right, gotta go - thanks for tonight. #wellmorebetterer #ukedchat RT @MrWaldram: RT @tafkam1979: We have to look at making Y6 20:55 more like Y7... and Y7 more like Y6 in some ways. #ukedchat 20:55 @Shaf_Hansraj Ours often visit for science work in a lab #ukedchat #ukedchat we have French, DT and ICT teachers in from high school 20:55 to teach projects with years 3 - 6! Kids love it. #ukedchat need to give students a taste of a real week in next 20:55 school. If special projects reflect this then great. If not, why? Can I just say I'd like all sec colleagues in this chat to come and 20:55 work near me :) #ukedchat #allseeingtransitionasvitalasido @MrWaldram @tafkam1979 agree as this would help my Y7's. I 20:56 would love to do this #ukedchat 20:56 . @Shaf_Hansraj is there a role for all through schools? #ukedchat RT @CreativeEdu: Our complete guide to Twitter for teachers over 30 pages from starting to lists to follow #ukedchat 20:56 RT @philallman1: Can I just say I'd like all sec colleagues in this chat to come and work near me :) #ukedchat 20:57 #allseeingtransitionasvitalasido RT @ukedchat: Next week #ukedchat is being hosted by @ICTMagic 20:57 Pol now live at Start young - after school clubs led by learners, new students 20:57 should know what to expect long before arrival #ukedchat

PhilWheeler1 MattOswin walshywoot


philallman1 PhilWheeler1 miconm


PhilWheeler1 ThisIsLiamM


#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 RT @walshywoot: #ukedchat we have French, DT and ICT teachers in from high school to teach projects with years 3 - 6! Kids love it. My dream job? Head of Y7 with responsibility solely for ensuring that they settle as quickly and as well as possible. Rarely seen! #ukedchat #ukedchat coaching triads with primary and secondary colleagues sharing ideas and expertise, works brilliantly RT @philallman1



tafkam1979 Nicki99 tafkam1979

20:57 20:57 20:58



My school have Yr 6 from all feeder schools spend half a day a 20:58 fortnight throughout the year to help with transition #ukedchat RT @Shaf_Hansraj: Start young - after school clubs led by learners, new students should know what to expect long before arrival 20:58 #ukedchat RT @Nicki99: #ukedchat coaching triads with primary and 20:58 secondary colleagues sharing ideas and expertise, works brilliantly 20:59 @theDTguy I bet this pays off too! #ukedchat We have primary transition nailed just need to work on tertiary to 20:59 move our guys forward onto their next steps #ukedchat #ukedchat y5 doing project on packaging using CADCAM software. Goin to see their designs for Easter egg packets cut out with laser 20:59 cutter! @ukedchat i have a playbased year one but very quickly bring a lot more structure as it what the kids need. play accesible in the 21:00 afternoon. RT @ukedchat: It's 9pm. HUGE thanks to @PhilWheeler1 for hosting #ukedchat this evening. Very impressive first timer ;-) Great chat about transition going on from protected users! #ukedchat @philallman1 agree that secondaries can learn plenty from primary colleagues #ukedchat Very interesting topic next week What do you think will be the next big thing in education? 2011 was #socialmedia #curation year #ukedchat It's 9pm. HUGE thanks to @PhilWheeler1 for hosting #ukedchat this evening. Very impressive first timer ;-) The #ukedchat archive will be collected at approx 9.15 and available at

PhilWheeler1 PhilWheeler1




alexfinICT ukedchat miconm

21:00 21:00 21:00

web20education ukedchat ukedchat

21:00 21:00 21:01



RT @ukedchat: It's 9pm. HUGE thanks to @PhilWheeler1 for 21:01 hosting #ukedchat this evening. Very impressive first timer ;-) @TeacherToolkit: I've never seen transition work very well :( #UKEdChat what a shame, it's key to a successful start, pastoral 21:01 & academic

#ukedchat Archive 09 February 2012

Transition hosted by @PhilWheeler1 RT @web20education: Very interesting topic next week What do you think will be the next big thing in education? 2011 was #socialmedia #curation year #ukedchat Well that hour went fast. Thank you to all who made my first hosting of #ukedchat a pleasure. same time next week with @ICTMagic Anyone interested inPeer Tutoring give meashout. Got lots of egs of it working in different ways/contexts #ukedchat #ukedchat poll for Thursday 16th February 2012, hosted by @ICTMagic Great choices! #ukedchat thanks everyone :) @Nicki99 @PhilWheeler1 that sounds like a really great idea #ukedchat First #ukedchat for a while. Enjoyed it. Thanks all. RT @web20education: Very interesting topic next week What do you think will be the next big thing in education? 2011 was #socialmedia #curation year #ukedchat @PhilWheeler1 well done! Great #ukedchat tonight. Next week #ukedchat is being hosted by @ICTMagic Poll now live at @ukedchat thank you. Really enjoyed it. Love to do another in the future (if you'll have me) :) RT @Heatherleatt: @PhilWheeler1 well done! Great #ukedchat tonight. RT @ukedchat: Next week #ukedchat is being hosted by @ICTMagic Poll now live at RT @ukedchat: Next week #ukedchat is being hosted by @ICTMagic Pol now live at



PhilWheeler1 ufasarah philosophyshop davidhunter Heatherleatt mr_chadwick

21:02 21:02 21:03 21:03 21:04 21:04

HeidiLilley Heatherleatt ukedchat PhilWheeler1 PhilWheeler1 mr_chadwick ICTmagic

21:04 21:05 21:05 21:05 21:07 21:07 21:09



@miconm absolutely - it also means that new cohort know staff 21:09 and older students which can be vital in first weeks #ukedchat 21:10 @PhilWheeler1 cheers for #ukedchat enjoyed it as always be inventive, primary students join year 8s doing field work. They remember it and it gives you common ground in first weeks 21:11 #ukedchat

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