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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

/** * @namespace * $.couch is used to communicate with a CouchDB server, the server methods can * be called directly without creating an instance. Typically all methods are * passed an <code>options</code> object which defines a success callback which * is called with the data returned from the http request to CouchDB, you can * find the other settings that can be used in the <code>options</code> object * from <a href=""> * jQuery.ajax settings</a> * <pre><code>$.couch.activeTasks({ * success: function (data) { * console.log(data); * } * });</code></pre> * Outputs (for example): * <pre><code>[ * { * "pid" : "<0.11599.0>", * "status" : "Copied 0 of 18369 changes (0%)", * "task" : "recipes", * "type" : "Database Compaction" * } *]</code></pre> */ (function($) { $.couch = $.couch || {}; /** @lends $.couch */ /** * @private */ function encodeDocId(docID) { var parts = docID.split("/"); if (parts[0] == "_design") { parts.shift(); return "_design/" + encodeURIComponent(parts.join('/')); } return encodeURIComponent(docID); } /**

* @private */ var uuidCache = []; $.extend($.couch, { urlPrefix: '', /** * You can obtain a list of active tasks by using the /_active_tasks URL. * The result is a JSON array of the currently running tasks, with each task * being described with a single object. * @see <a href=" * all/documentation/couchbase-api-misc.html#couchbase-api-misc_active-task * s_get">docs for /_active_tasks</a> * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * /#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ activeTasks: function(options) { ajax( {url: this.urlPrefix + "/_active_tasks"}, options, "Active task status could not be retrieved" ); }, /** * Returns a list of all the databases in the CouchDB instance * @see <a href=" * all/documentation/couchbase-api-misc.html#couchbase-api-misc_active-task * s_get">docs for /_all_dbs</a> * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * /#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ allDbs: function(options) { ajax( {url: this.urlPrefix + "/_all_dbs"}, options, "An error occurred retrieving the list of all databases" ); }, /** * View and edit the CouchDB configuration, called with just the options * parameter the entire config is returned, you can be more specific by * passing the section and option parameters, if you specify a value that * value will be stored in the configuration. * @see <a href=" * all/documentation/couchbase-api-config.html#couchbase-api-config_config * -section-key_put">docs for /_config</a> * @param {ajaxSettings} options * <a href=""> * jQuery ajax settings</a> * @param {String} [section] the section of the config

* @param {String} [option] the particular config option * @param {String} [value] value to be set */ config: function(options, section, option, value) { var req = {url: this.urlPrefix + "/_config/"}; if (section) { req.url += encodeURIComponent(section) + "/"; if (option) { req.url += encodeURIComponent(option); } } if (value === null) { req.type = "DELETE"; } else if (value !== undefined) { req.type = "PUT"; = toJSON(value); req.contentType = "application/json"; req.processData = false } ajax(req, options, "An error occurred retrieving/updating the server configuration" ); }, /** * Returns the session information for the currently logged in user. * @param {ajaxSettings} options * <a href=""> * jQuery ajax settings</a> */ session: function(options) { options = options || {}; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: this.urlPrefix + "/_session", beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'); }, complete: function(req) { var resp = $.parseJSON(req.responseText); if (req.status == 200) { if (options.success) options.success(resp); } else if (options.error) { options.error(req.status, resp.error, resp.reason); } else { alert("An error occurred getting session info: " + resp.reason); } } }); }, /** * @private */

userDb : function(callback) { $.couch.session({ success : function(resp) { var userDb = $.couch.db(; callback(userDb); } }); }, /** * Create a new user on the CouchDB server, <code>user_doc</code> is an * object with a <code>name</code> field and other information you want * to store relating to that user, for example * <code>{"name": "daleharvey"}</code> * @param {Object} user_doc Users details * @param {String} password Users password * @param {ajaxSettings} options * <a href=""> * jQuery ajax settings</a> */ signup: function(user_doc, password, options) { options = options || {}; // prepare user doc based on name and password user_doc = this.prepareUserDoc(user_doc, password); $.couch.userDb(function(db) { db.saveDoc(user_doc, options); }); }, /** * Populates a user doc with a new password. * @param {Object} user_doc User details * @param {String} new_password New Password */ prepareUserDoc: function(user_doc, new_password) { if (typeof hex_sha1 == "undefined") { alert("creating a user doc requires sha1.js to be loaded in the page"); return; } var user_prefix = "org.couchdb.user:"; user_doc._id = user_doc._id || user_prefix +; if (new_password) { // handle the password crypto user_doc.salt = $.couch.newUUID(); user_doc.password_sha = hex_sha1(new_password + user_doc.salt); } user_doc.type = "user"; if (!user_doc.roles) { user_doc.roles = []; } return user_doc; }, /**

* Authenticate against CouchDB, the <code>options</code> parameter is *expected to have <code>name</code> and <code>password</code> fields. * @param {ajaxSettings} options * <a href=""> * jQuery ajax settings</a> */ login: function(options) { options = options || {}; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: this.urlPrefix + "/_session", dataType: "json", data: {name:, password: options.password}, beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'); }, complete: function(req) { var resp = $.parseJSON(req.responseText); if (req.status == 200) { if (options.success) options.success(resp); } else if (options.error) { options.error(req.status, resp.error, resp.reason); } else { alert("An error occurred logging in: " + resp.reason); } } }); },

/** * Delete your current CouchDB user session * @param {ajaxSettings} options * <a href=""> * jQuery ajax settings</a> */ logout: function(options) { options = options || {}; $.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: this.urlPrefix + "/_session", dataType: "json", username : "_", password : "_", beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'); }, complete: function(req) { var resp = $.parseJSON(req.responseText); if (req.status == 200) { if (options.success) options.success(resp); } else if (options.error) { options.error(req.status, resp.error, resp.reason); } else { alert("An error occurred logging out: " + resp.reason); } } }); },

/** * @namespace * $.couch.db is used to communicate with a specific CouchDB database * <pre><code>var $db = $.couch.db("mydatabase"); *$db.allApps({ * success: function (data) { * ... process data ... * } *}); * </code></pre> */ db: function(name, db_opts) { db_opts = db_opts || {}; var rawDocs = {}; function maybeApplyVersion(doc) { if (doc._id && doc._rev && rawDocs[doc._id] && rawDocs[doc._id].rev == doc._rev) { // todo: can we use commonjs require here? if (typeof Base64 == "undefined") { alert("please include /_utils/script/base64.js in the page for " + "base64 support"); return false; } else { doc._attachments = doc._attachments || {}; doc._attachments["rev-"+doc._rev.split("-")[0]] = { content_type :"application/json", data : Base64.encode(rawDocs[doc._id].raw) }; return true; } } }; return /** @lends $.couch.db */{ name: name, uri: this.urlPrefix + "/" + encodeURIComponent(name) + "/", /** * Request compaction of the specified database. * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-db.html#couchbase-api-db_ * db-compact_post">docs for /db/_compact</a> * @param {ajaxSettings} options * <a href=""> * jQuery ajax settings</a> */ compact: function(options) { $.extend(options, {successStatus: 202}); ajax({ type: "POST", url: this.uri + "_compact", data: "", processData: false }, options, "The database could not be compacted"

); }, /** * Cleans up the cached view output on disk for a given view. * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-db.html#couchbase-api-db * _db-view-cleanup_post">docs for /db/_compact</a> * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ viewCleanup: function(options) { $.extend(options, {successStatus: 202}); ajax({ type: "POST", url: this.uri + "_view_cleanup", data: "", processData: false }, options, "The views could not be cleaned up" ); }, /** * Compacts the view indexes associated with the specified design * document. You can use this in place of the full database compaction * if you know a specific set of view indexes have been affected by a * recent database change. * @see <a href=" * oads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-db.html#couchbase-api-db_db* compact-design-doc_post">docs for /db/_compact/design-doc</a> * @param {String} groupname Name of design-doc to compact * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ compactView: function(groupname, options) { $.extend(options, {successStatus: 202}); ajax({ type: "POST", url: this.uri + "_compact/" + groupname, data: "", processData: false }, options, "The view could not be compacted" ); }, /** * Create a new database * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-db.html#couchbase-api-db_ * db_put">docs for PUT /db/</a> * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ create: function(options) {

$.extend(options, {successStatus: 201}); ajax({ type: "PUT", url: this.uri, contentType: "application/json", data: "", processData: false }, options, "The database could not be created" ); }, /** * Deletes the specified database, and all the documents and * attachments contained within it. * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-db.html#couchbase-api-db_ * db_delete">docs for DELETE /db/</a> * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ drop: function(options) { ajax( {type: "DELETE", url: this.uri}, options, "The database could not be deleted" ); }, /** * Gets information about the specified database. * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-db.html#couchbase-api-db * _db_get">docs for GET /db/</a> * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ info: function(options) { ajax( {url: this.uri}, options, "Database information could not be retrieved" ); }, /** * @namespace * $.couch.db.changes provides an API for subscribing to the changes * feed * <pre><code>var $changes = $.couch.db("mydatabase").changes(); *$changes.onChange = function (data) { * ... process data ... * } * $changes.stop(); * </code></pre> */

changes: function(since, options) { options = options || {}; // set up the promise object within a closure for this handler var timeout = 100, db = this, active = true, listeners = [], promise = /** @lends $.couch.db.changes */ { /** * Add a listener callback * @see <a href=" * files/uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-db.html#couch * base-api-db_db-changes_get">docs for /db/_changes</a> * @param {Function} fun Callback function to run when * notified of changes. */ onChange : function(fun) { listeners.push(fun); }, /** * Stop subscribing to the changes feed */ stop : function() { active = false; } }; // call each listener when there is a change function triggerListeners(resp) { $.each(listeners, function() { this(resp); }); }; // when there is a change, call any listeners, then check for // another change options.success = function(resp) { timeout = 100; if (active) { since = resp.last_seq; triggerListeners(resp); getChangesSince(); }; }; options.error = function() { if (active) { setTimeout(getChangesSince, timeout); timeout = timeout * 2; } }; // actually make the changes request function getChangesSince() { var opts = $.extend({heartbeat : 10 * 1000}, options, { feed : "longpoll", since : since }); ajax(

{url: db.uri + "_changes"+encodeOptions(opts)}, options, "Error connecting to "+db.uri+"/_changes." ); } // start the first request if (since) { getChangesSince(); } else {{ success : function(info) { since = info.update_seq; getChangesSince(); } }); } return promise; }, /** * Fetch all the docs in this db, you can specify an array of keys to * fetch by passing the <code>keys</code> field in the * <code>options</code> * parameter. * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-db.html#couchbase-api-db_ * db-all-docs_get">docs for /db/all_docs/</a> * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ allDocs: function(options) { var type = "GET"; var data = null; if (options["keys"]) { type = "POST"; var keys = options["keys"]; delete options["keys"]; data = toJSON({ "keys": keys }); } ajax({ type: type, data: data, url: this.uri + "_all_docs" + encodeOptions(options) }, options, "An error occurred retrieving a list of all documents" ); }, /** * Fetch all the design docs in this db * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */

allDesignDocs: function(options) { this.allDocs($.extend( {startkey:"_design", endkey:"_design0"}, options)); }, /** * Fetch all the design docs with an index.html, <code>options</code> * parameter expects an <code>eachApp</code> field which is a callback * called on each app found. * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ allApps: function(options) { options = options || {}; var self = this; if (options.eachApp) { this.allDesignDocs({ success: function(resp) { $.each(resp.rows, function() { self.openDoc(, { success: function(ddoc) { var index, appPath, appName = ddoc._id.split('/'); appName.shift(); appName = appName.join('/'); index = ddoc.couchapp && ddoc.couchapp.index; if (index) { appPath = ['', name, ddoc._id, index].join('/'); } else if (ddoc._attachments && ddoc._attachments["index.html"]) { appPath = ['', name, ddoc._id, "index.html"].join('/'); } if (appPath) options.eachApp(appName, appPath, ddoc); } }); }); } }); } else { alert("Please provide an eachApp function for allApps()"); } }, /** * Returns the specified doc from the specified db. * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-dbdoc.html#couchbase-api* dbdoc_db-doc_get">docs for GET /db/doc</a> * @param {String} docId id of document to fetch * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> * @param {ajaxSettings} ajaxOptions <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ openDoc: function(docId, options, ajaxOptions) {

options = options || {}; if (db_opts.attachPrevRev || options.attachPrevRev) { $.extend(options, { beforeSuccess : function(req, doc) { rawDocs[doc._id] = { rev : doc._rev, raw : req.responseText }; } }); } else { $.extend(options, { beforeSuccess : function(req, doc) { if (doc["jquery.couch.attachPrevRev"]) { rawDocs[doc._id] = { rev : doc._rev, raw : req.responseText }; } } }); } ajax({url: this.uri + encodeDocId(docId) + encodeOptions(options)}, options, "The document could not be retrieved", ajaxOptions ); }, /** * Create a new document in the specified database, using the supplied * JSON document structure. If the JSON structure includes the _id * field, then the document will be created with the specified document * ID. If the _id field is not specified, a new unique ID will be * generated. * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-dbdoc.html#couchbase-api* dbdoc_db_post">docs for GET /db/doc</a> * @param {String} doc document to save * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ saveDoc: function(doc, options) { options = options || {}; var db = this; var beforeSend = fullCommit(options); if (doc._id === undefined) { var method = "POST"; var uri = this.uri; } else { var method = "PUT"; var uri = this.uri + encodeDocId(doc._id); } var versioned = maybeApplyVersion(doc);

$.ajax({ type: method, url: uri + encodeOptions(options), contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", data: toJSON(doc), beforeSend : beforeSend, complete: function(req) { var resp = $.parseJSON(req.responseText); if (req.status == 200 || req.status == 201 || req.status == 202) { doc._id =; doc._rev = resp.rev; if (versioned) { db.openDoc(doc._id, { attachPrevRev : true, success : function(d) { doc._attachments = d._attachments; if (options.success) options.success(resp); } }); } else { if (options.success) options.success(resp); } } else if (options.error) { options.error(req.status, resp.error, resp.reason); } else { alert("The document could not be saved: " + resp.reason); } } }); }, /** * Save a list of documents * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-db.html#couchbase-api-db_ * db-bulk-docs_post">docs for /db/_bulk_docs</a> * @param {Object[]} docs List of documents to save * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ bulkSave: function(docs, options) { var beforeSend = fullCommit(options); $.extend(options, {successStatus: 201, beforeSend : beforeSend}); ajax({ type: "POST", url: this.uri + "_bulk_docs" + encodeOptions(options), contentType: "application/json", data: toJSON(docs) }, options, "The documents could not be saved" ); }, /** * Deletes the specified document from the database. You must supply

* the current (latest) revision and <code>id</code> of the document * to delete eg <code>removeDoc({_id:"mydoc", _rev: "1-2345"})</code> * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-dbdoc.html#couchbase-api * -dbdoc_db-doc_delete">docs for DELETE /db/doc</a> * @param {Object} doc Document to delete * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ removeDoc: function(doc, options) { ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: this.uri + encodeDocId(doc._id) + encodeOptions({rev: doc._rev}) }, options, "The document could not be deleted" ); }, /** * Remove a set of documents * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-db.html#couchbase-api-db_ * db-bulk-docs_post">docs for /db/_bulk_docs</a> * @param {String[]} docs List of document id's to remove * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ bulkRemove: function(docs, options){ = $.each(, function(i, doc){ doc._deleted = true; } ); $.extend(options, {successStatus: 201}); ajax({ type: "POST", url: this.uri + "_bulk_docs" + encodeOptions(options), data: toJSON(docs) }, options, "The documents could not be deleted" ); }, /** * The COPY command (which is non-standard HTTP) copies an existing * document to a new or existing document. * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-dbdoc.html#couchbase-api* dbdoc_db-doc_copy">docs for COPY /db/doc</a> * @param {String[]} docId document id to copy

* @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ copyDoc: function(docId, options, ajaxOptions) { ajaxOptions = $.extend(ajaxOptions, { complete: function(req) { var resp = $.parseJSON(req.responseText); if (req.status == 201) { if (options.success) options.success(resp); } else if (options.error) { options.error(req.status, resp.error, resp.reason); } else { alert("The document could not be copied: " + resp.reason); } } }); ajax({ type: "COPY", url: this.uri + encodeDocId(docId) }, options, "The document could not be copied", ajaxOptions ); }, /** * Creates (and executes) a temporary view based on the view function * supplied in the JSON request. * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-db.html#couchbase-api-db * _db-temp-view_post">docs for /db/_temp_view</a> * @param {Function} mapFun Map function * @param {Function} reduceFun Reduce function * @param {Function} language Language the map / reduce funs are * implemented in * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ query: function(mapFun, reduceFun, language, options) { language = language || "javascript"; if (typeof(mapFun) !== "string") { mapFun = mapFun.toSource ? mapFun.toSource() : "(" + mapFun.toString() + ")"; } var body = {language: language, map: mapFun}; if (reduceFun != null) { if (typeof(reduceFun) !== "string") reduceFun = reduceFun.toSource ? reduceFun.toSource() : "(" + reduceFun.toString() + ")"; body.reduce = reduceFun; }

ajax({ type: "POST", url: this.uri + "_temp_view" + encodeOptions(options), contentType: "application/json", data: toJSON(body) }, options, "An error occurred querying the database" ); }, /** * Fetch a _list view output, you can specify a list of * <code>keys</code> in the options object to recieve only those keys. * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-design.html#couchbase-api * -design_db-design-designdoc-list-listname-viewname_get"> * docs for /db/_design/design-doc/_list/l1/v1</a> * @param {String} list Listname in the form of ddoc/listname * @param {String} view View to run list against * @param {options} CouchDB <a href=" * HTTP_view_API">View Options</a> * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ list: function(list, view, options, ajaxOptions) { var list = list.split('/'); var options = options || {}; var type = 'GET'; var data = null; if (options['keys']) { type = 'POST'; var keys = options['keys']; delete options['keys']; data = toJSON({'keys': keys }); } ajax({ type: type, data: data, url: this.uri + '_design/' + list[0] + '/_list/' + list[1] + '/' + view + encodeOptions(options) }, ajaxOptions, 'An error occured accessing the list' ); }, /** * Executes the specified view-name from the specified design-doc * design document, you can specify a list of <code>keys</code> * in the options object to recieve only those keys. * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-design.html#couchbase-api* design_db-design-designdoc-view-viewname_get">docs for /db/ * _design/design-doc/_list/l1/v1</a> * @param {String} name View to run list against

* @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ view: function(name, options) { var name = name.split('/'); var options = options || {}; var type = "GET"; var data= null; if (options["keys"]) { type = "POST"; var keys = options["keys"]; delete options["keys"]; data = toJSON({ "keys": keys }); } ajax({ type: type, data: data, url: this.uri + "_design/" + name[0] + "/_view/" + name[1] + encodeOptions(options) }, options, "An error occurred accessing the view" ); }, /** * Fetch an arbitrary CouchDB database property * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api.html">docs for /db/_prop</a> * @param {String} propName Propery name to fetch * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> * @param {ajaxSettings} ajaxOptions <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ getDbProperty: function(propName, options, ajaxOptions) { ajax({url: this.uri + propName + encodeOptions(options)}, options, "The property could not be retrieved", ajaxOptions ); }, /** * Set an arbitrary CouchDB database property * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api.html">docs for /db/_prop</a> * @param {String} propName Propery name to fetch * @param {String} propValue Propery value to set * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> * @param {ajaxSettings} ajaxOptions <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ setDbProperty: function(propName, propValue, options, ajaxOptions) {

ajax({ type: "PUT", url: this.uri + propName + encodeOptions(options), data : JSON.stringify(propValue) }, options, "The property could not be updated", ajaxOptions ); } }; }, encodeDocId: encodeDocId, /** * Accessing the root of a CouchDB instance returns meta information about * the instance. The response is a JSON structure containing information * about the server, including a welcome message and the version of the * server. * @see <a href=" * all/documentation/couchbase-api-misc.html#couchbase-api-misc_root_get"> * docs for GET /</a> * @param {ajaxSettings} options <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> */ info: function(options) { ajax( {url: this.urlPrefix + "/"}, options, "Server information could not be retrieved" ); }, /** * Request, configure, or stop, a replication operation. * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-misc.html#couchbase-api* misc_replicate_post">docs for POST /_replicate</a> * @param {String} source Path or url to source database * @param {String} target Path or url to target database * @param {ajaxSettings} ajaxOptions <a href=" * jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings">jQuery ajax settings</a> * @param {Object} repOpts Additional replication options */ replicate: function(source, target, ajaxOptions, repOpts) { repOpts = $.extend({source: source, target: target}, repOpts); if (repOpts.continuous && !repOpts.cancel) { ajaxOptions.successStatus = 202; } ajax({ type: "POST", url: this.urlPrefix + "/_replicate", data: JSON.stringify(repOpts), contentType: "application/json"

}, ajaxOptions, "Replication failed" ); }, /** * Fetch a new UUID * @see <a href=" * uploads/all/documentation/couchbase-api-misc.html#couchbase-api* misc_uuids_get">docs for /_uuids</a> * @param {Int} cacheNum Number of uuids to keep cached for future use */ newUUID: function(cacheNum) { if (cacheNum === undefined) { cacheNum = 1; } if (!uuidCache.length) { ajax({url: this.urlPrefix + "/_uuids", data: {count: cacheNum}, async: false}, { success: function(resp) { uuidCache = resp.uuids; } }, "Failed to retrieve UUID batch." ); } return uuidCache.shift(); } }); /** * @private */ function ajax(obj, options, errorMessage, ajaxOptions) { var defaultAjaxOpts = { contentType: "application/json", headers:{"Accept": "application/json"} }; options = $.extend({successStatus: 200}, options); ajaxOptions = $.extend(defaultAjaxOpts, ajaxOptions); errorMessage = errorMessage || "Unknown error"; $.ajax($.extend($.extend({ type: "GET", dataType: "json", cache : !$.browser.msie, beforeSend: function(xhr){ if(ajaxOptions && ajaxOptions.headers){ for (var header in ajaxOptions.headers){ xhr.setRequestHeader(header, ajaxOptions.headers[header]); } } }, complete: function(req) {

try { var resp = $.parseJSON(req.responseText); } catch(e) { if (options.error) { options.error(req.status, req, e); } else { alert(errorMessage + ": " + e); } return; } if (options.ajaxStart) { options.ajaxStart(resp); } if (req.status == options.successStatus) { if (options.beforeSuccess) options.beforeSuccess(req, resp); if (options.success) options.success(resp); } else if (options.error) { options.error(req.status, resp && resp.error || errorMessage, resp && resp.reason || "no response"); } else { alert(errorMessage + ": " + resp.reason); } } }, obj), ajaxOptions)); } /** * @private */ function fullCommit(options) { var options = options || {}; if (typeof options.ensure_full_commit !== "undefined") { var commit = options.ensure_full_commit; delete options.ensure_full_commit; return function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'); xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Couch-Full-Commit", commit.toString()); }; } }; /** * @private */ // Convert a options object to an url query string. // ex: {key:'value',key2:'value2'} becomes '?key="value"&key2="value2"' function encodeOptions(options) { var buf = []; if (typeof(options) === "object" && options !== null) { for (var name in options) { if ($.inArray(name, ["error", "success", "beforeSuccess", "ajaxStart"]) >= 0) continue; var value = options[name];

if ($.inArray(name, ["key", "startkey", "endkey"]) >= 0) { value = toJSON(value); } buf.push(encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value)); } } return buf.length ? "?" + buf.join("&") : ""; } /** * @private */ function toJSON(obj) { return obj !== null ? JSON.stringify(obj) : null; } })(jQuery);

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