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Joint Actions

Spinal Column
The vertebral column has the following normal ranges of movement: Flexion, Extension, Lateral Flexion and Rotation.

Shoulder Girdle
The shoulder girdle has the following normal ranges of movement: Elevation, Depression, Adduction and Abduction.

Shoulder Joint
The shoulder joint has the following normal ranges of movement: Flexion, Extension, Adduction, Abduction and Medial Rotation.

Elbow Joint
The elbow joint has the following normal ranges of movement: Flexion, Extension, Pronation and Supination.

Wrist Joint
The wrist joint has the following normal ranges of movement: Flexion, Extension, Adduction, Abduction and Circumduction.

Hip Joint
The hip joint has the following normal ranges of movement: Flexion, Extension, Adduction, Abduction, Medial Rotation and Lateral Rotation.

Knee Joint
The knee joint has the following normal ranges of movement: Flexion and Extension

Ankle Joint
The ankle joint has the following normal ranges of movement: Plantar Flexion, Dorsi Flexion, Inversion and Eversion.





NECK AREA sternocleidom manubrium and clavi mastoid process astoid cle levator scapulae TORSO AREA, DEEP MUSCLES BACK AND NECK erector spinae (GROUP OF MUSCLES BELOW!! ) spinalis longissimus iliocostalis external intercostal TORSO AREA transversus abdominis cervical vertebrae, transverse process medial scapula

rotates head, flexes cervical vertebrae holds scapula against trunk, elevates scapula

axial skeleton except axial skeleton skull except sacrum upper lumbar, lower thoracic vertebrae

lateral flexion, extends trunk


extends vertebrae extends vertebrae draws ribs together draws ribs together

vertebrae, transverse vertebrae process ribs ribs ribs ribs

inguinal ligament, iliac crest, linea alba and pubic compresses abdominal contents crest cartilage of last 56 ribs, ilium pubic crest and pubic xiphoid process symphasis PUBIC and costalcartilages BONE 5-7 ribs lumbodorsal fascia, iliac crest, inguinal ligament

rectus abdominis

internal oblique

flexes vertebral column; increases abdo minal pressure; fixes and depresses ribs; stabilizes pelvis same as rectus abdominis, also muscles of linea alba, pubic back in trunk crest,costal cartilage rotation and lateral flexion. of last 3ribs COMPRESS linea alba, pubic tubercles, and iliac crest

external oblique

anterior surface of last eight ribs

same as internal oblique

FACIAL AREA molar region draws corner of of maxilla and mandi orbicularis oris(above) mouth lateral(compresses cheek/whistli ble ng/food between teeth) alveolar near teeth maxilla temporal fossa SIDES OF SKULL zygomatic process and its arch nasal coronoid process ofmandible angle and ramus ofmandible Compresses bridge, depresses tip of nose, elevates corners of nostrils Elevates mandible Closes jaw and elevates mandible


nasalis temporalis masseter UPPER LIMB - SCAPULAR STABILIZATI ON trapezius

rhomboids levator scapulae serratus anterior pectoralis minor UPPER LIMB supraspinatus infraspinatus teres minor teres major

occipital bone, spinae of cervical vertebrae and all thoracic vertebrae spine of C7 and T1T5 vertebrae LOOK lateral aspect 8th/9th ribs

acromion and spinou extends head(adducts scapula & sprocess of scapula, stabilizes). upper fibers elevate, lateral third of clavicle lower depress scapula vertebral border of scapula ABOVE vertebral border of anteriorsurface of scapula retracts scapula and elevates IN NECK AREA moves scapula forward toward chest wall , rotates scapula causing inferior angle to move lateral and upward fixed ribs:draws scapula forward and inferiorly. fixed scapula: draws rib cage superiorly DEPRESSES SHOULDER

anterior surface coracoid process 3/4/5 ribs near costal of scapula cartilage

supraspinous fossa of scapula infraspinous fossa of scapula lateral margin of scapula posterior surface at inferior angle of scapula

greater tubercle of humerus greater tubercle of humerus greater tuberosity of humerus crest of lesser tubercle of humerus

abduction of humerus, stabilizes shoulder joint lateral rotation of humerus, holds head of humerus in glenoid cavity lateral rotation of humerus, holds head of humerus in glenoid cavity extends, medially rotates, and adducts humerus. syngergist of latissimus dorsi IN UPPER LIMB STABILIZATION IN UPPER LIMB STABILIZATION IN UPPER LIMB STABILIZATION IN UPPER LIMB STABILIZATION IN UPPER LIMB STABILIZATION SCAPULAR SCAPULAR SCAPULAR SCAPULAR SCAPULAR

trapezius rhomboids levator scapulae serratus interior pectoralis minor




lateral third of clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula clavicle, sternum, cartilage of first 6 ribs. external oblique muscle indirect attachment to spinous process of lower 6 T vertebrae, L vertebrae, lower 3-4 ribs, iliac crest

deltoid tuberosity of humerus

pectoralis major

greater tubercle of humerus

PRIME MOVER OF ARM. abduction of arm, helps in flexion extension and rotation of humerus PRIME MOVER OF ARM. flexion, adducts, medially rotates arm. fixed arm: pulls chest upward(forced inspiration)

latissimus dorsi

PRIME MOVER OF floor of intertubercular ARM. adducts and medially rotates arm. depresses scapula. groove of humerus brings arm down forcefully.

short head: coracoid process. long head runs biceps brachii radial tuberosity in intertubercular groove within capsule of shoulder joint long head: inferior margin of glenoid cavity; lateral head: triceps brachii posterior humerus; medial head: distal radial groove on posterior humerus. MUSCLES ACTING ON THE FOREARM FLEXORS biceps brachii distal half of humerus, embraces deltoid brachialis muscle lateral supracondylar distal end of humerus medial epicondyle pronator teres of humerus, coronoid process of ulna EXTENSORS triceps brachii look above! SUPINATORS biceps brachii look above! PRONATORS pronator teres look above! brachiordialis MUSCLES ACTING ON THE SHOULDER JOINT

flexion(powerful) of elbow and supination of forearm. weak arm flexor

olecranon process of ulna

powerful forearm extensor. antagonist of forearm flexors.

coronoid process of ulnaand capsule of elbow

MAJOR FLEXOR - lifts ulna as biceps lifts radius

base of styloid process helps in flexing, works well when forearm ofradius partially flexed lateral radius, midshaft pronates forearm, weak flexor

deltoid pectoralis major latissimus dorsi teres major MUSCLES ACTING ON WRIST HAND AND FINGERS FLEXORS flex. carpi ulnaris palmaris longus flex. carpi radialis EXTENSORS ext. carpi ulnaris ext. digitorum longus brevis

look above! look above! look above! look above!

medial epicondyle of metacarpals humerus medial epicondyle of humerus, posterior POWERFUL, adducts hand with extensor pisiform/metacarpals carpi ulnaris olecranon process of ulna medial epicondyle of humerus medial epicondyle of humerus palmar aponeurosis base of 2/3 metacarpals weak, tenses fascia of palm abducts hand, helps in elbow flexion

lateral epicondyle of metacarpals humerus lateral epicondyle of humerus, 5 metacarpal posterior ulna lateral epicondyle of distal phalanges humerus lateral supracondylar 2 metacarpal of humerus latearal epicondyle of humerus 3 metacarpal

extends and adducts wrist. PRIME MOVER of fingers, abduct fingers. extends and abducts wrist extends and abducts, works with longus to steady wrist.

LOWER LIMB: MUSCLES OF ischium POSTERIOR THIGH semimembran ischial tuberosity osus ischial tuberosity, semitendinosu same w/ long head s of biceps femoris ischial tuberosity(l) linea biceps femoris aspera/distal femur(s)


medial condyle of tibia upper tibial shaft

extends thigh, flex knee, medial rotate leg extends thigh flex knee, medial rotate

fibula, lateral tibia

extends thigh, flex knee , LATERAL rotate

LOWER LIMB: MUSCLES OF THE GLUTEAL REGION gluteus dorsal ilium, sacrum, gluteal tuberosity of MAJOR EXTENSOR maximus coccyx, iliac crest femur, iliotibal tract complex, powerful, most effective when

already flexed gluteus medius gluteus minimus tensor fascie latae b/w ant/post gluteal lines lat ilium b/w ant/inf gluteal ext ilium anterior iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine lat. greater abduct, medially rotates trochanter of femur ant. greater same trochanter of femur iliotibial tract flex abduct thigh, rotate, steadies trunk

LOWER LIMB: MUSCLES OF THE MEDIAL THIGH ADDUCTORS adductor pubis brevis adductor pubis longus adductor magnus pubis

femur femur femur

flex rotate and adduct thigh flex rotate and adduct thigh flex rotate and adduct thigh


ramus and body of pubis

medial superior tibia shaft

adducts thigh, flexes and medial rotates leg.

anterior superior iliac spine

winds around medial aspectknee patella and tibial tuberosity same same

flexes and laterally rotates thigh

QUADRICEPS FEMORIS anterior inferior iliac rectus femoris vastus lateralis vastus intermedius vastus medialis LOWER LIMB: MUSCLES OF THE LATERAL AND ANTERIOR LEG tibialis anterior extensor digitorum lateral condyle, 2/3 upper tibia, interosseus membrane tibia greater trochanter anterior lateral femur shaft

extends knee, flexes thigh at hip extends knee extends knee extends knee, stabilize patella

linea aspera, same intertrochanteric line


PRIME MOVER FOOT FLEXION dorsiflexion, inverts foot, support arch flex foot


longus LOWER LIMB: MUSCLES OF THE POSTERIOR LEG soleus tibia gastrocnemius femur

calcaneus calcaneus

extend foot extend foot, flex lower leg

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