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Learn To Play Musical Instrument Sets

We all have a few of those childhood dreams that fell to the wayside as we grew up. We were either too busy or too involved in something else or were too poor or just kept forgetting about it. It doesnt matter why we never learned to play the instruments that we wanted to, what matters is that now that were adults, are we going to learn to play the musical instruments we dreamed of? While shopping for the musical instruments of our dreams, we keep running across the learn to play instruments and book sets. They look like they were probably designed for kids, but the instruments look like they are almost high quality enough to get away with playing. So can anyone really learn to play a musical instrument from the learn to play series? To be honest, those who learned to play at least one musical instrument as a child most likely can learn to play another musical instrument form the learn to play series provided we at least learned the basics of reading music. Being able to at least read the basic scale from sheet music will help tremendously when trying to learn to plat a musical instrument from a book. Some people do very well learning to play musical instruments from a book, but the people who do very well all have one thing in common, they are self learners. Those of us who were born in the mid to late seventies and beyond grew up in a system of education that everything was handfed to us, thus the majority of us do not learn very well on our own. We need someone to hold our hands and teach us note by note to play a musical instrument, not to mention trying to learn other things. Learning to play a musical instrument from a book requires a certain amount of self teaching ability. Without the ability to figure things out along the way, learning to play a musical instrument from a book will prove to be quite frustrating, although it can most certainly be done. If our desire is strong enough and our patience can run fairly deep, then yes, we can learn to play a musical instrument from a book. There are few things quite as satisfying as accomplishing something like the challenge of learning to play a musical instrument from a book. As we learn to play any musical instrument without the guidance of someone else, just like kids, our confidence grows. For adults, learning to play a musical instrument from a book may very well be the realization of a childhood dream, and theres nothing but pure magic in that.

5 Lessons I Learned About Building a Home Based Business While Watching a Master Violinist Have you ever been in moment where you realized that your perception of something would never be the same? Well that's exactly what happened to me when I attended BB Kings Restaurant to hang out and listen to a violinist for an upcoming CD release. Much to my surprise I walked away with 5 lessons that I could use to take my home based business to the next level. Within moments of world renowned jazz violinist Karen Briggs (formerly with Yani) taking the stage the quote from Tony Buzan rang my head. "Whatever your discipline, become a student of excellence in all things. Take every opportunity to observe people who manifest the qualities of mastery." Here are lessons I walked away with that you can use to successfully create a business you can work from home. 1. Change an idea or business by 10% and you can be a leader in what you do. Ms. Briggs is not the only violinist but she is one the first to become known as a "Jazz Violinist." She took traditional classical music and put a jazz twist on it and made it her own. She created a fortune by doing so. You can do the same thing. Find a work at home business you love, add your unique slant and become an expert. 2. Give your customers more than you can expect and you will create raving fans. We were told the concert would go 90 minutes. However, when Ms. Briggs surprised us with an additional 45 minute jam session it blew everyone away. When you under promise and over deliver you will create screaming fans that will tell others about your business. The ultimate form of flattery is a referral. (By the way, I highly recommend you see her). 3. When you are operating in your unique gift it will appear effortless to others. Ms. Briggs was one with her instrument. As a former violinist myself, I know first hand that it is not an easy instrument to master if you don't have the aptitude or attitude. However, when the talent or gift is innate your presentation appears organic and effortless to others. Most people spend their life looking for the "magic bullet" to create wealth. And the truth is if you were to look at the gifts and talents you have, your million dollar idea is innately a part of you. If you are not sure what it is think about what are the things you do that appear easy for you and difficult for others. Your unique talent harnessed with discipline and commitment will be unstoppable. Unleash your talents and discover how to turn it into a profitable work at home opportunity.

4. When you are a master at your craft people will pay for it and you can name your price. Being an expert in business is much like a top paid artist. When you have specialized knowledge or a skill people are willing to pay a higher price to have access to it. 5. Surround yourself with talented and supportive people and you all can go to a higher level of success. Ms. Briggs had a band around her and with their support her talents were showcased even more. No one creates success by themselves. Make sure you have people around you who support you in your business. Consider a Mastermind Group. If you are starting or currently building a home based business take one or all of these lessons, implement them in your business and watch it grow. I am always amazed how lessons about being successful are always around us if our mind is open and our ears in tune. These lessons if implemented will sound like music to your ears.

5 Reasons to Learn Music Theory If you thought music theory was a waste of time and not necessary to further your musical goals, then read these following 5 reasons why this is not true. 1.Read sheet music: Being able to play from any piece of sheet music. Well it may be hard to play BUT you can read it! 2.Be able to transpose: Say you are playing a piece from the sheet music you can now read but you think it sounds too high or too low, or just not right. Well now you can move it into a new key and play at a better singing. 3.Be able to modulate: You will be able to, with a few quick moves of the fingers, move your music into a new key with a succession of notes so pleasing to the ear it will bring a smile to your listeners faces. 4.It will increase your skill in improvising: Enough said.

5.Knowing music theory will help you recreate the sounds you enjoy in your favorite songs. Those fabulous chord progressions. The parts that give a song that certain sound. Gospel, Contemporary etc. To learn music theory you dont have to become a scholar on the subject. Just at least learn the basics. Getting a good music theory book and spending a few minutes a day reading from it and doing any included exercises can jump start your music playing. 10 Ways Music Can Help You During The Holidays This might be a time of year where youre looking for, oh, some different ways to soothe, level, motivate, energize yourself and otherwise get on top of your cascading emotions. The EQ Foundation Course emphasizes the great arts as an adjunct to Emotional Intelligence, though the not-so-great are helpful too. May we suggest? 1. Need to get solidly centered Like, as the metaphysicians say, when you vision yourself growing a tail and having it grow like an anchor down to the center of the earth kind of centered? Try anything with a big solid bass, up loud, but make sure the lyrics dont interfere. The rightbrain will dominate and youll hear the music first, but your left-brain will still be getting the lyrics. Therefore avoid, for instance, "Oh Elizabeth" with it's solid beat but sad lyrics.

OUR SUGGESTION: I Loved Em Everyone, by T. G. Sheppard 2. Need to deal with something heavy, such as last year your father died on Christmas Eve and here comes the first anniversary OUR SUGGESTION: Only classical music will work for this and thats why we call it classical. For such a deep need, to maintain your grip when somethings rocked the foundation of your world, we recommend, Beethovens Eroica. "Eroica" means "heroic" and that you will need to be. Beethoven lived through the worst thing that can happen to a person. Its there, in his music. For you. 3. To get lightly level OUR SUGGESTION: Nothing will probably ever compare to Pachelbels "Canon". After that we give 5 stars to George Winston, particularly December. Good masseuses play these tapes. There are no ups and downs and that may be just what you're aiming at. :) 4. To rip the heart out of Christmas, like when you want to just sit down in front of the tree and cry at the beauty and the splendor of it all and get it over with and then eat a pint of Haagen Daz and go to sleep.

OUR SUGGESTION: Pavorotti's Christmas video (, Panis Angelicus duet with the little boy, especially if you had a little boy who now has whiskers on his cheeks. Or Placido Domingo with the Vienna Boys Choir. Then you can pull out your heart and put it on the table beside you, right there beside the dish of peppermints, and the cinnamon-scented candle, and you'll know you had Christmas. 5. Want something Christmassy but light OUR SUGGESTION: Harp music is good for this, like for baking cookies to. It doesnt pull the emotions. Its close to the lyre, the instrument the Greek god Orpheus played to soothe the savage beasts, and to win a favor from Hades, the god to whom there is no altar (death), the god with whom there is no bargaining. Completely upbeat, light and fun is "A Reggae Christmas," by Various Artists, and yes, my friend, "sensei" does rhyme with "pear tree." Listen to it on the way in to work. That's girl's laughter will carry you through your day. Go here ( ) to hear samples. Listen to it on the way in to work. That's girl's laughter will carry you through your day. (The Ras Family, "We Wish You a Merry Christmas") And June Lodge's "Joy to the World" will bring joy to YOUR world. 6. Need to get some work done, sick of Christmas, got the kids around, underfoot and bored? GP RECOMMENDATION: (1) "Great Balls of Fire," Jerry Lee Lewis. How could you possibly be mindful with that going on? Its great fun. It will clear the air. (2) "Don't Worry Be Happy," by Marley. NC-17 RATED VERSION: The Pogues with Kristy MacColl, "Fairytale of New York". "It was Christmas Eve in the drunk tank ... The boys of the NYPD Choir were singing 'Gallway Bay' and the bells were ringing out on Christmas Day," and C.D.'s favorite line, a wry and melancholic Irish lad himself, God rest his soul in peace, "You scum bag, you maggot you cheap lousy ..., Happy Christmas your ass, I thank God it's our last." Ah, the Irish, they would've conquered the world were it not for .... No cards and letters, please. Sometimes ya gotta vent. That's what art is for, catharsis. (P. S. Use your EQ; don't take "it" out on your partner.)

7. The out-laws are coming, I mean the IN-laws, and you, exhausted, crabby and high on sugar as you are, must clean the house and you arent exactly in the MOOD for a Christmas Carol, if you know what I mean OUR G SUGGESTION: If you havent cleaned house with your two preschoolers marching along behind you to a John Philip Sousa march, you havent lived. Give the little one a paper hat and get out his toy drum. Ok, now quit laughing and taking pictures and get back to work, you! OUR PG SUGGESTION: Got older kids you need to get working with you? Call it "the main event," and put on the Jock Jams, "Let's Get Ready to Rumble." OUR X RATED SUGGESTION: You and your partner put "Cotton Eyed Joe" on -- I mean the Texas version and invent your own lyrics appropos to the, um, challenges of the moment. (This is popular at office holiday parties with adjusted lyrics as well!) And DO the Cotton Eye Joe as you push that vacuum around. Here's how ( ). 8. Need to be inspired and also to get in touch with the spiritual side of Christmas OUR SUGGESTION: Handel's Messiah, Hallelujah Chorus, of course. Just the chorus, unless you're an aficionado and can afford to tire yourself out. Remember, if you will, that when you hear "The Hallelujah Chorus," you are to stand up. Do this. Right there at home in your living room. It will do something for you. 9. Now, or any time youre beginning to feel just slightly resentful of all your blessings OUR SUGGESTION: Lord, What Did I Ever Do, by the Oak Ridge Boys is great for attitude adjustment. 10. For the peace that passeth understanding OUR SUGGESTION: Stille Naq, Noite de Paz, Noche de Paz, Sainte Nuit, Cicha Noc, Glade Jul, Stille Nacht, Po La`i E, or, as many of us know it, Silent Night, the lullaby that's been translated into every language on earth, composed by the greatest unsung duo in musical history, Mohr (lyrics) and Gruber (melody). We also recommend "Ave Maria." Especially the Caccini, arranged by Brinums, sung by Inessa Galante, available here: . For more, see . Let them still your heart and bring you peace. A Good Music Tutor Will Never Go Hungy! If you are a musician, and interested in teaching, then you will never go hungry! There is always a want for tutors - people will always want to learn music and need the guidance of someone else... you!

Ask one hundred random people, and chances are that the large majority will have an interest in singing, or playing some sort of musical instrument. Whether they enjoy singing, or playing, once you ask a little

deeper you'll find that a large percentage of this number have at some stage sought the guidance of a tutor. While the music industry booms, so will the need for tutors. Some people will always aspire to recreate the sounds that they love to hear, others enjoy the relaxation that playing can bring, and some even aim to write their own number one hit. Tutors will always be needed to help get wannabe musicians rocking. There's another reason why savvy tutors will always find employment and a comfortable income. They know that the process of learning a musical instrument helps a growing child realise a few of life's lessons - practice really does make perfect, and like the date of a recital, a deadline always needs to be planed towards and constant action taken to completing the assignment well, and on time. Mindful parents are also aware of this, and if they're not, they probably soon will be as the wise tutor advises about the positive benefits of learning the discipline to work at something. The instrument may be slightly irrelevant in the long run, but the lessons learned are completely transferable. It is possible to earn a good living from doing something as enjoyable as teaching. And you'll find various articles and tips on achieving the best of this career at my websit Visit now, and you can receive a free eBook giving advise to those thinking about starting out in this rewarding profession. Sonic Producer is a music software which is used to make beats online. The beat machine that beat up with the beat LA.

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