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Sme business mantra has been categorized into following modules.

Core Modules o Accounting o Order o Catalog o Facility o Manufacturing Additional Modules o Project Management o Issue Tracking o SFA o Asset Maintenance o eGovernance

MANUFACTURING MODULE: In Manufacturing some important concepts are Finished goods , Raw materials, reorder, ware house, bom(bill of materials), routing task, routing, mrp(material requirement plannning), jobshop, facilities, locations, make to stock, make to order,ATP(Available to promise),QOH(Quantity on Hand). ReOrder: The importance of Reorder Level arises from the need to have sufficient stocks to service customer orders and, at the same time, not to unnecessarily accumulate stock. So before only in this module we allocate some number to reorder. Finished Good: When the good is completed as to manufacturing but not yet sold or distributed to the end-user, it is called a "finished good". Ex. Table,computer,etc In this there will be no concept of reorder. Raw material: A good purchased as a "raw material" goes into the manufacture of a product In this the concept suppliers comes and also reorder. Bill of Materials: A bill of materials (sometimes bill of material or BOM) is a list of the raw materials, sub-assemblies, intermediate assemblies, sub-components, components, parts and the quantities of each needed to manufacture an end product. A BOM can define products as they are designed (engineering bill of materials), as they are ordered (sales bill of materials), as they are built (manufacturing bill of materials), or as they are maintained (service bill of materials)

Routing tasks: The routing is the task list used for production planning applications. It describes the work steps that are necessary to produce a material or provide a service in a production or manufacturing environment. .product configuration done by catalog manager Routing : Routing is an ordered list of tasks required for a manufacturing process that is used for making a product. The same Routing can be assigned to more than one product if the same process is used to make each of them. I,e they specify the steps or sequences that are used to manufacture a product Material Requirement Planning : MRP is a time phased priority planning technique that calculates material requirements and schedules supply to meet changing demand across all products and parts in one or more plants. MRP is used to derive the master schedule from the forecast, the sales order or both. The master schedule is the foundation of all the operations, with MRP handling all the ordering and scheduling of the inventory (raw materials, components, etc). One big advantage of MRP is that it analyses and plans your future needs for all dependant demand items. If an item is not needed, you don't plan for it any more. The basic function of MRP system includes inventory control, bill of material processing and elementary scheduling. MRP helps organizations to maintain low inventory levels. It is used to plan manufacturing, purchasing and delivering activities. The module provides the capability to do MRP in both the scenarios. 1.Make to Stock 2.Make to Order. In MTS (Make to Stock), products are manufactured based on demand forecasts. Since accuracy of the forecasts will prevent excess inventory and opportunity loss due to stockout, the issue here is how to forecast demands accurately. MTO (Make to Order) is a manufacturing process in which manufacturing starts only after a customer's order is received. Available-to-promise (ATP): ATP is an important concept in supply chain management, meaning to quote an available quantity and a delivery date for an order from a customer.

Available-to-promise (ATP) is a business function that provides a response to customer order enquiries, based on resource availability.[1] It generates available quantities of the requested product, and delivery due dates. Therefore, ATP supports order promising and fulfillment, aiming to manage demand and match it to production plans. Quantity on hand: Quantity on hand describes the actual physical inventory in the possession of the business. When inventory is received or produced, it is added to quantity on hand, when inventory is sold or consumed, it is removed from quantity on hand. Work Flow of Manufacturing Module: Login into sme business mantra as admin and password as smemantra, presently no tenant id is required. The steps included in manufacturing process are setup the products(Raw Materials and Finished Goods) through catalog mgr. Bill of Material o Find o Bom Simulation o Edit Bom Routing Tasks o Edit Routing Task Routing o Edit Routing o Edit Routing Task Assoc o Edit Routing Product Link Calendar o Calenders o Weeks MRP o o o Run Mrp Mrp Log Inventory Event Planned

Order mgr Facility mgr Manufac mgr

setup the products(Raw Materials and Finished Goods) through catalog setting up of new products are done through catalog manager.

In this module we have taken example of manufacturing a finished product TABLE, for which raw materials required are 1.wood 2.Nails 3.varnish (paint).

For Finished product Table. We need to navigate Creating a product Facilities Locations suppliers are not required since it is a finished good and we need to supply that finished good to customers. For Raw Materials wood. We need to navigate Creating a product Facilities Locations Suppliers (suppliers concept is involved, since we need suppliers of raw materials for manufacturing finished good of Table)

Navigation :

Goto Appln -> catalog

For Table : Creating a product In this page, give the internal name : Tablee Product type : Finished good Id : Tablee - 111 Click on create product, then product with intername and id (Tablee-111)is generated. Facilities: Give Facility Id : Webstore ware house Minimum stock : 5 No Reorder quantity. Click Add. Locations : Give Facility Id : Webstore ware house Location seq id : TL.. (as shown in screen shot) Click Add.

For wood :

Creating a product In this page, give the internal name : Woodd Product type : Raw Material. Id : Woodd-111 Click on create product, then product with intername and id(Woodd-111) is generated. Facilities: Give Facility Id : Webstore ware house Minimum stock : 5 Reorder quantity : 50 Click Add. Locations : Give Facility Id : Webstore ware house Location seq id : TL.. (as shown in screen shot) Click Add. Suppliers : Give Supplier : Demo Supplier Last Price : 5000 Supplier Product Id : Woodd_S Then click create button. Then similarly do for raw materials of nails and varnish. For Nail : Creating a product In this page, give the internal name : Nailsss Product type : Raw Material. Id : Nailsss-111 Click on create product, then product with intername and id(Nailsss-111) is generated. Facilities: Give Facility Id : Webstore ware house Minimum stock : 20 Reorder quantity : 100 Click Add. Locations : Give Facility Id : Webstore ware house Location seq id : TL.. (as shown in screen shot) Click Add.

Suppliers : Give Supplier : Demo Supplier Last Price : 3000 Supplier Product Id : Nailsss_S Then click create button. For Varnish : Creating a product In this page, give the internal name : varnisss Product type : Raw Material. Id : varnisss-111 Click on create product, then product with intername and id(varnisss-111) is generated. Facilities: Give Facility Id : Webstore ware house Minimum stock : 5 Reorder quantity : 5 Click Add. Locations : Give Facility Id : Webstore ware house Location seq id : TL.. (as shown in screen shot) Click Add. Suppliers : Give Supplier : Demo Supplier Last Price : 2000 Supplier Product Id : varnisss_S Then click create button. Navigation : Applns -> Manufacturing -> Manufac Mgr -> Bill of Materials In Bill of Materials: Click create Bom Product id : main finished product like Table-111 Bom Type : Bill of Materials (As shown in screen shot) Then click submit. Then in Edit Bom Tab: Product Id would be same like : Tablee-111 but

To Product id : Wood-111 Quantity : 5 (As shown in screen shot) Similarly, we have to give raw materials like nails-111 ,varnish-111 as Product Id would be same like : Tablee-111 but To Product id : Nailsss-111 Quantity : 4 Product Id would be same like : Tablee-111 but To Product id : varnisss-111 Quantity : 2 Imp Note : So we are using these raw materials of mentioned quantities to make table of 5 quantities because we have mentioned in Table min. stock as 5. Routing Task: In Routing Task Name : Cutting of wood. Task Type : Manufacturing Then click on submit. Similarly give as Nailing of wood and Varnishing of table. (As shown in screen shot we can see in the list of Routing task name as cutting of wood, Nailing of wood and varnishing of table) Routing: Give Routing Name : Table Routing Then click submit. Then in Edit Routing Task Assoc tab, give the routing task id (which must be picked up by routing task list )and sequence no. as 1,2,3 etc for each routing task. Then in Edit Routing Product link, give : product id : Tablee-111 Click update. (As shown in screen shot) Calender : In which starting time of work and week days and capacitys can be set. MRP : In Run Mrp tab Give Mrp name : mrp_tablee Facility : web store warehouse In mrplog first status id of job will be in running stage , afte few seconds or refresh , it will change to finished

In Inventory Event Planned: In Inventory Event Planned , we can see Proposed order receipts which are of Manufacturing and Purchasing, quantity, mrp requirement (As shown in screen shot) Navigation : Applns -> order -> order Manager -> Requirements In Requirements , we can see proposed type of Product requirement of raw materials and internal requirement of Finished good. In Approve Requirements : Select our raw materials which are of product requirement and submit.(As shown in Screen shot). In Find Approved Requirements by supplier: Select Bill to customer Party id as Your company name here(company) and facility id as web store ware house, then click prepare order. Select the raw materials which are required and click purchase order quick entry. Then Purchase order (temporary) is generated which contains shipping information, supplier, quantity, item list with sales tax, then click create order in the right corner to create the purchase order. Then Purchase order with number is generated and current status will be created. Then click Approve order , now the current status will be Approved. Here pdfs can also be generated. Then click quick Receive Purchase order. Then select the shipment to Receive and click Receive selected shipment. Then click receive selected products which we have been ordered. In Receive inventory , we can see the materials received with quantity in the respective inventories. In Inventory , we can see ATP(Available to Promise) as 0 and QOH(Quantity on Hand) as 0 for tablee. Since the good has to be manufactured. And woodd-111 as 50 and Nailsss as 100 and Varnisss as 15. Since we have taken from the supplier. Go Back to order Mgr and in Requirements, we can search with Product id : Tablee111, then we can see the internal requirement for Table , quantity as 5, select and submit. (As shown in screen shot)

Go to Manufac Mgr -> Job shop Click on the related id of production Run name (here, it is 10108), Here we can see product name : Tablee(Tablee-111) and current status as created and list of Routting Task names, product names and quantity. Then click confirm to confirm the production run and status of routing task names will come as confirmed, quantiy to produce as 5 and produced as 0. Then click quick complete and now status of routing task names will come as completed. Then click Add under production run produce tab to update the produced finished good and now it shows produced as 5. Hence, The produced quantity is updated as ATP and QOH for the finished goods and ATP, QOH for the raw materials are reduced. Then click quick close to close the production run. Then check the inventory from facility to see the status of finished good and raw materials. Go to applns -> facility -> facility id : webstore and submit then go to inventory Check for Tablee, give product id : Tablee, product type as finished good we can see ATP as 5 and QOH as 5.(as shown in screen shot) Now check for raw materials, give product id : Woodd-111,Nailsss-111,Varnisss-111 product type as Raw Material. we can see ATP as 25 and QOH as 25. For woodd-111 we can see ATP as 80 and QOH as 80. For Nailsss-111 we can see ATP as 5 and QOH as 5. For Varnisss-111 which are reduced to manufacture 5 Tables. (as shown in screen shot)

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