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Submitted to: Mrs. Kavita dahiya (MBA faculty)

Submitted by: Manvi chhabra (MBA 1ST SEM)

Bhagwan mahaveer institute, Sonepat (Haryana) (Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak)

S.NO 1.
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.

PARTICULARS OPERATING SYSTEM MS- DOS Internal Commands External Commands Batch Commands MS- OFFICE MS- Word MS- Excel MS- PowerPoint INTERNET Creating an E-mail ID Sending an E-mail Search mechanism TALLY



1 2-5 6-8 9 10 - 39 10 - 23 24 - 26 27 - 39 40 41 - 42 43 44 - 46 47 - 53

MS-DOS stand works like a tra DOS operating


Disk operating

The internal commands are those commands that are automatically loaded in the memory of your PC when DOS is loaded. The internal commands are used for common tasks, such as copying, renaming or erasing files, displaying a list of files in a diskette, creating and changing directories, changing the current date in your PC etc. MADE DIRECTORY (MD command) Purpose: This command allows creating a new directory or a sub-directory. Syntax: C:\> MD \ name of directory Example: C:\> md manvi Output: A directory with the name manvi is created. i.e D:\manvi> CHANGE DIRECTORY Purpose: CD command allows changing the path between directories on any disk. It also displays the name of or changes the current directory. Syntax: CD Drive: \path Example: C:\> cd manvi Output: C:\ manvi> DIRECTORY Purpose: This command displays a list of files in a directory. The DIR command without parameter displays the list files in the currently loaded drive and subdirectory. Syntax: DIR drive:\ path file(S) / switches Example: D :\> dir COPY CON Purpose: This command allows to create a new file in the directory. Syntax:

COPY CON(file name) Example: C:\ manvi > copy con m1 Output: Myself is manvi, I am a student of MBA. File is copied. TYPE Purpose: This command allows us to display the contents of specified file or files. Syntax: TYPE drive :\path\filename Example: C: \manvi> type m1 Output: Myself is manvi, I am a student of MBA. CLS Purpose: This command allows us to clear the screen and only the operating system prompt on the top left corner is displayed. Syntax: CLS Example: C:\manvi>cls Output: All the text removed automatically. COPY Purpose: This command is used to copy files from one destination to another. Syntax: Copy source-drive:\path\filename(s) Example: C:\manvi\copy m1 m3 Output: One file(1) copied. DELETE Purpose: This command is used to delete one or more files.

Syntax: DEL drive\path\file(s)/ switches Example: C:\manvi> del m3 Output: Delete m3 (y/n) Enter y to delete all files. Enter n to cancel the command. CHECK DATE Purpose: If the DATE command is used without any parameters, DOS displays the current system date and prompts the user to enter another. If after the DATE command, the DATE is include, DOS changes the date. Syntax: DATE date Output: The current date is 10-19-09 Enter the new date <mm-dd-yy> TIME Purpose: This command allows to display or changes the system time. Syntax: TIME (displays the current system time) TIME hh:mm:ss a/p Where a stands for a.m And p stands for p.m Example: C:\> time Output: The current time is 0:21:40:57 Enter the new time. RD Purpose: The RD command is used to remove directories. Thr directory to be removed should be empty. Syntax: N drive:/path/ country file RENAME

Purpose: This command is used to rename or change the file name. Syntax: REN drive :\path\ old file name drive:\path \new filename. Example: C: \ manvi> ren m1 m2 Output: The name of m1 is now changed with m2.


These commands exists as individual or separate program in the DOS diskette in order to access these commands where external commands must be located in the directory or sub-directory where these commands have been stored. Some of the external commands are as follows:-

FORMAT Purpose: The process of reading a disk for use the first time is called FORMATTING. This command is used when a diskette is new and has not been pre- formatted. Syntax: Format [drive] Example: A:\ > format d SWITCHES /Q Performs a quick format /C test clusters that are currently marked bad /X forces the volume the dismount first if necessary /F size specifies the size of floppy disk to format (1.44) /T tracks: specifies the number of tracks per track /S- copies system files to the formatted disk /V [: label] specifies the volume label DISKCOPY Purpose: This command copies the contents of one disk to another Syntax: Disk copy [drive 1] [drive 2] The two floppy disks must be of same type. TREE Purpose: This command displays the directories and sub- directories on the specified drive. Syntax:

Tree [path] UNDELETE Purpose: Recovers files, which has been deleted Syntax: Undelete [list] [/all] DELTREE Purpose; Delete the specified directory including its files and subdirectories Syntax: Del tree [drive] [label] HELP Purpose: This command runs the help program. It displays the syntax summary of the command name entered Syntax: Help or (/?) Example: (:\vol/? Output: volume in drive C has no label volume serial number is C40A-C546 MORE Purpose: The more command when use displays the output on screen at a time on a continuous scrolling. The MORE command is used to display the contents of the data file or to display the output of a program Syntax: MORE> drive:\path\ free(s) For eg: MORE< student. text

Batch commands are one of the important parts of MS-DOS. In batch commands a batch file is created (like windows.bat) and under this file number of commands is executed at once.

Syntax: copy con yad.bat Date Time Volume Controls

M icrosoft w windows. I sophisticated most widely


Control menu box includes following functions: NEW: OPEN: SAVE: Creates a new, blank file. Opens a file. Saves the current file with its name, location and format.

SAVE AS: Saves a copy of document as: 1) Word document 2) Word template 3) Other formats PRINT: Send the document for printing.

PREPARE: Prepares the document for distribution. SEND: Send a copy of the document to other people.


Home menu includes following functions: CUT: COPY: FONT: the Cut the selected part of existing document. Copy the selected part of existing document. Helps to change the text bold and italic and also underline font face. STYLES: Provides different styles and change set of styles to the document. FIND: REPLACE: Find text in the document. Replace text in the document.

PARAGRAPH: Arranging the text in bullet form.


INSERT MENU INCLUDES FOLLOWING OPTION: COVER PAGE: Insert a fully formatted cover page. BLANK PAGE: Insert a new blank page at the cursor position. PAGE BREAK: Start a new page at the current position. TABLE: PICTURE: CLIP ART: Insert a table into the document. Insert a picture from a file. Insert clip art into the document including drawings etc. for the explanation of specific project. SHAPES: Insert readymade shapes.

SMART ART: Insert a smart art for attractive depiction of the things. CHART: Insert a chart for comparative analysis.

HYPERLINK: Create a link to the web page. Shortcut key is Ctrl+K.

BOOKMARK: Create a bookmark to assign a name to a specific point in document. HEADER: FOOTER: TEXTBOX: Edit the header of the document. Edit the footer of the document. Insert preformatted textboxes.

WORD ART: Insert decorative text in your format. DROP CAP: Create a large capital letter at the beginning of the paragraph. DATE & TIME:Insert current date and time into the current document. OBJECT: EQUATION: SYMBOLS: Insert an embedded object. Insert a common mathematical equation. Insert symbols that are not on your keyboard.


Page layout menu includes following options: THEMES: Change the overall design of the entire document including colours, font and effects. MARGINS: Select the margin sizes for the entire document or the current section. ORIENTATION: Switch the pages between portrait and landscape layouts. SIZE: Apply a specific paper size to all the section of the document or to the current section. COLUMNS: BREAKS: Split text into two or more columns. Add page, section, or column breaks to the

document. WATER MARK: Insert ghosted text behind the content on the page.

PAGE COLOURS: Choose a colour for the background of the page. PAGE BORDERS: Add or change the border around the page. SPACING: ALIGN: Change the spacing between the paragraphs. Align the edges of the multiple selected objects.


References menu includes following functions: TABLE OF CONTENTS: Add a table of contents to the document. INSERT FOOTNOTE: INSERT CITATION: Add a footnote to the document. Cite a book, journal article, or other periodical as a source for the piece of information in the document. INSERT CAPTION: MARK ENTRY: Add a caption to a picture or other image. Include the selected text in the index of the document.


Mailings menu includes following functions: ENVELOPES: LABELS: Create and print envelopes. Create and print labels.

START MAIL MERGE: It helps to create a form letter which you intend to print or e-mail multiple times. SELECT RECIPIENTS: Choose the list of people you intend to send the letter to.


Review menu includes following functions: SPELLING & GRAMMAR: Check the spelling and grammar of text in the document. RESEARCH: Open the research task pane to search through reference materials such as dictionaries. THESAURUS: Suggests other word with a similar meaning to the word you have selected. TRANSLATE: Translate a selected text into a different language.

NEW COMMENT: Add a comment about the selection. TRACK CHANGES: Track all the changes made to the document.


Choose how to show a revisions to the document. Click here to access other options such as accepting all changes in the document.


click the arrow to access other options such as rejecting all changes in the document.


Compare or combine multiple versions of a document.

PROTECT DOCUMENT: Restrict how people can access the document.


View menu includes following functions: PRINT LAYOUT: View the document as it will appear on the printed page. FULL SCREEN READING: WEB LAYOUT: OUTLINE: DRAFT: View the document in the full screen reading view. View the document as it would look as a web page. View the document as an outline. View the document as a draft to quickly edit the text. ZOOM: Open the zoom dialog box to specify the zoom level.

NEW WINDOW: Open a new window containing a view of current document. ARRANGE ALL: Tile all open program windows side by side on the screen. SPLIT: Split the current windows into two parts so that you can

view different sections of the document at the same time.

SWITCH WINDOWS: MACROS: options. Switch to a different currently open window. Click here to record a macro or to access other macro




Microsoft Excel is a GUI based spreadsheet package developed by Microsoft corporation USA. It is a powerful spreadsheet package that supports data of various formats, pictures, graphs and drawing objects. In Excel, the file is called as a workbook and it contains multiple worksheets. A file of excel is saved within the extension .XLS. A worksheet is divided into series of rows and columns to store the information.








Microsoft PowerPoint is a software designed to integrate graphics and text into striking, high-impact presentations. It is a very commonly used program. It can make presentations easier to understand and more interesting. Each presentation can include one slide or several slides. The slides can also include notes which are not displayed on the projection screen, but which can serve as prompts for presenter. For instance, text and charts can be imported from word, while spreadsheets and databases can be imported from Excel and Access. This capability and the editing features found within PowerPoint, make it possible to integrate data from a number of sources into a cohesive and concise presentation.





Control menu box includes following functions:

NEW: Creates a new, blank file.

OPEN: Opens a file.


Saves the active file with its current file name, location and format.

SAVE AS: Saves a copy of the document as: Power Point Presentation: Save the presentation in the default file format. Power Point Show: Save as a presentation that always open in Slide Show view. Other Formats: Open the save as dialogue box to select from all possible file types. PREPARE: Prepares the document for distribution. SEND: Sends a copy of the document to other people.


Home menu includes following functions:

CUT: COPY: Cut the selected part of the existing document. Copy the selected part of the existing document.


Add and deleting slides to the presentation and change the layout of the selected slide.


Helps to change the text bold, italic and underline and also the font face.

PARAGRAPH: Start a bulleted pr numbered list into the slide and can give alignment to the text. DRAWING: EDITING: Helps to draw different shapes and arrange the objects. Find and replace the text in the document.


Insert menu includes following functions:

TABLES: Insert or draw a table into the document.


Insert a picture from a file. Insert clip art into the document including including drawings, movies, sounds etc.


Insert ready-made shapes like rectangle, triangle, square etc.

SMART ART: Insert a smart art for attractive depiction of the things. CHART: HEADER: FOOTER: TEXTBOX: WORD ART: Insert a chart for comparative analysis. Edit the header of the document. Edit the footer of the document. Insert preformatted textboxes. Insert decorative text in your format.

DATE & TIME: Insert current date and time into the current document. OBJECT: Insert an embedded object.


Design menu includes following functions:


Show the page setup dialog box. Make the document more attractive with the help of different colour and styles.

BACKGROUND STYLES: HIDE BACKGROUND GRAPHICS: Dont show the background graphic included in the theme you have selected. Choose the background style for the selected theme.


Animations menu includes the following functions:

PREVIEW: Preview the animations and slide transitions you have created for this slide. ANIMATIONS: To animate the objects on the slide. TRANSITION SOUND: Select a sound to play during the transition between the previous slide and the current slide. TRANSITION SPEED: previous Choose how fast to animate the transition between and the current slide. ON MOUSE CLICK: Wait until the mouse click to move to the next slide.

AUTOMATICALLY AFTER: Move to the next slide after certain number of seconds.


Slide show menu includes following functions:

START SLIDE SHOW: Start the slide show from first slide, current slide or customized slide. SET UP SLIDE SHOW: Set up advanced options for the slide show. HIDE SLIDE: RECORD NARRATION: Record a narration track using the microphone attached to your computer. REHEARSE TIMINGS: Launches a full screen slide show in which you can rehearse your presentation. RESOLUTION: Choose the screen resolution to use for the fullscreen slide presentation. Hide the current slide from the presentation.


Review menu includes the following functions:

SPELLING: RESEARCH: Check the spelling of the text. Open the research task pane to search through reference materials such as dictionaries. THESAURUS: Suggests other word with a similar meaning to the word you have selected. TRANSLATE: Translate the selected text into the different language.

SHOW MARKUP: Show comments and other annotations. PROTECT PRESENTATION: Restrict how people can access the document.


View menu includes the following functions:

NORMAL: View the presentation in normal view.

SLIDE SORTER: View the presentation in slide sorter view to easily arrange the slides. NOTES PAGE: View the notes page to edit the speaker notes as theyll look when you print them out. SLIDE SHOW: Start the slide show.

SLIDE MASTER: Open the slide master to change the design and layout of the master slides. HANDOUT MASTER VIEW: Open the handout master view to change the design and layout of printed handouts.


Used to measure and line up objects in the document. Turn on gridlines to which you can align documents in the View the presentation in full colour.

NEW WINDOW: Open a new window containing the view of the current document. ARRANGE ALL: Tile all open program windows side-by-side on the screen. CASCADE: that Cascade the open document windows on the screen so they overlap. MOVE SPLIT: Move the splitters which separate the different sections of a window. SWITCH WINDOWS: MACROS: Switch to a differently current open window. View the list of macros, from which you can run, create, or delete a macro.

INSERT A NEW SLIDE Open MS-PowerPoint Now in the home menu, select new slide option. A new slide will appear as shown below.

To choose a slide layout, click on the home menu. Select layout options, numerous layouts will appear as shown below. Then select the desired layout for the slide.


In the first slide write the name of the topic on which you want to give the presentation. Then give the introduction of the topics, as shown below. After that prepare different slides related to the subject matter.


Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks- a network of network in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer. It was conceived by the advance research projects agency (ARPA) of the US government in 1969 and was first known as ARPANET. The original aim was to create a network that would allow users of a research computer at one university to be able to talk to research computers at other universities. Today, the Internet is a public, cooperative, and self-sustaining facility accessible to hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Physically, the Internet uses a portion of the total resources of the currently existing public telecommunication networks. Technically, what distinguishes the Internet is its use of a set of protocols called TCP/IP (for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). Two recent adaptations of Internet technology, the intranet and the extranet, also make use of the TCP/IP protocol.


First of all go to any search engine like A screen appears as shown below. Click on create an account.

After clicking on create an account, a form will appear as shown below. Fill up the form with desired information. Give the email-id and password. Then click on submit button. Now, an email-id is created. You can use your email-id from anywhere for exchange of information in the forms of letters and graphics.


To send or compose the mail, first of all user has to login his/her mail account with the required and accurate email-id and password. After login, click on compose mail button. Now type the required email-id of the person to whom you have to send the mail. Give an appropriate subject to your matter. If the sender has to attach any files, it can be attached by clicking attach a file option. Now, click on the send button. The mail will be sent to the receiver.


Go to any search engine like Type the name of the topic on which you require information, as shown in the screen below. Click on the Google search.

In few seconds after clicking on the Google search various data regarding the topic will appear, as shown below. Select the most appropriate option related to the topic.

After selection among the available options, the information will be appearing, as shown in the screen below.


Tally is a versatile accounting package & is also based on a window interface. Means it is predetermined software used for accounting. With the help of tally we are able to prepare our books of accounts & can keep a record of our financial transactions in a systematic manner.


It contains the following functions:

Tally is used to prepare books of accounts in a systematic manner. The application directory houses the Tally software, the data dictionary stores all data entered by user through tally & the configuration directory contains the initialization file. Tally vault password is provided as a protection feature. It makes the preparation of accounts easy. We can have direct access to balance sheet. Backup is meant to take back up of stored data. Restore is used to extract information from the back up device to the data directory. Quit is used to exit from tally.

How to create a company?

A company is basically a file where transactions relating to a particular company are entered. A company can be a sole proprietary, partnership, joint stock or any other company.

To create a new company, select create company or Ctrl+C. If you want to open existing company, then click on select company. When a new company is created, a form will appear, fill that form according to the instructions. Your company will be created.

How to create a ledger?

All financial entries are performed using ledgers. Tally gives us a great flexibility to set up a chart of accounts. Groups in Tally, classify the accounts under different heads so that summarized information is possible.

It includes following steps First go to accounting information Then go to ledgers Then create ledgers


Contra key (f4): This voucher is used for fund transfer between bank and cash accounts only like cash deposited and withdraw from bank. Payment key (F5): This record all the entries relate to payment through cash, bank. Receipt key (F6): This voucher records all the

entries of receipt. Journal key (F7): It is an adjustment amount between two or more ledger accounts, without effecting cash or bank accounts. Sales key (F8): This voucher records all the entries related to sales.

Purchase key (F9): This voucher records all the entries related to purchase.

This statement shows financial position of the

company. It shows assets on right hand side and liabilities on left side.


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