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Oracle Database10Release 2

Automatic Storage Management

New Features Overview

An Oracle Technical White Paper

April 2005
Automatic Storage Management New Features Overview Page 2
MANAGEMENT NEW FEATURES OVERVIEW ......................................... 2
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 3
AUTOMATIC STORAGE MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW............................................... 3
AUTOMATIC STORAGE MANAGEMENT NEW FEATURES ....................................... 3
DATABASE CONSOLIDATION AND CLUSTERING.................................... 4
MULTIPLE DATABASE VERSION SUPPORT ............................................................ 4
INDEPENDENT ASM ORACLE HOME .................................................................... 5
EASY DATABASE MIGRATION TO ASM....................................................... 6
ENTERPRISE MANAGER ASM MIGRATION UTILITY............................................. 6
MANAGEMENT FLEXIBILITY AND SIMPLICITY...................................... 7
COMMAND LINE INTERFACE................................................................................. 7
INTERACTIVE COMMAND LINE .............................................................................. 7
LIST OF COMMANDS:............................................................................................. 8
NON-INTERACTIVE MODE COMMAND LINE:.......................................................... 8
ASM VIRTUAL FOLDER ACCESS VIA FTP............................................................. 9
QUERYING THE ASM VIRTUAL FOLDER............................................................... 9
ENHANCED ASM MANAGEABILITY AND ALERTS................................. 10
NEW V$ASM VIEWS FOR ENHANCED MANAGEABILITY.................................... 10
ASM WAIT ON REBALANCE PROCESS................................................................ 10
SPACE MANAGEMENT.................................................................................... 11
USABLEFREESPACE ................................................................................. 11
REQUIREDMBFREE................................................................................... 11
OFFLINEDISKS............................................................................................. 12
REDUNDANCYLOWERED.......................................................................... 12
CONCLUSION..................................................................................................... 12

Automatic Storage Management New Features Overview Page 3
This paper introduces the new Ieatures oI Automatic Storage Management (ASM) in
Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2). It describes the ASM Ieatures, beneIits and
improvements in simpliIication and automation Ior managing your Oracle database
Iiles. It discusses capabilities Ior database consolidation and storage clustering in
Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) as well as single instance database
This white paper is targeted at a technical audience mainly comprising:
Database and system administrators
System engineers
Project managers
Automatic Storage Management Overview
Automatic Storage Management is a Ieature oI Oracle Database 10g that provides
integrated cluster Iile system and volume management capabilities at no additional
cost. ASM lowers Oracle database storage total cost oI ownership and increases
storage utilization without compromising perIormance or availability. With ASM, a
Iraction oI the time is needed to manage your database storage environment and
ASM eliminates the need Ior over provisioning and maximizes storage resource
utilization Iacilitating database consolidation. The ASM selI-tuning Ieature evenly
distributes database Iiles across all available storage. It delivers equivalent to raw
high perIormance - sustained over time, with the ease oI use oI a Iile system. ASM`s
intelligent mirroring technology enables triple data protection, even on non-RAID
storage arrays, empowering reliable low cost storage deployment.
ASM reduces Oracle Database 10g cost and complexity without compromising
perIormance or availability:
SimpliIy and automate storage management
Increase storage utilization and agility
Predictably deliver on perIormance and availability service level
Automatic Storage Management New Features
Automatic Storage Management Ieature in Oracle Database 10g Release 2 expands
the capabilities oI ASM and provides Ieatures and enhancements in the Iollowing
Database consolidation and clustering
o Database storage consolidation with Single Instance and RAC
Automatic Storage Management New Features Overview Page 4
o Multiple database version support
o Independent ASM Oracle home
Easy database migration to ASM
o Enterprise Manger Grid Control ASM migration utility (available
with EM Grid Control 10g Release 2)
Management Ilexibility and simplicity
o Command Line InterIace (CLI)
o ASM Iile system view through XMLDB virtual Iolders
o Enhanced ASM manageability and alerts
o Enhancements in DBMSFILETRANSFER utility

Database Storage ConsoIidation With SingIe Instance and RAC
In Oracle Database 10g Release 2, Oracle Clusterware does not require an Oracle
Real Application Clusters (RAC) license. Oracle Clusterware is now available with
ASM and single instance Oracle Database 10g allowing support Ior a shared,
clustered pool oI storage Ior single instance Oracle databases.
Multiple single instance databases can leverage ASM and Oracle Clusterware to
economically consolidate multiple islands oI databases into a single clustered pool
oI storage managed by ASM. This Ieature allows customers to optimize their storage
utilization by eliminating wasted over-provisioned storage and save money by
reducing their overall Iootprint oI database storage.
RAC and single instance databases could not be managed by the same ASM
instance in Oracle Database Release 1. This created challenges in implementing
storage Grid architectures and consolidated database solutions.
Oracle Database 10g Release 2 enhances the ASM Iunctionality in a clustered
environment allowing one ASM instance per node to manage all database instances
in the cluster. ThereIore, an ASM instance on a given node can now manage storage
Ior single instance or RAC database instances. This Ieature relieves the customer
Irom maintaining more than one ASM instance needed to serve all the database
types that might exist in the cluster, thus obviating the need Ior DBAs to manage
separate storage pools. This is a storage utilization Ieatures that translates to
signiIicant cost savings and simplicity in management.
MuItipIe Database Version Support
ASM Ieature in Oracle Database 10g Release 2 transparently supports both older
and newer soItware versions oI the database. Both Iorward and backward
Automatic Storage Management New Features Overview Page 5
compatibility is maintained between all Oracle Database 10g Release 1 and Release
2. ThereIore, any combination oI 10.1.u.v and 10.2.x.y Ior either ASM or database
instances interoperate seamlessly without administrative intervention. The only
requirement is that a database connecting to a 10.2 ASM instance must be at version or later.
When mixing soItware versions, ASM Iunctionality reverts to the Iunctionality oI
the earliest version in use. For example, a database instance working with a
10.2 ASM instance does not exploit new Ieatures in ASM 10.2. Conversely, a 10.2
database instance working with a ASM instance, will not exploit any oI the
new 10.2 Ieatures oI ASM. V$ASMCLIENT has two new columns that gives you
inIormation about the soItware version number and corresponding database
compatibility level. Note V$ASMCLIENT exists on both ASM and database
instance, thereIore the content oI the view will be in respect to the instance Irom
where its queried.
The SOFTWAREVERSION column oI V$ASMCLIENT gives soItware version
number oI the database or ASM instance Ior the selected diskgroup connection. The
COMPATIBLEVERSION column gives the compatible setting oI the database or
ASM instance Ior the selected diskgroups connection.
Independent ASM OracIe Home
For higher availability and manageability, Oracle recommends that the ASM
instance be installed in a separate ORACLEHOME (ASMHOME) Irom the
database ORACLEHOME iI multiple databases are running on that node. A
distinct ASMHOME allows Ior upgrading and patching the database without
aIIecting ASM. Additionally, a distinct ASMHOME also creates an inIrastructure
to support Database Storage Consolidation. Although a separate ASMHOME was
possible in Oracle Database 10g Release 1, it requires some manual eIIort to
accomplish this task. In Oracle Database10g Release 2, Oracle Universal Installer
OUI) and Database ConIiguration Assistant (DBCA) have been enhanced to allow
the user to seamlessly create and install an ASM instance in a separate
OUI now has options to:
Install and conIigure a database that uses ASM Ior storage management
Install and conIigure an ASM instance, without creating a database.
Install and conIigure ASM on a system that already has a running database.
Subsequently, the DBA can use the EM Migration Utility to migrate the
database to ASM.

Automatic Storage Management New Features Overview Page 6

Enterprise Manager ASM Migration UtiIity
The ASM Migration utility is a new Ieature EM Grid Control 10g Release 2 that
provides simpliIied database migration to ASM based storage . This utility migrates
Oracle Database 10g Release 1 and later databases residing on a Iile system or raw
devices to Automatic Storage Management on the same host. The EM Migration
utility can be accessed Irom the Maintenance tab oI the Database Instance.

The purpose oI EM Migration utility is to automate and simpliIy the database
migration process to ASM. The EM Migration utility provides the Iollowing
Supports migrating all database Iiles, recovery related Iiles, and spIile.
Provides a wizard walk-through to create migration requests, process and
schedule migration requests, as well as report statuses oI migration
Migrates database using the same DBNAME, DBID and SID
Provides a Iully recoverable Iallback database, iI user decides to go back to
non-ASM based storage (assuming that ASM storage and existing storage
exist at the same time)
Monitors the migration process
Supports online and oIIline database migration

Automatic Storage Management New Features Overview Page 7

The EM Migration utility essentially uses Recovery Manager (RMAN) commands
to migrate control Iiles, dataIiles, and recovery related Iiles Irom Iile system to
The migration task is created and submitted as a job via EM job system. The
task speciIication process includes walking through the wizard, which involves real-
time validation oI user requests. The submitted job includes the Iollowing major
Construct initialization parameters
Migrate database Iiles with RMAN
Migrate temp Iiles and online logs with PL/SQL procedures

Command Line Interface
The ASM Command Line InterIace (ASMCMD) utility provides an alternative Ior
managing and monitoring ASM diskgroups.
Previously in Oracle Database 10g Release 1 ASM, SQL*Plus and EM were the
only means to manage and access ASM. ASMCMD utility provides a syntax similar
to Unix shell commands, thus simpliIying ASM management Ior those
administrators not accustomed to the SQL*Plus interIace or SQL programming.
The ASMCMD interIace provides both interactive and non-interactive modes. The
interactive mode provides a Unix shell-like environment where the user is prompted
to issue the commands listed below. The non-interactive mode executes a single
command and exits the utility. The latter is made available Ior scripting and batch
processing purposes.
Interactive command Iine
Invoking ASMCMD with no command arguments starts an interactive shell
environment. Interactive Mode command line example:
% asmcmd

For Iiles, such as online logs and temp Iiles, the utility will migrate them by
dropping the Iiles, using PL/SQL procedures, and then recreate them in ASM.
Automatic Storage Management New Features Overview Page 8
List of commands:
help [command] Help listing
pwd Show current dir
cd <dir> Change directory
find [-t <type>] <dir> <alias> File search
ls [-lsdrtLaH] [alias] Directory listing
mkdir <dir1 dir2 . . .> Directory creation
rm <alias1 alias2 . . .> File and directory
mkalias <system_alias> <user_alias> User alias creation
du [-H] [dir] Disk usage
lsdg [-H] [group] Diskgroup info
lsct [-H] [group] Client info
rmalias [-r] <user_alias1 user_alias2 . . .>
User alias deletion
Non-interactive Mode command Iine:

ASM FiIe System View Through XMLDB VirtuaI FoIders
ASM Ieature in Oracle Database 10g Release 2 leverages the virtual Iolder Ieature in
XML DB that provides a mechanism to access and manipulate ASM Iiles and
Iolders via XML DB protocols such as FTP and HTTP/DAV and programmatic
APIs. The ASM virtual Iolder is mounted as /sys/asm within the XML DB
hierarchy. The Iolder is virtual in the sense that the ASM Iolders and Iiles are not
actually stored within XML DB. However, any operation on the ASM virtual Iolder
is transparently handled by the underlying ASM component.
The ASM virtual Iolder is created by deIault during the installation oI XML DB. II
the database is not conIigured to use ASM, then this Iolder will be empty and no
operations will be permitted on it. II ASM is conIigured, the ASM virtual Iolder is
mounted as /sys/asm within the XML DB hierarchy. Any operation on the ASM
virtual Iolder is transparently handled by the underlying ASM component. The ASM
Iolder contains one sub-Iolder Ior every mounted disk group. Each diskgroup Iolder
will contain one sub-Iolder corresponding to every database name. In addition it
may contain additional Iiles and Iolders corresponding to the aliases that have been
created by the administrators.
Automatic Storage Management New Features Overview Page 9
Note: This is a graphical representation oI the ASM GUI Iolder hierarchy and not
the GUI look and Ieel
ASM VirtuaI FoIder access via FTP
An FTP tool is also available Ior copying database Iiles in and out oI the ASM
diskgroup oIIering additional Ilexibility Ior managing your Iiles. Below is an
example oI the FTP commands:

ftp> open dlsun247 7777
ftp> user sys
ftp> passwd change_on_install
ftp> cd /sys/asm
ftp> ls
ftp> binary
ftp> get t_db1.f
ftp> put my_db1.f
ftp> del my_db1.f
ftp> del myfiles
ftp> quote rm_rf myfiles
ftp> rename myfiles/my_db1.f myfiles/my_db99.f
Querying the ASM VirtuaI FoIder
The resources in XML DB repository can be queried using the resource and path
views. The system-deIined views allow users to traverse the XML DB hierarchy as
well as search Ior resources based on XPATH predicates on metadata and content.
The resource and path views can be used to traverse the ASM Iolder and restrict
matches based on system and custom metadata predicates.
Example 1: Find ASM Iiles under Iolder /sys/asm/dgroupA/myIolder
select * from resource_view
where under_path(res, '/sys/asm/dgroupA/myfolder') = 1;
Example 2 : Find ASM Iiles with Iilename like 'Ioo'
select * from resource_view
where under_path(res, '/sys/asm') = 1 and
any_path like '%/foo%';

Automatic Storage Management New Features Overview Page 10

The DBMSFILETRANSFER utility provides a means to copy Iiles between two
locations (on the same host or between database servers). ASM leverages this utility
to copy Iiles between ASM diskgroups, and is the primary utility used to instantiate
an ASM DataGuard database. In Oracle Database 10g Release 2,
DBMSFILETRANSFER has been enhanced to support all combinations oI ASM
and non-ASM Iile transIers as Iollows:
ASM to ASM |also in Oracle Database 10g Release 1|
ASM to OS Iile |new|
OS Iile to ASM |new|
OS Iile to OS Iile |also in Oracle Database 10g Release 1|
These changes now provide DBAs with another method to migrate database Iiles
into and out oI ASM storage.
New V$ASM Views for Enhanced ManageabiIity
Two new views are provided to minimize the overhead Ior querying V$ASMDISK
and V$ASMDISKGROUP by eliminating the need Ior expensive disk discovery.
identical to V$ASMDISK, V$ASMDISKGROUP, however, the new STAT
views are polled Irom memory and thereIore do not require disk discovery. Since
these new views provide eIIicient lightweight access, EM can periodically query
perIormance statistics at disk level and aggregate space usage statistics at diskgroup
level, without incurring signiIicant processing overhead.
In order to get more accurate real-time statistics, it maybe be prudent to query the
V$ASMDISK and V$ASMDISKGROUP views. However, caution should be
exercised when running queries against these views during peak workloads.
ASM Wait on RebaIance Process
An ASM diskgroup rebalance is an asynchronous operation, in that the control is
returned immediately to DBA aIter the operation is started in the background. One
can query the status oI the ongoing operation Irom V$ASMOPERATION.
However, there are situations when the diskgroup operation needs to be
synchronous; i.e., wait until rebalance is completed. ASM alter diskgroup`
commands, which result in a immediate rebalance, have the option oI speciIying the
option to wait. This allows Ior accurate scripting that may rely on the space change
Irom a rebalance completing beIore any subsequent action is taken. For instance, iI
you add 100GB oI storage to a completely Iull disk group, you won't be able to use
all 100GB oI storage until the rebalance completes.
ASM Ieature in Oracle Database 10g Release 2 also introduces the ability to set the
ASM initialization parameter ASM_POWER_LMT to a value oI zero. This maybe
useIul in cases where normal or high redundancy is used, and a rebalance, due to a
Automatic Storage Management New Features Overview Page 11
lost disk, is not desired. Setting ASMPOWERLIMIT to 0 will disable all
automatic rebalance operations. However, the DBA can still perIorm manual
rebalance operations when the parameter is set to 0. DBAs can explicitly speciIy a
POWER level
Irom 0 through 11 in manual rebalance commands. II POWER level
is not speciIied Ior manual rebalance operations and ASMPOWERLIMIT has
been set to 0, a deIault value oI 1 will be used Ior that particular manual operation.
Dynamically setting the ASMPOWERLIMIT parameter to 0 halts any ongoing
rebalance operation. An ongoing manual rebalance operation can also be halted by
explicitly speciIying a power level oI 0 in a new invocation oI the ALTER
DISKGROUP ... REBALANCE command. There are now two new STATE values
possible Ior V$ASMOPERATION.
HALT- Administrator speciIied/init param value oI "power 0"
ERRS- Rebalance halted in error (e.g. out oI space)
Note, in RAC environments, that a row displaying these states will only be produced
on the instance currently perIorming the rebalance operation. However, a rebalance
wait clause will still wait irrespective oI which node is currently perIorming the
rebalance. ThereIore, it is highly recommended to query Irom
GV$ASMOPERATION to get a cluster-wide view oI this inIormation.
A new column, UNBALANCED, has been added to V$ASMDISKGROUP that
will indicate iI a diskgroup is in progress or requires a rebalance. For example, iI a
rebalance is issued with power level 0, then this will indicate that a rebalance
operation was pending, and the UNBALANCED column will indicate Y`. Using
this inIormation, the DBA can perIorm a diskgroup rebalance when necessary.
ASM Ieature in Oracle Database 10g Release 2 introduces a new column in
V$ASMDISKGROUP called USABLEFREESPACE to indicate the amount oI
Iree space that can be "saIely" utilized taking mirroring into account (ASM in
Oracle Database 10g Release 1 did not have a column to take mirroring into
account). The column provides a more accurate view oI usable space in the
Along with usableIreespace, a new column has been added to
V$ASMDISKGROUP to more accurately indicate the amount oI space that is
required to be available in a given diskgroup in order to restore redundancy aIter

Power level this is diIIerent than Powerlimit. Power level is speciIied at the alter
diskgroup command level, whereas powerlimit is deIined as instance-wide init.ora
parameter setting.
Automatic Storage Management New Features Overview Page 12
one or more disk Iailures. The amount oI space displayed in this column takes
mirroring into account.
A new column called OFFLINEDISKS has been added to V$ASMDISKGROUP
to display a count oI currently oIIline disks.
A new column called REDUNDANCYLOWERED has been added to
V$ASMFILE to indicate whether a Iile`s redundancy is reduced or lower than what
is deIined. The valid values Ior this column are 'Y' and 'N', which indicate Yes and
No, respectively. Redundancy Ior a Iile becomes reduced when one or more data
extents in that Iile are not mirrored at the level speciIied by the administrator. In
case oI unprotected Iiles, one or more data extents could be missing altogether. The
scenarios that lead to lowering oI redundancy are listed below, along with suggested
actions that administrators could take to restore redundancy back to the original
level (in other words, to restore the value oI REDUNDANCYLOWERED Ior the
Iile to 'N', Iollowing a rebalance).

Causes of reduced
Possible solutions to restore redundancy to the original level
Disk Iailure Add another disk oI the same or larger size. II one or more
extents are missing altogether (because this Iile was
unprotected), it needs to be restored Irom backup. Also, iI disk
is being added, wait until rebalance completes. Ensure that the
newly added disk is in the appropriate Iailure group.
Disk running out oI
Add more space (disks) or delete old Iiles and rebalance.
InsuIIicient number
oI Iailure groups
Increase the number oI Iailure groups. At least two Iailure
groups are required Ior normal redundancy, and at least three
Iailure groups are required Ior high redundancy.

ASM Ieature in Oracle Database 10g Release 2 extends the automation and
simplicity in database storage management required Ior realizing the Grid
Computing vision. The new ASM Ieatures Iurther help lower your cost oI ownership
while improving the overall database quality oI service. ASM eliminates the need
Ior 3
Iile system and volume management soItware Ior the database Iiles
minimizing cost, improving storage utilization and consolidation that empowers
Automatic Storage Management New Features Overview Page 13
reliable low cost computing across Oracle Database 10g single instance and RAC

OracIe Database 10g ReIease 2
Automatic Storage Management New Features Overview
ApriI 2005
Authors: Ara Shakian, Nitin VengurIekar
Contributing Authors: PauI Manning

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