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2011 Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks

A New Routing Algorithm to Reduce Consumed Energy in Wireless Sensor Networks

Mahia Samani Computer Engineering Department ,Payame Noor University , Tehran, Iran E_mail :
Abstract_Topology control and energy saving is one of the most important problems in wireless sensor networks because of special property of these networks such as limited transmission range, limited power resource and the impossibility of recharging. To solve this problem, CHRA (clustering hierarchical routing algorithm), a centralized cluster formation algorithm for routing algorithm is proposed. At the beginning the centralized algorithm will be used to overcome the defect that the clusters distribute unevenly. After this step, a centralized algorithm will be implemented. The all node sends information about location and energy to the head node in a cluster. after receiving the information, the head node run a dummy center algorithm to select a new head node and a spare head node in the next round. The head nodes run hierarchical based algorithm to create a path through to the sink node. Through network simulation we show that our algorithm reduces average consumed energy and improves network lifetime.

To prolong the lifetime of WSNs, a novel cluster based routing algorithm CHRA is advanced. The new algorithm deflowers LEACH and its follow-up work, so adding some innovations is necessary. Firstly, based on the distances between sensor nodes and sink node, the whole network is compartmentalized to several regions. Each node has a region flag in order to confirm what position a node lies in the gross. Secondly, a hybrid cluster-head generation algorithm, which is divided into global central control algorithm and regional central control algorithm, will be adopted to achieve the target of saving energy as much as possible by exerting the advantage of centric and distributed combinablenably. In addition, inter-cluster routing algorithm adopts multi hierarchy clustering architecture. II. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW ALGORITHM A. Initialization and Central control algorithm When deployed, each node transmits a short message about its geographical position and current energy to the sink node. After receiving the message of all nodes, the sink node runs simulated annealing algorithm to determine and list the cluster-head and region flag of each node for that round, then it broadcasts this long message to the whole networks. As for cluster-head, the sink node specifies the next hop based on the region and distance of them each other. The sensor node receives this message and distills needful information from it. A sensor node can obtain the cluster-head and the region of itself, and the other member nodes in the cluster. Based on the order of intra-cluster nodes, a common node figures out at which slot time it can transmit data to the clusterhead and turns off radio module in order to save energy at other slot time. As a member node, the cluster head in lower layer receives its member nodes data and aggregates them and send processed data to its own cluster head in upper layer at its specified slot time. Designed by the sink node, the clusters were evenly distributed in the whole networks. As is mentioned above, the centralized clustering generation algorithm need each node send a short message to the sink node directly in each round, which will consume lots of energy. So we use cluster-head as a regional center instead of the sink node to select new cluster heads.

Keywords- WSNs; cluster; routing algorithm; topology; dummy center algorithm I. INTRODUCTION Limited resource, especially energy, is a main characteristic of WSNs. However, saving energy and prolong lifetime is a fatal issue in some applications. To solve this problem, many measures have been adopted from almost every aspect, and we will focus our attention on routing algorithm in this paper. The most popular and excellent way to save energy currently is to define the whole networks as a cluster topology. Cluster-based algorithm is widely used to generate routing in the wireless sensor networks. Among all of cluster-based algorithms, LEACH (low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy) [1] is first and representative. LEACH protracts the networks lifetime about 15% more than some common flat based routing algorithm. However, LEACH needs cluster-head to implement data collection, data aggregation and communication directly with sink node, which will consume more energy and result in premature death of cluster-head. In addition, the election of clusterhead is random, and the location of cluster-head may not be even, which makes LEACH not suit sparse network. What is the main idea of the new algorithm?

978-0-7695-4482-3/11 $26.00 2011 IEEE DOI 10.1109/CICSyN.2011.31

B. Cluster formation algorithm The interval which a node sends data in adjacent time is called a frame. We use the regional central control algorithm will be run to determine the new cluster-head. The new algorithm is composed of three phases, setup, steady-state and prepare phase. As shown in Figure 1.
prepare steady-state frame

Set up Round Figure 1. The round of CHRA

In the prepare phase (last frame) of a round, each noncluster-head node transmits a short message about its geographical position and current energy to its cluster-head at corresponding slot time. Message being received, the cluster-head runs dummy center algorithm [2] to determine the new cluster-head and a spare cluster-head. The principle of selecting a new cluster head is that the node should have better position and more energy. In the dummy center algorithm, an energy threshold is necessary in order to leach the nodes whose current energy are not fit for being cluster-head. On common, we treat the average energy of a cluster as this threshold. The main idea of the new algorithm is that the old cluster-head figures out an average position as a dummy center of the cluster, the nodes whose distance to the center is closest and energy is higher than threshold becomes the new cluster-head.
Sink node

algorithm to let all the other nodes in the network know that the new cluster-head will take on its role in this round. Once the old cluster-head receives the new cluster-heads broadcasting message, it set itself as a non-cluster-head node. Each non-cluster-head node receives all cluster-heads ADV and determines to join which cluster it belongs based on the RSSI of the advertisement from each new cluster-head. Then it informs that cluster-head. Having received these applicants information, the cluster-head creates a schedule and broadcasts it to each member node. The radio components of each non-cluster-head node will be turned off at all times except during its transmission time by means of doing so, thus minimizing the energy dissipated in the individual sensors. Once the cluster head has got all data from the nodes in its cluster, it aggregates the data and then transmits the compressed data to next hop at the transmission slot in the upper layer cluster III. SOME IMPORTANT POINTS A. Compartmentalizing region There are two sorts of the channel propagation models described in the article [1], the free space model (d2attenuation) and the two-ray ground model (d4 attenuation).When two nodes, which are far away, communicate directly with each other will waste too much energy because they have to use the two-ray ground model. Therefore, our original idea is using the free space model in place of the two-ray ground model as soon as possible. This needs relay station to solve the problem that the distance between two nodes is longer than a certain crossover distance (dcrossover). Therefore, the data which are collected by the cluster-head far away from sink node must be forwarded by the other cluster-head closed to sink node. We compartmentalize the whole network into several regions and mark each region with a unique flag, as shown in Figure 3. If cluster-head 12 want to communicate with cluster-head 5, the distance between two nodes should be less than dcrossover in order to save more energy. Assuming 5 and 12 is the farthest distance among nodes between two regions respectively, that is, the distance is no more than the length of diagonals of the rectangles of region(3,3) and region(4,4). Therefore, each region is an approximative square with the length of side r to dcrossover . Having limited the distance between two nodes, we can choose the free space model to communicate with each other B. How to dispose bottleneck issue of the clusterhead node We localize the central control algorithm to cut down the cost that is consumed like in LEACH-C [1], and this should save some energy. But there exists two problems. One is that the traffic maybe drops because we use location and energy


Head node Member node




Figure (2) : The Clustering Topology

When finding the new cluster-head, the cluster whose core is the old cluster-head in last round will migrate to the new cluster-head. It does so by issuing a promote message to the new one [3]. On receiving the promote message, the new clusterhead will broadcasts an advertisement message (ADV) using a non-persistent CSMA/CA MAC

information in place of data in the last frame of a round. The other is about cluster-head. If a clusterhead runs out of energy, and it is dead, then when the nodes in the cluster transmit their information about location and energy, the cluster-head is not able to receive them. In this case, the nodes in this cluster will be the member nodes of other cluster in next round, which will result in the reduction of number of clusters and the decline of connectivity of the whole network. The way to solve this problem is to set an energy threshold. We have set an energy threshold which is equal to average energy of the cluster, so we will set another. This needs cluster-head to monitor the energy of itself at any moment. Once the cluster-head detects that its energy reach the threshold, it enters sleep status immediately until the last frame of this round starts. This new threshold should be fixed and its value is equal to the energy that is consumed in sleep, waking up, receiving message in a frame, running dummy center algorithm and sending promote message to the new cluster-head. C. Finding next hop
Region(2,3) 1 Region(3,3) 5 6 Region(4,3) Region(2,4) 2 Region(3,4) 7 8 Region(4,4) Region(2,5) 3 Region(3,5) 9 Region(4,5) Region(2,6) 4 Region(3,6) 10 Region(4,6)

cluster-head 12 is region(4,4), if it has some data to transmit, then the next hop must come from region(3,3), region(3,4) or region(3,5). There are five cluster-heads in these three regions, and they are 5,6,7,8 and 9, respectively. 8 becomes the next hop node because of the minimum distance to 12.As depicted in Figure 3. By doing so, the cluster-head in farther region becomes a member node of a cluster in the closer region. The cluster head in farther region sends data that has been aggregated to the cluster-head in closer region at its own TDMA s lot time by using spreading code of the cluster in closer region. Now to obtain the shortest routing to sink node, the following algorithm can be used. Initialize(c , h) For each vertex v Do d[v] [v] d[h] 0; V[c] nil;





Relax (u,v,w) If d[v] > d[u] + w(u,v) Then d[v] d[u] + w(u,v) [v] u; CHRA(c,w,H) Initialize(c,h); H Q head_next_hop(h) While Q Do { u extract_min(Q) H H {u} For each vertex v Head_next_hop(u) Do Relax(u,v,w) } IV. SIMULATION In this section, we will analyze the results we have obtained to evaluate the performance of CHRA algorithm when compared to the LEACH algorithm. We will compare the results in accounting for lively node number, data traffic and energy consumption. We use WindowsXP + Cygwin + NS-2.31 to simulate LEACH and CHRA algorithm. Both algorithms select higher energy nodes as clusterhead candidates, and offer methods of changing the overly used node when its energy level is lower than average value. CHRA use multi hierarchy routing in inter-cluster to deliver data, which is different from LEACH whose inter-cluster routing class is only single. By means of compressing and aggregating data to a single one at each hierarchy, the cluster-heads only send processed data to next hop. Using region to limit transmission distance in hierarchical based routing of inter-cluster is to use the free space model instead of two-ray ground model in order to save energy. Thus the energy consume is cut down because of the reduction of traffic and transmission distance. Furthermore, CHRA make use of centralized and distributed

Figure 3. Communication among regions

We have compartmentalized the whole network into regions. The less the region flag is, the closer the distance to the sink node is, as shown in Figure 2. Therefore, the principle of finding next hop is that the cluster-head whose region flag is (n,n) had better forward data preferentially to the cluster head whose region flag is (n-1,n). The data was forwarded along this path through to the sink node. After broadcasting ADV, a cluster-head also listens in other cluster-heads broadcasting. When all cluster-heads have broadcasted, each cluster-head distills the region information from the broadcasting message it just received. Assumed that my region flag is region(n,n), in terms of the region information, the cluster-head specifies next hop in region(n-1,n-1), region(n-1,n) or region(n1,n+1). That is, the next hop node must lie in these three regions. Then, the cluster-head calculates the distance between each candidate and itself to obtain a distance set. Finally, the cluster-head selects the minimum distance as the communication distance to next hop, and the node whose distance to this cluster-head is the minimum distance is the next hop node. For example, assumed that the nodes from 1 to 14 are all cluster-head. The region flag of

complex to take place of distributed clustering formation. By taking this measure, the algorithm not only retains the advantage of low cost of the distributed clustering formation algorithm, but also still possesses the virtue that cluster-heads distribute evenly. At the same time, the distance between two cluster-heads which need communicate each other is no more than dcrossove also conduce to saving energy and prolong lifetime of the whole networks. Before simulation, the sink node is set to the position (50,175), all sensor nodes are deployed in a square region whose area is 100m100m. This simulation circumstance provides a fine grained simulation.
120 100 80 60 40 20 0
0 380 410 440 470 500 530

Accordingly, at each time point, CHRA consumes less energy than LEACH. Because the data are only forwarded in a certain slot time, the delay will increase with region numbers. With a view to the influence which region numbers imposes on the delay, the data aggregation algorithm needs to be redesigned to be more efficient. V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In this paper, we focus on the energy consumption related issues. We propose CHRA, a hierarchy routing mechanism, based on some viewpoints of predecessor, especially taking many optimal measures upon LEACH, and we have analyzed its performance evaluation through simulation experiments. Our results indicate that CHRA prolongs the overall network lifetime and improves traffic efficiency. As a future work, we will optimize parameters ulteriorly, and simulate the algorithm using other emulator in order to confirm the performance more impersonally. We also intend to investigate apply the algorithm to the real world scenarios to check enuine performance.
[1] W.Heinzelman. Application-Specific Algorithm Architectures for Wireless Networks. PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000. Zhi-kun Wu. Research on Routing Protocols of Wireless Sensor Networks. M.S. thesis. Dalian University of Technology,2006. H.Chan, A. Perrig. ACE: An Emergent Algorithm for Highly Uniform Cluster Formation. Proc. First European Workshop Sensor Networks (EWSN), volume 2920 of LNCS. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2004.1, pp.154-171. Y. Xu, J. Heidemann, and D. Estrin. Geography-informed energy conservation for ad hoc Routing. In the Proceedings of the 7th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom01). Rome, Italy, 2001.7, pp.70-84.


Figure 4. Alive node number of two algorithms


From Figure 4 we can see that LEACH and CHRA both beyond 500 seconds, which denote that LEACH and CHRA have the similar performance in the lifetime of the whole networks. CHRA is somewhat better than LEACH is a expectable result. Moreover, the first dead node in CHRA comes forth at 390 seconds, which is earlier than LEACH.This is because centralized clustering formation algorithm always expends more cost to generate the cluster.
50000 40000
Data Analysis



30000 20000 10000 0

0 40 130 230 340 420


Figure 5. Traffic of two algorithms

An interest result is traffic statistic, in which CHRA is less than LEACH at the same time point, as shown in Figure5. The main reason is that the original data is aggregated in each cluster-head on routing path, which results in lots of correlated data being filtrated out, therefore, traffic is reduced.

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