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1Dr-Sherif Shazly Which of the following are autosomal recessive : a. Duchenne muscular dystrophy. b. Huntingdons chorea. c. Tay-sachs disease.

d. retinoblastoma. e. achondroblastoma. 2DoctorSalem Elaalem Hypotension causes diminished urine production? true or false?with evidence? 3 Mitochondrial DNA: 23 Is located in the nucleus. A Inheritance is patrilineal. B Is present in two copies per cell. C Mutation causes cystic fibrosis. D Is involved in the control of oxidative phosphorylation. E 4Wafy Azaz Concerning the embryology of the urinary tract: The detrusor has a mesodermal origin A The urogenital sinus is derived from the cloaca B The allantois gives origin to the lateral umbilical ligaments. C

The metanephric ducts arise from the mesonephric ducts D The mesonephric duct remnants form the epoophoron in the adult female E 5Wafy Azaz In the fetal cardiovascular system. The heart arises from endoderm A The heart is formed by fusion of endocardial tubes B Cardiac pulsation is present by the day 30th after fertilization C Oxygenated blood is transferred to the left atrium through the foramen ovale D The ductus arteriosus closes during the last 4 weeks of pregnancy. E 6In the female: Only the X chromosome of maternal origin is active. A The Barr body is sex chromatin. B About 80% of polymorphonuclear leucocytes have a drum stick of chromatin. C An extra X chromosome is associated with two Barr bodies. D An extra X chromosome is associated with below average intelligence.E 7Wafy Azaz In the neonate, the appearance of the external genitalia may not correspond with the genotype in the presence: Adrenogenital syndrome. A Testicular feminization syndrome. B Renal agenesis (potter's syndrome). C Trisomy21. D Severe hypospadias. E

8Wafy Azaz . A 29-year-old lady presented to the Emergency department with a diagnosis of DVT. She is in the third trimester of her first pregnancy and she has been 'taking it easy' by resting a lot at home. In the department she develops a right hemipareses. Which of the following is the most likely underlying cardiac abnormality? (Please select 1 option) A- Patent ductus arteriosus B- Patent foramen ovale C- Primum atrial septal defect D- Secundum atrial septal defect E- Ventricular septal defect 9Wafy Azaz Chromosome analysis: Can be performed more quickly from chorionic villous samples than from amniotic fluid samples. A Is based entirely on assessment of chromosome size. B Is carried out at the metaphase stage of mitosis. C Of a classical hydatidiform mole is usually 46xx. D Of the fetus will be abnormal in about 80% of cases of exomphalos. E 10Wafy Azaz The following are causes of hypokalaemia: Angiotensin-converting enzyme(ACE) inhibitors. A

Addison's disease. B Diarrhea. C Digoxin overdose. D Metabolic alkalosis. E 11Wafy Azaz In the pathogenesis of thrombosis: Prostacyclin induces platelet aggregation. A Platelets synthesis thromboxane A2. B Thromboxane A2 induces vasoconstriction. C Contact with subendothelial collagen causes platelet aggregation. D Thrombin inhibits platelet aggregation. E 12Wafy Azaz

Steps involved in the identification of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) include: 85 Western blotting. A Restriction enzyme digestion. B Southern blotting. C Agarose gel electrophoresis. D Thin layer chromatography. E 13Wafy Azaz

Chemical mediators concerned in the production of an inflammatory response include: 5-hydroxytryptamine. A Aldosterone. B Glucocorticoids. C Bradykinin. D Leukotrienes. E 14Wafy Azaz Apoptosis: Causes necrotic cell death. A Is involved in embryonic remodeling. B Releases pro-inflammatory mediators. C Is characterized by condensation of nuclear chromatin. D Is associated with endonuclease activity. E 15Wafy Azaz Acquired diverticular disease of the colon: Is present in at least 15% of Caucasians over the age of 50 years. A Is due to a congenital abnormality of the bowel wall. B Is associated with increased intra-luminal pressure. C Is associated with muscular thickening. D May result in intestinal obstruction. E 16Wafy Azaz The following conditions may lead to hydronephrosis:

Mercury poisoning. A Cervical carcinoma. B Renal calculi. C Renal vein thrombosis. D Posterior urethral valves. E 17DoctorSalem Elaalem The erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR)is increased :

a- following the infusion of high molecular weight dextran b- when plasma fibrinogen concentrations increase c- in men compared with women d- in old age e- in polycythemia rubra vera 18DoctorSalem Elaalem :

The normal metabolic response to an operation includes: a rise in the plasma sodium level? true or false 19Wafy Azaz Adenocarcinoma is the commonest type of primary malignant tumor to occur in the: Bladder. A Lung. B

Oesophagus. C Fallopian tube. D Testis. E 20Wafy Azaz Early blood-borne dissemination is characteristic feature of: 3 Carcinoma of the endometrium. A Osteosarcoma. B Basal cell carcinoma. C Carcinoma of the cervix. D Choriocarcinoma. E

A metaplastic process is involved in the histogenesis of the following tumors: 4 Squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva. A Squamous cell carcinoma of the bronchus. B Scirrhous carcinoma of the breast. C Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. D Adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus. E 21Old pulmonary tuberculosis.A Degenerationg leiomyomata. B Multiple myeloma. C Hyperparathyroidism. D Sarcoidosis. E

Metastasis to lymph nodes are commonly associated with: 2 Fibrosarcoma. A Malignant melanoma. B Medullablastoma. C Seminoma of the testis. D Basal cell carcinoma of the skin. E we de as2elah kant dr dalia mnazlaha mn mawke3 el zamalah 1. 1 Concerning nitrogen metabolism.

a- Ingestion of complex pproteins is essential for the maintgenance of nitrogen balance....T b- There are eight essential amino acids.....T c- The minimum daily requirment of each essenital amino acid is 0.3-1.0g...F d- Amino acid nitrogen is largely excreted as urea......T e- A protein poor, but energy sufficient diet will cause a decreased excretion of creatinine.....T

2 Surfactant..

a- Is formed mainly in the placenta.....F b- Levels in amniotic fluid diminish after 33 weeks of gestation....F c- Formation can be inferred from the lecithin - sphingomyelin ratio in amniotic fluid....T d- Contain palmitic acid.....T e- Decreases the surface tension in pulmonary alveoli.......T

3 Plasma proteins.

a- Which combine with drugs enhance their pharmacological activity...F b- Play no role in the plasma buffering system.........F c- Combine with lipids to facilitate transport.....T d- Are restored within 24 hours after haemorrhage....F e- Are normally present in a concentration of about 7g/l...........T

4 lasma osmolarity in the human.

a- Is normally about 290 milliosmoles per kg in the nonpregnant state.T b- Increases during the first trimester of pregnancy....F c- Is closely controlled by plasma protein concentration .....F d- Is regulated by arginine vasopressin......T e- Regulates the sensation of thirst............T

5The human erythrocyte.

a- Has an average volume of 70 fl.........F b- Is spherical ............F c- Has a diameter of 10 micrometers.........F d- Has a sirvival time of about 120 days........T

e- Has a haemoglobin content of less than 40%......T [/quote] Reply With Quote 2. 01-08-2007 06:35 AM#2 ventose. Guest 1-ABO ANTIGENS ARE a-glycoproteins-b-found only on erythrocytes-c-major histocompatiblity antigensd-not immunogenic during pregnancy e-located on membranes

2- nitrogen balance is a-positive during pregnancyb- positive during prolonged immobilisationc-negative during protein starvationd- negative in the untreated diabeticse- positive during recovery from debilitating illness-

IN the FETAL LUNG A-bronchial cartilage formation commences at 18-24 weeks of gestationb-type11 alveolar cells first appear at 16-20 weeks of gestationc-sphingomyelin is the most common phospholipid present at termd- phospholipid release is increased by endogenous adrenalinee- phospholipid production is decreased by exogenous corticosteroids-

3-concerning acidosis a-the ratio of bicarbonate ions to carbonic acid in extracelluar fluid is decreasedb-in resp acidosis there is reduced renal hydrogen ion secretion c--in resp acidosis there is\an increased conc of carbon dioxide in the bloodd-loss of bicarbonate in diarrhea causes a metabolic acidosise-in compesating metabolic acidosis ,pco2 is increased-

4-fetal HB a-contains 4 polypeptide chains b-does not contain iron c-has no alpha chains d-is more resistant to alkaline denaturation than in adult Hb e-has the same structure as adult myoglobin-

5-the intestinal absorption of calcium is a- decreased in renal failureb- decreased by the ingestion of large amounts of small cerealsc-increased by the oral intake of phosphated- increased by 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferole- decreased in the presence of steatorrhoea-

6- concerning the adrenal gland a-the cortex is derived from neural crest cells

b-the zona fasciculate secretes aldosterone c-cortical adenoma may cause cushing syndrome d-neuroblastoma arise in medulla e-addisons disease may result from autoimmune destruction of the cortex

7- obstruction of lower end of the common bile duct is suggested by a- an elevated serum conjugated billirubin conc b-a reduced serum alkaline phosphatise conc c-the presence of urobilinogen in the urine d-increased conjugated billirubin in the urine e-a reduced serum cholesterol conc

8-the following causes platelet aggregation a-ADP (adenosine diphosphate) b-prostacyclin c-serotonin d-antithrombin111 e-thromboxane A2

9-oxygen a- binds to trivalent iron in the haem molecule-b- is carried as four molecules per molecule of Hb-c-HB DISSOCIATION IS LINEAR D-UPTAKE REDUCES RED CELLS BUFFERING CAPACITY e- is released from Hb when the conc of 2,3 diphosphoglyceric acid is decreased

11-plasma osmolarity in the human a- is normally about 290 milliosmoles per kg in the non pregnant stateb- increases during the first trimester of pregnancyc-is closely controlled by plasma protein concd-is regulated by arginine vasopressine-regulates the sensation of thirst-

12-IN THE HEALTHY ADULT KIDNEY a- glucose resorption predominantly occurs in the loop of henleb-water is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule by active transportc-the GFR is 25 ml per mind-resorption of sodium is increased by aldosteronee-urinary PH can vary between 4.5 and 8.5-

16-a women has the following blood gas profile Ph-7.6,pco22.7(20mmolHg),standard bicarbonate-27mmol/l a- these figures are compatible with normal pregnancyb-she could be hyperventilatingc-she could have diabetic ketoacidosisd-the alveolar pco2 would be 6.3kpa(47mmHg)e-the plasma hydrogen ion conc would be 0.000076mmol/l-

17-nerve impulses-a-can only travel in one direction along an axon b-require energy-T

c-are conducted at approximately the speed of light-d- are conducted at the same speed in small and large axons e-are not delayed at the synapse before transmission

18-Intracellular fluid differs from extracellular fluid in that a-It forms the major proportion of total body water b- its volume can be measured easilyc-It has a higher concentration of potassium than sodium ions d-Its volume is regulated primarily by the kidneys e-It has a higher phosphate concentration

19-in the conducting sytem of normal heart-a- the cardiac impulse originates in the AV nodeb- the AV node is situated in the wall of coronary sinusc-purkinje fibres are modified muscle cellsd-the AV bundles lies in the interventricular sptume-the AV bundle divides to supply each ventricle-

20-hypotension causes a- diminished urine production-b-inhibition of rennin secrtion c-stimulation of aldosterone secretion-d- stimulation of angiotensin 11productione-increased excretion of sodium

22myomtrial activity in pregnancy a- increased by oestrogenb- increased by progesteronec-stimulated by vasopressind-inhibited by ergot alkaloide- inhibited by salbutamol-

23- by the 12th week of pregnancy the following alterations have occure-a- an increase in urea excretionb- a decrease in serum creatinine concc-diminished excretion of water soluble vitd-a doubling of 24 hours urinary volume e-an increase of serum urate conc-

24-in pregnancy a-red cell mass increases-b-serum iron binding capacity is decreased c-plasma folate level are reduced d-resp rate is increased e-lung tidal vol is increased

20-hypotension causes

a- diminished urine production....T b-inhibition of rennin secrtion.....F c-stimulation of aldosterone secretion....T d- stimulation of angiotensin 11production...T e-increased excretion of sodium...F

22myomtrial activity in pregnancy

a- increased by oestrogen...T b- increased by progesterone....F c-stimulated by vasopressin...T d-inhibited by ergot alkaloid...F e- inhibited by salbutamol...T

23- by the 12th week of pregnancy the following alterations have occure-a- an increase in urea excretion...T b- a decrease in serum creatinine conc...T c-diminished excretion of water soluble vit-....F d-a doubling of 24 hours urinary volume......F e-an increase of serum urate conc.....F

24-in pregnancy...

a-red cell mass increases-....T b-serum iron binding capacity is decreased....F c-plasma folate level are reduced.....T d-resp rate is increased....F e-lung tidal vol is increased....T

25-the following causes platelet aggregation

a-ADP (adenosine diphosphate)...T b-prostacyclin ....F c-serotonin ....F d-antithrombin111 ...F e-thromboxane A2 ...T


a- binds to trivalent iron in the haem molecule...F b- is carried as four molecules per molecule of Hb....T c-HB DISSOCIATION IS LINEAR ...F D-UPTAKE REDUCES RED CELLS BUFFERING CAPACITY ....T e- is released from Hb when the conc of 2,3 diphosphoglyceric acid is decreased ...F

27-plasma osmolarity in the human

a- is normally about 290 milliosmoles per kg in the non pregnant state...T b- increases during the first trimester of pregnancy...F c-is closely controlled by plasma protein conc.....F d-is regulated by arginine vasopressin...T e-regulates the sensation of thirst-....T


a- glucose resorption predominantly occurs in the loop of henle...F b-water is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule by active transport....F c-the GFR is 25 ml per min....F d-resorption of sodium is increased by aldosterone....T e-urinary PH can vary between 4.5 and 8.5....F

29-a women has the following blood gas profile Ph-7.6,pco22.7(20mmolHg),standard bicarbonate-27mmol/l

a- these figures are compatible with normal pregnancy...F b-she could be hyperventilating....T c-she could have diabetic ketoacidosis....F d-the alveolar pco2 would be 6.3kpa(47mmHg)....T

e-the plasma hydrogen ion conc would be 0.000076mmol/l.....F

30-nerve impulses--

a-can only travel in one direction along an axon...F b-require energy-T c-are conducted at approximately the speed of light...F d- are conducted at the same speed in small and large axons....F e-are not delayed at the synapse before transmission....F

31-Intracellular fluid differs from extracellular fluid in that

a-It forms the major proportion of total body water ....F b- its volume can be measured easily.....T c-It has a higher concentration of potassium than sodium ions....F d-Its volume is regulated primarily by the kidneys......T e-It has a higher phosphate concentration.....F

32-in the conducting sytem of normal heart--

a- the cardiac impulse originates in the AV node....F b- the AV node is situated in the wall of coronary sinus...F

c-purkinje fibres are modified muscle cells......T d-the AV bundles lies in the interventricular sptum....T e-the AV bundle divides to supply each ventricle....T


Reply With Quote 3. 01-09-2007 03:15 AM#3 ventose. Guest calcium in the serum of a healthy adult a-constitutes 15% of total body calciumb-is not involoved in the extrinsic system of bloodcoagulationc-conc is lowered by calcitonind-conc normally falls after the menopausee-is approximately 90% protein boundo


Reply With Quote 4. 01-09-2007 03:16 AM#4 ventose. Guest PLASMA PROTEINS a-which combine with drugs enhance their pharmacological activityb-play no role in plasma buffering systemc- combine with lipids to facilitate transportd-are restored within 24 hours after haemorrhagee- are normally present in a conc of about 7 g/l-

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