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Grade 5 Spanish Reading, Interim SW4, 2011-12 Solution Manual

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Dallas Independent School District

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Grade 5 Spanish Reading, Interim SW4, 2011-12 Solution Manual 1 Cul de las siguientes opciones es el mejor resumen de los parrafos 1 y 2? La civilizacin maya se extendi nicamente por el sur de Mxico, Guatemala, Belice y El Salvador y consista de ms de diez millones de personas. La civilizacin maya estaba organizada en estados independientes que abarcaban un extenso territorio en Centroamrica. Segn datos de la poca, la poblacin maya pudo alcanzar ms de una decena de millones de habitantes.

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Incomplete summary.

CORRECT ANSWER Includes most relevant information from both paragraphs.

La civilizacin maya dejo una profunda huella en otras culturas de Incomplete summary. Mesoamrica, particularmente en el rea de Belize, Chiapas y El Petn. La civilizacin maya lleg a contar con trece millones de habitantes en su periodo de esplendor. La poblacin se asentaba en los Incomplete summary. territorios de lo que hoy en da son los pases Centroamericanos de Honduras y El Salvador.

Qu significado tiene la palabra esplendor en el prrafo 2?


Definicin 1 Definicin 2 Definicin 3 Definicin 4

Not supported by the context. Not supported by the context. Not supported by the context. CORRECT ANSWER Supported by context.

Dallas Independent School District

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Grade 5 Spanish Reading, Interim SW4, 2011-12 Solution Manual 3 Qu idea completa mejor el siguiente cuadro?

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Ubicada en el Sureste de Mxico Ciudades sepultadas por ceniza volcnica ptimas condiciones para la agricultura Condiciones precarias para la siembra

Does not correspond to the texts description. This is a characteristic of the Tierras Altas. CORRECT ANSWER Supported by paragraph 8. This is a characteristic of the Tierras Bajas.

Qu significado tiene la palabra precarias en el prrafo 6?


Definicin 1 Definicin 2 Definicin 3 Definicin 4

Not supported by the context. CORRECT ANSWER Supported by the context. Not supported by the context. Not supported by the context.

Dallas Independent School District

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Grade 5 Spanish Reading, Interim SW4, 2011-12 Solution Manual 5 Cmo influyeron las caractersticas fsicas del Mayab en el desarrollo de la cultura maya? Por su ubicacin en las montaas, El Mayab influy en todas las culturas de Mesoamrica. Por su abundante vegetacin, las selvas de la regin de las Tierras Bajas fueron importantes.

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The Mayab was not located in the mountains.

Does not correspond to the texts description.

Por sus volcanes, la regin de las Tierras Altas fue la ms importante Does not correspond to the texts description. para la agricultura. Por la fertilidad de su suelo, la regin del Litoral del Pacfico fue la ms importante. CORRECT ANSWER Supported by the context.

Dallas Independent School District

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Grade 5 Spanish Reading, Interim SW4, 2011-12 Solution Manual

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Dallas Independent School District

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Grade 5 Spanish Reading, Interim SW4, 2011-12 Solution Manual 6 Cul es el significado de la palabra conquista en el prrafo 6?

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Definicin 1 Definicin 2 Definicin 3 Definicin 4

CORRECT ANSWER Supported by the context. Not supported by the context. Not supported by the context. Not supported by the context.

Cmo reaccion la serpiente al escuchar la prediccin de los adivinos? A B C D Huy de inmediato y se refugi en la selva. Decidi olvidar su msica y luchar contra el enemigo. Llor tanto que sus lgrimas crearon aguadas. Does not correspond to the texts description. CORRECT ANSWER Supported by paragraph 6. Does not correspond to the texts description.

Organiz a todos los animales para Does not correspond to the texts description. defender El Mayab.

Cmo organiza el autor los prrafos 2 al 6? A B C D Por el orden de importancia de los personajes Por el color de la piel de los animales elegidos Por el orden en que sucedieron los eventos Does not correspond to the texts description. Does not correspond to the texts description. CORRECT ANSWER Correct answer supported by text.

Por el tamao de los animales de la Does not correspond to the texts description. selva

Dallas Independent School District

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Grade 5 Spanish Reading, Interim SW4, 2011-12 Solution Manual 9

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Qu recordamos ms fcilmente cuando leemos El mundo de los mayas y La tierra del faisn y el venado? A B C D Las ruinas de antiguas ciudades sepultadas por ceniza. Lo cerca que estaban las ciudades de los volcanes Las playas en donde nadaban los antiguos mayas El paisaje de la exuberante selva tropical This fact does not appear in both passages. This fact does not appear in both passages. This fact does not appear in both passages. CORRECT ANSWER This fact is emphasized throughout both passages.


Al leer las dos historias podemos notar que los autores utilizan A B C D informacin obtenida de estudios arqueolgicos Only one story makes reference to archeological studies.

descripciones de El Mayab que son CORRECT ANSWER Fully supported by both muy similares passages description of it. elementos literarios que aumentan su contenido fantstico gneros literarios diferentes para narrar la misma historia Only one passage is fiction. Only one passage narrates a story.


Describe tres semejanzas importantes entre las dos lecturas. Student names and describes three similarities of these passages. Both passages refer to the Mayan civilization 3 pts. Both passages mention physical characteristics of El Mayab Both passages mention the Mayan constructions Student names and describes at least two similarities of these passages. Both passages refer to the Mayan civilization 2 pts. Both passages mention physical characteristics of El Mayab Both passages mention the Mayan constructions Student attempts to answer the question and names only one of three similarities of these passages: Both passages refer to the Mayan civilization Both passages mention physical characteristics of El Mayab Both passages mention the Mayan constructions

1 pt.

Dallas Independent School District

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Grade 5 Spanish Reading, Interim SW4, 2011-12 Solution Manual 12 Describe las tres caractersticas ms importantes del Mayab. Student names and describes three characteristics of the Mayab: It was the land of the Maya civilization 3 pts. It was an important cultural center in Mesoamrica It holds important archeological sites

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Student names at least two characteristics of the Mayab and attempts to describe them: It was the land of the Maya civilization 2 pts. It was an important cultural center in Mesoamrica It holds important archeological sites Student attempts to answer the question and names only one characteristic of the Mayab: It was the land of the Maya civilization It was an important cultural center in Mesoamrica It holds important archeological sites

1 pt.

Dallas Independent School District

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