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Sanscrit name: Muladhara (root) Location: Base of spine, at the seat of Kundalini Symbol: A circle surrounded by four lotus petals, with a square inside it. Central issue: Survival, stability, acceptance, self-preservation, deep-rootedness, perception, grounding, fear and safety Color: Red Essential oils: Patchouli, cedarwood, sandalwood Crystals and Stones: Garnet, Ruby, Agate, Onyx, Haematite, Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Bloodstone, Red Coral; Stars and Astrological signs: Planets Mars, Pluto, and Saturn; Signs of Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, and Capricorn; Sound or mantra: "Lam" Sense: Smell Body: The physical body Orientation to self: Self-preservation Goals: Stability, grounding, physical health, prosperity, trust Rights: To be here, to have Developmental stage: Womb to 12 months Identity: Physical identity Level of relationship: Tribal

Demon: Fear Element: Earth Hormonal glands: Sexual and adrenal Organs: Immune system, base of spine, legs, bones and bone marrow, feet, rectum, physical body support Excessive: Sluggish, lazy, tired, monotony, obesity, overeating, hoarding, materialism, greed, Fear of change, addiction to security Deficient: Fearful, anxious, restless, lack of discipline, underweight, financial difficulty Chronic disorganization Balanced: Good health, vitality, well grounded, sense of trust in the world, feeling safe and secure, stability, prosperity, ability to relax Physical Dysfunctions: Frequent illness, disorders of the bowel, large intestine, bones, teeth, problems with legs, feet , base of spine(chronic lower back pain, sciatica); eating disorders; depression; immune-related disorders; skin problems; lack of energy; Addictions: Food, gambling, shopping, work Traumas and Abuses: Birth trauma, abandonment, physical neglect, poor physical bonding with the mother, malnourishment, feeding difficulty, major illness or surgery, physical abuse, inherited traumas (eg. war, poverty, etc.) Spiritual challenge: How well we manage our physical world; HEALING STRATEGY: Physical activity, lots of touch, massage, reconnect with the body, grounding, Hatha yoga, look at earliest childhood relationship to mother, reclaim your right to be here; AFFIRMATIONS: It is safe to me to be here. The earth supports me and meets my needs. I love my body and trust its wisdom. I am interested in abundance.

I am here and I am real. I trust my Higher Self fulfills all mu needs. My life is full of prosperity.


Sanscrit name: Svadhisthana (sweetness) Location: Lower abdomen Symbol: A circle surrounded by five or six lotus petals. Central issue: Sexuality, emotions, financial, creativity, codes of honour and ethics Color: Orange Essential Oils: Rosemary, juniper, sandalwood, jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang Crystals and Stones: Amber, Citrine, Topaz, Moonstone, Fire Agate, Orange Spinel, Fire Opal; Stars and Astrological Signs: Moon, Planets Venus and Pluto, and the signs of Libra, Cancer, and Scorpio; Sound or mantra: Vam Sense: Touch and taste Body: Ethereal body Orientation to self: Self-gratification Goals: Pleasure, healthy sexuality, feeling Rights: To feel, to want Developmental stage: 6 to 24 months

Identity: Emotional identity Level of relationship: One-on-one Demon: Guilt Element: Water Hormonal gland: Pancreas Organs: Sexual organs, large intestine, lower vertebrae, pelvis, the kidneys, appendix, bladder, prostate, hip area, the lymphatic system, all the body fluids; Excessive: Sexual, pleasure addiction; excessively sensitive and strong emotions; invasion of others, seductive manipulation; obsessive attachment; emotional dependency. Deficient: Poor social skills; frigidity, fear of sex, lack of desire, passion, excitement, denial of pleasure; fear of change; rigidity in attitudes Balanced: Graceful movements; emotional intelligence; ability to experience pleasure; nurture of self and others; ability to change; healthy boundaries Physical Dysfunctions: Sexual dysfunctions; ob/gyn. problems; Dysfunctions of reproductive organs, spleen, urinary system; loss of appetite for food, sex, life; chronic lower back pain, sciatica; Addictions: Alcohol, sex, heroin Traumas and Abuses: Sexual, emotional abuse, neglect, rejection, emotional manipulation, physical abuse, alcoholic families, denial of child's feelings, inherited (untreated incest, sexual issues) Spiritual challenges: Negative one-to-one control patterns need to be confronted HEALING STRATEGY: Movement therapy, emotional release, inner childe work, boundary work, assign healthy pleasures, develop sensate intelligence AFFIRMATIONS: I accept and acknowledge my sexuality. My physical health is strong and pure. I deserve pleasure in my life. I absorb information from my feelings.

Life is pleasurable. I move easily and effortlessly.


Sanscrit name: Manipura ( lustrous gem ) Location: Solar plexus, below the diaphragm Symbol: A circle surrounded by ten lotus petals, and inside it a triangle Central issue: Power, self-esteem, self-image, energy, will, responsibility Color: Yellow Essential Oils: Juniper, lavender, bergamot, rosemary Crystals and Stones: Citrine, amber, tiger's eye, peridot,, yellow tourmaline, yellow topaz Stars and Astrological Signs: Sun, the planets Mercury, Jupiter, Mars and the signs of Leo, Sagittarius and Virgo Sound or mantra: Ram Sense: Sight Body: The astral body Orientation to self: Self definition Goals: Vitality, purpose, strength of will, vitality, spontaneity Rights: To act and be an individual Developmental stage: 18 months to 4 years Identity: Ego identity Level of relationship: Basic relationship with inner self

Demon: Shame Element: Fire Hormonal glands: The pancreas and the adrenal Organs: The respiratory system and diaphragm, the digestive system, stomach, liver, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, the small intestine, the lower back, the sympathetic nervous system Excessive: Overly aggressive, dominating, controlling, blaming, arrogance, manipulative, power hungry, stubbornness, hyperactivity, excessively ambitious and competitive Deficient: Low energy, weak will, poor self-esteem, passive, sluggish, fearful, poor selfdiscipline, emotionally and physically cold, victim mentality, blaming of others, unreliable, poor digestion Balanced: Feeling of tranquillity and inner harmony, self-acceptance, respect for the nature and emotions of others, feeling of unity with the rest of humanity, responsible, reliable, confidence, spontaneity, sens of humour, able to meet challenges Physical Dysfunctions: Arthritis, digestive disorders, ulcers, colon and intestinal problems, anorexia or bulimia, pancreatitis, diabetes, gallstone, allergies, problems with the stomach and liver Addictions: Amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine, work, anger Traumas and abuses: Shaming, authoritarianism, physical abuse, fear of punishment, dangerous environment, age inappropriate responsibilities, inherited shame from parents Spiritual challenges: Maturation of the ego HEALING STRATEGY: Risk taking, grounding, emotional contact, deep relaxation, stress control, vigorous exercise, sit-ups, psychotherapy (release or contain anger, build ego strength, work on shame issues, strengthen will) AFFIRMATIONS: I can do whatever I will to do. I honour the power within me. I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly. In a smooth and healthy way, I release all unresolved emotions. I claim my personal power.


Sanscrit name: Anahatra (unstruck) Location: Chest, hart, cardiac plexus Symbol: A circle surrounded by 12 lotus petals, and inside it a six-pointed star Central issues: Love, unconditional love, self-love, forgiveness, relationships, intimacy, devotion, depression and loneliness Color: Green and pink Essential Oils: Sandalwood, rose, cedarwood Crystals and Stones: Rose quartz, emerald, jade, aventurine, malachite, rhodonite Stars and Astrological Signs: Planets Venus, Saturn, Sun and the signs Libra, Leo and Sagittarius Sound or mantra: Yam Sense: Touch Body: The feeling body Orientation to self: Self-acceptance Goals: Stability, trust, physical health, prosperity, grounding Rights: To love and be loved Developmental stage: 4 to 7 years Identity Social identity Level of relationship Loving relationships with significant others, with oneself and with all life Demon: Grief Element: Air

Hormonal glands: The thymus gland Organs: Hearth and circulatory system, lungs, bronchial tubes, shoulders and arms, diaphragm, thymus gland, the immune system, the skin, the upper back Excessive: Demanding, jealousy, co-dependency, poor boundaries, overly sacrificing, possessive Deficient: Antisocial, withdrawn, cold, shy, critical, judgmental, intolerant, loneliness, depression, fear of intimacy and relationships, lack of empathy, narcissism, bitter Balanced: Compassionate, loving, self-loving, empathetic, peaceful, balanced, good immune system Physical Dysfunctions: Disorders of the heart, lungs, thymus, breast, arms, asthma, allergy, circulation problems, immune system deficiency, tension between shoulder blades Addictions: Tobacco (smoking), sugar, love, marijuana Traumas and Addictions: rejection, abandonment, loss, shaming, constant criticism, abuses to lower chakras, unacknowledged grief, divorce, death, conditional love, loveless environment, sexual and physical abuse, betrayal Spiritual challenges: To learn compassion, the value of forgiveness, unconditional love HEALING STRATEGY: Self-discovery, codependency work, forgiveness, inner child work, work with arms, reaching out, taking in, breathing exercise AFFIRMATIONS: I freely and easily give and receive love. Totally forgive others and myself for all past errors and judgements. I am worthy of love. I am loving to myself and others. There is an infinite supply of love. I live in balance with others.


Sanscrit name: Vissudha (purification) Location: Throat Symbol: A circle surrounded by 16 lotus petals, and inside it a circle, or a circle containing a triangle Central issue: Communication, self-expression, self-discipline, speaking one's truth Color: Blue, light blue, turquoise Essential Oils: Lavender, patchouli Crystals and Stones: Lapis lazuli, aquamarine, sodalite, turquoise, sapphire, blue lace agate, blue tourmaline, blue quartz Stars and Astrological Signs: Planets Venus, Mercury, Uranus and Mars and the signs of Taurus, Gemini and Aquarius Sound or mantra: Ham Sense: Hearing Body: The mental body Orientation to self: Self-expression Goals: Clear communication, creativity Rights: To speak and to hear the truth Developmental stage: 7 to 12 years Identity: Creative identity Level of relationship: Relationship with our personal truths Demon: Lies Element: Ether - Akasa Hormonal glands: The thyroid and parathyroid gland

Organs: Throat, thyroid and parathyroid glands, the neck, vocal cords and organs, mouth, teeth and gums, jaw, ears, muscles Excessive: Too much talking, talking as a defense, inability to listen, gossiping, interruptions, over-extended, stuttering Deficient: Fear of speaking, small, weak voice, difficulty putting feelings into words, shyness, tone deaf, poor rhythm Balanced: Good listener, resonant voice, good sense of timing and rhythm, clear communication, lives creatively Physical Dysfunctions: Raspy throat, chronic soar throat, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties, scoliosis, laryngitis, swollen glands, thyroid problems, headaches, pain in the neck and shoulders, ear infections and problems Addictions: Opiates, marijuana Traumas and Abuses: Lies, secrets, verbal abuse, constant yelling, excessive criticism (blocks creativity), authoritarian parents, alcoholic, chemical dependent family Spiritual challenges: To recognize that your strength of will is measured not by how well you exert your will over others, but how well you control yourself. Conscious self-control and discipline means living according to the truth that every thought you have is either a potential act of grace or a potential weapon. Right thought leads to right speech leads to right acting. HEALING STRATEGY: Learn communication skills, letter writing, inner child communication, practice silence (excessive), story telling, singing, chanting, toning, release voice, loosen neck and shoulders AFFIRMATIONS: I easily and gracefully express my deepest feelings and emotions. I hear and speak the truth. I express myself with clear intent. Creativity flows in and through me. My voice is necessary.


Sanscrit name: Ajna (to perceive) Location: The centre of the forehead, brow Symbol: A circle surrounded on each side by two large lotus petals ( or a lotus with 96 petals ), and inside it a triangle Central issue: Intuition, imagination, ability to see one's life clearly, use of the mind/intellect Color: Indigo Essential Oils: Geranium, lavender, rosemary, spearmint Crystals and Stones: Amethyst, azurite, fluorite, lapidolite Stars and Astrological Signs: The planets Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury, Neptune and signs Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces Sound or mantra: Ham-ksham Sense: Intuition (the sixth sense) Body: The high mental body Orientation to self: Self-reflection Goals: Psychic perception, imagination, clear seeing, accurate interpretation Rights: To see Developmental stage: Adolescence Identity: Archetypal identity Level of relationship: Our relationship to knowledge, wisdom and vision Demon: Illusion Element: Light

Hormonal glands: The pituitary and the pineal gland Organs: The brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, face, the pineal and pituitary gland Excessive: Hallucination, nightmares, obsessions, delusions, difficulty concentrating, headaches Deficient: Poor vision and memory, insensitivity, lack of imagination, difficulty visualizing, difficulty seeing the future, can't remember dreams, denial Balanced: Intuitive, perceptive, imaginative, good memory, able to visualize, able to think symbolically, able to remember dreams Physical Dysfunctions: Headaches, eye and ear disease, nose and sinus problems, facial nerve problems, nightmares, brain tumour, stroke, neurological disturbances, seizures, full spinal difficulty, learning disabilities Addictions: Hallucinogens, marijuana Traumas and Abuses: Frightening environment (war, violence), what you see does not go with what you are told, invalidation of intuition and psychic occurrences Spiritual challenges: Pride and the ability to make judgements. The spiritual lessons relate to insight and intuition, to seeing beyond the visible. HEALING STRATEGY: Meditation, visual stimulation, create visual art, coloring and drawing, working with memory, dream work, hypnosis, guided visualization, past life regression therapy AFFIRMATIONS: My inner vision is clear and strong. I trust my intuition and inner vision. I see all things in clarity. I am open to the wisdom within. I can manifest my vision.


Sanscrit name: Sahasrara (thousand-fold) Location: The crown of the skull Symbol: A lotus with thousand petals Central issue: Awareness, spiritual search for meaning, issues of karma and grace, grace bank account, spiritual awakening, divine discontent Color: Purple, white, gold, silver Essential Oils: Jasmine, frankincense Crystals and Stones: Diamond, clear quartz, moldavite, selenite, pyrite Stars and Astrological Signs: The planets Saturn and Neptune, the signs Capricorn and Pisces Sound or mantra: Om Body: The soul, the karmic, causal body Orientation to self: Self-knowledge Goals: Wisdom, knowledge, spiritual connection, consciousness Rights: To know Developmental stage: Throughout life Identity: Universal identity Level of relationship: Relationship to our life's true purpose, relationship between the ego and the higher self, relationship to God and spirit Demon: Attachment Element: Thought Organs: The muscular and skeletal system, skin, central nervous system Excessive: Over-intellectualization, spiritual addiction, confusion, dissociation from body

Deficient: Spiritual cynicism, learning difficulties, rigid belief systems, apathy, materialism, greed, domination of others Balanced: Sense of spiritual connection, open-minded, wisdom and mastery, broad understanding, intelligent, thoughtful, aware, ability to perceive, analyse and assimilate information Physical Dysfunctions: Energetic disorders, mystical depression, coma, migraines, brain tumours, amnesia, chronic exhaustion not linked to physical disorder, sensitivity to light, sound and other environmental factors Addictions: Religion, spiritual practices Traumas and Addictions: Spiritual abuse, forced religiosity, blind obedience, misinformation, lies, withheld information, invalidation of one's beliefs Spiritual challenges: Hope and faith, spiritual conscience. Spiritual quests and questions of your life: For what purpose was I born? What is truth? What is the deeper meaning of life? Can I find that? Failure to hear and respond to these questions can lead to anxiety and depression. HEALING STRATEGY: Reestablish physical, emotional, spirit connection, spiritual discipline, meditation, examine belief systems, goal setting AFFIRMATIONS: I accept and acknowledge my spirituality. Divinity resides within. I am open to new ideas. Information I need comes to me. I am guided by higher power. I am guided by inner wisdom. The world is my teacher.

Resources and Recommended Readings:

Anodea Judith, Ph.D. "Eastern Body, Western Mind" Caroline Myss, Ph.D. "Why people don't heal, and how they can" Richard Gerber, M.D. - A practical guide to vibrational medicine Bill Waites "Aura-Reiki";

Kundalini Awakening


Kundalini is a dormant energy within most peple. In Hindu mythology, Kundalini is a serpent goddess who lies asleep at the base of the spine, coiled three and a half times around the first chakra.Her name is Kundalini Shakti, and she represents the unfolding of the divine Shakti energy, the energizing potential of life itself, a living goddess who enlivens all things. Under certain circumstances, the Kundalini energy awakens and begins to rise through the body, piercing and opening the chakras as she moves in her undulating, snake-like fashion. As Kundalini releases stored and blocked energies, her movement can be quite intense, sometimes painful, and often leads to mental states that seem out of this world. Circumstances that stimulate Kundalini awakening are many and varied, but are usually triggered by such things as extended periods of meditation, yoga, fasting, stress, trauma, psychedelic drugs, or near death experiences. Kundalini is a condensed, primal force, similar to the potential energy found in water. When released, it creates a vertical connection between the chakras by opening the subtle channels known as nadi, most specifically, the central channel that moves up the spine called sushumna. If we put water through a small hose at very high pressure, the end of the hose will undulate like a snake. Similarly, the intense energy of Kundalini undulates in the body

as it rises through the chakras. Kundalini can also be seen as a result of the chakras connecting to each other.Theoretically, as the chakras enlarge, the spinning of one can enchance the spinning of the one above or below it. Kundalini is basically a healing force, but its effects can sometimes be quite unpleasant. Such effects may last for minutes, days, months, or even years.

If you find yourself dealing with uncomfortable Kundalini awakening symptoms, you should: 1) Purify the body. Abstain from recreational drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and caffein, prescription drugs. Avoid food additives, high sugars, or greasy foods. Eat well, especially protein which is generally grounding. Get massage and vigorous exercise. 2) Reduce stress. If you are in for a major spiritual transformation, make time for the necessary changes in your life. You may need to devote more time to your spirituality or health. 3) Find Support. Find other who have knowledge of this experience. 4) Educate yourself. Read about Kundalini, Kundalini awakening,Yoga and learn about Chakras. 5) Treat underlying psychological issues. As Kundalini brings up unresolved issues, this is the best time to deal with them. It will make the ride smoother. 6) Examine your spiritual practices. If you have not been practicing meditation, yoga or some spiritual practice, it may be time to begin. You might need to stop meditating for a while if it increases unpleasant Kundalini awakening symptoms. See what increases or decreases the unpleasant effects. 7) Practice grounding. Kundalini is most difficult when the energy is moving upward without enough energy moving downward to balance. Investigate the possibility of the first chakra issues that need to be resolved in order to give a firmer base.Practice grounding exercise daily. Resources: Eastern Body Western Mind, Anodea Judith, Ph.D. Kundalini Research Network, P.O. Box 45102, 2482 Yonge St. Toronto, Ontario Canada

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The excellent animation below shows the Kundalini energy raising:

Details for ckakra7 system Created by swampmamie 2 months ago Miscellaneous reup of old torrrent not seem to be working Carol Tuttle ...Chakra7 System i recently purchased this program. this is all of it from the site i have put each section in its own folder I included a screenshot of each section that shows what it affects and how the content below is the copy/paste of each of them there are 2 sets of videos. one is dvd. the other is mp4 for iphone/ipods. this a link to take a chakra test...... u need acrobat adobe reader to open some things

Welcome To The Chakra7 System Dear Friend, I am overjoyed that youve decided to join me in an empowering journey into the core of your being with the Chakra7 System. Let me assure you that I am with you every step of the way as you take this exciting journey to unleashing the powerful abilities that lies deep within you. Mark my words when used correctly, the Chakra7 System and its supporting materials will bring you the ability, at any given moment, to instantly uplift any aspect of your life. Rest assured, youre not alone on this journey. I will personally guide you through the entire

course, and be in constant contact with you through email to share tips and insights that will help you perfect everything youre about to learn. A quick look into what youre getting Now please take a look at the materials youve just received. I know at this point they may seem daunting, but dont worry, youll get the hang of it in no time. In fact once you weave them into your daily schedule, youll find yourself looking forward to using them! But there is one thing I need from you, and thats your commitment. And your life will change as you start experiencing profound transformation in ALL areas of your life. You might want to ask me how long it takes before you start seeing results? The answer to this depends on a number of factors, such as the stage of life youre at, your state of mind and your belief system. You could begin sensing small advances within days (or even hours), and experiencing massive life-changing effects within a matter of weeks! But please bear this in mind; dont sweat the small stuff. It doesnt matter what you experience at any one time, because there will always be ups and downs. Evolving through the program Just remember that your experiences will be based on your current mental and emotional states, which will evolve as you progress with the course and the exercises. The Chakra7 System is designed to help you unleash you higher self through the specially designed set of meditations and exercises for each of your chakras. It it will help you discover yourself and your body, as well as allowing you to function intuitively so you can discover answers, insights and epiphanies from within. Also, please take your time with the course. I understand the desire for instant results, especially when youve paid for something, but the Chakra7 System is about permanent, long-term results. Its about going beyond instant gratification, and enriching every aspect of your life in a way you may have never thought possible. So, resist the temptation to skip any part of the Chakra7 System, or to go through it too quickly and just take your time. To help you go through the program smoothly Heres a quick rundown of what youll be learning: 1. 7 chakras Watch Syl and I work on each chakra as we take you through the specific

techniques and yoga exercises that are specially designed to open and energize that specific chakra. Each chakra module will give you an overview of the meaning and effects of the chakra, transcripts to the training videos and access to the download version of the videos for those who are on the go! 2. Ask Carol Each month Ill be answering all your questions and guide you through the your Chakra Healing journey through my emails or videos on the site. To post questions, just go to the sidebar and look for Ask Carol. 3. Bonus: Proxy Healing & Long Distance Energy Healing In this bonus module Syl and I will train you to induce healing in others, regardless of geographic location, and understand how your energy and thoughts affect others on a daily basis. 4. Surprise Bonus: Clearing scripts & Reframes Ive decided to include 7 powerful clearing scripts and reframes that compliments this program and will support you in enhancing your work on each of your chakras. once again, congratulations for joining the Chakra7 System community. Let me remind you once more that I am with you every step of the way. In fact theres nothing that Id love more than to hear from you. So if you have any questions, comments, drop me a comment at the Ask Carol page. Ill answer your questions in my emails or videos to you each month. Enough talk for now! Lets get started on opening and aligning your chakras! Love, Carol

Introduction Module:Your Journey Begins This is the starting point of your journey. Here Carol & Syl reveals the history of Chakras and their importance, and how Chakra imbalances occur. Highlights include: * A guided Ujjayi breathing exercise to begin the process of opening your Chakras, and give you a solid foundation for your upcoming learnings. * A visualization exercise to identify your dominant Chakra, and find out who you really are. * How Yoga and Chakra Healing saved Syl Carsons life by helping her overcome rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.

Chakra 1:Root Color: Red Element: Earth Position: Base of the Spine Objective: Birth issues, survival patterns, generational patterns, money, food and health issues, grounding When your Root Chakra is closed: When your Root Chakra is opened: You struggle with weight and body issues. You are content with your body. You frequently struggle with debt and lack of money. You are confident with money, managing it well and always having enough for what you need and want. You carry an underlying sense of not being worth it and not belonging. You feel like you belong and have a strong connection with your family and or friends, and as a result feel wanted and loved.

Chakra 2:Sacral Color: Orange Element: Water Position: Below the belly button Objective: Sexuality, the nature of your relationships, freedom from guilt, pleasure and nurturance, sensation and creativity When your Sacral Chakra is closed: When your Sacral Chakra is opened: You believe sex is bad and that it can hurt you. You enjoy pleasure in many different ways in life. You feel abused, hurt, and confused and dont trust that you can be loved for being you. You create healthy sexual experiences with others that honor you. You feel you have to be sexy to be loved You have a strong sense of your sexuality and recognize it as one of your most powerful creative energies.

Chakra 3:Personal Power Color: Yellow Element: Fire Position: Above the Navel Objective: Relationship with yourself, personal power, self-esteem, freedom from shame, selfworth, personal thoughts and image of yourself. When your Personal Power Chakra is closed: When your Personal Power Chakra is opened: You feel like a victim in the world and feel powerless to other people and circumstances often. You have a strong sense of your own power and how to use it in healthy ways. You give your power away to others as you feel this is necessary to keep peace in relationships. You want to use your power and influence for good in the world. You suffer from stomach pains and stomach anxiety. You admire others with power and influence and choose to emulate people who are using their personal power in making a difference in the world.

Chakra 4:Heart Color: Green Element: Air Position: Center of chest Objective: Heart, compassion, love, touch, devotion, emotional zone, self-acceptance, masculine/feminine of the self, and forgiveness When your Heart Chakra is closed: When your Heart Chakra is opened: You are afraid of commitment. You are comfortable in your relationships. You feel like you have to please others to be loved. You give and receive love easily. You have been hurt by others many times in relationships and now feel like you have to guard yourself from being hurt again. You feel a heartfelt sense of gratitude for how wonderful your life is, you appreciate others and feel compassion for yourself and others without feeling sorry for anyone.

Chakra 5:Throat

Color: Blue Element: Sound Position: Hollow of Throat Objective: Speaking your truth, coming form the center of your willpower, listening and being heard, communication, finding you true voice and expressing your truth. When your Throat Chakra is closed When your Throat Chakra is opened You are afraid to speak up and say what you want or feel. You are comfortable speaking your truth. You go along with others so you dont upset anyone. You experience others listening to you . You get sore throats often and feel like your throat is blocked. You feel that you are heard and honored for your truth.

Chakra 6:Intuitive Color: Indigo Element: Light Position: Between the eyebrows Objective: Intuition & psychic talents, self-reflection, visualization, discernment, and trust of your own intuition. When your Intuitive Chakra is closed When your Intuitive Chakra is opened You feel disconnected from your intuition, or dont feel like you have any. Your intuition is your constant guide that you trust. You feel lost when it comes to your spiritual purpose and path in life. You have a strong sense of your own inner truth and listen to and follow it as it guides you on your life path. You get headaches and feel tension in your brow area often. You act on confidence based on your intuition.

Chakra 7:Crown

Color: Violet Element: Thought Position: Top of the head Objective: Charity, connection to God and spirit, divinity, belief systems, revelation, divine consciousness. When your Crown Chakra is closed When your Crown Chakra is opened You feel no connection or guidance from a higher power. You feel connected to a higher power and that you are being watched over and cared for. You feel unworthy of spiritual help and are angry that your higher power has abandoned you. You know you deserve immense blessings. You suffer from migraines and tension headaches. You feel immense gratitude for the universal love and appreciation you feel towards yourself and others.

Final Module:Putting It All Together once youve learned about all the 7 Chakras, its time for you to learn to tie them together and make Chakra Healing an indispensable part of your daily life. Highlights of this wrap-up module include: * How to create an efficient energetic ecosystem by connecting your 7 Chakras and allowing them to communicate with each other. * A guide for balancing your masculine and feminine energies, which in turn creates an ideal energetic ecosystem to keep your Chakras in balance. * A mistake you must avoid at all costs. Why some people neglect their upper Chakras, and focus only on the lower ones.

Proxy Healing & Long Distance Energy Healing Imagine being able to use Chakra Healing not just on yourself, but on your children, your spouse, your friends and your colleagues. In this bonus module Carol and Syl will train you to induce healing in others, regardless of geographic location, and understand how your energy and thoughts affect others on a daily basis. Highlights include: * The surprising truth on how you energetically affect those around you as you carry out your daily activities, like sending your kids to school or having lunch with your colleagues. * Does a loved one need your help? How to practice Proxy Healing and Long Distance Energy Healing, so you can energetically heal otherseven if theyre in another city or country.

* A fascinating live demonstration of Proxy Healing, where youll witness firsthand the potential of this potent practice.

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