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hp-tg3-3.99p-9.src.rpm HP NC-Series Broadcom TG3 Driver for Linux 3.99p 9 English Software Solutions Enterprise and Mainstream Servers NC107i NC105i NC325m NC326m NC324i PCIe Gigabit Server Adapter PCIe Gigabit Server Adpater Quad Port PCIe Gigabit Server Adapter Dual Port PCIe Gigabit Server Adapter Integrated Dual Port PCI Express Gigabit Server Adapte


NC325i Integrated Dual Port PCI Express Gigabit Server Adapte NC326i Integrated Dual Port PCI Express Gigabit Server Adapte NC150T NC320x NC1020 NC67xx NC77xx PCI 4-Port Gigabit Combo Switch Adapter PCI Express Gigabit Server Adapter Gigabit Server Adapter Gigabit Server Adapter Gigabit Server Adapter

OPERATING SYSTEM: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 AS/ES for AMD64/EM64T Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 AS/ES for x86 SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 11 for AMD64/EM64T SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 11 for x86 SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 10 for AMD64/EM64T SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 10 for x86 PREREQUISITES: ProLiant server supporting one of the above operating systems 256MB RAM minimum Latest HP System ROM Build Environment Setup NOTE: Visit the following URL to download the latest System ROM Select "Download drivers and software (and firmware)" EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/04/2010 SUPERSEDES: DESCRIPTION: This RPM contains the HP Tested and Approved Linux tg3 driver for use with the Server Adapters mentioned in the PRODUCTS AFFECTED section of this document. ENHANCEMENTS/FIXES: Updated the spec file to support Kernel Module Packaging (KMP). 3.99p

Table of Contents ================= Introduction Packaging Build Environment Setup Installing the RPM Package Driver Settings Driver Messages Uninstalling the RPM Caveats Introduction ============ This file describes the Linux driver for the HP Gigabit Server Adapters mentioned in the PRODUCTS AFFECTED section. User guides and additional HP Network Adapter information can be found at: Packaging ========= The driver is released in a KMP source RPM format. KMP packages use macros that determine which kernel flavors are installed on the machine and builds binary packages for each flavor found. The file name for the package is hp-tg3-<version>.src.rpm. This package will also build a "doc" package which includes a README and man page for this driver. You should have the right build environment to compile a binary from the source package. See the "Build Environment Setup" section below Build Environment Setup ======================== The tg3 driver requires the presence of some packages that provide the right build environment. These packages provide kernel headers, makefiles and symbol files, though the last one is suggested only on SLES distributions. Red Hat installation: The redhat-rpm-config package is required to be installed so tha t KMP source RPMs can be built. See the "Caveats" section below for m ore details. In addition, the associated kernel-devel package needs to be installed for each flavor requiring a kernel module. Ex: kernel- would require kernel-devel-2.6.18-92.el 5 kernel-PAE- would require kernel-PAE-devel-2.6.18-9 2.el5 Note: The kernel-devel package is also required on OS's that do not have the base kernel installed. See the "Caveats" section below for m ore details. SUSE SLES Installation: Make sure that kernel-source and kernel-syms packages are instal led. kernel-syms package contains symbol versions for the all the fla

vors that the distribution supports. Installing the RPM Package ============================= 1. This package requires a build environment. Please refer to the "Build Environment Setup" Section before proceding to the next step. 2. Install the source RPM package. # rpm -ivh hp-tg3-<version>.src.rpm 3. Build the binary RPM for the tg3 driver. Red Hat Installation: # cd /usr/src/redhat # rpmbuild -bb SPECS/hp-tg3.spec SLES Installations: # cd /usr/src/packages # rpmbuild -bb SPECS/hp-tg3.spec If you get an error during the build process, refer to the "Build Environment Setup" section. NOTE: Red Hat 5 x86 installations require the "--target" switch when building on Intel compatible machines. Please see the "Caveats" section below for more details. #rpmbuild --target=i686 -bb SPECS/hp-tg3.spec NOTE: One can also build a binary RPM for the specfied kernel flavor as below #rpmbuild --target=i686 -bb SPECS/hp-tg3.spec --define "KVER <kv er>" 4. Check for the existence of a current version of the tg3 package as follows: Red Hat # rpm -q kmod-hp-tg3-<kernel flavor> SLES # rpm -q hp-tg3-kmp-<kernel flavor> If an old version of the package exists, the RPM package should be removed. Red Hat # rpm -e kmod-hp-tg3-<kernel flavor> SLES # rpm -e hp-tg3-kmp-<kernel flavor> Before removing the driver you will have to bring down the interfaces controlled by tg3 #ifconfig eth<n> down

Finally remove the driver #rmmod tg3 Verify that the old hp-tg3 package has been removed as follows: Red Hat # rpm -q kmod-hp-tg3-<kernel flavor> SLES # rpm -q hp-tg3-kmp-<kernel flavor> 5. Install the new binary RPM package. Red Hat # rpm -ivh RPMS/<arch>/kmod-hp-tg3-<flavor>-<version>.<arch>.rpm The tg3.ko module is installed in the following directory: /lib/modules/<kver>/extra/hp-tg3 Note: The "--nodeps" switch is required when installing to Red Hat EL5 Update 4 and Update 3. See the "Caveats" section below for more details. # rpm -ivh RPMS/<arch>/kmod-hp-tg3-<flavor>-<version>.<arch>.rpm --nodeps SLES # rpm -ivh RPMS/<arch>/hp-tg3-kmp-<version>-<flavor>.<arch>.rpm The tg3.ko module is installed in the following directory: /lib/modules/<kver>/updates/hp-tg3 6. Configure your network setting and address. You may need to refer to your Linux vendor documentation. Helpful network configuration tools such as "yast2" in SLES or linuxconf/redhat-config-network/netconfig in Red Hat exist for easy configuration. For SLES, you must specify the module as tg3 while configuring the network. The module can be specified in Hardware Details of Advanced configuration 7. Ensure that the /etc/modules.conf file is configured similar to the example listed below. The example below is presented as if more than one adapter is present. If so, one eth# instance should exist for each Ethernet port. Refer to the modules.conf man page for more information. alias eth0 tg3 alias eth1 tg3 alias eth# tg3 For SLES, the configuration file is /etc/modprobe.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf.local Note: If the above entry does not exist, add it in the configuration file. 8.You can now reboot your server or restart the network services. Upon reboot the network should start with the tg3 driver loaded

To verify that the tg3 driver is loaded use the following command. # lsmod If tg3 is listed then the tg3 driver is loaded. You can also verify that the correct tg3 driver is loaded through any of the following methods. Note that version of the driver loaded should be same as that of the package version. Use ifconfig to bring up the network with the new driver: # ifconfig eth# up Refer to the man pages for lsmod, ifconfig, rmmod, insmod, modprobe, modules.conf and modprobe.conf for more detailed information. Driver Settings ================= For the tg3 driver, driver settings can be queried and changed using ethtool. The latest ethtool can be downloaded from l if it is not already installed. See the ethtool man page for more information. ethtool settings do not persist across reboot or module reload. To preserve the setting across reboots, you can do the following For Red Hat Linux a) Add appropriate 'ethtool' commands to /etc/rc.local, like. ethtool -s ethX speed 10 b) 'ethtool -s' parameters can be specified in the ifcfg-ethX scripts using the ETHTOOL_OPTS keyword. Example: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX: ETHTOOL_OPTS="wol g speed 100 duplex half autoneg off" For SUSE Linux a) Modify /etc/sysconfig/network/config file to have following options set to 'yes'. GLOBAL_POST_UP_EXEC="yes" GLOBAL_PRE_DOWN_EXEC="yes" b) Create a script file (E.g, ethtool-settings) in /etc/sysconfig/network/if-up.d directory with required ethtool commands. E.g, the file can contain the following ethtool command /usr/sbin/ethtool -s ethX speed 10 c) Set the mode of the file to 777. #chmod +777 ethtool-settings This will ensure that the script is executed each time the interface is brought up.

The complete set of Module Parameters supported by the tg3 driver is described in the README.TXT which is installed under the appropriated directories as mentioned in the Introduction section. Module Parameters can be queried and changed using ethtool. Driver Messages =============== The following are the most common sample messages that may be logged in the file /var/log/messages. Some Linux distributions may not display messages to the console. To set messages to display on the console, at the command line use the following to control the level at which messages will appear on the console. # dmesg -n 6 Most systems are set to level 6 by default. Uninstalling the RPM ==================== The following command will uninstall the RPM. Red Hat # rpm -e kmod-hp-tg3-<kernel flavor> SLES # rpm -e hp-tg3-kmp-<kernel flavor> Caveats =========== 1. The rpmbuild will fail the dependency check when building the non-base (xen,pae,etc) kernel when the kernel-devel package is not installed. Example: If the OS only included the PAE kernel then the user would need to install the kernel-pae-devel and kernel-devel packages. 2. The use of a "--target" switch is required so that rpmbuild does not try to find an i386 kernel on the system. If the "--target" switch is not used then the build will fail with bizarre messages stating that specific kernel packages are not installed on the machine yet those packages do not exist. 3. The rpmbuild will fail if the redhat-rpm-config package is not installed because it cannot resolve the %kernel_module_package_buildreqs macro. The error will be similar to the following: error: line xx: Dependency tokens must begin with alpha-numeric,'_'or'/': Build Requires: %kernel_module_package_buildreqs 4. RPM uses KMP packaging dependency data to ensure the dependencies are met before installing the binary RPM. Red Hat maintains a whitelist of kernel symbols which RPM uses to validate against the KMP binaries. Some symbols may be in the kernel but not on the whitelist which results in a failed binary RPM install. The user will need to use the "--nodeps" switch when installing the binary. The tg3 packaged drivers uses the following symbols on RedHat EL5 Update 4 and Update 3 that are not on the whitelist: Update 4 ksym(pci_enable_msi) ksym(pci_disable_msi) Update 3 ksym(pcie_set_readrq)

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