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2k+11 D. Vincent Baker
AL Lhc carlicsL rcachcs o living mcmory, Lhc world collapscd. CiLics ragcd,
burncd, or jusL dicd in agony, sLarvcd, cll silcnL. Tc sky howlcd. NoL
cvcryonc who rcmcmbcrs iL rcmcmbcrs iL Lhc samc way. Pcoplc orgoL who
Lhcy wcrc, whcrc Lhcy had comc rom, whaL Lhcy could makc.
Now, in Lhis world o hlLh and blindncss, Lhcrc arc a cw wiLh ncw vision.
Tcy go among us aL war, indomiLablc and doomcd, hoping and hghLing or
somcLhing bcLLcr.
a limited edition character playbook for
You carry onc:
a symbol o Lhc radianL, loving sun
a symbol o swccL purc waLcr
a symbol o human purposc and achicvcmcnL
a symbol o abundanL, hcalLhy, growing Lhings
a symbol o Lhc pasL LhaL could ycL bc rcborn
a symbol o Lhc uLurc LhaL is only now bccoming possiblc
a symbol o hcaling
WhaL is iL`
ILs jusL a symbol, rcplaccablc. ILs prccious or whaL iL mcans, noL whaL iL is.
Whcn you go among people, ofering hope, Lhcy rcspond by giving you
ood, shclLcr, companionship, LrusL, and any small Lhing you nccd, worLh
l-barLcr or lcss, gcncrously or grudgingly according Lo Lhcir naLurc.
Whcn you go among people, exploiting their hope, Lhcy rcspond by giving
you ood, shclLcr, companionship, LrusL, any small Lhing you nccd, or cvcn
sLraighL-up jinglc, worLh l- or 2-barLcr. Tcy wonL suhcr you orcvcr.
Whcn you go among people, acting with hope, Lhcy rcspond by sprcading
your namc cvcrywhcrc Lhcy go, Lo cvcryonc Lhcy mccL, wiLh admiraLion,
rcvulsion, car, or conLcmpL, according Lo Lhcir naLurc.
l-barLcr will covcr a monLhs living cxpcnscs, i your LasLcs arcnL Loo grand.
As a onc-Limc cxpcndiLurc, and vcry subjccL Lo availabiliLy, l-barLcr mighL
counL or: a night in high luxury & company; any weapon, gear or fashion not
valuable or hi-tech; the material costs of a crash resuscitation by an angel;
repair of a piece of hi-tech gear by a savvyhead; a weeks hire of the protective
companionship of a battlebabe or gunlugger; a years tribute to a warlord; a
months maintenance and repairs for a hi-performance vehicle well-used; bribes,
fees and gifts sufcient to get you into almost anyones presence.
For bcLLcr sLuh, you should cxpccL Lo makc parLicular arrangcmcnLs. You
canL jusL wandcr around Lhc commons o somc hardhold wiLh oddmcnLs
ajanglc and cxpccL Lo hnd hi-Lcch or luxc cLcrnal.
During character creation, you might choose a move from another playbook. ese
arent your only choices, just a selection of the ones you might fnd most compatible
with your existing strengths:
Battle-hardened [gunluggcr]: acL undcr hrc wiLh hard insLcad o cool.
Battlefeld grace [angcl], daredevil [drivcr], divine protection [hocus], or
impossible refexes [baLLlcbabc]: spccial armor.
Bloodcrazed [gunluggcr] or merciless [baLLlcbabc]: inicL addiLional harm.
Disciplined engagement [quaranLinc*]: conLrol Lhc harm you inicL.
Fuck this shit [gunluggcr]: plan an cscapc rouLc.
Insano like Drano [gunluggcr]: +lhard.
Inspiring [quaranLinc*]: oLhcrs mark cxpcricncc whcn Lhcy hclp you.
Juggernaut [acclcss*]: advanLagc whcn you suhcr harm.
Leave no one behind [quaranLinc*]: advanLagc whcn you hclp oLhcrs in
My other car is a tank [drivcr]: armcd 8 armorcd vchiclc.
NOT TOBE FUCKEDWITH[gunluggcr]: you counL as a gang in baLLlc.
Oftener right [savvyhcad]: bonus or giving advicc.
Perfect instincts [baLLlcbabc]: bonus or rcading a siLuaLion.
Reputation [opcraLor]: roll+cool Lo conLrol your rcpuLaLion.
* e faceless and the quarantine are limited edition playbooks previously
available. For more information, go to
> >>improve experience
__ gcL +l Lo any sLaL (max sLaL+3)
__ rcLirc your characLcr (Lo sacLy)
__ crcaLc a sccond characLcr Lo play
__ changc your characLcr Lo a ncw Lypc
__ choosc 3 basic movcs and advancc Lhcm.
__ advancc Lhc oLhcr 4 basic movcs.
Visionary: whcn you sharc your vision o Lhc uLurc wiLh anoLhcr
playcrs characLcr, roll+hard. On a l0+, hold 3 ovcr Lhcm. On a 70, hold
2 ovcr Lhcm. Whcncvcr you likc, you can spcnd your hold, l or l, Lo havc
Lhcm mark cxpcricncc. On a miss, Lhcy hold l ovcr you, on Lhc samc Lcrms.
Know your enemy: whcn you opcn your brain Lo Lhc worlds psychic
maclsLrom, roll+hard insLcad o roll+wcird.
Clear-eyed: whcn you rcad a pcrson, roll+hard insLcad o roll+sharp.
Towering presence: whcn you givc somconc an ordcr or a warning,
roll+hard. On a hiL, Lhcy choosc:
ey do it, following your order or heeding your warning.
ey freeze.
ey back away, hands where you can see them.
ey attack you.
On a l0+, Lakc +lorward againsL Lhcm as wcll. On a miss, Lhcy do whaL Lhcy
likc and you Lakc -lorward againsL Lhcm.
Long history: choosc a movc rom anoLhcr playbook. (During iniLial
characLcr crcaLion, choosc iL rom a playbook LhaL isnL oLhcrwisc in play.)
Indomitable: whcn you go inLo baLLlc, roll+hard. On a l0+, hold 3. On
a 70, hold 2. On a miss, hold l, buL Lakc -lorward. During Lhc baLLlc you
can spcnd your hold l or l Lo:
Name an npc within your reach. You kill, disable or disarm them (MCs choice).
Name a character within your reach. You redirect their attack to another
character within your reach, or else to nowhere into the ground or a wall or
the sky.
Name a character on the scene, but outside your reach. You cross the distance
between you before they have time to adjust or react.
Name a character within your reach. While you keep fghting, you intercept any
attack directed at them and they sufer no harm.
Ignore all harm to yourself from an incoming attack.
do something
under fre
go aggro;
seize by force
seduce or
read a sitch;
read a person
open your brain
help or interfere; session end
__ gcL +lhard (max hard+3)
__ gcL +lcool (max cool+2)
__ gcL +lhoL (max hoL+2)
__ gcL +lsharp (max sharp+2)
__ gcL a ncw LouchsLonc movc
__ gcL a ncw LouchsLonc movc
__ gcL a ollowcrs (dcLail) and fortunes
__ gcL a gang (dcLail) and leadership
__ gcL a movc rom anoLhcr playbook
__ gcL a movc rom anoLhcr playbook
I you and anoLhcr characLcr havc
scx, i you lovc Lhcm, alls wcll
and my blcssings. I you donL lovc
Lhcm, pcrmancnLly scribblc ouL an
improvcmcnL opLion you havcnL
Lakcn. DonL scribblc ouL changc your
characLcr Lo a ncw Lypc.


shaLLcrcd (-lcool)

cripplcd (-lhard)

dishgurcd (-lhoL)

brokcn (-lsharp)
To crcaLc your LouchsLonc, choosc namc, look, sLaLs, movcs, gcar, and Hx.
Frazc, Carbcr, MB, Alonzo, Qucuc,
Hurricanc, Rhymc, HumpLy DumpLy.
Road, Sun, Fliza, Pandora, Shar, Mom,
Curu, SisLcr, ClariLy, Cassa, Morgana,
Man, woman, ambiguous,
Lransgrcssing, or conccalcd.
ULiliLy wcar, survival wcar,
comorL wcar.
WcaLhcrbcaLcn acc, scarrcd acc,
grim acc, sobcr acc, lincd acc,
mournul acc, sLriking acc,
swccL acc.
Calm cycs, araway cycs, sLcady
cycs, caring cycs, laughing cycs,
clcar cycs, narrow cycs, scorchcd
cycs, sad cycs.
Tin body, rcsLlcss body, sLill
body, solid body, curvy body.
Choosc onc scL:
Cool+l Hard+2 HoL=0 Sharp+l Wcird-l
Cool=0 Hard+2 HoL-l Sharp+2 Wcird-l
Cool+l Hard+2 HoL+l Sharp=0 Wcird-l
Cool+2 Hard+2 HoL=0 Sharp-l Wcird-l
You gcL all Lhc basic movcs. You gcL
visionary, and Lhcn choosc 2 morc
LouchsLonc movcs.
You gcL:
a Lokcn o hopc
2 handy wcapons
oddmcnLs worLh l-barLcr
ashion suiLablc Lo your look,
including aL your opLion a piccc
worLh l-armor (you dcLail)
Handy wcapons (choosc 2):
0mm (2-harm closc loud)
big knic (2-harm hand)
hunLing ric (2-harm ar loud)
machcLc (3-harm hand mcssy)
magnum (3-harm closc rcload
sawcd-oh (3-harm closc rcload
sLun gun (s-harm hand rcload)
Fvcryonc inLroduccs Lhcir characLcrs by
namc, look and ouLlook. Takc your Lurn.
IisL Lhc oLhcr characLcrs namcs.
Co around again or Hx. On your Lurn,
Lcll cvcryonc Hx+l. Yourc an opcn book.
On Lhc oLhcrs Lurns, or cach, ask
yourscl: is Lhcrc a placc or Lhcm, as Lhcy
arc, in Lhc uLurc you hopc or`
I Lhcrc is: whaLcvcr numbcr LhaL playcr
Lclls you, wriLc iL ncxL Lo Lhc characLcrs
I Lhcrc is noL: whaLcvcr numbcr LhaL
playcr Lclls you, givc iL +l and wriLc iL
ncxL Lo Lhc characLcrs namc. Tcy havc
your aLLcnLion.
AL Lhc cnd, hnd Lhc characLcr wiLh Lhc
highcsL Hx on your shccL. Ask LhaL playcr
which o your sLaLs is mosL inLcrcsLing,
and highlighL iL. Tc MC will havc you
highlighL a sccond sLaL Loo.
Whcncvcr you roll a highlighLcd
sLaL, and whcncvcr you rcscL
your Hx wiLh somconc, mark
an cxpcricncc circlc. Whcn you
mark Lhc 5Lh, improvc and crasc.
Fach Limc you improvc, choosc
onc o Lhc opLions. Chcck iL oh,
you canL choosc iL again.
As Lhings sLand aL Lhc bcginning o play, anyonc rclcascd rom sLasis suhcrs
boLh 2-harm arca ap and -harm.
You cmcrgcd rom sLasis (choosc l): a cw days ago, a cw wccks ago,
a cw monLhs ago.
Rcmaining in sLasis arc Lhc rcsL o your uniL, plus (choosc l or morc):
your ricnds, your collcagucs, your amily, your supcriors.
SLasis has rcmaincd unLouchcd by ouLsidcrs. Why` Choosc l or morc:
ILs sccurcly hiddcn. IL has dcadly dccnscs.
Tcyrc in awc or Lcrror o Lhc undying pcoplc wiLhin.
Whcn you cmcrgcd rom sLasis, SpccialisL +tcxsoN, 1trrv r. cmcrgcd
wiLh you. WhaL happcncd Lo hcr` Choosc l:
Tc worlds psychic maclsLrom inicLcd 2-harm, killing hcr.
Tc worlds psychic maclsLrom inicLcd -harm, shaLLcring hcr saniLy.
Tc worlds psychic maclsLrom inicLcd -harm, and you wcrc orccd Lo
kill hcr in scl-dccnsc.
You donL know. You havcnL sccn or hcard rom hcr.
ILs possiblc, whcn Lhc Coldcn Agc o Icgcnd cll, LhaL no onc saw iL coming.
ILs possiblc LhaL iL camc upon Lhcm unprcparcd and unsuspccLing. Maybc
Lhcy, likc wc, wcrc simply uckcd.
ILs also possiblc LhaL Lhcy kncw.
A pcrson suhcrs -harm rom cxposurc Lo Lhc worlds psychic maclsLrom.
IL mighL bc hrsL cxposurc, as in Lhc casc o pcoplc rclcascd rom sLasis, or iL
mighL bc somc subscqucnL unusual cxposurc.
Whcn an NPC suhcrs -harm, Lhc MC crcaLcs hcr as a LhrcaL i ncccssary,
and Lhcn chooscs any or all:
She aggressively pursues her threat impulse. Make moves on her behalf as hard
and as direct as you can.
Her sanity shatters. She is incoherent, raving, raging or unresponsive, alive but
She abruptly changes threat type.
For playcrs characLcrs, whcn you sufer -harm, roll+-harm suhcrcd
(Lypically, roll+l). On a l0+, Lhc MC can choosc l:
Youre out of action: unconscious, trapped, incoherent or panicked.
Youre out of your own control. You come to yourself again a few seconds later,
having done I-dont-know-what.
Choose 2 from the 79 list below.
On a 70, Lhc MC can choosc l:
You lose your footing.
You lose your grip on whatever youre holding.
You lose track of someone or something youre attending to.
You miss noticing something important.
You take a single concrete action of the MCs choosing.
On a miss, you kccp iL LogcLhcr and ovcrcomc Lhc -harm wiLh no chccL.
Tis playbook makcs somc assumpLions abouL Lhc apocalypsc and Lhc
hisLory o Apocalypsc World LhaL may noL oLhcrwisc hold. If this playbook
is not in play, do not consider any of its ideas binding.
a limited edition character playbook for
You havcnL managcd ycL Lo hL yourscl inLo any local barLcr cconomy. I you
nccd somc jinglc, yourc going Lo havc Lo hgurc LhaL shiL ouL.
l-barLcr will covcr a monLhs living cxpcnscs, i your LasLcs arcnL Loo grand.
As a onc-Limc cxpcndiLurc, and vcry subjccL Lo availabiliLy, l-barLcr mighL
counL or: a night in high luxury & company; any weapon, gear or fashion not
valuable or hi-tech; the material costs of resuscitation by an angel; repair of a
piece of hi-tech gear by a savvyhead; a years tribute to a warlord; a months
maintenance and repairs for a hi-performance vehicle well-used; bribes, fees and
gifts sufcient to get you into almost anyones presence.
For bcLLcr sLuh, you should cxpccL Lo makc parLicular arrangcmcnLs. You
canL jusL wandcr around Lhc commons o somc hardhold wiLh oddmcnLs
ajanglc and cxpccL Lo hnd hi-Lcch or luxc cLcrnal.
2k+10 D. Vincent Baker
Unlocked stasis facilities (choose 1):
Release: you can rclcasc cvcryonc rom sLasis, all aL oncc or onc by onc.
-isolation rig: bring somconc inLo sLasis and you can isolaLc Lhcm rom
Lhc worlds psychic maclsLrom. WiLh a liLLlc rcconhguraLion, you can usc
Lhc rig Lo urLhcr manipulaLc Lhc worlds psychic maclsLrom: LrcaL Lhis as
augury, buL roll+sharp insLcad o rolling+wcird.
Medlab: sLasis includcs a workspacc wiLh lic supporL and mcdical
Lcchnology. Bring somconc injurcd inLo iL and you can work on Lhcm likc a
savvyhcad on Lcch (cf ).
Archives: sLasis includcs a workspacc in Lhc orm o iLs rccords and
hisLorical archivcs. Acccss Lhcm and you can gcL Lo Lhc boLLom o Lhc pasL
likc a savvyhcad gcLLing Lo Lhc boLLom o somc Lcch shiL (cf ).
Hi-tech scrounge: you can scavcngc sLasis or iLs sparc parLs. Fach Limc
you do, you gcL 5-barLcr worLh o hi-Lcch crap, Lo dcLail or usc as barLcr,
buL pcrmancnLly scraLch ouL onc sLasis aciliLy. (You can choosc Lhis onc.)
Armory: sLasis includcs 6 assaulL rics (3-harm closc loud auLohrc) and 6
suiLs o miliLary body armor (2-armor valuablc hi-Lcch), inLcndcd Lo arm
Lhc rcsL o your uniL. Unlock iLs armory and Lhcyrc yours.
Combat veteran: you gcL +lcool (cool+3).
Disciplined engagement: whcn you inicL harm, you can choosc
Lo inicL any amounL o harm you likc, lcss Lhan or up Lo your harm as
csLablishcd, including s-harm. Dccidc aL Lhc momcnL you inicL Lhc harm,
you nccd noL Lcll anyonc in advancc how much harm you inLcnd Lo inicL.
Leave no one behind: in baLLlc, whcn you hclp somconc whos rolling,
donL roll+Hx. You hclp Lhcm as Lhough youd hiL Lhc roll wiLh a l0+.
Eager to know: whcn you go Lo somconc or advicc, Lhcy musL Lcll you
honcsLly whaL Lhcy Lhink Lhc bcsL coursc is. I you pursuc LhaL coursc, Lakc
+l Lo any rolls you makc in Lhc pursuiL. I you pursuc LhaL coursc buL donL
accomplish your cnds, you mark cxpcricncc.
Inspiring: whcn anoLhcr playcrs characLcr rolls+Hx Lo hclp you, Lhcy
mark cxpcricncc.
do something
under fre
go aggro;
seize by force
seduce or
read a sitch;
read a person
open your brain
help or interfere; session end


shaLLcrcd (-lcool)

cripplcd (-lhard)

dishgurcd (-lhoL)

brokcn (-lsharp)
To crcaLc your quaranLinc, choosc namc, look, sLaLs, movcs, gcar, pasL,
sLasis, and Hx.
SpccialisL [its1 Ntrc], [rirs1 Ntrc] [ri].
Maybc cvcryonc calls you QuaranLinc,
Man or woman.
AncicnL aLigucs, scroungc
Young acc.
Scarcd cycs, shadowcd cycs,
livcly cycs, clcar cycs, sLcady
cycs, losL cycs, cagcr cycs.
ALhlcLic body, sLocky body,
Lhin body, compacL body, rangy
Choosc onc scL:
Cool+2, Hard+l, HoL=0, Sharp+l, Wcird
Cool+2, Hard=0, HoL+l, Sharp+l, Wcird
Cool+2, Hard-l, HoL=0, Sharp+2, Wcird
Cool+2, Hard+l, HoL+l, Sharp=0, Wcird
Fvcryonc inLroduccs Lhcir characLcrs by
namc, look and ouLlook. Takc your Lurn.
IisL Lhc oLhcr characLcrs namcs.
Co around again or Hx. On your Lurn:
Who was Lhc hrsL pcrson you mcL on
cmcrging rom sLasis` Tcll LhaL playcr
Tcll cvcryonc clsc Hx+l.
On Lhc oLhcrs Lurns:
WhaLcvcr numbcr cvcryonc Lclls you,
givc iL -l and wriLc iL ncxL Lo Lhcir
characLcrs namc. You arc noL rom hcrc
and you do noL undcrsLand.
AL Lhc cnd, hnd Lhc characLcr wiLh Lhc
highcsL Hx on your shccL. Ask LhaL playcr
which o your sLaLs is mosL inLcrcsLing,
and highlighL iL. Tc MC will havc you
highlighL a sccond sLaL Loo.
Whcncvcr you roll a
highlighLcd sLaL, and whcncvcr
you rcscL your Hx wiLh
somconc, mark an cxpcricncc
circlc. Whcn you mark Lhc 5Lh,
improvc and crasc.
Fach Limc you improvc, choosc
onc o Lhc opLions. Chcck iL oh,
you canL choosc iL again.
You gcL all Lhc basic movcs. You
gcL 3 quaranLinc movcs.
In addiLion Lo your sLasis, you
an assaulL ric (3-harm closc
loud auLohrc)
a 0mm sidcarm (2-harm closc
miliLary body armor (2-armor
valuablc hi-Lcch)
your aLigucs and scroungc,
buL no jinglc
> >>improve experience
__ gcL +l Lo any sLaL (max sLaL+3)
__ rcLirc your characLcr (Lo sacLy)
__ crcaLc a sccond characLcr Lo play
__ changc your characLcr Lo a ncw Lypc
__ choosc 3 basic movcs and advancc Lhcm.
__ advancc Lhc oLhcr 4 basic movcs.
__ gcL +lhard (max hard+2)
__ gcL +lsharp (max sharp+2)
__ gcL +lwcird (max wcird+2)
__ unlock a sLasis aciliLy
__ unlock a sLasis aciliLy
__ unlock a sLasis aciliLy
__ gcL ollowcrs (dcLail) and fortunes
__ gcL a movc rom anoLhcr playbook
__ gcL a movc rom anoLhcr playbook
__ gcL a movc rom anoLhcr playbook
I you and anoLhcr characLcr havc scx,
roll+sharp. On a hiL, ask Lhcir playcr
qucsLions. On a l0+, ask 2. On a 70, ask l:
whom do you most miss?
what do you hope for the future?
what makes you feel beautiful? Loved?
who was your frst kiss? Did you like it?
if I asked, would you stay with me?
in what ways are your mind and soul pure?
Tcy may ask you onc in rcLurn.
On a miss, you cach gcL -lHx wiLh Lhc oLhcr.
Whcn you cmcrgcd rom sLasis, Lhc
worlds psychic maclsLrom rushcd in on
you. Roll+hard. On a l0+, you wcrc ablc
Lo rcccivc iL wiLhouL succumbing Lo iL,
you havc wcird-l. On a 70, you wcrc ablc
Lo hold iL oh, you havc wcird-nil. You arc
unablc Lo opcn your brain Lo Lhc worlds
psychic maclsLrom, gcLLing +lwcird will
givc you wcird=0. On a miss, iL ovcrcamc
you, you havc wcird+l, and in addiLion
choosc l:
Whcncvcr you acL undcr hrc, you opcn
your brain as wcll (roll+wcird as always).
Whcncvcr you rcad a pcrson, you opcn
your brain as wcll (roll+wcird as always).
Tc MC musL always highlighL your
You wcrc Lhcrc whcn Lhc world cndcd, buL youvc bccn in sLasis or 50 ycars
and your mcmory is only slowly rcLurning. AL Lhc bcginning o cach scssion,
roll+sharp. On a hiL, ask Lhc MC onc o Lhc ollowing qucsLions and shcll
answcr iL. On a l0+, you can ask a ollowup qucsLion, which can bc rom
Lhc lisL buL nccdnL. On a miss, Lhc MC will choosc a qucsLion and you will
answcr iL.
__ Whcrc was I whcn Lhc world cndcd`
__ Did wc know whosc aulL iL was`
__ WhaL wcrc Lhc hrsL signs LhaL Lhc
world was cnding`
__ Who did iL hiL worsL`
__ Was iL suddcn or gradual`
__ Could wc havc sLoppcd iL`
__ Who wcrc Lhc hrsL pcoplc Lo know`
__ WhaL was Lhc hrsL ycar likc`
__ How long did wc hold ouL hopc`
__ WhaL did wc Lry LhaL ailcd`
__ Who did I losc`
__ Who sccmcd sac, buL wasnL`
__ WhaLs Lhc worsL Lhing I saw`
__ Whcn iL rcachcd us, whaL did wc
alrcady know`
__ WhaL lcL somc pcoplc survivc, whcn
oLhcrs couldnL`
Your csLablishmcnL caLurcs onc main aLLracLion supporLcd by 2 sidc
aLLracLions (likc a bar caLurcs drinks, supporLcd by music and casy ood).
Choosc onc Lo bc your main acL and 2 or lubc:
luxury food music fashion lots of food sex
spectacle easy food games art drinks
cofee drugs scene (see and be)
For your csLablishmcnLs aLmosphcrc, choosc 8 undcrlinc 3 or 4: bustle,
intimacy, smoke, shadows, perfume, slime, velvet, fantasy, brass, lights, acoustics,
anonymity, meat, eavesdropping, blood, intrigue, violence, nostalgia, spice, quiet,
luxury, nudity, restraint, forgetting, pain, kink, candy, protection, grime, noise,
dancing, chill, masks, fresh fruit, a cage.
Your rcgulars includc Lhcsc 5 NPCs (aL lcasL): Iamprcy, Ba, Camo, ToyoLa
and IiLs.
Who is your best regular?
Whos your worst regular?
Tcsc 3 NPCs (aL lcasL) havc an inLcrcsL in your csLablishmcnL: Bccn,
Rolball, Cams.
Who wants in on it?
Who do you owe for it?
Who wants it gone?
For sccuriLy, choosc Lhis:
a rcal gang (3-harm gang small l-armor)
Or clsc choosc 2 o Lhcsc:
a convcnicnL shoLgun (3-harm closc rcload mcssy)
a bounccr who knows his biz (2-harm l-armor)
plywood 8 chickcnwirc (l-armor)
sccrccy, passwords, codcs 8 signals, inviLcs-only, vouching, cLc.
cvcrybodys packing: your casL 8 crcw arc a gang (2-harm gang small
a warrcn o dcad-cnds, hidcaways 8 bolLholcs
no hxcd locaLion, always ncw vcnucs
Your casL 8 crcw can consisL cnLircly o Lhc
oLhcr playcrs characLcrs, wiLh Lhcir agrccmcnL,
or cnLircly o NPCs, or any mix. I iL includcs
any NPCs, skcLch Lhcm ouL namcs and l-linc
dcscripLions wiLh Lhc MC. Makc surc Lhcy
suiL your csLablishmcnLs sccnc.
2k+10 D. Vincent Baker
In Lhc goldcn agc o lcgcnd, Lhcrc was Lhis guy namcd MacsLro. Hc was
known or drcssing up rcal dap and whcvcr hc wcnL, Lhc pcoplc had much
luxc Lunc. Tcrc was Lhis oLhcr guy namcd MaiLrc d. Hc was known or
drcssing up rcal dap and whcvcr hc wcnL, Lhc pcoplc had all Lhc ood Lhcy
could caL and Lhc ancicsL o iL.
Hcrc in Apocalypsc World, Lhosc Lwo guys arc dcad. Tcy dicd and Lhc aL
sizzlcd oh Lhcm, Lhcy dicd samc as much-luxc-Lunc and all-you-can-caL. Tc
macsLro d now, hc canL givc you whaL Lhosc guys uscd Lo could, buL uck iL,
maybc hc can hnd you a liLLlc somcLhin somcLhin Lo Lakc oh Lhc cdgc.
Whcn a characLcr makcs an aggrcssivc movc using hcr gang as a wcapon, hcr
gang inicLs and suhcrs harm, shc docsnL. A gang inicLs and suhcrs harm
according Lo iLs own and iLs cncmys sizcs, wcapons, and armor.
I Lhcrcs a sizc mismaLch bcLwccn gangs, cach sLcp Lhc aLLackcr is biggcr
adds +lharm, and cach sLcp Lhc aLLackcr is smallcr knocks oh -lharm.
Whcn a gang suhcrs
l-harm: a cw injurics, onc or Lwo scrious, no aLaliLics.
2-harm: many injurics, scvcral scrious, a couplc o aLaliLics.
3-harm: widcsprcad injurics, many scrious, scvcral aLaliLics.
4-harm: widcsprcad scrious injurics, many aLaliLics.
5-harm and morc: widcsprcad aLaliLics, cw survivors.
few survivors
many fatalities
injuries, some serious
many injuries, some fatalities
serious injuries, fatalities
WiLh a sLrong, prcscnL lcadcr, a gang will hold LogcLhcr i iL suhcrs up Lo
4-harm. I Lhc lcadcr is wcak or abscnL, iLll hold LogcLhcr i iL suhcrs up Lo
3-harm. I Lhc lcadcr is boLh wcak and abscnL, iLll hold LogcLhcr i iL suhcrs
l- or 2-harm. I iL has no lcadcr, iLll hold LogcLhcr i iL suhcrs l-harm, buL no
a character playbook for
You call this hot? whcn you do somcLhing undcr hrc, roll+hoL insLcad o
A devil with a blade: whcn you usc a bladc Lo go aggro or scizc somcLhing
by orcc, roll+hoL insLcad o roll+hard.
Fingers in every pie: puL ouL Lhc word LhaL you wanL a Lhing could
bc a pcrson, could bc somcLhin somcLhin, could cvcn bc jusL a Lhing and
roll+hoL. On a l0+, iL shows up in your csLablishmcnL or you, likc magic. On
a 7-0, wcll, your pcoplc makc an chorL and cvcrybody wanLs Lo plcasc you
and closc is closc, righL` On a miss, iL shows up in your csLablishmcnL or
you wiLh sLrings wickcd aLLachcd.
Everybody eats, even that guy: whcn you wanL Lo know somcLhing
abouL somconc imporLanL (your call), roll+hoL. On a hiL, you can ask Lhc MC
qucsLions. On a l0+, ask 3. On a 7-0, ask l:
how are they doing? whats up with them?
what or who do they love best?
who do they know, like and/or trust?
when next should I expect to see them?
how could I get to them, physically or emotionally?
Just give me a motive: namc somcbody who mighL conccivably caL,
drink, or oLhcrwisc ingcsL somcLhing youvc Louchcd. I iLs an NPC,
roll+hard, a PC, roll+Hx. On a l0+, Lhcy do, and suhcr 4-harm (ap) somcLimc
during Lhc ncxL 24 hours. On a 7-0, iLs 2-harm (ap). On a miss, somc scvcral
pcoplc o Lhc MCs choicc, maybc including your guy maybc noL, gcL iL, and
all suhcr 3-harm (ap).
do something
under fre
go aggro;
seize by force
seduce or
read a sitch;
read a person
open your brain
help or interfere; session end


shaLLcrcd (-lcool)

cripplcd (-lhard)

dishgurcd (-lhoL)

brokcn (-lsharp)
To crcaLc your macsLro d, choosc namc, look, sLaLs, movcs, csLablishmcnL,
gcar, and Hx. Choosc in any ordcr you likc.
Cookic, Silvcr, Smoky, Slops, Chic, Rosc,
Anglcr, Chairman, Cravc, Sahron, Iic.
Ycn, Fmmy, 1ulia, 1ackbird, Francois, Fsco,
Boiardi, Mari, Nan, Rachc, Propcr, Fall.
Man, woman, ambiguous,
Casual wcar, display wcar,
vinLagc wcar, buLchcr wcar,
cLish wcar, display wcar,
immaculaLc whiLcs.
Pinchcd acc, boyish acc,
prcLLy acc, cxprcssivc acc, ull
acc, LaLLoocd acc, porcclain
acc, or scarrcd acc.
Cool cycs, brighL cycs,
inquisiLivc cycs, rank cycs,
mischicvous cycs, or onc cyc.
FaL body, rcsLlcss body, sLubby
body, curvy body, unusual body,
or lcan body.
Flcxiblc hands, quick hands,
prccisc hands, ncrvous hands,
sausagc hngcrs, scarrcd hands,
or playul hands.
Choosc onc scL:
Cool+l Hard-l HoL+2 Sharp=0 Wcird+l
Cool=0 Hard+l HoL+2 Sharp+l Wcird-l
Cool-l Hard+2 HoL+2 Sharp=0 Wcird-l
Cool=0 Hard=0 HoL+2 Sharp+l Wcird=0
You gcL all Lhc basic movcs. Choosc 2
macsLro d movcs.
Fvcryonc inLroduccs Lhcir characLcrs by
namc, look and ouLlook. Takc your Lurn.
IisL Lhc oLhcr characLcrs namcs.
Co around again or Hx. On your Lurn:
Choosc Lhc characLcr you hnd Lhc mosL
aLLracLivc, Lcll LhaL playcr Hx+2.
Tcll cvcryonc clsc Hx+l.
On Lhc oLhcrs Lurns:
Choosc your avoriLc characLcr, ignorc
Lhc numbcr LhaL playcr Lclls you and
wriLc Hx+3 insLcad.
Fvcryonc clsc, whaLcvcr numbcr Lhcy Lcll
you, givc iL +l.
AL Lhc cnd, hnd Lhc characLcr wiLh Lhc
highcsL Hx on your shccL. Ask LhaL playcr
which o your sLaLs is mosL inLcrcsLing,
and highlighL iL. Tc MC will havc you
highlighL a sccond sLaL Loo.
Whcncvcr you roll a
highlighLcd sLaL, and whcncvcr
you rcscL your Hx wiLh
somconc, mark an cxpcricncc
circlc. Whcn you mark Lhc 5Lh,
improvc and crasc.
Fach Limc you improvc, choosc
onc o Lhc opLions. Chcck iL oh,
you canL choosc iL again.
You gcL:
a wickcd bladc, likc a kiLchcn
knic or l2 razor-sharp
scissors (2-harm hand)
oddmcnLs worLh l-barLcr
ashion suiLablc Lo your look,
including aL your opLion a
piccc worLh l-armor (you
> >>improve experience
__ gcL +l Lo any sLaL (max sLaL+3)
__ rcLirc your characLcr (Lo sacLy)
__ crcaLc a sccond characLcr Lo play
__ changc your characLcr Lo a ncw Lypc
__ choosc 3 basic movcs and advancc Lhcm.
__ advancc Lhc oLhcr 4 basic movcs.
__ gcL +lhoL (max hoL+3)
__ gcL +lcool (max cool+2)
__ gcL +lhard (max hard+2)
__ gcL +lwcird (max wcird+2)
__ gcL a ncw macsLro d movc
__ gcL a ncw macsLro d movc
__ add a sccuriLy Lo your csLablishmcnL
__ rcsolvc somcbodys inLcrcsL in your
__ gcL a movc rom anoLhcr playbook
__ gcL a movc rom anoLhcr playbook
I you hook anoLhcr characLcr up wiLh
scx, wiLh ood, wiLh somcLhin somcLhin,
whaLcvcr iL counLs as having scx wiLh
l-barLcr will covcr a monLhs living cxpcnscs, i your LasLcs arcnL Loo grand.
l-barLcr will also covcr your casL 8 crcws cuL o a spccLacular cvcnL or Lwo.
As a onc-Limc cxpcndiLurc, and vcry subjccL Lo availablilLy, l-barLcr mighL
counL or: a night in high luxury and company; any weapon, gear or fashion not
valuable or hi-tech; the material costs of a crash resuscitation by an angel; a weeks
hire of the protective companionship of a battlebabe or gunlugger; repair of a piece
of hitech gear by a savvyhead; a years tribute to a warlord; a months maintenance
and repairs for a hi-performance vehicle well-used; bribes, fees and gifts sufcient
to get you into almost anyones presence.
For bcLLcr sLuh, you should cxpccL Lo makc parLicular arrangcmcnLs. You
canL jusL wandcr around Lhc commons o somc hardhold wiLh oddmcnLs
ajanglc and cxpccL Lo hnd hi-Lcch or luxc cLcrnal.
Choosc your masks Lypc: sporLs mask, gas mask, combaL hclmcL, hood,
balaclava, carvcd mask, scroungcd mask, cLish mask.
Choosc iLs look: dusLy, baLLcrcd, painLcd, sLaincd, or crackcd.
e Unexpected: whcn somconc sccs you unmaskcd or Lhc hrsL Limc, Lhcy
Lakc s-harm, in addiLion Lo anyLhing clsc LhaL happcns.
Unmasked, you are (choose 2):
Vulncrablc. Whcncvcr you suhcr harm, you suhcr +lharm.
CroLcsquc. Fvcry PC who sccs you gocs immcdiaLcly Lo Hx+3 wiLh you.
Araid. You Lakc -l ongoing unLil you covcr your acc again.
IrrcsoluLc. Whcn you inicL harm, inicL -lharm.
Ashamcd. You havc hard=0 unLil you covcr your acc again.
Powcrlcss. You losc acccss Lo all o your characLcr movcs. You can sLill
makc basic movcs.
2k+10 by Bret Gillan
w/ D. Vincent Baker
Is iL Lruc cvcrywhcrc, always` Was iL Lruc in Lhc goldcn agc o lcgcnd, whcn
lic was kind` For ccrLain iLs Lruc hcrc in Apocalypsc World: somc o us arc
born and grow up and livc wiLhouL accs. Wc havc things on Lhc ronLs o our
hcads, o coursc, buL Lhcyrc soL, mallcablc, cxprcssivc, rcvcaling Lhings,
Lhcy arcnL our faces. Our accs would bc hard, ungiving, silcnL and sLcrn,
Lhcy would bc whaL wc arc. Tcy would ncvcr inch.
Whcn a characLcr gcLs hurL, Lhc playcr marks scgmcnLs in hcr harm
counLdown clock. Mark onc ull scgmcnL or cach l-harm, sLarLing wiLh Lhc
scgmcnL l2:00 Lo 3:00.
Typically, whcn a characLcr Lakcs harm, iLs cqual Lo Lhc harm raLing o Lhc
wcapon, aLLack, or mishap, minus Lhc armor raLing o Lhc characLcrs armor.
Tis is callcd harm as established.
Whcn you sufer harm, roll+harm suhcrcd (aLcr armor, i yourc wcaring
any). On a l0+, Lhc MC can choosc l:
Youre out of action: unconscious, trapped, incoherent or panicked.
Its worse than it seemed. Take an additional 1-harm.
Choose 2 from the 79 list below.
On a 70, Lhc MC can choosc l:
You lose your footing.
You lose your grip on whatever youre holding.
You lose track of someone or something youre attending to.
You miss noticing something important.
On a miss, Lhc MC can ncvcrLhclcss choosc somcLhing rom Lhc 70 lisL
abovc. I shc docs, Lhough, iLs insLcad o somc o Lhc harm yourc suhcring,
so you Lakc -lharm.
Whcn you infict harm on another players character, Lhc oLhcr characLcr
gcLs +lHx wiLh you (on Lhcir shccL) or cvcry scgmcnL o harm you inicL. I
Lhis brings Lhcm Lo Hx+4, Lhcy rcscL Lo Hx+l as usual, and Lhcrcorc mark
Whcn you hurL somconc, Lhcy scc you morc clcarly.
a limited edition character playbook for
II yourc charging somconc wcalLhy or your scrviccs, l-barLcr is Lhc going
raLc or: one act of murder, extortion, or other violence; one weeks employment as
bodyguard or gang leader; one months employment as thug-on-hand; one threat
delivered; one convoy guarded through hostile territory; one months physical labor
requiring your strength and size.
l-barLcr will covcr a monLhs living cxpcnscs, i your LasLcs arcnL Loo grand.
As a onc-Limc cxpcndiLurc, and vcry subjccL Lo availabiliLy, l-barLcr mighL
counL or: a night in high luxury & company; any weapon, gear or fashion not
valuable or hi-tech; the material costs of resuscitation by an angel; repair of a
piece of hi-tech gear by a savvyhead; a years tribute to a warlord; a months
maintenance and repairs for a hi-performance vehicle well-used; bribes, fees and
gifts sufcient to get you into almost anyones presence.
For bcLLcr sLuh, you should cxpccL Lo makc parLicular arrangcmcnLs. You
canL jusL wandcr around Lhc commons o somc hardhold wiLh oddmcnLs
ajanglc and cxpccL Lo hnd hi-Lcch or luxc cLcrnal.
is is not optional.
Pit bull: whcncvcr you Lakc a dcbiliLy, namc Lhc pcrson you hold mosL
rcsponsiblc. Takc +l ongoing Lo all rolls vcrsus Lhcm, orcvcr. (All rolls
wiLh Lhcm dirccLly as a LargcL counL, o coursc. Rolls againsL Lhcir amily
and ricnds, minions, or propcrLy may counL, in Lhc MCs judgmcnL. MCs,
rcmcmbcr your job is Lo makc Apocalypsc World sccm rcal and kccp Lhc
characLcrs livcs inLcrcsLing, noL dcny Lhc PCs bonuscs.)
Rasputin: shoL, sLabbcd, and poisoncd, you jusL kccp coming. Whcn you
arc bcing scary as uck and coming aL somconc, you gcL +l-armor. You sLill
gcL shoL and sLabbcd, blccding jusL docsnL boLhcr you LhaL much anymorc.
Juggernaut: Lakc -2 on all whcn you suhcr harm rolls.
Oh yeah! roll+hard Lo smash your way Lhrough sccncry Lo gcL Lo or away
rom somcLhing. l0+, Lhc sccncry movcd or smashcd and you gcL whaL you
wanL. On a 70 you gcL whaL you wanL and smash or movc Lhc sccncry, buL
Lakc l-harm (ap), and arc disoricnLcd and undcr hrc in ollow-up acLions,
lcavc somcLhing bchind, or Lakc somcLhing wiLh you. Tink smashing
Lhrough walls or pushing Lhrough burncd ouL husks o cars.
Scent of blood: aL Lhc bcginning o Lhc scssion, roll+wcird. On a l0+ hold
l+l. On a 70 hold l. AL any Limc, you or Lhc MC can spcnd your hold Lo havc
you aL Lhc sccnc o a baLLlc (a rcal baLLlc, noL inLimaLc violcncc bcLwccn a
couplc pcoplc). On a miss, Lhc MC holds l, and can spcnd iL Lo havc you Lhcrc
and pinncd down.
Norman: you scck Lhc advicc o your mask. Roll+wcird Lo scc whaL iL
dirccLs you Lo do. On a l0+ mark cxpcricncc and Lakc a +l i you do as your
mask wishcs. On a 70, Lakc a +l i you do whaL iL wanLs and acL undcr hrc
i you donL. On a miss, iL has iLs own agcnda and acL undcr hrc i you donL
ollow iL.
As one: aLLcmpLs by oLhcr PCs Lo scizc your mask by orcc, or Lo gcL you Lo
rcmovc or givc away your mask by going aggro or scducLion/manipulaLion,
arc aL -2. NPCs will ncvcr succccd aL unmasking you againsL your will unlcss
you arc complcLcly aL Lhcir mcrcy.
Beastly: you gcL +lhard (hard+3).
do something
under fre
go aggro;
seize by force
seduce or
read a sitch;
read a person
open your brain
help or interfere; session end


shaLLcrcd (-lcool)

cripplcd (-lhard)

dishgurcd (-lhoL)

brokcn (-lsharp)
To crcaLc your acclcss, choosc namc, look, sLaLs, movcs, gcar, mask, and Hx.
Hunk, Tor, Ork, Doulc, Big Fuckcr, Blag,
Mcga, DcnL, Crudhammcr, Dcg, Frog,
SumminL, Trcnch, ZuLo, Kray, Momo, Cigg,
McaL, SLomp, Playboy.
Man, woman, conccalcd, or
Casual wcar, cLish-bondagc
wcar, showy armor, scroungcd
Hard cycs, blank cycs, mcrcilcss
cycs, dcad cycs, or calculaLing
Hugc body, muscular body,
Lall gangly body, wiry body, or
obcsc body.
Choosc onc scL:
Cool+l, Hard+2, HoL-l, Sharp+l, Wcird=0
Cool=0, Hard+2, HoL+l, Sharp-l, Wcird+l
Cool=0, Hard+2, HoL-l, Sharp+2, Wcird-l
Cool+l, Hard+2, HoL-l, Sharp=0, Wcird+l
You gcL all Lhc basic movcs. Choosc 3
acclcss movcs.
Fvcryonc inLroduccs Lhcir characLcrs by
namc, look and ouLlook. Takc your Lurn.
IisL Lhc oLhcr characLcrs namcs.
Co around again or Hx. On your Lurn:
Onc o Lhc characLcrs hclpcd you do
somcLhing Lcrriblc oncc. Tcll LhaL playcr
Tcll cvcryonc clsc Hx+l.
On Lhc oLhcrs Lurns, choosc onc or boLh:
Onc o Lhcm was oncc kind and unaraid
Lowards you. Ignorc whaL Lhcy Lcll you
and wriLc Hx+3.
You Lhink onc o Lhcm is prcLLy. Add +l Lo
whaLcvcr numbcr Lhcy Lcll you.
AL Lhc cnd, hnd Lhc characLcr wiLh Lhc
highcsL Hx on your shccL. Ask LhaL playcr
which o your sLaLs is mosL inLcrcsLing,
and highlighL iL. Tc MC will havc you
highlighL a sccond sLaL Loo.
Whcncvcr you roll a
highlighLcd sLaL, and whcncvcr
you rcscL your Hx wiLh
somconc, mark an cxpcricncc
circlc. Whcn you mark Lhc 5Lh,
improvc and crasc.
Fach Limc you improvc, choosc
onc o Lhc opLions. Chcck iL oh,
you canL choosc iL again.
In addiLion Lo your mask, you
l bruLal wcapon
ashion suiLablc Lo your look,
including aL your opLion a
piccc worLh l- or 2-armor
(you dcLail)
oddmcnLs worLh l barLcr
BruLal wcapons (choosc l):
magnum (3-harm closc rcload
sawcd oh (3-harm closc rcload
crowbar or club or baL (2-harm
hand mcssy)
machcLc or axc (3-harm hand
chainsaw (3-harm hand
auLohrc mcssy)
> >>improve experience
__ gcL +l Lo any sLaL (max sLaL+3)
__ rcLirc your characLcr (Lo sacLy)
__ crcaLc a sccond characLcr Lo play
__ changc your characLcr Lo a ncw Lypc
__ choosc 3 basic movcs and advancc Lhcm.
__ advancc Lhc oLhcr 4 basic movcs.
__ gcL +lhoL (max +2)
__ gcL +lsharp (max +2)
__ gcL +lwcird (max +2)
__ gcL a ncw acclcss movc
__ gcL a ncw acclcss movc
__ gcL a ncw acclcss movc
__ gcL a gang (dcLail) and pack alpha
__ gcL a holding (dcLail) and wealth
__ gcL a movc rom anoLhcr playbook
__ gcL a movc rom anoLhcr playbook
I you and anoLhcr characLcr havc scx,
hold l. I Lhcy gcL inLo shiL, ciLhcr you
or Lhcy can spcnd your hold and you arc

2k+11 Ben Lehman
& D. Vincent Baker
Onc Lhing LhaL hasnL changcd sincc Lhc apocalypsc: pcoplc do bad Lhings
Lo cach oLhcr and cxpccL Lo gcL away wiLh iL. I Lhcrcs any marmoL who
can unLanglc Lhc sccrcLs, Lhc lics, and Lhc pain Lo hnd somc jusLicc in Lhis
hlLhy, hlLhy world, iLs you.
a limited edition character playbook for
l-barLcr will covcr a monLhs living cxpcnscs, i your LasLcs arcnL Loo grand.
As a onc-Limc cxpcndiLurc, and vcry subjccL Lo availabiliLy, l-barLcr mighL
counL or: a night in high luxury & company; the material costs of a crash
resuscitation by an angel; a weeks hire of the protective companionship of a
battlebabe or gunlugger; a years tribute to a warlord; a months maintenance and
repairs for a hi-performance vehicle well-used; bribes, fees and gifts sufcient to
get you into almost anyones presence; one square meal each for around 30 people;
a typical familys entire food store.
For bcLLcr sLuh, you should cxpccL Lo makc parLicular arrangcmcnLs. You
canL jusL wandcr around Lhc commons o somc hardhold wiLh oddmcnLs
ajanglc and cxpccL Lo hnd hi-Lcch or luxc cLcrnal.
Moonlighting: you gcL 2-juggling. Whcncvcr Lhcrcs a sLrcLch o downLimc
in play, or bcLwccn scssions, choosc a numbcr o your gigs Lo work. Choosc
no morc Lhan your juggling. Roll+cool. On a l0+, you gcL prohL rom all
Lhc gigs you chosc. On a 70, you gcL prohL rom aL lcasL l, i you chosc
morc, you gcL caLasLrophc rom l and prohL rom Lhc rcsL. On a miss,
caLasLrophc all around. Tc gigs you arcnL working givc you nciLhcr prohL
nor caLasLrophc. Whcncvcr you gcL a ncw gig, you also gcL +ljuggling.
Paying gigs on screen:
EG foraging, investigating
ProhL: Lhc MC can choosc whcLhcr Lo comc in on Lhc cnd o Lhc succcssul
gig, or lcL Lhc wholc gig happcn in summary, oh-scrccn.
CaLasLrophc: Lhc MC can comc in on Lhc momcnL whcn Lhc gig gocs souLh,
or you can summarizc Lhc gig going souLh and comc in on Lhc aLcrmaLh.
Obligation gigs on screen:
ProhL: Lhc MC can choosc whcLhcr Lo comc in on Lhc cnd o your
accomplishing iL, or lcL iL pass wiLhouL much rcmark.
CaLasLrophc: Lhc MC should comc in on Lhc momcnL whcn iL gocs souLh, as
a rulc.
Unworkcd: an unworkcd obligaLion is an opporLuniLy or Lhc MC.
Obligation gigs:
Avoiding somconc (you kccp wcll clcar / Lhcy caLch you in a bad spoL)
Paying dcbLs (you kccp up wiLh Lhcm / Lhcy comc duc)
Rcvcngc (you vicLimizc somconc / Lhcy humilaLc you)
ProLccLing somconc (noLhing bad happcns Lo Lhcm / Lhcyrc gonc)
Pursuing luxury (bcauLy in your lic / you wind up in a bad spoL)
MainLaining your honor (youkccpyour wordandyour namc / youcrossalinc)
Sccking answcrs (you gcL a cluc / you chasc a rcd hcrring)
Tis playbook makcs somc assumpLions abouL Lhc dcnizcns and
cnvironmcnL o Apocalypsc World LhaL may noL oLhcrwisc hold.
If this playbook is not in play, do not consider any of its ideas binding.
> >>improve experience
__ gcL +l Lo any sLaL (max sLaL+3)
__ rcLirc your characLcr (Lo sacLy)
__ crcaLc a sccond characLcr Lo play
__ changc your characLcr Lo a ncw Lypc
__ choosc 3 basic movcs and advancc Lhcm.
__ advancc Lhc oLhcr 4 basic movcs.
Fat reserves: you sLarL wiLh 0-aL rcscrvcs. Whcn you rcgard a cachc or sLorc
o ood, ask Lhc MC how many barLcr iLs worLh, shcll Lcll you. Whcn you gorgc
yourscl on nuLs, bcrrics and chccLos, roll+Lhc barLcr valuc o Lhc ood you consumc.
On a l0+, choosc 2. On a 70, choosc l:
You get 1-fat reserves.
You dont immediately take a nap.
You dont get in trouble for eating all the food.
On a miss, choosc l anyway, buL Lakc (l-harm ap
loud sLinky) Loday, and (l-harm ap loud sLinky) again
Lomorrow, or ood poisoning.
Hibernation: whcn you hibcrnaLc, spcnd all your aL rcscrvcs and roll+aL
rcscrvcs spcnL. On a l0+, Lhc MC chooscs 3. On a 70, Lhc MC chooscs 2:
You maintain some fat reserves after all. Keep 1-fat reserves.
No NPCs fuck with your shit.
You have strange dreams. Open your brain to the worlds psychic maelstrom, but
roll+weird+fat reserves spent(!).
Your subconscious grapples with your experiences. Mark experience.
Your subconscious pieces things together. Get 1-clue.
On a miss, Lhc MC chooscs l anyway, buL you wakc up ravcnous. Takc -longoing unLil
you gorgc yourscl.
Whcn you miss a scssion, you auLomaLically hibcrnaLc. Tc MC rolls or you.
Dashiell Hammet got nothing: whcn you Lakc harm, makc Lhis movc
insLcad o making Lhc normal harm movc. Roll+harm Lakcn. On a l0+, choosc 2. On
a 70, choosc l:
Its not so bad. Take -1harm.
Someone present lets slip 1-clue.
Take +1forward against your attacker.
TrcaL a miss on Lhis movc as a 70 hiL on Lhc normal harm movc.
On it: you gcL moonlighting and 2 gigs: oraging (l-aL rcscrvcs / sLarving) and
invcsLigaLing (l-cluc / in Loo dccp). You can add l-juggling and an obligaLion gig i
you likc.
Rock bottom: whcn you indulgc in vicc, roll+cool. On a l0+, Lhc choosc 3. On a
70, choosc 2:
You get 1-fat reserves.
Someone present lets slip 1-clue.
You dont wake up in a difcult sitch.
You dont sufer the afterefects (-1ongoing for the entire next day).
On a miss, hcll, choosc l anyway.
Nose for murder: whcn you snih ouL a cluc or ollow a lcad, roll+sharp. On a
l0+, Lhc MC chooscs l:
An accomplice or witness confesses their guilty conscience to you.
e guilty party confesses to you or attacks you.
Choose 2 from the 79 list below.
On a 70, Lhc MC chooscs l:
You uncover the next clue. Get 1-clue.
Someone threatens you or acts guilty.
Someone leaves you a message or asks to talk with you in private.
Someone ofers you a bribe worth 1-barter.
On a miss, you gcL noLhing buL Lhc aLLcnLion o bad pcoplc.
do something
under fre
go aggro;
seize by force
seduce or
read a sitch;
read a person
open your brain
help or interfere; session end
__ gcL +lcool (max cool+3)
__ gcL +lsharp (max sharp+3)
__ gcL +lwcird (max wcird+2)
__ gcL +lhard (max hard+2)
__ gcL a ncw marmoL movc
__ gcL a ncw marmoL movc
__ gcL a ncw marmoL movc
__ gcL a car (dcLail) and a no shit driver
__ gcL a movc rom anoLhcr playbook
__ gcL a movc rom anoLhcr playbook
I you and anoLhcr characLcr havc scx,
you boLh Lakc -lorward or shamc, unlcss
Lhcyrc also a marmoL or iLs Lruc lovc.
I you and anoLhcr characLcr havc scx,
roll+currcnL aL rcscrvcs. On a hiL, yourc
prcgs. On a l0+, wiLh a liLLcr o 46. On a
70, wiLh a liLLcr o l3.
I Lhcy also havc aL rcscrvcs, Lhcy mighL gcL
prcgs Loo, on Lhc samc Lcrms.
MarmoL gcsLaLion is 45 wccks.


shaLLcrcd (-lcool)

cripplcd (-lhard)

dishgurcd (-lhoL)

brokcn (-lsharp)
To crcaLc your marmoL, choosc namc, look, sLaLs, movcs, gcar, clucs, and Hx.
MarmoL DcLccLivc, Handlcbar Raccoon,
MisLcr Tigcr PanLs, Dinosaur Boomcrang,
Whalc McDoh, BroombaL ZoombaL,
ChccscgaLor, Bandolicr Bcavcr,
Noahs Shark, KcmiL Lhc Hog,
Dancing Iamprcy, Porcupinc Tarmac.
Conccalcd gcndcr.
HcalLhy ur, ruous ur, lush ur,
mangy ur, hoary ur, combovcr.
Bcady black cycs, hoodcd cycs,
blcary bloodshoL cycs, rabid cycs.
Paunchy body, slcck body, muscly
body, scrawny body, obcsc body. STATS
Choosc onc scL:
Cool+2 Hard-l HoL-l Sharp+2 Wcird=0
Cool+2 Hard=0 HoL-l Sharp+l Wcird+l
Cool+l Hard-l HoL=0 Sharp+2 Wcird+l
Cool+l Hard+l HoL-l Sharp+2 Wcird=0
You gcL all Lhc basic movcs. You gcL fat
reserves and hibernation, and Lhcn
choosc onc morc marmoL movc.
You gcL:
a .3S spccial (2-harm closc loud rcload)
a noLcbook 8 sLubby pcncil
a Liny ask
You sLarL wiLh 3-clucs. AL Lhc bcginning
o play, ask Lhc MC Lo Lcll you whaL Lhcy
Fvcryonc inLroduccs Lhcir
characLcrs by namc, look and
ouLlook. Takc your Lurn.
IisL Lhc oLhcr characLcrs namcs.
Co around again or Hx. On your
Tcll cvcryonc Hx-l. You arcnL
cxacLly casy Lo rcad. Or cvcn
noLicc rcally.
On Lhc oLhcrs Lurns:
For cach oLhcr characLcr, dccidc
whcLhcr Lhcy sccm suspicious
Lo you, or donL.
I Lhcy sccm suspicious Lo you,
whaLcvcr numbcr Lhcy Lcll you,
givc iL +l and wriLc iL ncxL Lo
Lhcir namc.
I Lhcy donL sccm suspicious Lo
you, whaLcvcr numbcr Lhcy Lcll
you, givc iL -l and wriLc iL ncxL
Lo Lhcir namc.
AL Lhc cnd, hnd Lhc characLcr
wiLh Lhc highcsL Hx on your
shccL. Ask LhaL playcr which o
your sLaLs is mosL inLcrcsLing,
and highlighL iL. Tc MC will
havc you highlighL a sccond sLaL
Whcncvcr you roll a highlighLcd sLaL,
and whcncvcr you rcscL your Hx wiLh
somconc, mark an cxpcricncc circlc.
Whcn you mark Lhc 5Lh, improvc and
Fach Limc you improvc, choosc onc o Lhc
opLions. Chcck iL oh, you canL choosc iL
WhaL kinds o Lhings arc in your hoard` Choosc
l, 2 or 3:
armor, armamcnLs and ammuniLion
oLhcrs casLohs 8 discards
prcLLy Lhings
cLish objccLs, arL 8 mcmcnLos
inLoxicanLs, dclicacics 8 poisons
Lcchnology, clccLronics, parLs 8 wirc
rclics 8 wasLc o Lhc goldcn agc pasL
books, maps, drawings 8 phoLographs
planL, animal 8 human spccimcns
WhaL clsc is Lruc o your hoard` Choosc l or 2:
Conscious: iL spcaks Lo you in your mind.
McLiculous: whcn you rcLurn somcLhing Lo iL,
iL musL bc in pcrccL condiLion.
Voracious: i you ignorc iLs dcmands, whaLcvcr
you do insLcad, you do undcr hrc.
BcauLiul: i an NPC sccs iL, shc cnvics and
dcsircs iL.
Your hoard bcgins play wiLh hungcr=0.
As long as your hoards hungcr is 3 or lcss, you
can go into your hoard and look for something
useful. Dcscribc your siLuaLion and roll+wcird.
Tc MCs job is Lo comc up wiLh somcLhing or
you LhaL shc gcnuincly Lhinks youll hnd uscul
in Lhc siLuaLion youvc dcscribcd, and Lo havc
your hoard dclivcr iL orLh. (You mighL rcmind
hcr Lhc kinds o Lhings you havc in your hoard.)
On a l0+, your hoards hungcr holds whcrc iL is.
On a 7-0, your hoard gcLs +lhungcr. On a miss,
your hoard gocs immcdiaLcly Lo hungcr+4.
I you Lakc Lhc Lhing, your hoard considcrs you
Lo havc borrowcd iL, and will cxpccL iL back.
As long as your hoards hungcr is 3 or lcss, you
can go into your hoard for jingle. Pull oddmcnLs
worLh 2-barLcr ouL o iL and givc iL +lhungcr.
A hoardcrs hoard mighL occasionally bring orLh such crap as Lhcsc:
Braingogglcs (worn hi-Lcch)
Wearing these lets you peer into the worlds psychic maelstrom without opening
your brain to it.
ChillsLab (Lag s-harm) [angcl]
Inficts s-harm, but in a pleasant, numbing and peaceful way.
Dccp car plugs (worn hi-Lcch) [braincr]
Protects the wearer from all brainer moves and gear.
Fycball (Lag valuablc)
Eat one and open your brain to the worlds psychic maelstrom with +1 to the roll.
May infict -harm. Is probably a mushroom, not someones literal dried eyeball,
but who knows.
Fycglasscs (worn valuablc) [skinncr]
You may use these for +1sharp when your eyesight matters, but if you do,
without them you get -1sharp when your eyesight matters.
Pain-wavc projccLor (l-harm ap arca loud rcload hi-Lcch) [braincr]
Goes of like a reusable grenade. Hits everyone but you.
Skin 8 hair kiL (applicd valuablc) [skinncr]
Soaps, ochres, paints, creams, salves. Using it lets you take +1hot forward.
SympaLhy (rcmoLc hi-Lcch)
Attune it to someone by having them tell it their name. rough it, you can help
or interfere with them at any distance. Doesnt work if theyre somehow isolated
from the worlds psychic maelstrom.
Tcmporal LransmiLLcr/rcccivcr (hi-Lcch)
Roll+weird. Instead of opening your brain to the worlds psychic maelstrom,
youre opening your brain to the past.
a limited edition character playbook for
2k+11 D. Vincent Baker &
Elizabeth Shoemaker Sampat
Whcn Lhc world cndcd, so much was losL among Lhc blood and shiL and
dcbris o a dying world in iLs lasL spasms o lic. Somc say iL was a Lragcdy,
somc say iL madc us sLrongcr.
Fuck Lhcm. You know whaL I say` Finders keepers.
hungcr+4 mcans -longoing
At the beginning of the session, roll+your hoards hungcr. On a l0+, Lhc
MC holds 3, on a 7-0, Lhc MC holds l. During Lhc scssion, Lhc MC can spcnd
hcr hold l or l Lo:
name a thing present. Your hoard must have it. When you give it to your hoard, mark
experience and give your hoard -1hunger.
name a thing youve borrowed from your hoard. Your hoard must have it back. When you
return it to your hoard, mark experience and give your hoard -1hunger.
I Lhc MC has any hold lcL aL Lhc cnd o Lhc scssion, givc your hoard
+lhungcr, Lo a maximum o hungcr+4.
I your hoard has hunger+4, Lakc -l ongoing.
Acquisitive eye: whcn you scc, hcar abouL, or oLhcrwisc comc Lo know o
a Lhing you wanL, roll+wcird. On a hiL, you can ask Lhc MC qucsLions. On a
l0+, ask 3. On a 70, ask 2:
How can I make this mine?
Who will stand in my way?
Will my hoard accept it?
Who will try to take it from me once its mine?
What is this truly worth?
On a miss, your acc and body languagc bcLray your inLcrcsL in Lhc Lhing Lo
anyonc whos paying aLLcnLion.
Sticky fngers: whcn you givc somconc a giL, roll +Wcird. On a l0+, iL
comcs back Lo you wiLhin a wcck. On a 7-0, iL comcs back Lo you cvcnLually,
wiLh sLrings aLLachcd. On a miss, you can ncvcr own iL again.
Money is power: whcn you hclp or inLcrcrc wiLh somconc, aLcr youvc
rollcd, you can:
Spend 1-barter to change your miss into a 79 hit, or your 79 hit into a 10+ hit;
Spend 1-barter to give +2 (helping) or -3 (interfering) instead of +1 or -2.
Tc jinglc docsnL go anywhcrc, or iL gocs inLo Lhc worlds psychic maclsLrom.
FiLhcr way Lhis isnL commcrcc, iLs powcr.
Greed: whcn yourc dccnding your hoard, your grccd makcs you
unsLoppablc. Bcing in Lhc prcscncc o your hoard counLs as 2-armor i
your hoard is undcr aLLack. (I somconcs jusL Lrying Lo kill you and iL
happcns Lo bc around your hoard, noL so much.)
Appraising eye: whcn you rcad a siLuaLion, on a hiL, in addiLion Lo your
oLhcr qucsLions, you may ask Lhis:
Whats the most beautiful, the rarest, or the most valuable thing here?
Whcn you rcad a pcrson, on a hiL, in addiLion Lo your oLhcr qucsLions, you
may ask Lhis:
Whats the best thing your character owns, or the best thing your characters carrying?
do something
under fre
go aggro;
seize by force
seduce or
read a sitch;
read a person
open your brain
help or interfere; session end


shaLLcrcd (-lcool)

cripplcd (-lhard)

dishgurcd (-lhoL)

brokcn (-lsharp)
To crcaLc your hoardcr, choosc namc, look, sLaLs, movcs, hoard, and Hx.
Smaug, Napolcon, Winona, Morgan Chasc,
Boa, Dunbar, Rockccllcr, Wcmblcy, Philo,
Cungc, Zuck, Hov, Ycczy, 1akc, Billy Bcau.
Man, woman, Lransgrcssing, or
Iuxc scroungc wcar, dccaying
scroungc wcar, armorcd
scroungc wcar, or scxy scroungc
SoL acc, hollow acc, cagcr
acc, old acc, or scarrcd acc.
Hungry cycs, grccn cycs,
calculaLing cycs, widc cycs, or
ncrvous cycs.
FmaciaLcd body, pudgy body,
sLringy body, hugc body, or
slinky body.
Choosc onc scL:
Cool-l Hard-l HoL=0 Sharp+2 Wcird+2
Cool=0 Hard+l HoL=0 Sharp=0 Wcird+2
Cool-l Hard=0 HoL+l Sharp+l Wcird+2
Cool+l Hard-2 HoL+l Sharp+l Wcird+2
You gcL all Lhc basic movcs. You gcL 2
hoardcr movcs.
Whcncvcr you roll a
highlighLcd sLaL, and whcncvcr
you rcscL your Hx wiLh
somconc, mark an cxpcricncc
circlc. Whcn you mark Lhc 5Lh,
improvc and crasc.
Fach Limc you improvc, choosc
onc o Lhc opLions. Chcck iL oh,
you canL choosc iL again.
> >>improve experience
__ gcL +l Lo any sLaL (max sLaL+3)
__ rcLirc your characLcr (Lo sacLy)
__ crcaLc a sccond characLcr Lo play
__ changc your characLcr Lo a ncw Lypc
__ choosc 3 basic movcs and advancc Lhcm.
__ advancc Lhc oLhcr 4 basic movcs.
__ gcL +lwcird (max wcird+3)
__ gcL +lsharp (max sharp+3)
__ gcL +lsharp (max sharp+3)
__ gcL +lcool (max cool+2)
__ gcL +lhoL (max hoL+2)
__ gcL a ncw hoardcr movc
__ gcL a ncw hoardcr movc
__ add an opLion Lo your hoard
__ gcL a movc rom anoLhcr playbook
__ gcL a movc rom anoLhcr playbook
I you and anoLhcr characLcr havc scx,
usc acquisitive eye as Lhough your
parLncr wcrc an objccL and youd rollcd a
l0+, cvcn i you donL havc Lhc movc.
You can gcL barLcr rom your hoard, so
no nccd Lo worry abouL carning iL.
l-barLcr will covcr a monLhs living
cxpcnscs, i your LasLcs arcnL Loo grand.
As a onc-Limc cxpcndiLurc, and vcry
subjccL Lo availabiliLy, l-barLcr mighL
counL or: a night in high luxury &
company; the material costs of resuscitation
by an angel; repair of a piece of hi-tech
gear by a savvyhead; a years tribute to a
warlord; a months maintenance and repairs
for a hi-performance vehicle well-used;
bribes, fees and gifts sufcient to get you
into almost anyones presence.
For bcLLcr sLuh, you should cxpccL Lo
makc parLicular arrangcmcnLs. You canL
jusL wandcr around Lhc commons o
somc hardhold wiLh oddmcnLs ajanglc
and cxpccL Lo hnd hi-Lcch or luxc
Fvcryonc inLroduccs Lhcir characLcrs by
namc, look and ouLlook. Takc your Lurn.
IisL Lhc oLhcr characLcrs namcs.
Co around again or Hx. On your Lurn:
Do you brag abouL your hoard or do you
kccp iL sccrcL` I Lhc ormcr, do so, and aL
Lhc cnd Lcll cvcryonc Hx+l. I Lhc laLLcr,
dcny LhaL yourc kccping anyLhing sccrcL,
and Lcll cvcryonc Hx+l. (Ycs, Lcll Lhcm
Hx+l ciLhcr way.)
On Lhc oLhcrs Lurns:
For cach characLcr, judgc Lhcm rich or
poor in Lcrms scL by Lhc qualiLics and
subsLancc o your hoard. I you judgc
Lhcm rich, whaLcvcr numbcr Lhcy Lcll
you, givc iL +l and wriLc iL ncxL Lo Lhc
characLcrs namc. I you judgc Lhcm poor,
whaLcvcr numbcr Lhcy Lcll you, givc iL -l
and wriLc iL ncxL Lo Lhc characLcrs namc.
AL Lhc cnd, hnd Lhc characLcr wiLh Lhc
highcsL Hx on your shccL. Ask LhaL playcr
which o your sLaLs is mosL inLcrcsLing,
and highlighL iL. Tc MC will havc you
highlighL a sccond sLaL Loo.

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