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Union Temple of Brooklyn

Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism

MARCH, 2012 ADAR-NISAN 5772 Vol. 163, No 7
Shabbat Across America
2 Friday Evening
4:00 PM - Friday at Four: Shabbat for Tots
6:00 PM - Snacks
6:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat
Pot luck dinner to follow

3 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning Service

Torah: Exodus 27:10-30:10 Haftarah: Esther 7:1-10; 8:15-17
9 Friday Evening
4:00 PM - Friday at Four: Shabbat for Tots
6:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat
7:30 PM - Dinner in honor or Marianne Dreyfus

10 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning Service
Benjamin Segal will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah

Torah: Exodus 30:11-34:35 Haftarah: I Kings 18:1-39
16 Friday Evening
4:00 PM - Friday at Four: Shabbat for Tots
6:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat
New! Joins us for Pizza Night after the service

17 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning Service

Torah: Exodus 35:1-40:38 Haftarah: Ezekiel 36:22-36
23 Friday Evening
4:00 PM - Friday at Four: Shabbat for Tots
Fourth Friday Shabbat
7:00 PM - Dinner
8:00 PM - Service
9:00 PM - Jesse and Mollie Miller at a Coffee House Oneg

24 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning Service

Torah: Leviticus 1:1-5:26 Haftarah: Ezekiel 45:16-25

30 Friday Evening
4:00 PM - Friday at Four: Shabbat for Tots
6:30 PM - Kabbalat Shabbat

31 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM
Brotherhood Service and Luncheon with Rabbi Dennis Ross
Torah: Leviticus 6:1-8:36 Haftarah: Malachi 3:4-24

You are cordially invited to attend
the installation of

Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman


President of the New York Board
of Rabbis

Rabbi Goodman will be the first woman
to hold this position in the 131-year
history of the organization.

Wednesday, March 14, 7:30 PM

Union Temple of Brooklyn

Keynote Speaker:

Rabbi Sally J. Priesand
Rabbi Emerita,
Monmouth Reform Temple,
Tinton Falls, NJ

This year marks the fortieth anniversary
of Rabbi Priesands ordination as
the first woman rabbi in history.

Also featuring:

The Emerald Society Pipes and
Drums of the FDNY,
civic leaders, and an ensemble of
our favorite cantors.

Dessert Reception to follow

Rabbis Message

Congratulations to Rabbi Goodman
March 14
Installation. . . . I hope that you will join us at the temple on
Wednesday Evening, March 14
, when I will have the honor of being installed
as President of the New York Board of Rabbis. While I am a proud member of
the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the professional body of the North
American Reform Rabbinate, the New York Board of Rabbis is a bit different.
It is a rabbinic organization within the New York Metropolitan Area, com-
prised of rabbis from the Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, and Reconstruction-
ist communities, and additional affiliations. The NYBR is devoted to Klal
Yisrael, the Jewish People as a whole, and provides opportunities for rabbis of
different denominations to come together for continuing education, and per-
sonal and professional growth. With its oversight of NY area chaplaincies, the
NYBR provides the Jewish community with the highest level of professional
pastoral care, counseling, and chaplaincy in healthcare, behavioral health, long-term care, correctional, and
other communal service settings. As you know, our congregational family contributes generously each year to
the Passover Appeal conducted by the NYBR. The NYBR also advocates for Israel and other Jewish commu-
nities, nationally and around the world, and also works with other faith communities to promote increased un-
derstanding, and pursue avenues of common concern. While our members hold widely divergent views on a
number ideological and political issues, somehow we manage to stay together as a cohesive group, committed
to the belief that in unity there is strength.

Founding of the NYBR. . . . The NYBR was founded in 1881 by a group of six prominent New York rabbis:
Rabbis Gustav Gottheil, Adolph Huebsch, Henry S. Jacobs, Kaufmann Kohler, F. de Sola Mendes and H.
Pereira Mendes. Their intent was to enhance Jewish education, and advance Judaism among all segments of
the rapidly growing Jewish community of New York. The Boards membership now includes some 700 rabbis
of different denominations from all over the New York Metropolitan Area and beyond, and maintains close
working relationships with the NYPD and the FDNY. It is a highly respected organization, to which I am
proud to belong, and I am grateful that our congregation has supported my participation all these years.

Celebrating two firsts . . . . This installation will not only be an honor for me, but also will mark the first
time in the 131-year history of the NYBR that a woman will assume the presidency. But, in fact, the evening
will be a double honor for all of us, because our keynote speaker will be Rabbi Sally J. Priesand, Rabbi
Emerita of the Monmouth Reform Temple of Tinton Falls, NJ. This year, 2012, marks the fortieth anniversary
of Rabbi Priesands ordination, the first woman in history to realize this dream. Thus she is not only my col-
league and my friend, she is also my hero, and the person to whom my colleagues and I, and all of us, owe so
very much.

Additional guests . . . . Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, Executive Vice President of the Board, will preside over
the event, at which we will welcome several local political leaders, and the FDNY's Emerald Society Pipes and
Drums. Student Cantor Lauren Phillips and Temple Musician Shinae Kim will be joined by Cantor Joshua
Breitzer, Cantor Maria Dubinsky, Student Cantor Lev Hawley, Cantor Todd Kipnis, Student Cantor
Sarah Krevsky, Cantor Kerith Shapiro, our beloved Pedro dAquino, violinist Joshua Pollack and clarinetist
Ivan Barenboim. Our congregation will host a dessert reception in the social hall following the cere-
mony. Lots of hoopla. I hope you will join us.

-Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman

Officers Column
The Song of Union Temple
In this issue each year we typically say that the long winter is almost over and we look forward to the begin-
ning of spring activities. But this year, what happened to the long winter? Well, regardless of whether winter
wants to visit this year, spring is coming anyway and that means a busy, busy March at Union Temple. We
hope you will all be joining with us for some or all of the upcoming events featured in this Bulletin. The fes-
tivities begin with Shabbat Across American on March 2nd. Next comes our always fun Purim dinner cele-
bration March 7th. That is followed by our tribute to Marianne Dreyfus on March 9th, as she leaves New
York to be with her family. The Purim carnival for our kids is March 11th. Then on March 14th, we are very
proud to host Rabbi Goodmans
installation as President of the
New York Board of Rab-
bis. Join the Rabbi as she ac-
cepts this great honor. We hope
many of you will join us for the
ever popular Fourth Friday on
March 23rd, when we will be
entertained by our talented
members Mollie and Jesse
Miller. That is followed soon
after by the Cocktail Reception
fundraiser for our wonderful re-
cent past-President, Doris
Klueger, on March 25th. After
all the work Doris has done for
the Temple please make that a
priority on your March calen-
dar. Finally, we end the month
with Brotherhood Shabbat on
March 31st.
The officers want to remind eve-
ryone in the Congregation that
we are focusing efforts on mem-
bership and we need your
help. Please bring friends to
services and events. Purim is a
great time to start. Also, we
need to improve our outreach, so
if you have a little time and
some skills, we need bloggers to
get the word out. Please call
John Golomb to volunteer.
We look forward to seeing as
many of you as possible
throughout March.
-Jeffrey Stein, Vice President


FRI DAY, MARCH 2, 2012
Well begin wit h a snack in our lobby at 6 PM
Family Shabbat Service at 6: 30 PM
followed by a pot l uck dinner.
Call t he office 718-638-7600 or email us at uniont emple@uniont
Music by
St udent Cant or Lauren Phillips & Song Leader Josh Adland
Please bring a salad, main dish or side, or dessert t o share.
To comply wit h t he Shabbat Across America nat ional effort ,
we ask t hat you bring only DAI RY OR VEGETARI AN food. Please do not bring anyt hing
cont aining meat or poult ry, or anyt hing made wit h chicken or beef st ock.
Your cooperat ion is most sincerely appreciat ed.
Passover Appeal
In my article on page 2, I mentioned some of the specifics of the work of the New York Board of
Rabbis. As you know, one of the most outstanding projects of the Board is the Annual Passover
Appeal. The Board conducts this appeal in order to buy Passover food and supplies for thou-
sands of our Jewish sisters and brothers in the New York Metropolitan area who are alone or
institutionalized, in want, and in need. It grows out of the long-standing tradition of maot chit-
tin. The way that this mitzvah was conducted historically is that the elders of the community
would go around collecting for a fund to buy wheat with which to bake matzah. The rules of the
fund were simple: those who needed to avail themselves of it took from it; those who did not need it gave to it.
Each year as a congregation, along with our sister congregations in New York, we at Union Temple have contin-
ued this tradition of maot chittin by responding to this appeal with overwhelming kindness and generosity. I
hope that this year will be no exception.
This year, since Passover occurs very early in April (the first Seder night is Friday, April 6th), it seems prudent
for us at the temple to begin collecting for the appeal at this time so that we can have it pretty much completed
by the end of this month. As we have done each year, we ask you to make out a check, for whatever amount
you are comfortable with, to Union Temple, and earmark it Passover Appeal. Please send it to the Union
Temple Office at 17 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11238. We then will put together collective checks for
the NYBR and the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty. And as always, we thank you most sincerely for
your kind participation in this appeal, and thus the fulfillment of the mitzvah of Tzedakah, so integral a part of
our Passover celebration.
On behalf of all my colleagues, and those who are the recipients of this appeal, I thank you in advance for your
kindness in supporting and contributing to this very worthy cause.
-Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman

The past couple of weeks have been quiet at Union
Temple Religious School as students have been on
break for the latter half of February. However, we are
now in the month of Adar, the season of happiness,
and Purim is upon us! This years Purim carnival on
March 11th promises to be a delightful and spirited
celebration of this joyous holiday, and all families are
encouraged to put on a costume, grab a grogger, and
have fun as an entire Religious School community!
But of course, the celebration of Purim reminds us
that Passover is only a few weeks away. Our Model
Seder will be held on April 1st, and again, I invite
all families to come participate.
There seems to be little substantive connection be-
tween these two holidays aside from their closeness
on the calendar. Purim is a full-community occasion
in which we dress up in costume and read from a
special scroll (the book of Esther); Passover is often
celebrated in the home with a liturgical (often embel-
lished) recitation of the biblical story of the exodus.
The Purim story focuses on human heroes and vil-
lains; Passover pits the god-like Pharaoh against the
Eternal God of the People of Israel. And Purim deli-
cacies include delicious cookies; at Passover, were
often suspicious of baked goods!
However, both holidays share at least one important
factor in common: They celebrate the liberation of
the Jewish people. Purim recalls the triumph of the
Jews over Haman and their flourishing throughout
Persia, and Passover commemorates emancipation
from slavery in Egypt. These holidays remind us to
be grateful for our precious gift of freedom, and I
hope youll join the Religious School in honoring
these sacred occasions in the upcoming weeks.
Chagim smeichim. Happy holidays,
-Daniel Kirzane, Educator
Can Spring be Far Behind?
On a February morning when the temperature hovered
around freezing we celebrated Tu'B'Shevat, the birth-
day of trees. Rabbi Goodman led a "mini seder" in the
big room. We tasted fruits with a peel (Clementine
oranges), fruits with a pit (dates and apricots), and
fruits that are entirely edible (raisins). We drank white
and red grape juice, which symbolize the winter and
summer. Mixing the two represents the shades of au-
tumn and spring that lie between. When we were done
munching we all joined together to sing and dance and
stomp our feet.
Leading up our school wide celebration all of our pre-
schoolers read lots of books about trees, including, The
Giving Tree, A Tree is Nice, The Tree Book, Sammy the
Spider's First Tu'B' Shevat, and, A Busy
Year. They created lots of beautiful tree-related art pro-
jects; water color and cray pas relief trees, stenciled trees
with water color, and a beautiful curly willow decorated
with cut out flowers.
Hopefully the ground
hog has gotten it
wrong and spring is a
whisper away.
We are currently ac-
cepting applications
for summer camp. Our
summer program runs
from June 11th
through July 27th. The
half day is 9 AM-12:30 PM. and the full day 9:-3 PM.
If you would like to receive more information or
would like to sign-up your child for our summer pro-
gram you can email us at
-Susan Sporer, Preschool Director
Religious School
Let the Celebrations Begin
Rabbi Goodman with the Pre-
school at the TuBShevat Seder.
NEW! Every 3
Friday is
at Union Temple
Join us for pizza
and salad after
Kabbalat Shabbat

You're invited!
Union Temple honors Doris Klueger
Join us for cocktails and a special reception.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
4 PM to 6:30 PM
Let's show our thanks! Contribute towards a special gift
that we'll present to Union Temple in Doris's name
and your name will be listed in the reception program.
Premium Circle $25
Elite Circle $50
Platinum Circle $100
Diamond Circle $150 and above
Friends: Other amount
R.S.V.P. for the reception to or
call the office: 718-638-7600.
Donations also accepted in the Temple Office. Please make the check out to
Union Temple and indicate Doris Klueger Temple Gift in the memo area.
If youve been reading the Bulletin this month, and especially the calendar, you know that the
temple has its own version of March Madness - a whole month jam packed with a lot of
great events. Brotherhood is honored to cap off the month with the Brotherhood service and
luncheon on March 31st.

This year's Brotherhood Shabbat will be a special one for a few reasons. We'll have a speaker,
Rabbi Dennis Ross, author of a new book All Politics Is Religious. Rabbi Ross directs Con-
cerned Clergy for Choice, an interfaith reproductive rights advocacy network of 1000 clergy.
A project of the Education Fund of Family Planning Advocates of New York State, Concerned Clergy for
Choice has earned national recognition for its advocacy and media work during the national health care reform
debate and as Congress considered defunding Planned Parenthood. Concerned Clergy for Choice also contrib-
uted a critical measure of faith-based support as New York State recently established marriage equality and as
New York State legalized marriage equality for same-gender couples.

It is also Shabbat HaGadol, the Sabbath preceding Passover, with a special reading from the prophet Malachi
(who among other things predicts a visit by the prophet Elijah!)

Please join brotherhood for this very special Shabbat.

-David Rapheal, Secretary
Brotherhood Shabbat

"Give me your tired, your poor/ Your huddled masses yearning to be free." We all know these beautiful
words that are inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty, and every Jew is proud of Emma Lazarus, the
poet who wrote them. But how much do we really know about this fourth-generation American Sephardic
Jew? Did you know that she devoted years of her short life (she died in 1887 at age 38) to pleading the cause
of destitute Jewish immigrants and to working to help them better themselves? Did you know that she was ad-
vocating for a Jewish homeland more that a decade before Theodor Herzl took up the cause?
In conjunction with the 125th anniversary of the dedication of the Statue of Liberty, the Museum of Jewish Heri-
tage is presenting a comprehensive show devoted to Emma Lazarus. Join us in the museum's lobby at 6 PM,
Wednesday, March 21st, to tour this remarkable exhibit. Admission to the museum is free Wednesday evenings
from 4 PM to 8 PM, so you may want to come early to visit some of the other exhibits on your own and have a
nosh in the Heritage Caf, then meet us at six for our Emma Lazarus tour. All are welcome, and we know no one
will want to miss what promises to be an unforgettable, inspirational evening.
The Museum of Jewish Heritage is located at 36 Battery Place, and is easily accessible by subway: You can take
the #4 train or #5 train to Bowling Green; the R train to Rector Street or Whitehall Street; or the #1 train to Rector
Street or South Ferry. To reserve your place, please call trip coordinator Gail Levine Fried, Ph.D.: 718-338-6123.
Were you with us on Sunday, February 12th, for our program on Jews and Chocolate? If you were, we know
that you are still licking your fingers in delight over all you learned and all you the goodies you sampled. We
thank our special guest, New York University's culinary historian Eve Jochnowitz, "The Chocolate Lady," for
her fascinating and delectable presentation.
Sisterhood wishes everyone a happy Purim. May the courage of Esther bless and light our path through life.
-Barbara Brett, Secretary
Nosh and Tour the Jewish Museum

Wednesday, March 7
6:00 PM
Pot Luck Dinner: Please bring a salad, main course,
or side. Well have plenty of hamantaschen.
Following Dinner: Reading of the Megillah, Great Decorations, Costumes,
and a Shpiel

Please let us know youre coming:
718-638-7600 /
Abe Barnett and Anna Schiavone
Irwin and Adeline Becker
Norman Becker and Jane Fields-Becker
John and Nancy Beranbaum
Hyman and Barbara Brett
Jay Berman
Jerome Bunke and Jane Bassewitz
Rene Chapman
Mark and Maryanne Elias
Enri Rosenthal Falta
Robert Frey and Judy Stossel
Leon and Rose Freilich
Robert Fried and Gail Levine-Fried
Michael and Carol Gerber
Michael Gliken
Alla Godelman
The Rabbis Goodman
Nancy M. Greenberg
Arlene Greendlinger
Aimee Greenstein
Karen and Tom Guccione
Lorri Gumanow and Les Levinowitz
Jeffrey Gratz and Susan Buchsbaum
Aaron Gruenberg and Rosalie Fadem
Stephen and Beatrice Hanks
Karen Harber
George Hausman and Anna Budd
Jonathan Holman
Hortense Hurwitz
Ralph Julius and Ken Nelson
Andrew Kirshenbaum and Jayne Cooper
Doris Klueger
Arnold and Ellen Kolikoff
Jonathan Kurfirst and Beth Lawrence
David Lansner and Carolyn Kubitschek
Jeffrey and Barbara Kurland
Cary and Phyllis Lemkowitz
Darryl Chu and Daniella Lednicer
Howard Leopold
Benjamin Lindy
Marvin and Purlaine Lieberman
Anne Maltz
Pamela Meersand
Kenneth Meister and Laurie Shahon
Jesse and Julie Miller
Jason Meyer
Andrew Mirer and Jesse Green
Robert Newhouser
Robert Newman and Iris Rosen
Tom and Heidi Oleszczuk
Cheryl Paradis and Gene McCollough
Dorothy Peters
Leonard and Judith Polisar
Ezra and Meredith Polonsky
Marvin and Diane Polonsky
Rebecca Reich
Hal and Lisa Rose
Zeva Greendale Roschko
Demetria Royals
Alan and Patrice Schuster
Marc Schwabish and Lisa Huang
Michele Siegel
Steven Segall and Mark Silverstein
Jean Shaffer
Rosemarie Shaffer
Howard and Linda Simka
Henry and Susanne Singer
Lewis and Sheila Soloff
Emerson Spry and Erica Shatz-Spry
Marc Sweet
Ian Turner
Jacob and Elisabeth Tamarkin
Elmer Twente and Andrea Polans
R. Alfred Wodehouse and Ann D. Ehrlich
Charles and Sylvie Walowitz
William and Carol Zide
Thank You to the Donors to the Union Temple Yom Kippur Appeal
Union Temple has formed an exciting partnership with
The PJ Library, an award-winning Jewish family en-
gagement program created by the Harold Grinspoon
Foundation. The PJ Library offers free, high-quality
Jewish books and music to families raising Jewish chil-
dren ages six months through eight years. Harold Grin-
spoon, a successful real estate entrepreneur, was inspired
by Dolly Partons Imagination Library to create PJ Li-
brary as a way to strengthen the identities of Jewish
families and to serve as an outreach vehicle for syna-
gogues and Jewish organizations. We are fortunate to be
the first PJ Library program in Brownstone Brooklyn!

The PJ Library Program at Union Temple launched in
November 2011 with a goal of signing up 200 children.
We quickly exceeded that and have almost reached our
new goal of 300 children -- in just 3 months! Our kick-
off event was a Chanukah Concert in December, featur-
ing a puppet show and singalong with Ora Fruchter, the
talented sister of our beloved Yoshie, and her Yellow
Sneaker colleagues. About 30 families enjoyed singing,
dancing, munching on sufganyot, and gathering to-
gether to celebrate the holiday.

Check your mailboxes in the next month for a mailing
from PJ Library, with a free sample book and informa-
tion on how to sign up. Please pass this packet on to
any friends or family members with young children
who could benefit from this gift. Its a wonderful way
for parents to introduce their children to the rich array
of Jewish traditions, values and customs in a fun and
age-appropriate way.

Our next steps are to invite PJ Library families to
learn about Union Temple and find ways to engage
them in our community. To that end, we are planning
a Pajama Party on Sunday, April 1 from 4:00-6:00pm
at the Temple. We need volunteers to help make this
event a big success! If you are interested, please email
Kimberly Lisi at
Announcing the PJ Library Program at Union Temple
Mazal Tov to
on the birth of their grandson
on February 9th,
born to
and to
on the birth of his granddaughter
born December 28th to

and to
on the birth of her granddaughter
born February 3rd to

@Mazal Tov to our Bar Mitzvah@
Benjamin Segal
Son of David and Beatrice Segal

Benjamin Segal is in the 8th grade at PS
207 Fillmore Academy and in his
fourth year at Union Temple Sunday
School. He loves listening to music and
playing the alto sax and piano. Last De-
cember he had a wonderful solo during his
school's jazz band concert. His favorite
activity is playing with his dog and his various video
games. He loves to make animations, sculptures, and to
write fiction stories, especially ones with horror. He re-
cently joined the temple youth group and is looking for-
ward to more volunteer work. Despite all these activi-
ties, he still finds time to do his homework and complain
about school.

We wish Benjamin and his parents, David and Beatrice, a
hearty Mazal Tov.
We express our heartfelt sympathy to

Amy Bona and Neil Cohen
on the death of Amys brother


on January 29th.

and to

Pearl and Irvin Schonfeld
on the death of Pearls father


on February 10th.

and to

David Lansner and Carolyn Kubitschek
on the death of David's cousin


on February 8th
and Carolyn's aunt


on February 10th.

We express our deepest sympathy
nbz? d:\bt
May their memories be for a blessing

Donated by ....................................................................................... in memory of
Gail Levine Fried ..................................................................................... Bonnie Levine
Sherry Rosenberg ....................................................................................... Louis Rosenberg
George Hausman and Anna Budd .............................................................. Jack Machtinger
William Leonard Vogel .............................................................................. David Vogel
Abe Barnett ................................................................................................ Irving Barnett
Doris Klueger ............................................................................................. Leon Klueger
Doris Klueger ............................................................................................. Damien Bona
Joyce M. Charles ........................................................................................ Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

Donated by ....................................................................................... in honor of
George Hausman and Anna Budd .............................................................. Union Temple
Shirley Katz-Cohen .................................................................................... Union Temple

Donated by ....................................................................................... in honor of
Joan Stuart ................................................................................................... Union Temple

Donated by
Hortense Hurwitz ....................................................................................... Damien Bona, brother of Amy Bona

Donated by
Beatrice Hanks

Union Temple suggests that its members
contact our Funeral Director
Martin D. Kasdan of
Boulevard-Riverside Chapels
1895 Flatbush Avenue
Brooklyn, NY
Proudly maintaining more
than 50 years of Temple involvement
The Bulletin
Union Temple of Brooklyn
17 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn NY 11238
(718) 638-7600
Fax (718) 783-9151

Dr. Linda Henry Goodman

Lauren Phillips
Student Cantor

Shinae Kim
Temple Musician

Daniel Kirzane
Educator/Rabbinic Intern

Susan Sporer
Preschool Director

Beatrice Hanks

Abe Barnett
Ellen Kolikoff
Henry Singer
Vice Presidents

Steven Segall

Jeffrey Stein

Mike Baron
Hortense R. Hurwitz
Doris Klueger
Honorary Presidents

David Rapheal
Bulletin Editor

John Golomb
Temple Administrator

Martin Kasdan
Funeral Director
(800) 522-0588
A memorial plaque is a lasting tribute to a loved one.
If you wish more information regarding obtaining a plaque in
memory of a loved one please e-mail the temple at
or leave a message with the temple office.
Memorial Plaques
Charles Diener ........................................................ March 1, 1983
Lucille C. May ........................................................ March 1, 1986
Joseph J. Baker ....................................................... March 2, 1938
Sophie Newman ...................................................... March 2, 1940
Rosa R. Keit ............................................................ March 2, 1944
Bert Nachman ......................................................... March 4, 1955
Priscilla R. Sherer ................................................... March 4, 1975
Saul Solow .............................................................. March 4, 1998
Helen Stein Caplin .................................................. March 5, 1913
Helen M. Baum ...................................................... March 9, 1923
Isaac Rutenberg .................................................... March 10, 1929
Bessie Kasdan ....................................................... March 11, 1948
Ray Latz Frisch ..................................................... March 14, 1918
Sali Fried .............................................................. March 14, 1946
Morris Smallberg .................................................. March 14, 1954
Florence Liebman ................................................. March 14, 1982
Bertha Levy .......................................................... March 15, 1920
Morris Salzman .................................................... March 15, 1930
Leon Meyer .......................................................... March 15, 1935
Minna Feldenkris .................................................. March 15, 2004
Milton Rosenberg ................................................. March 16, 1943
Gustave L. Stern ................................................... March 18, 1969
Samuel A. Fogel ................................................... March 18, 1970
Regina David ........................................................ March 19, 1965
Helen Boley .......................................................... March 20, 1951
Louis Fishman ...................................................... March 20, 1935
Dr. Arnold Messing .............................................. March 20, 1958
Dr. Charles M. Pollack ......................................... March 21, 1941
Dr. Louis Beacon .................................................. March 22, 1982
Leah Davidson ...................................................... March 23, 1951
Blanche Baar Stern ............................................... March 24, 1963
Arnold Leopold .................................................... March 25, 1947
Adolph Mayer ....................................................... March 25, 1947
Hilda Feldman ...................................................... March 25, 2000
Harry Smallberg ................................................... March 25, 2005
Lewis A. Feldenkris .............................................. March 26, 1974
Rose Kaufman ...................................................... March 26, 1977
Jennie Felner ......................................................... March 28, 1947
Mary Glassheim .................................................... March 28, 1958
Carrie R. Hamburger ............................................ March 28, 1963
David S. Heit ........................................................ March 29, 1935
Ricka Bender ........................................................ March 29, 1945
Hyman B. Rosenson ............................................. March 30, 1921
Emanuel S. Brandt ................................................ March 30, 1988
Max Meyer ........................................................... March 31, 1956
Selma Oppenheim ................................................ March 31, 1989

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2
4:00 PM
Friday at Four
Shabbat Across
6:00 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
& Dinner
See schedule
9:00 AM
Shabbat Hevre
10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning

9:30 AM
Religious School
Purim Carnival
11:30 AM

6:15 PM
6 7

6:00 PM
Dinner &
4:00 PM
Friday at Four
6:30 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
7:30 PM
Dinner in honor of
Marianne Dreyfus
9:00 AM
Shabbat Hevre
10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning
Bar Mitzvah:
Ben Segal

9:30 AM
Religious School
11:00 AM
Purim Carnival

6:00 PM
Board of
13 14
7:00 PM
Rabbi Goodmans
Installation as
President of
The New York
Board of Rabbis
to follow
15 16

4:00 PM
Friday at Four
6:30 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
New! Pizza Night
Shabbat Service
9:00 AM
Shabbat Hevre
10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning

9:30 AM
Religious School

20 21

6:00 PM
Museum Tour
7:00 PM
Union Temple

22 23
4:00 PM
Friday at Four
Fourth Friday
Late Shabbat
7:00 PM Dinner
8:00 PM Service
Coffee House
Oneg to Follow
Shabbat Rosh
Chodesh Nisan
9:00 AM
Shabbat Hevre
10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning
9:30 AM
Religious School

4:30-6:30 PM
Celebration for
Doris Klueger

6:30 PM
Religious School
27 28

7:00 PM
Union Temple
29 30

4:00 PM
Friday at Four
6:30 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
9:00 AM
Shabbat Hevre
10:30 AM
Shabbat Hagadol
Service and
Rabbi Dennis Ross
March 2012
AdarNisan 5772

Union Temple of Brooklyn
17 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11238
(718) 638-7600

MARCH 2012
Prospect Park
Health and Racquet Association

In Union Temple Building at
17 Eastern Parkway
Ask about Special discounts for
Union Temple Members
Shabbat Across America - March 2nd - See Page 4

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