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INTRODUCTION...................1 CHAPTERS 1. THE BODY.............................................4 2. SPIRIT/SOUL........................................11 3. RELATIONSHIPS.................................18 4. THE EROTIC IMPULSE.......................25 5. REPRESSION........................................31 6. MORALITY...........................................39 7. THE ORGASM......................................45 8. LOVE.....................................................53 9. THE OUROBOUROS...........................57 10. FUTURE................................................64

If you cannot accept that you have an immortal soul and that you are a reincarnational being and that this earth life is just one of many lives on your journey towards self realization then this book will have little meaning for you. For those who embrace these principles I offer a simple and straightforward perception of the nature of sexuality. Our sexuality is often a minefield of difficulty due to belief systems we have inherited whether religious or cultural that encourage invariably fear. Fear of our bodies and fear of others bodies to the point of supreme ridiculousnous . Yet at its very heart is a gift from the Gods, a fire so intense and extraordinary that it invigorates every living organism on the planet. Being frustrated by evasion and waffle in most literature concerning sexuality I became determined to offer a view which is direct and to the point. Many will be disappointed with what is revealed as it will contradict romantic and socially acceptable perceptions of our most intimate core nature. For what we call love, what we understand to be a loving relationships, how we educate and care for our children and how we understand our sexual nature to be, come under

2 intense scrutiny. I also speak of the dark side and how it has been harnessed to feed the exclusive both political and religious. In a time where we have evolved in some parts of this planet from the nuclear family which really never worked and was encouraged by those in control to keep us subjugated. After which came divorce and the pains of separating spouses and children which also has not worked and now onto multi parents and the blended family which is even worse than the previous two states. I have tried to address the role that sex plays in our relationships and attempted to offer a different view. I recognise that this will be a long time in coming but I also believe that the truth must out even if it takes an interminably long time to surface. In this book it is not my intention to preach to the reader, rather I hope to offer an alternative view for deep consideration. In some instances I repeat certain key points in order to consolidate those ideas that lie at the heart of my understanding of sexuality. Our sexuality is at the very centre of our social existence and its ramifications are huge. In undeveloped societies women are reduced to child bearing machines in order to ensure survival of the tribe. In cultish and

3 bigoted religious regimes women are treated worse than animals and even in the so called first world abuse of children is rampant and children are allowed to have children as society ignores its obligation to educate protect and nurture those who are the most innocent in our society. In this light I hope to offer a perspective from a spiritual, not religious, point of view. I hope to encourage a bilateral approach to our sexuality, on the one hand the desire to propagate the species would be protected by both parents and state and on the other hand the pursuit of our erotic impulses to be expressed in a non fear, non guilt manner so that we can share and blossom as the vibrant sexual beings we all are. It is my intention that in describing the highest fire, an apt esoteric term for sexuality, to not have this fire burn and cause pain as is recorded in much of our history. Rather I hope that this fire warms and soothes, heals and binds us in love, the truest form in which it can be expressed, not only of others but our truly remarkable selves.

CHAPTER 1 THE BODY Sexuality in its essential state is energy. This energy has a dual nature, one aspect going one way the other going the other way, yet it is the same energy no matter how it manifests. Imagine a clock face with one hand pointing downwards to the six o clock position. On the left half circle is the feminine expression on the right half circle the masculine expression. As the hand moves into the feminine area the manifestation of the physical body becomes more and more female but once it gets to the twelve o clock position it begins to revert to the masculine. Equally as the hand moves off the six o clock position and goes to the right into the masculine manifestation of the body becoming more and more masculine as it goes anti clockwise towards the twelve o clock position where it begins to revert to the feminine state. The hand at six represents the truly androgynous state where a body would have equal male and female

5 sexual organs, a true hermaphrodite. Most of humanity however lie somewhere in the mid range around the nine and three positions. This is the heterosexual state. I would like to point out here that each point on the sexual clock is equal to any other point and there is no position more important than another. So every point or second on the clock represents a type of sexual body and every aspect of sexual orientation is represented in the full circle and every living being without exception has their unique position there. What is important here is, that however sexuality manifests itself in whatever body, the energy that comprises it is basically the same. There is no better sexual state or more important sexual body as they are all equal, albeit manifesting in a different way. Social taboos such as male supremacy and female inferiority are aberrations and deny the truth of our physicality. As everything that exists has polarity, a negative and positive, without which nothing could possibly exist so also does the female energy contain an equal and opposite male component, the same holding true for male energy which contains an equal and opposite female component which remains hidden within the organism. This is extremely important as it holds great meaning in

6 terms of our relationships with others and ourselves. This I will explore more fully later on. The body that forms the child is a result of genes and chromosomes that have an hereditary history, the parents being only the tip of the iceberg so to speak. We have all as human beings come into this world in such a manner. We are the beginning of a new organism that stands on the shoulders of a long blood history. In fact the body is not our creation but the culmination of a shared heritage of both female and male influences. We inherit our bodies from our parents and ancestors and live within it till we finally drop it when we pass on. Yet we are regarded by those around us as female or male and the body is the immediate term of reference for our culture and society. Some societies believe in hiding the physical body from the view of others and surround it with significant taboos that determine where it may go and what parts, if any, can be revealed. Usually this refers to the female body. In the so called civilized world the body is identified as the person that inhabits it and has ideals of beauty or ugliness attached to it according to cultural and fashionable values. So the body becomes valued and imbued with power it really has no entitlement to except through inheritance.

7 From the moment we inhabit a physical body it becomes our stamp on this reality. We are perceived by others according to it, where it has originated and what colour it is define us. Yet we are really not the body and the body is really not us. To more fully understand this, it is necessary to examine what the male and female body really is. From a purely observational point of view there is a marked difference in anatomy which is unmistakeable. The male has a penis and scrotum and the female has a vulva and a vagina. Nipples appear to be standard issue for both sexes along with navels and anuses. Hair is common to both sexes but lighter usually in the female. Having either a penis or a vagina guarantees specific treatment from those around us and defines us in our sexual orientation. On closer examination the physiological differences are not as distinctly different as we have been programmed to believe. Indeed the male could be said to be a female inside out and the female, a male outside in. Each sex hides the other sex within it and no matter how hard a person tries to be macho male or ultra female, both sexes are apparent within their anatomy, albeit sometimes heavily camouflaged. This speaks to our true nature, which is a

8 combination of both sexes with only the tiny amount of emphasis tipping the scales towards a particular orientation. There is much written on this subject and it is generally understood that the male and female genitalia are constituted of the same essential organic components but are situated differently in the body. The male physiology tends to be focused or concentrated and the female diffuse or spread out. The scrotum for example that holds the testicles have a similar consistency to the labia minora, the clitoris is similar to the penis, the testicles imitate the ovaries with their eggs and seeds. Both have a prostate, again in the male more compacted, in the female diffused in the vagina in the vicinity of the g spot. The female ejaculates fluids similar to the male albeit with a different consistency and purpose. To the observant eye the male aspect of the female can be seen and vice versa. Nature decrees that the human organism be male or female for the most important purpose of propagating the species. Within that decree there are other aspects that speak to our mind and spirit which I will illustrate later. As is understood in psychology we are a combination of both male and female elements. Social taboos restrict the expression of feelings in men and aggression in

9 women. This has more to do with training than what both sexes really feel. Differences are accentuated to the extent that our recorded history has pointed to male dominance and female subservience which for civilized and intelligent people is a total absurdity. The feminine aspect in the male has been suppressed and the masculine aspect in the female has been suppressed creating a battlefield which is totally unjustified and unreasonable and even unnatural. Each male body contains a hidden female and each female body contains a hidden male. The organism can never be totally one sex or the other but a mixture of both. According to the particular organic balance of both male and female a personal determination is made of exactly what sexual identity we manifest. This balance is different for everybody and as unique as our fingerprints. As a society becomes more accepting of both sexes, without discrimination or prejudice, it becomes more humane for all its citizens. Even in our first world so called enlightenment, there is a long way to go as women get paid generally less than men for the same work and are often forced into support roles rather than a proactive ones. This imbalance is very slowly being corrected after thousands of years of abuse of

10 human and civil rights and still has a long way to go due to the fear that one sex has for the other. So the body has political, social and religious status just by being where and what it is. As the hand of the clock moves to its limits on either side there becomes an exaggeration of male or female facets. There is a tendency to see this state as the ideal and much of the media and advertising imitates these strong male and female characteristics as they know it is an aspiration most of us have. So the body just on its own manifests a point of sexual reference and is a unique stamp on our identity even without the added aspects of soul and consciousness which will be discussed in detail later. The question arises as to what sexuality really is in essence before it is expressed in the male and female body. This I will attempt to answer in the next chapter when I explore the relationship of the incoming spirit/soul to the physical body. Suffice to state here that the body is essentially a vehicle for the expression of our consciousness in the physical world, without this infiltration the body, no matter how perfect in anatomy, would be an empty shell.

11 CHAPTER 2 SPIRIT/SOUL There are many definitions for the soul and the spirit so I will state here how I think them for this exercise. Simply put, the soul has no sexual distinction, it is neither male nor female or even both combined. It is the eternal aspect of an ensouled being, it cannot die but it inhabits many bodies at the same time both past, present, and future and exists on many planes of consciousness, the physical being only one. I best think of it more like a divine everlasting energy matrix that records and assimilates all the myriad communications it receives from the bodies it permeates. The spirit on the other hand has a sexual balance. It manifests in either a male or female aspect. It is the consciousness that gains experience through the physical body. It is at the coalface so to speak, originating in the more subtle worlds and entering the human body or vehicle at birth or before according to its desire. If we take the analogy of a motor car, the body is the car but the spirit is the driver without which the car would be redundant. The spirit reincarnates into the physical body and

12 thereafter in the spirit worlds, each time taking a vehicle of the appropriate material on the plane it inhabits, shedding these vehicles when it moves on. I include the soul in this chapter as without it the spirit would have no meaning and although the soul has no shape as such it permeates every aspect of our being both physical and spiritual. As the soul has no sexuality I do not need to refer to it anymore and will concentrate on the spiritual body for the rest of this chapter. Due to our relatively primitive state being animal/human many do not accept the above and if entrapped in religious dogma have their own belief system that may or may not correspond with the truth. I will take it for granted that the reader understands he has a spirit and soul which is separate to the physical body. After a spirit being has reached the full saturation of its experiences in the spirit worlds, depending on the evolutionary status of the spirit, it will spend either a long or short time to determine this but eventually it feels the need to get on with its evolutionary journey on the physical plane. Whether it is on this physical planet or one of billions of others again depends on the being itself. As we reside here I will use the Earth as a reference point. The spirit worlds form concentric spheres going outwards into what

13 we see as space. They hold the blueprints for the physical Earth which acts as a receiver rather than a transmitter. There is much written on the nature of the spirit worlds but I will deal only with the aspect that is most relevant to the incarnating spirit. The spirit that is about to incarnate will be either male or female and if relatively advanced in its evolutionary journey, will meet with its guides and mentors in a facility set aside for this purpose. The Earth equivalent would be a boardroom. A blueprint of the Earth life to come is presented for the incarnating spirit which will outline the lessons that will need to be experienced for the optimum amount of growth. The spirits of the parents will usually be present as they will have some previous connection with the subject. Also present will be protagonists and adversaries who take on roles which will present obstacles and opportunities for the subject. This can often be painful to experience but the positive potential gained far outweighs the difficulty. The spirit being either male or female at this stage will usually take a body of a sexual orientation that continues its current status. Indeed an embryo will already be aligned of the appropriate sex required. Hereditary elements of the parents physical bodies will be discussed and if

14 necessary illnesses and attributes chosen to correspond with the subjects growth. Once the soon to be incarnated spirit has agreed in principle with this outline it then aligns its spirit with the physical embryo. This alignment is tentative to begin with and it is usual for the spirit to wait till the baby is actually born. A bit like diving into a deep pool and forgetting the beginning of the dive itself, the spirit finds itself in a body that is either male or female depending upon its choice and begins with huge limitations put on it in terms of movement and communication. Indeed it forgets where it has come from due to an understanding that the new world it finds itself in is its only reference point thus encouraging a greater attentiveness and focus for the lessons chosen to be learnt. The body of the baby being so small the full consciousness of the being cannot reside in it and it takes a further twenty years or so for the full spirit to fully consolidate in the physical body. This in no way demotes the status of childhood, indeed the exact opposite is true, as the consciousness is nearer its home spirit world it is less entrenched in the hard core physical and can have insights and experiences that more earthy beings have lost. Beings tend to incarnate in blocks of male or

15 female lives to maintain continuity and develop grounding in the understanding of a particular sex. As stated in the first chapter the body has a residual sexuality. Organically it is either male or female and is the result of an ancestral hereditary lineage. Once the investing spirit comes into this vehicle, it imbues it with its own sexual fingerprint which is unique to it and no other. So now the driver spirit becomes more significant than the vehicle it drives and slowly puts its own sexual stamp on every cell in the body. In childhood this is rudimentary but as the body grows it accepts more of the spirit and the sexual identity manifests more. On rare occasions there is the sense that a wrong vehicle has been chosen, a male spirit in a female body or a female spirit in a male body. This can be the cause of much upset and often leads to a deep desire to align the body with the spirit by having a sex change in later life. From a spirit point of view the life lessons involved are very powerful and give the being a deeper understanding of the nature of its own sexual orientation. Homosexuality occurs where the spirit incarnating has a sexual balance that gravitates towards the same sex. No sexual fingerprint can be wrong or bad despite social taboos and intolerances. A civilized society accepts

16 all points on the sexual scale as being equal and without prejudice. As the spirit takes full hold of the body its sexual identity begins to consolidate into its own unique male/female balance. This is then set in stone for the lifetime of the body and cannot be altered, only influenced. Puberty is the awakening, but adulthood is the consolidation. For meaningful relationships to occur in a cohesive way a certain maturity is required and young people under twenty one should be encouraged to wait till they can make a more comprehensive choice regarding prospective life partners. This is easier said then done as the immature being sometimes thinks it knows best. Sex is one thing and relationships another and there can be much mismatching of both as we are witness to in our current state of evolution. From the spirit standpoint, it can be decided that a certain person is the partner they want, even at an early stage. Often this is due to a pre- earth life agreement and the other spirit is known to them. Whatever the age this occurs the relationship has been accepted by both beings and will run its course according to the life lessons chosen. So to summarise, the soul is ever present in all aspects of a being but has no sexual emphasis whatsoever. The spirit on the other hand

17 has a particular sexual balance unique to itself. The body is either male or female. The soul/spirit enters the physical body usually at birth, sometimes before, if so chosen. The sexual fingerprint of the spirit imbues itself on the body. The body can only take the spirit in according to its development. When maturity or adulthood is reached the spirit is fully consolidated in the physical structure and set for life. When the spirit leaves the body at physical death it will take its sexual identity with it into the spirit worlds. There is no wrong sexual fingerprint as it represents who we are and where we have come from and is vital to our experience on the earth plane.

18 CHAPTER 3 RELATIONSHIPS The body being the vehicle for soul/spirit takes on the qualities of the incoming identity. Although it is either in a male or female body and already has an innate natural sexual orientation, being the product of previous generations, it is only when the incarnating spirit resides in it that it takes off so to speak and manifests the unique sexual balance or fingerprint that will stay with it till it dies. This unique sexual fingerprint expresses onto the earth plane in its own special way. Each persons sexual identity has a balance of male and female in its composition whether it be in a male or female body. In either sex the balancing factor remains hidden. This means that a female has her male component hidden and a male has his female component hidden and these hidden aspects are the key to relationships. There is a broad spectrum on the male/female pendulum of sexual emphasis. The more stereotypical the female becomes, the more hidden becomes the male aspect and this is also true for the male. An example at the extreme end would be a macho alpha male and on the female

19 side an ultra feminine woman. Most beings reside in the more equalised zones but tend to aspire to the ideal male or female state. It is the hidden opposite that holds the key to how the person expresses their sexuality towards others. Carl Jung called this the anima in the male and the animus in the female, which is really saying the male in the female and the female in the male. This points to a very deep truth which is that no matter what sexual fingerprint a being has they are complete unto themselves, having both sexes within their organism. This is indeed an aspect of our soul nature. Sexuality being necessary for life lessons, relationships and propagation of the species. So it is the spirit characteristics that imbue the physical body with its particular and unique sexual balance. The body is the vehicle for the use of and necessary for experience in the physical world only. Without the spirit it would have no meaning or drive. As a child the sexual nature of a being is relatively immature even though the residing consciousness will feel some aspects of its true sexual balance manifesting. So children are in a state of becoming what the spirit truly is and this process takes till adulthood to fully manifest. Consequently parents teachers and society as a whole have great

20 responsibility to enable a young person to become truly themselves and not make choices which they are incapable of understanding in the immature state. This of course is easier said than done as puberty creates an explosion of hormonal activity that tends to rebel against any good advice or loving guidance. It is at puberty that the body itself is mature enough to have sex and be fertile but not so for the incumbent spirit which has another six or seven years to get its consciousness fully into the body. This is not meant to demote younger persons and take away their freedom of choice, it is merely to point out that they require a longer time than the body dictates to assimilate their full consciousness. I am referring here more to having meaningful relationships than having sex. It is possible also for two younger people to align with each other and make a deep commitment to their relationship as they understand they were meant to be together and this may be a part of their pre birth contract. Usually two such persons will grow to maturity together as the spirit bond overules all other considerations. As the body is awakened to its sexual potential at puberty, the sexual drive albeit erratic will begin to manifest and the being finds itself falling in love having a crush fancying

21 someone. This can happen several times a month or extend into years depending on the intensity and focus of the sexual drive. Usually someone is discarded due to not being quite right, not being the ideal one. Flaws are noticed with familiarity that move the being on to the next potential mate. It is important here to register what is really happening. Each person having a hidden opposite aspect projects this outwards onto the object of desire. So the male is attracted to a female that holds the image of its own hidden female aspect and the same holds true for the female who seeks its own hidden male counterpart. To put it bluntly we actually fall in love with ourselves utilising a member of the opposite sex to take the full force of our own other half. At the most extreme end of this, where there is a total love obsession, the anima or animus is sent out with huge expectations of an idealised love. The object of desire becomes greater than human, a sacred being to be worshipped and loved intensely. Yet this is an aberration at the end of it all and can prove destructive if the energies so strongly put out are not taken back into the psyche. When not able to reabsorb, a being can become suicidal as they are bereft of their hidden opposite. This is not meant to indicate that we cannot love

22 another but that we cannot truly love someone who is a mirror refection of our self. In fact true love can only occur when we actually love the other being totally for themselves without such a projection. This is often the reason for unsuccessful relationships and sometimes can take a whole lifetime to truly understand. For this reason it is better to wait till adulthood as we are more fully equipped to manage our energies. A loving relationship is the primary goal of most beings, yet it is the hardest thing to find as it takes real maturity to accept another for who they truly are and not project onto them the deepest needs and desires of our hidden opposite. Taking the point that we are complete unto ourselves any inequalities that appear in a relationship point to one or the other partner not accepting this point and usually entails the need for more hard work. Aside from the relationship we have with another the greater work that needs to be done is primarily on the relationship we have with our own self. As our other side is hidden and not apparent externally our first task is to find and accept it without it interfering with those around us. This can be located in our perception of the idealised feminine or masculine locked in our psyche. Anyone who

23 has had the experience of the anima or animus projection and come out of it are better armed to locate this area, especially if they fully understand that what they so forcefully projected was in fact themselves. I am heartened by the huge force of spirit on our bodies that strikes a chord when a prospective partner is met for the first time, overriding the sexual impulse and reminding the being that this is the one they are meant to share their life with as part of their pre birth agreement. This factor alone pushes us where we need to be and whether the relationship grows or not, the life lessons experienced make it all worth while. So in essence there are two fundamental aspects to relationships. Firstly the incoming spirit chooses not only its parents but has a blueprint for connecting with prospective partners and friends. These can be sexual or otherwise depending on the challenges for growth and the life lessons that ensue. The spirit will manifest in a female or male body according to its evolutionary point. Both sexes have to be experienced for the soul to gain all the necessary understanding of the earth plane. Secondly all beings are complete unto themselves in male and female aspects but choose a sexual fingerprint or balance that corresponds with their

24 current consciousness point. This is essentially the relationship we have with ourselves. Out of this we express our hidden opposite onto others as in the case of the anima and animus projections. Masturbation could be said to be the more physical sense of this and the erotic impulse the mind portion. In terms of relationships this aspect has to be controlled otherwise it may intrude on others in an unfair manner creating expectations that are impossible to be met by a loving partner. Hence the necessity for each person to come to terms with their own sexual chemistry no matter how socially acceptable or not. Until this is done the likelihood of having a stable and healthy partnership with another is diminished. It is also fair to say that sexuality is only a part of the relationship drama with many more factors involved. However the sexual relationship we have with ourselves is paramount to how we conduct ourselves in life generally and is of vital importance to our well being. This area will be discussed in greater detail in the following chapters.

25 CHAPTER 4 THE EROTIC IMPULSE The main driver of sexual energy is the erotic impulse. Sex begins and ends in the mind or spirit to be more exact which the mind emanates from. The spirit, as previously stated, has a sexual orientation or balance, its own unique fingerprint before it even inhabits a body. It takes till the arrival of adulthood for this essential gestalt to fully be incorporated in the physical body. Before then, even at puberty, it is still in a relatively immature state. For this reason sexual activity, although full of hormones and raw energy has little real cohesiveness until the full sexual identity has arrived. When the complete male/ female aspect is evident, the erotic impulse begins to awaken, fully setting its stall out so to speak for the remainder of the lifetime. What is this erotic impulse? The answer lies in the hidden portion of our sexuality. For the female it is their male hidden counterpart and for the male it is their hidden female counterpart. We are not conscious of this hidden counterpart but it becomes apparent through our desire mechanism. What we fantasize about

26 sexually is a reflection of this other half of our being. It is projected outwards and onto others whether real or imaginary and motivates us at our most intimate core. The more mature being will not use others to satiate or take responsibility for their own erotic needs but will recognise it as part of themselves with only aspects coinciding with the nature of others. The more intense the erotic relationship with another, the more each partner senses the other in themselves. These partnership agreements can be made to heighten the sexual tension in the relationship but they are essentially only agreements and without the full consent of the other cannot be fully realised. Oddly enough the person who is constantly falling in love and going from one relationship to another, has a deficit of real understanding of their own sexuality and must, as a consequence of this, seek it in another. All females are the same female, all males are the same male. When the erotic impulse drives us to think differently it is still trying to find itself in another. That is not to say that the erotic impulse is a bad thing, it is just the abuse of same that causes the problem especially for those who feel they are incomplete beings and need the opposite sex to complete them. This is the great illusion of

27 sexuality. As has already been stated all beings are complete unto themselves and have nothing missing or incomplete. According to their particular evolutionary point they will look outside themselves or within themselves for a sense of completion. This is the sexual drama we all appear in and have the most intimate connection with. We see the object of desire outside ourselves and overlay it onto others sometimes to the extreme detriment of ourselves and others. At the more perverse end sexuality can be repressed and controlled creating power for those who surrender themselves to a parent God or use the great gift of their sexuality to do violence to others. What is done to others has its own compensatory mechanism as no energy projected ever stays out there forever. Everything returns to source in time. What goes around comes around is not a flip statement but a deep truth. The erotic impulse has a peculiar fascistic element. The desire to possess the object of desire, to own it and never let it go. It is the perfect representation of our hidden half, idealised to a point of absurdity. Each person has their own emphasis in this area according to their individual balance. That is why every single part of the body can be eroticised and there is always

28 someone who prefers a particular component or mixture of components. It would be impossible here to even try to list all erotic components as they are infinite. No matter how much we satiate our erotic natures it will always find more stimuli due to the natural friction of our own intimate sexual chemistry. The erotic in and of itself is neither good not bad. As Shakespeare said about evil, there is nothing either good nor bad, but thinking makes it so. This could be paraphrased to state, there is sexually nothing either good nor bad but thinking makes it so. It is ironic that our mind/spirit is the most sexual part of our being and not the body. Indeed our fascination with the body and its myriad sensual features would be shallow and boring without our minds. All sex begins and ends in the mind and all erotic pursuits equally begin and end there also. Abuse occurs of a sexual nature mainly due to losing ownership of the self and seeking its completion in others. In other words the object of desire overwhelms the personality as it truly falsely believes it can possess the object it so intensely has created and find completion outside itself. Anyone who has experienced erotic satiation will testify that nothing really can be owned or possessed especially when it involves another being. This

29 however does not stop the truly tormented mind which is unfortunately evidenced in the wide rage of sexual abuses from rape to incest to paedophilia. These are the life lessons of those involved and have their compensatory equalisations if not on this plane of existence, then on the next. The erotic nature is therefore neutral but given power and bias by the sexual fingerprint of the being and driven by the mind. Masturbation is an example of our hidden side having sex with our conscious side. From a certain standpoint it could be referred to as the purest of all sexual experiences as no other is involved. However we are on this planet to enjoy and learn from our interplay with others and can only know others to the same level that we know ourselves. In some marriages and close relationships the acceptance of the partners drives and impulses enable joint sharing of both their sexual needs. Most attempting these lofty heights will stop at a point where they know the other would be uncomfortable due to social inhibitions and belief systems that determine there is something dirty or unwholesome about sex. One man and womans meat is another man and womans poison. As sexuality is but one component of a loving relationship it should never be used to

30 terrorise another and the required discipline of the civilized person not to ask of others what is essentially something intimately there own, is vital for a healthy relationship. The erotic sense is our most powerful sexual gift. It stimulates interest of a profound nature in life. It attracts us to those things that fire our art and imaginations. Our inspired creativity is born there and our joy of life and our love for others blossoms there. It sets us on a journey of knowing ourselves through others and makes life a fulfilling and exciting theatre of living art. Regretfully the negative elites of our Earth History utilised this divine sexual energy to control us by instilling fear into their sexual control programmes in order to enslave and control us. I will address this historic perversion of our sexuality in the next chapter much of which we are still suffering from today even in the first world.

31 CHAPTER 5 REPRESSION I repeat once again that sexuality is in essence energy and this energy expresses itself in male and female orientations male or female. I will use the analogy of electricity to illustrate this point. For simplicity sake I will use hydro electricity for this exercise. The movement of water at high speed turns huge turbines which generate the precious electricity. As with electricity all beings are comprised of a positive/negative combination. If one or other of these components is denied, the energy of same is suppressed causing pressure within the being which must find an outlet in some other way. As with the harnessing of electricity, power hungry elites have understood how to gain control over others through sexual repression. First they devised religious, political and social systems that essentially dictated that sex is sinful except for propagation of the species. I will use the Catholic Church as an example as it is the one I am most intimately familiar with. First they decreed that one sex be superior to the other, in this case the male was made dominant. Females were not to have any

32 real power but be servants of the male priests thus creating a sexual imbalance. Their God therefore has to be male. Next there God can only be conceived non sexually giving the strong message that sex is unnecessary for a truly devoted follower. The priests and nuns and all ordained members of the church had to be celibate to imitate the divine state. For beings who have a strong sexual imprint this is the final nail in the coffin as it puts the seal on the natural expression of their unique sexual balance. Growing up in Ireland I observed that when attending mass, women and girls were seated on the left with their heads covered, a sign of subjugation, and men and boys seated on the right, bareheaded. The priest had his back to the congregation except when giving his sermon or communion. He had altar boys in attendance. Most of the mass was indecipherable being spoken in Latin and when the congregation joined in it was in the form of repetitive hypnotic phrases. The discerning observer will be aware that what is really going on is the feeding of a battery, positive male, negative female and the priest acting as a conduit of the energy created. Much has changed since those times and the church consequently has lost much of the power it once had. People were

33 invariably admonished about their sexuality which if acted out in any other way than breeding more of the faithful, was a sin with serious consequences. The confessional kept the priest aware of any sheep that strayed and fear of sex encouraged, creating a huge social atmosphere of repressed sexuality. Most prospective priests and nuns were brainwashed to join seminaries at puberty, a time when they were sexually and mentally immature. No wonder then that many turned to drink, violence against children and paedophilia as their sexual balance stagnated in their sterile lives. This served a very important purpose for the higher powers of church and state. The masses were kept in fear with the church the only salvation deciding on what was a sin or if you were worthy of salvation. They became rich on the humble offerings of their brainwashed congregations and suffered no opposition. Hell was used as a curb on any radical thought, it was even deemed a mortal sin [worthy of punishment in Hell] not to attend mass on a Sunday. So here we have the components of repression. Fear through intimidation. Unquestioning power given over to the religious authority. The male superior to the female and celibacy the strict rule for all clergy. These same

34 components have been successfully employed in state, social and cultural areas and indeed there are still persons who teach their children how to employ these methods through strict educational indoctrination. Certain universities and boarding schools have these ideals as their prime objective thus continuing the dark legacy of the Illuminati. Even today these principles can be seen in business and the workplace. War is a direct negative result of repressed sexuality. Even within living memory, fascism, which is a brutal suppression of the natural energy of sexuality has led to the loss of millions of lives in terrible wars. When sexual energy builds up in the pressure cooker of repression, the energy has to find an outlet. Violence offers this release and can be utilised as a matter of law in repressed states. A repressed being does not understand their hidden opposite but rather despises or subjugates it at a high price to the psyche. Of course there are those who thrive in this negative state but they are of the negative side of life and have no care for others. For the more healthy individual, sex is a beautiful and loving release of energy, their hidden opposite expressed in the joy of sharing with another. As the person evolves he/she learns to take responsibility for their male and female nature in

35 both sexes and recognises that the denial of this natural energy only creates harm to others and oneself. After thousands of years of fearing our sexuality, people are beginning to overthrow the controllers and beginning to take their power back. Many of us have residual belief systems stemming from religious and childhood experiences which were negative to the point of brutality, mentally, emotionally and physically. As these begin to fade with loving acceptance of self and others, we no longer need to surrender our power to those who would abuse us with it, rather we become a truly civilized human. So in essence, repression comes out of a lack of acceptance of our total sexuality. It is like a shadow over a part of our psyche inhibiting the true light of our being. The light or energy that cannot be expressed reverberates backwards into the conscious part of the self and manifests in a perverse or twisted way on relationships with others or the self. Aside from the possibility of being negatively socially motivated the push outwards of a negative has a detrimental influence on the self. As mentioned previously we are whole beings and do not require another to complete us. We also have the individual responsibility to embrace our male and female parts in an

36 harmonious way and not do harm to ourselves or others. Yet history has shown that this has been a difficult point to reach as external and internal forces contrive to keep us off balance. The sex industry thrives in this environment providing a much needed release for pent up sexual tension. For the ordinary person this is a viable avenue to pursue but for the enforced celibate an area of temptation and further repression. In making men and women imitate their Gods and deny their natural sexuality a crime is committed against humanity. Some beings profess to being mystics or Gods themselves and have no further need for sex and advocate that others abstain as well in order to become enlightened. This may be possible at the end of our incarnational journey on the Earth Plane and when the person is both totally conscious in his/her male and female aspects and able to manifest the androgynous nature of the soul itself. For most of us this state is a long way away and it is an act of cruelty to impose it on those who are not ready, especially those who are too young to make a mature choice in their lives. Examples of social sexual repression are too numerous to detail here. In our not so distant past homosexuality was a criminal offence, the female being regarded as

37 inferior to the male, even the denial of the vote for women. The female having less or no rights when a marriage ended acrimoniously. The commonly accepted notion that sex is dirty, filthy, animalistic or just plain bad . The language of sexuality being associated with swear words and the human body being regarded as disgusting if naked. Censorship of sexual content no matter how healthy and artistic it may be, whereas violence is allowed and graphically presented to children, even on the early evening news. In terms of repression the female aspect of ourselves has suffered more than the male. Much progress has been made in the first world but there is much more to be done particularly for those who may not fit the socially acceptable sexual criteria. There can be nothing immoral in a persons actions where no harm has been done. Also there can be no evil present when a person has a loving relationship with another no matter what sexual orientation they manifest. Concepts of true evil exist in the dark breeding grounds of repression and have laid waste the lives of many over the centuries. Socially irresponsible promiscuity is also a repressive act, as a being abuses others seeking for what cannot be found there but only in the self, without caring about the

38 consequences of their actions. So repression has many faces and most of them heavily implanted in our consciousness by previous terrified generations. Unless it is seen for what it is and not disguised as a virtue by Church and State we will continue to struggle with our sexuality.

39 CHAPTER 6 MORALITY The body, as stated earlier, is a product of previous generations and inhabited by a consciousness which utilises it for its natural life. It has a sexual orientation, either male or female but has no moral connotation. It is what it is, yet every single part of the body is capable of being sexualised in the eyes of the beholder and through this process takes on moral significance. Some people are shocked at seeing a naked body and feel it should be covered up with the erogenous zones hidden. A person who reveals too much of their skin is often given the label of being immoral. The body can become an object of desire through the manipulations of fashion and make up. Sex workers are well aware of this and dress accordingly. The appeal is to the erotic imagination of the viewer and a huge industry has been built to part people from their money as with cosmetics, pornography and selling a product. The image of the body cannot be possessed by the erotic imagination but it is the fantasy aspect related to it that commands our attention. Here the female body is utilised more

40 than the male for men have an immediate unconscious reaction to erotic stimuli. Being pretty becomes an obsession for the female as it is how she will attract a mate who will ensure the continuation of the species. The male on the other hand will be attracted to any sexually charged situation without any real discrimination as sexual gratification is the primary impulse. Women understand their power in this arena and having a long history of unfair discrimination in almost every other area, utilise this power to the fullest. So an elaborate game is played to attract a member of the opposite sex with massive moral overtones at each step. The fact that we invariably fall in love with unsuitable partners further complicates the play. The naked body is not as powerful as the clothed body. Indeed full exposure is often boring as the erogenous zones are essentially variations on a theme. Yet the naked body in all its glory is taboo in the media and public places. Even on beaches when it is far more sensible to go into the sea without clothes we are compelled to wear clothes by the law and moral code. The implication being that the naked body is somehow unsavoury. Even children are expected to wear bikini tops without having the necessary physicality to warrant such an

41 item. Men and boys nipples are acceptable parts to be exposed but the penis must be covered at all times. The female has a greater problem as nipples are to be concealed along with the vulva. The result of this concealment tends to eroticise the body more than nudity could achieve. The beach is an obvious example of skewed morality and it seems a tiny minority of people who are offended by the naked body swing it for the rest of us. In the media as mentioned earlier, images of violence and even dismembered bodies on some popular TV series takes precedent over the exposure of a nipple, penis or vulva giving the inherent message that the nude body is immoral and violence to the body acceptable. Where a movie is rated for adults only a warning proceeds the show informing the audience that some aspects may offend some people. It would appear that some people hold great power over the rest of us when it comes to deciding what is appropriate for us to watch. For good reason social engineers determine that the family be a cohesive unit in the body of the state as people who form lasting and loving relationships serve the state more fully. To have people actually doing what they want when they want would be an impossible dynamic to control. Moral inhibitors are put in

42 place to keep people focused on what the state determines is the morally correct way to live. Even in a so called free society a person is not as free as they may be led to believe. So it is that most sexual harm occurs in the family circle and most people are sexually abused by someone they know often an intimate family member. Yet this hardly ever hit the news as we are encouraged to look outwards at the incredibly tiny minority of sexual psychopaths and live our lives in terror that they may afflict us. In this way we can take the moral high ground against total strangers but sweep the abuse of those closest to us under the carpet and pretend it has not happened. The Church and State cover up on paedophile clergy is an example of this hypocrisy. Schools participate in the moral containment of their students as they are in the main funded by the State. Very little time is spent on effective sexual teaching often due to the moral inhibitors of the controlling bodies. It appears to be more important to be good academically or at sports but less important to have real experience of life matters, like managing money, understanding relationships and having an appropriate sexual grounding. Due to this emphasis on so called high moral standards that are State driven, some children

43 invariably fall through the cracks and cripple themselves before they reach adulthood. The ones that do well in the system often become compliant yes people knowing that if they go against the grain their meal ticket will be pulled. It is true that social systems tend to evolve slowly with some areas being so powerfully morally intense as to be left alone altogether, even such an enormously trivial exercise about whether to smack a misbehaving child or not, costing many millions of dollars, ended in contradiction and confusion here in New Zealand. Millions of dollars are spent on educating people about the evils of smoking yet the government continues to reap in its taxes from same and forgets conveniently its past encouragement for people to smoke. So the moral climate changes with the times and as people become more conscious, their attitude to sex becomes less inhibiting as the male and female parts of their nature reach equilibrium and are not at war with each other. The essential tenet that if it is harmful it is morally wrong, if it is harmless then it is morally good takes hold and there is no judgement of others for being different. Even violence and war become irrelevant as the male nurtures his female side and the female takes

44 responsibility for her male side. Fear of sex has been an effective tool of the negative controllers and has made us easy to manipulate but the time is coming when their power will fade and we will be able to regard each other as a loving and harmonious part of ourselves.

45 CHAPTER 7 THE ORGASM The orgasm is the holy grail of sexuality without which it would have no life or purpose. Sex in order to just propagate the species is relatively boring but sex in order to reach an orgasmic climax is erotic and exciting for both partners. Regretfully many people are denied this fundamental release due to inhibiting factors in their psyche and culture. The sex act itself requires movement of a repetitive nature. The erect penis moves rhythmically in the engorged vagina in an in out movement stimulating the sweet spots of both organs. As sex is essentially energy, the male energy having friction with the female energy ignites the fire of passion. The fusion of both energies sparks an electrical explosion which reverberates through every cell in the physical body. The penis has two extremely sensitive areas that when stimulated prove almost impossible for it not to respond. The first spot is really the male clitoris and lies just under the head of the gland where the two parts of the bulbous crown converge. It is noticeable in oral sex that a woman will instinctively work this area with her

46 tongue and if professional enough will bring a man to orgasm without too much difficulty. Sex workers know this if they want to end a session and save time. They know that once the punter ejaculates he is satiated and the sex urge dissipates. The other more hidden sensitive area is the prostate which lies hidden under the rectal canal and is not accessed much in heterosexual sex but more often in gay sex where it is stimulated in anal sex. The penis aside from its one highly sensitive point is relatively dull to sensation in most of its other parts, indeed a male would find it difficult to ejaculate if the area aforementioned above were not stimulated. Ejaculation is not necessarily an orgasmic experience for the male, it depends very much on the build up and prolonged heightened sexual state. Once a plateau has been reached and sustained, the desire to come and the desire to sustain the ecstasy could be said to be the male orgasmic state. It is said that some males can reach this state and not ejaculate sperm. This I would imagine would take great skill and control. Once the sperm gushes out from the penis in the form of waves, it takes with it the male sexual urge and although the penis can remain erect for a short time thereafter the male is effectively spent. It depends

47 on the physiology of the body and mind how long it will take for the sex urge to reawaken but it usually takes anywhere up to half an hour. It is a point of difference between the sexes that the male from puberty onwards is ready for sex and the penis can be stimulated without discrimination or conscience as it will rise to any occasion to perform if erotically aroused. It is as if sperm is produced at a furious rate and waiting to be expelled. The true male orgasm however is different as it can only really occur when spirit, mind and body are on the same page. So it is also true that some men may have a lot of sex but not experience orgasm no matter how much they ejaculate. The orgasm is an involuntary release of tension in the whole body causing it to shudder uncontrollably. It is as if the ego surrenders its control for a few moments as the organism unites with its Creator in an explosion of joy and ecstasy. For the male, orgasm is the final sexual point where all sexual tension is released leaving a truly peaceful and satiated feeling. The male can experience orgasm also through masturbation as the hand and fingers simulate the vagina. It is strange that masturbation used to be a taboo when the fact that it was not employed caused invariably more social harm through

48 repressed sexual tension. However sharing sex with another person is more rewarding particularly if that person is also orgasmic. For the female there are also two areas of extreme sensitivity in there sex organs. The clitoris which lies under the hood of the prepuce at the apex of the labia minora. It has much the same feeling as the male clitoris and when rubbed rapidly from side to side and not directly on the surface will cause an orgasm. The second area is the female prostate which is a diffuse area about an inch or two inside the vaginal canal under the urethra. This has only recently been discovered and is called the g spot. It has a hard texture and feels like a small cushion to the fingers. As with the male who seeps prostatic fluid into the sperm canals so too does the prostate leak fluid into the vagina. When in a state of arousal a female will often feel wet as this fluid lubricates the walls of the vagina in preparation for penetration. The nipples in the female are also very sensitive but for the purposes of orgasm only secondary support parts. The vagina also produces a whitish fluid which in some women is more copious than others. Again recently it has been determined that some women have the ability to ejaculate. This fluid has been determined not to be urine and is most likely a

49 prostatic type substance expressed from the urethra often in an orgasmic convulsion after intense stimulation of the g spot or clitoris. Just as in the male the female genitals become engorged with blood, in fact it is the rush of blood to these parts that heralds the sexual act to come. In heterosexual sex the erect penis penetrates deep into the vagina tipping just under the cervix which rises up so it can brush underneath. Depending on the position both the clitoris and the g spot can be caressed at the same time. Fingers can be used also for the same desired result. It is worth mentioning here that the female has an erectile state similar to the male when the egg is ejaculated from its ovarian home and down the fallopian tube to attach itself on the wall of the uterus. A woman is at her most fertile during this time and could be deemed to be in heat. The male on the other hand is always potentially in heat. So depending on her time in her menstrual cycle a female will be more receptive to sex or not. The female has a wide array of sex aids to assist in masturbation and can bring herself to orgasm in a variety of ways. However it would be extremely difficult to experience orgasm without any stimulation to the areas mentioned above. The orgasm is different for the female than the male in

50 the sense that once reached it can be sustained and even greater orgasms can follow. It could be said that the male orgasm can be maintained before ejaculation and the female orgasm be maintained after the first orgasm. The sexual organs noticeably pucker in and out involuntarily during orgasm, even the anus and the perineum area blow in and out in the throes of ecstasy. Every part of the body feels the wave of intense joy washing over it as the sexual tension is released. The orgasm is equally beautiful and powerful for both sexes and when achieved in a loving relationship, a hugely significant bonding element. It is interesting to note that pornography steers shy of the orgasm, pretending that it is happening. This is because it is very difficult to experience a true orgasm when love is not present. Here I am discounting masturbation as it is self love and not as powerful as two beings uniting as one in loving ecstasy. So, the orgasm is a release of sexual tension for the body and a profoundly healthy expression of our sexuality. There is an saying from Hippy times that says Make love not War. This holds great meaning as the denial of sexuality and the unreleased build up of sexual tension only succeeds in pushing us towards violence against others. Orgasm takes us

52 beyond the animal state and into the truly human state. It reminds us of our deep connection with our Creator and enables us to enjoy our humanity in the most loving and profound way.

53 CHAPTER 8 LOVE Love is independent of sexuality but sexuality can be used to express deep love and passion towards another being. The problem with the sexual urge is that it often confuses loving feelings with erotic desire making it difficult to discern which is which. As stated previously the object of desire, no matter how eroticized, can never be possessed, so a person can never take over another being no matter what intrusions are made into the physical body. There is an attempt in sex crimes to do just that but no matter how extreme the perpetrator may be, he/she cannot absorb another consciousness and make it their own. The intense projection of the anima and animus may manifest as a loving expression towards another but in fact has little to do with the object of the persons affections and more to do with the hidden opposite sex held within the being itself. This is false love of another and dissipates in time when the revered other becomes all too human with familiarity. The highest love in the sexual sense, is a mature acceptance of the partner as worthy and as important as the self. This usually

54 occurs when two spirits recognise each other from previous reincarnational relationships and are fully committed to their new relationship in this life. We love the other because we know them deeply and have agreed to continue that bond which enables both to grow emotionally. It is possible to experience this deep altruistic love in a casual relationship but this depends on how the internal sexual balance is poised. From a mystical point of view, an enlightened being is capable of totally loving another in a state of absolute unselfishness. For most of us this is a too lofty goal, just loving those we are related to, is sufficient to challenge all of our capabilities. It is not possible to make love with someone and much of our sexual language confuses terms to the point of ignorance. Love in the highest sense either exists or it does not, it cannot be made or grown or forced. This is not to undermine the sexual and passionate side. Indeed the sexual act is a sharing of ones body with another that can be beautiful and sustaining without love whatsoever. Of course it is far better for love to be present but it is not obligatory. Sexuality therefore can be a part of a loving experience as the others body, mind and spirit commingles to a point of joy and saturation and this is the ideal we all

55 search for. Propagation of the species is also not necessarily a loving expression and very much depends on the circumstances and mindset of those involved. Love therefore can be included in sexual actions but this depends very much on the beings involved. The insertion of the erect penis into the engorged vagina in a very physical sense represents the merging of the feminine and masculine principles and is of itself a symbolic act of union for the self which is complete. The fusion of these opposites remind us of our dual nature. Others agreeing to share their physicality with us is an attempt to find completion in ourselves. In this sense, sex is indeed sacred and deserves our most profound acknowledgement and takes us, if we are able. to the highest thresholds of physical ecstasy. Combine this with a truly loving merging of mind and spirit, where care for another equals the care we have for our self, then no other experience on this earth plane can touch it. So sex can be an important component of a loving relationship, but is not essential for love. People who have many partners often have not reached the point of truly loving themselves so must search frantically outside themselves for completion, falling in so called love time and time again. Quantity in sexual

56 terms does not mean quality and aside from the many sexual diseases and health risks involved, promiscuity does little to balance the true sexual relationship which is with the self.

57 CHAPTER 9 THE OUROBOROS There is one ancient and potent symbol of sexuality and that is the ouroboros, the snake devouring its own tail. This alchemical symbol supremely depicts the male and female energies. It represents a hidden aspect of huge relevance to the human psyche aside from the obvious expression of the vagina opening its mouth and devouring the penis tail. This hidden meaning lies in the fact that when a sexual feeling goes into the extreme feminine or masculine state, it will start to revert back to its opposite sex. The reason for this is that sexual energy cannot escape from itself and is bound to change expression in order to continue manifesting. In the arts a person can exude an intense sexual magnetism. Aside from the obvious makeup and body altering effects, the personality itself can exhibit an intense sexual poise attracting a fervent fan base. Both male and female stars work hard at gaining this sex appeal as they know that this will attract others to them. At a certain point this exhibition of raw sexuality and magnetism hit a brick wall so to speak and finds itself rebounding

58 into its hidden opposite. The person may not know this consciously but fears the possibility of it happening albeit unconsciously. The ouroboros also represents the unresolved nature of sexuality. It is forever doomed to chase its tail going from masculine to feminine and back again never remaining still. The only point of peace is reached in orgasm which is aptly termed a mini death. The involuntary spasms which cause a pulsing in and out of the genitals and swamp the whole body in a warm flood of nervous release bring with it a point of satiation where the person experiences the actual state of the soul which lies beyond sexuality itself. This state only lasts a short while as the spirit begins to reabsorb itself into its innate sexual balance and the sex urge begins to reassert itself. The ouroborous forming a circle also reflects the yin yang symbol, the male aspect being white and the female aspect being red, the white representing sperm and the red representing the egg. The deep wisdom of this symbol is that sexuality cannot ever truly find satiation unless it reaches a soul point of asexuality, something the human organism finds impossible to do in its current state of evolution. This is the torment of the sexual state, it can find only momentary release in orgasm but is fated to

59 chase itself endlessly, never breaking the circle. Abstinence or celibacy are not solutions to this dilemma, rather they lend themselves to repression and in the extreme state can lead to violence which is the ultimate perversion of this vital and sacred energy. Some people may actually not enter into sexual relationships and have the appearance of leading an asexual life but this only means they are sexually camouflaged and expressing their sexual energy in other ways. Often their work or their channelling of their sexual energy into a passionate cause will take all their sex drive leaving little time for relationships with the opposite sex. This of course can be a positive manifestation but it does not mean that the person is non sexual or has no sex drive. Now we approach the deepest inner mystery of sexuality portrayed in the symbol of the ouroboros. Every living being is both male and female as has been stated before. The male or female counterpart laying hidden from everyday consciousness but totally there nonetheless and expressing itself fully in every sexual act. Each person has a unique sexual balance of male and female elements which distinguishes them from others. Like fingerprints no two are exactly alike. The ouroboros symbolises a circuit of male and

60 female energy complete unto itself. When in the latent state the tail touches the mouth lightly but when the blood of erotic passion engorges the tail the mouth begins to open and drip fluid along with the tail engorging to penetrate the opening. As the tail in its erect state enters the mouth a dynamic repetitive motion begins. The mouth sucks in as the tail presses forward and backwards attempting with each motion to go further than before. Both tail and mouth can only receive and express to a limited point till eventually ejaculation and orgasm occur. The tail withdraws and returns to the mouth entrance but for a few moments in the throes of orgasmic pleasure it uncouples from the circuit. Each living being has their own ouroboros and every time they partake in a sexual act, awaken it as above. When a person has sex with another person they activate their own ouroboros according to their own sexual balance of male and female energy. In fact sex with another is effectively sex with oneself, the partner being allowed to share in the awakening of the sexual circuit. No matter what the relationship is, from masturbation to group sex only the person themselves is responsible for this awakening. No one can take over another persons sexual circuit although they may mistakenly

61 believe they can do so especially in the negative expression of their own sexuality which occurs in rape and sexual abuse. This circuit of energy resides in the area of the perineum in male and female bodies and can be seen in orgasm as a pulsing or series of involuntary spasmodic movements effecting mainly the genital area but also acting as a wave through every cell in the body. In esoteric literature this is called the kundalini and lays in its dormant state at the base of the spine. For this exercise ouroborous and kundalini are the same thing. An intense acceleration of this sexual circuit can cause it to ignite and ascend to the crown of the head. In the uninitiated this can lead to mental breakdown and fortunately does not happen only in very rare instances. So when a person enters the sexual act whether alone or with another they activate their sexual circuit and will experience sensations only according to their own sexual balance. If in a male body, their hidden female awakens and draws in the penis, if in a female body, their hidden male awakens and enters into their vagina. Only in the highest form of tantric yoga can two people step by step create a simultaneous awakening as this takes great discipline and skill, coupled with an

62 awareness of each others sexual circuits. So our passion is always our own and not another persons. The sex act with another is beautiful in the sense that we share our bodies and allow a mutual awakening of the ouroborous. Due to it expressing a caring for another in the most intimate sense it is far preferable to masturbation. The above lays down a profound truth. In the realms of negative sexual conduct we actually only abuse ourselves as we can never own or possess, even temporarily, anothers sexual integrity. This does not mean that harm is not done to another but it is always equal to the harm done to the self. Each person then is complete and cannot be made whole by someone else. We have a duty to behave towards others as we would wish they behave towards us. No two people are alike and we need to respect and honour the other sexual balance in the way they feel and express it without judgement of discrimination. This is of course an ideal state and takes much work to achieve as it is at the very core of the relationship dynamic. Aside from the male and female energies there is a third energy present which acts as a containment field for both. This energy is a spherical field surrounding the ouroborous itself and is responsible for keeping it

63 from disintegrating or exploding. To explain this I once again go to esoteric truth. The first point of Creation was movement. This prime movement went in a circle and was called the male energy. After aeons of time it set up a new circuit that went perpendicular to it, this was called female energy. These two energies combined to create a spherical containment field. In simple terms this is the triune principle of the Godhead and every component of creation has these three parts otherwise they would cease to exist. The male energy moves outwards to a point then must return, the female energy moves inward to a point . and then return, otherwise nothing could be constructed and chaos would prevail. Each human has these three energies within themselves and is compelled by the same laws. In this way we imitate in sexuality the Divine principle of Creation itself without which the Universe itself would cease to exist. This is why some call our sexual energy, the highest fire. As created beings we have no power to create another being or to annihilate them despite appearances which are illusory and misguiding. Through sex we can only facilitate another beings entrance into this world, yet in the sexual act we gain a glimpse of the blissful energy of the Creative principle itself.

64 CHAPTER 10 FUTURES Before the physical body becomes significant , the soul, spirit, mind complex has an already established sexual identity. The sexual energy of the body is activated by these essential facets according to its specific orientation and evolutionary point. Sexuality is energy at its most basic aspect and that energy is both male and female with a containment field that keeps it intact in its circuit. Each person has a unique sexual fingerprint and it takes till puberty for the circuit to fully awaken in the body and a further seven year period or so for full maturation of this activation. Sexual energy manifests differently in the physical male and female bodies but the physiology of either is inherent in the other as can be seen by the following MALE Scrotum Testicles Shaft of Penis Male Clitoris

65 FEMALE Labia Minora Ovaries Vaginal Canal Female Clitoris MALE: Penis head, Urethra, Male Prostate, Perineum, Anus. FEMALE: Prepuce, Urethra, Female Prostate, Perineum, Anus The only body part that exists as an added extra occurs in the female and that is the uterus which has the purpose of nurturing the fetus. It is however for all intents and purposes without sexual feeling and specifically there for the gestation of a new body. When a person engages in sexual activity with another they activate their internal sexual circuit and awaken their hidden other sexual aspect. No one can feel anothers sexual circuitry from the inside as it is inviolable and complete unto itself. When sexuality becomes negative others can manipulate it and build up power for themselves as it acts as a generator. This accumulated energy can be used to subjugate others as in war and repressive regimes. A nations behaviour towards sexuality

66 determines how civilized or uncivilized they are. Each person is responsible for their own circuitry and have a choice how they wish to express or repress it. Relationships create a vibrant gestalt to enable each person to grow through their behaviour towards others. In the child the external male and female, parents, are hugely significant as they activate components in the sexual circuitry of the child. Damage done to a child by a parent can sometimes take a whole lifetime to resolve. Indeed any adult harming such a raw sexual field is guilty of a huge crime against the person. The next stage of our evolution on this Planet will be to concentrate more support on the family unit. As there are many forms of false love expressed as the real thing in the media, people become confused when a partner is not exactly who they thought they were. Separation and divorce and marital abuse are symptoms of these false aberrations. In the current situation there is little or no control or support for beings who enter blindly into commitments they do not comprehend. Governments turn away from these essential social conundrums and have a reactionary rather than a proactive approach. The desire to protect and nurture children is a good one but the mixed and confused messages to attain this

67 end only create further mayhem. Taking that the child deserves and needs a stable emotional environment up till the age of maturity in order to determine its own sexual orientation and specific balance, any persons contemplating having children should enter into a bond which guaranteed their commitment to staying together for that period. The concept of marriage would only have relevance in these terms. In other words, marriage would be solely reserved for the conception, birth and nurturing of a being till they reached adulthood. All sexual relationships either before or afterwards would be without social interference or judgement and expected not to involve marital components, being left to the partners involved to evolve or not as they deemed fit. Society in this way would only interfere where the care for a child was not maintained. Hopefully with sufficient education and counselling and hands on experience people would know what they were committing to. As with all things human mistakes happen but services would be in place to deal with every aspect of a married couples needs. If at the end of this the children were deemed at risk other more stable marital couples could contract to adopt disenfranchised children. Sexuality would be a core

68 component of education from an early age just as reading and writing is today and each stage relevant to the growth of the child. This would also include an understanding of relationships and socially responsible conduct. When the child reached maturity it would be expected to leave its home and fend for itself. Parents at this stage having done their duty to their offspring could choose to continue together or not according to their desires. No one would be allowed to get married without having reached maturity and showing that they understood the responsibility of having a child or children till they reached adulthood. Both partners would have to agree all the terms of this agreement before it could be instigated. Breaking this agreement would be a social transgression and deemed by society at large that the adult or adults concerned were putting their own needs ahead of their offspring after they had made an agreement not to do so. This would create a dual expression of sexuality. Sexual relationships committed to having and caring for children and sexuality for the purpose of erotic exploration of the self and others and the development of a fully orgasmic and satisfied being. Sex crimes would be seen as not just an attack on another but a severe abuse of the

69 self and such persons would be incarcerated in a re educational programme to establish the nature of the problem and correct it where possible. Those beyond redemption would expect to be excluded from mainstream society and would hopefully be a tiny minority. So sexuality can be seen as a gift of fire from the Gods. In its positive form it is loving, warming and nurturing and gives us a divine sense of our Creator, in its negative sense it can burn us and others. Each of us has the whole of it within us and have free will to make it what we want. Much of what past generations deemed as sexually correct was riddled with perversion and repression. Our generation has some way to go till we can all blossom as loving joyful beings. One thing is for sure, our sexual nature will be at the heart of the flower. This short poem I feel encapsulates much of what has already been stated. FE-MALE Built male to want female Built female to want male Round and round we go Seeking internal For external tails

70 She loves him He loves her Round and round we go Seeking external For internal tales

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