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1, APRIL 2008: 31-36



Adidarma Sepang, P. Anton Wibowo, Bong Novi Herawati, and Kiki A. Sugeng
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia E-mail: anton_asia,,,

Let G = (V,E) be a simple, connected and undirected graph with v vertices and e edges. An edge magic total labeling is a bijection f from VE to a set of integers {1,2,,v+e} such that if xy is an edge of G then the weight of edge f(x)+f(y)+f(xy) = k, for some integer constant k. A super edge magic total labeling is an edge magic total labeling f which f(V) = {1, , v}. In this paper we construct new super edge magic total labeling of special classes of unicyclic that we construct from a super edge magic total labeling of odd cycles. Our construction uses embedding process of odd cycles, which is labeled by edge magic total labeling to grid, and uses edge transformation to obtain interesting new classes of super edge magic total unicyclic graphs. Keywords: Edge magic total labeling, super edge magic total labeling

1. Introduction
Let G = (V,E) be a simple and finite undirected graph with v vertices and e edges. Let f be a bijection from V E to the set {1, 2, , v + e}. f is called an edge magic total labeling if for any edge xy in G the weight of edge f(x) +f(y) +f(xy) = k, for some constant integer k. A super edge magic total labeling is an edge magic total labeling f which f(V ) = {1, , v}. A graph that has a (super) edge magic total labeling is called a (super) edge magic total graph. Sedlek introduced the concept of magic labeling in 1963 [1]. However the notion of super edge-magic labeling has been used since it was defined by Enomoto et al. in [2]. We can obtain complete results on edge magic total labeling in Gallians survey [3]. According to attack the famous conjecture that said all trees are super edge magic total graphs [2,4], Baa, Lin and Muntaner-Batle [5] and Ngurah, Baskoro and Simanjuntak [6] in separate paper proved the following theorem. Theorem 1 [5,6]: All path-like trees are super edge magic total graph. Sugeng and Silaban used the idea of path-like tree for constructed a subclass of tree, they called it caterpillarlike tree, which has super edge magic total labeling [7] Theorem 2 [7]: All caterpillar-like trees are super edge magic total graph.

The super edge magic total labeling of odd cycle has been constructed by Enomoto et al. [2]. It is also known that even cycles do not have super edge magic total labeling. If we consider the labeling of odd cycle, then the cycle can be decomposed to two paths Pn-1 and P2. The super edge magic total labeling of cycle can be constructed by edge magic total labeling of path Pn-1 , which one of the end vertex has 1 as its labels and then adjust the labels of all edges. Figure 1 shows a super edge magic total labeling of C15.

2. Embedding on grid
Let Cn, n 4, be the cycle with V (Cn) = {xi : 1 i n} and E(Cn) ={xixi+1 : 1 i n 1}{xnx1}. The cycle Cn is called embed to a grid if Cn can be drawn as a subgraph of the two dimensional grid. If n is even then there is no problem to make the embedding, but the even cycle is not a super edge magic total graph. However if n is odd then we have one edge of cycle Cn that is represented as a free line in the grid. Consider the ordered set of subpaths S1, S2, . . . , St which are maximal straight segments in the embedding and it has the property that the end of Sj is the beginning of Sj+1 for any j = 1, 2, . . . , t 1. Suppose that Sj = P2 for some j, 1 < j < t, V (Sj) = {u0, v0}, u0 V (Sj1) V (Sj ), v0 V (Sj) V (Sj+1), and distance of u and v is one for some vertex u of Sj1 and vertex v of Sj+1. The distance of u0 and u in Sj1 is equal to the distance of v0 and v in Sj+1. An edge



MAKARA, SAINS, VOLUME 12, NO. 1, APRIL 2008: 31-36

transformation is replacing the edge u0v0 by a new edge uv.

A unicyclic C of order n is called cycle-like when it can be obtained from some embedding of Cn in the two dimensional grid by a set of sequentially edge transformations. Since the labels of vertices of Cn is similar with label of vertices of Pn, then the edge transformations preserve the super edge magic total labeling property of a new graph.

3. Results
The following Lemma is needed to prove the main theorem. Lemma 1 [8] : A graph G with v vertices and e edges is super edge magic graph if and only if there exists a bijective function f : V (G) E(G) {1, 2, . . . ,v+e} such that the set S = {f(x) + f(y)| xy E(G)} consists of e consecutive integers. In such a case, f extends to a super edge magic total labeling of G with magic constant c = v+ e + s where s = min(S) and S = {f(x) + f(y)| xy E(G) ={c (v + 1), c (v + 2), ..., c (v +e)}. By using Lemma 1, we only need to label all the vertices with 1,2,,v and show that the set S = {f(x) + f(y)| xy E(G)} consists of e consecutive integers to prove that a bijection is a super edge magic total labeling. We generalize the idea of path-like tree by embedding the cycle to grid and using an edge transformation to construct a new subclass of unicyclic graph that we called cycle-like unicyclics. Figure 2 shows the edge transformation results on cycle with 15 vertices and the example of cycle-like unicyclic graph can be seen in Figure 3. The graph in Figure 3 is actually the same with the graph in Figure 2 after the edge transformations. Theorem 3: All cycle-like unicyclics are super edge magic total graph. Proof: Let C be a cycle-like unycyclic order n which is a result of the embedding cycle Cn on grid. Let V(Cn) = { x1, x2, , xn} and k be a magic constant. Consider Uo = Cn, U1, U2,, Up as a sequence of unycyclic after applying some edge transformations sequentially. Define a labeling on vertices and edges of Cn as follows: i +1 f ( xi ) = , i odd 2 n + i +1 , i even 2 f ( xi xi +1 ) = 2n i f ( x1 xn ) = 2n

Figure 1. Super edge magic total labeling for C15

Figure 2.

Edge transformations results on the cycle embedding in grid

Figure 3.

Example of cycle-like unicyclic graph with 15 vertices

MAKARA, SAINS, VOLUME 12, NO. 1, APRIL 2008: 31-36


We can show that the labeling is a super edge magic total labeling. Let f be a super edge magic total labeling of a graph U1 = C0 with a constant magic k. Suppose that graphs Uj+1, j {0,1,2,,p}, is a result from the process of edge transformation by changing edge (u,v) of Uj with edge (u,v). Set of vertices of Uj can be partitioned into two disjoint subclasses: V1 j = {xi V (U j ) | i odd}
V2j = {xi V (U j ) | i even}

There are two cases as follows. Case 1 u and u are in different subclass d (u , u ') + 1 f (u ') = f (v) 2 d (u, u ') + 1 f (v ') = f (u ) + 2 Cases 2 u and u are in the same subclass 1. u V1
d (u , u ') + n + 1 2 d (u , u ') + n + 1 f (v ') = f (u ) + 2 f (u ') = f (v)

Vertices u and v are in different subclasses, since u and v are adjacent each other. Note that x1 and xn will be in a same class since n is odd. However, the edge transformation will not be done for x1xn. Define d(u,u) as a distance (number of edges on the minimal path ) from u to u in Cn.


u V2
n d (u , u ') 1 2 n d (u, u ') 1 f (v ') = f (u ) 2 f (u ') = f (v) +

C15 SEMT (Corona)

Figure 4.

Example of super edge magic total labeling on C15 K 3


MAKARA, SAINS, VOLUME 12, NO. 1, APRIL 2008: 31-36

For both cases we obtain f (u ) + f (v) = f (u ') + f (v ') . Using Lemma 1, we can conclude that Uj is a super edge magic total graph, where j=0,1,2,,p. Thus All cycle-like unicyclics are super edge magic total graph. Let G be a corona Cn K r . Corona is a cycle Cn with r tail on every vertex. Figure 4 shows the super edge magic total labeling on C15 K 3 . If we ignore all the tails and look at the labeling on the cycle it self, then we can do the similar process with caterpillar-like tree as in [8] and we can have the following Theorem. This methods only works if the number of tails on every vertex are the same ( or equal to r). In Figure 5 below, we can see the labeling on cycle of
C15 K 3 .

V1 j = {ci V (U j ) | i odd} V2j = {ci V (U j ) | i even}

Vertices u and v are in different subclasses, since u and v are adjacent each other. Note that c1 and cn will be in a same class since n is odd. However, the edge transformation will not be done for c1cn. Define d(u,u) as a distance (number of edges on the minimal path ) from u to u in CPn. There are two cases as follows. Case 1 u and u are in different subclass d (u , u ') + 1 f (u ') = f (v) 2 d (u, u ') + 1 f (v ') = f (u ) + 2 Cases 2 u and u are in the same subclass 1. u V1
d (u , u ') + n + 1 2 d (u , u ') + n + 1 f (v ') = f (u ) + 2 f (u ') = f (v)

Theorem 4: All corona-like unicyclics are super edge magic total graph. Proof: Let G be a corona with ci as vertices in the cycle, i = 1, ..., n and r as number tails on every Ci. Let V(CPn)={c1,c2,,cn} and E(CPn)={cici+1: i=1,,n1}{cnc1}. Let vij be leaves of the tails on ci, i=1,2,,n, j=1,,r. Label the vertices as follows.


u V2

n d (u , u ') 1 2 n d (u, u ') 1 f (v ') = f (u ) 2 f (u ') = f (v ) +

f (ci ) = 1 +

(i 1)(r + 1) , i odd 2 (n + i 1)(r + 1) 1+ , i even 2

Label the leaves vertices as follows.

f (v ij ) = 1 + (n + i 2)(r + 1) + j , i odd 2 (i 2)(r + 1) 1+ + j , i even 2

From Lemma 1, we obtain a super edge magic total labeling for the corona since the edge weight Wf={f(x)+f(y), xy E} form a consecutive integers. Let f be a super edge magic total labeling of a graph V1 = CPn with a constant magic k. Suppose that graphs Vj+1, j {1,2,,p}, is a result from the process of edge transformation by changing edge (u,v) of Vi with edge (u,v). Set of vertices of Vj can be partitioned into two disjoint subclasses:
Figure 5. Super edge magic total labeling on cycle of
C15 K 3

MAKARA, SAINS, VOLUME 12, NO. 1, APRIL 2008: 31-36


C15 SEMT (Corona) - Variation

Figure 6.

Example of super edge magic total labeling on corona-like unicyclics

For both cases we obtain f (u ) + f (v) = f (u ') + f (v ') . Using Lemma 1, we can conclude that Vj+1 is a super edge magic total graph, where j=0,1,2,,p. Thus All corona-like unicyclics are super edge magic total graph.

We would like to thank Martin Baca and Mirka Miller who gave lots of support for us doing research in graf labeling. We also would like to thank the autonomous referee who has given his/her valuable time to give comments to the paper.

4. Conclusion
In this paper we construct and prove two new subclass of unicyclic graphs, cycle-like unicyclic graphs and corona-like unicyclic graphs, to be a super edge magic total graph by using edge transformation on edges of embedded cycle in a two dimensional grid. If we have quite long tails from every vertex, we can do the same process (edge transformation) and treat the tails as a path, then we can have more exciting graphs. However, this graph is still categorized as unicyclic graph.

[1] J. Sedlek, Proc. Symposium Smolenice (1963) 163-167. [2] H. Enomoto, A.S. Llado, T. Nakamigawa and G. Ringel, J. Math. 34 (1998) 105-109. [3] J. Gallian, A dynamic survey of graph labeling The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 6 (2003) DS # 6.


MAKARA, SAINS, VOLUME 12, NO. 1, APRIL 2008: 31-36

[4] A.Kotzig, A.Rosa, Magic valuations of finite graphs, Canad. Math. Bull. 13 (1970) 451-461. [5] Baa, Y. Lin, F.A. Muntaner-Batle, Super edgeantimagic labelings of the path-like trees, Utilitas Mathematics, to appear. [6] A.A.G. Ngurah, E.T. Baskoro, R. Simanjuntak, Proceedings Seminar Nasional Matematika Universitas Indonesia, 2005.

[7] K.A. Sugeng, D.R. Silaban, On super edge magic total labeling of cateripllar-like tree, preprint. [8] R.M. Figuerora-Centeno, R. Ichisima, F.A. Muntaner-Batle, The place of super edge magic labeling among other classes of labelings, Discrete Math. 231 (2001) 153-168.

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