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,1 May/June 1"15


A IJMlC)Ie mean 10 be ....
0'I0'l """,",' u. _ .-m
11'_, _ 100.. wilt! h ....
"'oca;," Il"""
........ 111 __
"/ 1 /1 wlrwh MIt'tb 1M mpporr of
TrJllh can stu.wby it.tlf. "
Expanding OfM'. Focus
to KHp the Edge
CDr 01 .. - '; 1" liDr I'-t wtoo
pra<2ia: ... -..I cnfh. it ......... ... -'fl!' .
"K-r""I tho _",' ....... ...,u. 011 lOp by
CI<pAIId"'ll your buc n.;. "'" only indlldes
mri ", eu....... ...-it""' )'OUI' speciaJIlet, !luI a100
e><p&nd\"tI mto ""her liddl TIIiI; is ll&lUIaI f*l of
your comiau<:lut llJUWlh pr-. and "" _ial
......., trail In .heM __... an- you tbouId
Iwvc .. '-ed 1edIiC .. _ _ ill
000. ':It 1'0" 10 _ m-:. "'" . .... -:I
ii"j ..... Ift( dwlrW _oI
td(.. t onlI po_d I)
n;, "po _ wi! oft.- .. inIo dri._.......
"'ldlClll 4" e! Icy r...sily __ .... f*' of
!be ongoinll prouos of koeponll "" eel.,. you I/xIuId
ask youn.lf "'hal in ouch I situation "Ho>oI can I pU.y
with 1t1l0'"
Jcn:od """- in _ 1'n'Ie'fO' af e,toertdr "'" . ' '_
.... .-dr .. __"._,. - , .....-
iF.-" ....._ ..... oIC)Mnell.,' .. ...... 1

Published by

P.O. Box 64
Brwwster, NY 1050t
... with bim, e-....,.. ooft lld ......, IIJdI ..
"""'*"'" it. _ ..... """aid... the ...-
of II'tideo m.r have appeared in tho puI 1M
Y-tl or our ...isIenoo dal with 1M ........
lechi , Soft ""'....."'ell; , howe_, .., jIdl ..
_.'boII.. ..
SofI I .... i oudo .. $ OFiS """
POOl b '." OJ* ...... we brirlI pullO p'w:tiaII .-
e-, <My YOlO <WI _ 'II by _ ...... TV.-d _ by
...... Tk__ $ ilocluItryand_
mocl>lI .-.II .,.,... four hoon I <My "';'b it in
ardcf 10 Ile1 you t o buy )(XXX lnncI of whot ever, and
,,, "'''' 01 )'OU t/lI&l _ 1Ota1llari&ll poIitial IJId
ooeial VIews ..... lbo lbo DftIy propa" "'- EYaY time
,... .... inlo I ..... oalea peoJ>le uN 11 10 tel ,... 10
buy _ I. 0II0t ,.. belOre NcJ , ' e .
i " :' ..... _ md q jE =.<11 __
dIar '*' 10 kccp dIar jo:lbI Oa !beodoer tide. odIa'
all _ .. ...- : ' : _.-.11 _ 11 _ _ ........ 10
bdl .. IniII ..... 01 _ I'eIdcn ... ...,.... .. 1Iiey
... ...... UIddIinl b
OM 0lIIy hal 10 lib I quick Ioolr; """'. JOinM 011
tooS.y 10 _ lhal not lIIiIy do 00II ID<hrIoIogico work,
but u.y _ btq I.-l ..- """""*'sY -.I
Idf.. 'h,,,,,. IwH;iou _ ...Iy, ... lIoa
pa::lital upccU .".... ,.. Iw "os CUI. CI'lly 1leIp _
p... t
, ,

"'" lJooollao _ ...... rl llle .... ..,. u'
....... ,
Of THEIII. , aa .. "..
'., 11 ,_ t .
_ _ 1 '4 ' F- , . ,..
ill) . ... _If' .. U .. \"El'O "lIDo HF, ' 5
IIIGHl. Y RH'EA.E ,_ io U , ., . -.c I
_ ..' . 1. Dub IOI'l at I \po < .
-... 01 '"'" e- ,....
s-:.t .. -..e _ .. de' " Iy. dIrtJIp.
1OIdeol II-. rw __ "' _ d ..
... ......, go_cd _ _ 1
twod. )QJ tIl I""'l"P"'II Iwhorlo "'" ...., "'"
IO''Ctl .0 k .. dll ..;u, _
t ' houJ, Joe, ,... ."... .........,. , ""
"'........... rw __,.... ,
""l'Ot......, ' eo I Ular. __
, ej- - "- P . 11)'. ... ...
"f... ...,b_C ' 50...,.,,7
..' ...-.:I ... ... _ '" '" _ -. lIor
baMib _ -..dT . .. ,-.. ""'"""
OJI ............... ' I ...
QtJ AUTAm"E 1_ ...., -. a-, '" ' ,
.... 1 I'
Noli"' '' dIaI ... ..dw tlooo
_ cub" th tl Ille _ " ,..,. )<IIIn
COOl boo _. ee1 ". ......._,_ --. ..
.... d ..-d IOA ...... La t I)
d ... _, 'u._ t , til.
,..... ... .. ' ,, -
.... _ &eoI ' t. ", .
.. 5 ' I _ ..
......... . -..:l ,.. ...
--..,. . "- -
; c.,.-.-_.. .. "
_ .... "HIO! , . _ _
_e.. __ _n. ..
.- 5 ..,.,.,r._ u' "..
..-....;- " ..........
'0 , ........ _fIf
r- t1f .... 01 __ .._ _ ....
po : l J
On P"ying TM G.lm.
"' ....... -
2\.T, .. USA
..-....., ' how .... .., ' _ "" ' , -..l ..
Iii J b '
I.. 10 tboe diolw" _ ....
5 Uor bdod. 'tIIe""- .. ...,....." .
C_--... *.1P.,__"' .................
!W-e .... _e-po : , .
buffDr_I _ ;.
.... _;" OlO'O')ll(IO(lOO 1(Jll(l
c..' \ '_'"'--.O__._"'P"' I U '0'
I ... _ 5 7 ., .... .,.,..., ..,
...... po I' ........ I cto. _ .
_ ftpka 1 4. 'tII ...... I .,.. ""'il l
... """-I-JIoW po : io ...
--. .. , '1 ... iI '" ...
' ..... __e:
' C d , .. __ ", .. 1_0.-
---.. '
no.. ...... _ cto. '" ""' p I
....... . ............ \ ,.
'. I...... po , """"
UPa.oouct.5 ITSEll) .,..". ...
....... 'til u.ot (W ntES
n. , ; I I ..... ,.... ... , ..., ""-. ""'"
NAJ(S COl'II: S en pieo:e fIf ,. , , * lao
. .. p.......". oht po , U '
f ... (n,r'
........ _flf .... po U t,.. .. .....
Page 2
..""" p&.y..,. Ill)' -.. bt.......-..l &uIr '
C .. hood
So Ihinp &fe _ ...tool lboy __ And
,...;" .., wbaI lO be YC",:k _ . CUI ""
TURl'oIEO IN PlJtCE when "'" &1"1 plY"" . " ....ion
And .... if bt tI _ i1 tI .-lty
...... .., of I buI .., _
I _.,. CIfIIlf 10 M....u; OOOIJOO P.EAL1l'MPY'
C.......x.r PM" <I .,..el .,.."
witIo OOOOOD <nIl _ INI .... 1Iyped b<Jlh
_ fa ' '''' ...... n.. ....,.t.,.." 011".-1 10
Itop "'" IanlRonI. >hullll)' ......h. &lid """""
f", OOOOOD r", ............., ... ply. pert l
cop. ,Ilt..t...... 10 OIlOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00000
wilh a .lOry of OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and
lerminallOfl (pemap. Ilw maophor ohouId
""'"' ...... ""' .....,. "" "AYior ""'""""""'" cop ")

OK. I""" k_ .-,.'.. u-y, ....... "'" bKJ< t., juoI
'4"j .. --....-.-.... -."--'-
fuctiII' IiDrdo 0000000l) &lid M. 5...,, w: 00000o
"" to .. LIKE " AT A BIXU
1t.4l.l.V! Il'ot) """ of ---. ..... _ ..... of
any"""" boot. ' 10 ....... _
10 ho'e killed J nor, omgtIf "" IfIdu>od 10 lbri. <I
' ho' oII"cr 'hIIW ...........-cbf'
scm&OO """...... plan.. if !J'OU ..,U (",. of TIIE1JI.

Sui no", 1IuN. ""l IAT HAPPFJ'S TO THAT
C..\:l.1E plF.n: IT .4CB' for . couple of j uri.

.. -.... a .......... tho,...".,.. of lIoc .. d'" ....,
IibcIc<l bmo .. bcon!I ........... 001 lin porkio_""
' It"ic<o and ,_elVo. 1OIl iIIm '-d 011" OK, fino
H".>o;YUAU." , .... tho fi ,A(; .. It ",""",'"
......n n.. M """ fuc1.ed ........ EXTREhtElY
liaduItI "W'o'O ' 0 lNle lhom bleed
<I "","", a bt will be 1"....,.' iO...
about "'" any f.."". .. , ".'e Of local law )
Wbat if: l ll.. OSTENT"n OUSLV SIGNrl'G ON
TO HOlJ."'''O. IIf ...... t.. twJ>l III IPC"k .. .
oharcholiX<'l ..-riot! abouI how 00000o "'" onIj-
_ l'ud.ed iii ......... rduocd 10 make iI bft
hiIn bad< C"CfI b __.... ""11M it .,&c
and """". joe oIftn tr......, _.
w........... Nod "*Y'_ ... ... OOOOOO' .
no., 0 .....,. ....., "Ooft of doe MoP ....... _
........'...... c... Theory ...t.dl I QII die
......... diitnwhI. n _ .1lleIllW..... . hi! ....
11.--.1 .............. .
p&l"liI:uI. tbrislmu Ilory iIr>o/YeI. couple e
>ft}'. -,. fIIUl;h "' ............ 81... "Cry. yuy pno< lIer
p cal pride io her lin.."" Iod:. of hair; t.. iI a "aIu.obIc
l nl;""" heirloom walch
L... I bt """"""'" of Phiholini..., tor 1hot
,. ' her ionIesI d'lMItIIon of lheir to:tuovior fturn a
. &fIdp<Jinl , lei 1M ...
I 5 I . ... lhol l.hc _ofl.hc....,. _
tI_ _ l.hc onaIob,ecull".... and. . .ed a
0 . ..,,_ I" _ ,a. boot. nth..-. tho 'COo"" '"
tI .. .".,. tI ... .". '" ... t.::lt "*"" GlO be
...........0<1 by rhoIo PO' .. OIL F_ Ha....
_oufJed lhM ................ _ are _ fr_
IO .., ......-- &om ... UId oooOlidc:o
ONLy wor\d. ....onaI of lbetr

Thooe ...... &rI! famolw ",",h lht lIory .... ....-, IiIe&d
of __ here To bujo """ haftdlOll'lf "'" for ho.
-..... """ odI. btr hair 10 a willl'"llk.. H.
Idh the-nlObuy a ofloo<ely combo for her _
Thot c=. botIo tI IIqMh tI ....... DC .......
_ QUIU: po""",". IhcJ .., .. =lhM uu btol
0...... ,..- tI. liGo "'
. p'" IIloII tho "tell a of 0.--' _
Pogo '
R..l ""urn jua u> .........
........-- I... ' io Ibo W' QRST
\.hoIoo ltIod A'YJl{IM> DIFfEIlE"''' 4T AlL
.... _ __ _ boa UWNodlIGlJOUSlY
8TTEJl fOIl. 80TH Of THEM,' ,......... thai fDr
If .. hacI P- ........ bul lJcbI' ani. .
_ .. lOkI .he _diu> boo) ..... a- ....
_ "'" _ . _ bodI ........w ...
.... ltIod tIw pa..n: 01 ....... "'" _ &<bftfld
.. __ s..-t,. rI "" """ _
lOkI hor 1Iair, .... CIOllld Iakc __ ill
hood juol n d-..ed canh.. eKh W<Uld haYr .. ....
..ned . other ...._ cd _0";""
!'oct _ funher . bat 1M lI"- "Y"'''''' iJ poriocI ly
..."""",. ic.ol S ei,1oer party <:aD be "blamed ' any """"
. ho" .he "'hc1- fur fu"k;"g up bo.h lheir Ii""" EiIl:h
up _ hong " f kro"'" hiI'" 10
h".....,er...lf, rrom _ n 10 give 0 ''''''11 of
hil'i' v.lue ' n "",,,her partne< Bot h gut . _neally
oncl. ' [<&I ft. if EmlER I\od ...;.c.ed
oItt\IMI. _b etaoo would tuve BU'" BHle R
FOR BOTH' n.o ol>ouId "'" be I<ftIbIy ""'P""'''lI-
..hen you lhinIo. ...... it. IIII"Y people bave
""""llh .......... "Y"'Il ' 0 OUI ..........;1 ...... e
f/lc. IT'>" .....,' ...a.1esa w _
flar lin .. toIfId ... *"""" -. ....tIm th: ........
.... ill "'""e.. So _ Irba .. ...
.........._ do!< ......... ....-c.... .) _
.-plr ....b ......, ,,,,' Somot-.
o ......... -"'. onn u>_ bur 1!Ie ...., ......
.... ...... rllbo altnIisu ........ ,..... _.-e
bIl .. --.. .. th: altnIisu .. "Gdl 01.... MoIL.. .....
lepcy ..... be everybit ......eriaIr cIatnocIivol
I _ "'" OD ....-.od _ 1O "-' llro . """'faro
...e .... re.ol1l' 10dumb dowft
". "'- fa .. wIwJle. ..,.,.... ...,. .........
reIIpous. and ", IWIK lIfoup-t..ll , ''' ,, ''''''' "
Maybe fudin' pcliliciarl _ Lyndool ............
tnaIy ond 1io.... ,he tl10I
.. a,.... ......., .. 0 "'bon_ -"'" rI .he
............ ....-,. ftc. II1l:>M wtoo ...
.... iI to roeto _ __ ,....
i1 ,..... ' ..,.
at , S' ''"P'"'- .. ,... ..,. u> ....... dre
the ".. r..dled you .. eMf'
The _dodo '- t . cd ill
___ P a- _t u.., ....
hnbed 10 rq>roduc:Io-l'O' U- ...... ..-.u Iesa
Ulh - I h-' lIIIIIIooo 'ha' wI . ..
"'""""" "' _.......... ......,. -"-
........Ino rwaiIins the cia)' ""'"" I ...-.1 """"" -..
>he .. ... Jootoa" " IJ...,.--old ...... IIuI _
motl>er"" IaI ' o I pIa<c of "'"--.. end._w,.
d*k .hI. gr larger "'1th _ h of ..... kid< Ate _
cl<ar on .his' Mo<e p<opIe leldlllll WfelCIl<'d kvn.
oo.r"'l! more _ eo '0 ..ppon in
EVERY80DY FU("k l !'o' 1.0 SES'
110..... flit very --.:I """bl lernenl" lw """'" 10
. epl oay. "chanIy" 10 _Ifon I)'U"'"
U 10 he, eo .... ...,..j, ' ..... pIoC!iM!l 1 vim.It
No """". &f'II'&I"'OI1y tr ...,..'" _ IaI' 10 it. thev
...... _ -..., _ of ..". .., " So _ _
"pwaslaJl(l' tho po..- by IIIndoun 01
""UbI, ,,; m1 WI.......... Ft-. 1'111
t- -"'od by ......, )'OU "'" you
.,....... _ P'"' b 11 """ JIve
""" 1nI "- hr -....Id "'- pefand. ...

We've 300"" I kde off th: .......
here. IIuI Icl"....... to _ "" _=. n.c
"---. I I ' io . .... 0'' ruo.-l'P
sa....ARIQ thai could lIo"EVE1 iUJSE. _
lOIf......-e.ed plnon ............ on 10
pIIa<IIhen' ""'. ....a U- __ .e.. "",olole u>
ODe """ _ ....,. __ ..
""'enoHe .. ......... _ ,_
Page 4
We already CTlCOYnlemd Illt "win-win" concept
before TIIOt i .. it i , IT'''luOft\I)' ill ONE'S OWN
to wor k 001 solutioo where in
IOOfIIO .en.. -..".erybody win.. ' if only I>e<:au.. "".
In DIne. circumSlaf\ttl, however. one miglrt m empl
anoIbe< st,ategy tbat oouId .1>0 be CfJled "win_wi n [fll<
'hi. ref... . to I different of d rcu",",,,,,,,,,,,
STILL WIN' Powerful concept, n'eoI- 1'"' We1]
call thi, 1M "Hea<\,-],wlI'I-tails-you-lose" PrUl<:;ple 10
distinguish it from Ille oI, ..dy deocrit>ed "Mo,..;n.
There may (0' may noI) be other ",btl<"ti.. oper.,i "ll
Tht 'S' "'Juar 1fIa)' be anaded Even 00, yo,Ae 100,
pita wonh MORE THAN TIlE KNIGHT you tak.
Or. if d",,", my """-O'k, II>e "'IUU. be
.tlal:ktd by another "I MY pie>. lnd I aho ttm'lin.o.' e
the guy who ' akes out lhe knight
Non-che.... pl&y.... IliIould con<ider that they are X in
the below t ic-Iac-l"" game. and tha' il il,hei' !l'IOVC
K l O t
, "
Turns out thal EITHER ofwavailable left-haoo
i ll\I&rweed .. }OIl \WI llave TWO od. of
", wo-X'..ina_mw" and of wu_ }OIl' opponlt can
onh block ONE uf ,bem in hi ...,., move, yoo a
....'" "';n on YOUR '""" move
" ,
, .
Tht "N" i. my k-night , a1ld the S-,ign. are . ".,nially
any lWO of y OUJt. hiw.....1ue pieces (efL R,Q,K) I'm
ooming from a reasonable WIY off. and /lonna JUMP
FOR THE ASTERISK " wttich. by is
NOT Irtlacked by yoo Al t his l ime, you are
SCREWED You can only .. O"''E, and I w:.,he
o ther.
Do Ke lhe .el",vance 10 ' The Great<Sl lion Eli"
Assume for W sake of azgumeOl lIIal '7th Seal:
"leIl. ' 10 Janet Reno" and "Fpistle 10 the are
REALLY GOOD STUFF. (If '(OIl donl 00""'" he.e.
lhen perform the nperi"""'t " of
thaI ..,mo<>ne H"D WRITfEN REALLY GOOD
STUFF in .n att ompl 10 perpetrate ,he
Koresh" bou. )
Somtbod}' get leI'er wilh a whol e bunch of primod
p&per andIor a floppy disk. (The did< i, a good IOUCh
becau.. it i, a "thinKof value" ralher t!wl
j"" a "pie of pt'OplgII>da AI"". it i . DOl
cltettpe:! ' 0 mail than{be ....... volume of priOled pape:!,
but it i. ea.i ... and cheap to COPY .. wol l, wb.d.... 10
another tIoppy,' hard d,sk, or a aas upload
The cover Ie"., i. fuckin' " loni,bing, and doesn't ad<
for their money. their VOl., or for them 10 <In anything
at olJ ...cepe .... ybe (One "f lhe f.,.... chan!!", in
lhe c""er leiter "'... to make "uk for }'<>O. help" int o
".'lI; for your ad""", ' ehri" forbid they Ihrow it away
Page 5
. ft.. , he lif.. ItIri.IoIi tho, l)a"t i, trym' 10
ItI'I 'tn1 up rei I The ""'OJ io addrtutd I<> , '''''''
pa1Ol'Illy P""t ' Dr.-ic IJOIlItIt ......
lllolop_ """'" ... """"
II.eUI Thc ' ...i.... MUST __ tlw. (I)
.. l 21 S< ' "' .....
-. .. ... _, -.-l abouI
I<> pajlt".t tilt HOAX tlw. ., io
WAY. tilt ' ........ -, Iokdy'" fi'fM ,.....,. doc
...... 1M'" ..,. too tlw. ...".. tho .......... _ so
n OI... SPAO ' ,. -"or toed...
.,0.... II I ""'"" MUCH .- _
'-d IlO taI' . and .. (21 '" __..,..ID
.. io WAY WURDf..1l THA."
KORF_<; H HI\l SELF' AimoIl hord10 ..,. wIlidI io ,he
..... moodfucbn&. B.... '"
Fun With Neer Field Receive...
Oy TI'IomIII Icom
A MJlr \i tld rtetwe, i. a pi= of CommulltClllOfl.
equif>ment ..!loot I"JflI'>OO i. '0 ;nt...-oepl radio
commu"",a' K>o\ ' ill ii', .........t"". yijrn' y Tt. ,
"l/IlII'ltdJat. W;1,,' y. all be as IV away . , ,..... ""In
dc.... ,ldi'''' "",he <ll'CfIII'Ih of ,he n."'''ned ti';lllll and
............ lIS<"! 011 ,tit ..... 6dd
'A.... '0an .......... ancIlumed _ ._
&cld ,__.. ......, .... I 'Ag it , fi'.........,.
""'- . ...... aI odoquooa ","""Il. it Iocb ..
and 6c
...." 'OS l!It audio "",.,.,. it IoMt ,Ilt .......
....... .... .. fWtq) .-.I it 6rlds _w t I d . iO'"

MosI _ l'wId , . 0' ... aho capoNe of po D. '

...., .., ......... W>otio'll 11M. sudt .. ....
............ ......
lwId ' ....0 .... 0Jr uoed in lield--""
""" ""","",. ",,", or-.. A
lIoId _ ....h , Ilt prtIp<I' r-- _ ........ _
of ,"" 1IIroa...... of llw ..._ lind bulky
_,'" "".... cIoinIl ....HI' ....h . ....... lidd
,...... . .... thr wiD Iod -., Ilw ti p t1f My
ltf-bued clMc:c ...hin .. hquoen<y
_ _ ................ .- Iho U" dM I IioW
T1Iis ondo _ foo:us em "'Y - tilt
Opco t, RIO "b 1 ; or" _ WI reoa-
no 1110 IIiP .,...,., b') pftood. .....,
opr-.I ...m. _ .... '" )0 MloI.. 10 ]; GU-
s" f a1 .
_ p. " _ .. _ -.d .....
1lw fin .... tlw. .- ......... ..... ...m. 1M 1110 is
thai M'. __ioddf_ tIulII lhoI "'.
VHfAJHF"ocanner" TMf. btc.ou. M. mit in
RF"""" is diIf.......
With sanntr on<' f'I'O'8"I"" in
lTcquencin irno mernorieI lIId IbtI> IwII.. unit
wn IhrouWh them. lIlOppint! .."-n iI ....,.,.,ntM' 0... wi' h
a<li,rty OIl iI. or ,hty pnlirlm , hlJl,h and 10.. end of.
fuquency and -.:II lh&t ,_for fi"tqucocies
..hidI 0<:1M\)' 011 !hem A io 01", 101
man "",,",'Clhan "'" 1l10. whll:bCflObIto " ' 0 ',"",",,'C
rU;o ..... &om IonI cbwonca
TIlt IU O is IIIUclI Ita _ ..... ,_ . ,",",'I
h<ca.oc it'. ilMcndoed 10 .....m. ndoo in
"'" _ fooId Depa..... OIl "'" 1"""'1". ... . ... ...
__of dol< b IU " a __fooId
.... can -...d lip to ""'PiI' ...", bur it
......... to abour 2SOO ItoIOl b -...lMrlI 2S .....
............ . -, ... _ -..:1 01 .....
, cb I Of I -+ 6__ .. 1110 ;....
........ for
b Iit tu m.rilrIi ' ( 1 ...,.m1O
be t Old _ .fio:ld
WMlo .-. ......... _ .........
,, _ Iho RI O il lbIl it'. _ . _ , _
will if rq>Iao<e n.. RI O is
Page 6
opcciakud SIGn-"T ,001. bul if you '"ani ,he
a IUtInCl' pttI"'>d<> you """"1dII1 be
purchuonv an R10
Tho 1t 10 ..",k. lIN in that don1 '-e."'" Rf
bKlF"""d IIrvd .. hoglI Rf .... .......
npea: tlw oocnll dfua." RIO 10 llII
and for lO be ....., Iol<d)' lO bd< _ 0 tt.,..
IIh btoadatr alld P"l.Ii"l.I tI . I ....
11 ..... __ _-,. jj d lO.
IDOboIr _allaI__ In lII<IbiIr Of .......
10 ..... uni\.t., ..... .... eo:po l<-
Oll """""" M IG"" "pocUI lionans' _
0c:pcNlnIa "" ...'heI1Ier Of DOl 0I1la 01Mnp,. "
_'"'I'll tlw ara. ..... d ..m.I up l"'"-'8
IIlU/ly ddf oiIlft8I """"'"""'" Of quid!)'
l he onll'.... " ll""1
Thr 1110', ond """'" of opcnI_
we Kline Il""lUIlI t1.... 10. I "!Qi;CSl you 0j>eDd
wen... Ileninwuoed to it. pali. ririn bnore actually
g"ing nut and doing oomtthing"";00. wrthn
... \no or irdi>-idulis oecm 10 I Ittnk that if" ,hey &I,ach a
"bqI' """"'llb ......... 10 an RI O. n ...,11 """'"' ben..
fhc" ,hcsl l!ft 011 lIP'<" " hen , hey tunI rt OIl alld it
"" Iy k><k, OIl f'l Of TV ........ 1'1011
RIO _ oil) _ ended r... ..... _h P'"
_ "" .......... " btoad--bu>ded .... _
..... h ,he RIO DOl oM will the llll icIo:nIaMd.
1M Iho .,., .......,.;boJi', of pict;iII8 up ....,
.. 1 . IIhlt ...... lik e b '
\:OOIdl;u Il.IihOItIOf bu.,- pag1Ilf, ttalSdIin....
1'1011 hal __ ....... bIRd b ,....... ..... . !be
Ide, .. OM ....... ll" IcIlh .... be .., 10 prundc
oipoI ",,_iocl _ ttado"",
_ and wdcoil8bk ..... Of 10
poovidc ,.-IcottPh ro..m.,. 011 .....,.&c
l'rnqllCflC\' rqe TlM, ....mIII lype is I"," ..... whidI is
ooId M h ,,,," RIO
()n,e "" also lite I y.., ......... """" III RI OIn &,UC
drO<"! y.. ..... dnctionoI IIld tllnCd ' 0 I opo<ili<-
Ir......,ey bond Thew ....... dooraet_ IwIp inI:tuoe
the o&:ti.c the ...... boond, _ _
........ ""'di ...,;-e ....... the
Ir......,ey bond _ 00_01_ _
I, MldiIiOll In ..... ,he ............. the j.....ino .....
01 fiJI..... bMdpoM -:I -a llil <&II
.. I'"
..... o... 6k.. I .......w :d ...
_ II)' it .. -n.l 1tlIP. n. Ibc ...n
IocbIs "" OIl FM bi __ AlII I
........ ... :d lIMn I'or ......,.,...,
l'r1OQOloOllCY nI'llS 01.._
In 10 SIGD/T opomioM, ,he RIO.... """"""" ii,
ut""" 00 \til")' diffl<e'lC <lOCII__
IT' , uliIi,y in COMU<;1ina "",mit """.. lIane. ......,p. (or
kJ' -bo>ed d""';ce, ha. . h . 1ly been mIt1\ioncd
Aullmi"8 tbt dIYIce m q_lOII opIf"n "1l1l8
"",,-.::ryptod FM mod"llIioa, 1M RIO v..ilIlod onto
, be lkvi<C'1 '"toW upon .....kin, ""' 0 ,he alfOClcd f(>OII'I
By _Ikinv oroond l he , oom ond pWuaJly 1II1t1l1&U1IJ
lbe ...,.,...... -toW 1IlJaJ8lh b)' IfiIluaoltI lhe lo:ngth of
,,,," lcle-.u>pi"l! 1fIl...... ond ad]ll""'lI' he RI O'. tqUdl:b
""",rnl, be ..,... 10 pifipOiO' tho 01the
deY>ce ""' hen .- 8flS "Oll lop" 01 the ....-lance
IiIW;e. ..... will -'<e &011 ....... ..<f'lI
' --' dapil. tho foo:I ..... ..... Iwo WI","",
._oed 11I_l i e tho 1qUIIkll -.,j CUI
.... ." bKl .-l .. ; e _ ..,.
and l'totcI>&k !rom ....
000 . ... 0I1bc diMce'J """h tlw 1t 1C',
opoIIkft T1II c ttloI ..... ..
in, M' ...,. 01tho .... P ," .x.- If will al Kl
&len "'" dlinI hr--S pwny tI> Ihc r.a .... It- 10)'
_ (keep t/Iio inmind)
1'1011 fot:olt.;k squal WliI 0fIly rnuIt if the .....alloncl
dIW:c'1. """'" of ............. N .....
One __ .wi oliO be .. 10 "'," the deY>ce",
Page 7
in orda to .. III ...... of ./focI",. _
QIxe 1M .... iI the RIO i , 1<'ft ""...:I
Haoed 10 One couId .ld --.....
...... ..... ....,..10 __
.... r wtd __ ..,.M....... ....... -
_ = _ ...,nodio
.- -- ' .,.
... doe u lIor
... ... ""10 .. ...., -.... . vi
.. ..... __ .... lIor ..........
100:.."", b,- ..._ .... 1M _ eel .......' .......,.h
Iftd .. 1IIdw. tho lip .......,.h mol.. lOt &II oc.
............... Ma ,= ;.........
.._ Oooa_ I IM __'
100:-_"" ........ _hool _ hoi'"
... '-I .... '" .,..
': <11_ 7
r.RIO I 'S
_ -_..
AIWar I fc filler Gooool kds ...
_ _ -.
!oil _ _ ..,.,.... ,
_d -.I '" 10 laO .. _ .,. 0-
e' ._ -.&1 _. IlOO ,.._
...",. .... I ..wr_.. RIO ...
... , ..,.,. 6 4 , ......
occurs " 10. '. '''''Ie> __.....
I I ...- .
.... ,.
No.. e-3)
t>J V c .
Page 8
F_ ...k RIO
A ....... . , __ ,.,..
........ '" __ ..t. Itf wa , IdI\'IfY
(i _ .."" , lw4c1d r1dio-"lo.
bNIp traIfIc ;-. I .. ,.,.. _ 10
,he pan A. h l--,
_ _ be,. zt 10 .... 01 I .
' . 11._..,. 10 '" lhq c, -.to_
-.._ U .
I ,.. -'s' _ k l O10......................
1fdc ... I1111 *- . a... c. . 1,
.... ....... ""' 1 ....... I ._ W_
.. ' 10_ ' ., ; . _
u *- I*lI* _ _ .......... 1he
r. '10 .. '""- ... __.. ..,,... ... RJ
....... _ - F _0._.II =..
; 1' =- '" ..... .... .., ........
............ \ .",. .. '" ho_ -_
l>IPl'lI u ao , &IICI ao ,"'"' ..
.Ii. "'lid. and theft r.-....l _h I 'held
._ .... I _ ....
e-( ....., tuIo
.. """" ...,... the roood Vc..- ......
..... IC _
dood, ow dw ,.,.. .....w.
.. . .., med .. __ fcnoo Ii_
_ ..... Ifp_.. ...,., )
U ,.,... c:ouId lill .... P I I caS fee Wp be,
&NolO... .. CIIIIiIb'l" Wp _ t _ l"" ........
jl.-IO- ...... ....'
r. ' t be .. ...,h"... pc, ....
..- .. JId ". ..
...... 1-1 _ <11 _ . ...
18-= .. ..._ -=1
......... ..._ ,.,.....IICO" .1;:. vI
-.- a_.. I .. .-...
i*toaI.....",. filldIne _ . I ...... -a_
__;......- ll. lIor - I
("8 IIIi:bp toaI A ... vi
fO""l_.-I ...,eI ; """"" -'
v -*lya t1 IOOd .
... vI --. vI_ .......
..._.,c,WI bdl ka. """ r.o-. to?
to? vi dox:I ...... and trd; vi -... ".,.mr laI1
To" in I "'" of 'plte ignition pitt. and I eMil' ltlIlog
VOM mol.,-, Ind you should he able to it omil you
reach 110m< or civili''''lion (which if you do, send me
dir<d1OnJi, pt_ ')
' OR' soffer wilOOut w!l<'n you Ite stock mile, hom
anywhere, hungry, tired. and freeling into I COI'J"C'
True, the i. now rloci"" lWpllLO
""""" ... imo ocrlp One h.u 10 <levi.. Olher
method.. Look op in tilt yellow pig... of your phone
book and locale withe> on IUlo paint 0< ....lItom p.&int
deole<. Chinen are one eon buy """" golloo CIIU wit h
lid. FiUthe can ",ilb ommo &: desiccant PIChI, place
can OJ! Ooor, and wilh fOOl prelili shut tlle lid Then
pamt eon two COllI. of Iny e:<torio< when dJy
marl< co,""',, ...ilh laundry mukCl DO lid Can of
ammo now rtldy for yoor ""rial cacIle
-OR_ look imo ulililing Ruhbc'maid brand food
con,.iner" 01 e....n muon ....nning j.... fur ""ring
ammo I""
I re '"' eil her 1e....1. of Add Rain or
Lltrlviole1 Radilltion ;ncr"""" in t heir environment. If
they go .,.,,""'. good to> "'onder ...hom i. ".n to> 1lO>! ?
Think aboul iI'
fl ul the real ug!)' uuth is Ihlllheu...., llIlInern... plllnl'
and animal. f&cUll! extinction. ""I untij it get. to he I
"National Cli,i," little ""er be <Ion<: As man .... Iost lhe
feel of earth & its Ii .. to hi. SIIml, soon _h men will
follow the D<>d<> 100 If you wish 10 ....rvi , ,enew-
yow Ii.. to earth. Ind remember e ei1her
pari oflhe '" 1"'1 ofthe ooIulion; .. you sh&a
lhi. "",rid wilh SO many IiYing moen. you are one of
1110.. CnU"" '0<>
-OR- ,!!-"Ore 'hi" go back Ind suck be<!r Ind stare
II the Ielly. you r-- aupid dinosaur!
CTmcized in LMng f ru "'. , tNn I l year "U.. &
Replace " canned food be too "stile ' Even if
suc h I food sopply i. no<"fres h f<>Od", it i. far bmer '0
canned food soppty than nofood 11 all in a crisis
of any 00<1. And u the _r future I"""" om
considering ""tendillj. it 10 a "five year u" & replace
canned food sop;>ly" If you're going to> stoc k ammo,
sold. and whisk",, ; you'd be better olf buildinll "" your
food ...ppty too'
-OR_ BON on your Sold pio:;es'
Lf\lE LONG & FRU:1
Applie.tion of Memetics
by Atnrides
''''n.sing Oi.-.ctor, The N..,.,... I. Group
",.. wNless .. e'", all p"" of ,he aante Jr<"",. Only / ""
jJ'" my dr eam, and no1 ,'" Rt'd Krng'.>' I dn,,',
Irh '0 another ".,.. dr<am....
- The char"",er of Alice in lewis ClJToll '. "T!lrt>ugt> .he
looking GI",,"
Fa it, <Wily is .,.,., hall""iJlllion The
",.""" why kno", someth,nll i. the color 'red' is
b<:<oou.., somebody ehe told you so. And bow .>id thty
know" Bee....., someone told them To mal<e reality
comple><, you ..... ......, any tnIe
perception of reality, you perceive
perception. . If you "-ven\ had I<> SlOp rading and
think thi. for 1/ leu! fiV't mi"",eo (and 110", do
know \>ow Ions mi.... te is"), !hen julll
get the point. "''hoI U the point? That your
beho.viot-. ancl.u tlIo<oe!>the< ron<:eptSlfe Iemted
from ..hat other """"Ie tell you and from mimicking
rol e models No matter bow original you thin!< you may
he, "" mailer how 1nIK:h life you haye
coIIeeted on your own. il .n still re.t. on the
foundltion. that you OO<rowod. willy nilly, If<>m othen
Now fo< a little part of your brain lhal """.
thi" wit hout much help /Tomyou I might odd, and tven
when you ",am " to> !>oppen, is sull a, it, ;" >till
borrowi"l! ",oole bog from the ",,,,Id ",ouRd you Ho,",'
Page 9
"'ou ld culUnt in d",ss. social
....stOOl., and all that jazz"' H.... ono<lItt""'I'd (notice
00'" you per k up wilen you t hink you going 10 be
I in on _ ..' ); Ih-t on people out who
understand how i1 w",h I IIltle l han do
(<\<le$ t hat y"" """"",,,1), and acnully do
.o",edli,,!! &bout it Don't Y"" _ in time you CIllJ!.hl
up wit h l he ,"$1 <>f uS(i... , it reo,""ri,,!! 10 be paf\ "fa
group') and found out how to do it tOO'
Welromo 10 the WOIJderiul "'<>rid of mtmetic
engineeri"ll- the oppiic:d saeoce of mahng Iiiend' t hink
wl\ot you ",.m t hem 10 t hi and inllueocing enemies.
Some might apply ouch I of lec hniq"". to the
commercia.! use of $elhIlg tlungs. whde othen wi U...
d<q>er and think of ho", t o inOuence public opinion
Thi. docu"""" i. interlded fo' that deeper thi nker (and
y<>U do like to think of youroelf .. one of lhooo. <lon,
yoo'). and oullines !he ba.k moclwtismo for !J"eaI; ng
ot her peopld mind if they you' pla}S'ound.
.lId tll6' own priv.t. Idoh<>
Ru le l: Fi . yDUC t..-g'" And . Dmmunk _t;Dn
."ann'" t hot ....." .. IIt.m.
Knowi"ll wborn you wont torgt1<:d i. "'" as easy as it
sound. Giv.n thaI you have de .dy fromed wl\ot your
objective i. yoo have 1<> decide on an .pproad' you
", ant many beliC'"en' quickly but 0T1ly for . ohort Term,
or do you need I f. ", .. number but for I long.. teml'
""'II.t aerion or reaction is dosi' ed from lhost f""'l'le'
{'In it be mel in the olton 01" mIium tenn'
Or doe' i1 TCqUi,e a kmi!. l ""l 'poradiwn "'ift' to
.<c<>' Why will they do IhlS' Can you mab lhem
lhin k lhal the'y have I good moIive' Once you have all
Ihi. fiiWrod out, you can ....<'!c/I up a rougb dwacr...
I"oo le and """"""" e>..cI1y how """" indMduol . g<{
thei' 'input ' Aft .. In, if you control I penon',
sufTOUllding> or Rlput, yoo essentialJy eomrol the
Rul . 2: P"" ..I . n ction. ,
Th' is the fine tuning "age. l.<late I po!onI iol I&Tgot
and IIIce a t.., TUn to ... whot hap pen. when you
Ol art pushi ng their bunon. The feedl>ack 10 bean
and do lIlY of tho tar!,:"" meslll(e. and
channel yoo """d ' 0 Put.., ogain Keep lhi.s up unti l
you have it rigbt
Roole 3: Rnible, _ad ... '"P""........
It help. > be eoumry' when doing Ihi' IIorI of tlUng
[fyou At, ...."" partially. ,be profile fOl" the u tger."""
you "'" illn". ..ed in the """'" ' ligna! "\UJ1lnon' they
ore, you 1\0, .. a bener prnbabi lil}' of <.TeIITins ...
eff"oaiv. memo You olllO have lhe cl>anct 10 makt
or course e<>l'TU:lioM on !he fly if you have 10.
Cill tbi. 'Sliding with whll you blow'
K.o.. y..... ....lnt.
Know.. much u POSoible about lhe gmeroJ culture and
oobeutN", you w !,:",ing You haveto hoveeverything
down-""""""Iory, aynl&I<. rinlin@. l ri_ Cle. to do
,hi. right. Be a eulturll Look at lhooe
amund you .. if you ...... from Man, nor: t horn
Qutstion y<lW" OSSIlmpl ioM
Rule 5, Ca refuTIy plok t"". y".. r rn....!li' ",ill
u b .
You can pitch your in 'ilriety of
po,,;t;ve, prophyl&<:li<:, Ind nqmive Pomive memos . re
egO buikling fur t he rr:cipienl I'ropIIytKtic
meme. limply proven! "",ead or infection by mho..
N"l.'alive """""" oro the easio.. to cr.ft and have
aecepted, sinl::e They e:qlJoit mitt...", and fauli. tl\ol a ",
either lhel"o or ., laM pet"eelv"'" being there
For exampl. lake 1.rae1i elf,,", 10 inflllCOCC publ ",
opinion in the U.S ; Tiley hove""" "" much .......sfully
impJemented !!UclI an dlbn, as mu<:lI as lhey ore one of
llIe ftw vn;ce. 001 there They hlv. ma""8ed t o
a tonlinual media bombardl1>OJll of tho Arabs
.. l he 'l>ad guy' in prinl and film, potent plo<:es for aoeh
"""""lIe The propbylaclic oidc-effo..1. are pol'" . ,
well....Talk nf hradi l""f'Allanda .T 011 .... got yoo
labeled as being omiSemi1ic, oncItalk of h r teli medii
infIUO<ICC ",CI' you bnnded .. paranoid; either wwy. you
don1 get listened In The Israelis also l1IIfIIied to
build I COMidenbIe tII}1h or""nd Them>eJveo .s
'underdog' (when they hove the mosl advanced force in
the regioaj, ,, ba,ing ... unbeal&ble military (""lien they
"'" ooly wen tnined and r.r ttom infi llibl.), and as
hovi"ll l pol"'" imo/li_ copobility (..hen MOSSAD
Page 10
"" made I0<I>O of tIM: bipnl. bIuftdcn ia 1M ............,
II 011 boil. """'"II 10 ""... ... ,"'" WlDI'd ofOr-etiJlll

' .............. oil ,.,.. .....,. wc ' ,
_ Ildu>t! behiD<l. .......
.. .. Drodo .. doc <1M _ _ ......... fI(
........ il......r}.... _ ec
.......... _ _ .......... bo.II W oomc
thmtJ ..... ouch ... oIlal" 1. 1II hoIpt 10
ba. c goo<I amounl of . .......... ...m. tIoo
reinfllfcement. "" tha1 rhe IM'SUic <;lonoll 801 iJf'Ol1"d
(if,.,.. bur ,he ...... ./unil I"" tina ;" jwl \he w I)'. you Ieun '0.,,"" it ""I)
..... , : I I... cdoti., ...-" .o ....c ,o.r __re.
0001\ IIC'l I&n<y, and don'. 'I)' 10 memo!"""".
_ I) eolablio/led dIannol Be cardill witb the ......
n-liuIn of . hr I G' ...
.........1. tared, _ ioUplocal .. bul thai ....
..... '0 )0'1 ad>. ..-- If ,... uno:Icnund ....
1M Set &<n , __...,. -Y-dleck ....
Itw _ _ Ir;Jooowa .. ItIc f.o.Q IFfUIlIaIIl) ed
Qo_....l .. 1Ii<;lr. kqc ........ by ..
i,ofoo". <oIlocti'oc ".. k thf Iopoc 1,,"0
the ""PI ' f "Q _ e.rrritr
f"QoI e ""'-.II .,.,... 1.:0.. _ ....... ....."
:C.rcf...., ....rt...... ,.... ....' " ..
" lne'll" mu.. he buecl "" I IoOlid imcllectual,
tnKtI ionoJ, . nd ec<'tlOfnlC lllOdri of II>< rllllOl
popula'lOIl It obould aim at pcr>OllOlil;e". "'" i_.
The 'll'IiImcry' mod>&nWn in peopIt: i.
bccauK cr. ""'" ro ado1'l lfti pallcms ftOtn "'her
p<opIt: I jus! hil lhc inldltual gaWt and Bel
.hus !hoy "".... _ tho onI)o
.. C) __ CMfI make II ,, " !hoy .mpIy . tcIf
...... af 1M tat"",, .. wc W ed 10.. '"
Pll_ thM, he WfCI can ........ u-.d'Ya u

....... -
I. io _ '0hijd. .. "' ''''8'"" _ Ind
...,., -.... shdl '"
1., ............. ,.... ." _It..
fIuoloj _11 ,.,.. Inoc ...-- ..... l'-. ___
... .. bcsn@ IOlaIy lO ...ot*sb mal .. , he
........ 1llil _1 _ ll""'S .
... ......... ,.... _ lIoo: ...... _ ...
tho tarS INIIdoct Be c:ataIA tbaI lbc
oaIed by tIM: ...... fill ,.,....,
........ m ' W . Md....-J .,.;eioA. it_.
Jow- p<lI--'allO 'P'.... ancI iDt.:l
1t. 1e II I Doll', w iI _ ...1I__pI I

The hard ..Utumo oil'. bAck off and lei Lhem
tome 10 you. You .,...,11 "",,"c people ' ........... len"",
.hem il'\o III< Il""'l' rductanlly .'- you do by """""
.,.._ rpnp' """'" w __, I'copIc diolih lbe
.....- .... af""""" 10.... I!lmp
11: K..,. iI ,... ..
t t!w:ue . l!" lOtalE ..-...- i:L' , ....
F ...,. ., ....
.-cpIi* 10 _ parnaol.-tjr .. " 0IIrwes
... IJ: D..'t _ 1_ _ 11, . II t
Hicnl... of l'o.....
n-. ..... , Ie biisun' /Ood.. .....h.
oicqI . sakr; . Thn ..., 1II... no! ... IIuic ><If
...... . . ..,..... '" II.. cyu "r ,h." P"""'- 10. .
..... b ...... , ..., _ .ifk.,Io.
Puoh,nll rile butt"'" of )'OUr lupl', irttwc poripnI, .
hoi .....od tJw,o with .Ie l!i OUP IIwy
.... W 'em-.' f"lDI* .,.. -,- lfl tho
blIiniawu<c ....wuy ttl k"" = ' '-.:rIIud.'
Hooo- do> ""- ""0 ""'-'" dd!O"'" P', i ...-ft
............. ... -..... ..
uraoSoruk.. l>v Ilw ,.'e'''' ." _ Mo,.lOU _ n
.. _ IUlindoeI tIoai -"'1*" " .iooI laaiOll.
Pl!9" 11
and fI'OI'P"hI&lIM 01',,," inl c>f
I,," Je"O"'l "'8 IOI.lm' h dop:ncb on """"..... you .....
II'OOIl't 10 br """tfJIt
Encrypting Numbers
find III ... 10 't".. ,,,I0,,, lm ..ord phn_, of..toidl all
l lot _ Mpo """" ..'If..... ImeI' f or .....,p.
Should lo'* I 0 pl!nw.. '"'"
.- toM _ _ .iI and _ ",.. _ ..-q...
lniffl, or ....._ lilt linr ,en ...,.... fir'II 1. 1Ien or lhe
-0.. .. lilt _...,., u.. ..
.. I t ..0 .... 6nI wd i.e you'd ...
l'HOU.(1\"" r M We lilt """""'" teeMique. you'd ....
SYHr f " CTl'L
_ dnif. 10 prolCCl. IldI ." l lilJ...:n.. IllSl
oubtlilult lilt Itnen fi>r lhe ............. Q8SlSQUTT
One 1'" t , " ...... tlIis cipIoco iI lhaI _ JIIoo-
.......... in the l ","od SI 1IId CIIIIO<Ia.e . iI ., lhe
old "'""'" -., .... middle 01.... ..,. code ... 0
or 0 If __....... inIo I"" r.ct ""'" you .........
... tt><k, tIlotv touId ... ""'" to liodJI
_ _ .. il no- 11 110 NIt 11>II .-ys )'IIU
.., poe- U2aoW12OJ.
J4.t II3;!2Ol 12031}2, Of 1...a:) lm At lilt'"
...... 2 __ ...... _ addod to !he pbc-.
_ ....... .......,.,.., lit tile old ....... ... ... -......
... of poblem
no. code iI eaoy 10 keep ......... in ........ had. ....
doeon' nquire 000f'4'U'. 10 ir"I" ,-...
The RIddle of Steel
b)' Jim T.".
l ..el me Il-'t for lhe rtaII'd 1M! I ..... ""' ...."'ployu 01'
Smok) _ ain Krnfe \liortu. ,..... ...,. OIlliofiod
<UIlomer TIle quaIrTy of tlim ".,dwodo_ IlIfJIUI'O'
lhe pncto d\artItd Thar prio;et. In ""'or thur.
,how I paid I'lIf mad onSet bIIdn )0 ,...... IlfIOO (.\_
t:r-I j, __ of - f ;d}- Senoiooe iI
.. II I pbc-. .. "'l' ......,. r--..e
-"irt. -.It The _ lIla6t I mw1lod WdI ..1 t
..... -r. to clal -"
s.m.n; .. M....raa.... ............. .. PhlhppIDes
53" '1'9
1Hn . n blade ..29 99
14S17 .. 17" blade.. n4 '1'9
DRAOOS .. of J Mrti ..-:l 5'1'9 '1'9
Page 12
1k k..... oryIe ""-onI is lbe linnl fitblmlIlM6o: n.,.
de>::p1Od 'tl>n- con "'" ..'idCIed _ or '- ' ' willi
equal _ of Ilw IIbdo _eo or
.n............ -"........... n..,. .-:I
1H but Olurdy """"p for _ CllUi"8
Kill..... and WII" ou/Ii ( "c:omponioft "/Voon
sword) ...., ccllemly mWo ..-l eeono"'i""lly prieed
The 21' modo! i . porlm Ii>o ocmso lho bId cany ....
SI!IJ& (1k 2S" bIodo is I linll: 100 Iont 10 .....
.... .._ ........ u;. fuItioIl ) Thoo ... ,t tI io
lWttl' rhIIIl __OIICI """ "II. t , -.p"
it....-e of I bo!lt 1 "_.edttIo ".. Ilw
, t tI of "'!' 2:2" W........ IouIIdI 0..... 10
aItIICh S ....-.ryk _ from I 7T '" 1
' ........ or pIQCCIId
nw.hi..... br... l>ubl lind ............. u n bo _ od wil;h
lOCk or .....appt<I ""lh bondInnI ..... "k>lh for
(01 c"" be blll<lened wit h lI"" bIwns bul , lito ...u
del""" /'tom ii, beouryl Tho "'us wtII tIWI wil;h _ if
"'" poIKIIOd Tho red wrappioI@ .... ,"" I'IIrdo ond
M:IIIIbor'tI __be tceII ..... If .,...., ... C II.
j'OU can " Tap b6KL bI'oooll. .,.. CIIIIlO dolh
__ IN -' IIondk ,.,."' .... t
..-....... "'-1'
DrI !!M SIo.'...... MUOifll<hlrt'l L'...."""'" Phihppiftn
Blodo 27 " "'trall]J JI. , in wooc!tTI "'al>bord
If yow ..... """'" _ord I
",,"hi. '''ad bo<l<lds.OId. lbol .. .... bIodo b !J'OU
T..'III'4')' "'''' IIlI;Ileo of p 1 acd IO'ith ill IlnptI
fuIoo Will t I ,, 6 _ -r. _ .. """
priood p''''1CIi blood_t1 """ IWoldIetI C.- .....
.......ltI be p<oud ofl!ld_od
CiIIIp tooll\ond.lo-h.:nd a>nIbot _pon, 01 INO..intI
....... l he lOInabowlr. boo "'"II) foc:eI.
........... "............. Mea. F..,........ SoIdMn. ontI
_. _ . by _ ELlnIo &><n -' lIMo..... """"
hl ... booca .-d by of .. 1IoIIll __ .-:I II
"""""" ...,
T-. .... II 114" ...... wilb I> _ no.,
I""" ond lIIlc" .-:I hold I aood a!ge for
<:limp dIc><ft or CCII'I'Ibo:I 'The h.:ndlo ...11 b<uk WIth
t>Id l1Ito.., buI con be ...,. .-epl1lU'll wilh ""' """
CUI /'tOOl . ..p1;11& The head has round mokirla
han<IIC' fq>Iacement ...... I """" 1M of , _ 'hewk
..... ....u. IlIfIImI h.ndIcIl, Ilwy ... u.u.. bl
.....' 1 io lbcr.ld Ho .. orrioo'.
til it _qpk:l"_1Ioul. "...\'
..... ""Wucl A. ' " L_C..uery. T_
tJC1 I2 , 112.99
A IItOO ....")' 1Oel@bla! olumirun ..llh!_k., III 711"
Ionll which u"""""'" . 10 I'WOfd <:lin< to 13
swnInl !leel lI.i lmo bIodc: n " ill IIondy lillie
___ oIt """ah lhe hi...... . b>I 10 f*t1)' with
-' 1 ... """ c:m.oiIl Il<:no well il would hold "P
rllrv""'I rmough body ImIlIf .,.. I havy .... Soil awl
.. _ _ _ b}'OU" I II " .''''-
Gl I'-Tllr-..rlll 10"
Dull Func:tiooI
l I(4"' SI7 99
\ 'nh I knovr. pricey Rul il'l l he bl. d.
f v. ev"-Ihrown' And. S17 \l9 j"" . lot For . good
WORK.I N(; \nIf. ,hot con 0110 "" ' hrown ... ...., bulo:
bU. ..... crooa pord. Iw>dlr sIobo " juIl ..... oolicI
....... 01 havy. "'IIPl 1I.od Slf<Wlll"""'"
b' Of r.,Jo:-. bft Good _ pro(*. ......,
_ J " .... .....,. _ oboMlI
Soaelo, M__toi. ,-.if. "' ....
r.O.""" "')(1
Sn'lcn 'lUr. TN 3'164
l __
Page 13

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