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Cybertek Issue #15

cl"f "cmr "11.lutz Iml.,o1 - Stc.rlllrhlqer '1tl1
Hacker Information
(and Where to Obtain It)
by TI'l. l nt .rnltloMl llnfor mtl tlon Retrlevi l Guil d (l IRG)
MMI YOdin guide your WIY' "
OnE' of the nO!>I Irequently the IIRC receives
from th, "" rltitude of new da y HarMonand rtu'fo.k!
do I obt.llinml orm.ation on phre..kmKand taclung. Now I don ',
want to get into I debate un wlwl I IW'W doly
IS. but 1m for ufpty's 'loll..... !Wo y us a kid who just ROt
mu1l'ttl .nd happened to grab .. copy of f'twntolSY off of a
bu,Notin board or had obt.mfd lnothn h.Kk/ph......l electnauc
Ok, they've takt"n that "fli' plunge and In wetted the re
for more mfonnation. Now Ihpy run down to there local re
nwrt and look through its of hooksand molj(.umn and the
f_ .ut ld .... they did to find port,..y .. ...
budd mg Charhe Manson b yhoard. WeUthefiRC hu
h.tdt'fItlugh of thoe portra yals b}' 1M mt'dia and we've decided
to au thor a column e n where to obtain information lor noVK:ft
e r the runo us .
The very fif'!\1 of iI curious novice would be to obtain oil
pnvate rnail box, prpfprilhly NOT a Post Omce Box. There art'
plmty 01pri vate mail up and fmdmg one
to your home should be no problt'fll. Th.._ .ddl'nliel Ire
USUoIlly calledSwtn or jUst U5t' I numbf'r. nw. pmI' r.nge on
thew boves is WolWlIy 6 to 'J doUlr1 I month .nd can be iNii ly
Iffnrdl'd f'Vf'I\ by a ltomolge1'. I wtd prerenbly NOT I por.tnffiN'
box Inr twn reasons, Om:, I
any govemmf'fll agency and hnd they
cooperate vpry when th..y wan t to. And
Two, if you do receive mort' milil iii
ju:;101 good idea not to be Involved with oIny
br.loch uf the government. For In 0pPM-ing
VMow, lbom.u l oom dlSotgteS with the above
U in his he, lound
f'ost 0ffiC'l' I re che. pt'f, offer the
WIlle.imount of privacy tn In indi\N:!
If an oIgency l5 tnlernttd in finding out IhP
nwnP' 10 oI lIy Iypc of bol(, they 1I limply gl't
thl' npc'M.ary pilp'-'TWork )1J(tu:d by a
sympalhl' IKJudgl' .
(Continul'd on Pagl' 2)
Classic Computers
TMre are I Inl nf older systeuu whKh Itl" igntm"d IhPw
da)'i, still very Wf'Nt These iysterru. include The Appll'
n AI"" g..bIt'( IlOO, 8OOXl. 130XF: } and 'ST"
Commodon 64/ 128 and Amiga to mPfition a jew. Thnt
Ay..tern.. a", available oi l fie. markri 5 Ind I.g ull"!l for ned tu
noth ing. and present excellent lor the enterprising
hobbyist who is interested in really tooling Imund with
machinf':!!. SineII' th_ boxes are ava ilable at wry low Ct'l5t, one
mvd not worry nHdl_ly .abu....1 .a.....,Jc1It.llly dnrroytng INo
lIy. tem. If 5UCh thing amdl' cccws, ont' wi.ll only be out
kw bucks. On. motl" rr.lrtkll k-vel lor !how of you who."
uneeested tn wo rking in !hI' IndustTy, m.iJ\y oJ the older CPUs
.IrE' now used as the hel rt of many pil'Cn of microp r0cn50r-
ronlrolled COI'UoWIler electronics df'Virl'A. Knowing Ihe iN and
out .. (If an oMcr CPUmi Kht g1Ve you an I'dgl' in finding a job.
Min)' CUlTPnl CPUs Me simply mere complicated versions of
their older b1'f'lhl'ffi. Tooling around With the oldl'f crus is an
. ta rt to Ipl ming some of the newer Qnt'!I,. Wilh
ffilCl'OptuC'ft,lj()r traintn
IConlin uitd on pa ge 1)
2 Cybertek
IOUi it Computen. Cont'd hum PaA' 11
lVlttmg hundreo.b of, dlMolC computer you
pickl'd up for SIO10k-am o1S5C."mbly as.. wee ecoecmecmove.
Sin' It- .lrP diM"tllltinUf'd, you wiUba ve 10 look
for Ihf'lll. Good plaCl'll to try.", Llg !WI"" fifo.. and your
kx al Salvation Army thritt-stOIY. SiN? thfoMo ' y,tl"ms il'P
COf\Sidered 'obsolete' tMy II? aVAilable lor ftHo from
5tXJ\t.'OfW who h.b twd cne III i ckbet for thl! PD t 10 yun and
fU'J wants 10 get nd uf It. II you' re lIi0tnlli the fie. nwrbt or bill;
!WHo route, don't .. Wi ul ffiOnt'y. I wuuJdn't !ipt'f'd more
th.ln S40-SS(l Of! " (TIfllplf'tl' By ' rompk11' I mNn
.. m.II in unit, did, dnve, full doruTTlf"flla'ion (\'f'ry impo".nl 10
h.lw), llOmf' 1lOfh",' I.Tl' , and a printt"l' intft'fIN'. lLotlking in ..
recent ropy ot Nut! And Volts I 60 Mllz. r""tium
motherbouds with CPU tor 5149. II th.If. whit t'UI"mIt
twrdw;m' 15!(OinK for. you WlouJdbe .bl, to hJl;U"'out what ..
fair price u. for ulder stuff. Some people Will attempt 10 JUShly
obling for .. tughl'f pnce by yvu they spent .. few
hundred dollars for lNoset-up. bUI that was 10 yl'ars .agu wht-n
ttw pquipmPllt
ThebHt lor bt-ginningclu.iC' to Mart
WIthare the Commodore 04 or 1211, and the Apple II. The)' .....fore
prett y commonplace bold<. In tht"I' day , 1oO a 101 of techru cal
infonlldhon and w ftwal1.' all.' )li ll av.ulabll for them. The
Cnmmodon" f.4/12R tho> edg.. in of
IuIrdwall' and -.oftwarP, bUI thp April' more expandable
and hardware hacker -friendly , EithPJ an pxrpllpnl
cffli<::e, ,",OW""'"
In the p",wnl d.l )' of lvokle";util.'r ruumng lnt el
and M5-00s/Wind\' W5, there'sa certain allu re to hadlinK
around with a ro mp "IPr, 50rnp of those .HI." also
l urpm ingly powerful.
{H;uker Information, Conl' d hum faKe 11
Ok, now tholt you've run out and goll cn a m.: nI1Jo", yuu lool y "Well
now whattbe Hl:'11 do I do wi th it?". wetlib.n's a good qu esuon
and an answered one, yOIl fill II up son' Now the w ry
tint thing w@ Ii'> l.aying '-Om", u!'>h or
tutting up the slush fund lor your I'Xp""-VA. Bfo<:"au.w
expenditures for tacking inJonnlhon aren 't cheap and
hKWlnll\ thiS erte r what you 've probably .pmt on
you r l'qul pment
W I"", not .....ying that all thl-st- books o r eqUipment ,u,,- nt't'dl'd
foe your hbrary.thl'rP ju.-.t nie. 10 haVI' .around.
2. CoPt thl' Princyc.atlolog from Eden
1lIey've gnt Inn ma ny tillto5 to Iisl . but some of til' besl we lak
Pnvaq: Hew to K" it. How to EnjoyII. t400 518.95
Are you now or !\ave YOll ever been In the FBI Fill'S? U OJ
F.:k>ctronic Record Systems and IndlvKtwl Pnv.acy fl614514.95
SKurity 1t>..'i2 $9.95
T.l.phOfWDtbugging tI>5J515.95
A Study 01Telephone RKorcl.tI63O $19.95
Call HIOO3JS.tI.4M lor thelT Cltalog.
3. A laltle old . its hum 1985 bul still a ruce book to read
r riff"-$I4.95
boo k i!llvai
Go d own to yuur loca l book store and look h UH up , or
haw the m order them fur you ..
1. Old bu t good ,.. adi ng. Out of the Inner Circle by Btll
19M by Mlrt'OMl lt "'PM$9.95
2, Hackers by Steve Levy. A good guide lor Ihe Elhics of
[Nil Publlj;lunKComp.any 1'itS4 $4.50
3_TIlt"Cuckoos Egg by Cliffo rd St o ll
Origin.a lly Tlul in h.udhack .I t 519.95, but .II the tune 01 the
Pdlti ng Tlflhi!l articif' its nTIW in tlW' s1T1rl'S on f'olperb.ack (Story
01the Ha nnovPJ Hacker and his ul timlt. dTIWnfall)
lheR ano m.JIny mon: worthwhtlf books Ind magnlMS tN-
could be listed on loJl<.! on. but we feel these wlections will
to y"u good hroad rallKt" uf lop io Ind mtemu .
AnDthPr wnnhy !IOUrrP WTluid hi' 'TI find a bbs IhoIl has iI l.arge
Sflechon of Hacbr Text hll'S.'Ioch 1.'1 MIANTASY. PHRACK,
CUD. etc. This ihouId drain you r c:h:kbook I'ffl"Ctivl'ly for I
wfu le, or .1 least hll the next t m d e on wtat uwful Ind
notC'Worthy on yow rn:wly obtaLflrd hacbr librlry .
We .dviw Mnding lor tMw Boob:
I, DdendUlK 5rets, Oala : N__ locks and KeY' lor
E1l."l.1ruruc Infomwhun
U&I: Known J'riNo:SIl .50
Supnmtendmt 01Documenlll
GuvemlTlen t Pnnhng Off .a
W... hi ngt Dn. OC 204029325
Nuts ar: Volts F.:koctrooics
Com pu ter Telephony
Electronia Now
ClI'aut Ink
Dr. Oobb', Journal
3 Cyberlek
by Douglas Bell
Urban Survival III
The chaptlKl!l In the booIl IndOOe general eutture of plant s.
c:ooking with fIoweM>. leaves and he fbS, plants , their cult ure,
history and recipes , and mail otdvr nutHri.
One 01 the best books tor ItIIS is "TM Edible Ornamental
GArOen' by John E. BryAnand Coralie Castle (101 ProdUC1iOr"lS,
1974.1 92 pages. 8 1/2" II: 8 114') . The nee 1hlng about thil book
IS it covers the usual ;amen plants as WIllI as the leu usual
to gEll food and furs , but I don' reccmmWld '*" lor the Ufban _.
The reason Is Simple, if my best rat catel'MM' or favorite hunting
hound comes badI. WIth mnlt-up leg or worse yet . doeIn'
come home at aI . I'll know there Is someone else out 1hereand
start looking lor themand their traps '
Another reason I don' like leg tdd traps lor Ih8 urtlW't .Uf\IivOr.
especially now with the current ilnll..gurVantl-trapplng scum
about , is if you don' chKk your trapI MM'Y day (any decenl
trapper checll.I his traps AT LEAST once . da yt). tomeone else
rhght find your traps WI th an .,.mal caUijhl In II and tum you In
to the local power a!NCtlM"e Yohid'l wil be more than happy 10
harass an honest sl.l"Vival isl flIthef than fight crim.. such as
murder. rape. etc.t After ell they might gel hUrl doing that!
NowI'm not againsl trapplng rrnnd YOU. 11"1 just thai youheve to
be II IIt11e Irlcky ebout II. II you live In an erea With a 101 01
raoooons (and who doesn't1). you might try the "aw-trap", 10
called because the commefCial vefllon Is eoo ahaped. This Is a
V'!lI)' u le and vety good trap , It doesn' grab the leg Mkethe leg
hold traps and It is safe a'ound dogs, calli and children.

Now that we hlive housing. guns , hygiene, and ort'l8l' good stuff
out of the wav. Yotlal next? Well how about load
productIor\IpfOCUring! OK 10 wetalked about ;arUM thai didn't
look; a garden, and wun't In ' notI'NIIl' garclen pW1ts, but just
\fWhal plants ara these? What would be good book on the
ThiS book IS a must have for the ufban home ownerwtlo has
smal l plot 01 land and wants. garden hI mos t pklpIe wouldn't
bother becllJ5e they wouldn't even know II was there. The book
will also provide you ...,;th lood idess thaI you may have bHn
missing out on right under your own 00&8, right In your O'M'I yard
or flowergarden.
Well , so much tor your outdoor garden, what about an Indoor
garden? That's righi , set up B small 'flower boll.' garden in a
window sill or even a terrarium garden . For the terrarium, you
might try to find "Gardening With Terrl'lIrlumllo ", allhough thi s
booklet has almost nothing on lood growing indoors all it III
actually a book about ornamental plants .
If a window box 01 terrarium garden ill n't blg enough lor you,
there are other ways of doing this , seen al setting up a
gr&&nhoua8. Books on greenhouses run l rom how to build your
own "Window box" greenhou:!I8 10 commllrcial production ,.t
ups. Go down to your library or uaed book store and look 08r
the books tIley have. There shoUld be SClffitlthinght will be of
interell t il you are aeriOUf, about plant production and
Well , II gArdening Ian' your cup 01 l ea, and you can' put in a
greenhouse or "indoor garden". bull1till want p1antlcod In your
diet, what is lett? Sproutlng'
Sprouting i s very easy to learn and requi res almost no mom or
ftqUipment to do. and 10 la perfect tor the urban 1urvtvoI.
Sprouting not <>Ny increases the an'lOlIIt ol l ood 0V'8l" just eating
the grains or seeds you migtlt heve I lor ed (I uch 81 mung , plnto,
or M'lM1 ). but provtdU much more nutritionas Wflll. A boclll:let
on !he SUbj ect you might like 10 Ilfld is W'ldSpI"outs For
Lite" by B. JfKl5ttn.
Now that you have all that garden produce, oMlat ar. you IilO'"Q
to do with it llI17 Vet another booklet lor the conbnualty Ihotl 01
space urban survivor is "Rodale's GatdenIng Harvesl Book"
coYer.l lroozing . taming . ;ams, teIIin anddrying. well so
muctl lor plants , ell. il lMr . 7 Wt\al about mu.t7 Well how
about tr apsl
In one "suMval" magazme ther. ar. Mis lor leg "you
may not want the fur. but you will want 10 eat" or lOmething
thaI is how the ad runs. Well OK. leg hOld traps are a good way
The way !his 'MIrb la, you\!Ike ott the b&cII olltle egg I'ap . put
the bait in. and close it up. The trap is then put in an .rea tM\ere
raccoons: ar. likely 10 see il. The raccoon can see and smeillhe
food , but can' gel al II. So the raccoon reaches in, gr8bs the
bait andpulls . Now the Irap is 10 designed thalltle leg II held as
long as ltIe balt i' pull&d. Lei go of the bait and the leg is
released. In almost all cases ee racooon will hold on 10 the bait
and you have him trappedl
Anolh er good way 10 trap animalll WIthout hUr1l ng uem (and
getting ltI e neIghbors pissed at you) Is to un a box t rap. A box
trap Is jusl what It 10undS like, A Irtlp in the form 01 8 OOx.
Normally the animal walks Into the trap to get .ome .ort 01bait
and trips a leel closing the trap door; trappi ng !he animal wfth
no harm. These trAps are availabl e commercially and can be
easi ly built out 01 wire mesh and scrap lumber to l it jUlt aboot
any size or IIrell you want to put one.
These traps can bQ built to trap blrds, squirrels. and most any
ani mal to about a small to medium sized dog or good sized
coon . Alter that, tile size and strength needed limit the practlc8l
usehJness 01 the trap as l ar all mosl urban survivalists are
concerned. as tI would be hard to allY8y a GtifTTlBn
Sheptlerd sized trap in IhtI back yem; 'MIll "raccoon" or
"groundhog" tr"P IMN not false 100 many queslionll . I know one
person who buill one 01 these trapt lor sqlimlls and normally
catehet about len to twelve a WHIt ! About the only problem they
have llI'\COlI'rtered Is the trap needS rebuildirVrep8lring every
week or so" as the squirrels reaMy tear the hell 0U1oltrepl
The next set of traps are ltl8 so-cal led "1011 traps ". as they kdI
thei r prey by breaking the animal' s nedl or bEk. WMIn the trap Is
tnpped. NHlSess to say. you don' want to usa Ihi $ trap Yltlefe
children or pelS can get at II, as mosl people I'CMJd get a tittle
upset by It'is ! As IheSfI traps ar. normally In ltMl mlnklmartln
size. they are not good "meat" traps . aIthOugtl lor proI ecbflg your
food suppty from rats and miCethey I'CMJd WOOl hairtywei.
For more mformatlon about traps and trapping, you shoutd get
'SUI'o'tv8l Poac::hing" by Regne' Benson(PII18dmPros). "ArImaI
Traps and Trappng" by BatflfTl&n(StadlpoI. Books), end go10
your local fnll9&Zlne radt And and get a subscription to
"FurlFl stllGame A Harding (Fur FlSh-Game. 2878
E. Main St. . CoIumbis . OH 4J2(9). S12!year. $21/lviJayul"$). as
well as buying al the Harding Press books .
4 Cyberlek
Backyard Pyrotechnics II
by Pyronomy
In this Mro nd ,rtirl.. WI" wiJl dl'I(U'\I'i _ "".II differerol .U t" :> of
.m.ltut pyrolKhni cs. II is my inlf'flI Ih.Ji 1these dE'SCript iuru>
In! tor informatioNl onl y. WARNING: nos
In thf' ronstrecnon or many devices SOffit' kmd of cooumer is
Mos t of ttl .. mal,ri. l, that aN" used ma y be acquired
from an, hardware, and grocery Th.. main component:;
.In.' kr..ft paper In different thicknesses.I ra ve Jound tha i 30and
60 lb. kraft paper-.. to be must useful. Jute twine is a relatively
twin!' mad .. Imm plant Irbers. It is uf medium and II is
. 1V1 rombu.c;tibll1'. It ill m.llnly used to wr.lp .Il' ri..l roW1JSto help
hold them togf'thE'r tightl y. Glup is also needed to hold the
contlolnt' n together . I hi" . found thai plain old Elmt" 'SGlue-Al l
l) very eftecnve. II will ..tsc bum whM dry, whim i ll " rl U5
Sevenl dUfl;'rel\t azed cyli nd ers will . 150be needed u tn
roll up you r Ctlnt.l.1J\t'no on I found tublflll: It tM hobb)'
MIop ltal f>laru .1.1 gr.IdUolted at 1/32' up to l bout SI S"
Ihli work!.grlNl for rolling crad. .l"f cases . nd roman fw;e 01-.
Common plurir plPf> lor plumbing a.I!oO works well rur
form. II it I unooth ru rfl (f' , i,. I"l"II ,.trong. and if>
, cdJ,I , 4.
Annthpr UM'ful itl'm is thE' typeof pape r uot.-d for
r,.rINI th p bilrl/; of IpS..1 pads, t't e. I'm nut
whit 01 papt' r thf'y Uf' but it is g'<'lt f{lf the layl' r un
It'rtll Thi! papt'r l. pTl'uy str ong whf'n mad e in t" a.
cylinde r. You will nHd I brn\h 01 Mlmf' typP 10 Spl'E'.I,t lhe glue
lround m thin t'Ven COlt! and to wnrk Ihf' ghlf' inl o 1M
pdf":r II tilt' nt'ed . rna. I hav,. round tNt 1M gond old I'f"ayt
wll h brw.h un It worb KTt'olt for Uus. You will Il\O nf'fld
10 pu t Iht' Kluc on wlul,. work II it is too muc:h
of a p.1in 10 contlOuolUy pICk up the to;luc bott le. You tmd to
wast. I hillf' ghw w. y b}' il dryin g bu t 15 well worth lhe

AUTHORS NOTE: l>ue 10 lOme leedbll ck ITomthe fi ....t .. rticl e of
thi.. IOCOl'!> It eVIdent thl t lOme ind ivldUlIll
obViously can' t n"oId wurth a dolmn. It Willi , ulQ{esteod tha t this
M'ri.-s is just oInother .lnilrlhy manwl. I m no way promote nor
f>U pport ano\1'rhy. Thi s M"ries is for int elli gl'nl, hdnd s
on typf' J>Mlplp, If you don'l haw what it Iolkes 10 or
IpptKiall' lhi s informariorl in IM lighl givpn . ro lA'HAT, Who
am whal you think I! you obvi oWlly lookil'd at th,. ritll' and
didn't read. tlt.d. Oh ! BY !hI' Wl Y, I h,.u that your
BAND reaWySUCKS. You mow who you an.
in tile firsl Irtlcle homt'1Nldl' CI _ WPTl' ml!'Orionfod WI' will
now go thl'l.l sll'p by step the procedul"I' 01 tlu5 rathl'f"
1.1. '1., The bt-sl paf'l' 1 tNII NY\' fuwtd fur mOlitCII!on is that old
Atandby Krl ft Pap<"r
(1) Determine the uf the case tIlIl lAneeded. You will need
to conside r us length, inside d iamet er, outlldl' dilml'lpr, Ihp
d iffl'rt>n" bf'lWl"f' n them bPing tile waUthickness, and moee
Important of I II ,h" c.a_ UM' . For that alY.u1;ect to
KJ1!at intl'rNIl prnsUl"l' lik" rockp ts. rorn.t n fuses, founl.UUI.
etc.: a case tha t is extrmt,.ly strong if> nrrded. II shouldbe
glued all till' way when rolling Ind must Iuvp a gnod Ihick
wall . Thl'y .hoWd be allo wed 10 dry .Iowly but thoroughly
before use. For devsces 1iuch as 0'lICbn 11"1' a coupl ,. 01
dlfff'fl'Tlt styln of CIISC.'S th.1t may be used . 1Mfir!lt is lJimiiar
til thl' above fTlf'fltioned but be aWlln! tN.t these an bI'
N.urdOll.' whl"n fil"l"d as tht-y throw very h1rd PIIi"Cft of
papn. 1M IKOr\d is rollPd dry until thE- last tum. 1luJ
a Uows the alll' 10 dislnlf'grlt,. better If'aying only the end
pl ug::;; tu worry abo ut . The ..../l'St onf' is ' 2 bUI tho- most
e ffective is'1.
YOII df' rld l' for you", tlf what youl nft'di an.
(2) Cuttml( the kr att paper is til,. nl'xl thlng. The dirt'ction of the
Kraill of the paper ill important for CIIM' Atrt>ngt h. Th!!' gr.1in
usually N1\lI With the roll. Roll thI' plpt'r out on a nal
s urfa(f' the roll bt.oini olway from you and the pamcoming
o ff INoroll towanb you. How much you pull o lf deptndsnn
thf' dilmf'!f'r of IhI" case to be rolla.! . I have found tN.t IS- III
.I good pla(f' to M.m I S it is an "uy k-nKth to work With.
SqUIre up the d 08ol"!';l ttl you with sharp
prembly a I1Izor knite. MpuuTl' 111- from Ihis edge up
tow ards the roll on e.d! side. Mlb a P"f'ril line bHw,..."
tbese rn.trlls .100 cuI. Move tIllt roll 100 11'1'0''' till! pif'(f' you
rul in 1M tlIme place OIl board. Now determltll' til,.
of you r rl ilf', MNSUI'I.' ill from t llher
side on top 100 bottom. Cut from top 10 oollom alon g lhi s
hnc. You now havl' I pitt. of p.lpt"t whl'lSPwidt h is
tile Solme as the Il'flKlh of the (IISf' you are making by 111" Repeat this last procedure to obtain IS man y pil!CeS of
p'r"r th.11 willl>erequired.
(3) On. good nal unonth .11iK!' a pie<: e of paper thf'
lrngth being from top 10 bot lom, PLtce a cyhnd t:l of the
nteded,.t,., Ic.TOM thf' paP"" its length ahgned from
side to sidt to thl t il ffily roll tmm l"r 10 oollom of the
surfa ce. Now roU thf' !ubi' witll Ih. paf'M' un til it just
Oy,.,ups. You l>hould now check tM llignmf'nt bf'twf'f'n
1Mp.1per and ry lindc r. Appl y the Kiue III over thI' piP'"
now if you I'" making a tard c.lse or If you are making I
10ft on" don 't gl.... 1 h.ayf' ft>und 1....1 wilh tho! gllK' I am
uslflg thl t II is besl 10 glu" it a Iittlp at a time as
tends to dry tnl when spreld thin . An altf'moltl" mt.>lhod
tlwl I l.h!>CUvel'l.'d i5 tha t if you pllce I plKf' of Ihin
wood on top of half of the plf":r Ind folding thl! paP'"
ovpr Ihl' boltom end of the lxurd you can pul terulion on
tht> papt'r. Thl5 M'TVt'S 10 mille thE- mum stronger. By
the wl Ytil. finl tum wu Ipfl dry 10 ht'lp rt'ffiuval of
the a.l;f from the form whPl\ rolling" complt'le and aUow.
dryinJli wluk! on the lorm. This thf' "fff'ct of making the
inside swface smooth. Now INt you h.av,. fini-.hf'd
rolling Ihf' PJlper on the furm (on the toft CII.Ht g1Uf' on ly
the Iasl tum). hold the case I nd rotate the furm the
dlrKtion of tIw plp"r. Thi s hf'1p!' 10 remove the QllI' as
well .as mllung the iNid,. rurfl(f' Amnnlh. This also i5 to
rnah the a.S{' does not stick 101M form . BPlo",
wm oving th.... caSt. ' If l'IIds nt'l'd lnmming you CoIn USf' a
ca T'" kniff' iliad !!' , Do lhis by rollmg the form NtwHTI til,.
bladl' Ind Ihp SUr f il ft'. Do this collYfully a10 the bl.des
5 Cybertek
very sharp. il ls bl.>sl done whil e the glu e is still w..I. Let
dry slowly fur atleast 2 days in a dry place. You now ha ve
a r ase that ran withstand the rigors for whatever task it
was designed for.
In tilt' Ameri can Pyrot echn ist the fuses lor aerial shells were
called commercial fuse. Wdl liOt'clnjl; as how this is a hobby and
not a professional endeavor I don't have access 10 this type of
stuff. So therefore I have been wor king with Roman Fuse In
provid e the TPquirl'd liming and IgniHon that
for th,. conns rent and safe depl oyment of ui ese
eevtces. This type of fuse ill basically a thick walled case with
5/ 16" to 3/ 8" mside diameter and a 5/8" ou tside diamdl.'f and
23" IUTl lI; _ They Il:l'nerall y contain a modified Black powder
This proce dure is described in SPV" f" ! of lilt" M!U!l"P!; Ihal were
pre viously mentioned Wp will start hy rolling thp ca"...
before. (SPto preceding You will need items other
than tht' case. A ram is needed to compa ct the powder int o the
case. 1 have been using a piece of solid copper cylinde r of a
diameter that tits ti gh tly in uw case. A thick of wood is
used u a base. What ever you use a base needs to be hard, <IS
you wil l be bl:Ol tinKon II. I used a piece uf treated 2" by
I ". To make the awol you will be hilling ha rd, bore 013/ 4" deep
hole in It\(> WC\OlI the diameter of Ihp CII'lf> ynu liN' and bf>al
loilt! papE'r in the hole :'10 Ihat it is 1/ 2" deep. Thi s hplps flatten
thp botto m nf thl' hole and help s to hold the case upri ght tor
ramming. You will need a meaSUMI( KOOp to keep the powder
in consislen l amounts whrle lcadmg int o the case. One can be
made by usinji; a pll'<."e of plasnc drinking straw cu t at a 45
degree anKle .111..1 lOll!,:eno ugh loll Iha t it C.ln be han dled edsily.
Once tIll' 45 cuI hilSbPPn mild!"mak!"II wlldding nut of 1l" .1od
anothPT sho n pip<"p of straw hy packing it in thl' and
ramming with some thing that jw t tits the straw. Lightly app ly
glue and inse n mto 45 cut end unti l it is flush wi th the place
when! the 45 and uncut Sl'ctioru; of straw ml;.'t:t . dry
compMel y. By way the siLl' for Iht' scoop shl'u Jd bl' I /IOlh
of lhe tolal .lmOwltlhal you ne-Pd 10 compl!"tE' ly fill thl' ynu
are using, filll"(! ml'l ning aflPr ramming. Thf'rl' is no E' asy way of
gE' tting thE' "ilp right Ml juMeXpt'riment.
The powder that we will be using is a mixture of fllll'ly jl; ruund
Black Powde r, Polassium Nitrate, and Sulfur . Ther e are II cuuple
of dIfferent formul as Inal are III the befon'
menliollt.'d Il l) BIOI(\.; Powdl'r 4 pa n s, Pol<l ssium Nitratf'
2 parts, and Sulfur 1 ran. 11 2) Black Powd pr :l pam,
Nilral!" 2 rarts, dnd Sulfur I part . 11I 2 Is slower than . 1 and Is
hilrdpr tn light . /I 1 on IhE' olhf r hand almost 100 fu t to u.'ll'.
Th_ are u\u ally just mixed togeth er real well. I have
found that if you carefully gn nd 112 With a pol'l:e1alll monilr and
pestle It wor ks lusl aboul nKht. It IIKnb ebl1y but bUnis sluw
enouKhthai yuu dun't a Inal is 4" long. the el f,(' up in lhf' holE' in thp bcMrd. Tak!' a waddl'd up
1/ 4 shl't' t of 11' and rul inlo case. Ram this u hard as you can
by hittin g the ram vpry ha rd with a hammer. Remove Ihe case
and invprt thai thp waddill!\" end IS up. Coal the waddill!\"
wll h an extrl' mt'ly hKht layer uf Klue .lIId all uw tu dry
cumpJdely. Rein!o('n case in bo.u d. Now load in 10 th!" elise
your first m('asure of powdl'r. It must bl' ramml:"d with lhf ram
and n. mmf r. I a plain old frami ng hammfr . It bE-
rammed with 10 medi um tc hard bluws from the hamml'r. How
hard is hard? Wl'll this is where it KeD bad tu tna l and erro r. I
have' found that after the second blow the ram should nul move
5lgnlfiranlly. Try to mak!' all of lhp blows as dOSE' in strength as
pnsslblf. Contlnul' this proct'M until the case is full. Now romes
the lest of bravery . Ram the hell out of the rase 5 times with
twi ce IS much force as you have hem wing. This procedu re can
in theory iKJlite the fuseacci dentall y. However 1 have nol had it
happen to me yet.
fuw If Ignilf"d wi th Black Malch will light l'Vpry lim, and.
will bum from 4--6 second s depending on Ihe formula ust>dand
ramming strengt h. f or use in aeria l shell s il is always best 10
cross match the fuse fur sure iW\itiun and trans fer uf fire to the
round. To de this you must drill a hole in the case in two places
Thefirst will be inside the shell and ignit es the charge includ ed
there in. Th, SPC'nnd is drilled after thE" fUSE' is installed in thf'
shell. Int o th,Sf' all.' iilSf'rtl"d the hE'st bla ck mal ch thai you
can make. Thf' between the rrosxmatches mw;t be
found by trial. They should be placed so thalthf lime between
them are from 3-5seconds . Then using Black Powde r in I past!'
form you coat the spot where the black mat ch goes Ihruugh the
case. When you make the paste make sure to use only enough
wate r tu make it like a putty. It shouldn't be too we-I.. As an
alternative you can use a SO/SO mb of water and de natured
alcohol. The akohol should be the kind that has been denat ured
with ml'tha nol only. I havp only used and it bPPn
safe to US{' so far. Any ot her denaturant s might cause problems
with the burning rate by chemical means or by attra cting water
frum the air which we don't wan t.
Anyway this is the basic descrip tion or how to construct a
Roma n Fuse. As with all of tbe pyrnt echnlcal device s the re is
room for to Improve the quality of your
creations. Don't bE- scared to try out differ ent altematives but bE-
careful. Plea!ll' remember to use your sa/I'ty equipment any lime
your arc ul'Via.>s ur when mlxinjl; compusltiuru;.
Avui d .my cll' lhing lholl mdY crealI' sIalic ellu rid ly and hi'
awa re of sIalic dischargE' . This ca n acd dt'n lally ignitf
rn mpn "itloM Blllrk r owd l'r htowary.
Timed Fuses
Anothl'r met hod that I have found to hri ng firl' 10
an aeri al shell Is by the use 01canno n fuse . It Is eas ily purcha sed
at most gun stores and is usually of a consistent bum rate this
approxunately 30 se1:ond5 per fuot whi ch is about 2 1/2
Sl:I.:onus per 111m.
You will nPf'l'l 2 1/2" cannon lu Sf', a of (,()Ill. kraft paPf'r 1"
wldt' and 18" long. and glue. Lay pa pt'r on nat
Lay piKe of fuse across the strip and roll up glUing the whole
wa y. Allow to dry for two da ys. It may be attach ed by .l\luing
int o hole III end pluji; uf Oln aenal roWld. Mad e in Uus manner
the pa per will ,, ure at ll'ast 2 1/2 St. "t:onds bum hml' if Ihe
unl'Uvenod Sl'Ciion of fust" is cut ill a 45 anglt' where il
ml'l'l s th(' papt'r wrappi ng. NOTE: IWvpry conservative with th",
amount of glue uwd to thl!' fmm Il"taining too
much waler.
6 Cybertek
Chemical Safety
In thl." hm: wullmmt ,",l"rll dwmlcl1s WPtf mf'fIliorwd Of
It-Soe"o'et.ll are unoptlonaUyhlou rdous in !10m. wolyOf OlhPr
I just read in Chmwtry of Powder and Explosives
IMt eeeds 10 be expressed. Nev O!1' mix Potusium
Chloral. wit h Ammoni um Perrhlorat e or Ammcmum NItrate u
you Cl n possi bly create Ammonium Chl orat e wroth ts
extremely powerful and very unstable. alwa ys be tremel y
careful when wuh the Pota.uium Chloral... I p"f!o(IlIally
have not usedIt but have Iu::;t acquired some lor testin g ae d will
lncludf' oI oy find ings in a future amele . In tIw hnl .ttid. I
mMti oflf'd 1N. 1 I had just .lcqwreJ wme Ammonium
PffChIoralli' . W. III'VlO bf-lon some romposiboN mdudlnfl:
it and heft Itf some mults.(l) Ammonium P. rchl otaleo 'J parts,
Powdered AJummwn J PJrtl. Not .II f.l-.t F11U1Powdn but
rea lly powe rful when ronhned Ln" ru l llTOngcon t.linH. 'h.l w
had SOffit' mixed for a month and It has nol degraded In any
w.y so it appN"' 10 he relalivdy . t. ble. (2) Ammonium
l' pl'(' hlnnl" 7 part s, Zinr nu!'l 3 parts. Thisis less stable Ihan OJ
as the Zinc Is mor e vol ati le than the Aluminum. It burns rather
filpidly With a bluish while f1a mf' ln ving a white residue. when
confmed it has been reported by a colTflpondf' nl Ih" t it is qui te
puwerlu1. l have been contmua lly experi menti ng wit h mlnr 51",
and Will mclude hints aiong thia hne lall'l
on. Whffi e"pt"rimt'OlinK make tha i you onl y work wilh
affi(lunl S This mNning a poi" :JwuId be m ttw 1/ 4 to 1/2
gr,m nogIon. Any m,,", Ih"n lhis could be too 1.lrxe k,dmK to
witty ISSUt'll or bf' w,ttl'n...l of f'1(pt'mivt' ch('lJ'lju.1s if you
compoll ition wro ng . Rf'ml'mhfol lhis is I-obby .1110.1 nul
t'Ildc<I \'or. NOTE: Ammonium rp:hl"ull' when
Wl1tdJlll1Mh.-'dwllh 15' high , xplcw;lvl' lind it
is Iht>r("(orc NOT n:w l1\fT\cndcd for use as II Clln
I would ,lroolib tn IIhf'lThIle Pvwd er In a
linle morr dt1, il. I havp If'<>tPd " composi tion that b from
Potassium Permang,,,,le 3 part'l, ,nd Powdf'red Aluminum 2
p.rb. nw. 15' I\oiIsty giVH an audibll' bnt'>m whm fill.'d in
a pi.le 1/2" m di.meter. I have Ilso triPd tM
Pf'fChIorale 7 p.ub, Powdered Alum inum 5 pa m . Fuler tha n
thl' Aa,h Powd l' r mf'l\l ioutoJ m the hn t , rtlcle of this
Rpmf'fTIbPr artir ll' m.llnly bt'mK wnlt",n and on I
continuing basis as I my!'il"lf Ipam nt'w ..nd intere:;.IUlKthi np . So
Ih"r"" I will h. l kir r ing aroun d on dH(t'nml l ubt<-'l.U
IhrouKhou t INS st' r1es to infonn you of hf'ttt'r compositions
fou al:;o10inlm safety hints when noled .
I onn> 'IoiI W 1"'8t' s.llute It'j;h.oJ that rne<UurN I " in
diamt1..r and long fillt'd 1/3 of lhe way with tlw 2-1 F1bh
Powder, To put il sirnply BABOOM. V..ry niCf' COI1C\D.Iok>n .md
Ivb of wlute smoke. Be IWlrP lhat Ihl!' IIPlf " rlc"IMVil' d....iC'f1o
can be l'"\U'pbllJ\ol lly danll:erow when used!'manl'W'l'
so be when me:;slnll:WIth them.
QnCf' I sai n I ",mind you to Chl"':" loe<lllaw 10 ket'p
yourself out of Iroublf'. I don't _ any harm in whdll'm
I do nlll di sturb ol her pt'oplPll Jlf'llC' and quiP! nor do I w.c
my dCYI("t'j; in <lny way that destroy ' propt"rty. AIM I d o not
FrOIo' Ide to .anyone . I feel thai it you aN ,
and calPlul pt'lSI.llI lhdt yvu be allowed to do mosl
,n}1hing tlul 0.1 """" nell h.llnn others It _m.s lund of ..
that art' Mt 1"8011 in most Ioc.lles but you un buy
moo! guns 10 lab (I\'f'I" a m unlry. I yvu N YI' 10
IIUIb th.. for yO\meU as 10 wbether you w.ant ttl takl!'
thf ns k. Onr rulr tha I I 1wVil' found 10 be of paramount
unportana it not to tf'lI anynnr that you don'l knowandtrus t a
bunch . I don't have a probiftn With putting th is d own 111 ted a,
I believe in my hnt amendmenl rights and Nve taken a pen
I\oiIm, for some lUSt In cue my art klH Ill'"' thE- hell
ou t of Mffif'OlW, You will not hnd my handl, anywhforr othe r
than In th_ ,mrlf'!i,.
I have been _ing I 101 of plHli on thl' telev ision lately abcut
peopl e M:ndinK letter bombs to folks. I consider tlus to be
F5ycholic.llnd abo pretty ducken shi t. II youhave .llproblem
wi th IIiOJnf'OI"It put it down 011 P-'P"r or iOIIWthing, Call thrm on
1M phonr- Of go see them . Tell them how you /HI. Blowing
peopleand Iandm.lllU up doI!'M't ch.l.nge them ur thm,mbld,.
All it does ill a UMa 101 of pai n .nd InguW\- Ouy of
the e(ht oruhnnll; . the meat and potalOil'S.
I fina lly butlt nne of the thlt 18 described In
PMJ8, It wor b 110 good Ih"t I figured some of you might be
int er ested in' d PMTiprion 01how nne might build . uch a use ful
device. It bu iCl lly consistA of two g.llvanized buckets, some
steel pi pe With elbo ws Ind filli n&!" roomf' s.and, ..nd 10 shghtly
modifsed dcht'apu N lrdrier .lhe buckm tIf' difft'm\1 in
&ire so that when OI\C' is placed insi de 1M othll'r and Mid 2"off
1M bonom is approumately r of Stnce brtwf'f'n tlwm.
ThIl' pip'" 'Ihould bf. )' Iong and 11 /2"' 11\ dl&mf'ter . You mould
allo purcha M'In f'tbtlw that the pipt' . Iol\ll; with an ad. pier
that wi ll reduce thl!' tl bow down to 3/4"1". Cui 01 hol e m the
j;ide (>1the 01th, two th.lltwill tightl y fit the pipe .
It sho uld bt' located approxlmlll'l y 1/2 " "how th(' botto m the pi pe into the hole lind Into thl!' plbow locating Ihe
..\bow in tht' midd lc of Ihe bucket. Platt' th, burkPl In
b rgf'l"bud.1!1 allow inK II tu Tnt on thr elbow, Now rut ,
hoI, in Ih,. bollom aligned With the elbow. It Ihould be lind so
that 1M th""ds of 1M redUCf'r Just barely hI. Now placr the
sm,1I bucket Nck into tlMo largei' . align the hole With theelbow
and Klt'W m 1M t't'dUCff until righi , Now wrule hoIdmg the
innl'l" bucket rentered pour ,.nd brtwl't"n tht' burkl!15 until the
spoict"is hlled . Thi, concludes thl!'mn'trurt1o n 01
luma rt' .
Nell i you wi11 nffd to modify Ih... !l41r dri er. MU51 01 th er.e
conla in I dc motor which w1ll nll\ on .IS liltl e .. six volts. Thi s
the m very eal Y to modify. Sta rt by fl.'muYing all of the
!lCl't"W5 ma.kinK sure 10 :N\.' them for Iller. Rrmn v,. lhe- hE-aling
m il by CUll ing tlMo a, dow to the brau "Y"'lm 1'1 pnMibl,..
Cu i th,. pnwn ('(lTd as close 10 tIw as Rf'mOVI!'
I II olMr wil'P!l and tM diodt' from the !>Wltch. Now dun III the
termina ls on the OOtch wit h a !lOld.-ring llOI\. Make to
le. vt' the anl ched ttl 1M mCllor, 1ht modlliCflbom that I
nwde tu mme abo includes a method Inr rontrolling the molol'i
It vf two 12 position rolary aCId a
Cl f diodl.'S. Tht' circui lalluws for I relllhlll!ly wid,. r' ns f' of
whkh Iii _nli.1 10 accurat ely t,mpt'rlltul'l!' . I hav,
included th, l'Ch, malk for thO:" d rier modihclhons. For rna",
conv enit'flt use I hav,. 101M an AC tTilNlfonnu thai
su pphe:; approx una lply 25 VOItI .lind I .Imp o f ('UlWI\1, This is
adeqUd-tefor m0 t dnef mol on . NOTE: Th,. mOlor is genera UyI
d r mol or with. bridge m;bher iOldet't'd right 10 the terminals
!to thll'rrfotl' whPn the 5P."-"lI ron trol 15bypUMd thl!' motor will
br getting raw AC straight from the tramfonner. This thr
7 - - - Cybertek
dIt'CI of srrlot 1y inaNsing the of tM InOtDr. Uling the
('lII'llaCtl on tIw 11m IWild'l ,,11owI )'0'1 to do thiI wj thout
..:Idinga.t'lOthswitch. Mi ke . ll the nMdl modilklrioN thm
thedrifl mnmIbntng to u dude the hutin@:roil u
11 is not of an y uw Mnt . The chapu full Iiud dryus can
UIWlIybefound convll'RientJy for abouttal bucb. aUMdVicU!
Stiioon Pro 1500) 1Mgoodthing aboutthis .m.ap it tNt it can
bt u.wdwith .. ar battft)' for" very kingtime . Donl dilard the
huring aril u it an bt UNd for WVft'&1 tNt J willlrt
fO'I know about in another artide.
Thefunvcr produers lots ol fwMs when in uw opcc:Wlywhen
uange.tufC'O,lll briquHtes. I UM' Kingsford btaU50t I \IW it in dw
gri1I u it iii long burning and gtws .. Mil af .. lot of tw..t. I am
abo in the pl"OCal 01 gnung IOtI'If coal .II thJJ, will probably
work I'N1 wdJ WIth the forxe modihabon tNt b IJOin8 to be
OW' next d!scussWn. :00 NOTUSE INDOORS:
n.. balk M'tup for U5f' .II .. fum.roC'f'
marinly simpl. and Ilk" jU!It F-r
minutes to aeromplish. You wiJ.1 nftd a
Nrfact thai ucompl ptt ly non<ombustiblf'. 1
\AIr 2 .. X ctI nclYtt blocb pl&t'edon..
level , wiae. . NlJW Wiing duel tape atach
tht dri M to I.... going around rwtce.
PtaCf' a lay.' of charroal on Iht' bonom of
ttw Innt" tlu rkt' t lndudi ng 1 plfilN'Cln Itlt' air
hoif'. Ught thmI Wllh I propant tord!
making . ure that thly aff aUf'Vlnly lit. Add
moR!charcoal 50 that il iI; ... deep . From now
on the dner will btl referred 10 AI a fa.n AI 15 . 11 it i$ now and bee.. w.e il w.1.b mv
1t'S.$ ti ml' 10 typr' il. Tum 1M fan on the
lowest speed and rever the Inner bucket
with 8 cverjappl ng sheflfi of aluminum foil.
Uyou gOlaUthl charcoal f'Venly111 11ahoul d
take about 15 rmnutes 10 get hot tnough to
Ulot . U }"ou use a higher speed on tht fan
sometcnes it can blow the chafCOoll uul and
somercnes it tends to bum unevenly. Alter it
has htal i!'d up rtmo\'t' fhl' aluminum foil
and tum up thl' fan, I think you will No
pleawntl }' surprised with thl amount of
hul lt will prodULe_
I haw akn uwd ttlt' fumatt u a of kiln
wt dch un ill' u-d for numPf\1USpurpows.. I
U8td it 10 m&b Copper Sulphldt which Ia
U'fd in a blUf f1a mt , 1lw
though grt'. lly increuing thfo
of tht fumatt is thfo simplest thing 10
f'"k>rm. Vt'\l will fW'ol'd a ua ndard Nl'IIII
ron.. Using tin snip!i m.ab ttwGin half
u taU.. nonna.!. Lay the an on lISaldt tN
NIftorn md aw. y from you .10 tNt you can
_ the (om. Cut Wib loward the
bottom thai go haltwa} fOW.u d the bottom.
'Thfo)' Sh"'.lkt... 'I'" ('If.n inch ' ra"
all the way .round. Nm. bmd fhtMo 90
dtgrl!ft WI tha i a " fonned. On the
mf' of thf' an thai is roU mt.ct drill thrft
n7""J of 1/ ..' holn l.lVUnd It
ipCPd ..part. To use th1Smodihabon
p1P il oot1Clm sidt up OVPT 1M .ir holt- in
bottom of fumact be*- Io.Idinlt the cNrtOIl This dif'KU the
air out to the aidesiNtud of straip up a.IJow1ng bHtn .air flow
to the futI givesyouII place10 Nt tNnSi such u .....y
mKible5, etc. To bntn contain thr hut .... al uminum Ioi.I
_ led .nthe w. y. round tIw innn bucb1 .. J- .hl to
InOnitormndltioN trWd. thr
To UK the u .. Iorp you Mfd to SOto the hardw. ,..
1101\". nd acqumIOIJW hNbng dud OM that ill T to
6", the othfor S- 10 C", J"I&cto the Larpr of thr two in the Jtod
tum.CI' with tht Jarpi' akIt down. ClrftuDy ON' hAndful It .II
time pL.a: Mnd inIid. the reduca on tM bottom until It II ifov. !
with the Now INat the ImIUn redllCa i:l'Wd. the
La,,!" with the1aTgft' lid. down. 11: into theNnd urlbl lt
iii touchingbottom. carefully fin theIf*'P tIw
with und until full Almnan,ly youD'LIIy alsofill in bftwf'ft'l lhe
8 Cybertek
borgft rHIUCft" and till" blXbt to Kri insulation but
mrlftrlbft it will fPIo1in twoa' a long tune. Cd II b. thtub drain
itTImt'T mad. from chmmt- plated stee l .00 pL1C't' 0\'" the
atrhcle. Be aWI n! that this mod iflntion is only (or use a O!.Y or
twice d) the amount of heal produced will bum holes in the
duct reducers ,,{Il'r only .. couple 0/ USf'S. I am in thr pmcl"SS of
gt't1ing some 511"(' 1 r ipe for this purpose and will let you knnw
thf' results talpf.
To UN place mough CNrt"OolI I in llwo bot tom Iu C01Ier II li'll II
With propane torch. Fill tM of tbe w .lIy with chan:u.ll thm
Lty four 01 aluminum klil thai bPnl folded to tj " m
diameter on top of the inwn. Tum fan oetn a eelanve ly
high speed and Willi . It usuall y will be hoi f'n Mi gh to mef stt't'l
in about 10 - 15 minutes. You may also use. 5tNl 1adlp In melt
aluminu m. may be made (rom one of th. cheap gro'T)'
store by drillil'lg oul the rivets and imlallmlt .. hlndlf'
INdr from ' 4 ecppet will!. It can be f lattened III.. vi5e or by
bo. olhng Wit h a hotmm.. r on a h.ard curfae.. W1wn m",hmJll
alumi num try to keep the ladJ. glowing a bri ghl red or the
alu minum won'l m...11complet ely.
The Coppe r Sulfid.. mpnli ont'd pR'vioWoly wu made by Ihe
method descnbed in p)TolPrhny by Wtlngolrt , Set up the
furnace With the kiln edaptee. Light it and attow 10 rome up 10
temper ature . PloJ l e oJ crucibl e that has been rlH"lPd wi th Sul fur
and pif'(' f.'S of Copper Wll'et cut 314" squart' . FiIIlhMn to wi lhin
1" of top ('Ifcruci ble. Cuwr cruo ble tigh tly wlth sui tabl.. lop . I
fNidl' ('11'11' from a n"d eu y Jc.h ttwl i) sold lllhe hlrdw..,., t.torP.
NOTE Ml kP SUrf' 1('1 b.Jlu" IN- oI-Iyouoble al 300 degrt'ft tor I
couple bou" bEoforP load ing il with yow chenu",b to lNU
tlwl II I) I';ood .nd dry to prr \"f1lt N.cking whl'n ploJl'-od In Ihe
high h+.olt of tht' kiln. Cover tht' fum.c, If'.ving Iht' )1It fur
('IhYrvalion. AdJu)t th... ran )pl'ed so tha t thl' tiff' maintains oJ
hrighl Tf'\i glnw. Mll'r ,Ibuut 10 minutes tilt' cruclbJt' will ht- h('lt
t'nough fnr th.. Sulfur 10 start Sla y upwind .u Iht' fum,""
art' , xlrfl fll"ly n. sty .nd harmfu l 10eyt'!>, 1\U)l', and lungs. After
)Iart you will nHd M l ....p 1M lempcralun: al a nod hrl l
lor unt' hour. Atlrr 1M has pOls.Yd tum 0([ the {,In. MTlO\'e II
and up the pIp' vdth I pill'N'l'lf ...Iuminum foil Abu rov er
tl'M' With Ioenrll shf'f't<; of fOIl. Walt anuthcr
Mur for the lTUllbl...olnd flrr to cool som.......h"t .
WhUp we aring tlllll weJdmK It' move thf' cmciblf' and
on cindl' Thl ocl (or dll ulhcr how. Wht'n you opt' n it up you will
ftnd a dar l ma... thai S(lmct iflll'l>mdudes pies thl t It'tloitlf'd
tht' shi p' ot 1M Cl'lpppr sqUdl't'$. YOll should not tmd . ny
Cuppt>t mldue in thr form of CClpppTin 1Thl!lol>. Grind small
oIImounb u{ the m. )) 11\ I mortIr 1M Jl""itl.. 1M s101'\" m oln
airtight ro n ldlner . Use> for ttm chemicll ",;11 bfo dio;roYof'd in
mo,. df'llil in I Iatt'r drtJcle , llu) concludes ttus insl.llmrnt 01
the M' nn Ind OI A11wlys PLEASE BECAREFUL.
Hacking the Human Body
by Mu)ahadln
Moloy 01 us. UI the' compu tt'r 'und' rground' oil? USO:"d t il
n ril'lll!' dbuut I nd blckdooB In pi E'S of
IIClttwarl'lnd hardWdl'\" thdt mdle up this VII I cultuff' 1h.J1 Wl'
1ff' 1 Plrt of. BUI how mdllY vt w lnow, thlt tor rXlmpll', thl'
human body contain!' many w{', llo.m:. 'S>t.'S, bu)() It you will, that
( I n be I:xplollt'd jusl as Wu_f1p?
1he reuort5 for thiJ knowt,.dgf' not beinj;r; Widely '''Iilabit'
ITt' obYiouJ,. 1he people who hold tt-.:o secrets hb the
mUltf h.Jckl'n who only give out Ih...... powt'rful secrets to
\hoM> thl')' implicitly 1ru:;I, or to thaw who MV' lIhown their
worth by diligf'Tlt !<tudy and apphcancn of .. mlll'ridls. It
it no t my purr<- hf'ff' 10 dis-wminate JUch lnfonn ltion
Rathe r It iJ 10tmr"' rt the reader with I rnpect for Ih..
capa bilities of the humin body and the weaknesses containl'd
lherein" .lind of of the basic WI YS these can be w.ed to
pn'llf'l:1 oII gdlnlot II physKAI Itt.C'k in ltv rf fl"Cbve
wl Y ....youdon't wollnl to gPl b.d, up. II
NEVER pl}'!l to be a race guy dunng the of . physiCdI
confrontation. Onl y in tM movies do the ni ce guys wllk IWly,
and 1'101hln to tum aroun d
First some backgrou nd concerning body mechanics . The
human body, whether through "volut ion or di ... illl: ceanon
moves With cin:u1ar motion on mlny IX,"" $imullanl"01.llJy. Nul
ti m.. you wall 10 the bathroom or to the rPfrigprat or 10 refill
your bEofl' try wallUngrigad, robot wuuld, _ lng Jl.eC
hneu morion. You will see inunt'dloltdy tNl thiJ u an
UNnatunl mtthod of mtl\'ftnf'fll and how unromlort.ablr It is
,md to hd p me provr Ih. thfOry bfohind this arucle, JW>t how
much monon IS was ted by thi s Ictivit y. II a
CONCF.Rn:n I1'ffort 10 mainta in bal.nn-' in thi !< roboti c
movement. So now We' M'(' tile economy of moti on and I'ay of
ectton that th.. natural WIY our bodies wa nt to move gtv,"" \1. <;.
USII\P; thi5 KOnomy of motil'ln and ('.I S(-' of OIctlon now tlkH US
to my f1t'x1 polIIl, physiCilly ma nipulaling the hUII\olln body in
olin WU\oltuul fobhion.
Whilt, tl\4ny parts of thr bodY"' N!' very ncx.ibl... . we
u n fody tha i no tlung ha s full 360 degt'ft' ml:atiflll, and it is in tIus
I will u( tlus oIttlde 10. }olni ioanl pul all"n u-
the euifit wa y 10 Man thl!'dlS(w.loion. The brsl wa y 10
a joint manipuloa rion hy nampk Opm your right Mnd
eXp"'sinKthe pllm upwa rd, ThI'Tlplace Ih... index. ftnger 01 you r
Il'ft twnd (wIth thr rest of Ih. ling"" tuckt'lJ in) IIItu the right
p.tlm, Now cW>e your 1'iW\1 hind lround your indrx hnKf r.
Rotatp your fight holnd around fC'f'ling th. limits of movement
and rn mmittin g lhfomtu mmwry. Opm 1M righl hand bac" up
Ind pul II'W' ind,.. finS" AND thl' middl r finS" of ttv 1,.(1hand
both in th" pllm. it Rotate the right ha nd nnc1' again
lOl'tUlng Iht' dllf"tfI' nn-' mal r:; in thIS teduuque. Two fingt'TS
ALWAYS bf'ltpr tha n nn..., howE'Ver, mak.e sure thlt thfl' two
finKen; you pl an on st'izing aTI'local N next tu ....chothrr on th..
h.llld .. or ell't' you may 105. your due to the difficult to
grab shol pe tlus rrwll's. One can abo RJ"lb!W'poIIrate' on an
attacll'tS same holnd USlnJil both of your lands. This is a gteollt
tKhrtiqur.nd called St'JI,uahng the bone . Try thiJ fill. friend
(or , ,,rmy), but if on I frif'ndly ...ictnn be t Uft to be Ind
have the Iction prtfotmfd on you 50 you know what this if'ek
h"e .
MOVing 10 the wml. There Irt' pltnty of Ihings 10 do with
Ih.. wrisls hilt (or the wll: of clarity I wont I'W' dij;CUssing thl'bl'
much pl. ('('m....nt o( th... hands is vt'ry import anl and
t inCt' I don'l hlv" th.. lools "t my dCipoSl I 10 includp
then I wou ldn 't wa nt anyof1t' 10 fH I IKUrP with
Jwl a Ielil le. BUI I will 50IIy Ihis: get a friend .nd try out
Ihr rotall un.allimlb of the wml wing ON' hand. .md then two.' s IS tisy .lS t COIn moilleIt Without phot Oll;lnd for the wle
of w.stfd bOIndwidth. 1ht: elbow U I VC'l)' lIf' ll-f'lrJ'tdRaIOry

The /ort'. nn IIClml" rotation hum the elbow dUC' to th..
r"dial and ulnl , but Ihis is tu tht' 100cl of ", ,,I
moveml.'llt th..t tht' elbow Thi!' m,lkcs it an extremely
9 Cyberlek
stri b to the outsides of thlP rwel: will viu Ihf. muscles up.
caustng the blood Rlpply to the brain to be shut off. ContTiry 10
popular belief. thD huw " . trtke to the tempi" wo rk I I w,.n.
To T?Vivf' from sud! , Mrib noquim And gmtle
rotltlon of IN- lW'(l stnx1un> 10 mum the to their
pl"f'Vlowali tf'.
1lw I re I n obvious WN U- u ilI1No 1'lW' . be it from
on. upwl rd., sid_"r-. or nom Thr rap.>
are because of the CJCCUK)N,! airtight ap.abllitl@L
Have you ever been Wippl'd on the " r1 11w . ir pl'aolW"r
invC'llvtdwit h tha i is Irt"fT14"Odow. for welt little aNI. Ib no
!U1\.I1I ",ondn tMn IN I .lind oftm full anses out
of NCh little fotu. .1110 _",.1 poinu jocated
bene theflf which han ditming ,fff'ffl.. d"J'"lding t'lI1 how
uhhzed. There .150 ecses on the blck 01 thfoskull al tM base
where thtovmdlrH end wluch when .1Nd QUift yft anotMr
sh uldown of the brain due to the conmcncn of mU5Cln. Don't
forget this.h-y due where the head Kon.... the body follow.,
Moving in a do wnward dln'l.11l,m we have the nbs, where
fiMrs in and ou r between the nbcaKe members,
Thil; takH but finding th_ al"l'1\' l too di fracull . There is
a term I\fl"VH I.I't' to Ihf' .. of th.. flesh
when running betwf'f'n mUACI.. bun dlf'll, . callrd a nVity, "nd
caVity smiting is an acqutred ski ll, Bodybulldf'n .art' known for
their extr a musculature, obviously. But with this mwcul.ari ty
ccmes e mce blK which can be expjcned by someone
wi th lillie or no muscle mdSS at all.....I\I.!ItiC't' ;), II teems .s
though wilh this e.t ra muscle cume=; ".tn, cavity space...i.e"
mo!"f.' f'xpoMd npntp fibPr. NPPd 1wy mo re on this?
The flOAting rib. Art su.\C'ptlbl. to dislodgl'd
from thei r location, given the righl angl.. of .approach, Thl'
abdommal al't'a is naturally terw and II w.U lh ould be, unl eu
lrol int 'l.! in oIdvo1nn'l.! dt't.'p abd uminal conditioning which haa
been a prot oooo fur I have Jeen eXimples of
Ihili tr aining and it is qui!", impl'('Ssi"",. Nu tricb invol vt'd, I can
.a f.ab from .a tholl....nd milt'S dway . Real 1ron Body'
pr .ctitionl!'r5 nn bP 5tT\1ck wllh a va npty of implemtnts using
lull force with no damage done, All thili hI donI' with compl t t.
I't'laxati on of the abdomin.l.1muscle wall. But theTP ill .a in
t'Vt'fl \hI: tl:ll)lnKof the ol bdumlllid al1!.a. The mUICIH that make
up Lhis ared iU'l! primolnly wl:avt'd In a duyction that N.tura Uy
opposps fOKt from tht front. If we a splrrylhc action
5ligh tly downward'\. 10 maM lhom we h.ave e.plolll'd the
we.akrw!lS in the w. av.
Monnor Ameri ca. by Rld'iarcl Bamet , editof: sc.annM
Master Books , POe 428, Newton Highlands, MA021 III
F.cs.ral Go\ Flilquency Assignments;
Msci, POe 1428, Burbenk. CA 01507
aeyond PoUe- c.lI, available al your local Radio
SClinnera & s.crel Frltquen c.... by Harry L
EI&ef'\SaI; INDEXP!bIishIng, 3368 Gov9rnor Drive,
Sl,jte273F, San Die9O, CA92122
lII tm Intel1'ge'nce, by James E. TUMeII: TABBooks,
811H1 Ridge Summrt. PA 17294-0850
Secret" Reg istry or u .s . Government
Radio frequenc.... by Tom Kneltfll; CRB RMU rch,
P,O. Box56, ComfrIad,;, NY 11725
LOCIII D1reetorles: Scanner "' as ler , Officia l seenn...
GukSe, et. at ; c:heck your local f8dlo shops.
on the atucker 10 not be in tuM with hi5 (IWf\
natural motion, to be clWNy and aloof. Ignoranl 01 how he
DlO1leJ, un abo be a KJ'l'at by U1 overromlnK an opponent. Sort
of lib a bulkr overwnte .... Kct the atuckrr to
overccenmt...whPn hl!'/sht>does , thPn tab thP advantaKe . If
you MPf'P'R 10gPI thi5 fu thton I wouldn' t go for the
elbow at this junctuTP, bul ftw th.. pufJl'- of diM'\.l!\t.lnn if you
gri in a bind and youhan hold of an arm, INonpulldownward
violmlly to shake the opporent. .a mild W'lck to 1M
back of the hu d where it mem the neck (this actua lly hapJlftl 5).
Do your best to tab> OIdv.lnl.lp;e in ttus momml of wea bleu by
tunung thl' .Inn over plaa ng anot her hand on the outside of tht
elbow downwards. with thi5
is absolutely nect"f>Sdry for you 10 Ieel how tIus wu rks.
don' t place the hand too high or 100 low...thrs ,,11'1 cause
lh.. attaelt'r 10 fold I'lhow, of'W'ning you ur to a vicious
countt'f<1tt<1ck with nflf' of th. moM powprful wpapon. ...
interesting Ihal one 01 the bodi"'5 wPlkPllt 5trurturl'5 <1 1 its
opposition. can bome one of the stronp;tlt Wl"lPOI\I the body
has. As for the lust your own , houlder .round
to ils tllremes ,lnd you willeol.loily .Iot'Chow its can
bPt' ploiIPd.
Continuing our of IhE" t! how from l HI(t'
the elbow i5 JockPd, hopl'fully you wo uld hay. l:"nough
forethought 10 make , urt your atta ckPr 15 5light ly away from
you and bl' nt oVt'r. l ake this oppo rtunity to jam hil Ihou ldl' r
with plt'flty of force In the dlrectiun of hu law, ThIS is a neat
Iiltlt bonus of the slr,llght elbow lock. Also
10 IhP I\hould"r any folU" of dll incoming blow, llti. IS
what Broc.. cal1Pda hiI' , nul this las"f>S n" wlt'SStiming
and is out of ron lt'xt for thi. .. artie!".
Visiting the npck anoa WI' lI4"Vpral optiOl'lll. Tht thlOol l
proVIdes us WIth muc h soft coUap!llble ma!lS whIch can be'dqu ite easily , as long as speed and accur.acy on your
A quid ....1 powerful j.b to tho.' I... yr", r----J - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
Pilhtr abovt or bt-Iow, K" llb w. !IUITle tune 10
nplol? mol? possibilities in ow defl'f\Sive
posture.. WI! can now bPmmf' 1tM:> party
if we aTPJUCU!lSlul hf'I't' . Notf" tha i .al!l(l on thf'
Jides of the nrc:k exisl JtPmOffilllOCOllutoid
muscle structures (tor exact plKrmmt of th_
chk your Gny's Anatomy ColoMp; Book)
..... hich gIVe w. ample SPolU' to accn.t _etl.!
' pm.sure points' which at IIUrupuiated (read
SQUEEZED) propPriy will caU50P the brain to
prompt thP body 10 lift up nn IhP toM., thtrtoby
wl'I.kening any effort of your an<1(m to 5mb
WIth any toru. I ha\e only mtl OM JlP"OI'I
compktt'ly unmune to lhe Inlhal pa in stqUl!ftCt
prodUC'Pd by this leduUque. 0100 It made fUllob
of inlPn"Sting t l f'PTUT\ en tahon, ..nd
unfortuna!f'lv ml our immul'lf' frifond, of
brulW$ u wpl!. AI5I'l within mU'I,(lt
structl1n' al'l' the carotid anPTif'll,. A wplI p'aN'Cl
vulner.bit' .rchilt"Cture wlwn II don become K't'n5ib le lor i
IKhniqUl!' _This is thE- probll"m though , because the t'Ibow It.'flth.
10 stly bHrlnd ttwwrapon tNt prK'Pdf1> il . N'MY ltv fist or
WNIf'Vff tIv fiJI .. ho lding. II 0.... wn tNly 51d1J.d I I circuLu
motion then it would be no probl em to . imply .round an
iltLld to make the elbow more aeUlble, or J.\'m an attack and
depend on the over exmxm Qf own iJPMft of
infIut"f"IO'...his own OVt'1" t' l(tf'nSion of his circular motion. wtud\
by INoway belps us m..k,nntlwr p<linl.
10 Cybertek
The groin structure IS really iiell expla natory, save for the
few fanatical prectuioncrs of several mama l uts who pram rp
for hourti .. technique where the tesncles are drawn up
th.. scro tum. But th_ art" a dead giveawa y. wherein they
must stand In a partlrolar posture fOf this to happen,
gther are., to vulMrlbillty.
On tM Adn I nd .hlU\tly to tM b.aC'lcnf 1M thigh belong the
scwtic nerves. Rt-f"!ated smkes 10 this will d",finilp ly n US('
WNklW'!o5 in tile It,,&,. and evm tu.llily an iNbl1lty to sUll'ld
Atf.1l ighl without wlvnmg Thr knPn. whm .. person iA
standing str aight up "" ntJftnely vulnerabl e to bemll:shearrd
downwud or to the aid..._ thi s is vtry violm t .00 only
be Wot'd U1 .. VERY life thnatmiflg ,itultion. When slighlly
fit'l ed tht.on the Knt'ft are vuln enr.ble from 1M sidf'" and bad.
Actwlly. the an: ALWAYS we. k from the . id6. Tl'U' rt"
nisI many po int s, on the trol'. shin . nd arch of 1m-
ft'lOt tha t I will these req ui re Pinpoint accuracy to
admini ster to and beyond the scope of too treatment,
h"w..v..r I wil l Ill y t ha t I hf'ard a dory o f Jl Splocial
who, after bl'in,ll; Injured in Viftn am hold to walk with "
cane, became so adept wit h the cane that In a parti('\llar h.trfigh l
. 11 hI' had 10 do 10 IOUbo.lUC his att acker was . tomp the cane
dnwn nn the arch of Ihe fool, thl:reby tht intrica lL"
p.ttftn of bonf' and IigamPflI C.tusing of said bone
Ind hgament many tim'" ow'r . Needl l'5oS to wy, With ZEN-like
t'ltI'tpbcity. the .ltft'Cltion WU ovl"flwofoff' it SI.u1t'd , With III
mind, ..... ben III a bear hug type situa titm, fail 10 stomp
down on !t'M.' arch of the foot. unlKS you In> in the
.ir Thm it ISa !>imple miltt!;'rof using your held In mill' your
pninl, whi lf'.kid ,ing 011 the or shins ,
Thf'n> ""' many me re areas to .ddrns hel1' and I h.av,
seJectl\'e1r lett much Out because o( the ddmdl(lnlli natuf, ot the
techniques. I didn ' t pa y too much auent jon to the e:t rcul ar
natul\' of the body in the pos hlTf' becaw.e thi S wry
oIdv.llltl.J thoul/jhl. To sum up this ctrnllu thf'Ory, thin!.. of
,1 yo-yu dround In ti ld e whil, th, dring fully
IInwrdprN- from the allle.... what makes it spin wh dt
npJ'O"iing f(lTCrs .ue mvulvoo hen?? and whel1' U tM .(tual
hilmunatic actinn n Tht'S<'.I1\' due5 tlwt II'runmted wil h
10 l"\rn a slighl wi ll gi ve !he readt'T a grt'.lI t
.lIS to ho..... .I grt'i'1t'r .1moWlI of fonY can
gmt'rdted by usinll: t .... natural f'ndOWJTl PflIS. of ttwo body .
10 til l' guys In VlAD. CHe ap, DrHavoc, pTOpMt, Sf-'ial
ForN'llthl'n. now, and (oTen 'r . and to lhomu loom.
Muj.h.lldin - Ihf' rl'.l f)pSf'f1 Storm.


Vesoft and the
Packard 3000
by Black ICIIIRG
Thrn.o haw hrfon num("!'OUS oiIrndCS wnttm .lIbout the
Hewlrtt fackl.l'd JOOO and how to hTf'oIlthe sysll:D\. nw.wntl!
up oJoft nut dei l JOlely Wlth tht Ill'3OOOhul with Itwo for
lighlf'l' by the VESOFT oorporatitm. As lime gOl'SOIl
and Jl"OPle btogin10 )ft Uw need lor H'CUrity and a mono
productivl' syMt>m, it') bco..vmlllllj harder to ellploltlny wl'l knm
that could bP on !laid syshm. That's where Vl:SOfT ro mps in.
1135 S. Bl'Vffl y Dr.
lot AnReln. CA
9003 5-1119
(.11Q)2lI 1-M20
mOl 785-9566 (fat)
They haV t been . uppomng II _I,," Pi ck.ards j inl:f' 1'Jt1O
wi lh ,.. crllmt lor the HP3000. In Itwo followUlg
p.Jr. gu phs I dlSCWoS the vanccs Util ities tha t VFSOfT l'fTlploys
and wha t you mighl f'''Pf'CIon a VESOf"I wcured IYSI.m.
The MPEX add-on emul ates and Imp l,men l.5 virtu-oiIly all
of the MPE/i Xuw.'r IlIlcrfllct! ft'alUm (variabll'll, command fill'S,
ImpliPd :RUN, :CALC, :COPY, :PRlNT, elc) on MPE/ V. Not
only dnes. Ihis add it lot of power to the MPli/ V system, but it
al!O leIS you 11M' the same job .t reol nll> un MPE/ V end on thf'
MPE/iX (If the own , r nf the H_ Il't1Poi ckdrd hoilt bothsetupt!)
So uu tl.llUy you won t w@ a difft'T'Pnct" with the
''m. Abu tI the , y. tnn has VESOFT in.'lallt'd and not:un ttw
olms)'Sletnli theu , that's not an iMlWright IlC1W cause if you.llre
expeneeced wnh the 3000 lOel'le;.lInd the U""- you will be .lIble 10
I\lvigate wilh Ni l .. problem.
The Audi t program from VESOn U> a resecurement utili ty
very to tM SATAN f"r UNIX pu rpose of
VE AUDIT ts tc the syste m for 10(lpholl'Sand to the
M,mager / Sy.t cm Admuu.trator in the sys tem. VE
AUOIT takl'S Ihl' 1"lxJriOWi job of chf'Cklng accoun ts
(lISTAC'CT), lI wrs (lISWSER), ;lOd KrtJupa (L1STGROUP) In
se. who whAt ,,<"l:t'5S, rapabili tlt.'), no passwords, etc. Thp
program SO" through f'Vf'l)' thing olnd then f'q)Orts to mal\lS" loopholn (II any) al1' klund and wha l is the . UlUtt'!lttd sttp
to I\"seC\IIl' tNt t}"uem. Thl, pTOS' "m can al so be to iltef
lhe acrounhnll: structure 1.'1 wf'l1l5 kJok ,II it With ,I new
lII'l (If ro rnrn.lOOIo.
1lw program is nm wlw.-n )V\I "" the .ttribull'S(poi<o.<i wnrd ,
capability. aCC'f'M LiM thl'm In one or two liM obJKt
rormat. e rrat, an MPEX comm"nd file lhat Will n:bu.ild the
lo'trur:tu:rewhen the progr am is f'llf'CUtt"d. . them
al ler prompting
you (" n loe'e ttus program will lhe
administrator in .In euy to \Uof' mann("r .nd
allows the system fif'C1I rity to bf' tightcnoo in a way that was nnt
u ea . y 00 thp standa rd Hr JOOO.
The VESOfi )IC('\1l'Ity progr am worb in S("Veral Wolylt to
llf'CUrf' IhI' Hf'Wkt l PoIo.:Urd sy!>tem. Most HI'3000 systems will
aUow u.'#f1i to logtm to the sy. tl'IIl Uiillll( non-uniqur n.lItnf'
and gene riC _ion Rami!' wilh a _IOn password (i.e.
VESOFT Will no matter form" l ttw: .ystem UMlI to
f'Slabbsh Idcrobty allow the ow of .II name and
poiuword lor IhoIl ind thus InCftu ing thf' !Il'ruflly 10-
fold. It will . 11'00 , llminal, the annu Ylll1lj h.abll of lJ.Wf'S (lmitling
11 Cyberfek
Cyberlek to Continue Production
I hn pt' writ . up will provo'" molT in lo:Tl'Sl In the Hewlett
Pacbrd s)'I tf'll\l namely the HPJOOO. If you have any
cornmenb or with to dilcuu these systf1TlSmo", in-depth
pk ol!oe feel free10 wntact me I t the lollowing p-m. i1. ddf'tI"M:
..:hl.lck,ictli irg.rom>. Hope to hear from some of you.
Someof you mighl have seen the fIOSlS OIl Usenei and IIRG-Net
slaling Ihal lhe pnnl "Cnioo of CybeMk wiD CCISC production s1Ier
Issue: _18. The decilion 10 diJrontinueCybntd, II thai buaI
00 a In tlv: number of lubKnpaocu thai Cybetttk had beat
receiving: IImld ",hieb WI.\ felT ICI'OU rhewhok ' llhl' SttTII:
loOCiu-pohllca1 I'lowc-Ytt, have not onI)' prompted us 10continue
publishing Ihf prinl wnion of Cybmpl . but .tan pubbclUl;lII of a
Ic:C'OIld lII:WSlt""ef. Modem SU"'tTor.
Cybcnek: Will eceunee 10 cover rna""
COfI11'1I1cn. llllllu. Ioa:unl)'. and , ul"YClIlIncc.
Modem Survivor will eo\'.:r and
altc-mative Illl:dicUlC. IlJtemauvc eneri)' , and weaponry.
Those of )'ou who lublCrihed 10 Cyhenck for the survivalil t nwletioJ
ClIO swilch uver 10 Moocm Survivor for the n::mainder of )'Our
frceof ChMIt!. l ust me II poslcllfd or email. llwx of
)'PII .....anl to keep your lubscription 10 Cybenek and luhKrihf 10
Modem SurvivOl" el n subsl;nbc III 112plll"t' 1$7,5OIycar). lboK of you
In !he Untied SLaIC:S \l'ho aren'l subscnbcn and wanl a wbsctiJllion10
bndI can do so rc. S22.'year. A lubso:n pul,lll 10 e1lher C)1)enek Of
ModemSumvoru lull S15Iyur.
mana ger.l\oPC\lri ty
rnl/iT.hppl 117
fleld.hpp1 87
mana ger.tch

mgr.hppl 96

mgr .hppl96
mgr ,tf'lf"\up
mgun :
mgr .hpp l lW
mgr .ronv
mgr .hppHIQ
mlll.m. L1
the session name , inet tht' MrE ope rating AY"lp ffi it
ChanKinIli uf passwords become manditol)' through lh..
l'l'Cl ,mty prvgt em. Soi vlnjlj the oIC(UWlI tlmt' by having .I
5eI lime period for the USol"D to change thelr p.. (i .....
.-vl'ry 30days or as
Somp HP3000 whffi accessed give the IDeJ
to ttwMrE prompt -;" whkh mmt UW'B dnl eeed lu .11
tM VESOFT now MU up .. ffiMlU lOftl ptiOnS which
allows the user to use tht gwm not hing f'l'W' .
If the sys.tem MS dill- up' ee llfCUnty prognm
p.I!oSwords un '" Il'mllJ\o1ll by Mmuwl b.uiJ thus Addmg in "
lW'N>nd pecsword to protect tho:- system. Thw. .nyurw up
not tmly h,u In gpt f'd'llhp dial-up but tht"y .bo have
to log In 10 the sy,ttm u If thry WP", It the COIl-'I01I',
If the system is run on networks then thl' pr ogram will
synchronize the network and allow ftle transteB with out
act ually ]nr, jI;injlj int n Itlt' 1't't ".. 1Vinll: .. m u ....T'i w1l1al.;o hav p
to Ingin to a system .11oJ tJJffl.'rmt terrmna l )\.b t as If they were al
thai console.
t:mtlf'ddrd po\.... o\ rP pmho\hly one of tM biggl'30l
thrPat$ to HPJOOO . Iemgwtt h ..h.rrd pu.<;word s and
passwords thai have nOIbeen d\angl'd in long ttrne. It Ilwon Is
t"Sll'f klf someone 10 . CCf'55thI' syslem saolng II u will be t'uifl
to hgurYout. Once pil>l;wordhas beccrne II'mbt'd tht' .bility to
dangl' It m ol JOb stream ISvel)' hard and time ctJnsumlnl\:. lM
Sl"CUrily progTam comes wilh whal u, called ttw "STREAMX"
rnN!ul, which will do .11 the handy work for the aCW\Ul1
m. IUI&".
Logoffnow hal a buill In timer so tho<.f. 1,1" "" Ihal art' idle
ur leave tnl' 'ystem lor I given I mounl vf tim. will
olulllllhl llcally be 1l1K,1\l"l.l utf lind the inlep;r1ty of the system
brought bold< to $lomhl l
("OVE"I"!; thl.' b,lsics of Ih", VESOFT prt.Jj(tam). AJ you
can !\H' . ny , ntry inlo "n HPJOOO w-illl'l VESOFTwill nut read
and Ihp aN'.......ihilily hol s been chol nl'loo to Iha t pI
protKtrd . I'll ,",vt"Ihp coveTagl' of suTV("ilLmre soci.11
enKU\Hnng and dumpster d iving fOT nlhr"" . Wh.1I will wy is
you to ha\ 1' a finn I{fasp of tht' targp!
Tlwo IS a II!>I uf wme of the def.u1b In tht'
11t"W1.1t r.cluird"I1l usedon the 3OlJO 0100 the 11 m.
Kf't"P in mind Ih.1 I I"f'Y('Urrd is going 10 have IhI
dd.u1ls ITmovrd Ind n-pl.rrd with hghlff :'\t"tup. Rt"mOl ,
luKU' hu bt-l'n a pride and joy of Hrw lplt Packard
ow,,"'r)\ . It is one uf the most exploited in tenn! of m.lId OWl
pnlry. With thl' VESOFT properly the 1151,111
onf' t'ntry fur will nuw be twu, The default
aC(Ollnt.\ a no .llways opt'n if Ihey )l iIIl'll i)!. A:>ide from
"dumpster diVing" ynu ron\id,r !lOCi,,1 t"ngiOt"t' ring
names and . s much Inlo as flO!'-\i blE' abo ut tM ynu aR"
...ttl'lflpbnlli 10 iii" m on, jus l in cUe' you . ft" .l.'ikPd for I
pa!>!>wmd . Soml'tunn yuu wtll come 1(1'011 .. IYJtm\ tNl UJoH
INo pa ssword " at lugm. lhu I) '1'1 old op bon and thWi
bring ..n npti on dOf"l ont' any d("l.lull$.

0pl'n tor.systf'm

mol lbnan ,hpolhre
fit'l.h upport
wp.hpo/ iJ<:p
ope rator.ltupport
Pl, :u:>cuys
mgr .llbcTVl'r
'TheeluOlUWI Novcmhethal proved In me beyond of
I the n...JUf1I), pf AmcnCPl, lknt the} mipl be
.. people, an:: idiou. I _Hi havc",n nm Ihilicounuy Ofl lao . hupdts.
case. If il Wlrn' nul 'IM'. nun..ny of reorlc _ 01 lIId vMed for I
lhirdpany candidate:, "''h ile tolalilltnUi Clinton did I
reoof'J ected (and In Ctioe )'OU think I'm picking on !he Democrats. I have
UI equal amounl of unkind wOflh for thr RcrubliclUll lli well ), I l lcasl
lhere wert' II det:ent lUoount of peoplewho wenl anddid !heri)1:hl rhinA
The illll;illl llUIIUdc of the country loday il thaI people'l righls and
f'reedoml mUll hf r.acrifil.:ed for Ihf "lake of .,.;uril), lIId IlIkt;r". I
pcnunuJly d1S111lft' and fecl lhat Ittirude il WllONG! 8m Franklin
feh the lame wly Thi, oountry'l form of Il1YCl11IIleIIl WII ClUtcd10
!hal the nsh lS 0' the minoriry an:: protected from the whims of lhe
majoriry. Thesedays, people wtM.I wir.h10own pDS. bumc-Khoolthctr
bb. do wIw lhcy wnh on thctr own penonal propeny, take hctha1 and
(l(hfr a1rtm2five wonhip lhc pdlloddcu of thctr cbow;e ,
and othcrwlsepracucc the ada,e of "Do wlw thy !.h.aI1. IS Ionl as it
IIamu. none M _ betn, IhmolmN by the mua 01 ",ill! puses 'or
hum&lllry under !he pmmse thai it' l 0 K. flf inTlllCtflI f'MIlk' 10 he
persecUled il "senn Ihc loud". and - mi ghl malte
thtnp sater". SIKh 1/1 Intrude is atiomilUhlc, and aften lead. 10
12 . Cybertek
Should thai Kl\I nd farfetcW !he ITIUI medl& hu begun
MakS WanCtmdjri ""ca Rmoo -Many fyJ>o'$.Wly1 $5 .
PIItriuu. Miblililo. 1...Ibntanam.
Schookn, and Olhm who l!:NIC 10 fi l the ICXUIl$l louhwian,
Sruorc" Wood"",,! fpoJ Allr lJ!.lym Rroon L S3
mokI. rua. !>huwn thai the ddaUlllillU.ralIun of
Dp.a IINQboo Rrngn . Uruque dnll"- 5K.
WZfl il dlc fim IIc:plowank genodde. From Itw poI0l il' l only fn;c tin l KRO" Many l,Iruque Sc4.
malta of ume. unku wmc:ltu"llJ don: 10 mp II Ul the bud.
PUIDniP' WI !" Fpr EmRenna c\ lII'Iique des $4
C)tlcno:k _ Jtar10d as my Iftemp' to II)' md mp duop III lhc
Em; CNIing Rqgt - Will you by vllnfty. S4
bud. and failiTl! lIw miuion . 10 provide \OOn:e of informafion 10 Bum Mdlwr Rq:m . Abo make artlcUlly. $9.
,"151 lhoK 10 Oea!Jnl With the dart nma ahead. Cybenc t II for the Bum W"':r Rgxm Rlln as Iteam &; mUl to C&Jb. 51
..-ho tlaVl' decided In tUt rt\f'I"'fIlittility (Of thti t own wlf
Pr4a' PPm Bcnom (2) For 1<*101 (If tnwl n ea
lktemunauoo and Idf -l't'hmce . and ",-bQ Wlsh 10 be abk 10 00 their
ltJio& unmolest ed b ;.
RI'fiOWmhjDl' Brprrta ( 2) SubhmUIOlbCIt . d e . S itka
rononue. Poor Mans MrdKjp!kpgrt . youncll dItap. SIO
Bur l rIJdig,gon Wilbopt PoiIOQl RP90 . Surprilinr. S6
MayOdInp lde yw t .... y'
P1yrtl jc st;lf QrJsns Rcngm (2) Simple &. ufe. $(lea
NamA' Sr lfQr fmg Repoa - .... ___ireu. $10
f>Ic:aK add 52.SOposup ... handhnl ..... h CJf1b, Send $' luc Iarp
bu.Tedlbk !rMjUIIy Cat. AI . '1')' 76. BOll 1107 Gudta V.IIt)'. ID
J"donR I PhrutinR I Crac king I f .IKlrnnin; Infornuolinn I
\ 'irmn ' Anart"h)' , Intll' nM'1 infOllJ\3liOllnow IIvailablr by l'Ul'upuk f
dl!ib. books. manuali M mcmbl:nhlp
""" "

cat&log 10 :
WANTED; Artll:b fOf Cybmd. 11' 10. We art iCeb nl hlgh-qualiry,
8 01 573, l.on RBuch. .l9!160
practical. bow' lo artIdu on technology, lind w;lfreliance
welonme, Ern.Iil l k omlt lOphl.(', m fOf lupin
of intn!'Sl , wmers ' Juidehnn. and compe-nUllOfi mformall on, or 10
Jam-packed with artIelcs-C'lippina:s &. update . Low Pace .
submu anarticle.
li ard Times Suryjyal MjlDUjl! BarFain priced nflOM' on elile\ plan. '"
your options 54 Cla.'!iifLCd AoJ_ 15l-enw.... ord. 20 word rmmewm. CODlael us for
Hell"; W!l!k, yl ",Julin tiq X"I, - Llllll' 01"cUm" b) Jor
rn . ...,
peomcs. 5b
Own A r ia" In Paradje BellOn_All nali OM viu requirerrems Cybertek:
wlhirklen eden 4
Puh llllhu; PO. Iln&64. Bre....uer , NY 10509
freedom Wi)' - Old hve on 52 a week r11ll;51e. 53 Senlor Editor: Thomas leorn <tieomflIOphl.eom>
Survival Secrets Reports (3) Huge 59ca
Wrllll'n: AIr-c iJc s. Nick HalfliDjl'r, Wilufluwer, S.V.M.Jlm l eft.
Rook . Philn<nphic 512
Charlie Holmes, Pyrnnnmy, Bell, R F Burns, TOIII ROIIdl , J.
Orlin Gr.abbe.Joshua Tower. The: Men From Monao, Mcenarynl RG
' DafJUlP PwWhx:, or Ths: Wurltl 8uok t'lll>ne. 59.
WbplI Absad 81X1O' Comlnl disaskn OIltlinc:d. $4.
Domestic : $1511 ycar(4 SUllll'1rIn ue: $3
SOUlb Pacifih PwdjKS Rcrl!!O- Speeia! 1' 1acu &:vicws 54
C.anadian 52Vyear (l IS) Qvencllll : U llIycar (US)
Poor Mms HWJ5ing Reeort . OleaI' ere.
COfJIUIltIl' 58tVyelll
l .jvl' QQ Wheels Bmun - VlI/l>8u>l"& Illany rnure. 55
u s ConynllDlt><:\ & Kctft".Jt Hwn - SoUI"l:ft ldeu . U . T.we. o;J u mi..... In_unl (and hinct:ional ) dectmnic
Ntw SY'lCm, Rmm Bencr world Syl lCInI. n.
equIpment. office IlIppliu, envelopa. , ...

New foods RCDQ(! UtIle know" crnp &:fnnd& Sf> """"oJ
paymml. A

(Cybotn d : Ekmk) ;. ....ailahlt ...i.

SIGOrc '" fAorje Foo.h RemJ - {moal "'andy of dlllpJ/VIWW.JOpht.cumI- btvmI >.

flUQlng theSc;aRrnm -Van ou5 fish lamun&Info. ( Ie. SJ. l:IIltw!i
;. Copyright
' 9%
by OCUMaloilUdt . All Rlgtl15
>n;1Ssm" RPQn. Upgrading fettih l)' mclbods. 59 ."""".
Th< InfonnatlOl"l
periodiul ;.

Sulef Yield ReTlQ(] ' Link kllO....n w>;ret5 mcthods. 511
educ.arionaJ Pul'fll*$ nnly; as unconditi IUIllVlIcI by Atticlc L
8111 of Rllh15, ConstllUOOll of 1bc: United of .... merica. No illepl
Slwr 'lW"lh C9!1sRCRIId ' 10i WnWaJe. SUllpk do. " uw i" implied or Thf'opmllllli stated U1W uncles arc !holt
MOMEanb Srf'!u . E50lcnc 10 heal . S8.
of !he IIllhon, and do noI: neccuanl y n:ftect !holt 0( OClJMagnilude'.
PPk Sbifi Broom (J ) Endof ceonuy diuner $6.
Cy!'lIl'rtek or Il"s ldnunislr.lll"" and edil Qnal SlafT.
I>jwlrJ R"oom 0) pmrbetic II'tC 51\ea
EnyjrowllC'llI al Drtou(p"' !l! Rmza Llttk knoIo-n IOro. sa
Nockar l>uptg Kebd Rmoa' l)cIOll.KCft:UCIC. n _
H!!idr;oPou o!llj Rcpo", (3) addltivn<nvir.p. 57",
PoIMl!) I W tulrnl Brooxt . Delo. roods "1m tb: m 53

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