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Quang Nguyen Friday,April 09, 2010 4:45 PM Morel,Brian P Joe Edwards;Jesse Gagliano Wefflife 734 and cemNet WellLifeT34.

pdf cemnet.pdf ;

Brian, Thesearethe papers Welllife 734 andcemNet(Schlumberger's on website).Fromthe picture bothpapers, appears on it to me thattheyarethe samematerial different with sizes. I thinkihe Welllife 734 hasa smaller sizethancemNet.Wiln Welllife734,the material be dry blended it can be sprinkled an already can or prepared lo cemenlslurryeitherin a batch mixeror to an RCM. \Allth cemNel, paper ihe doesnotmention it can be dry blended.So, for the up-Coming if production job, sincethe dry-blended casing cemenlis already thereon the rig we cansprikle wellLife intothe cement oul the 734 slurry whilemixingon the fly.

Exhibit No. Worldwide Court Inc.

Business Confidential



Welllife@ 734 Additiue

Welllifeo 734 additive versatile glass is fiber material developed specifically usein well cements otherwell for and , , properties setcement. mechanical of Specifically can " it beusedtoenhancethetensilestrengthofsetcement' Welflife 734 canatsobe usedasa lost circulation fiber .y materialfor cement, and spacer drilling fluids.When s usedin cements anotherusefulfeatureof Welllife 734 fibersis that they will help to mitigateanyundesirable effects shrinkage may occurduring cement of that slurry hydration.Welllife 734 additive be usedin applications can in temperatures to 600'F. up The material be dry blended can in the field and pneumatically transferred, ease use,or for of prepared it canbe addedto an already cement slurry either in a batchmixer or to an RCM.Standard mixing anc pumpingequipment be used. can fluids.Welllife 734 additive be usedto modify the can

WellLiled7A Ailditiw is comprise.d alkali -resistant of glass fber*

Ghallenge #l- Inorcase lensile $trcngillr

Setcement typicallystrongin compression, less irr is but so tension. lncreasingly is beingrecognized the well it by construction industrythat cement potentially in can fail tensionin the wellbore annuluswhensubjected loading. to Whenthe cement sheath failsundertensionthe resulting cracks create can fluid migrationpathways. These cracks mayresultin a lossof zonalisolation. reinforcingrods,or othertensioncarryingductilemembers. In the well construction industryWelllife 734additiveis purpos. usedto achieve same the Welllife 734is generally usedin conjunction with our Welllife Service improve to the tensilestrength cements. of

Ghallenge #2- lost Girculdion

Oftenoperators encounter inability to circulate an fluidsin a wellbore from lost circulation.Lostcirculation may have anynumberof causes. Whatever cause, the cement still needs be placedin the casing-formation to annulusin a well asplanned, thusthe lost circulationmust be addressed. Preferably lost circulationis curedprior to initiating the the job. However, primary cement operators oftentry and cure lost circulationat the same time asattempting placethe to primary cement.

$oltrtion #2 to Addrcss Lost Gircuftron - Wellllfre@ 73,c

Welllife 734 additivehasalsobeenusedsuccessfirlly a in numberof areas the world asa lost circulationadditive of for cement, spacer drilling fluids eitheron its own,or in and combination with other I,CM materials.


734 Ualue

WefLife 734 additive f delivers valueby improvingthe tensile strength cements helpingoperators address of and to the challenge lost circulation. of Whetherusedfor tensile enhancement aslCM, Welllife 734helpsto enhance or the safety and economics wells. of

Softfi'on #l to lncrease lensil,e Strrengilr - Wellllileo 74

The construction industry compensatesfor the characteristically low tensile strength of Portland cementswith steel


Business Confidential

HAL 0010152

t{umber Packaging SAP rnd function Form Color Specific Grauity 6trF at (lb/ft'l BukDensiU pH


tu. | +O nag

Tensile SfengfiEnhancorLost & Circulation Material Fiber whiteto variable 2.62 44 6.5-7

H05868 10/08 @2008Halliburton All RightsReserved Printedin U.S.A.
Sales of Halliburton products and services will be in accord solely with the terms and conditions contained in the contract between Halliburton and the customer that is applicable to the sale.


Business Confidential

HAL 0010153

::rr :

Controls circulation lost to improve cement returns

E{hctively maintairs returm Gsment
with most cementing Compatible systems and addltives,CemNETffber is addedduring the cementingprocess.Because inert the materialusedin the CemNET additivedoes not affect specifiedcernentproperties,it can be addedto the slurry at the mixing tub. This featureallows the CemNETfibers to be usedonly in the portion of the slurry designated be pumpeddownholewhere to lossesarc cxpcctedto ocorr. Oncedlspcrsed in the slurry the CcmNETfibcrc createa physical network that, when placed across loss ztnes, allowsthe cementto bridgeoff thesezones,resulting in resumedcirculation of the cementduringtreannent. Reducs dbposalcosts CemNETfibers sealareashavingpotential for lossesdurlngtreatment,reducingboth the amountof cementuseddurtng reahnent and the cost for dtsposalduring cleanup. In operationswhere CemNETfibers are not used,operatorsmust pump excess cementdownholein anticipationof losses to fractures, ffssures,vugs or htghly porous zonesduring treatrnent.By adding CemNET program, fibers to the existingcementing well costsassociated with dispsal of excess cementand remedialcementing operations to repair low cementtops can be eliminated.

Applicatius r Toregain circulaton lost while cementing r Under temoeratire all conditions o For slurry all densites r Inmost cement slurry fonnulations Benefib r Eliminates during losses cementingoperations, reducing $e need cosdy for remedial squeeze operatons r Ensures designed that cement tops achieved are r Helps prevent cement fallback r Reduces excess cementreturns. fiusdecreasing disposal coss r Provides immediate coverage of loss zones during cementing operations Fatues r Forms network bildging r Can added fie cement be to slurry thefly on r Does affect not cement properties r Compatible most wifi cemendng systems additives and



Advancedfibet oomnt Whcn cementing casing, some of thc cement can bc lost into natural frachrrcs, fissurcs, vugs or highly porous zones even when the fracture prcssurrels not exceeded. CemNET advanced fiber cement is composed ofan inert, fibrous material capable of forming a network across the loss zone, allowing circulation to be regained. The CemNET ffbers are engineered to an optimal size for sealing loss zones.

Business Confidential

HAL_001 0154

hislory Case CanNEf advarwdfiberenant povidos g* suhtartialnvingsfor shallow openbr inrprlfilrlad,enAlbertr. hlllng shallowgaswells in areas rlddled with shallowcoal seams has caused greatdifiiculty f<lrmany operatorsln southeasternAlberta. The aerial extent of the coal searns is quite erratic, making it virtually impossibleto identifuwhich wells will encounterlosses. Becausesurface casingin this arca is typically set abovegroundwater, requlrementscall for cementreturns to be brought back to tlle surfaceon all wells. Previously,operators have chosento pump largeamountsof excesscementand not drop the top plug until cementretums were seen at the surface.This technique was not only unreliablebut also resultedin largedisposalcostsfor the excess cementbeingreturnedto t}le surface. For one operator,losseswere on of encountered over 90% the wells. proposedCemNETtechSchlumberger nolory as a solution to this problem. By simply addingCemNETsealing flbers to the existing cementingprogramwlthout any othcr changcs, the operatorhad full returns on over 75%

of the wclls in thc field. Improved feturns allowed the operator to pump less excess cement, thereby reducing the amount of cernent for disposal. The cost of tlte cementing operation was significantly reduced by decreasing costs for cement disposal by an average of 46%.Additionally, the need for costly remedial cementing to repair low cement tops was eliminated.

fibers Uf NoCemNET I CemNET fibers

TSL-4265 February 2002 @Schlumberger *Markof Schlumberger

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