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2)Waldenstrm Macroglobulinemia---which Ig seen 3)malignant melanoma---which classification(clark) 4)diseases caused by EBV 5)which disease is not transmitted transplacentally 6)components

of partograph except 7)endemic typhus caused by 8)CD4 count 300 which causes pneumonia in a HIV pt 9)which subtype of rickettsia causes fever 10)shortest diameter of female pelvis 11)withdrawal symptoms in an alchoholic except 12)uses of propranolol except 13)Rib notching is seen in all except 14)where does the venous plexus of prostrate lie 15)component of BCG vaccine 16)Michaelis-Gutmann bodies seen in 17)most common cause of pulmonary embolism 18)neuron seen in cerebellum 19)characteristics of weber syndrome except 20)which hypoxia without cyanosis 21)pitting of nails and hair scarring seen in 22)which gas is not seen in green house effect but can cuase climatic changes 23)which causes increase in insulin receptors 24)which releases aflatoxin 25)in which disease absent vagina 26)first stage of puberty 27)all conditions causes hypercalcemia except 28)child 28 weeks gestation 950gms when should eye examination be 29)globet cells are seen in all except 30)Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) all diseases are included except 31)heart failure cells are stained by 32)which cells sudden burst in seen in respiratory inflammation 33)all are related to raynuads syndrome except 34)polyps seen in 35)caseating granuloma seen in all except 36)amount of insensible fluid loss per day 37)drugs given in parkinsonism are all except 38)increase in TRH causes -------- to be released 39)amenorrhea maintained during lactaion by 40)all are true about calcium channel blockers except 41)mechanism behind giving ethanol in ethylene glycol poisoning 42)sickle cell gives resistance against

43)man is intermediate host in 44)anti HIV drug which can be used for both HIV AND TB together 45)true about both warfarin and heparin 46)true abt warfarin 47)shortest acting insulin 48)beta lactums which doesn't have a beta lactum ring 49)extended beta lactum are resistant against 50)wat do u infer from HbsAb +ve and HbcAb +ve and HbsAg -ve 51)cabot ring seen in 52)lobes of liver divided on basis of 53)wat is definition of serial interval 54)prophylaxis of meningitis 55)Gartner's cyst arise from 56)Most common cause of vagnal bleeding in neonate 57)wat should be done if a baby is brought for 4 days of vaginal bleeding 58)Hanging drop preparation used for 59)dying declaration comes under 60)medical negligence has a small part of wrong in the part of 61)Calculate BMI 62)Earliest Ocular sign in acoustic neuroma 63)snow man sign sign seen in 64)Councilman bodies seen in 65)all are kept as gas form in cylinders except 66)Anesthesia of choice in child with cyanotic heart disease 67)degree of freedom in chi sq test with contingency 2*2 68)complete cleft palate totally separated frm 69)all used in brachy therapy except 70)linear accelerator produces 71)oxytocin antagonist 72)mikulicz cells n russell bodies seen in 73)a person laughs to a joke, then suddenly loses tone of all muscles, diagnosis is 74)takayasu disease common in 75)siffert katz sign see in 76)thrombocytopenia,eczema,immunodeficiency 77)marble bone disease 78)nutmeg liver seen in 79)which drug can cause thyroid dysfunction 80)vibrio parahemolyticus seen in undercooked 81)largest protozaon 82)chalazion all are true except 83)common cause of death in PDA

84)Uveoparotitis seen in 85)Kawasaki disease all are true except 86)enlargememnt of pituitary tumor after adrenalectomy is called 87)Niemann pick disease deficiency of enzyme 88)Most abundant extracellular ion 89)most abundant intracellar ion 90)in a patient who is on fat free diet which is decreased 91)Misoprostol is analogue of 92)ecthyma gangrenosum caused by 93)All drain into coronary sinus except 94)Pain in breast cancer is due to infiltration of 95)Rituximab is antibody against 96)anti transglutaminase antibodies seen in 97)anti RNA antibodies seen in [snip])Which artery can be felt at anterior border of masseter 99)Lateral Medullary syndrome 100)most lateral cerebellar nucleus 101)Length of External auditory canal 102)feature of schizophrenia 103)typical intercoastal nerve 104)definition of blindness according to who 105)contents of adductor canal all except 106)vitreous is a derivative of 107)baby starts speaking sentence of few words at what age 108)interferon gamma secreted by? 109)if the myopic power of eye is 1 dioptre and near vision point is 10 cm,then what is the power of accomodation 110)most common site of spontaneous esophagus rupture 111)most common site of lodgment of foreign body in esophagus drug used in ovarian carcinoma are all except 112)adriamycin toxicity is most specific in 113)when a drug binds to the receptor and causes action opposite to that of agonist it is called 114)a person presents with tense with hemorrhagic fluid and blister is at epidermo junction and IgG deposition diagnosis is ? 115)blister formation in which stage of burns 116)which of the following is not a bronchodialator 117)what is not found in hypothyroidism 118)which of the following does not cause pulmonary htn 119)pt with coma for 20 days which is best route of nutrition 120)5000 population , 50 have disease and 10 are fatal......what is case fatality. 121)lyme's disease is caused by

122)cell not present in cerebral cortex 123)earliest sign in acoustic neuroma 124)taste to ant 2/3 rd of tongue supplied by 125)lateral geniculate meant for 126)complete mole chromosome composition 127)hydatiform mole arise from 128) child 10 yrs age had some congenital infection,mom also had it.method of diagnosis 129)longest half life for which substance 130)pregnant woman lacks which clotting factors 131)rheumatoid arthritis and pneumoconiasis is called 132)neuroangiofibroma investifation of choice 133)fastest conducting fibres 134)meralgia paresthetica is 135)colour of hemosiderin 136)which cyst exactly refers to hydatiform mole 137)liver scan hypoechoic lesions,no septa,no debris.wat is diagnosis 138)convulsions during diarrhea becoz of 139)which has no effect on osteoporosis 140)in rickets which is raised 141)petechia in scurvy is due to 142)vitamin not def in ceolic 143)2 or more molecules in one direction thru membrane is which port 144)all are true about herpes simplex except 145)granulation formation which type of hypersensitivity 146)boy comes wth lesion single which subtype of leprosy 147)all causes ventricular cardiomyopathy except 148)skin graft at 4 degree C can be stored for how many hours/days 149)all causes hyponatremia except 150)cetuximab is used in the treatment of 151)lantoprost is used in 152)Sumatriptan used in 153)5-HT3 antagonist 154)5-HT Agonist used in migraine 155)all are true abt calcium channel blockers except 156)why exercise is useful in diabetics 157)action of chylomicrons 158)drug used in MRSA 159)increased glutamine indicates 160)all are congenital thrombotic disorders except 161)method of disinfection of hepatitis A virus 162)Vit K dependent clotting factors

163)gum hypertrophy seen in which subtype of AML 164)metastasis from which organ is common to bones 165)secondary amylodosis is due to 166)metastasis is least common in 167)all are true about basal cell carcinoma except 168)pheochromocytoma causes increase in 169)ramsay hunt disease 170)not included in MEN 1 171)drug used in clostridial infection 172)xiphoid process attaches to the strenum at the age of 173)which nephropathy seen in diabetic nephropathy 174)wat factors contribute to pulse pressure 175)normal cardiac finding in a pregnant mother 176)age to give consent for transplatation 177)till which age is a person called child 178)commonly used solution to preserve organs 179)sharp instruments are disposed in which color bag 180)all are true abt ranula except 181)best method to detect unruptured ectopic pregnancy 182)no of bacteria present in a ml to say it is tuberculosis 183)no of holes in a square meter of mosquito net 184)how is femoral hernia placed 185)drug used for partial and complete seizures all are except 186)acute otitis media is caused by 187)features of bipolar 2 disorder 188)which is true for nitroglycerine 189)to know intestinal obstruction which imaging is done 190)bile acid secretion depends on all except

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