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SVN Server

Installation and Configuration

SVN (Subversion Numbering): Tool used for Version Control. Individuals/Team uses Subversion to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation.

SVN Server Service is installed and configured in METASRV server. SVN Installed with Version: CollabNetSubversion-server-1.6.9-1.win32
You must have administrative privileges to install and uninstall CollabNet Subversion Edge.

Java 1.6 JRE/JDK must be installed. The installer will install Java 1.6 if does not detect it as already installed. The installer will create/replace the JAVA_HOME environment variable so that it points to the Java 1.6 JRE. Apache Web Server, any updated JDK, Static LAN IP Address, Any available free Port Number. CollabnetSVN has certified stack containing Subversion, Apache, and ViewVC. Download the software tool from the website (

Installation Notes:
The installer will update the system PATH variable to include the path to the "bin" and "Python25" folders that are installed by the installer and it will also create or update the PYTHONHOME environment variable. The installer will add rules to the Windows Firewall to allow access to the Apache binary and to open up ports 3343 and 4434. The installer will add two Windows services set to start automatically when the system starts. 1. CollabNet Subversion Edge - a Java-based web application that provides a browser UI for configuring and managing your Apache Subversion server. 2. CollabNet Subversion Server - the actual Apache Subversion server that the management console manages for you, and that your Subversion users will access. You must login to the CollabNet Subversion Edge browser-based management console and configure the Apache server before it can be run for the first time. The UI of the management console writes the needed Apache configuration files based on the information you provide. The default administrator login is: Address: http://localhost:3343/csvn Username: admin

SVN Server
Installation and Configuration
Password: admin The installer provides the option to start the application at the end of the install. This will open your browser to a local page that will detect when the server has finished starting. Subversion Edge also starts an SSL-protected version using a self-signed SSL certificate. You can access the SSL version on this URL: Address: https://localhost:4434/csvn You can force users to use SSL from the Server configuration. This will cause attempts to access the site via plain HTTP on port 3343 to be redirected to the secure port on 4434. SVN Server Settings: General: Hostname: Port :9090 Repository Directory: F:\csvn\data\repositories IP Address: Server IP Address NETWORK Interface: eth3 Administrator: Administrator Administrator Email: Apache Encryption: SVN on https Startup Settings: Start SVN Server when Management Console Starts Authentication: Authentication Method: Select Local Authentication Select LDAP Authentication LDAP Server Host: Domain Controller LDAP Port: 3268 LDAP Base DN: DC=xyz,DC=com LDAP Bind DN: CN=abcuser,CN=Users,DC=xyz,DC=com LDAP Bind Password: USERPWD LDAP Login Attribute: sAMAccountName LDAP Search Scope: sub LDAP Filter: objectClass=* Console LDAP Authentication Helper Port: 57855 SVN Backup & Restore commands: Open the Command prompt Go to SVN Installed Directory, where you find svnadmin.exe and other execs cd C:\Program Files\CollabNet\Subversion Server>

SVN Server
Installation and Configuration
Use svnlook.exe youngest C:\Path to repository to know the number of revisions. Example Revision number: 133 (number like this will be shown after running svnlookup command) This is nothing but 133 revisions are present for that repository.

To run repository backup C:\Program Files\CollabNet\Subversion Server>svnadmin.exe dump C:\Path to repository > D:\Provide the Path to dump the repository to backup location You will see all revisions getting dumped To reload the repository onto SVN: Step1 : Create a Repository Change the directory where svnadmin.exe is present; Repository create Command to run svnadmin.exe create (provide repository name) Step2: use svnadmin load command (to restore repository from a dump file) Svnadmin.exe load (Local SVN repository Path) < Path of the repository dump file To do an incremental Backup use the below syntax: Backup of Single Revision $ svnadmin.exe dump F:\csvn\data\repositories\reponame --revision 247 --incremental > F:\SVN_Backup\nss_inc247 In-between Revisions $ svnadmin.exe dump F:\csvn\data\repositories\nss --revision 247:276 --incremental > F:\SVN_Backup\nss_inc247-276

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