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Kevin Yu APWH 7

PERSIAN Chart AP World History

POLITICAL y Leaders, Elites

Chapter: 21
~ Some African states formed into larger kingdoms without outside influence ~Portuguese press southward, establish the colony of Angola, and slowly penetrate the interior ~ British, Dutch begin to control slave trade ~ Slave trade correlated with political power ~ West Africa is divided in small kingdoms in continuous warfare and expansion ~ Dutch stake control of South Africa with a colony at the Cape of Good Hope in 1652 ~British abolish slavery in 1834 ~Zulu rise to power under Shaka reforms in the 1820s ~Mfecane wars of conquering ~ European relations with Africa revolutionize after the end of the slave trade ~African ~ Africa brought into world trade market after 1450 by the slave trade ~ Slave trade is not the only influence on Africa ~ Portuguese established trade forts and trading forts along the Atlantic coast of Africa, interested in gold routes ~ Slave trade and gold trade are most important ~Slaves were always important, but slave trade grows with the development of plantations in the Atlantic Islands and the Americas ~ slaves become primary component of the coercive labor system of America ~ By 1600, slave trade is the greatest component of African European trade ~ slave trade reaches a zenith in the 1800s ~ Muslim traders continued active business in the red sea, trans=Sahara, East African trade routes ~ Central Africa exchanges guns for slaves to dominate their neighbors ~ Portuguese bring missionaries to their African posts, but only successful in Kongo where Nzinga Mvemba accepted conversion ~ The slave trade process was often unsuccessful in ridding slaves of their former beliefs, cultural elements survived enslavement ~African culture in America is dynamic ~ Slaves in Latin America were converted to Roman Catholicism, but retain their former religious practices

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State Structure War Diplomacy, Treaties Courts, Laws


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Type of System Technology, Industry Trade, Commerce Capital/Money Types of Businesses


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Holy Books Beliefs, Teaching Conversion Sin/Salvation Deities


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Family Gender Relations Social Classes Inequalities Life Styles

~Slaves make up large proportion of population in the Americas ~ Slaves are part of African Culture and economy, component of social status and personal wealth ~American society was based on both ethnicity and race whites at the top, slaves at the bottom, free blacks in the middle


~Slave trade of Asante develops culture based on bronze casting, woodcarving, and weaving

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Art, Music Writing, Literature Philosophy Math & Science Education ~ Disease often leaves an impact on foreigners in Africa ~ Crops spread ~ Interior of Africa is hard to reach, and theres little contact

NEAR: GEOGRAPHY Location Physical Movement Human/Environment Region

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