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Comparative Analysis of Grade Progression in Civil and Defence Services based on

the equivalence postulated by the 6th CPC and accepted by the Govt

Civil Grade Length of Percentage Military Length of Percentage

Service of Officers Rank Service of Officers
including making it to including making it to
Training the Grade Training * the Rank
JTS 0 years 100% Lt 1.5 years 100%
No NA NA Capt 3.5 years 100%
STS 4 years 100% Major 7.5 years 100%
JAG 9 years 100% Lt Col 14.5 years 100%
NFSG 13 years 100% Col 21.5 years Less than
DIG 14 years 100% Brig 29.5 years Less than
5% #
SAG 16 years 100% Maj Gen 34.5 years Less than
2% #

JTS : Junior Time Scale, STS : Senior Time Scale, JAG : Junior Administrative
Grade, NFSG : Non-Functional Selection Grade, DIG : Deputy Inspector General
(of Police), SAG : Senior Administrative Grade

* Considering that the officer has passed out of the Indian Military Academy with 1.5
years of training.

# Approximate value subject to correction

Difference / Lag at each promotional level from Lt till Maj Gen as becomes evident
from the above table :

Lt is 1.5 years behind his/her civilian counterpart.

Major is 3.5 years behind his/her civilian counterpart.

Lt Colonel is 5.5 years behind his/her civilian counterpart.

Colonel is 8.5 years behind his/her civilian counterpart.

Brig is 15.5 years behind his/her counterpart from the IPS.

Maj Gen is 18.5 years behind his/her counterpart.

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