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Corina Doshier 7699 PSYC 1113 Unit 4 Worksheet INTRODUCTION to PSYCHOLOGY PERSONALITY THEORY: FREUD Instructions: You are

expected to research the questions, the concepts referred to in the scenarios and application of those concepts presented below. Use your textbook, lecture notes that reference said concepts, and/or outside sources. Cite the page number[s] from your textbook, the lecture date, or the reference from any outside source you may use, indicating the name of the source, (author, year) and page number. This sheet is to be turned in prior to the exam. 1. Freud thought of the mind as an iceberg with only the tip showing above water. What did he consider the tip of the iceberg? CONSCIOUS 2. According to psychoanalytic theory, the component of the mind that is characterized as not in awareness and cannot normally be recalled is the ____________. UNCONSCIOUS 3. Freud suggested that primitive, instinctual motives and hidden, and sometimes hurtful memories are part of the__________. UNCONSCIOUS (TXTBK PG 259) 4. Freud considered the ___________ mind to have the greatest influence on behavior. UNCONSCIOUS (TXTBK PG 259) 5. Joseph Breuer introduced the cathartic method, the "talking cure", of treating mental patients which consisted of___________. HYPNOSIS 6. When Freud removed hypnosis from Breuers cathartic method, he substituted the use of what we know as ____________. FREE ASSOCIATION AND DREAM INTERPRETATION 7. Freud called the principles involved in studying and interpreting both dreams, as well as what his patients said in their free associations ____________. PSYCHOANALYSIS- A PSYCH-THERAPEUTIC RX SYSTEM 8. What statements apply to the id? EVERYTHING IS BLACK AND WHITE; PLEASURE PRINCIPLE ( PRIMARY PROCESS THINKING); SEAT OF THE INSTINCTS (EROS & THANATOS); SOURCE PSYCHIC ENERGY (DISTRIBUTES ENERGY, FUELS THE PERSONALITY) 9. According to Freud's psychoanalytic perspective, the source of all biological needs and instinctual drives is the __________. ID 10. According to Freud's psychoanalytic perspective, which components of the psyche operate in terms of the pleasure principle and the reality principle? ID & EGO 11. According to Freud's psychoanalytic perspective, the mental images and wish-fulfilling fantasies generated by the id are referred to as the _______. PRIMARY PROCESS THINKING- PLEASURE PRINCIPLE 12. A baby cries whenever it wants something, without regard for the needs of others. According to psychoanalytic theory, the part of the psyche most apparent in the infant is the _________. ID 13. According to Freud's psychoanalytic perspective, the ego takes reason-based adaptive measures to meet the id's demands in ways that assure the well-being and integrity of the individual. These measures are called the ___________. DEFENSE MECHANISMS

14. According to Freud, the source of the Eros and Thanatos, the life and death instincts, is the ________, and the _________ instinct is the stronger of the two. 1) ID; 2) ? 15. According to Freud's psychoanalytic perspective, a synonym for one's life instincts is ______, which is also known as the _________. 1) EROS, 2) SEXUAL IMPULSES 16. According to Freud's psychoanalytic perspective, the death instinct a.k.a. ___________ is part of one's _________ and is manifested in the form of __________ behaviors. 1) THANATOS, 2) SUPER EGO, 3) AGGRESSIVE 17. According to Freud's psychoanalytic perspective, sexual drives are part of one's ______. SUPER EGO 18. According to Freud's psychoanalytic perspective, which component mediates between the demands of the other two components of personality which are usually in conflict, and the realities of the real world? EGO 19. According to Freud's psychoanalytic perspective, which of the following is a near-synonym for conscience? SUPER EGO 20. In Freud's structural approach to personality, the component of personality that reflects society's rules, taboos, and moral values is known as the _______________. SUPER EGO 21. When children begin to perceive the values and beliefs of people around them and they incorporate these values into their personalities, they are developing the ___________, according to psychoanalytic theory. EGO OR SUPER EGO ??? 22. Howard has NO money, but he is very hungry. Part of his "personality tells him to just go into a store and grab some food in broad daylight. Another part of his personality tells him he must never steal because only bad people steal. Yet another part of Howards personality tells him he can have the food if he can convince the clerk to enter into a barter agreement with him---food for work. The part of Howards personality that is telling him, TAKE THE FOOD, is the _______while the solution to his hunger was generated by ____________. 1) ID, 2) RATIONALIZATION IN THE DEFENSE MECHANISMS OF THE EGO 23. Billy sees a toy car in a department store. He puts the car inside his jacket, but later feels guilty and returns the car to the shelf. The feelings of guilt Billy experienced come from his ____________. SUPER EGOMORAL ANXIETY 24. According to Freud's psychoanalytic perspective, what type of anxiety arises from the dangers in the external world? REALITY ANXIETY-EGO 25. According to Freud's psychoanalytic perspective, what type of anxiety arise from the id's impulses threaten to break through ego controls into behavior that will be punished? NEUROTIC ANXIETY - ID 26. According to Freud's psychoanalytic perspective, what type of anxiety arises when a real or contemplated action is in conflict with one's superego? MORAL ANXIETY ??? 27. What is the purpose of defense mechanisms? DISTORT REALITY 28. Excluding from awareness an idea or feeling that was once experienced on a conscious level is known as _________. DENIAL OR SECONDARY REPRESSION ??? 29. The curbing of ideas and feelings before they reach consciousness is called _________. PRIMARY REPRESSION

30. Martha unconsciously wishes that her elderly mother, who is in the last stages of Alzheimers disease, would die. Because this troubles her, she spends every possible minute at the nursing home caring for her mom. This illustrates the ego-defense mechanism of __________. REACTION FORMATION 31. Sam is troubled by the fact that he has cheated on his income tax. He feels better when he tells himself that everyone else cheats too. This illustrates the ego-defense mechanism of ___________. RATIONALIZATION 32. Amos is thirty-five, married, and has two children. He has a very low self-concept and is constantly running himself down. His wife says he treats himself just like his supercritical parents treated him when he was a boy. According to the psychodynamic view, Amos' internalization of his parents' critical attitude is an example of _____________. SUBLIMATION 33. The defense mechanism in which one attributes his own unacknowledged feelings to others is known as ____________. PROJECTION 34. When an event is too painful to remember, the defense mechanism of ________ is often employed. REPRESSION 35. Hannah is quite slovenly and messy. She often amazes her friends when she accuses them of being slovenly and critics their appearance. What defense mechanism might Hannah of using to satisfy some of her repressed anxieties? PROJECTION 36. When Diana is very stressed, she begins to suck her fingers even though she is 15 years old. Which defense mechanism is she likely demonstrating? REGRESSION 37. Marcy is lazy and sloppy. She says shes a slob because her mother was handicapped and couldnt teach her to clean. Marcy may be defending her slovenly lifestyle by using the defense mechanism of______. RATIONALIZATION 38. Charlie is an extremely aggressive person. He doesnt like the governments mandatory school busing program and wants to do something about it. At first he thinks of going to Washington and burning down the White House. Instead he joins a local anti-busing group that is picketing the schools. Freud would agree that Charlie is employing which of the following defense mechanisms? ???? 39. Marisol is really afraid of sex but flirts and flaunts herself a great deal. She may be employing _________ as a defense mechanism. REATION FORMATION 40. The man who kicks the dog when he is really angry at his boss is thought to be using the defense mechanism ____________. DISPLACEMENT 41. If you have an unacceptable personality trait and believe that another person has this trait, you may be using the defense mechanism of ___________ to reduce your anxiety. PROJECTION 42. If you failed an important examination, but then said to yourself, "Oh, it wasn't really important that I do well on that exam," you might be using the defense known as _____. RATIONALIZATION 43. Eileen is four-years-old and embarrasses her parents by masturbating in public. She is in Freud's ________ state of psychosexual development. PHALLIC 44. Brad is twenty-three and had a serious weight problem. His friends say that he eats almost all the time and when he's not eating, he's telling dirty stories. According to Freud's theory, Brad may be fixated at the __________ stage. ORAL

45. Jimmy is a 4 1/2-year-old and becomes angry when his mother and father do things together. Sometimes he wedges himself between them on the sofa and holds his mothers hand. Freud would say that Jimmy is experiencing the ___________ complex. ODEIPUS 46. When you attempt to act like some envied or powerful person, you might be attempting to take on the characteristics of that person through the process of ____________. IDENTIFICATION 47. Denise is in the phallic stage of development. Her major developmental task will be to identify with her __________. MOTHER 48. The most quiet stage of psychosexual development, during which the child firms up the attitudes and behaviors that were developed in the preceding stages, is the __________. LATENCY 49. Sexual and personal maturity are achieved during what stage _____________? GENITAL 50. David is a very orderly individual. He thinks that, "cleanliness is next to Godliness." According to psychoanalytic theory, his parents probably __________. ARE/WERE ANAL RETENTIVE; HAD BEEN STRICT DURING TOILET TRAINING 51. Ray is an obstinate individual who is negative about many things. According to psychoanalytic theory, he probably is fixated at the _________. ORAL???? 52. According to Freud, the superego attempts to _____________. PROHIBIT, PUNISH, & CRITICIZE 53. Cicely has great difficulty restraining herself from engaging in eating binges. These binges are impulsive and gratify her basic needs. Her parents yell at her, but she cannot seem to control herself. According to Freud, she probably suffers from __________. TAKING IN (ORAL STAGE) 54. An expansionist-minded dictator of a totalitarian state is convinced that neighboring countries are planning to invade. This dictator is using the defense mechanism of _____. PROJECTION 55. The sequence of psychosexual stages is ________. ORAL STAGE, ANAL STAGE, PHALLIC STAGE, LATENCY STAGE, & GENITAL STAGE 56. Carl is four years old. Freud would suggest that one of the most important developmental tasks that Carl will complete at this time is to __________. IDENTIFY WITH HIS FATHER (INTROJECTION) 57. The superego comes into being with the resolution of __________ which leads to the rapid acceleration of the ___________ process. 1) OEDIPAL COMPLEX, 2) IDENTIFICATION 58. The superego results, to a great extent, from an introjection of _______________. PARENTS OWN SUPER EGO 59. During which Freudian state of psychosexual development is sexual energy redirected toward school work and hobbies? LATENCY 60. Unresolved conflicts producing fixation at the __________ stage may lead to gullibility and argumentation later in life. ANAL

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