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Guide Book

Foreword: Introduction: Chapter 1: Awareness Chapter 2: Unveiling Self Chapter 3: The Trees of Knowledge Chapter 4: The Trees of Life Chapter 5: The Human Body Chapter 6: The Planet Earth Chapter 7: The Fractal

Forewords currenly precede multiple chapters. They will need to compiled as a whole. Once compiled it can be placed here.

The introduction should contain the folling: Experiences, events and/or thoughts that led up to documenting this information. How the information is presented. Why the order was used and the inter-connections between all the chapters. The perspective from which it should read. The purpose and reason it was created.

Chapter 1 Awareness
Forword: There are many 'words' and 'images' throughout history that have been used to represent awareness. Attached to these words and images are 'phrases'. The phrases are used in an attempt to define the characteristics and aspects of awareness. This was done to provide an understanding to others. As an intent, it deserves our appreciation and respect. Even though the intent may be unflawed, 'words' do have issues that are inherent. For instance. The simple passage of time redefines, changes letters, modifies it's usage as well as completely replaces a word with one that is more revelevent for that era. This does not include the impact of new languages and their branches. So, for any word that is used to describe a concept. The instant it is used, the understanding of it's meaning begins to fade with time. Examples of this loss is easily referenced. One only has to choose a subject. As reference pick books on the subject that are progressively older until an older reference can not be found.. This experiement will clearly show that overall, as the material gets older the understanding of the words becomes more and more difficult. A unique anomoly of this is that in some areas of study there will be first a simplification, which makes understanding easier. But will decline from that point to where one notices the progressive loss of meaning as the material referenced becomes older. This is how a concept like Awareness can have it's meaning diluted by a multitude of interpretations. A side effect of this is that a division is created. A division between a grouping of people that hold true one interpretation and another group holding true a different interpretation. History fills in the details from that point. There are an enormous amounts of writings available that touch on the concept of Awareness. Some examples of the breadth of this are:

Religion, Mysticism, Esotericism, Ancient Texts, Philosophies and Fringe Materials. Keep in mind there are many others and that each of these have many sub-divisions as well. Each with there own interpretation

A Beginning
Awareness Definition from a Dictionary. awareness [uh-wair-nis] noun the state or condition of being aware; having knowledge; consciousness: Origin: aware + -ness Related forms hyperawareness, noun overawareness, noun self-awareness, noun

A persons Conciousness is based on ones ability to 'Be Aware'. Awareness soley depends upon 'Having Knowledge'. Conciousness Awareness Knowledge Nature being our rule of thumb. There is always a progression from one state to another. The same is true with Knowledge, Awareness and Conciousness. A Change in Knowledge automatically effects a Change in Awareness, which in turn automatically effects a Change in Conciousness.

Knowledge Knowledge is the 'Only' tool that can be used to increase awareness. At first one may perceive conflict with the statement. What will be discussed next may assist in resolving the conflict. Recall a very memorable experience. The longer and deeper you contemplate it. The more you will notice the details that all of your senses recorded about your experience. That memorable experience is a

collection of many small bits of knowledge. And even reading a book is an experience that has many bits of knowledge. Anything internal or external to a person is a source of knowledge. Examples being a book, film, music, an itch, indigestion, being chased by a bear, the movement of wind or even passing the salt to another. Literally, if it can be perceived, it is a source of knowledge. All of the bits of knowledge that are gained by the senses are stored in the brain. These bits of knowledge are what allow a person to be Aware. The more knowledge you have, the more aware you will be. Physically, Knowledge is a point in the brain that respresents any single unique concept learned. The term that is used for Stored Knowledge is called a 'Neuron'. But, a single point alone is of no value. To be useful a point of reference is required. Point to Point Connections A point of reference is any point of knowledge and the interconnection to it, a Dendrite. An exercise to help in understanding would be: Place a single dot on a piece of paper. This is a Neuron. Place 4 more dots in a square pattern around the single dot. Place 4 more dots around each of the 4 in the square pattern. From a dot located on the bottom draw a line to each of the 3 closest dots.

The Inter-Connection or the line drawn between any two dots have a physical representation in the brain. It is called a 'Dendrite'. To illustrate the complexity of holding a concept in your mind. Imagine one of the dots as being a single part of an interest you have. Now, from the dot that represents a single part of your interest, draw a line to all of the other dots. This shows how your brain will connect to other related aspects of your interest in relation to that single part. Even those other aspects are related to other things as well. The Dendrite connections are determined by what knowledge you have. To show what connections in the brain that could be available with more knowledge, all you would have to do is connect each dot to all of the other dots. The complexity of Dendrite connections increases dramatically. The complexity you see is what is called Depth of Thought. Connections via/through Other Points

A point of knowledge can be connected to any number of other points of knowledge. Inter-connection can also be via/through other connections. An analogy: If you were to go on holiday to the most distant point in your country from where you are, by car. The primary point of knowledge would be the city that you live in. The destination would be the secondary point of knowledge. To get to the destination you would likely pass through different cities during your journey. These different cities are points of reference also. Now that we have a physical structure of knowledge defined, how is this used? The potential for complexity surely can acted upon.

Mechanics of Knowledge Accessing points of knowledge 'Neurons' through inter-connections 'Dendrites' requires energy. This energy crosses the Dendrite in pulses to establish a connection between two points of knowledge. Ah, but this is not the beautiful most simplistic point of functionality. These pulses have variation as well. What controls its strength/intensity is simply, what 'Importance' or 'Value' that 'You' place on each point of knowledge 'Neuron'. Basically, if it is more important to you, the more likely you will remember it. The length of time that you will be able to remember it will be much longer a well. The less important a point of knowledge is to you. The lower the possibilty of remembering it. the duration of time that it could be remembered/recalled will be much less also.

Perceived Importance = Energetic Potential. Potential = Pressure similar to water pressure. The importance place on something can range from no importance to the highest importance. This importance determines the Potential of Energy used in the pulses that travel across the Dendrite to the Neuron. A Higher Potential will Always Attempt to Resolve the Potential Difference between Itself and that of a Lower Potential/s. Imagine that you have two balloons. One of the ballons is filled with water and is kept from coming out by pinching the opening with your fingers. If you placed the opening of the empty balloon over the opening of the water filled balloon, and stopped pinching it.

The water would flow into the empty balloon until each have equal amounts. High Energetic Potential is the water filled balloon. Low Energetic Potential is the empty balloon. Nature resolved the difference by moving some of the Potential/Water into the other balloon. Things increased in complexity quite fast. It may have decreased levels of interest a bit. But it does get simpler moving forward. Just remember the following: Points of Knowledge = Neurons Inter-Connection = Dendrite Personal Importance = Energy Potential Remembering = Personal Importance = Energy Potential And the Brain has something like a enormous subway system of spider webs in it.

Exerting Control by using Knowledge Some may not be able to understand how important it is to know how to operate one's own mind. It may make it easier to just turn loose of the concept that a person would have to memorize or learn vast amounts of information to understand something. Understanding any concept does not require knowing all of the details regarding the concept. Side Note: For any given area of interest there are normally only few crucial/core/main concepts that require the process of learning. While you may not be Monet or even have the interest to be, learning the few crucial/core/main concepts will allow you to operate/perform in the area of interest. Usually each of the crucial/core/main concepts contain only a few things that need to be learned.

Gaining an understanding in this fashion takes 'Less Time', produces 'Immediate Results' and allows for more indepth study dependent on ones interest level.

A pattern of aquiring knowledge exists from the perspective of viewing an average persons life cycle. The following are some points of interest. In womb gestation sources of knowledge: temperature, movement, hormone levels (nature). Birth: dramatic increasing knowledge gain from external sources. Passive (nature, family). Gradual shift to obtaining External Points of Reference. Passive ? Active (schooling). Peak of Active interactions with External Points of Reference. Fast Pace (society). Decline of pace. Progession from Active towards Passive (self ? death).

A list that in general shows the Internal/External, Active/Passive and Pace of aquiring new knowledge. This from Gestation to Death. 3 Major ways New Knowledge is Gained (there are numerous others). Exposure to New Experiences. Process of Study. Interactions of Synaptic Firings (pulsation of Dendrites).

Exposure to New Experiences An experience provides an opportunity for unique situations to occur. But, if a person goes through an experience repeatedly, the uniqueness lowers with each pass through it. Uniqueness, a simple offhand definition: 'Different'. The exposure to 'Different' allows for the creation of a 'New Neuron'. If the goal is to gain new knowledge for the purpose of increasing our awareness, then it appears that exposure to different experiences would be best course of action. The big question is, Isn't there a point where it is not possible to have a New Experience?. The short answer is 'No'. A more informative/useful answer: This is because all things are changing at all times. Even the things we can not perceive or conceive. This is one source of variety. The other major source of variety is 'You'. Realizing that you can effect change on anything you can perceive, and in turn gain New Knowledge, can provide a deep insight into the power of a persons intent. While it is not practical or efficient to force nature to change for you, it is simple and easy for a person to effect change in an experience that will cause it to be unique. Some examples: External visual appearance.

Variating the times small everyday tasks are performed, brushing teeth, putting on shoes. Variating routes to destinations. Increase/Decrease time spent on activities. Purposeful repeated change in interactions with others. Increase/Decrease in exposure to new people. Increase/Decrease in exposure to the five senses. Start a new habit, End an old one. Coat the inside a T-shirt with Vaseline before putting it on. There are endless ways of effecting change in ordinary experiences. A general rule of thumb that relates an experience with it's capacity be remembered/interconnected/recalled is: The Greater the Difference between a New Experience and a persons normal everyday Activities, the Higher the 'Energetic Potential' of the 'Newly Created Neuron'. Greater benefit may be obtained if the change effected is 'inline' or mimic a process of nature. As in the variations of the wind, slow gentle breezes that gradual increase and decrease speed or the quick powerful repeated bursts that creates forceful short moments of change.

Process of Study The first thought that comes to mind when a person contemplates 'Study' is normally 'Books'. Books, and the ardous time spent that tests ones endurance. Endurance in forcing the mind, intent and will through a process of memorization. This almost completely detrimental perspective is a conditioned automatic response. For almost every person, this perspective was obtained through the time spent in the schooling systems. A statement that could be used to describe the methods most schools used to create knowledge in a person would be: Memorization through Repetition and Recitation. While effective at inserting a base level of knowledge in a large number of people in a short period of time. It uses little if any of the 'Natural Paths' that humans have for the purpose of gaining knowledge. Memorization through Repetition and Recitation could be seen as a brute force method inerting knowledge. Simply put, there is a better way. Nature does not use brute force. What may appear at first to be brute force, when looking closer is only a quick exchange of large values. The difference being that the 'entity' that is receiving is fully prepared for the most efficient, thorough transfer. Ready to absorb as much as possible. Which is a stark contrast to most school methods. Traditional Method = Repetition of Knowledge regardless of Absorption Ability.

Natural Method = Gradual Increase of Quantity of Knowledge that Matches Absorption Ability. If one visualizes a flash of lightening. Hold a still image in mind of the lightening from cloud to ground. This frozen moment of the process shows how a 'Higher Energy Potential' (cloud) travels to a 'Lower Energy Potential' (ground). Consider what had to take place before this occurred. Clouds moved across the land, similar to sliding ones socked feet across the carpet. This shows how energy increases in the clouds/person wearing socks. Energy is gradually over time being transferred from the ground to the clouds. At any given moment, the Energy in the Clouds, matches closely, the 'Lack' of Energy in the Ground. They each could be considered 'Opposites'. Once a certain level of difference in 'having energy' and 'not having energy' is reached, the frozen image of the lightening flash we previously had in mind takes place. All of that energy the clouds collected from the ground is given back. It is given back to the ground in a much faster process. Afterwards the energy in clouds and the energy in ground contain similar amounts. Then the cycle repeats. The 'Natural' transfer of knowledge is very similar to the analogy discussed. Below relates the one to one the similarities with the frozen flash of lightening image.

One to One Relation: Knowledge = Energy. Source of Knowledge = Cloud. Student of Knowledge = Ground. Perceived Value/Interest = Difference of Energy between the Cloud and Ground. The perception of value (interest) in a source that contains knowledge, is a crucial 'Key' in the 'Transfer of Knowledge'. By allowing a gradual increase in presented knowledge, that matches the increasing perception of value (interest), a point will be reached where a 'Large' volume of knowledge will be transferred. Presenting too much, too fast will cause a perception of complexity and difficulty (an impossibility). Presenting too little, too slow will cause a lowering of perceived value (boredom). Both of which will slow or end the process.

A major benefit of 'Learning' via the process given to us by nature is that it is 'Self' governing and almost completely automatic. This is because it is driven by one component we all have. Curiosity. Curiosity is what creates Desire/Interest. By embracing it and allowing it to guide us, a person will be able to learn/obtain knowledge at a much faster pace, with much more depth and breadth with the additional benefit of quicker returned gratification, increased satisfaction and increased confidence. These are just a few of the benefits of allowing Curiosity to guide the learning process. A full list of examples would touch on every aspect of being human and the human experience. Some Tips regarding the Natural Process of Learning: Begin study at a point of 'Personal Interest'. Follow your curiosity even if it departs from the intial point of study. Never doubt the value of what is learned along the way. All knowledge is valuable. Share, and never allow shame or negative perceptions to de-value gained knowledge. A change of Perspective often rewards one with unique knowledge. Try to notice the pattern/s of the learning path/s you have traveled. Try to remove the concept of anything being the 'Final Word'. Keep an eye open for relationships that exist with knowledge gained previously. Be aware of how knowledge deepens appreciation of all that you perceive. Realize the purity of curiosity. Be aware that Curiosity is present throughout your life. There is one inner conflict that may present itself to a person who choses a natural way of learning. It is usually presented as the question How/when will I benefit from the seemingly random pieces of knowledge that is gained?. This inner question and it being associated with it being 'a waste of time' is based on a commonly held perception, of the definition of 'value'. It presents itself due to intially not being able to 'see' the following:

Each piece/bit of knowledge gained is a 'Point of Knowledge', Neuron. Over time the number of Neurons increases. Over time the 'Complexity' of the inter-connections between the Neurons increases. Just those 3 things via a Natural Process of learning, will create the following benefits/value that a Traditional method can not match or can not do at all: Much fast pace of Neuron creation. Much higher number of Neurons created. Much higher density and number of inter-connections between Neurons. In turn provides the following as few examples:

Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing number of correaltions. creative capacity. speed of evaluation. speed of decision making. points of reference to base decisions on. accuracy in application of 'Intuition'. base of inter-connected knowledge.

Which in turn provide real world results such as: Greater/Deeper Appreciation of Self, Others, Experiences, Concepts and all that one Values. Greater/Deeper Compassion for Self, Others, Experiences, Concepts and all that one Values. Greater/Deeper Value in Self and All that one Experiences or Perceives. Provides increased Meaning and Purpose in all aspects of Life. If a person still has doubts, apply any of the above to someone you love or anything you currently have great passion for. Now imagine that you can almost instantly and instinctually see and feel all of the varied connections that are present. What benefit would that be to you? Can you place a value on it? It may be clear now, that this is where concept of 'Mysticism' originates from. The results of increasing a persons knowledge through a natural process, produces results/benefits that can not easily be described without the use of many adjectives. It truly does inspire poetic expression. The sources of knowledge as mentioned previously, are pretty much anything you can perceive and sense. Using curiosity will cause an increase in imagination. That in turn increase dramatically what can be recognized/perceived as a possible source of knowledge to explore. Just follow your guide.

Interactions of Synaptic Firings If Mysticism had a mother, this would be the place where she lives. In bringing the concept a instant of Synapse firing to mind, it would probably be 2 Neurons connected via a Dendrite and the energy pulse from one to the other. A good place to start, now lets start the process of changing perspectives and see what else there is to discover. Lets increase the number of Neurons to 4. One could imagine them as each Neuron being a circle arranged in a square-like pattern, with one Neuron at each point of the square. Now add four Dendrite connections. How were they added? Did you get the shape of a square? Or possible just three sides of the square and a diagonal connection?


With either result we can see an opportunity of placing more Dendrite connections so that all Neurons are connected to one another. In adding the other Dendrites we see that it results in a single Neuron being connected to 3 different Neurons. At this point recall that a Neuron is actually something you learned in the past. In fact each of the 4 Neurons are specific and different things that have been learned. Each respresenting a Point of Knowledge you have gained. Because a Dendrite is present between 2 Neurons, means that there is a relationship of some kind (logically or illogical) that is shared. Depth and breadth of 'Imagination' is the 'only' factor governing the possibility of a Dendrite being present or not. In general we now have a few bits of knowledge that is related to one another in some fashion. Now what would happen if we began the process of thinking/contemplating on the knowledge that is contained/respresented by just 1 of the 4 Neurons? A firing of Synaptic Firing would begin. It in itself being a transfer of energy via pulsations along the Dendrites that are present/connected to the Neuron we are contemplating. To add a bit more reality to our investigation. Imagine that the spacing between the 4 Neurons are all different. Now consider the energy pulses. It now appears that the strength of the energy pulses diminishes one the longer Dendrite connections. What would happen if we increased the concentration/focus/depth as we think on the one bit of knowledge/neuron? I would say that it is likely that the energy pulses would be stronger. This should allow a pulse to travel a greater distance on the Dendrite and arrive at the Neuron with more strength/energy right? Here we know enough at this simple small level to allow us to see a bigger 'picture'. In general imagine hundreds of Neurons, with all kinds of various connections between them. Some having 2 Dendrites, some having even 10! It's easy to see how quickly the complexity can reach amazing levels. Now imagine our single Neuron that contains the piece of knowledge we are thinking about. Add the energy pulsations along the Dendrites moving toward the other Neurons. This is the magical part. Imagine the energy pulses are strong enough to flow toward the connected Neurons, from those Neurons, the pulsations continue along the Dendrites leading outward. Away from the initial source of the pulsations.

In my mind the whole appears as a 3d spiderweb. As the pulses radiating outward along the almost random Dendrites. As the pulse passes a Neuron, the Neuron lights up brighter. The further out the pulse travels, the dimmer it becomes. Until it is no longer present. Almost Mystical. Note that the strength/energy diminishes as it travels outwards. The following could be considered as correalations to this: Recall/Rememberence is directly related to level of Concentration and Distance from Source. A Gradient of Recall is present from point of source Outward. The pulses travel along all available Dendrites. Strength/Energy is divided among Dendrites that are present. More than 1 pulse can be received by a Single Neuron in any instant. Complexity of Concept correalates with number of Sources of Energy pulsations. Viewing the brain as a whole with ever increasing Neurons being created from the process of learning. It is apparent that the Complexity and Density of the inter-connections increases as well. Also, that as the complexity increases with any concept we care to contemplate. There is an increase in the number of Neurons that are generating energy pulsations. If we take into account the effects of seperate energy pulses interacting with one another and the exchange of potential that occurs in the interaction, one must then consider saturation must take place once the Complexity/Density of Dendrites and Neurons reach specific levels. This leads to the next possibility... The Big One... other than the creation of intense moments of realization/awaress or rather 'aHA!' or 'Eureka!' moments. What happens when the Dendrite/Neuron levels reach such a density level that contemplation of any concept causes complete saturation and the subsequent energizing of 'All Neurons'? Texts mention, Light, Oneness, Unity or Completeness followed by amazing descriptions of the results of reaching those points. In a very general way, in regards to a few structures of the brain and their basic functions have reached a conclusion. The description of the conclusion and if it warrants one is a decision each person should make. Deeper thought and with a more detailed study of the functions may provide enough information to determine if this is a 'Real Truth' or not. Regardless of the conclusion, it does show how interesting the pursuit of increasing ones awaress can be. That along with other benefits that can be realized in any aspect of life we choose. An ending. It is acknowledged that accuracy, completeness and readablility is not entirely present in this work. Neither of which were

required to present the underlying concepts or processes. From the writer's perspective, there are simply more beneficial outcomes that could arise from this, than there are detrimental ones. And that is enough for it to be.

Chapter 2 Unveiling Self

Foreword: This is for those who have experienced conflict (Internal or External) which resolution could not be found. Leaving the only option of constant mental vigilance in keeping the conflict pressed back as far away from the forefront of concious thought as possible.


I AM Self Questions Who am I? What is my purpose? Why am I different? Why am I not able to conform in X way? Why do I feel oppositely than others in regards to X? Why am I not able to have X? Why is my satisfaction with X so brief? Why do I feel as if I am pretending?

It is most likely that at some point in life that some of these Self Questions have been made very prominant for a period of time. If these there are possibly others of similar nature. These questions arise mostly during a persons early years of mental development. As a person becomes aware of the importance of certain concepts, ideals or perceptions, more attention and focus are applied to what is perceived as important. This period of closer scutiny interconnections are built between other concepts, ideals and perceptions that has been previous scrutinized. Often conflict is experienced in this Integration Process. Without the benefit of years of experience along the knowledge gained which gifts a person with a Higher Level of Awareness, resolution of the Conflict can only be partial or incomplete. Incomplete Conflict Resolution creates Doubt, between the new gained knowledge/experience. This doubt affects both new and old knowledge.

The Crux. Knowing that the rate of development early in a persons life occurs at a fast pace in relation to exposure to new experiences and the obtainment of new knowledge. We can rightly assume that there is little time for one to resolve the conflicts that do occur. Having a short period of time to contemplate and investigate the Conflict a person is left with very few options to manage it. Making the situation more complex from attempting to resolve the Conflict. There is externally that can be easily identified, to the situation so that it can be more clearly definition to assist with understanding, the source to assist with resolving the Conflict the perspective person no source of assistance help with understanding of defined. Without a clearer probability of location any is greatly reduced.

With the seemingly primary instinctual purpose of being exposed to new experiences and attaining new knowledge, the partial/incomplete resolution must have minimal detrimental impact on the yet to occur experiences and the knowledge gained. This is accomplished by the attempt to Un-Know the experience and/or knowledge gained. This is not possible outside of physical damage to the mind. What occurs instead, is the reduction of Value and Importance that is place on the experience/knowledge. The effect of this is, over time it is pushed further and further back into conciousness where its connection to other experiences and knowledge continually weakens. The connection is never removed, but for it to be activated or rather brought to the forefront of conciousness again would require an experience of great importance. This being an unresolved Conflict, the results of it being brought to the forefront of conciousness will most likely be detrimental. Another detrimental aspect of Un-Resolved Conflicts, is that any experiences that occur or knowledge gained after this point that can be connected with the two parts of the previous conflict are associated with the doubt contained in the conflict. This causes a propagation of doubt through all succeeding connections of experiences and knowledge throughout a persons life. This Doubt, can be so minimal as to not be conciously noticed or extremely prominant. But is always present in the complex interconnections of experience and knowledge. There is also a gradient that exists from the point that the Doubt was created, which extends to the present point in a persons life. At any point on this Gradient Timeline a variety of detrimental impacts are present. Variety and Prominance determined by the life experiences and gained knowledge from which a person creates their own Self-Definition. Points that are closer where the Doubt was created, the more prominant its presence is. This is due to the pace at which new experiences and knowledge occur. In addition, the Doubt has not had time to Regress, Lose Importance and Value. The further away a point is from where Doubt is created, the less Prominant its presence is. This is due to a slower pace of new experiences and gained knowledge occur. The Doubt also has had more time to Regress, Lose Importance and Value. The greatest detrimental aspect of Doubt is seen in its affect in the Quality of Life a person has. Over time the Doubt can Reduce Importance/Value of Concepts, Perceptions, Goals, Desires, Passions and any other ideal/concept that is used to define what a Person Is.


Viewing a persons life from this Perspectice/Paradigm... Should you really know who you are? Overcoming and Correcting It is possible to overcome and/or correct the situation created by existence of Doubt. To do so, can and most likely will be the most challenging experience a person could have. Due to Doubt being interweaved via weak connections to experiences and knowledge, locating and correcting the points where doubt is present takes: Time. Removal of Fear. Ability to Question ALL/Everything. Tenacity in Obtaining the Truth. Ability to Recognize Real Truth. Acceptance of Powerful Life Changes. Acknowledgement of ALL/Everything Changes. Accepting Full and Complete responsibility for Self and ALL that originates from Self.

Know Thyself A familar phrase that occurs in a persons life in various arrangement of words and present in a greater variety of occasions and studies. As a few examples it can be found in religions, mantras, oaths, scientific studies, philosophies and many other areas one could apply there attention to. This speaks of one simple concept. It is the Basis of Ones Existence. For without this, one could not correctly obtain awareness of: Importance Influence Benefits Detriments Purpose Time Will

Just some of the many core concepts that need to be correctly realized in order to: Contemplate Evaluate Act

Again, just a few examples that require correct perception are the ability to:


- Love - Appreciate - Give Create This is a very simple example to show how from Self very basic foundational precepts must be in correct and in place to properly: Acknowledge Contemplate Integrate

What is derived from the precepts? In simplicity, if the foundational components are flawed it affects everything generated from them. Each step of generation is affected. All the way to the way we perceive our Loved Ones to the things we Create in the world such as Relationships, Buildings and Cell Phones. The Perception of Self is the beginning of ALL. Becoming Aware We now have the seed of an explaination as to Why our currentSelf is as well a seed of understanding of a Why our current Self could benefit from a Change. To initiate Change a person is required to Know a Change is possible. The knowing or rather knowledge has been presented in the previous discussion. To determine How requires a person to first identify the points to Change. Before beginning the pursuit of finding the Points of Change the following must be stated and by no means should futher pursuit of self be acted upon without a complete understanding of the following: A person must know that once begun, current perceptions of everything will change. Definitions of words themselves will change. What is thought to be rock solid Beliefs will change. This includes some very foundational ideas and concepts a person uses to define who they are. If at any point a person decides that they do not wish to continue with the pursuit of correctly knowing ones Self... a Vast, FarReaching, Extremely Deep and very Prominant DOUBT will be created in ones life. It will impact Large Areas of what you preceive. It will be very unlikely that a persons life span will be long enough for this powerfully created DOUBT to regress deep enough in the conciousness to leave ones

awareness. This in comparison to the Doubts that were created during a persons first development cycle. Views, perceptions, beliefs, values, goals will all be affected by change and most likely change themselves. These changes can change previously perceived solid relationships, or long held careers and even financial based concerns. The importance of the decision to continue the pursuit of self can not be fully expressed nor its import overstated. Herein lies the source of Ignorance is Bliss. So think and contemplate all aspects of self beforehand. Then enact your own will to your own direction. The Primary Comparsion The most basic functioning of life can be witnessed all around us. The growth of grass and trees. The movement and interactions of all animals with one another and with nature. But what is life? If we contemplate the components that make up an entity we currently consider to be living (Animals, Plants, Microbes, Bacteria, Viri etc..), we see Elements. The Elements appear to be arranged in various ways and even their distribution appears to be varied as well. This simple observation appears to apply to entities that outwardly have a different appearence. This highlights the power of comparision. A person does not need to be an expert or have an enormous reseviour of memorized data to obtain True Knowledge. One only needs to Observe and Compare. Truth lies in the similarities. By observing the simplest aspects of our interest, the chances of discovering Basic Truths are much greater. These can be determined using the tools that every person has. Our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin and the most important ones which reside in our mind, being Focus, Attention, Memory to name a few. If we take our simple discovery of the similarity between animals, plants, bacteria, microbes and viri. Our next question to ourself should be, Does This Simple Truth apply Elsewhere?. To determine if it does, we can use the things in nature to perform another comparison. Do notice that we are in fact taking our basic simple discovery and using it to gain further knowledge. Stepping back and viewing this process one can see a branching pattern of discovery/comparison/discovery/comparison etc...

Picking up any rock as our test comparison, breaking it open and by looking closely at the exposed interior we will observe not a uniform color or texture. There will be some aspect we can sense by the use of our bodily tools the displayed variations. It may be bands of color changes or streaks of changing textures or possibly a combination of both. We know that the rock is made up of Elements. This is similar to a part of our previously discover basic truth. There is also a distribution of texture, maybe color or even both. This is similar to part of our basic discovery as well. At this point our definition of Life has added to it this rock. A person could continue breaking up rocks with different outward appearences to obtain a higher detailed knowledge of this truth if required. Once satisfied the first question should be... Does This Simple Truth Apply Elsewhere? What have we done thus far? Initially we had a concept of life. We determined the simplest aspects of what we currently know as life. We compared these simple aspects to various currently known forms of life. Discovered the similarites exist among what was currently know. This validated current knowledge. We asked if there is more to learn with Does This Simple Truth Apply Eslewhere? We compared our similarity against an unknown. Discovered that the unknown is similar as well. We again asked if there is more to learn with Does The Simple Truth Apply Elsewhere?

At this point we would compare another Unknown to our simply discovery. An example would be looking up into the night sky. We know that there are elements amongst what we see. Previous knowledge if trusted tells us Clouds have water. Water is hydrogen and oxygen. Previous knowledge if trusted tells us that the stars contain elements as well. On both counts we have similarity with our basic truth. The clouds in the sky appear to be arranged in various ways. The stars as we seem to be grouped together in various ways as well. Each match another part of our basic truth. So what is the definition of life? From our simple and quick observations. We know there are similarities in the presence of Elements as well as the appearence of various types of arrangements.


Indeed a very simple definition. But is there Doubt associated with it? By using our Curiosity and Personal Interest as a guide, we can add endless details to what we personally and indiviually know as the definition of life. This was an example of a process of what could be stated as self determinism but easily could be called anything else. It is the process that contains the importance, not the label. If we were to compare our newly discovered simple definition of what life is to the current popular perceived definition, the differences are quickly apparent. Here is the point where a person makes the most important decisions in life! Which definition will you hold as true?

Deciding So what is it? What was the speed at which the decision was reached? Quickly or with much contemplation? Undecided? One should be wary of quick or popularly known as snap decisions. On the other hand experience is the greatest teacher. There are situations that require them for highest reasons, but occur few and far between. It is better to use the ability of contemplation prior to decision. Knowledge may be sparse, but there is also the possibility that contemplation may bring new awareness that could affect your decision. All things derive from a source and in turn become a source themselves. Simply put, reaction does not occur without action and the reverse as well. So, what are the reactions for each choice of your decision? Do they matter? Once again, this is a place where experience is the best teacher. Do contemplate that the primary purpose, being the increase of the understanding of self, and by affect increasing your understanding all that is external to self. To address the concern of the perceptions of others in regards to what can be decided as to be true. The question that comes to mind regarding this is Is a person responsible for their own interpretation of what they perceive? We can do a comparision on this as we did before, to determine the answer. One only has to compare it to the simplest examples that nature provides. The validation question is Are other animals responsible for their own interpretation of what they perceive? Find the examples that nature

provides and validation or invalidation is obtained. One example of nature validating that an animal is responsible for how they interpret what it perceives is, perceiving a predator as a non-threat can lead to the end of the perceiving animals life. Just one of many validations of this single question. So with validation from nature, we see that a person is responsible for interpreting their own perceptions. Meaning that, what others think of of ones actions, decisions, beliefs in truth etc. are not and should not be a basis for ones own perceptions. Each decision to what is truth and what is not truth either works in benefit or detriment to: Taking Full and Complete responsibility for Self and all that originates from Self. The Removal of a Source of Fear. The Removal of a Source of DOUBT. A more detailed Perception of Self and all that can be perceived from Self outward.

In simpler more tangible terms, the decisions can work in benefit or detriment to a persons:

Self Self Self Self Self

Value Confidence Drive Assurance Motivation

Have you, in your life, known a person that was deficient in any of the above? If so, you have a clear example of how decisions can be a detriment. To review once again:

We have discovered an alternative definition of life. We have found that it conflicts with popular held definitions. We have acknowledge that a decision is now present. We have investigated the reactions of each choice that is presented. We have become aware of how the decision can in part be beneficial or detrimental.

With much contemplation time one will likely see that there are many gradients one could chose from. Not just from the initially presented ones. We could keep our basic truth in whole and keep the parts of the

popular perceived truth that does not conflict with our own self validated truth. Mixing the parts of what is self validated with the non-conflicting parts of the popular perception, brings light to a process. That gained Knowledge is not static. As over time we can add more detail or depth or breadth to the simple basic truth we have discovered. This would allow a continuous change by removing or replacing the parts of our truths or gained knowledge that conflict with newly gained understandings. The assumption that Once it is decided as correct or right, that it will always be so. All things change from great to small. Even the aspects we are not aware of. From the beginning of self discovery to the ultimate decision that must be made to accept it. A simplification of the process that takes place with each aspect and detail of a persons life. Getting the Ball Rolling Where to start? How to know that some concept, belief, perception or behavior would benefit from being re-evalutated? The human experience is a vast and complex one. The easiest are with the points/areas that you define yourself. Ask yourself what you hold or believe as true. Write them all down. Use only two or three words to note each one. Do not try to organize or pre-process them or put them in some order. That is the next step. It may help to think of the process as duplicating yourself in words. The next part we will use numbers to assign importance. 1 being the most important with higher numbers representing consecutively lowering importance. To help kick start the process, place a dash or mark beside the ones that you have had for the longest time as well as the ones you easily spot as being of the highest importance in defining yourself. These would get the number 1. Doing this over and over until each has an importance number assigned. Once complete, you have a simple road map of where to start and a path to follow. The path has shortcuts as well as side roads you will have to journey for some time before you return to the orignal path you have created. Keep this thought in mind if departing the original path. Know that you will return, but until that time, you will discover some amazing things about yourself, the world you live in and all that you hold dear.

When you return, it will be evident that the original path needs more detail. Add the detail, remove the items that you have evaluated to satisfaction and add the ones you will have become aware of. This path, is the one that is spoken of writings on religions, philosophies, fables and general knowledge passed down through generations. Every persons path is different, and it is traveled alone. This is not to say there are not aspects that are similar between the paths of two people. There are many, but there is much more variation in the experiences that led up to the beginning of the journey and how each would perceive them. Though it is a path for self, interaction with nature and other people will always illuminate or bring awareness to things previously unknown. There is an interesting effect that occurs when re-evaluating the many aspects that a person has for the definition of who they are. This effect is the primary reason behind starting with items assigned the number 1. A cascading affect occurs each time a Doubt is replaced with True Knowledge after re-evaluating an aspect of self that contained the Doubt. It is kind of like something is aware of your intentions. The things you become aware of, not just of self but the interconnections of self with things, people, concepts that are external to self. This awareness will likely cascade to a quicker re-evaluation of a different but oddly related concept of self, or provide a path to a much larger understanding of an item undergoing re-evaluation. The cascade effect reduces the time one travels their of all the items that have been listed. In contrast, if a person starts with the least important items, the cascade does occur but will not travel nearly as far as if it began with an item of the highest importance. A really important tip in regards to something being aware of your intentions and actions. Do not knowingly lie to yourself. It will only lengthen the duration of re-evaluation and make it more difficult with each succeeding item. Being truthful to self on the other hand has the opposite effect. Difficulties that will be experienced Though the end result outweighs any conceivable hardship, difficulty, challenge or pain that must be processed. There will be some really hard times. These are a few that may give an idea of what may be presented: Facing and coming to terms with embarrassment, disturbing past occurences. Loss of emotionally deep dependancies. Confronting Pride, its results and removing its presence.

The re-structuring and/or loss of relationships. Discovering the true definition of alone and solitude. Discovering the true definition of Love. Coming to terms with the true nature of past actions. Discovering the source of these difficulties, and in turn the true definition of Forgiveness.

These are just a few. There are many places that Doubt resides. Try to remove fear from experience of facing these challenges. Take in from the experience all that you possibly can. The greatest of all gifts that is received from this process is that the more difficult the challenge that you resolve through reevalution, the greater the peace and contentment that immediately follows. From that, you are able to improve, benefit or assist those that are around you much more. It is a beautiful self feeding type of cycle that is pure.

Helpful Notes: Gradients Be vigilent for instances/situations that are presented as Black and White or This or That or Clear Choices. Nature does not work by Either This or That. Nature uses variating gradients. A visualization that may help grasp gradients is the transistion of a light blue color to a dark blue color. Each point from Light to Dark is a bit darker than the one before. To assist with being aware of all the possible gradients can be expressed, here is a listing of some:

The gradual change from Night to Day and Day to Night. The gradual change of Temperature from Summer to Winter and visa versa. The gradual growth of Child to Adult. The gradual decline of Adult to Death. The gradual process of initial Romance to Commited Partners. The gradual process of Sleep to Wakefulness. The gradual process of development of Embryo to Infant. The Waxing and Waning of Passion, and also the Moon. The gradual process of Learning Anything. The gradual process of Sharpening a Pencil.

As the examples above, also applies to choices of any decision. Words can only provide a summary. Words are unable to provide each and every possible gradient between choice A and Choice Z. A persons awareness level and ability to recognize from previous experience that there are multitudes of choices available is the only way they can be perceived in an efficient timely manner.


Boxes Perceptions are often created/maintained by governing structures. Or boxes. Hence the phrase Thinking outside the Box. Any Box is only valid if a person allows it to be applied to them and is being maintained. There are Boxes for every occasion, occurrence, pursuit etc. An interesting game can be had in trying to find all the Boxes. If you find one, see if you can find its creator/maintainer. Once you do, then a decision can be made if it should apply or not. Responsibility A person is responsible for Self and all actions/reactions that originate from Self. At first thought it would appear an un-manageable concept. But with simplification it becomes much easier. Re-stated with simplicity: Refrain from thought or action that can result in detriment to Self or Others. Others being defined as all that is external of Self. Much easier now. Like Nature, ever changing. It would be impossible to adhere to this concept or any other concept 100%. Best effort with forward momentum intent to always improve is good enough. Try to remove the concept of 100%. Nature does not acknowledge it either. Flexibility Always strive to increase flexibility in breadth and depth with all aspects of life. It makes adapting to the changes of Nature much easier and reduces stress.

Awareness Maintain Awareness as the Pinacle of your Existence and utmost priority of its increase. Awareness is increased by the Self Driven Desire To Obtain Knowledge For Expanding And Increasing Ones Appreciation Of The Experience Of Being Human. Without this, all else is moot.


Nothing is Impossible. Only improbable for a duration of time. The concept of Impossible could possibly be the biggest detrimental, conditioned, automatic response that impacts Human Potential. As such it has no purpose to validate its existence. Peers Like Boxes, only apply if allowed. Validation Did you hear it, see it, where opinion is born. It is of your available tools. There obtain a validation indirectly taste it, feel it, sense it? No? This is easily possible to validate to the extent is almost always a way to deduce and without specials tools.

Apologies Are not needed if one takes Full Responsibility for Self and All Actions/Reactions that originate from Self. A statement regarding the details of How and Why steps are being taken to minimize a re-occurrence will always be more re-assuring/comforting and is more than completely acceptable, true and pure. Thought Always Preceeds Emotion Reference Cognitive Behavior Therapy or any one of the many texts regarding meditation, enlightenment, spirituality. Validation is presented in each.

Priorities Self is a pre-requisite to everything else. This is not to be confused with the concept of Selfish which is similar to Greed. Examples: If one is not physically healthy, it is unlikely this person will be successful in rescuing another from harm if physical stability is required to accomplish it. A mother is not able to provide milk for offspring if she does not first address her own nutrition. One is unable to Love (the true definition) another, unless the person at first has not learned how to Love them Self. Through Self Love, an awareness is obtained of Love being mistakenly identified as Desire and/or Lust. This awarenes can only be obtained by Knowing Thyself first. One can not feed those without food without first ensuring ones self is fed. If there is no excess supply there is nothing to give. If

there is no energy provided from food, there can be no energy to give an excess supply of food to those who have none. One can not give advice unless the person has experienced the same beforehand. Most importantly, without Knowing Thyself first, one is not able to be truly aware of the examples just given and their deeper meaning.


Chapter 3 The Trees of Knowledge

Foreword: The following are just a few concepts that is perceived to describe the layout of knowledge, an effective means to obtain it, concepts that negatively impact the process and additionally benefits one could derive from it. This is not presented as completely whole or accurate. But rather a simplification of what is presented to each and every person. Possibly it will provide a contrasting view of knowledge and its underlying value and in turn cause an idea or concept to be created within another person. It is of an opinion that the highest and noble purpose of a human is the pursuit of increasing Awareness. Awareness is based on Knowledge, gained through a self-driven desire to learn. With each new thing learned, a new inter-connection between concepts can be created. This in turn can increase Awareness. The increase in Awareness provides a deeper appreciation for the experience of being human.


Learning to Learn Information is fragmented and dispersed. A long list of sources like books, stoneworks, artworks, scrolls old and new. The list is long. There is also the ever growing areas of study that seem to continuously branch off, always becoming more narrow. There are a few detrimental results that arise from this. Over generations it leads to a gradual loss of awareness, of how it all connects together and how simple the learning process really is. Possibly as a side effect of that we have an increase in the perception that learning is a difficult, ardous and a task of limited rewards. Even though knowledge is not whole, it is still possible to easily learn. There are similarities that appear to be present in various materials and types. Which is not affect by the passage of time, depth, breadth or level of fragmentation. Viewing the sea of knowledge with awareness of the similarities, learning then becomes an engaging selfdriven practice. The Tree of Knowledge The similarities that are shared in various sources of knowledge from the perspective of the person learning are:

Yourself. The Author. The Central Concept or Theme. A corealation of information from the Authors perspective. The Authors reference to other Materials, Terminology and People.

All trees have a trunk and from the trunk we have branches and theses branches have branches as well. Each branch viewed alone looks very similar to the tree it came from. Like a smaller version of it. The person learning should be thought of the trunk of their Knowledge Tree. In turn the Primary Branches coming from the trunk could be considered specific areas of interest the person has. These interests do not have to conform to any generic conventional name, subject, discipline or area of study. A general idea is enough for a Primary Branch to exist. From the Primary Branch are Sub-Branches. The Sub-Branches can be defined as the Author of a source of material or the Theme or Concept the Author is presenting. Knowing that there are any multitude of authors for

any given interest, we can in turn have numerous Sub-Branches for each one. The branches grow from Sub-Branches are gained from the external references the Author provides in the material. This could be references to other People, Materials or Terminology. Simply put, if something grabs your interest follow it. If followed, another branch is created. This is the basic pattern that is created in each Primary Branch. As a whole the Knowledge Tree displays a fractal pattern of knowledge growth. It is also the pattern represented in materials in which knowledge is found. From the earliest written record to the most current. From any given material it is highly possible to follow the fractal branches back through time to the first recorded acknowledgement of a concept. The path is defined by the Author of the material, by providing external material references, names of people and terminology. Each of which is a branch that can be followed from the initial material that gradually goes back in time. Though the pattern is a natural occurance, if enough attention is paid, one can see where the tree has been pruned. Occasionally there is a path around the pruned area.

Growing the Knowledge Tree When pursuing a branch of interest or rather gaining knowledge of an interest, we are presented with the sea of knowledge. Some things to be aware of that can reduce or remove the internal desire or urge to pursue understanding:

One Size Fits All Learning Methodologies. Fractionization of Study Time. Reduction of Contemplation Time. Reduction of Integration Time (Sleep).

Each person has their own desires. These desires are what guide our interests and they also provide the motivation to satisfy our interests. Desires and Interests are variable from person to person. In additional each person has varied time durations for the last three of the four noted items above. Also adding more variety is that each person has various respectivity levels in relation to any specific media in which knowledge is presented. This makes it quite clear that One Size Fits All Learning Methods will not work. Instead, the best possible way to gain knowledge and understanding is simply by following Your Own Interests and Curiosity.

Fractionization of Study Time occurs when one attempts to gain knowledge outside of the most effective learning times and/or environments. For the majority of people the most effective time is the hours just after waking. These being the most valuable hours for mental ability, one should consider where and how they are spent. In regards to Contemplation Time. After study, or absorbing material it is best to allow a period of un-interrupted time to mentally go over the material. This allows the brain to locate intial corealations with previously gained information. These are the Aha!s, Moments of Clarity or instances of Becoming Aware. It can also be see as the instant gratification of learning. It is possibly the time when personally important concepts are connected as well. Sleep. During this time corealations are made as well. But mainly its the more subtle ones. The connections made during sleep are the ones that provide you with the oft spoken concepts of it felt right/wrong or gives weight/strength to the feeling of following your instincts. Allowing yourself to contemplate the powerful effects on a persons mental ablity when these are present or not can really provide a jump start to increasing ones awareness level. Conclusion

The following was an attempt to acknowledge the most important factors of the learning process. Secondly, to show some of the most important secondary affects when the natural primary requirements are present or not. Some other benefits of learning this way are not described in detail, but listing some of them will provide an additional awareness if only just a glimpse: Depth and breadth of gained knowledge relates directly to brain inter-connections created.

Density of inter-connections affects: Speed of thought Speed problem solving ability. Level of creativity expressed via any medium or senario. Depth/level of understanding concepts. Depth/level of emotions related to concepts that are contemplated which also includes life experiences. Speed and Level of Pattern Recognition. Perceived value of concepts/ideas etc..

These are just a few of the many that define a human existence. If one considers, that to exist, is to experience. To experience, is to

understand. To understand is to become one with the experience. This is the value.

Chapter 4 The Trees of Life

Center to Synapse Instantiation, Creation, Existence... Disolution, Destruction, NonExistence. Things exist. Perceptions vary slightly as do the definitions of words. To exist pre-supposes a structure and/or a process by which existence occurs. Things cease to exist. Again this pre-suposses a structure and/or process by which existence ceases. This process or structure is what is will be covered. It is neither correct nor incorrect, right or wrong. This is only a collection of words used to describe a process that is perceived by one person. Along the paths reached where number, is so high that it is Instead a few will be created by the processes describe, a level is variety of expression and interaction between waves very difficult to isolate and describe them. chosen to work.

There are no references used in the following. This is due to the view that awareness can only be increased by the self driven desire to gain knowledge. But more importantly, what is discussed below should only be used as a skeleton in which the bones are replaced and knowledge added. A base in which the fragments could be brought together or where and entire area of study could be laid over the top. Such as the frequency ranges, where they occur and the underlying components that govern their occurance/location. An addtional overlay for the frequency information is possible in regards to what exists within the ranges. Or even defined regions within a frequency range that show where and how the Chakra system or Electric heal systems function. The point being, that by removing the fragmentation of knowledge it could be understood as a whole as well as being very easily understood by anyone who has the desire. Side Note: "When comprehending this energy that is generated from the repeating change of polarity, it is best to simplify. This is due to it being the primary source from which our 'defined types of energy' arise from. The type depending on the substance/material at the level being acted upon.


Words. This is a list of words commonly used in the same area which are often used inter-change-ably:

Pulsation Vibration Oscillation Frequency

In general discussion each can be used to express a general thought. There are differences, subtle but still different. This would become important if this were an analytical discussion. Since it is just a sharing of a perspective, these terms are used interchangeably as a way to differentiate two things from a visual sentence structure perspective only." The Big Center At the center of our Milkyway Galaxy is a polarity difference that changes from one polarity to the other in a continuous succession. This continuous changing of polarities creates what could be called 'pressure waves', 'pulse waves', 'pulsations', oscillations or many other terms that describe a change of polarity. These 'pressure waves' move outward. In moving outward there is attenuation. Attenuation being a reduction/lessening/slowing/shrinking. Visually it could be perceived as a tapering. With each pressure wave the tip of the taper extends. It is possible that at the end of the taper, any remaining energy would directed back towards the source as a pressure wave. In traveling back toward the source, this pressure will most likely encounter on-coming pressure waves moving toward the tapered tip. The point where these meet could generate standing waves. Over time the presure or density at these point would increase. This would be a point where a branch could be created. In this new branch the same process would continue over many branches. Each branch/trunk should have a predominant frequency, following with attenuation each new branch would have a lesser predominant frequency. With this tree-like/fractal development it is easy how the pulsations from polarity changes from the center would flow along the taper, and when passing a branch a portion of it's energy would flow through the branch in addition to it's sub-branches.

The previous descriptions offer visualization which may represent the birth and flow of energy in a galaxy. It describes a pattern which exists at any level of any perceived substance in the universe. This includes behavior as well. To add a little more complexity we take into account the forward and backward movement of these 'pulse waves'. Not only are they traveling in a direction they are also rotating. After that there is the consideration of the interplay of differing frequencies, points of density and the harmonic/discordant regions. This paints a picture of the highly detailed activity that takes place. Now we have our Tree, and maybe along with it the flow of energy. Consider, the elements in the Periodic Table each have a set of frequencies called the emission spectrum. Also include that each also has a resonant frequency. We also know that element decay, and as they decay they turn into other elements. With various sorting of the frequency data for the elements we realize that there is a nicely defined range in which elements can exist. Knowing we have a certain range in which elements can exist and with a close approximation of the behaviour of enery in the galaxy, we begin to see that thete should only be certain places along the branching flows of the galactic energy where the frequency range is right for the elements to exist. Well, if time were viewed from the galactic perspective... the elements life span is only a blink of the eye. The Medium Center So we see a galactic energy flow from the center outward (likely in a spiral fashion) in a fractal branching pattern (self-similarity). But what about stars, or even solar systems? Consider that a wave if it encounters itself or anything else, will generate a new wave of a different frequency due to the interaction. In a short period of time there will be large number of waves. Including the concept of harmony with the properties of waves, the waves that are in harmony will tend to gather together and those that are enharmonic will tend to seperate. As the number of waves increases, so does the density of the regions where the harmonic waves gather. It would seem that if a certain density level is reached that it would be possible for what we call elements to instantiate themselves. If true, then the level of harmony in the region would determine the stability of the element. If waves in harmony tend to gather then the sensible behaviour of the elements must follow also. Once a certain level of density is reached then it would seem some 'unknown' is instantiated. From this unknown instantiation is the start of the star as well as opposite polarities that change/rotate/flip/spin. Once this center is present, the behaviour is much the same as a galaxy. The change of polarities generates a flow of energy via pressure waves. At the points where the reversed pressure waves meet the forward

waves there is a density increase over time. The difference at this level is that the branch is the formation of a planet. There is a larger over all difference here, the formation of a star and planet occur at a lower frequency than the frequency generated at the center of the galaxy. A display of fractal generation at different levels. One generated from the other. The Small Center Earth. The high density points created by the outward spiral flow of energy from the sun, once reaching a certain level of density causes an instantiation of the beginning of a planet. Including the changing opposite polarities. Here again we have the outward pulsations of energy from the changing polarities at the center. It is possible that the points of increased density in the flow of pulsations that various elements are instantiated along with their complementary changing polarities. Possibly even the formation of the moon?

Absorption Information is only that. For it to useful one must have an understanding. To obtain understanding there must be contemplation after which follows integration. Integration meaning creating the physical connections in the mind to pre-existing knowledge. Fundamentals and simplification make this process occur faster and easier. The fundamentals of what was previously discussed is simply the underlying pattern which is always present at any level of any concept. The following are attributes of this pattern: The 'Center'. The pair of 'Changing Opposite Polarities'. The generation of 'Pressure Waves' from changing polarities and it's reversal at the end of the taper. The 'Tapering' or 'Attenuation' of the pressure waves as they travel outward. The creation of 'Points of Increasing Density' along the path of the 'Pressure Waves'. The 'Branching' at the 'Points of Increasing Density'. The interplay between the 'Pressure Waves' of various frequencies/attributes. The 'Fractal' pattern of growth. The change of 'Substance' or 'Matter', that the 'Fractal' uses for expression at various levels.

Exchanging the words Substance and Matter with 'Range of Frequency' might make more sense. Knowing this is the canvas which what what we perceive is created upon, we can change levels from the 'Universal' and 'Galactic' scale to

the 'Planetary' scale. This being the range of frequencies in which elements can exist.

Diversity of Centers The core of a planet is a instantiation point generated by a star/sun. From this point the changing opposite polarities are instantiated and the generation of a flow of energy expressed as pulsing pressure waves. The pulsing waves taper/attenuate the further the distance from origination. The pressure waves as before reverse direction at the tip of the taper. The points where the reversed pressure wave meet the forward moving pressure wave a increasing density occurs. Once the density reaches a certain point a branch is created. At this range of frequencies the branch could be considered an element. As frequencies that are in harmony gather together the density increases. With passage of time the planet is formed. Consider the regions where oil is found or veins of precious metals. The expression of the fractal pattern within this range of frequencies is the same. Within the range of frequencies that elements can exist, gives rise to fractal expression through them. Geologic processes cause large areas of somewhat pure material to be exposed at the surface of the planet. It is here these pure areas are slowly broken into smaller amounts and distributed across the planets surface. The density of the frequencies is such that the creation of fractal branches occurs at a much faster pace. The result of this is the generation of seemingly endless myriad of forces acting in harmony or discord with one another. Weather patterns, temperature gradients, tectonic forces and tides are but a few of the larger scale examples of this fractal expression. The diversity is present even down to the micro scale as well. At each level there are always centers with changing polarities generating pulsing pressure waves. The trick is finding the centers. Once found the fractal is easily located. Recognizing the fractal, the points of increasing density can then be found.


From Element to Life This is the level which was mentioned in the beginning, where the fractal interactions are so numerous that it is very difficult to extract specific ones that describe the transition from element to single cell life. The attempt will be made, though clarity may suffer. The volume/quantity of elements is reduced to smaller amounts through various erosion processes at the surface of the planet. The erosion processes show a fractal distribution/dispersion pattern. The dispersion pattern brings together the elements in various ratios. (Reduction in size may enable different/more subtle interactions between various elements). Other fractal based effects (atmospheric) occurring at the correct moment would provide the proper environment for the creation of the components required for the instantiation of single cell life.

From the general points above a single cell expression of a fractal is created. Though it may appear at first glance to be isolated, it is intimately connected with fractals that created it. The connection is apparent when it is noticed that temperature fluxuations, moisture variations, adjacent element concentrations and many others cause some change to the single cell. Though the primary energy from the center of the galaxy has be fractionated via the branching fractal pattern, the various fractal expressions still allow the flow of that energy to the single cell. It is the pulsing pressure wave that causes the growth of a fractal. The single cell is not exempt. Existence requires it. Some of the various ways that the single cell can express the fractal pattern are through the function of the specific parts that it is composed of, it's ability to divide and it's variation of expression caused by the fractal expression of other single cells and non-single cell entities. There are many different fractal expressions that provide a flow pulsing pressure waves. Each differing from another. It could be conceptualized as the 'insistance' to propagate forward or grow. This continuous varied 'insistance' causes cell division. An interesting aspect of this is, that changes in cell structure and/or function could be directly effected/enacted by the gradient of predominance in the fractal expressions around the cell. In simplistic terms, the cell is impacted by what is in it's environment. Which in turn can cause what is recognized as mutation.


This appears to be a cause of evolution. At the same time it appears to be driven by the underlying fundamental pattern (design) of fractal growth. From this point, knowing the complexity of the effects (various fractal expressions) that the cell is subjected to. We see the route of how changes can give rise to simple plant life to complex life, plant or animal.


(From this point the Chapters are mainly notes) Chapter 5 The Human Body
Foreword: This is not intended to be a statement of fact, but rather a different perspective in which the processes of body can be viewed. The goal is to understand the flow of energy from the products that we consume as food to the parts of the body that use it. When viewed as an energy transfer there are things that are brought to light that a mechanical understanding could not illuminate. With new insight, awareness increased. Intestines Digestion Nutrition The small intestines as a whole consist of 3 Major Sections.

1) A) B) C) D) E) 2) A) B) C) D) E) 3) A) B) C) D)

Duodenum First Section Shortest Length 10-15 inches Compound Tubular Sub-Mucosal Glands Brunners Glands are present No Peyers Patches present Jejunum Middle Section Length 98.42 inches Villi are Longer than those in the Duodenum or Ileum No Brunners Glands present No Peyers Patches present Ileum Final section Length 78.74-157.48 inches Peyer's Patches are present No Brunners Glands present

Overall average diameter of the small intestines is between 2.5cm and 3cm. Using formula for the Volume of a Cylinder, we could obtain a good idea of the amount of food the intestines can handle efficiently. Speculative Energetic Processes

The Stomach breaks down food, which has the effect of exposing and increasing the surface area of the available nutrients. The high surface area of the exposed nutrients, along with the high surface area of the small intestines allows for a broad range of absorption. The Nutrient to Calorie Ratio could be between 3:1 min and 6:1 max. The Nutrient to Calorie Ratio range may be dependent on average physical interactivity in the world.

The following can be applied to each of the 3 Major Sections listed above. Sub-Section can be defined as the length between turns that changes the direction of the small intestine. 1) A single meal should not exceed 1/3 of the volumetric capacity of the First Sub-Section. 2) Fiber content/Exercise (Walking/Running/Etc.)/Stimulant intake, are a few of the Major Ratios that influence digestive locomotion. This with the assumption that all other variables are in proper working order such as Hydration etc. 3) Fiber content/Exercise (Walking/Running/Etc.)/Stimulant intake ratios should be kept at a balance where the ingested meal is traveling under the rate of 1/3 of the total intestinal length (small and large intestines) per 8 hour period. 4) After the Sub-Section has filled its capacity for absorption, the ingested food should pass on to the next Sub-Section. This keeps the just gained Higher Potential of the Sub-Section from transferring the energy back to food from which the gain was received. (This process may be handled by the larger 3 main sections, all dependent on the rate that food passes through). 5) The overall available potential of the ingested food lowers as the food traverses each Sub-Section. 6) There is likely to be a strong correlation between the lowering of potential in the food as it passes through the intestines and physical attributes/structural design of the 3 Major Sections of the small intestines. Additional notes 1) There are some nutrients that require additional components to be present for either absorption or to be processed correctly by the body. Knowing that each Element has its own distinct signal, and that multiple Elements make up compounds. If one were to apply Music Theory, chords generated by the harmonic interaction of the elements would seem to be a critical part in this.

2) Water being a major component of Raw fruits and vegetables leads one to believe it also plays a crucial role. For instance, it would allow easier passage through the intestines. Thinking on it a bit more and it is recognized that the body is mostly composed of water as well. It could be possible that water acts a transference medium between the nutrient rich food and the intestinal lining. 3) Further thought needs to be given to pH levels. Correlations between batteries may shed further light, specifically how lower and higher pH levels affect potential levels and in turn the amounts of energy transferred from higher potential to lower potentials. Including the factors of food type on the pH level of the body. 4) It seems logical to assume that the overall potential of a given nutrient is lowering as it passes through the intestines. Other than the structural differences between the three sections, the lowering of overall water content of the ingested food should bring it in closer contact with the intestinal surface. Being at a lower potential level this would be a benefit in gaining as much energy from the food as possible.

*Human Body Notes: 1) Skin surface continues through the mouth and rectum through primarily the center of the body. a) Which means what most perceive as internal is actually external. b) Skin perceived that way is roughly the shape of a torus. c) The mouth is the primary input. d) The rectum is the primary output. e) The path taken by the intestines is around 90 degrees in relation to the path from mouth to rectum. f) The intestines define a path that goes back and forth implying polarity/potential/frequency changes. g) Does the back and forth path length change/taper? If so, what direction is the taper? h) Oral input is reduced prior to traveling 90, in small part by mouth, majority by the stomach. i) Oral input is the opposite polarity of Rectal output. *For sake of easier reference we can say that: There is External Skin. There is Internal Skin. The areas in between the two contain the organs/systems of the human body. (quite telling when applying that concept at the galactic scale and atomic scale.) (begs the question: What exists between two galaxies/humans/atoms?) (instinctual answer: Organisms of lesser complexity.)


*The cells of the human body independent of their area or their function: Have external receivers/receptors/antenna. Tuned to a specific chemical/frequency. When that specific frequency is present... Provides a path for the external source of the frequency generation... (possible invalidity) To enter the interior region of the cell. (possible invalidity) (more likely that it is an energy pattern exchange rather than something actually entering a cell) (if so, this leads one to believe that the energy pattern of the oral input, is what sustains the energy patterns in the body, ie. no macro mechanical exchange)

*The reduction of oral input by the mouth and then by the stomach: Increases the external surace area of what is input. The intestinal structure design is one that provides extremely high surface area.

*High Surface Area of Oral Input and Intestinal Surface provide for: Maximum Exchange. Minimized Time Duration requirement for the Exchange. notes on a perspective of nutrition vitamins minerals proteins calories Each has an individual energy pattern that is derived from the interaction of the wave forms of the components that constitute it and those of it's surrounding environment. It is plausible that the lining of the small intestines absorbs these energy patterns. Which reinforces the already present energy patterns in the body. Or possibly induces a bump/slight increase of potential in the body. a better description of this process is: the potential of the body's energy patterns decline. consumed food, once exiting the stomach presents a higher potential. the intestinal lining represents the interface/path of resolution of the potential difference.

this could be viewed a pulsing of potential values. as frequency decreases, density increases. more and more energy contained in the food is transferred by the passage through the intestines. in addition the density of the material increases. questions as a result: what man made energy patterns interfere with the energy patterns the body requires? what roles does the 'outer skin' play in this process? is there a connection between the position of the material along the path of the intestines and the type of energy absorbed at that same point in the intestines?

Out of the blue the similarity between tree roots and intestines dawned in me. Both are used to sustain their structure. The similarity between skin and leaves was then seen. Both play a part in the growth of a fractal branch. Photosynthesis - creating potential in 6he form of sugar. About ten minutes later the idea crossed my mind that carbohydrates/sugars are required by humans most likely because we do not have a static direct connection to the planet like trees. The sugars allow for a higher pressure internal pulsation to be generated, this in turn creates a stronger field which is the actual link to the planet. In contrast, Trees, Tesla's Tower, Giza Pyramid, Bedini motor cause an increasing flow of energy as they remain static. Ever notice the nice feeling of burying your feet in cool earth? Or the nice feeling of being barefoot on a lush expanse of grass? At this point it seems important that what ever the nutrient type, it should be at as low a state of decay as possible just prior to being consumed. Lower state of decay = more energy available for transfer once in the small intestines. This leads in to a possible explaination for the length of the intestines. The higher frequency and lower the decay would suggest that the greater the length of the intestines needed to maximize the amount of energy transferred/absorbed by the body. Kinda makes the intestines like a P.E.M. for fuel cells. Questions as a result:

Differences between live food such raw apples and oranges as compared to supplements? Instinctually I would say supplements have lower energy states do to decay. Same for cooked food I would assume. There is also the purpose fibre to consider. It appears to regulate the speed of passage through the intestines. Lower associated fibre the longer the period of time. Decay of nutrients would be beneficial up to the point where the flow of energy from nutrient to body stops. From that point one could assume the potential difference being reversed would then cause a flow of energy from the body to the depleted nutrients.


Chapter 6 The Planet Earth

-Element: emits fundamental frequency -Earth: composed of all elements in Periodic Table -Wave Interaction: a wave that encounters itself or anything else will create a new wave of different frequency -Harmonic: a point of resonance -Energy Exchange: is performed through wave interactions

Think of each element in the periodic table as though they were pebbles of different sizes. Now, toss all of the pebbles in a lake. When each pebble hits the surface of the water, circular ripples will be created that move outward. As the ripples from each pebble travel outward. They will begin to overlap the ripples created from the other pebbles. At a certain point, as the all of the ripples move outward. A large singular, circular ripple will be created. This large, singular, circular ripple is created from a small part of the ripple that is generated from each pebble. That small part from each ripple represents a point of harmony or resonance with all of the other pebbles. When all the small parts are added together it creates the large ripple. The small part of the ripple could also be called a Harmonic of the Pebble. It can also be considered as a Point of Resonance with all of the other pebbles. Harmonic of the Pebble Internal Harmony/Resonance Point of Resonance with other Pebbles External Harmony/Resonance In regards to Earth, the elements behave the same way.


Instead of creating nice circular ripples, each of the elements create spherical ripple outward in all directions. It may be of note that there is also a vast quantity of each element present in the composition of the planet. Just like the circular ripples, the spherical ripples travel outward from the planet. As the individual spheres travel outward, there will be a point where a larger singular sphere is created. Each element is a part of this singular sphere. This singular sphere represents a point of harmony/resonance with all of the elements. Music of the Spheres Now consider what your body is made of. The same elements that are found in the composition of the planet earth. Is there any reason to think that these elements would not behave in the same manner as a planet? Here is additional information that may or may not be related. The brain naturally operates at different frequencies. Relaxation, meditation, prayer lowers the operating frequency. The people that society considers as its geniuses appear to instinctually lower the operating frequency of their brains.

In Hindu texts, Religious texts, Alchemy texts and ancient through modern texts. There are many references to enlightenment, prayers being answered, guidance, gifts of insight these among many other similar words and phrase. In regards to geniuses, there are many stories describing how answers come to them. How they see the answers. There are connections present through all of the above that the objective mind normally has difficulty in seeing. Objectively, seeing is done with the eyes. The connections that are present are not presented with a mystical wrapper. A way to see the connections is to validate them through your own efforts. Determine what frequencies the brain uses for Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta states. Next determine what techniques are used for relaxation, meditative states in various cultures. Review the biological effects of the techniques. Read research on the mental abilities of geniuses. After doing that, step into areas that science has not validated. The areas that could be called mystical, religious etc. Compare the stories to what science has validated and note the similarities. By doing this, you begin the process of learning to see. Once you do, you may learn what it really means to See the Light or to Reach Enlightenment or many of the other terms and phrases used to describe higher states or elevated states of mind. Back to the topic, there are other possible connections as well. While contemplating the above keep in mind the concepts of Higher Intelligence/Mind, The Source and the probability that life does

exists on other planets in the universe. Think of the examples in the history of humanity where extraordinary abilities were noted in humans. These are all pieces to something very important and interesting to what it really means to be a human being, to be alive. Possibilities: 1) Schuman resonances could be caused by waves travel back and forth between the planet and the harmonic spherical wave. 2) If there is a changing polarity/potential at the center of the planet, this could cause a pulsing effect in the elements that the planet contains. In turn could cause the seemingly random points where magnetic fields erupt from the planet surface and in an arc pattern return back to it. Similar to the surface of the sun. 3) The spherical wave that is created around the planet could possibly entrap hydrogen and other gases from the surrounding environment for a period of time. 4) The difference in density between the planet and the surrounding space could explain parts of the atmosphere when this spherical wave is taken into account. 5) The human body could also generate the same type of wave around it in the same fashion as the planet. 6) The wave around a human could possibly be an aura. 7) The wave could also be responsible for such things as intuition or that nice feeling we have when around people that are special to us. Possibly even what we call 'bonding'. There are is a point I would like to make in regards to things that are created/generated by the natural activity of our planet: 1) The earth creates/generates/makes oil, diamonds, copper, iron etc. etc... every measurable aspect of the planet shows that it has not stopped doing what what planets do. 2) There is a very low probability that a asteroid/comet/planet made of gold/silver/platinum has struck the earth in the past. If such an event occurred the scars from it's branching/vein like penetration would be very evident even to this day. 3) Official public science has brought us a long way, but it has been a very, very long time since it has given us anything worthy to make up for costs it has extracted from us. Monetary costs are trivial in comparison to many of issues it has created. 4) Nature is simple and beautiful. We are conditioned understanding we are given is that science is difficult and complicated requiring vast resources. That along with much time and energy. This is not true. That incorrect understanding has historically reaped ever decreasing benefits coupled with ever increasing burdens. It is time to obtain our on understanding.


Chapter 7 The Fractal

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