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Name (optional)____________________________________________________ Course & Year_____________________________ 1. The Greek root word of psychology a. Psyche and Logos b.

Psycho and Logos c. Psycho and Logy 2. The symbol of Psychology a. b. c. d. d. Psyche and Lego

3. Father of psychology a. Aristotle b. Wilhelm Wudnt c. Sigmund Freud d. Alfred Adler

4. Psychology is the study of the a. soul b. mindc. attitude d. behavior

5. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts a. gestalt b. purposivism c. psychoanalysis d. behavioral

6. He was the father of scientific psychology a. William James b. Sigmund Freud c. Wilhelm Wundt d. John Watson

7. It is the process characterized by talking out a. catharsis b. free association c. dream analysis d. none of the above

8. The father of psychoanalysis a. Wilhelm Wundt b. Sigmund Freud c. James Watson d. Abraham Maslow

9. The number of chromosomes in a zygote a. 23 b.46 pairs c.23 pairs d. 1

10. The transmission of traits from parent to offspring a. heirloom b. heredity c. maturation d. genetic

11. First language of babies a.da-da b. crying c. mama d. latin

12. soma means a. movement b. cell nucleusc. cell body d. receptors

13. What is the function of an axon? a. receives impulses b. transmits impulses c. all of the given d. none of the given

14. Language of the nerves a. transmission b. sensation c. impulse d. stimulus

15. Master organ of the body a. sense organsb. sex organs c. heart d. brain

16. It is also known as the emergency hormone a. estrogen b. thyroxin c. adrenaline d. epinephrine

17. An internal state of balance a. homeostasis b. metabolism c. stability d. equilibrium

18. The ability to know future events a. ESP b. telepathy c. clairvoyance d. psychokinesis

19. Receptor cells of the sense of sight a. free nerve endings b. axon c. dendrites d. rods and cones

20. Memory is the process by which information is acquired, stored and _________ a. learned b. retrieved c. forgotten d. practiced

21. The highest form of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs a. self actualization b. aesthetic needs c. love and security d. belongingness

22. The most powerful emotion a. love b. anger c. disgust d. lust

23. Behaviors that are often repeated such that it becomes fixed a. attitude b. character c. habit d. personality

24. Which is not a component of personality? a. emotion b. intelligence c. instinct d. complexion

25. So what if Im black and chubby? I have a laptop, iphone and a corolla altis. a. compensation b. projection c. displacement d. suppression

26. He does not worry about anything, very optimistic ad always pleasant. a. sanguine b. melancholic c. choleric d. phlegmatic

27. What is a phobia? a. rational fear b. a fear of people c. irrational fear or dread d. none

28. Sexual gratification through inflicting pain to others a. Sadism b. Masochism c. Fetishism d. Voyeurism

29. A pedophile has a sexual interest with a. children b. animals c. corpses d. objects

30. Which is hereditary? a. reading b. speaking c. walking d. singing

31. A type of neuron that can communicate with all types of neurons a. afferent neuron 32. To sense is to a. perceive b. experience stimulus c. receive d. believe b. referent neuron c. motor neuron d. interneuron

33. The sweet taste is localized in the __________ of the tongue a. tip b. middle c. side d. rear

34. The bitter taste is localized in the __________ of the tongue a. tip b. middle c. side d. rear

35. Which is not a reason why we forget? a. decay of memory b. personality disorder c. we want to forget d. interference

36. A relatively permanent change in behavior a. habits b. learning c. maturation d. practice

37. Which is not a social motive? a. social approval b. affiliation c. power and prestige d. sex

38. Which is not a stressor? a. conflict b. depression c. boredom d. dream

39. What is the common characteristic exhibited by paranoid people a. talkative b. depressed c. suspicious d. bored

40. A severe mental disorder which literally means insanity a. neurosis b. paranoia c. psychosis d. phobia

41. What ego defense process is characterized by the more you hate, the more you love a. compensation b. displacement c. denial d. repression

42. It is behavior that lacks consideration for others and that may cause damage to society? a. histrionic b. narcissistic c. antisocial d. schizophrenic

43. It is an irrational fear of spiders a. Arachibutyrophobia

b. Arachnophobia c. Siderophobia d. Scotophobia

44. Claustrophobia is the fear of__________

a. going to bed

b. closed spaces

c. the dark

d. Santa Claus

45. What is the typical symptom of schizophrenia?

a. Nightmares b. An obsession with cleanliness c. Excessive "checking" heart palpitations d. Hallucinations 46. In an ordinary sleep cycle, how many stages does an individual go through?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d.4

47. How many types of stimuli-response combinations does an individual have?

a. 2

b. 10

c. infinite

d. 4

48. Do psychological conditions have any physiological manifestations?

a. yes b. no c. maybe d. a,b & c

49. This humor is characterized as the slow and sluggish type a. sanguine 50. It b. melancholic c. phlegmatic d. choleric

is described as a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration a. Schizophrenia b. Narcissistic c. OCDd.OCPD

51. It is a branch of psychology that studies unusual pattern of behavior, emotion and thought a. Physiological Psychology c. Abnormal Psychology b. Social Psychology d. Educational Psychology

52. Which is not part of Freuds ego defense mechanism? a. compensation b. displacement c. sublimation d. restriction

53. It comprises the unorganized part of the personality structure that contains the basic drives
a. Id b. Ego c. Super Ego d. none of the above

54. It is another term for death drive

a. Eros

b. Thanatos

c. Libido

d. none of the above

55. It is the other term of life drive

a. Eros

b. Thanatos

c. Libido

d. none of the above

56. It is described as a boys desire to sexually possess his mother

a. Oedipus complexb. Electra complex c. Histrionic personality disorder Schizoid


57. It is characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships

a. paranoid b. schizophrenia

c. schizotypal

d. schizoid

58. Comparative psychology is a branch of psychology that deals with ____________ a. human behaviour above b. animal behaviourc. insanity d. none of the

59. It is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry by repetitive behaviours aimed at reducing the associated anxiety, or by a combination of such obsessions and compulsion

a. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Disorder c. Paranoia

b. Obsessive Compulsive Personality

d. Dementia

60. Which is not part of the physiological needs on Maslows Hierarchy of Needs?

a. Sleep

b .Sex

c. Homeostasis

d. Intimacy

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